OBMESLIWHED Chemists and I Daily News Good 0EO.J.FBEELL Meats lor T.O.Druggists Box 1680 I IE! Particular People Phones,82 and 200 II Phones, 10 and 25 VOL IX NO. 213. PRINCE RUI'KRT. I), fit THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1918. PHI'!' VlK CKNT8 HELPING AIRMEN FIGHT AUGUST AEROPLANE SPRUCE PRODUCTION IS TWICE THAT OF JULY LITTLE ACTIVITY DURING LATEST INSTRUMENT OF GERMAN SPRUCE OUTPUT WAS DOUBLED LAST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS FRIGHTFULNESS H IS NEW TS GAS 1. SHELL DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST ON GERMAN WESTERN FRONT SPLENDID RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGH CO-OPERATIVE I'ahK. September 12. The latest instrument of German EFFORT AND HARD WORK ON PART OF LOCAL .35 fnghtfulness in gas is the small shell containing pumice stone OFFICIALS; STILL GREATER RESULTS , .nuNr.cfi IN REGION OF EPEHEY AND VERMAND und phuitgene. The shell is projected by a rifle. EXPECTED DURING SEPTEMBER WEST OF SI- V"""! "uu""-" .vr According to French investigators the combination of pumice BEEN REPULSED SOUTHEAST AVE stone with gas greatly increases theIength of time that phosgene The output of aeroplane spruce in tins district for the month of roupy remains in the vicinity where the shell bursts and continues to of August was just double that of the month of July. That is lie dangerous. the statement just issued by the officials of the Imperial Munitions has been JitUe all September 12. There lighting iMudon. j : 11... ln'nlv.rniip. . luiilm Tlio nermann The Allied (roup have been cautioned that it may be necessary Board. The figures in connection withthe cut are not available along me ime uu""B ,c '" -. to wear gas maki for twelve hOur after the shells have fallen. and will not be published until after the war, but they are very determined stand and the Allies are making every are ready for a large and are still on the increase. This is splendid work and preparation before attacking. To avoid unnecessary loss of life MILLION BARRELS SfEEL WORKERS ARE is largely due to the energy and good management of the local is the aim of General Foch. m ihe Allied forces oMlcials who are using every effort to keep the work going without London, September 12. The British in their operations have GASOLINE DEFICIT' ASKING MORE WAGES a hitch. further advanced their line north of Epehey and the region of j Vermand west of SL Quenliu, according o Field Marshal Haig's Vahingiur-. tpt. 12. Fuel K iduey, '. Su Sept. 12. The Result of Co-operation. oflicials of the Board to go on to j When only a comparatively few any land and take the timber Administrator Oarfield informed el workers at the Sydney mines . (. felalemenL months ago lion. T. D. Pallullo needed in time of war, no one Pans bent 12. German counter attack arouud Lallaux r '- id ml itv Ifin TmnAMtll Mnnt suspected that such development i.v ihf French veslerday. according to the War fi than -Wuu w cu-ucimc u tuja.nvutu . Tbe Minister of ..l.. .Ur,, UVA rii-incr wr'c uuiavu j - ------- rw mors 1 M.iirh.. cava: "German counter attack south ..,a . - .,nJ .ni.n.PMnrork and the. Spruce Bill . was.Lands was enthusiastic at the msI inn c r biiuuuuvvuumi Iloupy. near SI Ouentin, was repulsed. In the region of drne.l of .pproxhriately one mil- for men getting 30 or...Iess.!ru"eJ througfilepislature In time and some people thought he - ' 1 map T rn a it u wuihkiiiim mr I iih was just a booster, but the results Lsffaux and Celles sur Aisne, six enemy attempts to reach ourjhon barrels of gasoline at the end Their,prospect of success is said. 11JV' w have passed all expectations. f tbe year. Based on the con- U Ve good. ms were repulsed." Owing to tbe fact that the timber the month of nmntion during .DAMNING INDICTMENT was all near the water; and that 'AuEut he ettimated that there, LABOR'OUTBREAKS ' OF GERMAN METHODS Prince Rupert was here to act as REMAINS OF VICTIM MISS WESTMAN ia -nty alxiut one month's sup-) .. 'a distributing centre and a con-4-venient ' ply ahead. ' London. SeptJ 2. More labor IN SHOOTING AFFRAY Lomlon,StfPV 12. E. II. shipping point for the . Gorges; Administrator product, things were soon hum- EXPECTED TODAY QUEEN ELECT imminent. The of SouthWest Africa, has umiy.- Added to that some good TORPEDOED PER&IC railway porters, postaremployees ' presented One of"the most 'men were placed in charge of the WITH 2,300 TROOPS and gas laborers are affefled. It 'work and the results have justi- Tbe Iwdy of Frank Martin, the OF CARNIVAL i ABOARD; ALL SAVED ; in also reported that 300.000 Lan- sensational reporjts eve'r lied the means. SHewaii road superintendent who aslure cottn operatives ate in issued in connection .with mat tbot and allied to days ago London. .Sept. 12 When 9 a threatening mood. the Gecman colonial mobs. j Haw It was Do.ie. al Swat: PwaL.togetber wltn.Uie v t.ra. VoU Polled for Each about two hundrrd miles It constitutes most damn- i Tbe increase in the output has I man am lae snoounK,a at ill m of CandldaUs w Who All from shore the troop ship INDEMNITY TO GERMANY in? indictment of German been made possible largely fitness to rule black native flirmich tho nrwnlnir nf the.Buck Ibis evening arrhe town American hie!y o Ar Popular. Persie with 2,300 by the steamer from Anyox. soldiers aboard was London. Sept. 12. The flrrt races and is brimful of ley Bay mill by tbe Masset Timber The tnqoei was held yesterday Marsarvt Westman. . .30,012 torpedoed on Friday afternoon lu-tion of tbe Russian indemnity well authenticated instan-, Co.; the fact that the work of the br ronr Andrews at Swamp Margaret Allen 26,439 laL according to a to Uenmany was sent on Saturday ees of rapine, murder, Graham Island Spruce & Cedar and the police Jones 16,580 lust, knavery and of de- Company's mill was brought into I' jnt, preliminary Florrla Utemefit Just Issued.The lal from Moscow to Berlin. rt hearing also took place. Mii WesUnan is the queen esel was abl to keep jmntinMntr In 50 flOO.DOO roubles. spoliation of simple, harm- full operation; the speeding up of 1 .! t . ,aer, Johnstone 8 Hark- elect of the coming Carnival. The afloat until she reached .nr half in gold and the remain less natives of Southwest the production at Swansou Bay, IfT W be brought to Prince Hu- people of Prince Kupzrt by a sub. ttiore. where she was der in notes. Africa. where the output was doubled, t:t i I- in Anyox as soon as pos- tuntlal majority of votes and the beached and all hands ! and the operation, although not oie and it is expected that con- deposit of their good cash have were saved. ANNOUNCEMENT to full capacity, of the Prince P.u-pert ut ' i) will be made with tbe o decided. That she will grace The ship wa a member mill. P iv.'-.t George leaving tliere to- Uie occasion 1n a becoming man-lr. of a large convoy approaching i Mm. S. Kriiiell intimates her THIRSTY ONES While it is possible that the jner la certain else she would not the English fall millinery opening on Friday rate of production wur not in - 'have received o large a support. roast. and Saturday of this week. Ladies future increase at the same ratio. REMAIN DRY; the total for the month et output WANT MORE FOOD j The contest was very keen nJ are invited to inspect her stocks. 4 of September, if all goes well, will either side known that the (had be much larger than for Ujpenbagcn, Sept. 12. The other was leading, more voles SEIZED very .r"man Sorialut party and thewould havo been forthcoming. CHANGE IN j WHISKY August. The latest woryl from AN IMMEDIATE Queen Charlotte City Is that Oiler ads .nions recently sent a Even the most optimistic did not Besner's mill will be cutting: r rrununi! itioo to Chancellor von'ijcalUe that the-total vote would Constable Adams Gets Liquor and in about'a week, although IUHng pointing out the grow-'bavo been as great, but the sup-ng GERMAN GOVERNMENT IS I Lays Trap for Criminals, but spruce It will be several weeks before it disntufaetion amonsr the'itorters of oach lady rallied at the . Falls to Get Them. is working to anything like capacity. 1 p ipuiatinn because of insuflicirnl'lasl and that was when the Dip The local mill is gradually I '' linoney wan put up. It i 'd U't FORECASTED AT AMSTERDAM Yesterday afternoon Constable speeding up and the George I 191,400 was deposited in one lump Adams saw Ave boxes packed in town mill has been overhauled and Wood 12.50 a load, Pony Kx-'.sum for one of tho candidates, Chinese manner, being taken is now helping to provide the j press 'just before the closing of the poll. SOCIALIST AND CATHOLIC PARTIES TO BE REPRESENTED along the street on a rig for de- aeroplane material. I In view of the big vote it was , j DR. col p as CHAN CELLO H in rLAvt inery. ua umuirj uc u"u- Naturally Prince Rupert is 'iiiiiMIMM s h.nllr In b wondered at that Miss WITH that they came from the wharf, HERTLING - PEACE reaping a good deal of the benefit Jones dropped behind. Her vote OF VON and the driver said that a China from all this business. The employees, "DEMERS" Wa very large considering tho SUGGESTED man was to meet the rig on Eighth although only a few livt ,m!itlon of isolation and the lack Avenue, and give instructions as her?;, come here to spend their A shipment of dresses !of slimulanl of a rival near by. inn.lo... ei.L IS.nenorls from Amsterdam forecast an to their disposal. Constable money and the merchants have all has arrived, consisting of Miss Allen polled wonderfully immediate rliongc in Government at Berlin with Dr. Solf, Colonial jAdams got into the rig and want- they can do to supply them. taffeta, satin and serxe. well and she and her supporter? ...unff vnn llertlmir an chancellor and with the ed to meet that Chinaman. The latest trimtnlngi and work. She will get style. rir uplendid .. Kfallliinu PrlwTL'fp 11 f HlP l.atlinllC , These dresses will bo sold the free trip to Seattle, while Miss Sorianos hcneiueiuum. - - td fllong Eighth MeaWt but at prices that would not j Jones will receive the diamond riilrp narlv nmoilK wie persuiiuci. (l .,,.,, r,inmi.n f!pd In CARPENTERS WANTED pay for the material. Como .rlnir..HO If these changes are mode it is a sign that Germany is about nialer;iaUie although he could not For l'ort Clements, wages and investigate. Two Ihe following is the official i.,mii u neace olTensive. mey are 01 proiuuuu impuruiuvc, know that Constable Adams was 75o per hour, fare paid. drrMes for wnat you cl tatciuent of the result: the leader of the majority Socialists, Schiedeniann, wields on the wagon, he being out of Apply NICKER SON CO., Pert w helhrr t pay for one Mian Wfltliiian .Y,iic Ersberger has been the stormy petrel of Oer- sight. The Ave boxes were therewith Post Onice Building. you want " power, a dress Nomination tj offl(je and '" no. this Is an opportunity VniP Tor tickets sold. . .22,505 man war politics. were found to contain sealed not to be overlooked. ViiUt tnr cash donations 2,H8 Slockholiu, Sept. 12. As a Unit step towards peace Germany boUle8 of gooJ Canadian rye Our prices will decide for Vnlat irrnnted to DonOTS nnt renoiiiioo lier pnn-ueriimu a v.. . ,,v. WBW Laborers Wanted you. a fnr dnnntioilS to fair 5,183 Dell.ruick of the University of Berlin; ine uouies naa ueen uxen oui of the original cases and repacked For Mill at Port Clements Warn ir hour, 30.011 in boxes of Chinese origin and ft.fl.. Allan . wnro addressed to Kwonsr YinK Apply Nickerson Co. Pritmn D.. iP domination '.Vi.Iss 'Chong, care of Wong Lee. There Fuat Offle Buildles. uvc nupen LXMDition Votes for tickets of "THE BARRIER were about two doten hollies of r. Hnnat OUS l.e"" whisky in each box. SEPTEMBER 18, 19 20. Votes granted to Donors vn Beach ... .' ,. , . ..j ' for donations to iair 12.069 "'More Interesting than "The Spoilers" Fall Millinery Opening; on Friday om?ie: nH street. AND GAZETTE and Saturday. Mrs. B. Friz- 2fl.39 tell. it --v v,!n v:a0 a , t fi in. and r n in . P. ONLY kU v 11. 10 re. Miss Jones 115 TO-NIGHT c,,,ve eulries. Ladyjmlth Wetllr.aUn Coal reduces Nomination FOR QUALITY 8.000 Elriht o'clock. Sharp your fuel bill and gives ENTR,E? CLOSE voies ior i 0 oft5 SERVICE AND SATISFACTION WEDNE8. Votes for cah do naiiuiio w.w-- Adults, 50c. Children, 25c atlsfactlon. Phone 15. P. R. SEPT 11, H t"'" Coal Co. Ff(od Board Licence No. 10-7340.. .. .... 15,580