I ThurstMr. September 12, 1018. THE DAILY NEWS. 1 PEOPLE CROWD TO BRITISH COLUMBIA WHICH ROAD ? SEE GREAT FILM AT AVIATOR LEADS ALL Edward LIpscll,Wward President Cunningham, Vice-President Harry Lipsctt, Manager WESTHOLME THEATRE ON ACTIVE SERVICE YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE Lipsett-Cunningham & Go. "The Barrier" Attracts Full House Major Ray Colllshaw Has Fifty. I and Proves to So a Wonderful three Official Victories to His Story. Credit and Is Second only LIMITED i. ko oianop. FISH3NQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Th- vv-ii.i - Eiinuiiiiu xucnire was fnll f u uiciiiuwinE.....-t last n ini. .mi . .. . . Steamship Supplies, Oas' Engines and Accessories witness the nrr,H,1,..r. ,7 nr . a a'or ""Wnond Colllshaw, the Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Beach's Brent .11... n caa,n& acllve ace among the AWptotar." av'ator' ha rilton PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. venlicl left the of bulldi those present nn.i,as IheV"'7llhe.riet,e88 a. i TT telling n Iteglstered Office: Prince Rupert Office: THIS Of his fiftieth successful cinloit 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 lormance. And indeed it was. tagainsi German flyers. Vancouver, B. C. ihc Jlarrier" Is the -story of P. O. Box 1698 A native of Victoria, where he what was supposwJ to Lo a half-breed LEADS TO rwag born 24 years ago, Major girl and a 7oung American Colllshaw has won the D.S.O.. officer. He cams of A annA familv which despised the Iwith bar. which means that he colored peoi)le. ilias won that honor twice: Hip LOSSI YOUR GAIN no icu YOUR in love with what purported Distinguished Klvini? Cross and t be while man and the daughter,an Indian of in a Ihe Croix do Guerre, with palm. High Class Printing Alaska hut the barrier of blood Ho has recently been awarded the I lod in his way. Arctic Medal. Eventually the barrier is clear He says in part: "Since you ed heard of inc last. I havn rorpct away hy Uie discovery that'the Kin is not the daughter of mn'another. bar lo .my Distinguished TAKE NO CHANCES Indian woman. That is the plot,' ,T ,.er; .? a "ew,y-creaU The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the but the working not entniU mnJ 5! decoration, the Dislinguished finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable tensel): 4lramatlc in which f,lyi c.r)8" ."fated fuPn "-M- WITH FIRES lli gpld4i,iirsofthe.KreaHiorth f,? K nga a'so another prices. No job is too small to receive careful are the participants. Thene nre Pa,fn lo my Croil de Guerre- s 1 THEM OUT thn rtanen liali ih m ...' m Improving somewhat. I am attention and none too big-forithe shop to.handle. PUT ! staking of claims, the coinbals bu aunuui iu vur. naru ana , .. merit another leave nn.i ii,. to Canada this .nc cicmuni uiuuiuu Ol riRlll . . . . over might. Theso artintiftallv agam' 80 tnal wnen 1 aPf"y blended make a faBcinatlnr in ",0 Pwers that be will look kind IJUSIAESS... ASO SOCIAli'OAItDS I HI, .1 -t , .. ly upon my request and maybe it - f rcci nun mai is reany a wonderful I production. iwtu materialize. xotk mans AXD'H-WKLopja '- Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 It I being shown again tonight.I "I arn, at last, ihe flrst of the DISPIjAV POSTERS AXD IXMIGEIW ; 3 .fighting chaser-pilots in France, i and am now only behind Bishop IIOOKLBTS AXI FOUEKS AMERICAN-CANADIAN Prince lertJfegMerMg & -Supply Go. ,tn recoryl ot enemy machines destroyed, FISHERIES DISPUTES and as lie is not flying cmcuiaits and rosTAii notices Oil active serviCA I nm IpaHincr ttio Engineers,Jobbers, Contractors 11 has been KltATEItXAI, SOCIETY AVOUK ARF Tfl RF FTTTFn a oi dimcuit Estimates furnished for Drctric Wirlnr and Complete 1LCU,task and you can imagine that I IIECKII'T IIOOKS AND C1IKCKH Plant Installations 'have been pretty busy. So you conference on Subjects Have-Ar-;mIghl pardon my seeming neglect Northern B.C. RepreenUtIvs lived at Unanimous Findings in writing to you. Next month I Canadian VVcstjnghouse Electricsl Equipment. KV-tric Which Were Today riled expect to go on leave to England Co., Hamilton Lamps.Hansen,&c JJotors, Generators, Oovernmentsi Concerned. and am looking forward to the The News Print Daily Shop short respite. Hut in the mean, Goodyear Tire t Rubber urcUnkat itubbcr Coi n time I hope to raise my score of "E1 ,ow"" ,,dtln- Co., Toronto. confirmed official victories to Washington. enl. 12. l1ie Third Ave., Prince Rupert Canada Wire & Cable lUre and Insulated Copper. American-Canadian fisheries con sixty. If possible, as I have fifty- Co., Montreal Sttl and Iron Wire. 1 three now." ference wtiirh has been investi-gaUng Domestic Engineering Dleo".LIj:t.i Products the long.staudinir differ Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention Ca, Dayton Isolated Electric PUnU ence between the United States Gil's Good assortment of pipes at tf1 and Canada respecting fishing Peltcn'Water Wheel Co. WatrrTVbM-l and rights, today filed its report "with San Francisco Hydraulic Apf-artvi the filale Department here and Pacific Coast Jipc Co. the Govrrnor-GeneraLfn-Council Vancouver "Wood Store Pipe, Tanks, etc. at Ottawa. Tim Denarlment nf Commerce under the direction of Dodge Manufacturing Tran.roU.lon Mwolnery, which the inquiry was conducted, Co., Toronto ""gXg.. has announced that the report Aiineof Westinghouse was unanimous on all subjects Motors, Lamps and other Electrical and was expected to lead lo satis Equipment and Goodyear 01 ting carried In stock factory and permanent adjust ..,,11 ment ot the questions involved. 1 TRIBUTE TO WORTH OF FATHER DUNCAN S. S. PRINCE RUPERT on Sincere tribute to the wonderful life-work of the late "Father S. S. PRINCE GEORGE William Duncan, the pioneer missionary who died at New MtU; 8AIM.NO lakatla recently, was naid by Rev. (I C. M. Talo at a memorial service MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swaneon Bay, held in the Church of Our Lord Ocsan Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. A in Victoria yesterday afternoon. MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Bay. The service was attended by many who, though lacking personal S. t. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. knowledge of the noted missionary, AlternaUna Weekly to Quean CharlotU Islands. had taken a deep Interest in his work and were glad lo avail rasia r-mi i e r themselves of the opportunity to V ') do honor his to oor, MrtDfitsoAY ladiATURoav n tin ja for smltber memory. mart Owr, lamoaion tod winarrr r, tnittnt ditm roniwctioni for ail Itev. Mr. Tate, who spoke with poind it ttul souib? deep feeling, wns personally ac- auaintcd with the late pioneer. For information and reservations apply to having been In charge of a mis Q.F.J0HN8T0N, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, sion nt Fort Simpson in the seventies, city Ticket Omos, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 when William Duncan had A favorite flavor California cbarso of the old Mctlakatla mis Fruit in ADAMS, the moat sion ten miles distant. Eulogizing and largest selling confection the work of Father Duncan, popular Mr. Tate declared that the results in Canada. accomplished at his own mission onlv. madn possible. through i You'll tee it everywhere,prominently CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the wide-snrcad inllusnce of the. displayed in all kinds of stores. late missionary, wno nni neen n In nioro than name, and Lowest TJatcs to all Eastern Points pioneer in far more than the ordinary Youll enjoy it anytime, particularly via Steam zr to Vancouver und the meaning of Iho lerjn. W hen V il- when you crave something tasty Cann'Hrm Pacific Rnllwav llam Dunean went to Mellakalln Meals nt the ago of twenty-four years and refreshing. CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. and Berth included Steamer on the Tslmpsenn Indians wero In imrrtD in store everywhere Prominently dliplayad slate of sav- the most primltlvo . . .. . a Jl I POR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE nrv. At nioicu to narriuie. can Also ADAMS (the ordinal) TUTTI FRUTTI GUM raiNCSse nibalistic practices and swayed by sopmia uiu ream Tnnre-urrl srifrotr lih, isrd ! the evil influences of Ihe "modi- Orih,r m, h iid cine, man." the tribe had gradual. nm .- y improved under the leaching of ,M "TCHIMN, iUNMU, WRANOILL, SSAOWAV, ALASKA FMhor Duncan until they wero nH"" ,0PHI from rrlnr Rupri fpin.br tik. nth " now an outstanding example of Otiobr toil,, tut , civillied Indians, famed for .hlr industrial achievements. , i W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. NO MORE STRIKES L Co Fourt,, S'Mt md Third Anu.. P.tnee Rup.rt. B.C. Montreal, Sept. II. The men in all the shipyards on tho St. Lawrence have signed an agree i A ADAM S ment tlinl ensures Uninterrupted Advertise in "The Daily News" construction lion of tho war.work for the dura, y Pure Chewin Gunx