TOE BAIL? NEWS. Friday. .Tunc 27. 10 10. fage 1 WE ARE PAYING j Local News Notes H. Arnold Public I rG. - - Notary 75c For corsets seo Mrs. Director. per Doz.for E. O. D, butter, C5c Fuller's. FOR SALE LOCAL Phono 45. tf FRESH EGGS, All running shoes on sale A two-storey npartmnnt dwelling on Third Avenue. Family Shoe Store. It Easy terms. Let u explain this to you. We think we can We can handle any t Up river arrivals since yesterday convince you that it u botUr business to buy this house quantity. include T. G. Ludwig of Dor-reen. i than to pay; rent. Phone us and we will call for them. I Boys. Get your running shoes H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Rupert Table Supply Co. from the race Jabour on July Brothers 1. and win 51 Phone i0 218 Oth St. f HONES 211,212 There was an exceedingly largo quantity of mail from the east on the train yesterday evening. SHERIFF'S SALE R. E. Allen, district forester, returned "CpOR every War Savings Stamp vhich you can In the County Court of Atlln to the city last evening purchase today for a fraction, over $4.00 the Prince Rupert Dpy Hack ft Engineering Co. Holden at Prince Rupert. after a brief trip up the line. Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay you $5.00 Mrs. Paul M. French of Usk, is in 1924. If you cannot make an outlay of $4.00 at In the matter of the Woodman's accumulate sixteen 25-cent Thrift Stamps a visitor in the city, having arrived one time, Boats of any size Docked Lien for Wages Act and by last evening's train. and exchange them for a $4.00 War Savings Stamp. amendments. RepaTFs of all kinds in wood,or steel. Laurits -E. Stromme and others, Albert fc McCaffery, Ltd., are Should circumstances compel you to realize on Several boats can tc docked together on one small Plaintiffs. expecting two scows of building your investment, your money with accumulated T. A. Kelly Logging and Lumber material within the next two is available. section, making fees light. Large stock of repair interest always Co., Ltd., Defendant. weeks. tf materisls is being laid in. By virtue. oj;an order of His NATIONAL WAIl 8AVIN09 COMMITTEE Honour Judge Y.oung, dated June Dance at the Rink July 1st. (UrltUli Columbia DlTlMon) Foundry Work 4th, 1919, Xssued in this action, Gray's Orchestra. Refreshments Van confer, II.C. and to me clirecled, I have seized served. Gentlemen. $1.00,. ladies Castings In Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at of the logs-ofj the defendant the 50 cents. 52 Thrift Reasonable Prices. following:" Bvy Stamps, Approximately fourteen million Mft, H. Darling i3 among the Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds feet of logs situate at Richardson, recent arrivals in arrived the city from the Smithcrs, haying on Dana, and Atli Inlets, Queen t Charlotte Islands, in the County train last night from.Smithers. Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries aforesaid. All of which I shall Solicited. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEwan offer for sale by Public Auction Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. for cash on Thursday, the third have leased Mr. Spencer's suite in Fire Sale llio Summit Apartments for the ig day of July, 1919, at 2:30 o'clock next couple of months and will in the afternoon at the Court be resident there during that time. House, Prince Rupert, D. C. IIIIIHIHIIIlllliiliiillllillll Dated at Prince Rupert the 26 Fresh bargains daily Family Ladies' outing and Panama day of June, 1919. Shoo Store. . It STARTS hats at cost all this week. Ja-iboiir JOHN SHIRLEY, Brothers. 51 Sheriff of the County of Atlin. Don't fqrget Adair Carss Chapter EACH DAY at 9.30 M.M.Stepheiis 4! l. O. D.E. Cinderella dance on Taffeta Silk 36 inch various Bargains in white canvas and Monday, June 30, at 8:30 in St. NOTARY PUBLIO shades regular $3.50 special rubber footwear for picnics at Andrew's Hall. A cordial invitation Tremendpus Be There Early! Bargains! $2.45--VaIlace,s. ' 1-50 Jabour Brothers. 51 is. extended to all l.O. D. E. FORSALE . members and all returned men; Everything Sold for Cash Only Olof Hanson returned from up Special for Fishermen. Swivels, also the visiting ball team. 52 the river last night, having returned 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful No Approvals No Exchanges G-Roomed modern house on from a visit io his tie ler's, Ltd. Phone 45. tf Don't miss the FIRE SALE. English Hill, $2,625, terms. camps. ' Family Shoe Store. It l-Roomcd house and lot on J. B. Agar, of Terrace, came Eighth Ave.. W., $850, terms. Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. down to Prince Rupert from Terrace Tlie Drydocks and the Colts ball FAMILY SHOE STORE 8-noomcd modern house on. Agent J. F. Mag u I re, Smith Block. last evening and is register teams, who have been battling all Eighth Ave.. W., $850 cash. ed at the Prince Rupert Hotel. season for the first place in the 6-Roomcd bungalo, Fourth When you hate. .read the news, jUuipr league, will uppuur uu the GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Avenue, East, $3,500, terms. look through the classified column A. D. Mathesnn, of Port Essing Acropolis grounds on the 1st. " ton, reached the city by launch Practice the rule these "The Practical Shoe men Phone 357 Seo our Lists" for other dri Page 0. games are Bargains. last evening and returned to..the nights and there ought to be Money Loaned on approved cannery this morning. some good ball on display on the Business Property. Bonds taken holiday. A special meeting of the I. U. Victory on pianos, S. O.K. Local 510 will bo held toT St Regis Cafe sewing machines ana pnono Rubber Boots. All heights. Bo-low M. M. Stephens (J. C. Gavigan, Prop.) of graphs.the Gerhard Singer Heintzman Shop. The piano homo cost. Family Shoe Store. Union night at Hall.8:30 Urgent in the business.Carpenters All I TheSalvation Army 1 LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE 329 Second Avenue. M.W.F. Among those arriving from th" members attend. it east by the train last evening was Alterations'are now under Ladies' white pique skirts for Mr. Chris Graham and family who Returned soldiers, widows and Red Shield way, which when completed, $1.50 all this week at Jabour have been visiting in Ottawa for dependents can obtain drawings will greatly enlarge the seat-irig and specifications for homes at Brothers. 151 the past two or three months capacity of our dining greatly reduced rales from William I FOR SALE Mr. Graham is engineer on the Campaign room. Other improvements Bruce, Architect, 1th Street, Something special each day. Grand Trunk, running on the in service will be added our Family Shoe Store. It Western division from here to Prince Rupert. tf STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, A fine seven-room house and we invite our patrons Smithers. IN HAZELTON to assist us in making this There aro a few fishing boats with bath, excellent harbor: this month And continues all cafe one of the best on the Boys' outing shoes for the 1st in the harbor today waiting to view,' in Section Seven. This along all points of the G.T.P-The coast. at cost. Family Shoe Store. It dispose of their catches. Tho house is plastered, has electric Special notice to midnight WEST"LMF Haysport No. 2. has como in with Salvation Army Did Its lights and furnace heat. supper parties after the Provincial Government Einploy-nent 23,000 lbs.; the Progress, 8,000; Bit, Let Us Do Ours. It cost $3,100 to build it a dance tonight. THEATRE Bureau and Soldiers' Civil Ingred, 4,000, and the Lillian S., Support tho Army behind few years ago, exclusive of Phone before 9 p. m. and TONIGHT le-Establishment, temporary office 0,000 lbs. the Army aswoll as the Army reserve seats in the dining 021 Second Avenue, Iirinco at Home. wide lot. For a cash sale room or boxes ifnd kindly lupert. Returned soldiers, men Provincial Government Em-jloyment First to Serve, we are permitted to offer specify time of arrival and nd woman requiring employ-ncnt Bureau and Soldiers' Last to Appeal. this property for number of seats required. of any kind should register Jivil Ro-ftstablishment; tempor-.ry NOTE Prince Rupert campaign William villi the abovo. No.fess, charged. office 021 -Second Avenue, will start in July and $2500.00 Phone 553. P. O. drawerif74. irince Rupert. Employers having all other places on tho coast . ' ) vacancies for men and women in Farnum Chamoisetto gloves whito and ilcrical, factory,, domestlo or McCaffery, Gibbons What natural special $1.25 Wallaces ither work should apply to above . Phono 553. tf & Doyle, Ltd. Passenger travel was very light from the east last evening, but a NOTICE SEEDS! Insurance - Real Estate Eye Glasses IN great number of through passengers Prince Rupert, B. C. aro.cxpected on Sunday night IN THE MATTKIl of an application for "The Heart of who will leavo for Hie south on the Issue of a fresh certificate or title to For the Garden a Luis i& ami 46. lllurlc 1. Section 5. City the Prince Rupert. A number of of Prince itupert, Map 03. for Prince Are For. the NOTICE 13 UEHED V OIVEN that It Is Specially Suited members of the agricultural my Intention to issue, after tlie eipiratloti Rupert soil. party who have been attending the of ono month from tho rim publication hereof, a fresh cerllllcate or title to the For Your Lion convention of the Farmers' Institute above mentioned Unci In tit) name or Donald lioss and Hubert Mach'ay, which aro likely li return this have many uses, but rtrtlllcate Is dated Slst day cf January, FEED CHICKENS GLASSES . Standard Production way. IV 1 5, and Is numbered 71't-I. purpose the restora-tlun or the light to a natural condition. in 7 Reels. All canvas shoes at cost Fam District II. F. MACLEOD,llcglstrar tf Titles. HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER ily Shoe Storo. ' . It I AT hi) at the Land Iterttry unice, Prince Rupert, b, C, tbls Jth day of YOU were Intended to ace well Today is a great day for the June, 191V. PLASTER i then you should easily. make If you baste do to not discover British News Gazette school children next week they WATER NOTICE DIVEIISION AMU USE. the trouble and apply a have tjiat wonderful experience CEMENT remedy. and of not having to go to school. The TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olscn, whose PHONE 58 Ave. summer holidays start today, address Is Alice Arm, II. C, will apply P. O. Box 333 908 3rd THE want or a pair of suitable Sennett fnr a lieence to tike and Uio 10 second may,be all that prevent Mack Comedy which will delight the hearts or feet" of water out of Tumble Crctk, also known as ooitl creek, whicii nows west Building you having- visual perfection, health many, especially the,high school erly and drains into the Kltsault Itlver, and comfort. students who havo had a whole about 17 tiillen from Its mouth at head of Admission - - 30c and 15c week of final examinations. Tho the Tho Inlet water of Alice will diverted from tho Materials LET us examine your eyes and result of these stream it a point about SO chains easterly Two tests wll b-j you whether or not this Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 known from 8.E. corner Lot 3100, casslar District, Hotel HyrJer Is so. in aboijt three weeks, and will bn used for mining- purpose upon the mine described as the North Star Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Casslar District. COME TO Just arrived, a car of Beaver This notice was posted on the ground Portland Canal, B.C. on tho SOth day of June, 191V. Board. A. W. Edgo-Co, distributors, A copy r this notice and an application Albert & IMaflerii, Ltd. Fred Joudry MISS M. A. WAY f pursuant to 14," '-III thereto bo died and lit to tho the ofllce"Water of Act,tlu M. JAMIESON, Proprietor Water Recorder at l'rmce llupert, II. C Phone 116 and 564. Practical Optometrist TEACHER OF MUSIC Objections to the application may be 309 SeconJ Avenue Albert & McCaffery. Ltd.. hnvo Med with the said Water llecordcr or wllh Galtwoy lo lh famoui 3i"ih Third Ave. . . Prince Rupertv on hand 700 tons Nanalmo the Comptroller of Water Ii I rim. parlia Wel Office, Second Avenue, Neit Taklnr with students th syllabus oMh ment Hulldlngs, Victoria, U. C, within Opposite Foot Offle Toronto Conisrvatolr of Music, from lington coal. . tf thirty days arter tlie nrst appearance or Westholme Theatre. primary to hdvanced, Phono Bluo 120 this notice In M.a local P. OL8EN.newspaper.Applicant. Now Open for Business Ask for Tho date of the first publication of this Atkins' Sausages. tf notice Ii June to, 1919,