The Daily News GRANBY WINS ' ; PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA COAL CASES Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Has to Pay 330,000 for 200 Acres H. F. PULLEN, iManaoino Editor. Once you know how "chart" art i caused, you. will appreciate why your or Coal Lands; Appeal Entered tlin nerd Zara-Buk, Th leea frosty SUBSCRIPTION RATES t inl ot winter and early iprlrj dry op v.wnoi'vrn. f-i. i. The City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . , 11.00 the ssimal it kard, brittle anj flrenhy Coiiolhlalnl Mining, Hy moil to all parts of the British Umpire and the United late, without elutici.y Tbu the outer tneltinir power U. yeslenlay SMOKINC TOBACCnO M in. advance, per year 58.00. titns painful break open wet into That smarting t how rrackt the nliiKisI pntirelv n lis two nppnil To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50, ' trouble sums rafies nSnlnl ihe tlrllnn of Mr.l la cfacled hands, chilblains. host-bite, Jt'otire lnifiiry in fvr nf tin' TELEPHONE 88. troi-bles,etjrnia ue and nothing other but obstinate Zam Buk.tlin H. ,. Ilailwny wiously Tbi unique healirf baJm, demed from ntTprlfnir Ihp nulil-.-r ilnnhy in Transient Display Advertising $l.a per inch each insertion a bleuding o( rich herbal essences Its enal oprrni inns n VVeiiisfr ..$2.00 inch. ulics the kin' deiciency of natural Transient advertising on frontpage per the ojIs. K rour trouble it on hsntls, Local Headers, per insertion 25c, per line. use Zam ltuk t nitfit and lip on a pair In the JuilffiiK-iiN (iritnhy wips Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per word. ol old cloves with Zam-ltuk smeared nt.Riilulcly (n 1 n I i known as Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line. asav insula.pain,This inflammation precious balm and will irritation,soothe the Punlop rn'- and irmin$aj; Contract Rates on A 4fIiction. and itnsw new toft rlctible skin Irelslnllon In ilii ifmnl is iij-hel.l. All advertising should be in the Daily jVews Otllce on day preceding Kelnes. rouithnea-, smarting or . All advertising reeved subject to approval. avenue is reatlilr bealeu. thrnufh In Ihe flann. r ense Ihe tlllo In publication. Zm Huk s refined herbal ingredients . iS.A e....n.l i.. I... I.t being alwjrrwl into the nmlerlrinic IIH' MIMTIV II' Ill'MI'l I" t:uei, fcamlluk it powerfulty anti-( vpstml In the (iraiihy Cinnimny., DAILY EDITION. riiliiy, Fehrnnry I, 1021. The uernMof skin tr mlile airaptv hut in llmrnai' rr Ihe ii.i-fttiiiit .aa't tis v.fcerer it penetrates. Keep Zam-liuk always at hand for f llllllltP'I'S ill ri'MH'l llf flllll dealing with cuts, burns, scalds, scalp riplils, Ihfso .-luill In' ciniiiriil Satisfactory Win sore, ulcers, abscesses, pile, ectema. as lo risil "Ih nultirt"." Tin1 mil- m:W km Delta Constituency. poisoned wounds, tall rheum and all iile price at ihis rate K wt nl The Victory for 1 he fiovernment in the Dcltn cniislitiieney by skin tores and injuries. All dialers fcOc. bos.Sfortl.M. For TRIAL SAMTLE 1 5ft an acre. llml in reprl n large majority is a most satisfactory result. While a defeat scr.4 lc stamp lo Zam-Bus CeVTeroat. the total ;nn tun s . Hip mftsiilf Uiero'wouldjiave made no material difference at present, it would itiii'itinl iif H litiin ILui liranliy have made thejife of the (iovcriiment more precarious man ii may hate lo soiil is ;i().ooi). will iinw be. As it stands the majnVltr will be MiMeient lo carry SUITCASES Nntir tf an hiiih-ii! In lln- I'riw on without danger of a snap verdict being secured in the l!ouse. Cifiinril has I n It i,assured now that for the next four or five years nl anyrate. TRUNKS given. m ii r rMm .i the present Provincial (iovernnient will ertrrynn. This will make MAIL SCHEDULE for stability and w'ill give an opportunity to make good the HANDBAGS COMMITTED SUICIDE promises-iii I'rince Hnrierl idislrict especially ju regard to the Foe the East. FOR BREAKFAST enaction of the (lovernment -buildings. :' . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Chauffeur of Late King Alexander Mondays, Wednesdays and at-Took There was an idea prevalent ill many qrinrlers that if there: His Own Llfa jtrtlay at 10:IS a.m. had heeii only two candidates in the Held in each constituency, j the Oliver (lovernment would have been defeated. The outcome; J. F. MAGUIRE ATHKXS. Keli. 1. -The Into! rrom tn C,,t i Rupert Brand in Delta shows that this vn not likely lo have been the case.: on7. TJiesdaya and Tbur. 712 Second Art., Prince Rupert Kinw Alexander .hnunreur. Mil so With two in the Held the (iovernmenl was stronger than with; Ja" ! P-" liiiiilriaieH. tins enmiuilleil nni-1 j three. ! "ide from ftrn-f er Ihe death of j " j KIPPERS Rumor Regarding j the King, whieh. it will he reealletl.l Fop Vancouver and South. , Steamers Interesting. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES vwi Ihe re.lill of n monkey's Mle.Tuelay 7 P- m- Ihe wire from Vancouver .Mil so was Kin Alexaiffs-rV in-! rti'irsilaya , lip m.j The rumor which came through on . . 5 A Nourishing nnd DcHcious Breokfast F yesterday and which is supplemented today in regard to the Friday, February 4. separable eontpvilion oil all his "'orday b p.m. Prince rieorge and' Prince Huperl going off Ihe run and being llljrii. H:IG a. in.. 19.1 feci. aiitoniohilf. ri.les and nMrtorinn renruary u an.i rn tis-ed elsewhere aroused a lot of interest yesterday, but as there Low. 5:S5 a. m.. 9.8 feet. wls Ihe Kint's fad. AIianli'r! I i no information available of an authentic nature, it is useless I H;1 3 . in., 5.3 feci. wr.s, perhnps. ihe nirl affable From Vancou-e and South. 1U IvUil, nrjj cook for tci minute?. to speculate on possibilities. It will be noted, however, that there Saturday, February 5. smerciirn iri Kiimne and had als"nnay p. m.; was a somewhat imilar rumor- last year, and there is iisiially Ilisli. 0:18 a. in.. 17.8 feel. iHlent of luukina everylsfnly fre nijWednesdsya I0:0 a. tn.j &!tl ty ull Kcfctnurnnts, Retail Grtxcrs 0 Enchc . . 8 hardly home. He us. nlwn nyvure win.i ijjulurdays f. a. m. iieed to somelhing behind these rumors. , We. worry over !:! p.m., 10.5 feel, the mailer for if the (i. T. 1. does not give us a service, some l.v, ft: 11 a. m.. 9.1 feel. lo all Ihe ineiiihers uf his hotlsi Fehrasiry 7 ami ?l SMOKED DAILY BY other line will do so. We have a lid of business lit olfer and 18:t8 p.m.. 1.8 fret. hold, lint eeiiifil more slronirlv there is no doubt nt all but we shall lt well served with steamers. llnrlie.1 In Mil,., ihnn lir nv' ..f For A"o and Allca Arm Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill others.' jSundays 10 p.m. The time uieo is racinc standard, the Train Service forilhe 1211th Meridian west. When Alexander ell denil, np- " ieuay v p.m. TrlncM Rupert, IU To Be Improved. . ' pntarhintr he rolled Milso l his I Jt la counted from 0 to 24 hour mm The official announcement is that we shall gel back our from midnight to midnight. bedrid,, and iue him a small srnld From "r " "e through train service as far as Winnipeg. That is a concession The table given is for Port ernss whieb tlie Kinsr ha.l witrn nil Tuesday BJn. for which must be thankful. We shall no longer be n spur we ii lire, rier Hie Klnps dealh.l """""' Simpson but the time for Prince : line, exactly. We must gel ljsyaiid use every mnns to develoji Itupert varies only a fw minute Mil mi tei-aiie ineonolahle. Thej " ? our resources and then we "Jin)! undojibteJly get a proper service. some days and on others Is '.Iher nishl while eontenrfihtlina ;Fop Porl Simpson. Areandale, Rlllf If Ihe railway will co-operate wilh'usj especially in regard to on pl.ol..5rnph,or the Kinu he .h..t!aay w' 'na n1 " Rl Hie same. The range of the tide ifer. carsjt will hejp n Jul, And thai venre now expecting may be computed an 5 per cent himfeir. A wrenlh s.-nl by niiay up.m.! GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Ihem to do. Madnnx1 Manns, Kirvc Alexander's greater at Prince Itupert than at Must Beware of :x t ; Port .Simpson both at springs and widov., was iine'of Ihe Horn I i.tTey. prom n. aimpson, Arraniai. mill; S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sni!m 8" Wel ''" ntf Uttt Insularity. - r - ' -" "J - neaps. Therefore the rise In the in al his fiinerHl. Midiiiuhl Th'trsdav (nf euii.-n l. i. w . i i uesoays a.m. There is a tendency,' iri an isolated irnmnhily like this to Prince lluprt harbor is aliatitly er Vlelii. ui .mil .i.-llr W gei ine iaea mai we are ine -wnoie iniug nun inni uie itojiit-eiu greater than Port Simpson. NO TRAYEL BETWEEN Quean Ctiarlotla ls!nU: S. S. PRINCE JOHN ilistricts are of no particular account. This i one of Ihe things The height Is in feet and tertths For l'rl i:l..ii.nU. VJ.:..ill. Itiikl. Ii we have lo beware of. We roust not become insular orloiireiled. of feet above the average level or HOLLAND AND SERBIA'SiJr,.?.1' ,Dd! suiiirro l.iti.', ;i l Ii.ill. Id ..ii I 'We have to remember that our success depends wholly on the lower low water. sliaiul. I.liri.,iii CM- jiml ITlll Ki'tipniiry 2 11 fid fl development of the district of which we are a part. Our district tiii: HAiiUi; teu. tr riu- TRAIN CERVICE. 'rotn .MSasrl; i'urt i.lurnvota atid at 11 1U Satunfi extends from the Queen Charlottes on one side to Prince fieorge rupliire of diplomatic refaiions; I'ns sender Monday, Wednssslay and nDDr .nd noltits- fur Minilhors. riitre ItinifKe. I jImmhiI- ar i Mtn the other and from Queen Charlotte Sound on Ihe south lo Ihe Jielween llnllarjd and Jiii-Sliiia; K hrnary I and IV in direct nonnertioiis for all P"'t) Alaska boundary and the Yukon on the north. In all this great Iif.. resulted in Ihe xirtual .ro-or gaoKatt.. Uuo ..liartolte Agency All Ocean Stcamahfp Unei district there is steady progress being made. We must lake an tppur.ATro.f run cri.ivs thimit hihillnn nf trawl of llllehliien in C.. l-i,,,! nnlnla- interest in all the and try lo gel the viewpoint of TAIIEII for laferpe'.M ard rewfsaiioai sn developments rjnAZI.Ml ACT 1f. , Serhljt. The Jittrnslnv c-vernmenl j IVIinmry t and 10 Hf Tsstsl Olt, I rs TMe4 rse ta Ihe people who live in the outlying sections. has announced il will not pplleikin for permits r"trare lire-slurk ;From uttti ,;t.rloli. Like to See an , im the i:rnwn rsoro wunin eaen i: es III Hollander. - niv ami f.ltnH nnlnla r.ratlnjr Iilstrlrt nr the Provlnre or Hrttlst) I lie nreaK ornirreo iurr aueneo " Excursion Next Summer. Cnluinbla rebruary i and l during the gelling season or We would like lo see arrangements made for an excursion Ittl must he (lied stun the District H.r-estert had treatment of M. ItapiMiport.j a (a al stv as at . sTV a SW Wt t A A 1 1 1 I M UAIIe.ll RAILWAI Jt-Tim I ru Austrian who tl CarUKio, on snhJeet, was; For under the aiisjpes of Ihe Hoard of Trade or somo'other organization Crinhrnrik. i,rl Oeirge, Mkatfway and h Yukon. which would give local business mid professional people an kamloins. Aelson. Plinre Rnnert.. Vinrntt. Dutch consul at 'lleljirnde during: , i"e,ruary 1 anl 21 oaxsaiais eaotria OCs sisii Vernon ver. or with Ihe Commissioner of the Serhians nnlendeil opportunity to see the wonderful Talleys of the interior, the mines Orarlnr. liepirtment of Lsnds it VlelorK, war. The e f From Skagway and rukon. wm Serried nf the north or the islands lo the west. Some few Prince Huperl B. I... B or befnrr Jiirrh SI. lift. he was an enemy subject, un-: I-'i hriiary I ; amf in y;iri B.C. Coast Steamship Hlank furtns upon e.l'lrti to submit ap. frienilh and in elTecl a spy. people have visited Jinl most of them have not and plteatliin may lie t4.isiiwn from trie Dts- Itewsrt, Maplo Bay and Swamp it would be an education for them lo find oul what is being done Irlrt Foresters at the above named place! it- Point. tBT S, f. PRINCESS MART there. or from the lieparunent nr Landfr at Vic For Kalchlkan. Juneau. Skaoway, AlatKa, from toria Ten Years F()Il Rupert Ago The grtilng f nreslnrk on ine Crown Fehrnary fj and 30 ....U tl. erfcaiiw 1 and 31. range without permit conatlUlrg Irespass. In Prince Rupert FIIOM- 'and "up,rt- For Vancouvsr, Victoria Ssattta from Prlnr pn.hiMleil by law. FehTunry 7 and an fl. H. SAHKM, January 16 and 25 February 12 ano Dr.JOS.MAGUIRE IeHily Minister it Uudi. February A, 1911 nniNerrs nr HTnirT. . It is just as chef i to get your a, a. rninvus -- fieparlrmnl of Ijnrtw, Virion, K. C, Mr. and Mrs. M. I'. McOnlTery )rintlng done well and done at frem rrlste aspeei far Saaasaa Bsr, Ooss falls, K'S I DENTIST. January tm, 1ft I. hae returned frin a Irip lo loine a It Is to send it away. Try assise Cts. rswill aisee,Ssturesr Vastewsse. efi-Essey CERTIFICATf OP IMPROVEMENTS. aonlhern California, The News Print Rhcp for rtus, reirreatlont tod latusst. irp'f Iron Dlllr Mlnpral I'lilm I At Ma , J. II. I,. Maedonnld. of Fnle Notlc. of Inttetlon to Apply t Lssse Ltn. i aj n nnrMiitn rianaral Aoent. and Smith Block lin inke so. Mineral Clum. Ixt lo. mi. ,.i r-. . n.t Runrrt, 8C Rooms 7 8 WrJrh A ha Juft 8lewart; for 5J3J; EpiKmi Mlnertl Claim, Lot .So. n In Skeen niver Mininr Olstriei, Linn 1 uor jra vveniie ana m stresii imvr Iierty ilineril Claim. Lot so. fju ah eilendeiUrip tt irollnnd. dliiiirt, Rerordlns District or lure Ann, Assistant - - IdJUliluv nitlwral elslms slfust in finn Lady Open Evening Hiarlolte .Xlinlna- H, c, ind simile it mouth of Louis i:rek Division Huperl District. Office Hour; Phone 575 Sunday by luriim: jn Limine nulla. The ladles of the Alhlelie sdjoinlnr Silver Cltjr. B. i;. TAKE M'Tll F Ibal 1. i: 1 Hntn or tnm Tike iKrtlce (hit ihe . 9-12; 1.6; 7-9, Appointment nndertlrned, City or VtiKuuvrr, I'rorinre of Bruno CoininilleM of the Kaien Islam! Aqlhany McOnire and Brrmrd W. Btrrrtl, (jtiuiuui,ivs-n. sriini ri-re on Miners benair i;ertlnrate or myself.10.and 19 as Cltih fate ah enjoynhle live hun- of Alice Arm, orrupalton tirotpetlor I rut irenl for tint l-rrsen. of the sal4 Uty of dred ari 1hI nnlit. Miss Ilar-henu itorekeeper, mtrrxlt lo apply for ermis. SPECIAL :: REDUCT1 Of .inmirr, tir winwrs tcriinraie no. e,- , lo lots tease the folio,mi described Uoili A. fl.C, Intend tiny H0i dijrs from ttie nnd II. N'allaee won the due nereof, in apply for a trottn uraot nf r.oma)tU3tt at 4 fmsl (.Isnled soullfitt in siiorF riainis. fli'sl iric nnd the ennsolillnn Mirner. II chains Kuitierir mrecuoo frtsn G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public lion,AMI under FL'HTIIKH sertion TAKE a, must.MITItre be cotninrnrel Hist award went lo Mrs. fl. I. Tito s.E. corner of Lot ei; tnenrs fl cntint In north; luenre io ctisini weal; IBence si and lfore ihe Issuanre of turn Certincate of and C. Itoaers, Coats MHiT'ivi'mruis efiaint touts; thence 10 chuua efit sihI j II ATED lint Ird ly of December, A. O. cnotaininv tl seres, more or lest. FOR SALE i no, C 1. BK.YsKrf. Mrs. Jt. L. Mclnlosh pave nn A.MIIUVY MrUDIHK. I Ready-to-wear Hats. , A fine douhle corner on Sixth Avenue, near Mcllride enjoyohle bridge nat ty lust nmlit. Slll.AltD W. BAIIHETT, j CERTIFICATE Of IMPROVEMENTS. Those iresenl Mr. arid Mrs. Dated Noveiuuer 10, lD. were fc'ln-et In Keetlnn Six, Sewer, connection. Cpn he houhl Third Avenue DEMERSl F. X. Clements, Mm. J. F. Tlilrhle, Iron liulie- Ho. I Mineral Claim, Lot No. DEMERS cheap fur cash. An excellent silo for Ihat dwelling which tu: Iron liukn JV4. 3 Mineral claim,"Lot Mrs. II. I.. Iioherson, Miss Kllel, Prince Rupert .No. fill: Simeon I'rmrflitn Mnirl i'laitn You ere politic lo huild In the spring, Lot An. mil OtrHeld Mioeral Claim, Lot Miss Drtimiiiond, Miss Mason, No. lias- All sdioiinnj- r.iiiwral claim, BAGS! BAGS! H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. slluale in Oueen I'lurlotte Mininr Division Miss Im Vernet, Mlr I'driiands, Insurance Bonds Rentals Islsiul.lluiiert blslrleL Wliera toenail: nn iiuim Misses lltx'liesler and Messrs. A. . .. rkF. NOTICE mat I, Alei lloeeri of I lie W. A.'jm-w. IMIfftiin, llaiininglnn, Uuy lug of sulistantlal iuality, Turn rrii i adt Mtnev Publ'c I City of VanroHver l-roirinre of bntisn 1:0. of materia) that wears and with minuia, tree Miners termini no. 11711. O. Tiyiker, II. J", Wilson, Monro. a frame that is rontrurtd for ,n,U I), atiinf on Ijrtuir of myself and is stent HuI Estate fientals fur Hsnd Mardonald. of His ssiit citv of II. II, Cainhie. J, M. Clancy and aervlcs. yet of Jli?ht wtitht. Ut d"""1 LADIES' AND GENTLE- Dyeing - Dry Cleaning ni-uu.rr, irw Miliars L.rrtlort no. Flewjn. J'iio winners were Mrs. us equip you riroiicrly for IclxHONCOAL7Tnni7iT2Xo7'r un MT 7uU-B, Intend stllr lU dayt from Hie travelllnK- ron i.r. K.oi.i ,i t 1ls liereof. lo iralr for 1 Crosn Uriel Olemenls and , Tooker, while MEN'S TAILOR For good work, prompt service of 'lie above rlalnis. Most Uboral MAI1INE INSURANCE on PipHy Kit CUAUiNTceo and reasonable prires send goods Anil r I'ftTIIKH TAKE NOTICK ttltt te. confohillon nwatis&went In Miss F. M. Insurance Coropsny ef North Amerlrs. Psys Ciaunt - Tinnn AVLNUE to CITIZENS' CLEANERS & Hon. umler terlion Si. must be commenced Mason and Mr, tlamhj?' Crosby LEE Opposite Poat OIAk DYERS. 2037 4th Ave., Van-couvcr. lefnre ih Issuanre of turn Cerlinctl of fkostl liiitiroveinenls. 4r' 7)5 Third Avenue, I'rinra Itupert P.O. Dos CS YVestkelios' Thaalie Ulotk Phone Red 136. Inquiries solicited DATM) nut ird nty or December, IvHO. AI.V.X HU'il.a.S. Advertise In the aly Nwa, s sefc see less eecee eseec