11 THE DAILY NEW8. it Page .3 1 COAL 1 DRAMATIC CLUB Dili ER LURKS IH jWESTHOLME ORCHESTRA IS ORGANIZED KtlURNING FROM TOUR I ""lacked ! Great Success or First Performance EVERY Gf OF US Have umineca Spent and Several Nechaco Weeks Countries In the Delivered 5 Demands Proper Organization We Are Giving Concerts for Future A. Full of Deadly At Many Places. j Displays. Poiwru As A Germ When your head aches, it is usually Laboratory. T h e Ve8tholine $13.00 The real Orchestra caused by liver stomach organization meeting which has been louring tho upper your or getting of the Prince Ilupert Dramatic country for the last few weeks, out of order. These "sick headaches1 per toniiiS i Club was held in the Arrny and AUTO - 1NT0X1DATIBN gave Iheir farewell concert at quickly disappear the stomach Navy rooms recently, when the l'rince George last as soon as ; . - odlcers for the club Saturday. They is relieved of. its bilious were elected OR SELF-P0IS0NING have been greatly appreciated at contents. Right Terminal Coal Co. f as I'Mrst follows:Hon. nrnsi.Unl t.'.i every point and in commenting your stomach and regulate and tone their upon last concert the Prince -FRU1T.A.TIVES- the liver with Bcecham's noung. At.oIutr Pre. lieorge "Citizen" says: Pills, which Second Hon. president, Major nU Tbit DnKerou. Condition. 'The farewell concert of the rapidly improve conditions and promptly j. ii. .ucjuuiun. Tl.e chief cause of foor health NVcstholme Orchestra of Prince Is j)jHnrf Honorary vice-presidont, Chief our neglect of the Wei,. Wste Ilupert brought to a closf the A. (2. Minty. matter Instead of passing from tho most notable week of music in Help Headache Exchange President, W, E. Fisher. ower Int-tiao reguiariy eyery day, the history or Prince George. Tho Fair Vice - president, Mrs. F. T. is allowed to remain ttare,frenerating orchestra consists or four highly Howness. poisons which are absorbed by tha girted musicians, whose ensemble DirecUons of Special Value to Women are with Erer? Bex. Will Olvo Lumber or a Lot, Secretary.!reasurer, E. n. Boyd. ,blood. playing is all that could be desired, Pr'P"d Sold CTerrwbcra onlr by Tlemu la Cutfe Baackam.and UJ5.St.Aaerica.Hdtau,Lweuhlra,la bosu, 23 EatUtcL cut. r both for building me a Manager, J. S. Pudney. la other words, a person who is while their dance music house. Stage manager, E. n. Tabrum. habitually constipated, Is poisoning was a delight loeveryone. The wagons and Pony Express Publicity agent, Geo. P. Logan. himself. AVe know now that Auto, compelling rhythm or their playing gome outfit for sale. Manager of properties, D. M. intoxication, due to non action of the took every last trace or ellort Stewart. bowels, is directly responsible for out or dancing and leU only the rr. AI HART Musical director, H. Harvey. Bt rioiu Kidney and 15!adderTroubIes; pleasure and poetry of motion. r - Black 451. Arrangements are already under that It upsets the Stomach, causes "The leading number of the phone !)r way for the next production Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and finst concert, the William Tell Dentistry by the Club, and the high stand-ard 31eeplessness; that chronic Jlheuin-atiam, overture, was rendered with a ' , already achieved will not be Gout, Pain In The Back, are precision and finish worthy of a relie red as soon as the bowels become departed from. symphony orchestra. Mr. Will DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH I regular; and tlut & MALLETT On the 4th the Club will entertain Timples, Rashes, IMmijnds, 'cellist, rendered Mas-seiiets SMITH Eczema and other Skin Affections their friends at a white flannel dis)pear when "I'ruit-a-tives" "Elegy" with depth of One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your dance are feeling and finished and in St. Andrew's Hall, for taken to correct Constipation. artistry, PLUMBING AND HEATING which they arranged a splendid "Fruit-a-tives" will his encore "Mother Machree," was Efficiency protect you played in a style that showed tho ENGINEERS program. There will be an augmented ngainst Auto-intoxication because Estimates furnished. orchestra under the baton this -wonderful fruit medicine acts wonderful possibilities of his instrument. of ll. A. Harvey, and entirely new directly on all the eliminating Address, 3rd Avenue, bead and fascinating steps for the fox 50c.a box,6 for$2.00,trial sio.23.organs. "Mr. William lialagno, violin-list, Dr. Bayne trot and is a young artist who most I Second Street. one step will be demonstrated At all dealers or sent on rwcipt of of decidedly has a future. He played by clever dancers. price by Fruit-aliTesLimited.Ottawa. 5 Phone 174 P. O. Box 274 'Souvenir1 by Drdla with dash OFFICE HOURS: EE , r THE DAILY NEWS and distinction. g Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satirdays, S to 12 cri!y; TOLD SECRETS AT "A grand concert solo, luisa H Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 H Classified : Advertising di Montfort,' was the vehicle by HIS TURN TO TALK which Mr. IJarry Heid showed FOR SALE WANTED. himself a master of his instrument, EE Dental Nurse in attendance. house with Husband Talking of Other Women the clarinet. H Phone 109 for appointment Seven-roomed WANTED Typewriter. Underwood In His Sleep Aroused Wife's 'The pianist, Mr. Chas. Balag- bath and finished basement. or Ilcmington preferred. Suspicions, Resulting In no, proved to be at all times a 8th Ave., W.' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil pawled. Nwly Apply Christie, care Stewart & Divorce Case. reliable and efficient accompanist $2875.00 Mobley. 51 and supported his part of the (Special Tit C. T. P. Telegraphs.) various numbers in a highly V ry Easy Terms. WANTED TO RENT, Small house Vancouver, June. 27. Mrs. creditable and artistic manner. of four or five rooms. Apply Henry Metcalf, who was granted "The main number of the Sat Kdv.nrd Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Daily News Office, box 273. tf Edward Cunningham, Vice-President divorce from Henry Metcalf, urday concert was a selection of Ave. 52 Third HEHHY PICKEHS WANTED Ap postal employe, stated in the airs from 'Carmen' In which the evidence that her first suspicions orchestra sustained and even ad-vanced-the ply "The Ark," corner McBride & Co: and Third Avenue. tf that her husband led a double life standard they had set Lipseit-Cunningham were aroused wtwn her husband during the week here. DENTISTRY FOn SALE talked in his sleep about other "It is to be hoped that at some limited;.' women. future time the orchestra will ofike nouns.- FOIl SALE Furnished house and make a return visit to Prince FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT. URINE 'HARDWARE I i n to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. lot 18. block 42, Section Five. NOTICE George, and they may be assured Steamship Supplies, Qaa Engine and Accessories Price ?1,200. 100 cash, balance of a hearty welcome, for they Fish Netting. Twines, Lines, Ropss and Cordags DR. J. S. BROWN IX THE MATTER of in acpllcallon for friends both by terms. Apply on premises have made many DENTIST the issue of a rresn Crrtiflcite of Title for or address box 275, Daily News Lot nineteen (19), Block twenty-three their superb playing and .their PRINOE RUPERT, B. O. DM! ItnlMi Block. Third Atsnui. (tJ), Section nte (5), city or prince ku- Phono 5. Offlce. 74 pert. (Mip SJJ.) pleasing personalities. A vole of NOTICE Is hereby riven that It Is my thanks is due Mr. W. J. Pitman, Registered Offlce: Prince Rupert Office:' intention to Issue trter the expiration or FOR SALE English baby carriage, one month from the first publication who brought the orchestra here 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 In good condition. Price above bereor, mentioned a frefh Certincite land in or the Title name to the or and gave us all (for we are all Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1608 Hold Prince very jeasonable. "-Phone 152 Krlstltn Skjillum, which certificate was music lovers) such a splendid Rupert between 5 and 8. 51 Ksued J65S-I.etb December, 1911, and Is numbered feast of music." VjW"""""""' MIWtWW.MWWWWMW 0j MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on building District ReglMrir or Titles. 1.50 EUROPEAN PLAN Loans. Apply Prince Rupert Land pnnre Rtfliiry nupen,OfOce,u. i... RAIN BADLY NEEDED IN FIRST-CLASS per day and CAFE up. Nickerson,Housing Secretary.Ltd., Geo. W.tf Idlh June. It. SASKATCHEWAN AREAS Georgetown Lumber Co. A La Carte. FOR SALi: New Home Portable The Portable Recina. June 27. With a total PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 163 Electric Sewing Machine. Never of 14.747.000 acres under sed Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. been used. $35.00. Phone 262. Gasoline Saw to wheat, oats, rye and barley in Largest FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY St. James Hotel FOR SALE Household furniture. With a real Clutch Saskatchewan, a decrease oi Apply 345 Ninth Ave. 150 ' 000 acres estimates is shown issued in the by preliminary the SPRUCE FIR CEDAR (LATE "QUEXNS") UCHT, STSOSG, FAST, EASY TO FURNITURE FOR SALE Apply OPERATE Dominion Bureau or Statistics as Consult Us. riHiT Hoi and T.vSS Cold Water.ROOMS 225 5th Avenue West. 152 Cuts Wood in rain or shine compared with 1918, and received de provincial the yesterday by FOR RENT 8c a Cord. or agriculture. io partment HOUSE TO RENT Near Catholio pstimato shows a decrease of LAND ACT i Church. F. W. Hart, or phone 370.000 acres to 879,000 acres in .once of Intention to Apply to Lena Land ni.ua Jr.I 52 wheat; increase oi lou.uuu w In Queen Cnarlotte lalmds Land Dlitrlct, Bowling Alley ecordln DHU-lct of Skeeni, nd iltuite 16Sixt!, Avenue East MISCELLANEOUS snu.ooo acres in oats, ana an in n ttio vicinity of Indltn Kererve Ho. IB, Ni.ur Drydock crease of 14,000 to 137,000 acres Lanrart Take Hland.notice tbat Clifton P. Rlel. ot THIRD AVENUE K.Wnt L 1, REPAIR CO. Brltlsn Columbia, occupation 1 mmia t Week. Thon Rd Z4S McGOWAN CYCLE & in rye. ITlnco nupert, lntenda io apply Tor p:uiia. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT all manager, "Indian" Motor Cycles and By-cycles. Rain is urgently needed in don to lease tne following- described . Gel your keys cut by parts or the province. landi; , . . T t itr, For Healthy Exercise I1U iitxnu AUl ' our new kev machine. No mis west corner of Indian Reserve number 14, nomnnrita or all kinds on sale thence ono nuuurea ana anj mi mur m to Keep You Fit fits. Oramaphones and Sewing less in soutnweaterly direction to low water Wttmt Ouir"; J ind District. machines repaired. 135 Second IMPROVED Ihis week, Jabour Brothers. 51 mark; m.rb.tbeuce ih.ni.700 feet nnrthrlv westerly one alont hundred low Avormn PhnnA 489. tf Portable SHERIFF'S SALE feet more 'or less to hlkb. water mark; Cigars and Tobaccos tnence eaiiej-iy ouu ici uu i K SBDi. m. n mariner. In- Gasoline In the County Court of Atlln along- blgb water mark to point of coin- n'oiiton The Dlace for a nrr. nieiicemeui aau cuuiaiuiun iwy a v.k. Hairdressing. Scalp DRAG SAW Holden at Prince Rupert. more or less. LAND ACT wrt "ul ' "-W. corner of Indltn slidmpoo. Fourth Street. In the matter of the Woodman's Dated gib April,i;umu.i ll. r. met. fMt fi, ,i,l.oce norUj 0 chalna; treatment. 210 Lien for Wages Act and (otlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. nn.?n 10 n. in. or by appoint CLUTCH LAND ACT In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, S im rvL0' Li'1 8": tlnee loutii amendments. lecordlng District of Skeena, and situate ment. Phono 493. I a Langara Island. it Rfwne k A0 N-W. oorncr or tfathas mttfJejjood Laurits 14. Stroinme ami uu.., f nice of intention to Apply to Lease land. Take notice that Hume B. Bablngton or ft f i?! lPcnce ' " l AND PALMISTRY Plaintiffs. in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, rince Ruoerl. B. C. occupation muter CARD READING situate Intends to apply for "WWo'TiS d conUlnln 0 and Lumber lecordlng- .District of 6kena, and mariner. permission Daily 2 till 5 p. m. Parties ai-innrtnii. T. A. Kelly Logging 111 i.ill!gai ,a.n.awu. 10 IVH tne tonowing aescnoeo unasi "M coulso.n. Take notice tbat Norman Brodburst, of Commencing at a post plsnted about 8 May T. t((- ti57 7lh Avenue, East, 3 Co., Ltd., Defendant. 'rince nupen, n. u., uccupauuu uare chains In a southeasterly direction from Slreet. tf Dy virtue of au order or ins narlner. lnlttids to apply for permlislon tbe S. W. corner ot Lot 80S; tbence soutb WATER dated June o lease tbe following described lands: slong high water tOO feet; tbence west NOTICE Honour Judge Y.oung, Commencing at a yusi piauicu uuu about 00 rest to low water: tnence nortn-westerly AND USE. REAL ESTATE i issued in this action, eel In an easterly direction from tbe 8. w. about 4 chains along low water 1th, 191V, onier or Lot (89; Uience soutb S00 feet in a Doint due aouth of tbe 8.W. corner and to mo directed, I have seired nore or less to low water marks tbence of Lot 888: tbence north about 8 cbalns ff?'' N. P. Olsen, whose win. nAV r.ASH FOR YOUR Sola defendant the ortbeasterly along low water mark about to tne s. w. corner or ioi vvsi inenca 006. of tho logs of tho cbalns to a point due south or the S. E. southeasterly along high water to post LOTS. Apply P.O. box. tj Asroti orner or Lot 9Bt thence north about 8 and containing five acres, more or lees. PARKIN WARD rollowing: halns to the S. E. .corner of Lot S U. B. BABIKGTON. r n r r n AM Approximately fourteen million hence southwesterly to this post and eou-alnlog Dated May 7, till. - , ""'M i.i118 ''""ult JUver. ELECTRIC CO. at lHcbardson, three acres, more or less. nf Ai.ni ffi0Ulu ,l hel,c, i.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Northern ret of logs situate NOllMAN BROADHURST. NOTIOE in and Atli Inlets, Queen Dated May 7. "tt&lafim In well settled districts B. C Dana, VJ from tha the Counly IN TH8 MATTER of an application tor . imv nrices! Islands, in k. w.ttf uitrrn .r .n nnllatlnn. tnr tha MJ...I n An Charlotte .l inc. -. certiorate or title to the Issue of I fresh IriBtaiea aforesaid. All of which I e all Issue of a fresh Ceruncate of Title for Lots 4 and 48, Block t, Section I, City to the East iiair t-yi pi -ji .u pay; twenty years Of Prince Rupert, (Map 811). Tiff m?,"11' 'U StiMrllW ff0rt" BUr lands In Sunny Southern Al-i CONTRACTORS offer for sale hy PuWto AufUon . .o.i rnruv r.tVVI thai tt ttl TT1V NOTICE 19 IIEREBV OIVE.N that it Is cq nna in ElXCRTfllCAL Thursday, J after the expiration of my Intention to issue, after the explrafion for cash on Intention to Issue, uerta, wun loan ui AND SUPPUES . nt 2:30 o'OlOCk or one month from tbe first publication a0 fresh certificate of title to tb to assist new for ReSal. Caille and publication hereof, a fresh Certificate of hereof, a of improvements Agent, at tho Court above mentioned lands in the name they are Eriorude Engines in tho afternoon which cerilttette Donald Ross snd Robert MscKay. which settlers. Act now name of Albert F. Young, certificate Is datsd ttst day of January, going fast. For free booklets House, J'rince num, the 26 or.. .Title A Is tm dated a.LIHklaarl the sum Al fl.T dsy of July, 1811. and Is numbered Tlll-l. ... . ii cti I n 11. Parkin Ward Electric Co. nnlfid at Prince Rupert ," " 7i r. MAciidb. H. t. MACLEOD, iFlr,,u'i of v!r ,tfc orilf or with and full miormauuu "- 1910. plstrlet Rirmrar ef Tle. District Registrar or TlUea. . i in HncMne St. Black day of June. DATID at Ute Land Registry Office, Fhon. 125 NiM Phon.,, ,UJli Blltl"l laid Registry Rupsrt,omre,B. C., Print urt, 1. a, ml lith day of Vancouver, or Allan Cameron. 148, Red 403, Red 813 Shriff of lha County -of Atlln. ITtnce Juii llta, till, June, till. Oensral Bupt. of Lands, 087 w ' ,u jgPuWl'stion of thli St., Knsl, tiaignvy.