Page 1 THE DAIL? HEWB. Saturday, June 28, 1 910, Local News Notes j (11 j G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public Arriving Today For corsets seo Mrs.. Director. Cheaper The following lines arrived 0 FOR SALE -on Saturday's boat: E. C. D. butler. 65c Fuller's. Phone 45. tf Fresh strawberries, cherries, t Constable Logan arrived from SHOES cantaloupes, peaches, A two-storey apartment dwelling on Third Avenue. the south this morning. Easy terms. Let us explain this to you. We think .wo can apricots, plums, cucumbers, a a a convince you that U is bvtttr businest to buy this houso tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, Wo havo something you need than to pay rent. green onions, new potatoes, in shoes. Family Shoo Store. It new carrots, new beets. Ladies' white pique skirts for $1.50 all this week at Jabour Our Shoe Sale Still H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Rupert Table Supply Co. Brothers. 151 Phone 98 210 0th St. a' a PHONES 211, 212 Harrv Hanson left on a short Carrying On business trip up tho lino this morning. St. Regis Cafe from Boys.Jabour Get your Brothers running and shoes win Canvas Shoes at Cost the race on July 1. 51 Co. Prince Dock & Rupert Dry Engineering (J. C. Gavigan, Prop.) Ml 8863 White Canvas Shoes, sizes fi in Miss Ncrric-Lowcnthal of Haz " PAiW to 2s, Sale Price ...... elton, arrived from the south this of size Docked Boats any Special Sunday Dinner morning on the Prince Rupert a Boys' White Canvas Shoes, double t1 CA Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Miss Grace Curtin who has been soles, sizes to 5. Sale price " pAOvJ FRESH KILLED Several boats can le docked together on one small visiting Miss Sheasgreen of Van section, making fees light. Large stock of repair Local Roast Veal couver, returned home this morn Boys' Black Running Shoes, Sale ing. " pl.l5 materiels is being laid in. a Pricc A Rare, Treat liancc at the Rink July 1st Foundry Work Gray's Orchestra. Refreshments .Women's Tennis Shoes Whi IS We are using- Seal Brand " pla5 served. Gentlemen $1.00, ladies canvas,. Sale Price ........ Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made:at' Coffee, in sealed tins, and 50 cmts. 52 have the best coffee in the Reasonable Prices. a a - Women's White Canvas Tennis rf, . country ' Miss Killen of tho telephone do " pl.OD Oxfords Sale Price Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds morning partment from arrived a holiday home trip this to Women's French Heel Canvas Oxfords, Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and"Canneries "RUSTLING A BRIDE" Vancouver. Rubber soles Sale Solicited. AT THE WESTHOLME Mrs. C. Hanson and family left price ...r. " piliaDu Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. for Lake Kathlyn on the train to day, where they will spend the Novel Tale of the West With Cow summer months. Boys and Horse Stealing and J. Boden who has been in Van Lynchlngs and Happy H. S. WAILACE CO., LTD. couver for the past week attend A shoe for everyone. Big reductions. Marriages. ing the Baptist convention re Family Shoe Store. . turned to the city on the Grand Corner 3rd and Fulton St. Dainly little Lila Lee is the star MLStephens H. W. Eve, postmaster at An-yox, Trunk steamer today. to be screened this evening at the m . arrived from the south this NOTARY PUBLIC morning. Westholme Theatre in a Dholo- Miss Madeline Nelson returned V play which displays much action from Vancouver this morning af Ladies' outing and Panama throughout. This isa tale of the tcr a holiday visit with her uncle FOR SALE hats at cost nil this week. Ja- West, where cowboys haunt the John Nelson, managing director bour Brothers., 51 landscape and horses and pretty of the Vancouver World. G-Roomed modern house on . . maidens are stolen and rescued Big Fire Sale English Hill, $2,025, terms. M. P. McCaffery returned this There is a real lynching scene. N. Scheinman, formerly of this 4-Roomed house and lot on morning after making a business too, at the climax, when the stol city, arrived this morning from Eighth Ave.. V., $850, terms. trip to Vancouver. en maiden saves the life of the Vancouver on a fur buying trip llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllH lllillllllllllilililllllllllllll 8-Roofned modern house on hero. He says he thinks Prince Rupert Eighth Ave.. W., $850 cash.' Special for Fishermen. Swivels, This photoplay is followed by n should become an important fur STARTS 6-Roomed bungalo, Fourth 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Fuller's, British Gazette, showing many market as it is the most easily ,Avenuc, East, $3,500, terms. Ltd. Phone 45. tf scenes of great interest. accessible to all surrounding EACH DAY at 9.30 See our Lists for other points. Bargains. Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Don't miss our fire sale. Family a a Agent J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. Shoe Store. It Chamoisette gloves while and Be There Early! Tremendous Bargains! Money Loaned on approved . natural special $1.25 Wallaces Business Property. Bargains, in white canvas and a Everything Sold for Cash Only MASS MEETING rubber footwear for picnics at Don't forget Adair Carss Chap M. M. Stephens Of All Citizens Jabour Brothers. 51 ter I. O. D. E. Cinderella dance on No Approvals No Exchanges in the Monday, June 30, at 8:30 in St LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE Wostholme Theatre Misses. Kathleen and Alice Al Andrew's Hall. A cordial invita on len have-gone to Hazelton to holi lion is extended to all I. O. D. E SUNDAY, JUNE 29. day with friends. members and all returned men FAMILY SHOE STORE . also the visiting ball team. 50 Subject: 11. Cameron, formerly of Slew- cents. ' 52 FOR SALE Discrimination Against art, returned on the Prince Rupert a GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Returning Strikers by the this morning after an absence of Outing shoes. Running shoes Q. T. P. about three years. at cost. Family Shoa Store. 1 The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 A fine seven-room houso Doors open at 7:30 p.m. a a with bath, excellent harbor E. J. Davis of the Canadian Ex Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Minister of view, in Section Seven. This press Co., arrived home this Lands, came north on the Prince Provincial Government Em. ilhcr work should apply to above house is plastered, has electric morning from a short holiday Rupert as far as Ocean Falls. He )loyment Bureau and Soldiers' -Phone 553. tf visit to Vancouver. is gone on to Bella Coola to meet lights and furnace heat. For Your Jivil Re-establishment; lempor-jy e e some of his constituents and is It cost $3,100 to build it a A sale of home-cooking and tea expected to arrive in Prince Rupert office 02 1 Second Avenue, Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., aro few years ago, exclusive of will be held at the home of Mrs Monday evening. He also Jrinco Rupert. Employers having expecting two scows of building vacancies for and in material within the next two wido lot. For n cash sale Charles Hills, Hays Cove Circle, may visit Terrace before return men women we are permitted to offer on Monday, June 30. Proceeds ing south. ilerical, factory, domestic or weeks. tf n aid of the Seal Cove W. A. 51 a a this property for Cut prices on all shoes. Family $2500.00 PLASTER f Shoe Store. it a a a Provincial Government Emnlnv- CEMENT WEStholmf nent' Bureau and Soldiers' Civil McCaffery, Gibbons Special le-Lstablishment. temDorairy of : Bargains Building THEATRE flee C'21 Second Avenue! Prince & Doyle, Ltd. TONIGHT lupert. Returned soldiers, men IIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII illllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll Materials nd women requiring employ Insurance - Real Estate ncnt of any kind should register Prince Rupert, B. C. DAINTY LITTLE .m ino siDove. No fe9s charged From Now Until July 1, in Phone C53. p. O. drawer 1071. COME Albert TO& Lila Lee Just arrived, a car of Beaver White and White MISS TEACHER M. A.OF MUSIC WAY McCaffery, Lid. Hoard. A. W. Edge Co., dlstribu Middies Skirts Phone 110 and 564. tors. tf 309 Second Avenue IN for Ladies, Misses and Girls Taking with atudenta the syllabi of the Albert & McCaffery. Ltd.. havo Toronto Conurvatolr of Muale. from Omce, Second Avenue, Next on nana 700 ions $2.50 White Middies for $1.75 primary to advanced. Phone Blue 120 Westholme Theatre. Nanaimo Wei 'Rustling lington coal. tf $3.50 White Middie Coats, with crepe collar, $2.75 Ask for Atkins' 8ausagea. tf $4.00 White Middies, with pockets and fancy tucked front, for $3.00 TIMBER SALE X 1209. $2.50 Ladies' Skirts, for $1.50 LA GASoE BAKERY Made under ideal conditions Sraled tpnderi will h mrolvoii hn ih. bu first class Bakers. Bride' Minister ine juin of aay Land)or July,not later mis,than ror thn noon nnr-chaie on $3.75 Ladies' Skirts, for , , ".' $2.90 For Good Wholesome Dread I Br"3 th6 l5lei feet of or SDruce Licence and- r.prinr 1S09, mi to cut an 960,000 i . $2.75 Girls' Middie Skirts, for .$1.50 lAlnlnw T a V i.Aa HUCrtllO i 1 1- 1 1 i iianre Two 3,year Coaat will""'""I allowed for re Liiauntl,moval $2.50 Girls' Skirts, from 6 to 12 years, for. . .$1.50 Also all kinds of Pastry Two Reel Fox Comedy, ui tuijucr. Further particular er the Chief Foreat-jr. Another shipment of slip-over Sweaters Victoria, B.C., or Diatrlct Foreater, Our Three Specials 'His Ticklish Job' with sleeves, for ladies, misses and girls, GENOA, FLORENCE C& DARK FRUIT CAKE TIMBER 8 ALE X 1650. has arrived. 30c per lb. itish News Gazette MlnlPier of Lands not uter tluu noon on chase pf Licence X lejo, to cut S8Tooo Jabour Bros.. Ltd. La Casse '.v.0.1 Pruce n Hemlock- on an area Bakery Admission - - 30c and 15c adjoining Lot 60S, Chuck-Walla niver, Inn(re 2, Coaat Diatrlct. 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 Two Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 of Tun timber.vaara will .liAi.t.4 ""u - Third Avenue Further cart eulara Af tha rhiar vnmi. Prince Rupert, B. C. E22