fp 139 TAXI TAXI I Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP funtley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto Block 707 8eond Are. - Prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XII N" PIUNUti lU'l'KHT, II. Li.. Fill DAY. KKUIU AllV t. 1021. rfUrir' ClrcvlMlcti 1,667. Stt MO. PRICK FIVE CENTS 6 D Paterson is Elected in Delt a KIN !E RUPERT IS UNDER VICTORIA OFFICE IN DOMINION PUBLIC WORKS w rince Rupert Public Works SON OF ROOSEVELT HOMF AGAIN. OTAL GIVEN MORE TALK OF BY PUPILS OF i LOCAL STEAMERS Office is to Remain Closed .SBfifeBLnBfi AMPiavVHaBLwMa QaHaakaHavBaVaalaak. LOCAL CONVENT LEAVING ROUTE Is District has been Acjded to That of Vancouver Island Diplomas Distributed to Success- Special Deapatch Published Yes- with J. P. Forde of Nelson in Charge at Victoria; ful Students -Much Praise . lerday Cams Originally for Sister Superior. From Ottawa. Nelson Remains Open j MISS LORNA TITE MORE CAROO SPACE I WINS SILVER MEDAL NEEDED IN NORTH MNCOUVEn, February 4.- (Special) -In connection with TRAINS WILL fcorgsnlzatlon of the Federal Oovernmenl department! which j Al (be Convent last ninlil JlnTe VA.N'tail VKIt, teb. The pro-jks lug carried out, the Prince Rupert public works office will a larp allrrnlancf of parrnlx wial to put Ibe Prince OrorKe fn closed, permanently and the administration of the Skeena RUN DIRECT and friciuU of Itm uludi-nli al a and Prince Ilupert on the San recital anil presentation or Francisco run uiakinic calls at ct and the northwestern pan of the province will be added awards. Mosl nalixfarlory and Vb toria eoinei here in a special Vancouver Island district with omce at Victoria and J. P. l TO WINNIPEG uji-yable inimiral numlxr were despatch from Otlewa to the I of Nelson In charge. .(fivfn by the youn people, the World but il is not confirmed. In Ming to the Influence of H. F. Green, the member for West playing of Mi Lorna Tile lM-in;r sbipidn circle generally it is not nsy, who has always had a strong Influence with the Govern Through Tralna Both Ways from' (particularly appreciated by tboe Iboujthl to be inure (ban a rOmor as a Conservative of the old school, the Nelson office Prince Rupert In the present. The opinion was jrener- au the two "slcainers mentioned ally eiprcsiwd that the 'Sister were not designed originally for remain open, In spite of the fact that It was marked for Coming Spring. ( Superior is deservins f much teean traflic but for the special 3. p,aisi for Ibe splendid work she service Ihey have been giwns. h official notification in regard to the changes It that they i. . MrNlrlioll. assistant Benin: and Ibe olher sister have ilonef IV object in iiiakinc any side In the enterests of economy and efficiency. I immer oitfiit for the in ronection wilb (be musical cben?e. U II i made, i sid !o Canadian National Hallway, who be In order to education oT (be young people provide more returned h frw day, ago from freiabi aceoiumodalion between lei.Lrusted lo their care. N WORKERS HAPPY REUNION m-iIIiik a roipeiilioii of Ira 111 c of-tlriMiH Diplomas Ibe port of Prince Ituperi. Slew- in Hi" ral. nay it wa ar- Commercial diplomas were pre- art. Any ox, Alice Arm, Swauson -vn nr. al Hut meHina In give ... ... .... tt.... t o.r IT,nnrr mmnntn nntrn senieii lo i3le ilia llj'er. i"J. uru rans aim iHiiroil.fr. ( III Wf IkK II h WUVhU I miY ',.,., mm, m,,. n.. city tn Oraee llrooks, Ina I.indland, and Al the present lime lliral pas-Jean UL 1U IIU1VJA VI 1U1 lilt UV1U Winnie in t It- .r.Hiis in order Ilailry. Isenyer boats are unable lo handle (litl but bve In 0ta rMtio B l(oreit, too ol lb. tale lrlure Unos i4i-nmr may Pc nmaiihit-4-ertifiralettard-lull (bat offer in Ibe uniuer, and DUCED WAGES chany al J(r at nrrenf, veil k n o(ftiie ol uie vit rprpurettuo oh uxkiIK ebro Frl Contingent Mad Sllrrina , - ed by'At V.. SjrtlforiTllracIorj a tlm levellmntlJbenlWb,-' !he rourN-Ion wu'jld be made euiint tt Cnciawl aMI ltrrHb He rrlnrueO o. lln icanwDr in irmiiansliip we're ern ports increase niore rure, Banquet Last Evening at ,u(n, ,.. (H-nscotillnenlal traia t Sc lr J ,i. ia vk4 (tke iklure ol 6itn lt pirtiue (roj!res p.-escnleJ lo Misse Ina I.indland. "I'aee will be required more Ibun 8meton'a Rooms. ntol from Vancouver. USrb ujw. Dl rrttal luntfred Again on the Job at (iraee Ilr.H.'ls. Willa lyer, Jean peed. rret7r riant Where the Mr. Mr.Mclioll .ay, I list ! Ilaib-y ami Anna I.Mi.liui-l. I Discourage Through Traflic. Rupert Is Repairing. PRESENTATION MADE rcllway ten rrr lnMn om Silver Msdal I The differential imposed on the TO OFFICER COMWANOINO mwviria picture, of the different Liberal -Elected by The silver initial fur prullciency I'rince Ituperi ruule will tend lo II,,. .rtki-' rllni of III country nerved by in musir went to .Mis I.orna Tile discourage tlin.uIi travel (bat iIm- hti or 'I be " ''! minion niiT of lb National line, anil anions jnd certificate of the Toronto way from "m (iraines ami the far .tH(M '' ""' l'Url colli iliimiH, them was a fin- lot of picture. ..ii,.-ralofv of Music to Ibe east and wlllioul lliat business mo II Ii.im- n "'l" I'"'1 "reyV Hn Hill. which lunlir a rip ulnn- this UnV a Large Majority rollowiny: fast passenger boat are not re-o-r.'d lefl her for I bo " ureal adventure' with -iw of I'rlne Rupert and Inl-roiiJiiil" rule piano wlli I he Prince Ituperi run. Hi NowiiiIk-i, 10! I. I.k larf U. Imt indn-trle. These picture honor. Mis ltrna Tile. There have been uvesli.ms of nmed kikI "hii In Mr. Mi.talon' Ten w-re obiion-d b ih" Canwdiun First .theory with llrst Ibeir poins on (lie Vaneouver-Vicloria i-iliit lioi -I H-(ii and , a rmi.iim uri n. National ItaiKay ami are hown T. D. Paterson Chosen in Delta by Lead i-la. honor.year Mis Lorna Tile. ferry servire In eonnwi m M..ir pay I liecc were v en I ecu of I In- .y. under Ih.ir auspice. They niaki-j Junior School piano, llrst class ill wilh Itm l.anaillan National f lln. i.i- I"- lio-liiilinu "Obi i;" IVrk. ;o. ml rrl isiuft for (hi porl. I of 600; Government Seven to lienor. Mi Aun (irallon. train and handle lln- through ofilri-r roiiiiiuiluliliB Hm ialn , business I Vancouver Island itlramer Primary' piano with first class ii i. m Willi uli tHMMiUrll) vkilh hl InMijw 1D fRIF.UWil Tfl Good in B.C. Legislature honor. Mi .orothy Thompson. points. That i tliouylit here to t j r.iuirtd oVrr-e. lofHnit tllf ffHire of vnillUMHUJ IV Primary piano, honors fir! be more reasonable than Hie Sail I- -xiuiiiiall (Kr irorlina lni titelil Im h BE PROSECUTED BY . class, and llrst year theory with Francisco route. lW.UVKIlli.ll.r rVbrnary t. I II. I"Itmmi, Liberal, ra Ibr rwlplsil of a tikiulMMitr lrn-r-lllnn first class honor. Mis Flora May Be Rsplaced. fbtrk ami ca-r eullablv in. GERMAN GOVERNMENT elrrlcil in hrlta riiilitiu-iiry jcslwilny by a majority uf approxi llurrilt. 1 It. II. Trade, win is wtp-lrd -fllHll. ' mately six hliiKlretl. R J. A. M.irkfiuiie, Hit- dc fcalcil riimlidulc Primary piano with honors and here Sunday from OHnwa ir ex NNA REFUSES Tim llrel reunion of Ibe flrl III III.IN. Mi. I. wuh ul mi ilef cut al in (!n. grui-i-:.! dr-.-iinti i it !Je ember, but on twi llrst year theory wilh llrst class pected to throw some lilil oj tbn .oiitiimriii of Prlnr- Huimi !. ,.,,., ,,,. Um, ,,. ,liar). ,. ircviuu.i oecaMion erried the eoiitilueney. In imrs. Mi Mary Oilmore. marine ihovcuh-jiIh of the Gana. lar June IUI0. in lian Nalloful. If the two boat on I. .,..,,.,, on., n.. nr.i Ihv..., Primary piano flrsl clas IY In I fie UeeembVr clecloui (be ll'giirt' were Oliver I,:t:t1, Muc-keiixie STATEMENT'!: i'MiU"i. a w nomi honors. Mis Comadina. are taken off theyt will be replaced Mary , ., ,;,,.. ,, et nn f W8r 1,110, ami I'uyiie I.MT. the pliiralily of Oliver over Mae-kenzid with teamer which are considered mi IIUHTI OIL! ll l imirrl- Mis -rl(..iiul. I,n. l.Wl. roiirln.l-l n.l First year theory. Moya lln to imlp tlml nlulilV tsaa , lvCiiM , ,,rt(4P.u(. fulir being 218. llalley. more uited for the fcervire. " oi ton- " rFiii"". ,M,roii. 'I'liH Iriul will hi-o1imI.1v The reeut liiiding of (be urtie in (he Legislature which Primary piano. flrM cla with FUn Board Finding on I'n k un rlmlriimn Inul nlplit. an i .li.ri. in. .Morcn... . ' meets uu Ttie.liiy wilf be Liberals 27. Coi-ervutives la, liole-ieiulenl, honor,-Ml Jean Currie. VANCOUVER'S Recent Order Jhwa rhnfrinon at I'ojierliiKlm. oirliiiling Socilil- ami Soldier-Karniers, 7. Tbi give Kletnentnry piano with honor, wn tt nijr. ;Tiileen Palnfore, Norma M HON.E.CBARROwls Ihn (loveriiiiieiil a '-lear iimjorily of even over njl olhr.' und i.e. ' l't-ileiit The Toasts. HoKiT and Yernu Thompson. CHILDREN ARE severul uf the iude'iidoiit w.ll the llielr Mipiort (iiivermiieiit on i hi NaibHial Tlierr vwr lmiU lo "(tie Klnu" InlrtHlueUiry piano wilh honor,1 SLIGHTLY IMPROVED, i :.ii niubl rr- ami n llrnl oul to "(hir I'lillrii generul olicy. .Miss,. Alice Spencer; llorolby -i.it iast in (Vm rwli." Tim lml to '"I'lm TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Fore. Jean (irieve and Heal rice BELOW NORMAL . I till t oll- I ul IluiM-rt CoiilinuiMit iim BIG NEW STEAMER Cash. ONE CAR OF FISH ii- no jioli.jfrejingiv rr oiulrd lo by .Major Youthful Performer it Hiui o faruiiMriti- I'.. (Jllmon who rrfrrred lo VICIOlll.V. Kilt. I. Hon. V. U. HANDED TO ALLIES Those who jravc piano elec- Malnutrition Is Responsible fr 1 1 wrrfidm fnllfn boy ami nlo lM f Harrow. tiilnlMer of nuricullurr, tion at the recital were Mlsse Much of the 25 per cent of BOUGHT TODAY "(in i ill rrmilt of internal UNDER TREATY TERMS uh n iiiaiiiitl tiii.htm ulrtul bunor Dial huil Immmi L'-ey, Olina and liertha Alin. Subnormallty. ronfprrwl on list Ir isullanl rom-inniitlrr. liriiiiiri lniurf, I iiii lo m lnnri Fb ajior Tile. Hulls Uillic. Kvtln niiU wi'iil yi't'iili.y from hu Ihmio Col. 1'ifk. who bu won I.U.MiON. Feb. I. The newly Yicker,- Marjiaret Smith. Ilhoda VAXCOl'YF.lt. Feb. I. TVeiity-llve In I In' IhiIIhI w Iiciv lie bud all Four Carloads Offered But No IBLE MARKET bold dm Vlrleirla l'ro nml the X-ruy Refrigerators to Accommodate loiiipb-led lierman wteanii-r Vou Lamb, Mary' and Marparcl Mr- per rent of the children al- I). S. O. I'ere)' Tl".rr replbtl to i-xiiinliiulloii. Them. iVi'inii or iu,?oi ton was ur-n' atfery. tila.lys Kei-fe, Florence'(..udinp Ibe public and biuli FOR LOCAL SALMON II'. Ina,I or "Tlio Army" in u ldeied lo (lie Allies ql Inuuinw Slllllh. Amies lloberiie, rlra schools of I he city are- physically il-iulii ptcb an ilitl Jiinm LATE DISPATCHES Alllioiiiih (ben wu HS.dOU lbs. ham yoMlcribiy in areorJanee llurrilt. Mori SliiH-kley. Laura below normal, aecordiits: to ji report H Preferential With .elllr lollii' loii.l o "Tim Xaxy.'1 of halibut ofTeriiiii f"i- ale at Hie wilb (lie treaty tirui. Frinell, Itne Ilrunii'll, Norma issued last iifchtj by lr. II. "The Wonmn'a Army" wn n-spniulril ItoKer. Kathleen Morrison, verna Wrishlman. chief c1ioil i lieal ncoind Enpects to Sell CHrlliiiuiiki' 3.1(10 niilc illHtant Kisb lUebanue llu inarnitiK. only fish There. lo by Arlliur tIIUwn. H'uUlt'ri'il xlmck ut Si'iillli'. , 2I.1UH pouiiil! nvbs si( for there EXCESS PROFITS TAX Thompson. Vera Shock ley. Villi. olllccr. Malnutrition i account Uil. l'wk tiuo an uJdn'i ul Urn I'ui'incr nr pri'puriiitf for ron-l',( are no n-friuernliT ' iir i to al-low enne ll.ln'ri!e. Mary (liliiioee. Alice able for a larne purl ion "l' I lie 1,1 i liilofiim. prueoiitalloii v mudn by II. W, in IViloral byrb'Cllon in York, dr hlinent aii. TbV rest DROPPED IN ENGLAND Spencer, Lorraine tlrniit, liealrice subiioriiialily. Durinx the past ! i "in, ,. r tiio CamiTim. Heforr I lit i-vi-iiIhk w X. II.. on Kobruary 10. of the II li in holdinv over until Cash. Jean tlrieve. llorolby Fore, year 11..8i children were examined tii'tiub Um pip' bad nrrlviM I" Iliiidlhy McHonald. Mary (.onia-dina. in reirard to Hieir pliyslcul ";' - 'ui'. i .' AHDUcia. Sir Jniims (Jraltr. 7I. P., chncn Sunday when mveii(icn eur an Tliir No-New Levies of Any Kind for ton. Jean Stalker, 1 "ii now n In Mil furllmr rnllvrii tin hlTulr. U-udcr of lrlb I'lilonlfln. expreted to nrrivr. Amie lira I rondilion. al on(r nml rlurur. Coming Year In That Moya Vtailey. Alice Nelson, llorolby l;il Ihi-ih Willi wi'i Atloiiipl lo uci.iiMi.lniilo noviTii-IIU'lll The boils ellmi lhi inornliiiC ' : ""hi tvv"U IL Those Present. Willliwnii u Ihibllu ri'ulU' were aa follows: Country, Thompson. SAYS SUBMARINE WAS .. 1 III ,I.I f - ..111 l. ' Tbo- pri'xrnl wiri' l.ii'iil.-i'ol. in iiiliiiiii'iiiiMil or lilal. Ono of I'rxiH, 1 7.00H potH1l, anil r 'III ill- l ii- . (i,t Tfwi l.til.vil.1'1"!iiiiii I'll i). I'wk. V.C. H.S) M.P.. ). I III willll'MKi'M H WOUIWli'il, ClirUlnpher, 5.'00 iiiiuN, to Hie IIIUMINtillAM, Kit., Feb. MOVING PICTURES FOR SUNK BY IRISH CRAFT Yh (llbfim. Jn"",' Tin' rlalm Unit Sinn Ki-lnrrM finld Sloruiie at 1 ."' and Sc. A. slin riintiilicrlain. chanri'llor ofi tmrk Mill Major (Irorm - Ij,. lo ibe the lixebmiuer. speaking yesler- THE TRINIDAD LEPERS SKW YOIIK. F-b. . Hie Sinn liiiinU uf t let .Vevlllf. II. I'my " xv punk xiibiimrliii' K-S Is rltllculctl ItliiKli'uilrr. t.ioii ioUiiil, P Colil mid 7.5e. aimuuneed lUal Ibe e.wl , . Feluer liK-al publication prinU u auiiicriin, A. CoIIImhi, II. Y. Wrnr-.. by tin' llilll.li Ailiiilrully. h'tonigi ill 15.of dy, .. .. . . it iiioi i,i..'o Aellon of Um Ili llUli in romov. Tbo fullowliiK boat me lioblinii p.olll lux in Ureal llritalti wumMI t'i'HT OF SPAIN. Trinidad, liublln despatch say invi the Uril- IV W , MloUll, Jl. U. lii'i'wi'i J. r. IU.UllU.be withdraw n and no hix wnijld be Feb. I. A moving picture theatre isb NUbuiariue K-5, which ank in mi I "Hi iiiiinfiKi'r on, II. J. Iliudbiiiy, Knink Hull it, i s if Hxrtoi prullU (ux will rnuo. over for Mite: t?uiuure. Ii 1 :o., aiiib-il' v. Sinllb. A. M. Iivi. Mrulfimiit ttl'ilnlli'ii In Uniuula lo ivmouvl pound; Slirrmun. 13.000: Super-proposed to replace. H u new,tm been openeii lor irinuiau iuc. r.jixiiii uuanoei ! cr. i:si '" 1'i ineo neortfu WIIfrbl 11. Martlonulil. Ja. NVull, lmiin'iiH lux In Cuniitlu uhiob In lor, IH.dOOj Italy. I.V0U, und Con- luxe of uny kind would be pro--leper colony. An oirbe.lra uf elrl.iiMi wa destroyed, by an "IrUh -Ji L. AlK'ii nnJ M. M. tamb. four juum yielded l lU.HUJ.OOO. tldfiice, l i.OOO pouojj. p...ed for lh coimnw year jbrei furnlAhcs tin tuu-lw eu craft."