S. i-J Lefistatirs 'Library' 4 The Daily Bicycles NWS Repairs and ni"11- .... rora- Part piince wmmt An nH un ii km mm 707 Second Avenue PHONE 76 hit,I. 'w' 1 1 ., PRINCE HQPEBTt,B.g. ONdAY, JUNE 30, 1919. PR1CK FIYE CKN'W W , : I EASANT ENDING TO The Strike Situation LABOR PROTESTS AGAINST Saturdays imam m ALLEGED DISCRIMINATION: The local strike situation took much more hopeful today, THE PEACE CONFERENCE .n. WlcCall, general cupeHntendent of the Q. T. P last night and at , returned STRIKE SAID TO BE NO LONGER SYMPATHETIC, BUT POLITICAL once investigated the which conditions AND FOR PURPOSE OF GETTING MEN are hindering the settlement. He found that there ON THEIR JOB8. n. intifi 30. The world pence was signed and sealed was a misconception In regard to the attitude of the company BACK and he gave out the statement " 1.H1V under ci'111""3' v 7 "v following strike,, not against any employer 1 That the present is a political worked during the long of the "We will re-employ 13 t ns of those who years any employee that went out on or" set of employers, but against the Government 4of Canada, was lhs of negotiation for its achievement. The strike whose position has not been filled or;whose services the statement of Alderman Casey at the. meeting! introductory Tnienipoteiitlarica left, but it was evident from the pro-fi are required. It Is not our Intention to displace discrimination, anyone last night called by the labor men to protest against and from the expressions of M. Clenienceau thai iio ! txTipluy durlr.g the recent trouble." slriktf. f iheday in taking beck men who have beeri. pn still far from conciliatory Hegular intercourse with Xt. MwCall further said that these were the conditions Later in the evening Alderman Casey said that the sympathetic m?n"J ' is dependent, not on the signing of the pleni-AlliediiaV" under which the men all along the line had returned to strike was a thing of the past. The thing now' was to re-establish;, , iniifir-aHoii by the Assembly. work and that the staff was 95 per cent complete. themselves back on the job. All the employers wxre, willing to r" ,,,( riomenccau whcu J. L. Mullen of the Prince Rupert Drydock & Engineering fnk ihfir-nmnlovees back exceDt the!0, T. P, He asked had they i made the remark Hal Co., stated this morning that the conditions under which his been Bolsheviks or revolutionists? No ihey were some ofUhem id expect the terms of the men were to return were similar to those offered by the very conservative. iney wouio. to be observed loyally and LOCAL NEWS ITEMS railway company. remain on strike until they were selves alongside the strikers. reinstated as men or until they ,Wa a Revolution. "tfwraan delegates, ihrbush' were busted and forced to leave. Mr. Barrett of the Loggers' replied."-After - Bishop Bunoz was among those The meeting was a large one Union gave, a long address along -the I.tonHeimausen lumm?lothe hold he saldthat leaving for up the line by today's MAY TRY FORMER NO PEACE YET and a number of addresses were line of class conscious;social-ism li they would be train. given by labor representatives. and.the.One Big Union. There,, known Ihey GERMAN EMPEROR 'be-' , ; ; . would, ba,sa. light td .a flhlsh Ud different statu; Jroiij ft. T. J. Rose presided. on a signing, asishown t, Mrlf I)lj4 Hayne was a passenger WITH THE TURKS In oDening the chairman ex tween capital ahd labor,- which ,, lleolhen separate after exit before the for the south by the boat last' Expected That Holland Will inform plained the steps which had al would be long drawn put and bitter. It Heir night. Him He Must Appear There would be no solution to body of the conference, ready been taken to try secure Mtral signed. Before Tribunal. Hie return of the strikers to their until the men. owned the means have tow never would , J. V llegan, of AliceMrm.i arrived Delegates Advised by Big Four to old jobs. He said that all the of production. There .was no LUUU " "a. 1 1 irt iiti 1. .T -n a in ;he city from iffe mine (Special Tla O.T. P. Telegraphs.) Return to Constantinople as employers had been willing to basis, for an understanaing pe-tween 01 mo i-iiiiiucih No Hope of Settlement. n tone and capi-" yesterday. lhe revolutionist Amsterdam, June 30. The Allied take them back except the G. T. 1; , talisl. The whole working class" and associated will McCall was powers P. Superintendent uosiiuncn v...... v.. Mrs. V; H; Tobey and little son 04.T.V. ' jh)( end -'i (Special by Teltgrapm.) .revolution. moY.enient' was a .inflllnvArl MnliMiac not ak for the. extradition of the away but Mr. Carey had told them (omiueie-1.1. ohu uiii. left on a visil'up the line by the Paris, June 30. The Council former Emperor of Germany, the (hat there were a number or.mem MIL tr.alri today. of Four at a meeting Saturday n a nrn ari in ' io back. As a re Paris correspondent of the Tele-graaf who could not get , nnlillcnlinn has been ait..,1 UUivtai .'" ' - ,, ,f t reached an agreement on the eco was BAbbbALL Id MfsspK-Ina and Petra Linland learns, but will ask the sult of the negotiations be to (ienaaiiy tsat ins lmmpv be oil mi nomic terms to imposed discrimination. .returned to thcir home in Vanars- Dutch government in the nanio sure there was VK V"x v . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i J of the League of Nations to see Austria. They had been willing to work treaty is ralineu oy Ateruiauyiioi uy lua iraui wuaj. ' A note was sent to the Turkish who had seen THEBjGGAME that llerr Hohenzollern does not alongside tho men This was done uy a resolution delegation yesterday by the Coun U Archbishop DuVernet left on escape the moral consequence of taken on during the stme, put idoirted by me unincn 'or r our cil of Four advising the members . . .. . . . yould not stand for discrimination, j 1 a two weeks' trip to the Alan district his acts. -, they New Metlakatla and Stetohlkan mil r.resenieu iu me ueniiuii uu- to return to Constantinople. The the Princess Alice this 11 is expected that Holland will on Her and to Teams Today r rgaUon before th-ir departure message said that there is no Telegrams. that morning. Inform the former Emueror ! Berlin. to believe that Tomorrow. reason any agreement was read from he must appear before an inter A telegram ' "Mr. arid Mrs. W. C. Orchard"r?-tunied national tribunal. can be reached in the near Frank Myers of the Loggers bringing the New Launches are PREVENT TROOPS the Princess future because of the great differences Union saying that Vancouver em to the city by Mctlakatla baseball,team to Prince the Turks in the demands of Alice today after a brief holiday ployers wore refusing to recognize n'unprt. and they are exoected to : ENTERING HAMBURG visit in the south. MH M'DONALD GETS and' the concessions the Allies the One Uig Union and saU arrive this afternoon in time for arc willing to grant.- init that each camp must aeciue ; GIFT FROM SCHOLARS the big, game at 7 p.m. at the Urge Mob of Men and Woman Mr. Jack Austin, jUhv local G. T. whether to strike or not, Athletic Grounds. ! Block the Way fend f "! !; agent, accompanied by Mrs. u Annthor telearram askea ror ac "'The Ketchikan lehm is also Soldiers Retire. Austin left for the south on the Shortly before the train pulled PROVINCIAL tion to be taken" to protest against coming by launch; and will be here ...... ' bpat yesterday evening. I out from the depot today' there thq deportation of Vinnipeg in good time for the first or ine F ,.( It wai a very' pleasing ceremony on strike leaders without an open afternoon. lirlin. Juno n.-?fioyeriiment BONDS SOLD two big games tomorrow ihTn1atform McDonald of was when A. M. trial, A resolution protest locals will Wpi atiimptiid in enter. Hain- Just, how, the. was presented with a handsome passed. size up with these boys no cue iwre met Lv a iarg Inrlinl-1 morning where they will spena pair of cult iinxs Dy ineuiufio Three Ugly Attempt. seems to know, but the'uncertain-ty - moo, - -- 1 Takes the fin? many women. lip summer, holiday season. his school class. The young peo- Toronto Syndicate Alderman. Casey outlined will add to the pleasure of,tho j were all lined up to give Mr.j Million Dollars at 03.34. course of the Winnipeg strike. He 1 Tie pie1 .... ?USd?$?i Mkthrop', t. I nrr sport. , "t steam boat in- before ! , sirmd McDonald a proper sendoff said- that- wnen me locals will play J Arthur for the north by the he got onto the train; with Mrs. (special vi. o.T.r. Teies.) place the Minister of Labor had The and Wally Andertion, and er no opposilfifn 0 d nnd will Toronto, June 30. A syndicate deliberately set to work to prju-lire Manson Pe entry of the riovcrnimntoU- t - . . . 1.:., McDonald. people it is' said will hava H itrong nine. go right on to Dawson ueioi v In the few moments 10 spam 0r Toronto Donu nouses mis i-u--.. the minds of the Wfiea the troops were invt to headquarters at Vic : 1 1 ihonUii fim child- .lmapH-m 000.000 issue of bonds acainst the strikers. The minis return - - - and glove. iwui- - - overall l (he mob. ine prim-iijai Carhartt's however, it was de- oo- that it was a i tirfitri lv. ;.... 1- 1 toria fnr their thoughtfulness and; from the province of Urilish IpSpH in show "'nL-"' r' """" ml(h Rinak. nroniised to thank them further ,umbia. The purchasers are hold and UKly attempt IT ""'"IT Ijmti possible bloodshed. The from un the.line. Dominion rfivolutiori., He did that rI there was no time to i Wood, Gundy ik Co., nn ii - A - letter as aw for a definite advance on on tho train last night were 11. a. by today. (securities Corporation and Aeams thinking to bring condemnation L Hamburg not do so MEROHANT8' is set. RETAIL u. 1: his flip sl.rlkfirs. Dullamel, HazMton; Or his.return from visiting & Co. iT 1.000 Inn Q I aili,.mllk O A I V. IngCH Tclkwni F.-O. McDonald, bid home in Prince Edward, Island The price paid was 93.34 which Alderman Casey then told arbi-of ASSOCIATION. and J w -Morru-ui., mat uio llin fnpmnlinn nf a board of Hazolton, become means vill super- st on the Pacific Coast, juaf Mr McDonald cent, a little which men reiuseu. Stores will be closed all Hazeltoh. intendent of alt the public schools, at about 5.55 per tration the, Vrlved. Send your orders to the I ilwin Hie rate paid by the This board, was made up of two day on Tuesday, July i, f ncepupert Coal Co. Phone 15 WINS GRAND PRIX of this city. province for a similar loan earlier inora H. ft. Lvall of tho Manu and will remain open an facturers' Association and Itus-h day on Wednesday, July 2. -' t i . THE POLICE COURT inihe year. 1 itnrL. Juno 30. The Grand lhnr leader, and was to 452 SEURETAUX.t 1 for the in tho ia nresided over by ex-Mayor "DEMERS" Prix fim a Laligchamps Kelly 'Shea' appeared It I ' won Waugh. Later it was snou r. the war was this niorning'cnarged first lime sinco i.o .rnr a ii f Mift men. from the back of J-Wno Mnstercod secopd ProhibU Celebrate Wear"OUeen-Quality silk ..: with an infrabtjon of the ik Jll W...V. i f- nnA nt flin IflWVArfl NOTIOE and Ranidai tnof nan niui .uuc v '"t. V Iinvo iiiemtn Snd Unsensible third tion Act. i no oeiiem. the unions fourth. Immense crowns wautu ..... nrdprf the accused.and tne I'was the solicitor for the Signing of oi winninee. th s making vyo CLOSING rou thfi.Vor glovus, think :, Vtie -race. ' charge waMV'"d,' ! iwo..iroiu ntflll abor representatives, or Queen - :. .0' rtnniiK- Chas. fenaver, u !..... I for trial on the charge lid employers and tne exTinayor committed auino. Mr. Casey still con- Creek Bridge shoes Hays COME pairs of PEACE t AND SEE RETAIL CLERKS of stealing two tended, however, that he.was rlgnt meeting of the the Family Shoo Store. Creek Bridge will do . . Special from Stewart, ar in classing them as capitalists Hays lllnil Clerks in ihq .Carpenters' Constable Jack,, of Mv intar or motives. closed for repairs on July Hall Tuesday 7 4 rived in town wiin a -"-,fo JULY 1ST, AT 8:30 P. M. pi... .lohntrt nn the subject in 2; 3 and 4. 04 pm. Important uusiuc" La France, who is committed having carnal' In the Kxhibition Building tho House of Commons was put-ii.,,..i CITY ENGINEER. Wanted at Once s- charge of Jack W ilih sneaker and he said knowledge, while Constable Address by Rev H. R. Grant. that pot once did any members , of Alice Arm crougui m Muslo it wna nn aliemDl ai jovutu- charged Patriotic o 10 Anyox Songs and WESTHLMR Carpenters BARGAIN FOR CASH nanVed Oils from do llnr. Tim n nvment of a living with intent to 1 1111 I 'wounding Followed by T " for . ... narm . wage .and the right to organize TONIGHT Construction 52,500 cash will buy oui- grievous bodily An Informal Dance and was,the cause or tne sinno. Work i-iKlit aii improved ranch. ..... miTnrRrn the great sani- Carnival. -hmild irv to disabuse their nunas The abaolute pick of the bett comprising 1.21 acres o- r ullerinr motives. flays ana t-myrto. tanfln:A.W;EdgcCo. Apply Mr. " mcneill CBARUINO finest fruit ami vcbci- Musio by Harvey's Fiv-pleco W. E. Thompson;expiainou i.uai, frlnce Rupert Dry Dock and r growing land in Northern o.m.rt Spruce Mills, Orchestra. ...i.-iin wiinu ha hud hftn onoosca" to. tne Dorothy Dalton t-"Sineenng H. C. A six-roomeu nui dlmen- strike he was wlioio co., Ltd. furnish you any niufiiv...' .. ... . . ? also Ltd., can FREE II .V i i LAAIIPll house with furniture, r . imhii short ADMISSION i,.nr .h v wiin mo enuri. vu ocvu v ' and orchard of sixty slon. in spruw -"-v - Mo. icinimnint.. He asked thosfl in, barn, Haianf BIUOI t v iriiiavvn'"" Breaker fruit trees included somcv notice. mh-i -:,. the audience to make up men The Home R M p R esc bearing this season. Strawberries, rfTAPV. ULU.i www minds that all the men must be Paramount' Production of 1919. raspberries, gooseberries, .oir,(nid. Ho thought if H was New Show Tonlaht k-J etc., will give largo necessary for jhts,purpose eyery peXrl white crop this year. Nwner mant "(jman and cnua snouiu in the"7th Epltode.of. That Popular Star, will receive benefit of all GMEJOSI Haider" Brant Washburn spring work, and will gel BALL Mr. Cameron, a returned man, The Lightning purchase price i hn considered to be larfc'J share years IninoiinA meted out by tne t. MUTT and JEFF of -Ibis . . . , from sale tltu - - - - "Skinner's Jress Suit" production. . On the Acropolis Grounds T. P. after tney nau oeei mb who will .aks you or Uugh whether- rnuoh lpcated er o'clock to mnkft tho wor d safe ror ae yOU Wm CIMLIE Thin at 7 A I..1 CHAPIIH'S DOUBLE closo to railroad, and s .nnnn.r Mpn were ireuvcu no nil t x. m Kenuine snap at this sacrl-flco Bolsheviks because they had tne Admission - 15c and30c ,n "Strait;"U GAZETTE price. Must bo sold at New Metlakatla v. Prince Rupert audacity onno.to.fnr support the teamsters their reuows.ana Shows 7.15 and 9,15 once,Full Partloulara from li'ifcTfflff'''""3"' phaffeurs, jhey, would.rango thin tJ 8 Show,, im n'naWIQAN. Vnd , u. ' m m