THE DAILY NEWS. Friday, ocU)hn , . . , 10c lb. ' Hell peppers. per PRICES CURRENT IN Sauash CITY STORES TODAY Ico cream melons,Meats. of Registration Beef, pot roasts, lu. Many Lines Going On the Market Beef, check roast, lb. ...... mmmwoi an Apples Coming In More Beef, rib roast, lb United States Citizens Plentifully Cranberries Beef, boiling, lb. For Thanksgiving. Hamburger, lb :;? u. ' '? s,y 3Uia .ont. j Stewing, lb. Male citizens of the United States living in Canada of AGES Willi the advancing of the (tea- Lamb, leg 21 to 30, both inclusive, MUST REGISTER II V REGISTERED son, many lines hitherto common .ainb, loin Mir. 1 J- II Himiih l M I POST with the registrar under the Military Service on tno market ura beginning io Mutton 300.I C2?w II 4 U. .li.-h.......7"My hfc.ii.kV.iz:':- Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN' DAYS Pork sausages NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 2Sth, 1918; and such and corn are beginning to bo;,, . ... iR OW LV atircjt ttU CITIZENS OF THE AGES 19, 20 and 31-44, both inclusive, scarce, and apples are coming inj; ' ,5c lo 50c tntrrt Saallfkl must so register during the ten days next FOLLOWING now in greater variety. The i0o. TOlOfrj, k 8hou,der OCTOBER 12th, 1918. Uravetistem nr nbou over, but b lb.Vlccd. . . 00c It must be emphasized that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS Wcallliies,. Macintosh Heds, Jon Bacon, piece LIVING IN CANADA OF THE ABOVE AGES, MARRIED athans and Kings are showing. sliced 3&o Bacon, AND SINGLE, AND INCLUDES ALSO ALL THOSE WHO For the last few days there has Smoked &c HAVE SECURED DIPLOMATIC EXEMPTION OR HAVE heen a great scarcity of bell pep-pers Ham, &80 sliced REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL. OR HAVE and egg. plant. This is ex Ham,backs f!JI "Do yoa mlnouf moUif- U REGISTERED FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED plained by the fact that in olhetf Salt Dairy Produce. f PLAVXR-S NAVY CI?? il STATES. years these lines have been mostly Butler, lb INvl t ..iminmnri trsgTSMe mskrs me Usry M M II Registration letters may be handed to local postmasters imported from the United Cheese, lb 35c- for despatch to the proper registrar, under the Military Status. But nowadays these things Eggs, new laid ?&c. mi i Service Act. inre ueuurreu irom unpori inio Eggs, local fresh, "0c. MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH Uanaua, tnus uiijuwing me onus l-'ggg 50c to Par. for supplying the market upon the SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Canadian growers, who have not CASSIAtt. previously grown these lines extensively. TAKE notice "hit Oranby ConwlMiH Largo shipments of Italian Mining. Sroeltlnr 1 rower Co.. Limited, ot nyox, B. C. occupation mining and smell prune plums are expected in tomorrow n log, Intends to apply ror permission which, selling at $1.35 lease the rollowlnr described land: per crate, ought to go well. Commencing at a post planted at the S.W. corner or Lot 1333. Cassiar District in and lemons Quinces are coming thence southwesterly 40 chains rollowlnr are down a little in price at 50c. high wster mark, to the S.E. corner or Li Notice-Military Service Acf, 1917 Crpbapples are ollcring at f 3 per 888; thence south 10 chains to low watri 49 chains lot box. This is between seasons for mark) thence northeasterly lowing low water marks tbenr north to grape fruit, and the first of the chains, to the place or beginning and con new season's crop is expected any taintnr 40 acrea more or less. day now. Sweet potatoes are still CRNBT CONSOLIDATED MINI SO 8VF.I T Men As Farmers INO It POWER COMPANY. LIVI1M' Exempted plentiful and the first of the cranberries S. 13 i. Tred nitchle. Agent. llio mild, but remarkably are expected on tomorrow's Date, July 6th. 1818. satisfying aroma of tbeso S M steamer. PROTECTION ACT cigarettes their unusual richness and cool, Having in view the importance of leaving a sufficient Among the special lines being NAVT0ABLE It.WATERS 9. C Cap. 118. nccs, luvo mado thent Canada's favorite shown in the grocers' shops is number of men on those farms which are smokes. Ovei-sca9 butter, specially put up The Georgetown Saw Mill Company, actually contributing to the national food supply, in tins for despatch to Europe, Limited, hereby gives notice that It has Virginia leaves hare never been blended so notice is hereby given as follows: where there Is a distinct scarcity. under section 7 or the said Act rteposlU-d skilfully or manufactured so carefully. Thty Minister of Public Works at Ot with Um L ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS 1 POSSESSING EXEMPTION These are selling at SOc. and ft! tawa and In the office of the District liegi are Ideal cigarettes. All dealers sell them. AS FARMERS, which is expiring, and WHO WISH TO for i and 1-lb. tins. traf of the Prince Rupert Land Registry 01 Enjoy them Prices this morning as District a deserlDtloo ot the site and a REMAIN EXEMPT, SHOULD communicate with the registrars average 80 K today. plan or wharf pre posed lo be built on I-oi under the Military Service Act OF THEIR RESPECTIVE follows: 8 of Block "F Prince Rupert Townsite. DISTRICTS, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN Fish. as shown on run 833 Bled In Ibe Latxi TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionaires will thereupon Salmon, fresh, per lb 25c Registry omee. be issued to these men by the registrar and they will receive Cod, salt, Alaska. 15c And take notice Hut arier the eipirttloa CUT further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that Cod, 2 lbs 25c or one month rrom the dale or the nrst they are contributing sufficiently to the national food supply. Cod fillets 15c publication Saw Mill Company,or tbla notice Limited,The Georgetown will under CIBARETTES 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. 25c section 7 or the said Aet apply tn the Finnan haddie, lb. ........ 18c his omee tn Minister or Public Works, at winter months ,MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD Halibut, lb 25c the city or Ottawa, ror approval of the APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMITS TO ENGAGE Herring kippered, lb. 15c said site and plan and for leave w ron Ton. for-15$ FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPATION OF struct the said wbarr. lb 10c NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBERING, MUNITION Soles, Dated at Prince Unpen this I8lh day or WORK, ETC. Such permits will serve to enable exempted Skate, 3 lbs 25 September, 1813. Oolichans, salt, . , 10c THE GEORGETOWN SAW MILL COM farmers to pursue other useful occupations for the months during which farming operations cannot be carried Fruits and Vegetables. PANT. LIMITED. OI0 OB. Cucumbers, each .. ....6c lo 10c MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH Marrows, each .8c to 10c Onions, dry 6c ADAMS iI Lettuce 10c , mmsr.j Tomatoes ,. 25c " .f-ff f f-intf rsrsr4rrsrrrr-risT-x.iTit Tomatoes, outdoor, 15 BANK OF Jreen tomatoes 6 lbs for 25c St. James Hotel Pears, per doz j . . 35c dniorraa rruil British North America (LATE "QUEENS") Pears, per box, $4.00 ( -flllST CLASS HOOMS Pears, preserving per crate, 12.2 Statement to the Dominion Oovern-ment Hot and Cold Water. Bananas SOc (Condensed) Slit January, Potatoes, new, per cwt 92.50 SOc par Night, antf 83 par Week. 1918. Grape fruit 3 for 25c LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIO Notes in circulation .. 8.313.840 Apples, per lb 6c to 12 Vi Plums,. . basket 75c 85c Deposits 88,733.388 LAND IlEOlSTHY ACT .20c; to Due to other Banks .. 181,788 Crabapples, per lb 8c Bills Payable (Accept. (Section 36 and 134.) Celery 1 0o ances by London of fice) ...... I.J48.8U Re AppIicaon No. 101 18-1. File 8860. Grapes, per lb, 25c Acceptances under Let-.' TAKE .NOTICE that application has beer Carrots, per lb., . . . , 4 ters or Credit (as per made to register Brenton O. Moore and Parsnips, per lb., , -4 $ jwJLATml JL k-A. 'iVrv-V;V;v rr" contra) .' 1,113,404 Roy L. Moore or Prince Itupert. B.C. as uasaua melons. ..... .ouc 10 l.o Pure Chewing Gum -?-- .'V-v----' owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from -.r-o Cauliflower .25c to 35c 388,409,833 the Collector of the City or Prince Rupert, ASSETS. bearing date the t8tb day or .November, Citron , "8c Cash In hand and In Bank3l3,l8S,t83 1817. or ALL AND SINOLLAR that certain lied cabbage 80 Deposit with GoTern-ment parcel or tract or land and premises situ Sweet potatoes ....... 2 Ibs 25c ola Note Cir ite, lying- and being- in the Municipality of culation .. .. .... 148,833 the City or Prince itupert, more particularly Italian prune plums, per crate Deposit In Central Oold known and described a Lot eighteen 11.35 Reserve 1,70,000 (18), Block eighteen (18) Section six Egg plant 30c per lb Government, Municipal (C,. City or Trlnce nuperl. Map 833, You . and other Securities 1I.5JI.SSC are required to contest the claim or the Call and Short Loans .. 7.111,447 tax purchaser within 35 days from the dat MINERAL ACT Current Loans and Discounts or the service or this notice (which may and other Assets be effected by publication), and your at Certificate of Improvement's. ,. . ,. .. ., 16,410,840 tention is called to section 36 or the "Land I ers Liabilities under of Letters Custom or Registry(be following Act" extract with amendment,therefrom: -and to NOTICE JlmW flfej 1 T",NK C.tlfornl. Frull, Ferro Frsctlon Mineral Claim, aituate hi Credit (as per contra) bcua know It aurpass'nr Bank Premises 1,111,404 "And In default or a careat or certificate the Skeena Mining Division or Cassia Jyg" -sj H you 3,408,388 or lis pendens being- filed before the regis District iranon as owner or the person entitled un 1 Where located: Near the head or Allro 178,418,448 der such tax sale, all persona so served with notice and those claim Arm. THEN ADAMS, ing through or under them, and all persons TAkE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. ratmor lkWWW M 1 ,h " ' o.ui.d with I claiming- any interest In the land by virtue free Mlnera Certificate No. 80107-C or any unregistered Instrument, and all always delicious 99 persona claiming any Interest In Ibe land agent for John Walford Slromtwrk, Free by descent whose title Is not reristered Miner's Certificate No, Hi9t-C. In lend PONY EXPRESS under the provisions or this Act, snail be sixty days rrom the date hereof, to apply for ever estopped and debarred from setting Ifi Th ' B to tne Mining Recorder for a Certificate of ' both assures you up any ciaim 10 or in respect or the land PHONE 301. so sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall Improvements, for the purpose of obtain AWW P3fI"Mil M&M lt..clou.fl.vo,lnlh.fln..tfurrlfyou 1 register the person entitled under such inr crown Grant or the above claim. FRU,T MOTOR TRANSFER lax sale as owner of the land so sold for And further take notice that action, un i7F2 ySa chewng'cij CAUFORNIA i taxes," der section 88 must be commenced before AND WHEREAS application has been the issue or such Certificate of Improve '32?flil H i CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD made for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title ments. mtlJV .Pomlnnlly dlspl.y.d (Hear of Hart DIock). 0 the-above-mentioned lands. In the name DATED this Ulh day of August. A. fi f Brenton O. Moore and Itoy L, Moore, -. o8 We Sell Tents, Safes, Ccal and Wood title AND it appears WHEREAS that prior on Investigating-to the Ulh day the SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF or October, 1916 (the date on which the QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Manager's NIkIU Call at Garage said lands were sold tor overdue taxes), PHONE RED 126 you were the assessed owners thereof. TAKE NOTICE that the Masset Intel VJrst Assistant. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the Lumber Co., Ltd., of Pprt Clements, occu PHONE BLUE 413 same time I shall effect registration In pur pation sawmill operators, intends t apply Proprietor. suance or such application and Issue 1 ror permission to lease the rollowlnr de PHONE BLACK 451. certificate or Indefeasible Title to the said scribed lands i lands In the name or the aforesaid parties commencing at a . Instant Delivery Meets post planted at the Every Train and unless you take and prosecute the proper northeast corner or Block 38 or the subdivision I Boat. proceedings to establish your claim. If any, of Lot 7s. thence N, 10 der- IB to the said lands, or to prevent such pro-Kised roln. E. 880 reet, thence N. 30 der. 9 mm. action cn my pari. W. 888.4 reel, thence S. 30 der. It roln. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince W. 880 feet to tho northwest corner or riupert,, U. C, this 6th day or September, Lot 10, Block 36 or said subdivision, thene Pioneer Boarding House I A. D. 1913. southeasterly and rollowlng the hirh itr It. F. MACLEOD, mark or Stewart Biy IJOO fret more or - s-s twt District Registrar or Titles. less to the point or commencement and KktUnrooin,roodUwrd. Hot and coll Td Waller O. Laurie, containing 11.8 acres more or less. wiwr 114 ouc,up. . Robert Williams, MAoet-T INLET LUMllED f'O I TD. William Jones, . 1 j Per Fred. Nash, b. c. l. s. CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. Prince nuperl, B.C. Is led August totb, 8. niv Usirru