IP S !5esui I Ipiones,82and200 Chemists P.O.BOX iobo and The Da ily News Good GEO.J.FRfZZELL Particular People Meats for Phones, 10 and 25 U IX NO. 231. IllPEItT. y - JMWXCIS B.C., TIltllKDAY. OCTOIIEII 3, 1918. Suns RE TIRING AGAIN FFORT TO FORCE HUN S FROM OSTEND: COAST POSITION ISOLATED MANS FORCED TO RETIRE ON LARGE MERCHANT TONNAGE OF VESSELS DAMASCUS HAS BEEN TAKEN WIDE FRONT ON BOTH SIDES OF Output In September Is 20,000 BYALLENBY'S TROOPS AND Tons In Excess of Previous LA BASSEE CANAL IN BELGIUM Month. 7,000 PRISONERS SECURED CfcpecUl vu 0. T. P. TeteripU.) Loudon, Oct. 3. The British GERMANS PREPARING FOR ADVANCE OF ALLIE8 IN ALSACE will Find Himself Trapped Uuless He Beats Speedy Re treat! tui"a8e of merchant vessels com- BY REMOVING INHABITANTS 20-MILE j I u ...in II,v.JUfcbU.! 1LJUKUUIU Vlnn,t 01JJU.I.:. FRONT ADVANCE NORTH OF British Monitors Co-Operate with Troops by Bombard ynrds during- September amounted w ST. QUENTIN to 144,772 tons, which is 20.000 "it Coast. ing ton in excess of the figures for (SpecUl lo The Ktw tU 0.T. P. Ulernphs.) SprlI lo Tbs Sows U O,T. P. Telf nptu. 'August and has only twice been London, October 0. The big advance continues in Palestine. indon, October 3. Magnificent news from the western , - year.surpassed in any month of this General Allenby has occupied Damascus, laki nor nvpp.,7 nnn III that the Germans are retiring on a wide front north and fflANY MEN AND ' prisoners during the attack ond has secured the junction of the of Ubatiee Canal.. This section of their line lies just north ta. MUCH BOOTY LOW RATE ON lledjas Railway with the line from Beyrout, which town is in F I Mill I a between mat town, now in miiiou possession, ano Ar-i" . possession of French cavalry under his command. ri, The retrograde movement Is the logical outcome .of Paris, Oct. 3. From i HAIL INSURANCE London, October 3. British troops this morning resumed franco of the British and Belgian forces east of Ypres and September 10 to 20 the Allies their attack north of St. Quentin. The Germans continuing their the Lys Valley. That, and the extension of the Allied lines, 120,102 captured 2,844 ofllcers. ! (Special vu G.T. P. Telegraphs.) rearguard movement from Lens to Arraenlieres along a 20-mile rnbral, has had the effect of placing the Lens-Armentlers' cannon. They men and also 1,600 hUmonlon. Oct. 3. Eight cents line. look au acre, the lowest rale im- fat the point of a salient in which the Germans will find ".r fl.nno machine j?uhs. ever Geneva, October 3. German military authorities are remov- posed for; municipal hail insur lelves trapped, as they were In the 8U Mlhlel salient by thej ance in Alberta, has been agreed ng Ihe inhabitants of Alsace in the expectation of a Franco- leans, unless they beat a speedy retreat. I upon as the rate lo be levied on Vmerican attack. The inhabitants of 20 villages have been sent irther north the British nnd Belgian troops have maintained land in crop this year under the to Bavaria. Some have escaped lo Switzerland. progress and have captured several more towns, Routers is MAN WHO SHOT operation of the Municipal Hail . . . . niiurance System of the Province. ii. j I t j I I Mltl mt t I inianiy cxpociou vo do occupicu uy wio miiics. t ncir nnoj PORTLAND MAN geshan trickery lady beyond the Rouler-fc-Menln road and they are encircling DRAFT EVADER to m stock for itself. The depth of the advance east of Ypres Is already rnnn Tmn, ! AGAIN IN EVIDENCE Is practically (o isolate the Belgian coast positions from the BRITISH COLUMBIA lider of the German front. IS NOW FREE Are Persuading the People That (Special U O.T.r. TelemptU.) Bulgaria Did Not Want ItWh monitors are heavily bombarding the district from th WITH PICTURES J Victoria, October 3. For the . Peace But Rulers FoTced a very slight Tmf.er'advance will confpet the retreat f rmani from Ostond. "No Bill" Is Verdict of Qrand Jurv i purpose- a I of .purchasing t 350 head lt oi' Them; In CamDbll M.n.liunhi., i " "rl c,us young i.eei siock on Ix-hair of the Land Settlement weM nown Barrister or uregon Case at Victoria. "The German Government is Slate Here After Telling Hoard, Provincial Livestock Com-j. NANAIMO ABSCONDER trying lo persuade the German MHEFOR missioncp. V. T. MacDouald has stor of West ,n (lrul ru tt.T.V. Teriplu. Clt,es- people mat tne Bulgarians are gone to Edmonton. Many of these; B,8 CAUGHT IN THE STATES V.ri.Mf. iimI i f i r. r not with thejr Government in ,, ., . will be placed in northern Ilrilish KTORY LOAN "LV'v, P CC "n'Cer.W m uf land making peace -with the- Allies. it Columbia, along the line of the G. Tulling the of romance Albert The Goodwin suggestion that Premier pUl VU O.T. I Tektisptu i T. P. regeneration and recommencement, draft evador, who was alleged to MalinofT in concluding the military Victoria. October 3. Edward its beauties and possibilities IS APPOINTED Edwards, former Provincial Cot Im resisting arrest near Cumber THE PILICE COURT Frank li. "Hiley has recently convention is lacking the land, is not to stand trial on the. returned of the East support of the nation is dis lector uf Taxes and Registrar for from a tui? charge of manslaughter, on which For having no tail light on his credited, however, by the speech Nanaimo. who absconded from ern uuu ieiurai oiaies carrying i ReprewnUlUs Committee.. n.i ...... .i .i.. . he was committed. The flrjuid automobile, P. Bruno was lined the message of the Pacillc Northwest. of King Ferdinand to Parliament, few P v""u- - woiieciions i,. i.i....j ..ITV IHUIIH.p UIF DIIUI...i Jury in the assize ooyrt haviug f& this morning by Magistrate Be has met with a splendid in which the statement i made n't' v rinibo B-l nuoin tl i a ......a wvwunm... ti uc...Ulliuuilfr....ui returned a verdict of "no bill," Oarss in the police court. reception everywhere and he that a full statement of Bulgaria's . . r - now iias ween aiesieo ai .mii 0. j,oow..waukec. Wis. lie will not resist Campbell accordingly has been' Hatlotti Guido was lined $10 is touring the home district letting position will immediately be laid extradition. discharged. for having no certificate of na- the people know tho work before Ihe representatives of the .ear- iiiiiutttM for tionallty. that they are doing. Tonight he people. drive this The (lulling arrivals reported John Kngkvist was fined $15 gno.V8 his wopderful collection of ami tuiMiuls siWAR MEMORIAL this morning are rather light, for being drunk. pictures at the Empiess Theatre NO BONUS ON NEXT !'i i ; J. there being only some 37.0(10 lbs. Elsie Car?, the lady W'llO M'aS iimlrtr flia mianioofi .if flirt T1mil?h 11, Albc ' 1) Arnold. M.j in all brought to port. The Hrin- fined $50.50 yesterday for having .ers oi ,nQ Empire of this city VICTORY LOAN BONDS ihr.a: W Nicker n n, XI. TO BE ERECTED gold had 10,000 lbs. hnlihul: Tide, liquor in her possession in the Mr pnev is not a orofessional Miami, J'bn Dybhavu.j ,000; Minnie V.. 11,000; Man- wrong place, was today charged Ccturer but a promirieut Portland .ipet J 1) Mcnulifr galiots 0.000. and the Volunteer with keeping intoxicating liquor barrister who is so enthusiastic 'SpecUl via Q. T. P.. TelffrrmpbJ.) tivore u A -l, V,.i..n-'. -.u.. ,, I t.000 lbs. Fp till noon no ale- for sale. After the charge was auoui ii,e country nnd its pos- Ottawa. October 3. No bonus War veterans Will Purchase.$500 will be allowed in the next Victory lind been made. roau an nojournmeni was nsnea oihiniiAa that hn has taken a few J H II 1 A. Tliomp. roan oi vinory oonaa as jfor. and the case will come up n,onlns otr m order to tell the Loan. Bonuses in the last loan K. Thornii- Nucleus of Fund; Officers Advertise in me uany incwh. again on aauiruay. peonlo of the cast about it. He cost the Government seven million 'rine, and Elected. : : ; has lectured chiefly before private dollars through paying interest llilruon. clubs, nnd organizations of busi on money they had not .yet ro- - u- uiin uecn np- Tim fir.-nt Wnr Vnlnrnim AuRn. BURNING OF CITIES BY THE .GERMANS and professional men and ceived. Tho amount paid to bond s three of " dealers was quarters a pr .-: ,n of J. C. Mo. cialioti of this cily have started travellers, the class of i "in, arveiui v. .. . ..... ... .. s. s. vs. i. ta.T&.va.'VS. people who might bo expected to million and to canvassers, n little ir wuucsanr rinin... . . . . . ....... "to the West. He has given loss than a million and a quarter.- , maneiu war inemoriai io in men come nnJ, a ln' ll,e cily ot who have fallen overseas. They MUST CEASE OR REPRISALS FOLLOW the message in a personal inti Good assortment of pipes ul llrlcl will Inst night at the annual meeting mate way and his success has If wa suir or 300.()00 this decided to invest 500 in Victory been most marked. Gills. uo PP llUll lnu..,l. .. . .. . . . . ,i. i Portland the lecturer is itom I. "...u nit' uuiuis, mo samo in ne soi. nir I mlmi nlnlier 3. The litiriiinir of Camhrai nml SI. Oiinnliii ' ;"ony. mid . .... .,.. nrnctHanl nf Ilia mnnnlninAPMnEf ... , llio ns the nucleus of the fund. ...I .1... A ...I..i:..., .....r ....a ..f ll.r. nine lirim iliiii r.i f V.. -" ".'V IIU llir linMuu ..t ...w .v,. i..w,.., , y' Thl" Ju8t wuat orn 11 w,n tak0 ,m8 ,nh -,, tlft llna mnnv im 8 Uft ope us tlie uermuns reireni. uus itruuMu Kiihu imuguuuon nun I)0rtnnt positions in connection "DEMERS", Itlee l. one' und 't H-cn dollniloly decided, e k..lP,,p've f llu, but 1L is suKcested that n home it is snid in diplomatic circles that Germany will be warned soon with the Chamber of Commerce Bring your corset E"v win 6 !"""",,l -non shall bo built for the use of tlio-e ml if she allows llio work of destruction to continue severe re- nnd other organizations. Telling troubles to us. We have r ' mi .i low t a . to. do who have been disabled in the Minnie ...Ill..... fnllmv The... HI... m nn f in It h no- Avill m mnplcil fnr Jl He IeW9 OI nH trip east. litis corsets for all figures, and Mho or ,l-.wr. :...M- ,I..cIi.iia inn llmiun lui.mirj omii wi u.u, hero have the tannnn I"""" u, ...I.,,-.. I, you opportunity ..-ill. "u niarK Il or fii. ni . r ii wurn ....or. r the e( le no fear Wnshiiiglon, October 3. An iiltimnlum lo Germany regard- enlhusia9m. ne Pol,rd have spent to be properly fitted thul ro.elcld. but there were some nUlie prioe you wish to a'ouut wiu not be no. executive tier llio riuniess ueMi iiciiun ui i-.mus nuu privuio propeny ui tiireo montfis in nnd around Uos IchniiKes inntlo In the Whether prefer you coinmlUee. Tho coinplele list i orlhern France nnd Belgium is being urged on the allies and is Ion alone, nnd the same applied front-lace pay. or back-lace, we consideration. to Philadelphia. The story of tin 'ns follows: nder guarantee you a fit. - American nnd Canadian West appealed President, Dr. McNeill. PSTHOLME to the imagination of the VIro.Presidont. II. 0. Crewe. COME AND SEE back there and people very many '"miHHT Kec.-Treas., J. V. llutctiinson. ONLY of thorn were planning to come to Uxecullvc: NV. Kerr. J. H. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE this country at the earjiest possible Silver- QEORnr ... ... II. P. Wenrmouth. nnd T. I'll, in .,, "H,"& eWos, UNDEtt AUSPICES OF date. I, T in th Keith 11 Is understood that tickets for PHE lini" ,rl ToM 'ruHtocs: D. Yelf and W. Queen Mary Chapter. I. O. D. E. this picture lecture are selling I'-'-rSTEIV.'. well and that n good crowd may sws sliutrrt RAILWAY STRIKE lie I how '.nil- Empress Theatre, Thursday, October 3rd expected. Tfltrph ) It Ml.. (PcUl vU 0. T. T. Ladyjmlth Wellington Coal re-t'iic lory. IlulTnlo. Oct. 3.--A strike has 8. p. rur fuel bill and gives FOR QUALITY Mnu. "lartcd on nil lines of Uic inter of ADMISSION SOci utlsfaiMen. Pheno 1E, P. R. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION nntlonnt rtnllwny. The w-W Food Board Licence No. 1O-7340. trnfllo is complete.