GED.J.FREZELL fosult Workmen's requirements.AID KITS com. 1 I-IF Daily Your Person Correct FREE Weigher Weight pension Board - Phones,82and200 Phones 10 and 25 v Nfl. OS. PRINCE nUPEUT, ti. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919. PMCE FIVE CKT W"' - -- Trunk Pacific r Fire )R. RE1D CONFIR MED IN RECEIVER SHIP AFTER MUCH DISCUSSION OVE NM ENT MAKES STATEMENT i CANADIAN CLUB GOVERNMENT SCORED FOR TO ENTERTAIN ACTION REGARDING C.T.P. REGARDING RECENT ACTION IN NEWMAN ERB D. D. MACKENZIE, LEADER OF OPPOSITION, OBJECTS TO USE OF WAR TIME ACT WHEN WAR WAS TAKING OVER G. T. P. RAILWAY OVER KELLY HURRIES Chairman of Board of Local Ship TO OTTAWA building Concern to be at Rnilnn "Iffa (n til C Tlll Ir fl l D 1 m o a on a n o Lunch Here Tuesday. (Special to Tbe iScwa via .0.T.P. Telegraphs.I Enye (ilal I rUlUICl uuiucu iiiauc au viici iui v. uiauu ituun Ottawa, March 21. D. D. Mackenzie, the new leader of the Well as Subsidiary Line but this was not Accepted; Finances Newman Erb, chairman, of the Liberal party In the House of Commons, yesterday rose to the of Road are Discussed by Acting Premier. Hoard of Directors of the Prince occasion on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway policy, raked the Rupert Drydock & Engineering Government fore and aft for using the War Measures Act after Co., is to be entertained at lunch the war was over and stated that he was opposed to the proposal Special to The News vii 0. T. P. Telefrap&s.) 'CAMPAIGNERS OBJECT by the Canadian Club on Tuesday as outlined to the House and embodied in a resolution moved by Ottawa. March 21. In the House or commons yesterday a next at 1 p. in. at the Hotel Prince Lintinn was carried which pledges the House to the confirma TO LABOR'S ATTITUDE flnnprl. As sfnlnrt hAfnrfl in Thn Sir Thomas White. The resolution was one to confirm the ap L of Hon. J. D. Reld, Minister of Railways, In the position of. iNews, he is expected to arrive on pointment of Dr. Reid as receiver for the Grand Trunk Pacifio Icciver for the urana irun t-acmo nmmay miu a uui was imru- Break on Relations With Trades'Sunday evening in order to look Railway. liced to give eneci io mo rcsuiutiuu. and Labor Council Until over the field where the activities Mr. Mackenzie asked for all documents and correspondence Thfi matter was discussed in committee until a late hour In Action Taken. of the company are to bo centred., between the Government and the company. He declared that the e evening, the general plea In favor of It being that public own- On this occasion only members Government the functions of the courts. was usurping hlp should be given a rair cnance. Victoria, B. C, March 21. The of the club are asked to attend. Although no formal motion was made yesterday in the House, Wanted C. P. R. Too. British Campaigners' Association Anyone may become a member, w f. McLean of South York expressed himself In favor of has decided to break off all rela- however, on applying to the secretary, it Is understood that the Railway Consolidation Act will be dealt Ee acquisition, not only of the Grand Trunk and the Grand TrunMions with the Trades and Labor J. D. McAuley, or at the with by a special committee of twenty-five members and not by ... . .. ...... . m - i. n..ia. n.II. I 1 1 ..I nu P.nimnil until 4hi IiHop HiQlnima Prince Hotel and B.i.iu)" but a SO 01 me uanaaian. t-aciuu... nannay... anu an icioyrapu " Rupert paying a standing committee which includes a majority of members of K. ....i.i xnmnanina rnnnfif.lfifl inerewiin. all connection the attitude the necessary fee. the House. The Acting Premier said he believed a smaller committee r f lha TnIfIol. Pntumhin Trti t 1 rt I Mr, 1?nl. Dl ,,l ln nirrr 4 1 1 1 I 1 Mr. Robb. chief opposition whip, feared that the policy of ,T" TTT "3.Li. ' k! " V... - could deal with the act more expeditiously. h na nto national ownership of the Grand Trunk would result .... r,.Ko .,- u i,', ri Halifax, March 21. Howard Kelly, president of the Grand the same effect in the west as the Intercolonial had In the east. . . ,. ... . .. . .. ., . pra .,h n Trunk-Pacific Railway, arrived here yesterday on the S. S. Baltic, Sir Thomas Explains. 'labor council in the matter of confidently expecteded he,will ar- leaving for-Ottawa on a special-tralnr; --- Dscussna the Grand TrunK facmc oir nomas nmw saiu snirtipra-Pmnlnvmrnt. :.. o i - - rawere outstandina securities guaranteed by the Dominion1, lt, , f 534,000,000 $3300,000 were held Dy tne bo- w.,.- ... ,nfnrirm IwniT rkrrhmn STEEL PRICES BORDEN MAY STILL ion Government, the balance being In the hands or Donanom- ii vi ivn ray HINHHK IVIHIXI IIHI IIIF Th Dominion Onvfirnment as ouarantor of the Grand Trunk.VVUll 111 1 1 lUilUll ZULU 1 SLUJlUU BE AMBASSADOR TO jiiway company was interested In the Grand Trunk Pacific to TAKE A DROP THE MITED STATES I extent of $145,000,000. In addition to this, securities amount TO ACCEPT TERMS SAME AS ed$97,000,000 had been guaranteed by the Grand TrunK Han- (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Steel Plates Now Sell at $2.65 a THOSE IN FORCE LAST YEAR M 21. Reuters Borden Offers to Purchase. Hundred Pounds and Basic Paris, a r c-h The Acting Prime Minister then went on to state that an offer Pig $25.75 a Ton. News Agency understands that Ia n(TAi et iha TlpfHaVl A mVlfl Q been made by Mr. Borden to the Grand Trunk for tne pur- ase of the Grand Trunk Pacific. The proposal of the Govern- At a meeting of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union held in their (Special via Q. T. V. Teleirraphs.) (sauors.up 10 ubuuibwii iu on it was that they should take over the Grand Trunk Pacific and rooms last night it was decided to accept the ruling of headquarters Washington, March 21. An Robert OI Borden. is still,open., j inch lines, and the Grand Trunk Railway Company, to acquire and go to work on the I91S terms, which were those set by asreeracl a new .cheduliof dcc bul u lhoughl assets, and to assume all obligations of both companies, tne the Canada Food Board and which the men at that time accepted wrnment to make annual payments of $2,500,000 ror tne nrsi do their bit in providing food during the war. in order to fe years, $3,000,000 for the succeeding five years, and representatives ox the steel industry ! 'annually thereafter, such terms to be distributed by the urana Prices Set. and the Industrial Board I'nk management among the holders of the four per cent guar- The prices which the men will get on the boats operated by of the Department of Commerce. MAX HEILBRONER ana other stocks. .The Government also offered as an ai-matlve the companies will be on halibut boats three cents for halibut, The prices are for the year 1919 . to submit the entire question to a board of arbitration. two cents for black cod and one and a quarter cents for all other and are effective at once. Reliable Jeweler Comnanv's RcdIv. A partial list of the new prices Clocks kinds of cod. Diamonds, Watches, . fThe reply of the Grand Trunk made no reference to the obll- ,i follows: Basic pig iron reduced to Cut Silverware, 'ons of the company regarding the Grand Trunk Pacific, but On the beam trawlers which are four cents, black cod three cents S25.75 a gross ton; four inch billets Umbrella,Glass,Community Plate,Ivory (d the Government to pay annual rental to the Grand Trunk operated here under agreement'and all ether cod two cents. On 838.50 a gross ton; merchant Etc. over $5,000,000. with the Canadian Government the trawlers the price asked was bars $2.35 a hundred pounds; Sir Thomas said the Government would have found Itself In through the Canada Food Board quarters of a cent a pound on flat-the plates $2.05 a hundred pounds; Corner 3rd Avt. and 6th Strati. position, if this remmst was r.nmnlled with, of shouldering price to be paid will bo three fish and others the same as in n.,,i cirnrtnr.ll steel S2.45 a hund- ! deficits of the C. N. n.. rifir.lts of the G. T. P.. and paying quarters o fa cent a pound on flat-1 1918. red pounds. Grand Trunk fish, and a cent and a quarter for a vote of the whole of the; un-any shareholders over $5,000,000 a year. other than black cod, with the ions of the coast was taken a few THREATEN WITHDRAWAL. Nn Mnrn Mnnnv. samo prices for black cod and days ago on the advisability of Government notified Grand Trunk that Dominion Government halibut boats, work and while the halibut as is paid on going to men uia not again ask Parliament to vote anv further sums for the i (Special via. 0. T. Y. Telegraphs.) one and a quarter cents on flat here voted against accepting ,the fpose of The Italian meeting fixod charges or deficits on running expenses. Prices Asked. 'three quarters of a cent on flat I'arifl, March 21. The i next thing that happened, said Sir Thomas, was a notice delegation to the Peace Conference The prices which the mem were fish the union as a whole accept- r-u on march 3 that on the following Monday the urana set by the union head- eij and.the local branch last night unanimously decided to NIK Pacific ... asking as FOR QUALITY In h uuoei Aun TkoM uaa nn rlls- withdraw unless Fiumo is assigned Seattle halibut it their to adopt the duty quarters at were thought F'on, no previous intimation. Immediate action being neces- to Italy contemporaneously SERVICE AND SATISFACTION and to worK on tne una ruling go (Continued on Pago Six.) terms. With the conclusion of peace. ?ood Board Licence No. 10-7340. DEMERS" The last agreement ended on February 2 and sinc9 that time We aro showing some the men have been, idle and the IWESTHOLME THEATRE very smart hats for kiddies boats tied up. Now as soon as Empress : Theatre from two to ten years, in the boats aro ready they will again the best straws and silk be operated and tho amount Tonight Friday TONIGHT ONLY poplins. By the way they of fish coining to this port will be aro going they must be the considerably increased. GREATElTviTAGRAPII, BLUE RIBBON FEATURE PRESENT ELSIE right thing. Also a few. It is pointed out by the men FERGUSON coats in taffeta for two to .tliat prior to the agreement of Harry More and Beautiful Gladys Leslie IN five years. ,(fl( liov wnrn larolt.incr nnfi cent a pound for flat fish on the trawlers -IN- Boll's House" COME AND SEE and they agreed to lower tho rato In order to increase the consumption "His Own People" B Henrik Ibsen, the famous Norwegian author of fish as desired by the ihe story deals with a thoughtless doll girl who Canada Food Board. This is an unusual comedy drama of Irish life. forges her father's name to save the life of her lawyer husband who,when he discovers her guilt, Yacht-club The oldest Canadian Life Co. An all star cast Including Flora Finch, Kate Price, Wm. Shea and revues ner and her character undergoes o The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. Hughis Mack in strange transformation The annual general meeting Bring your lumber requirements Mr. Single's Melodrama CHARLES CHAPLIN of tho Prince Rupert to us. Estimates furnished Rowing and Yachting Club, on all kinds of spruce, fir and The story of a stage drama that was really a comedy and a tragedy Ltd., will be held in the cedar Georgetown Lumber Co. to Mr. lilrgle. This comedy is a side splitter. IN court house tonight at 8. "The Jazz Waiter" members a3ked to attend Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces All Shows, 7.15 and 9 sharp: Admission 15c and 25c. Firtt lima ahown in Rupert to disouss plans for the your fuel bill and gives atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. ALEX. GRAY'S ORCHESTRA Showij7and9 Admission, 25c and 15c coming season. Coal Co.