The Daily News SHIPBUILDING ' PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For FIRM TALKS OR 590 ATT1NS0N & LING m. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Lnviinuha 03U Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 'fiTttery Charginir and ReDairit Better COMING HERE H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. "Exide" Batterv" Ser'. nation c. .. "' ' Dynamo and Motor Armatures Rewound ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Armstrong, Whltworth A Co. Considering "LACO" TUNOSTFN and Re"'ft4 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c Clothing Possibility of Opening "LACO" NITROGEN LAMPS Branch in This City. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. The Lamp which Is guaranteed against defects and To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. 1!. McCall. general superintend FOR 1,500 BURNING HOURS Durnot ent of the Grand Trunk Pacific Representatives in Norllie'rn D. c f Telephone 98. c4nd right up-to-date Railway here, while in Winnipeg DELCO-LIQHT PRODUCTS a short while ago, had an interview TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. styles, you with J. T. Kelly of the Armstrong, Klcctric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vaeuu-Irons, Contract Rates on application. cannot improve on Whitworth & Co. armament Percolators ann Grn; having clothes and shipbuilding works, who Kleclrical Contracting Estimate Fre.' your was favorably Impressed with DAILY EDITION. Thursday, May 1, 1919. made to measure. Prince Rupert, and talked of Pattinson & Ling opening up here in the near future. 331 You are then Temporary Premises, Second Avenue, nen to su. Y. M. C. A. Campaign Sewln gMachlne Shop. 8tf satisfied that your This firm turned out during th Commences Next Week. war at their armament and ship A big campaign to raise over a million dollars for the Y. M. clothes fit properly. building works more than 13,000 C. A. will commence early next weet This is for the work of Give us a trial. nuns. 12.000 gun mountings, the Association throughout Canada, particularly in connection 14 million shells, 18 million mm- with the reconstruction work following the war. A strong local fuses, 21 million cartridge cases, committee has been appointed and a vigorous campaign for funds 1.075 aeroplanes, three airships, Arthur's Market 47 wnrshins. and 22 merchant is to be inaugurated. Sweder Bros. ships, and fitted with armaments It is quilt unnecessary to tell, of the work done by the Y. M. 583 war vessels." C. A during the war and especially on the battlefields where the Gentlemen's and Ladies' indefatigable secretaries have followed the line of trenches with TAILORS A new British Gazette at the Commencing Business Torrorrow May l their aids to the soldiers. Everyone knows of this, and because Empress Theatre tonight only. Having taken over the business formerly known Special new music. as of it the Y. M. C. A. has acquired for itself a new standing in the Sixth Street Spurr's Market, I beg to inform patrons that the estimation of the people. . efficiency and reputation of the former owners will The men are now returning and the need of the Y. M. C. A. be maintained in TO SUBSCRIBERS every respect and work at home is almost as great as it was overseas. In all the LAND REGISTRY ACT. respectfully solicit a continuance of patronage. Yours lare cities there are branches and it is understood that one will (Sections 36 and 134.) Subscribers to The News sincerely be opened jn Prince Rupert before long. An organizer is to be Re Application No. 1 0.607-1. File e.fOO. are asked to pay the deliver R. ARTHUR TAKE NOTICE that application baa been sei t here who will size up the situation and consult with the local made to register Thomas McManamon, or boys each month Prince iiupert, O. C, aa owner in ree under when they call, except Phones 480 and 481 Third Avenot people in regard to the need. a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City or Prince Hupert. bearlnr date where payment has been The present campaign, however, is.not for the Princt; Rupert Uie 10th day or Lecemier, 1818, or ALL made for the year In advance. axd si.AUULAii mat certain parcel or tract "Y" but for the general fund throughout the Dominion. That or land and premises sltnate, lying and The boys when being in the City or Prince Rupert, more there will be a good response from the people here goes without particularly known and described as Lot collecting carry official receipts saying, if only it were done for the sake of showing appreciation nineteen Section i-lEbt mi,(8j.diock(MaD roriy-iwo 833). which should always Launch AliceB. You are required to contest tbe claim be preserved. for past services to our boys when overseas. or tbe tax purchased within 35 days rrom the date or the service or this notice for the Sail Lab (which may be effected by publication In Japan in Limelight a dally newspaper, and your attention is called to section 36 or the "Land Registry At Peace Conference. Act" with amendments, and to tne follow 'Central Paiierier Service. It looks as if Japan was trying to get a stranglehold on China lug""and extract la derault taererrom:or a caveat or certificate Hunlirf, Filial in return for her services to the Allies in the recent war. She already tbe or registration lis pendens as being owner riled or before tbe end Picnic Ptrtiu controls Korea and now she has designs on the bigger nation. all person persons entitled so under served such with tax notice,sale, Japan probably deserves some reward, although she did or under Ilium,and those and all claiming persons-through claiming J. Myhill Jonei not do. much of the fighting. She policed this ocean and was undoubtedly or any any unregistered interest in the instrument,land by virtue'and Swron'l Boitbouw a great" help to the Allies. At the same time it would all persons claiming any interest title In is WATER ACT, 1914. the land by descent whose be imwise to commence breaking China. It would seem much not registered under the provisions RIPAIUAN PJOIITS up or this Act, shall be for ever estopped Phone Black 183 Phone Black 183 under the more reasonable to make all other nations get out of that country and claim debarred to or In rrom respect setting or tbe up land any so provisions NOTICE or Is hereby section given 6 or tbe that Water Act, Vlctrolas and Records than to let another nation in. - sold for taxes, and the Registrar ' anv 1914,rlrht every to riparian divert water proprietor or to claiming the ex Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Desson Band Instruments, shall register the person entitled under China Is helpless because she is not a military country. To land such so sold tax for sale tales."as owner or tbe elusive virtue onlv use or or bis wster belnar for such any riparian purpose pro by Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances the victors the spoils is still the morality of the world. Japan AMU WHEREAS application has -een prietor Is required-co-or before tbe first male ror a certiorate or Indereaslble Title oay or June, ivxu, io uie a .i.ieiucut ui Prince Rupert Music Store does not see why she has not a right there just as much as Ger-ir.lMiy to the above-mentioned lands. In the name claim claim. setting Such statements rorth the particulars or claim shall or bis be and Great Britain. If one is to grab, so must he other. or AMI Thomas WHEREAS MC.Manamon on Investigating tbe llled In duplicate wllh tho Water Recorder Wll.l.OPPOSITE EDMUNDS.POST I'ripn.OFFICE t : . or the Water District In which tbe water title It that prior to tbe 10th day appears That is the way she sees it. or October, 1017 (the date on which the Is diverted or used. Itepalr to til kinds or trlnyel InMrunirnts. Flute ind c'srlntti rcrm Arter the first day or June, 1920, no and adjusted. Bows re haired and ren rapp.d. cam tanas were soia ror overaue taxes) President Wilson is taking a different view of the matter, you were tne assessed owner tncreor. right to divert water or to tbe exclusive Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Ston tun ill til lAkt nuui.E tnat at tne use or water ror any purpose snau earn lie sees it ff"om the ideal and correct viewpoint, but whether he same time I snau eirect registration in by virtue omy or any ownersmp ot una pursuahce or sucb application and Issue a Forms or statement or claim can be ch can carry the nation? with him remains to be seen. lermicaie oi inoeieasiuie ime iu ine satu ained rrom the Water Recorders of the lands In the name or Thomas McManamon several Water Districts In the rrovlnca or unless you take and prosecute the proper rom the comptroller or water nights. proceedings to establish your claim. If ItiilMlnoa VlifAfla n I? Hotel Prince any, to the said lanls, or to prevent sucb Dated at Victoria," B. C., this 11th day Rupert GOAL proposed action on my part. or March, ii. Dated at tbe Land Registry Omce, Prince T. D. PATTULLO, Itupert, is. c, tins it in day or April, 1819 Minister of Lands. EUROPEAN PLAN Screened Children's Feet District Registrar or Titles MINERAL ACT. S1.50 per day and up. Sacked To E. If. Pacey, Prince Rupert, B. C. . ? Delivered CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. FIRST-CLASS CAFE Need Special Attention NOTICE. A La Carte. - Little Joker. Mineral Hill. Midas. Look I ut. Mystery, Midas Lake Frac, Pass Frac- $13.00 Too much care cannot be given to the fitting of children tonai mineral uaims, situate in me run and Canal Mining Division of Casslar DIs with the right goodghoes. trlct. We make a special point of fitting children scientifically. Where located: On the East Salmon Mrs. Smeeton's per ton Itlver Valley. Jlring them along or send them and we will see they are taken DEPARTMENT OF LANDS ng as agent for L, Wa'lklns, F. M. 6. No, Select of. car? 16349-C: C. D. Carter. F. M. C. NO. 9.588- I Coal Co, WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES OF CHILDREN'S SHOES. Nnrirp It. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 9.587-Cl II. Lunch & Tea Rooms Terminal J. Fetter. F. M. C. No. 9.S97-C: II. E. We also give equal attention to fitting men and women. APPLfCATlO.NS FOR ORAZI.NO PERMITS, Carlton, F. M. C No. 9.5S8-C; Martin Offlcs Phont, PI" f. timer urazing Act 1918, Welch. F. M. C No. 9.509-C. Intend, sixty Come and real yard Phons, Pi consult two live shocmen days rrom tne date nereor, to apply to tne AT THE Applications ror permits to arraza live Mlnlnir Recorder ror a Certificate or Im 309 Second Avenue, West. stock on the Crown range within each provements, ror the purpose or obtaining Grazing District or tbe Province or British a crown urant or tno aoove ciaim. uoiuuioia, as established by Order-In-Council, And runner take notlco that action, tin 'Amily Shoe Store dated tbe 10th or Anril. .010. and der section 88, must be commenced before Lunches, Teas, Ico cream, published In the British Columbia laztt tne issuance or sucn certincate or im Soft Drinks. on April 17th, 1019, must be llled with nrovements. me District foresters at uranbrook. Fort oa icq tnis tin any or juarcn, a. d. ihiv, Home - Made Bread, Cakes, nnal roce George, Kamloops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, A. II. UHEEN, Third Avenue Vancouver and Vernon, or with thn i:nm. Plos, Salad Dressing, Jams, missloner or Grazing, Department or Lands, Marmalades, Chutnoy, Etc. Limiud rai iiuineiit uuuuiiigs ai victoria, jj, on GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM VI juii-.uiu uijr 1st, 1V1V. Famous Melton Mowbray Corner Sixth ndju. Blank rorms upon which to submit ap STEEN & LONGWILL The Practical Shopmen Phone 357 plications may 1 obtained rrom tim ti. Pies. trlct Foresters at tho above named places Groceries ui iiuju tun utparuueni oi Lanus at Vic High Class Catered for Picnio Partins torla, 11. C. SANITAR. auD HEATING a. R. NADEN, Meats Deputy Minister or Lands. ENGINEERS Department or Lands, Fruits Victoria, B, c, 14th April, 1919. Confectionery 1 Agents for Nolle of Intention to Apply to purchaaa una. McCLARY FURNACES and Bakery Quick Repairing In lmnira !t rntiit I ami niit.i.i n . Jng- DUtrict or Prince HuperK and situate PLUMBING j " j fvuuu K J ll unci, ii, Li. TAKE NOTICE that I, James Z. Hall, of and Soldier, Intend to apply for permission to SHEET METAL WORKS CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ...... n.-;r. P152J Our quick Is Repairing Department and up-to-date, aui wiobo uo iwjuwiiiK ueacriDea lands recommencing- at a post planted SO chains Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue, northerly of 8, W. cor. T. L. Sil vatipi' ta titrncnv mvru that fhfl rn equipped with the only .Rapid Outsole Lockstitch machine thrnrn ens in -hnina. i.Ar,,. ,o........... ,! phones B7fl v 'i w i initio buu iu jeu Nlpht chalni; thence west 40 fhatns more or less tne vicinity or mciusiio invcr, n In Northern British Columbia. iu biiuic iuic; meuce noriueny chains, and Blue 270 Const District, by reason or a notice published MOVED rnnrn nr lri. fnlinviino- ehmta : PREMISES in tlio British Columbia Osiette or The right work, at tha right or .We are prepared to give qulok and efficient service. commencement and containing 80 acres xoiu .iay, iviu, is canceupu. more or less. and time, at the right prlo. ii. ii. nAur.ii, james Z. HALL, Deputy Minister or Lands. nl T I EE Just see our machine at work attaching Neolln Soles. Don't Per William A. liauer. Airent Department of Lands, Dated 31 March, 1919. Victoria, B. c, let the cobbler ruin your next pair with rusty nails. Bring Notice of Intention to Apply to purchas 1 1th March, 1019. M 18 QUEEN CIIAflLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS-Tiiw.TniaTiilCT TAIL"' them to us. We rebuild as new for (ess. In Ilnnffft 9. rnm, tin r.i...i.. n . The Gurvich ,IIIV4. 1 III V.t ...iw tiVWSk WHw.", MERCHANT f Boots Order ii mi Jiirt. sound. b.8". ,,lua,e I timlixr Ti'P rn nntlcA. Mil ihnt. nt Tim vnrl Aernnlane ripmpnIS.Snruce D. C, 311 Second Aven.te..OPP" Logger to Street vJAK.bLNy!'.I"i ,1'at Marshall Beck Of Transfer occupation saw mill. Intends to apply for Second oicunauon soin pp in. lcrmissmn to leaso tne toiiowini; umw tend to apply for permission to purchase andsi tho following described landsi r.nrnmnnrlntr at a nnst nlanted at tne p.o. o h w jiwi iiaiiieu a i oiitn nnrlhnint comer or Lot 8. IllocK 45, post Phone I McARTHUR7sliO west corner lol 8, thence east JO chains' of subdivision or Dst. Lot 740, thence STORE chains,thence more south io, chalnsi thence west 4 d Phone Green 548 north 8 chains, thenco west 80 degrees get."" or lo to shore line- thn south to approach of Government Wharr, , chains,norlheily morn and nr easterly along i. shore'line o P.O. Box 103 Omce, Fraser St. thence southerly along said approach or It is Just as cnf, don, Government Wharr to northwest corner or Third Avenue menctmcnt, end containing 80 acres, more Lot 1, Block 45, thonce easterly along- the Drintl in ..nd it a' MAItSIIALL I1EEK. S3 We: Sell Coal o'f ' mine n it IS l" " Per : block 45 to place beginning:, William Jiflllk A. Bauer Dated 6.h April, ' genl AEItorLANE 81'llUCE LUMBEH CO., I-TD. Tlio 1CW8 1919, Date, March SO, 18 IB,