PRINCESS ENA HERE i! UFME OF WITH CANNERY CARGO SUFFERING C. P. H. Freighter Arrived From Voyage to Japan Where Rice Rlota Were In Projjreaa. waaaaaaaLaaaBLVwa ssLbvSip1p4s6ph ! prefeoted by "Fruit-a-tives" Tli C. P.'ll, freighter Irine.n The Wonderful Prutf wiecicine Kna, Capl. T. Cliff, was in norl ."at. yesterday discharging freight at the flovernment wharf. She PMHpauMKvdRvaab fliaaaaH "In my opinion,no other medicine brought cane 'for Tucks Inlet, box jj go food a 'Fruit-a-lirea' for ahooks for Wales Island and geiu j0jijeition and Constipation. oral freight for Port Edward and 1 r tear. I auffered with llifsc Rtrnnn a nitnla WdTwS- L I- I'- Hrat ..p north for treatment tli Kna since she crossed the 'V.";! a friend told me to. try- occ?"urn iLilUAa JaPa"r.. . II.. a carxo. of. 'I't -a-tirea . 10 i"f uinic, i fcL. i' t' J medicine gare Immediate ,Chlnnampo In Korea and Kobe In frjjf.and In a abort time I wa alt Japan.". J The steamer arrived at Kobe jx)Vat hAh0Vt)K Just at the time of the rice riote to: a box.8 for 2.60,trial alto 2Sc. Some rich Japs had cornered the At ell dealer or from Frult-a-tlrcs rice market and forced the price l ; ,ted. Ottawa. up from about twenty sen pen alio - III! I III .lttr M-l. ... I illi;BLE WATERS ACT --' ...i,-iiiot, ""Jic - ,. - .... null II..I I.- . i H, 9, l.. U)i, ?ui "to iiiui me JVIUJ CI JJCUIUC found it dinicult to gel enough In' Ty arficnin Saw Mill Company 'cat. They protested and to en. force their protest they went' . a t f the tald Act deposited -jj,.tit Uk k Misiato of Tublie Worki at Ot around the town with clubs, vhen he said ..... i ti mi rap oi lim unirici nrrii' breaking all the windows and gen-1 lima - - ---- tm f it i' :sc nupcrt Und ntrUtrj erally smashing things up. TliUj ......t . airi JDtloo of tb tli and t roused the Government and theyi "Either the Civilian . .. w r prints ittiDrri iuAfiii shipped in rice and brought the; - population must short - price down. j go The steward of the Kna, who is' of many things to which ADO Ulf ' v iiainMi a flrt rale amateur photographer,! . iik af-1 Ar.n nyitlMi than dit Ttwi of naAPaalAMit I ha Ant look a number of photographs of, it is accustomed in times of peace or our armies, must - - - w rcuuiiw-i.,a. .I .t..iH7 ..m IU All a a '' a aw i. crowds.the barricaded windows and the'! go short of munitions and other things indispensable to them." Ir "---1 - - - CATTLE IMPORTATIONS Ml4 WW fiin IN IVr TV WW" Oiiri ai Pr:.-i. Hoprri IhU Isib daf of TO BULKLEY VALLEY NOW, the only way we in the opposite direction. THE JE JJl iETOWX SlV MILL COM-PAST. LIMITED. Oil Land 8ttlKmnt Rniiyt nf Pinnln-I possibly live up to Hundreds of millions of clal Oovernment Arranging SIEE3A U.tD LASSUR.DISTWCT DISTWCT Of for Shipment of 300 that ' obligation is by going dollars are of no use to the TAKE e-ure itut Ortaby CoooUUil Head.. without in order that our country if goods and services Mtini,t. x B smtlunr i . ocui'tUoo 4 rover tntnlBf Co Uralt4,tnd mm It ot A great impetus to the cattle i soldiers may have. For the can be secured only to the :sr. laitod lu ap?!; tor Mnnlnloo to industry in Ilulkley Valley, with Uv Vtm toltovtiif OfMrtbrd Und: tnotje'of this year's bumper crop money we waste is not extent of eighty millions of yaiflwDflnt it i (Itolnl tt IM pad ibnr SV rarmr toatbwnirrly of Lot tilt.41 cbttni CiUr fonavlaf IHttrtct; of on feed fuur finding legs, may its be way expected to market as money at all it is equipment, dollars. So we must do everything bifti waitr hurk. to Um S.E. corner of Lot tho net result of arrangements clothing, shot and shell in our power to release lit l(wore aoutb It rbtint to low saier completed this week between the mtrk tbenr nortlietilerlr chain fol that needed in both and labor for the goods I if lew water mark; tbroe norU I land settlement board and a num are urgently c'j: :- I the f!cr of trrfnaJnf tut mm Or of the district fanners, whereby for which Canada France. uir'3r in icrei mm or Uti purposes cattle will be brought in from CRUST M.XSOUOATEO KI.M0 SHIXT- i.xo a rowta umited the southern parts of the prjv By denying ourselves, therefore, needs them. nice to relieve the feed situation late. Jolr ' If It. there, nays the Interior New. we enable Canada to it be food, Commissioner 1). D. Munro, of WHETHER I STEEK & LONCWILL the Itfnd settlement board, arrived procure to the fullest extent steel, leather, in the district last Saturday and the materials and labor the labor or transportation, spent several days among tbe SA.H7SA mmO HEATINO farmers, taking applications for which she .and our Allies result in all cases is the cattle, and that farmers were alive lo the opportunity this activity need for the successful prosecution same. Whoever competes Agtnla for starting of the or board augmenting presented their for of the war. with the nation by freely MeCLARY FURNAOM cattle herds Is arranged shows by for.Ute number of What happens when we fail satisfying his own desires, PLUMDINQ Mr. Alunro completed his work to save? selfishly appropriates to his and in 4he hour of early Thursday. SHEET METAL WORKS Several farmers were hustled nut A pull on labor by the Government own use that which is so rho!6, 831 Second Avenue. !of bed after midnight to sign p- in one direction and a urgently required for our Night phonet 578 plicationa in the moonlight in the and niue 270 chilly night in their pyjamas. It pull on labor by the people fighting men in France. The right is estimated that three hundred work, at uJt right "ma, and at the right prloe. cattle were arranged for. The Land Settlement Hoard has ; 'bought a lot of southern cattle to For the salce of your country and the boys over Prince Oupsrl Feed Co. save silated them by from the failure slaughter;of fodder neces there' spend cautiously. Think of what Lord crops in that section. Mr. Munro Kitchener has said, and ask yourself first, t(Is this PHONE 68 left on Wednesday to take appli rOOD tOifco UCEMCE .-0. Hit cations for cattle at Houston and something I really need or can I do without it?" in the lake districts. Ml GRAIN, FEED. Tlio commlllce which was ap Published under the authority of the pointed some timo ago to secure of Canada Minister of Finance SEEDS AND FERTILIZER data with the object of erecting a cold storage plant and ice factory Chicken at Cow Day is still wording and Sp, before very long.will have some- thine; dennile to place before "'" those interested. Thcr do not ''"Pill U. wish to report until they have secured CoiuiueocUic al a poal planted on the e all possible Information in aouth ahore of Laroon Inlet. Moresby Island, about ona mile from tta mouth; - asa. regard to the project. thence west tft chalna; thence north So ot Th:ra A,. rhalna; thenra east SO etiatna more or leaa FRED STORK'S HARDWARE MINERAL ACT. to low water mark at the beach; tbence southerly rollowlnr low water mark to the Harry Hanson's point of commencement; contalnlni 40 ri.mmcuE of jmphovkme-its. .NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE acrta more or leaa. Established 1903. JOHN NcLAIVTY MAC.MILLAN. PATENTED none; xotice la hereby alrcn that the reaerre Dated At)rut Hth. 1918. Ni Past r.nhivt rnriiMi uinnl Claim, altuata cilailor on reruln porllona of Lota Two Heating In lha gkeena Nlnlns Dltrlalon or Caaalar hundred ana nve iu ana two uuuurru MINERAL ACT C. FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING niatrtct, Whera located. At tna n' and eltlii (101) Iianro Three (S) Coaat HoHVateiCoil Alice Arta in too Skeena .Mlnlni PUtalon. liiatrlei, aurreyed and known aa Lou Ce'rllllcato of GEAR AND SUPPLIES. owner Improvements. f i L'r NftTtrr ih.i tic stark, Eleren hundred and fUll'-nlne (till). of the iboe claim. Free Miner w Eleven hundred and ality-one (1161 and No. MtTl. intend, alaty daya irwn tierert hundred and alxir-lwo ttt) by NOTICE ,1.,- tn ,nn In HIS Minina f'rrro Traction Mineral tu Claim, situate U11T IIVIIVIl ,'," "' muqd of a nolle airearlna In lha British MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF .n.-. r... . rriintM of linproveniema, Columbia Oaattte of 17th December. 1907, the Skeena Nlnlna Division of Caaslar SHIP CHANDLERY, wEl ih for the purpoaa or oDiaioroi la cancelled for aaie purpoaea. District. PAINT FOR BOATS oo uV"?rllh'1 Omit of the above claim. dated at Victoria. Brltlih Columbia, Where located: Near the head of Alice .. . ..... Pft' tin t trlce r ..k- luMim i hit action, Arm. nu luriiirr.. . ... - thia 10th day of September, A. P. t. iv- mnmenceu ie TAkE NOTICE that I, Lewla W. raunore. nrr arrnoii mu.. . ?rtM ,0 ma n .,...- nf O, H. rt ADEN, ruirin?,. con' C0DBe it fure Ilia Itauance or aurn u Deputy M'ntaier'of Landa. Frea Nlnefa Certincate No. S040T C. as tip and tmprovrmrntf. . . arent for Joltn Walford Stroiubeck, Free ronraST prttM J1 Dated ihl Ith day or jui, -v- LAND AOT FORM NO. 11 Mlner'a Certincate No. UIS1-C. Intend, for Uty day rrom lha date Jiereof. to apply FRED STORK'S HARDWARE to the Mininr liocotiler for a certincate of VZTr "U"" "re.. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API'LY TO improTcmenta. for tha tmrposa of obtain- DENTISTRY LEASE LAND Ina; a Crown (Irani of the above claim. rittt, P'rd. I l.reb IN QUEEN CHAnLOTTE ISLANDS LAND And further taka notice that action, un SECOND AVENUK DISTRICT) 11EC0HDIN0 PI9TIUCT OF der section. & must be commenced boforv OFFICE llOUUSt SkEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH lha lm of such Certincate of Iniprove- M eiione of laooon inlet, mohesbv monta." a.n.U1f1lJ0P-". .DOIJT ONE NILE FP.0.M ITS ISLAND. DATED this 18th day of Auruat. A. D. DR. J. 8. BROWN v.i-v MOUTH.NHiirr th.t. .,.i inuv M, MAC. III. Oil ," .v..i. " - DENTIST Advertise in The News millan cf Vancourer. D. C, occupation Daily Oflleet Smith Blaah. Third J r.nnr rvmttv. Intendi to arnlv for permit- Oel your envelopes at Tho News h.n. 484. 4 alun to leaia tht following; dcacrlbed landt: Prfit Shop. The Paper that gets Quick Results