October, 1018. Friday, THE DAILY NLVS. 0 MORE NERVOUS TANK CHASES A LOCAL MAN COMES I FROM SCENE OF FIGHT, GERMAN OFFICER HEADACHES Stm Antoui of the Prlno Rupert novel Formarlv lfw4 In rii AIo Omcer Chases Tank Asking Captured Yesterday. To Be Taken Prisoner Odd 5u r,i Medicine. JO runoup I I Yarn of Prison The special dispatches lo The Camps. News yesterday told of the Ink-ltur 'f the iJrillsh of tlie Junction of l The story was told a little while the lledjas Hallway and the line u&o vi a iatiK ciiaeing a dignlfled njm Ueyrout. This town which 1'russlau odlccr down the road in was not named In lh rfLrmirlio. his pyjamas, .Vow this is another Zahle. 11 is in Uyrja in the story of a dignified I'ruisian of- province of Mount Lebanon and Ilccr coaslng a tank. Jut with In about half way between Da-1 no bloodthirsty purpose la his macu and Heyroul. mind. Quito the contrary. He An Interesting thing In con-1 i ' .ri- VdH JaasBSBSSasBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBaMI wanted to surrender, and the tank nection with Ibis town is that ill was too busy lo bother about him; i the old home of Sam Antous of. .iislLssW so lie pursued It, shouting the the Prince flupert Hotel slafT. He AH German for "Hll" just as if it ays that the town has about ten were a motor omnibus and, Just thousand Inhabitants and is In n MISS ANNIE WARD as if it were a motor omnibus it valley among the mountains. They 113 Hiten St.,St. John, N.IJ. refused lo take any notice of hint, have good roads, stone houses.! "It li with pleasure that I write to nnd went on its way serenely, to and other things which make for! ,i;v-"-n f t nm PTeit benefit I rrctlred his great indignation. - 11 was modern civilization. .The soil in ! v iim at .vour mrJIdn.. most disrespectful the neighborhood IU. w i of a Jiijtlsu i very fertile i rst-e" .. a--- v. tank to treat a high-born I'rus-Jand grapes and olives are the. . fmm XervouM II tad. slan ofllccr so. chief products. The grape aiy! i Conilitaiutn. I tried J More 8enslWe. J mostly exported ripe lo Egypt a a Miniiinm nnruin' mix hfiln j Bui there was another German' many of the olives are used fori .li.. .uniJ In ma nntll ofllcer, perhaps not a I'russlau.'the manufacture of olive oil' jwlio was much more sensiblejThero arc also rich mines in the "You might as well have it," whispers Auct IP tw uvnf i eoBpleW relieved of throe about the whole business; He was'district. ( .. --.J Vita TiAn iifiHin.llu seen wandering about the battle-j Before Ihe war the town nun temptation, but your Canadian 'field with a little black bag in his independent, its independence lw-j Mm akkie TrAnD. hand, and, as he seemed harmless,! '"K guaranteed by seven of the) Patriotism sa3 "No!" r ac-u . ffv'la rrMh fruit ImIm 'a patrol approached him and real powers, lie left there about i ..-J ...I I.. 1 t asked him what he was doing. In yr. before war broke out, and ':- V! 1 III. !. 1 good English he begged lo be di-,"&ny of his people are there yct.j icted lo the nearest Trisoners'i Naturally he is very anxious to THE tempting suggestions of precious space in ships; space f i .f . 'llesl, and explained that he had hear from his folks as. during the meet no response sorely needed for those, cargoes .a bo i.6 1 or Si JO.t rUJ el i Me. 'brought his week end luggage1 Ashling that is going on, they are, from a patriot. which can be used for the winning til dealers or Frult-Um Limited, .with hlrn. " In considerable danger, especially. For he Icno'.vs that selfishness of the war. A third omcer, of the 21Uh,ln view of the fact (hat they are and self-indulgence are just now The labor that fashions the Division, had a different experience. like the other inhabitants all. the allies of the Hun they things we unnecessarily is He had ordered his men to strongly pro-Ally. use ENTISTRY !attack, but they refused. Having fight on Germany's side against labor which could and would be threatened without effect, he drew lo encourage the others. But, Canada. employed to real advantage in erne iioiR$. )m- ratiilvor fin,I aim! Ion nf lhm oddly enough the others were still When the" devil-whisper says the production of war necessities. in. uil 1g H iv m-m. nol encouraged; whereupon, in " utter despair as to what a good You might as veil hate it," every Knowing all this, how dare OR. J. 8. BROWN true Canadian answers "No!" DENTIST Herman should do next, he sur you divert a single unnecessary rendered. Except for the bare necessities dollar Jipm your country's war Phone 4S4. All these, and many other types of life, we should not be spending effort! of the German army are now in five cents a day. The shame that inevitably must the British cages. Old feuds be sotice or Caxccixatiox or Rtstnvt tween Bavarians and Prussians For every expenditure we follow your every self-indulgence, TEEN & LONGWILL break out behind the wire, and make on things nut absolutely at so grave a time, NOTICE It txnbj n Uut Um rtxni men from Kaden talk bitlerjy of necessary directly affects tiie will be. your fitting punishment riltiior on rruia porUooi or Lou To the "Prussian blight," and speak fighting strength of Canada and - if you pertist in buying the CffaiMEERS tot buDdml rlrtt sod lltt)Bit IUO(c(tit Tbrt 4 To(3)hundred Coait of their hopes of a Baden republic her allies. things you-merely want and do after the war. Thoie of higher Dlilricl. urrrr4 o4 kooao tt Loll The materials that into the not need. rank not afraid lo go IJrim bundrrd sod aiij-.ntM (lilt). are express Agsnts for Cktra twodrtd sad tltir-one (lilt) sod (heir admiration of Foch's strat making of things you can do Resist indulgence, cultivate, cCLinr furnace, i fUm lvrdrt-4 lrul 4itr-t (till) Ij egy; It is only the gentlemen in without are needed for bur thrift for thrift is an evidence rrNo tt saU la I be BrlUtb ;frtf the German hewspapers, far frpm soldiers overseas. of patriotism. PLUMBING ColiuobU OtitlU of tlth tfDtxr. Itt7. it ctnrrljrd for tV the battle, who belittle it. But and porpuc. Many of those materials And She money j-ou pave by tUTr.n tt Vleioru. Brnus CotomLU. even the newspapers are recognizing SHEET METAL WOftKS Ihlt IS Id CkJ of SrptttDbtT, XD. Itlt. slowly that they cannot which cuter into our unnecessary thrift -wilfbe yours to lend to uuue o. bji rnti avenue o. n. .hoilx. now win the war. A few more purchases are brought from your country whenever the call Dpatr Minister of Ltixtt, ffnl nhnnea &7A weeks like the last one may convince other countries and occupy - comes. and Blue 270 Ihem that it is even possible ns noni work. at is i.ki for them to lose it. Hotel Prince Rupert rublithed under,the authority of the SYNOPSIS OF Mibister cf Finance, cf Canada j EUROPEAN PLAN LAND ACT AMENDMENT ARRY HANSON'S 51.50 per day and up. Pr roplion now euoBntd to aurrtya land only Kecordt will t (ranted corrrtnc only PATENTED land auitabl (or agricultural purpooea FIRST-CLASS CAFE and which (a noo-timber land. Fast Partnership pr-mpllotu kbollahed. Heating A La Carte. but ptrtlea of not more than four m7 MINKIUL ACT. arrant for adjacent pre-emptlona. with Joint rtsaldence, but each maVlnr necea-aary Improvements on reapectlve clalma. CtHTIIICATE OF IMPHOVEMEMTS. nut iTditr nil lreemptor mutt occupy clalma for flea year and make IrnurovemenLt to TTTrr'lli!lli!i!liilnll; TaJye of II per acre, Includlnr deartos and cultivation of at leaat S aoraes. before KOTICX. cj Prince Rupert Feed Co. receit t Crown Grant. CtrltMW trtcllon kllncrtl atlra. tliutte iBroiMKl for on r. Where emptor In occupation not la tho Skrena Ntmn'r DlrUlon of Cattitr taaa than 1 .aarm. and hat made DTOtior PHONE 63 donate lmirovementa. he ntay. becauee District. Where located. At the brad of - -r v m,w 1 a Ant that III. of Ul.healih or other caiue, be I ran tea Alice Ann In the Skeent Nlnlnr DlrUlon roon board uccicc no. t mi Intermediate certificate of Improvement TALE ftOTICK that I, t. E. SUTk. owner and Iraiufer his claim. Reotrdl without permanent residence of the tbove claim. Freo Miner Crrtlflctte " . Pnce lo Bilk an may be itsued proetded applicant make No, 14174, Intend, tiny days from the wu. nniurt II tin fu4 Imnrovementt lo extent oi tiw per ao dle hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr n 'now u r 3 M . HAY, GRAIN, FEED, num and record tame each year. Failure Two to make Improvement or record rrirder for a Certiftrtte of Improvements Qoestions aame will operate aa forfeiture. Title for Ihe purpose of obttlnlnr a Crown SEEDS AND FERTILIZER cannot be obtained on theao clalma In grant or the above claim. leaa than t yeara. with Improvement! of And rurlher lake notice that inciuains e action, un lit per acre, T and cultivated, and reeldenco of at dor section St, mutt be commenced be . rinirm i iur-K- leaat S yeara. Grant fore ihe Ittutnre of tucb Certificate of With so many low-priced CTDlll Id anvrma In Chicken Feed a Speolalty. !Ye-eroptor holdlnc Crown may Improvements. recora anoiner pre-empuwn. u i-nutraa land In conjunction with hi Dtlrd thlt lib dty of July. A. D. 1 0 1 anti-skids obtainable, farm, without actual occupation, pro-mtAA so-called imDrovementa made anq " .w II aiaiutarv -vJW nnaltl.l SUII Orer rrampllf AIUn4 U. reeldenc maintained on Crown panted LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 inmnirramu. i .a would that host Un.urv.red treat, not " great HARRY HANSON acre, may be leaeed at homealtet, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APTLY Tu title to be ebtameo arier luiniunc mi-dentlal LEASE LA(iD THX SUM PLUMBIR P. O. ft us. tot THIr Alt- Vr sraatns and improvement and lndu.trlal condition.nurvoaea. IX Ql'EE.X CIIAIlLOTTt: lSlJNDS LAND of motorists pay more for area etueedinf Its acre may be leated DisrnicT; riEConDi.NO Disfmcv of by on person or company Sk'EENA rv i un . jj AND SITUATE ON SOUTH Tread PRC.EMPTORS' FREE ORANTS ACT, SIIOriE OF U0OON INLET. MORESBY tUumoD l racoon To op of this Act It enUrsed to ISLWD, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS and aerrlns with Include 111.ail ijr persons Jotnlnt rmw. MOUTH. if they could its merits. within which th heir or devise of a TAkE NOllCE tbtt I, JOHN M. MAC get deceased UUtunder v-mptor thlt Act la may attended apply from for MILL.N, of Vancouver. D. C, oocuptllon FRED one year from the death of auch person, Canncr)nan, Intends to apply for permit elsewhere ? STORK'S HARDWARE aa formerly, until on ytar after th Hon l Ict the followlnr detcrlbed Undt oonclutlon of th preaent war. TbU prlvUes 1 J m"1 retroactive, Ci.nimendur it a post planted on the touib shore of Uroon Inlet, Moretby It ALLOTMENT TOWNSITE PROPERTY Also, would that other ACT. Innd, about one mile from Its mouth Established tl68. Provision la mad for th grant to mrnre west to chains; thence north to persona holdtnf uncompleted AsTea-ments rutins; thenre east 90 chains more or lest large list of to lMrcltas from th Crown of car owners buy lo low auch proportion of th land. If divisible, wtier mtrk at the beach: Ihence aa th payment already mad will aoutherly followtnr low water mark to the " " PULL AND cover In proportion to the sale price of kIii of commencement eonttlninr 40 SPECIAL COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING th whol pare!. Two or mor persona trrei more or Icit. holdlnc auch Atreemtnt may croup their interest and apply for a propor-tlonale JOHN McLAItTY NACMILLAN. GEAR AND SUPPLIES. allotment Jointly. If It la not Piled if tires which somewhat considered advuabl to divide th land Aurust Hlh. ISIS. NS covered by an application for a proportionate allotment an allotment of land SkEENA LAND D1STIIICT DISTIUCT OK resemble it in HIP of equal value .elected from available QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. appearance CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF Crown land In th locality may b - Buad. The allotments art conditional of all lata du th resembled it in PAINT upon payment Th TAkE NOTICE that 1 John McLtrlv Mte- efficiency? FOR municipality. BOATS Crown or to any r If hit of persona to whom th purchaser mllliu. of Vancouver. B. C., occupation from th Crown has agreed to raunemntn. Intends to aimlv tar m-rrnU tell sre also protected, Th decision of lon lo lease the followlnr described lands A. 99 th Minister of Land In respect to the adjustment of a proportion! Loramencinv it post Planted on the i. niL Th time for maklnr applica south shore of Ltroon Biy, Moretby It MD Hon K. i.i lor day these or May.allotments lilt. Anr la limited ancllct-to land. iu,iul on mile from Us mouth. STORK'S HARDWARE tton made after this data will not be thence aoutb to chains, thence west to considered. These allotment apply lo chains, thence north 10 chains, thence n lot and land of th Crown aold at publlo auction. easterly lon th shore line to point of For Information apply to any Provincial commencement, ccnttlnlne 40 arret more SECOND AVENUE Government Acent or to or lett. Ueputy tl.kill It.lister NAPEN,of Uinda, JOHN MeLARTY NACMILLAN, Advertise in The Daily News Victoria, B. Q Piled June SO lb t o It. I O n