Pnf o 0 Hilt TiAtLil NVV8 , l 'hi ay 1 , - ' 11 '-- -' J -J 1 1 ii CATARRH of tha NORMAL BUYING BLADDER i 24 naina Tjirh rclkrvxl HOURS Cm In IN THE SPRING Westholme Theatre Industrial Canada says Conditions Tonight and Tomorrow--Matinee and Night will Improve Soon, with BOYS' NAVAL BRIGADE Lumber Actlva A New Stnr In BtllHnnt Comedy PARADE IN UNIFORM TO 1 1 ONTO, Icli. I. -Canadian industry Ik fnriim the present, It Cartt Leak, Capt. Roberson Is Giving Instruction prii r HiliiatJoii uiili cotirHjre "Mil I Because It's Made in Knot Tying Regular looks lo (lie ful in r willi optimism. i it r i 66Yk ? lly I lit spring there should h ti in One Piece Drills as Well. ri'luni In nuriiiiii buying, accord-' Wanda! ! 1VI1SS been scalded by a Tlii' Ih-sl iillirnrin parade of Hit hiK l Mir tfi'iici nl icw of ('.a milli EVER hot-water bottle? Thit l ' Naval lirijHtde look plan on imiunrac lorcr-. a- expressed In can't happen with a Kantleek. !lai night it It Instructor C. V. till' Canadian ihIhcI.i AiiiuiiiI Kantleek Hot-Water Bat I I. tilt iti itlniKirai Tlmi'ii .ti iiliimli lliniew Number if liltiiiMlriul can't leak. They are "one-piece' L'.eiv.llvn Imv nn.l lur-Knof llifxu Crnada, Whlell foii-l Utiles II lll- Hawley !IN Hobbs" moulded water bass mi'.M" "yinpoaluni "f indnslrial from pure aoft rubber into a iv.ciu wearing their uniforms tingle piece no joints or teams. iparado for tlto Ural time. Captain ;"" A rex.Mil ..f activity in in Most sections hot-water and bottles cemented.are made llobrrson pave instruction In knot nM 'ul,, tr"n ,u"1 i'"'1 ii lysiLMmKHvarwasi srutnoots. o-. l.csl.les Kin i-piriilar i HI . " win icipaicii u, uic Cement cracks bag leaks! lying with be utlTul iirt settings. sl""i". The Vie of We Kantleek fox ;The raptalu will pivc these in- -I'ri'sidenl guarantee Hit; (.atunllaii Cm and Follllilry two free. Islructions whenever he in in port., years or a new bag Ask to see the Kantleek. rondillnii Coiiiliaiiy uy.s thai ululi- lluaneial Mack Sennett Comedy, "It's a Boy" You may need It tonight. may ili-lny (lie plariMH MOOSE OFFICERS of order for n lime, it it Ml llinl , FOX NEWS w ithin Hie next Iwu or Hirer j Election Took Place Last Night; im,li Hi h llieo iilislacl"' Will In-removed. ADDED ATTRACTION Bctwe.n the Corredy nd Fcniuic the W't Ulrr.e J I C. F. Joslln, Dictator. If lalior lKe.ome Orchestra will play "Htimorejque," in Uio. . Heltled, purtlciflai ly in lite build-; The I.nyal Order 0T Moose elected ing I r ad en, the 1': e-idenl of Hie' olllri'id lul niuht us follows: Steel Company of ilauada looks ORMES LIMITED Diet at or, C. F. Joslhi. for a himincNii rcial oliorlly. EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and T o morrow Viee-lielator. (.5. 11. Cox. T!;e outlook of Uv I'ttlp am! pnpi-r 1'relali. W. M. lloden. ; industry is wjrai ded an favorable, rr'"airir, Wallace Anderson. with the pntinlx- of largely in- Secretary. J. 0. Johns. creased pro.duclion. The Store Trii!tee!, M. 1). Sweet, and II. K. The l'rident of I lie I.aurentide Big Circus Show ''oss. Company nays all newnpriiit J mills In the Diamnion ore con GUESS! tracted up to full eapaeity. and W'hut will be Ihe value ii money pliblishern they have that Hip lln-y iiiininri i-xpccl nf lo uite Ihe SHIRLEY MASON in "HER ELEPHANT MAN" r the Utiiled Stales trade with the full amount of their contracts. Mail Your TIMBER SALE X 2317. anada for February, 1021? Head Motor Cars The b;st and sweetest circus story ever'. every word or the .uisplay an- In Hie Hiilumoliw- indu-tric.. T. Sealed tenders will t received by the nounecnienl on'page 4, and put in 1 . Itus.-ll. Prewiili ni t Willy Broken W atch Mlnltt-r or Land II Victoria not Isler your truess, and go in to win lhe,uverlaiid I.imile.l poinls out that- FORD EDUCATIONAL, Also Second h piiccfc i fil t C it rt f i -: than noon on the Kith day or Msrrh, t(f I, for the purr til r Licence X8I7, to CD! 53000)0 cash prite. inree guesses ;0 ,.r cent of Hi-- cars now in use "The Lost o.SSn.Oefl Tret or Spruce and Hemlock on illtiwed, and gfUBSses for your lur,. ,,iiu-H vnlnclcs This." he City" To Us an SressdJolDinr Iwiu I. H. So. 3, Sklde-rate friends and neighbors. Uays, "givw (he motor ear indus- Inlet, Oueen Charlotte Islands Dls-trlct. . jlr a confidence in it. future, and This is a good time of year Two (f) rears wttl be allowed for re-nioral K. F.. IJuby, manager of the uirnttfaclurt-rs cenernlly are kok- .. . ti. a T ...1 - to have the regular overhauling or limbers i-nncc uujn laumurr uu icii imlt forwanl !u a p.mlUttHy im- Further particulars or the Chief Forester. lest evening for Vancouver. done. proving demand after Ihe llrsl of Ylrtoral. B. C, or DIMrlct'Forester, rrlnce Use Si box large enough Itupert, B. C. tl.e year. T hereasaiso,.e,,aea v Lrazv BASKETBALL LEAGUE deciderfcheck on pi .mIiicI ion in he !j and put plenty of soft packing laul sis motilji. ami it takes so around. The standing of teams to date lonn (o i el "tfrflVr full pi ixluclinn. With Eczema Your follows: ' whfn a hleai has been nia'rf, that We guarantee satisfaction. CANCELLATION OF RESCRVC Seniors. iilile a fewf kfeii ohseryers ex.reel Mii.lK Is IIFJltBY GiVK.N thai the w. I'ls. to see an actual seareily of motor Lot Caasiar Coll 7 c 13 of .o r't da or niirhi rir ni'r tf. sir John Bulger rrwrvc, covering 419, District, eats during the months March, la cancelled. ahnrird nh Inst trrr.Ur li)n dl"sr. O. R. .UK. Vons of t'.anuda 7 12 April and May." Win. M. Oray. Chance is-friva, or a II i ori-n railed, salt rnrum Jeweller' Deputy Minister ut Lands, Klkk 7 i 8 Vice .1'i-esidehl of Hie Oray-Dorl land fiiparlMiwit. .- VVlln ll uulirarablr tMrnuir. irumi ami GIFTS THAT LAST virions.ih B. IX. Collies 7 3 C Motors, f.liL, I eiiially optimislie. ti.rlurlna- rriirf l yladly Wn4nrd, HwriTtier. t'i !. W. V. A. 5 1 2 As far as their Want t uoneeriied. There Is no rrtnrdy like ilanlork H1'J LAND ACT. Sons of imsr. 7 0 0 lie ri-Kards Ihe' outlook for .the !""" '' "iicr " sMffrnr.. Intermediates.' 19JI market aa- "v favorable." j- fCi'r for FORM OF NOTICE. ills '5 an Shipbuilding itrarilon U ihr trrnlilr loriarr. i.assmb la.d iihtuict district ok :assiail Ueayers 5 1 . In Ihe shipbuilding industry thej ,M, Pu.rlMH) , i,. , ln, FOR SALE TAtif. notice that .1 Webrfcr Scot! Sltnp-Mii, Intermedial Girls , or Telesrath r.rei'k. IL C. ocrnpation situation is complex. With Iho tinsina. imubi and Minims, and pr. Indian ArcnL intiirl!i In apply for perniis-lon 'Aletwtrs i reditrjioii in pHcsen of malerials 1 ,'1"Jr hr,m,t. to HNifte IIm- rollowiits; flerritNil land:i Overcoat OiioiiHMH-inff nt a rnl planted 400 yardv I'lmtin (iirls I 2 and Ihe increasinir emciency of 7"- " wwrMiiy and it rets ai inr House of 3 Rooms iiw-mii-r ri' or or le the iiorlliwit Telearaph or the norlhweot townidte, Staple I.eafs 1. 1 labor, prices an steadily romim.' "",.'' "!. a Ihe bhrsl di'r diM-air in Ihr and bsnml.drlvrs t-r II and Hath, Fully Furnished marked liillltil J'tial; IIh-iicc north 40 rhama; (1 W. V. A. I I ilowii, aim lite inanilirmK uirerior ,,.ji or n,. .j.tnn 4 llienri- iaU 40 rnaluf; thence iuutn 40 Section 6 "liaiii": tlirtn'i' weal 40 rliaina lo Ihe point Girls' Junior. of Canniliaii Vicke'rs, Ltd.. Mmi- i. B..Mtni.r. an vo-int Itoaii i loimiii-hn-iiii-ni, and rnntamtnr ICO acres Tilliiiiins 1 I llall'ji. " -. nu . i nave $2,350.00 Ik..i slalfs I iuI il is i on ileti sun more or le. WKBSTEH Si:tlTT SIMPS0.H. K'liu I'dward 5 4 piedicled that with the further for nr frotn rrarliM I rirtlld r. at a Hate. Urn-tiilirr tfith. IBill.i lai i.i miiiii. I turirri'd rral aaofli. ami 4 Room House Spjirlnns i I reductions, holh in wane and ! n.ail rraiy llli Im- It'iuns and liiz-llati'K 5 0 materials, anticipated in the near """ d a siki. ..f .air., ti Second Avenue, Section I future, prices will be so reduced "XXXZ LAND ACT. $1,600.00 as lo enable (inedn lo compete in ,, ., , Ullllr , mwl trrtt .,, tlvl Special WEEK-END Special Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Purcnaat tllC OpCII tnarkfets Of tllO World, if I real!) nwil rrmKmrim It blimy nnnili Lot on 1st Avenue Land. exchange difllculflea can Uo over-I'"' " " rr u." In Caviar Lainl Imlrirt. Iteciirdini Ina-Ulrt '"''-' bj M nx ofihe J I- Mel.nrat Section 1, cIoho to or Inner Huprrt. aiHl situate annul come rt. ,IU"-iiiiark. for ,.er rtr.. and dnrii.s nr and one hair mile east or the lown-II.' fax .Shlliyariln, however, sees no , tlesner Apartmente niwna, tm IMn.irarion. ,wty by, i.r Alice Ann, and adjoimnr lots .li'l Price '.I and (4. encourasumelll from the present ln T. vilborti t.. Limited. Torunm mil $600.00 fresh gggs Take notice that I. Joseph Wnr Treth--wrv or Port HamirKind. occupation rarmrr, it ion and belieyes that by next mend lo apply tor rTailMon to purchase y every slitphuiluinR plain in l IHHMMTK. 'lie rollout in d4rritrd lands: 1.1 THE HI-ht.UK CHillT of BRITISH McCaffery, Gibbons Cimiinenriiis al a poM planted at tn Hie country will he closed down col.irMMV -oiitliratt corner or lot si, thence 80 . IX TJIK MATTKH Of Tllfc M.AIIMsl II t f',i- lack of orders. Per dozen 'linn, north; Ihrnre 40 (Pains east; thence nil i-lialn thenrr 40 chains weal 10 & Doyle, Ltd. .lnt nr comuiencrrnriit,south; Sod coniainitil Lumbtr Outlook IS THF MATTKB OF "fur. I TATr nr values for $17.50 ao acre.iOSKPII riKire triO.lB nr Iran.Tltt'THEWEY. In Ihe lumber industry I lie . AMiLKW OLSO.H, IEi;l;Akli. IATW- $35 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 Ik tulrrt November tJ. tt0 Keueral opinion is that with the small proibietiun in recent months TAkKMiiUO: IIMI in Ihr orilrr of Ilia $65 values for $45.00 and with very much rt'duced ;ur iwtry a. v. ii. i u apfiiniMi Public Notice, stocks, the industry ihould n-ltiSSrSSHJlL and W Special prices in case - im aaiiaui inr aain rauie arc nrreuj iiiieiice year. a i.ioaperous "jpiauln-d fumii uhm-. preprrly trniird $75 values for $50.00 lots II e mtiiiiiK industry, while eoiwli In me. isi i,r lrforr tlir t dav of March. Are You A. J. Mallett, lii.ris on the whole arc Uiet. a 1.Male'.' ' are required P iriir iav iiioriiini Ihr amount to utr of revival of (fold mining is anticipated iirir imH-Diriinrx Jo lo MrU rnrlhlih.i . in Ontario and UrilUh'Co-iuiiilila, omi'MI tdmlnlalralor. Rhubarb, Lettuce, luted IM lal day of brtiry. lUfi. and Hi l'ort Xowiian oil fonnerly of the firm of discoveries of. IheSlropprial Oil II phomo r: Cucumbers, Spinach Smith & has IV THE tl'PRElir COIliT or IIHITISII Mallett, no Insured? (Jutapany ace fratuflit with great O'REILLY connection with the firm Tjjl "MTKB OF THE ".IDMIM4IIH MARTIN and Other Vegetable arriving s ijjn i flea nee f nr 1 h e cou nlry. aixl -- of Smith & Mallett, Ltd. fresh every boat If TIIK UTTril or TIIK KST.tTI! Ill but has formed a new WHIST LEAGUE tmt'It? w"'li t,'-;AI,"' Koine people only bciu to with J. H. TAk .Mll'lirr. Ilia I in 11 Ordrr of Ilia appreciate the value of Sartnership the firm J'ollowiiiK i the slulldlli lo of uiMiffir JMiiary,r. men.A, l.loiinir,,M.mailr I Ihr tMIl dav J'ue Insurance when their Rupert Table Supply Co. il. tc for tli- IHhhavn Cup: llajfra.IBaalraior rii'ensrd.Ui inr and an Nai nartir nr Charlra name of W. I. l'U. ilsiins ssalfitK: lis- said r.iair are nriwhy limine is burning. PHOfJES 211, 212. ivlinlnd In rsnilali aans-. properly vrriflrif. KhihIii- .,r Col. 1" 20 ui inr, on or heron- ihr t,l day or March. , ()iii'( lake a chancel KELLY & MALLETT Sons of Canada . 7 it 4. Ii. and all arllra inrti bird to iir ealair srr rriiulnil to, pa iu- ansiuiil of Great Reductions riafety llrt. Lull uud eo Valhalla . . . 0 12 i.i. ir Indenlrunrao to in.. rorthKiili, : Oil Heating and Sanitary Son nf titmmi o 12 ottinai II Mi-Ml'l.l.l.V Ailmiiiiairamr Engineers, Knu.hU I'tllf 5 10 Hated this tat day of Ii lirmrr. mi. in our complete stock of DENTISTRY St. Andrew's; f. . 10 IV I'lliHUTl: Dybhavn & Hanson Fraser Street I. O. O. J ...... 3 0 IV THE ill'MKK roi.iyiuv iopiit OK HltlTISII Wallpapers, Pictures, Don't neglect your Teeth PHONESi (i. W. V. 4. 3 0 'X Vi'ilX TTf" "r 1UK ""MI,-tT,,-II A etc. liisuiuricu Ascitis, Third One decayed or missing Lootb Office Green 85 j:ik 3 6 Paints, House Cretin 415 TIIK MITTHI oV TIIK lower MTAT?. Iiy efficiency Avenue, I'rinco Ilupert your SILVERSIDES BROS. TAkK Mlllf K ., thai In Hi ii,i,, in. DR. BAYNE I'lXKiur f' Mrli. Voiina. mad ilm JUn day lton 2 .f Janisr. A. Ii, l. , sfitsilnlrd P.O. Ilox ISO Second Street Offica Uours-Mornlng, 9 to 12; Adimnlslralor to Ihr eaiatr of lioMrl Km Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur-day, il .laaan ibii s.i il. sImI all uarllea hav PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD S, to 12 only. Kvenings,and Fri- OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU Isirrijy ma riaouv rnniln aauinxi d to riirnuh i iu aaui aaine, proisrly Tuesday, Wednesday viirlhrd. Pi llli- on or Iwfi.rM lha li ilm rhone W. S. E. Parker, Mgr. Cdsy, from 7 to 9. Clean Lump, Clean Egg. Mine Kun, IT'S HOT. NO EOOT or Manli. A. n ami all parli.a m. Ne1 ililiUil lo IIm. iHiair no. rupilrrd Crrul uraitura,attrntlon rrisbt.aiver b tiwmi to all or ordrra eLW.fur DENTAL NURSE IN ATTiENPANCB Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. rurtliwllli.1 1- of tli a- inn Mi ijneaa lo to pay n,i Subscribe for The Daily OKPEIIS lima traniar ros wurk COAL kiu WOOD rUONB 109 FOR Al'POlNTMENTJJ 11 Smith IJlock PHONE 7 J. Lorn,- MseLaren, Manager JOII.V orileial II. MiMUI.LIV Aiiiuini.tinior Col"1" " , tliiUJ Hi, tat la; of I'liuaiy, 1 0 4 1. The Leadins Dully of Northtrn BrltUI"