TUB DAILT PAGE 2. RHEUMATISM FOR STREET EXPERT The Daily News Our store is now open with a large stock of imported Published PRINCE Every RUPERT Afternoon, except BRITISH Sunday,COLUMBIA by The News OVER PARS HAS ARRIVED Japanese Fancy (Joods Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Wednesday Afternoon Counotl H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Ko Return Of The Trouble j I Will Oeolda on Policy of SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Since Taking "Fruit-a tives" Work. Consisting of PORCELAINE from Satsuma. Shlpo nnd Kutani City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per rii-nth 11.00 On iln.ilny rvrninir. Hi" fuctories. LACQUER WORK TOYS. PAPETERIKS and a By mail to oil parts of the British Empire and the United .Stales. 103 Cur sen St., MoxtkaL. rHy roiiiifll will nirl in n"lnl great variety of articles in BAMBOO and Antimony made t$ "I a rest sufferer from AAr-matiimnroirrtfeBrt. io inlo I Io' by iu advance, per year - u g ci.m apuio u skilled craftsmen. To all other countries, in advance, per year . 17.00. IconaulWal v.liol juitlon "f ilown Japanese ipeclaJUU; took medicine; uaed l.iwn K(r4t nurfHrinif mcImmiu' 5 TELEPHONE B8. 4' lotions;but noUiiof did me good. llai-olil .Tliucltory. nil X"rt in Our Store is puckcil full of articles .ofinterest to fciioppcrg Then I bejan to use"Knot-a-tiTes", llns lin'St at- work. Iiaa bofti Ladies will be interested in gjj specially our allowing of real Transient Display Advertising St.25 per; Inch each insertion and io 15 days the pain M ealr liroiiKliI IipiT iy lli rily Io Mi-criiitml Jupanese Transient advertising on front page .......... 2.00 per Inch. aud the lUiruoiatlsoi much tetter, Ihe work, having r- Silk KIMONAS. Beautiful garments! jtg Local Headers, per Insertion, 25c. per line. Gradually, "Fruit-a-titft frrrfam rivpil on Suiulay mirlil InMii llir insertion, Sc. per word. my'KktuuuUilm; aud sow, fur firs miiiiIi. Vfnlertluy lie apr-nl I lie Classified Notices,advertising,each insertion,per . 15c per agate line. yean, I bare had no return of tlis iiiomI or ilie. luy Willi Mayor, Phone Legal fruit trouble.medicine I cordially to alt sufferers."recommend thia Itocimsipr lit k"ik ",r ' Red 85 F. K. Akase 6c Co. r0.61 Bex . oiinril m'l- lrpl utxlitl Jln DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, June 7. 102!. T. II. Me HUGH. SOo a box, C for J2J0, trial slxe 25e. Worko.inir lal IlinmiJli nliflil. liia Mi rwninnionil-Itoanl 519 Third Avenue Prince Kupert, B.C. At all dealers or tent postpaid by nlion. nkH Hml n wnflr. Britain Facing Fruit-a-the Limited, OtUsa. Delicate Problem. coaiintr ?IHiri, nnl a road crnu- In the matter of n renewal if the alliance with Japan, which i. 7IJ, Iia iurrhal. Oar is to lie taken up HMin by firent Hritain. there will be n delicate SUITCASES motion of Aid. l'arker. hoh1.I to by Ala!. Sllvtrxlil!. il wn. liow-rvrr. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ban nothing queMJon involved for the latter country. Japan de in the making or the trebly for it will coiillii l in no way with TRUNKS ilrltlrd to linlil llir mailer any or her other alliance. On the other hand, Hritain is not in over unlll Ilie xpecinl moel- Tuesday, Juns 7. suclt aj post)ion and, even though the renewal of the treaty may HANDBAGS, int" on Wedneoilay mi llifll the II lyli - I :i a.m.. 2iM feel. Contractors he arery desirable accomplishment as far as her relations with i'.himciI may have an opportunity 15:35 p.m.. feel, Japan n re concerned, she has another friendly nation to consider. Tents, Sails, Awnings lo nrouiilnl ilnelf more full) l.w 8:18 a.m.. Ifl feel. Ilie Uml l beliiK Willi iMillry AND SU:!t 5.l fiel. and That natioiijls the United Slates. For some years past, even p.111- ilieti there has Iecn little friendship lost belwi-cn uiIoiiIimI in enrryina out Hie work 'I'lio time uacQ li racltlo fclsn-dard. al present time, the United States and Japan and the two rnimries have been i J. F. MAGUIRE Spoaklnp of ili" ileairaliillty of for the IZOth Meridian weal. Prospective Builders, )in-rtiaiiir Ihe niarlilneK. Mayor It Is counted from 0 lo H hours other with certain amount uf coolness. In to treat each a prone Next the Prinee Kupert Hotel Hor.liOKler xlnlett laat itrlil Dial exist The result of llritain's turning from midnight to midnight, facl'a jealousy seems to 1 Nearest to Mr. Tliarkerny timl lnlel Hint approach pre-war prices on The tuble given is for fort dowii I hp alliance with Jaj.au ran plainly be imagined and. at the fcariMvlime. loo much friendly show with her might be like reading Willi il would Hie he work imoilile withoul In (ro tlietu.tin Simpson but the lime for Prince Shiplap, Dimension. Boards, Lath, Flooring, fr'w United .States. The settlement i)f the Kupert varies only a itilnulen on the toes of the question satisfactorily anil the retaining of the good feeling that Wliile an out lay of nonie on some days and on others if Ceiling, Rustic, Kiln Dried Finish would lie involved Ilie fait prevails between Great Hritain and the United Slates and. simultaneously, Dial II wan mayor and Ilie the same. The range of the tide All in Number One Fir nery with Japan is going to retjuirc a good deal of diplomacy WATKIl ACT. 1914. may be computed as 5 per oein aiid careful statesmanship. Haply the question might WITICEH HKBCBY UIVKS mat III work right. iii'pttt a well le rlarli-d greater at I'rinc Hupert than at Wo have pot prices down to rock bottom. result in jhe forming even of a belter understanding between the Homwr I ho Uratrnant iMivrroor of Brfton Port tilrnpson both al springs and stock and iMnmtita lir and whs I fx" elw t Mm Wanted Policy. nfabs. Therefore th rise In the Inspect our place your order, United Slates and Japan. Eurann. Omnril tlt brrtt pleatMl Iu Aid. SiUemhlf aokeil what III urttt-Z. . Prince Hupert harbor is slight!) Stewart Will Be SrriHMi Tnai numuini f tiie 10 Water iw proYininna art 114 poliey of ihe IWwird of Work greater than Port Wtinpaon. Albert 5 Hub of Mining. inretKtir m f uw suisiM or ti4 wa to he in ilointr tliit Mrer The height is in feet and tenth, McCaffery, Ltd. that the mrnr of oorrcnrowl work. Had it dHideil to do it From present indications, it would appear lhal Stewart, tin 9.Urn tit llrtr Mae. MrMullin Crrrt of feet above the average level oi Phones 110 and 564 ant Marmoi Blr in in erim u-frrt ilelf or had roiilraet work lieer season, will be Jhe hub of the mining activities w me norm, in Water iminri MU3iinl ii lower low water. eoniderid? the few weeks there has been a good dyl of activity on the tirarrn-UMiiwil numlarrrd 4 p past proved im tint I4U dajr of nvennbrr. Aid. K"rfv rhairman of the MINKIIAI. trr. outside in the matler of financing a number of mines in thai Il. ttr ranmim in M far w aid rrwrre nain la iw wiur f Hoard of Work. Mated thai Ihe district and, shortly, Ibe work of proving lliem.will comriienee. lurmut Mir in tin- rriwe Hutrt Imartl had alwayx fell lhal Hie ri.Riinc.vTC or mraovi hlt. Wtifr liKinrt and tnai notir r In addition, of course, to nil this work of a smaller nation, the srn eanrMtatkm I pntitithrd for outline on' the roek would have j t i - Premier Gold Mining Co. has etlled ils strike and mining wilt Ibren mUM in fn B. C Oaclle I and for threr nxiniha tn one lour to le done by Ihe city ilaelf. Tnw- - unml f.taim. nimH m tar resume as well ns the lug Jon or gelling me iraniwny i ui ai nMinib or kthim nrvtrniM-r pub-Nbrd Goiitrartn could lie el for the ftkeruj lijmnr InrMun ul lua.l Oi.trw- ; $50 to $5,000 Wwr Vvhrrr Inrair: i. rwrlrr l.lawl 1ui in Itm Cnnrc Haprrl few wll doublies in the next Thus Stewart, jnontliN " season. iHdrirt. ertjHhiiiK of Ihe rock al Smith in. llr Trial ajrral laim lie a busy -place and will keep a Uirge number of men employed. luled mi 4I dT of MarrD. A. D. ltl TikK otir.r. IIhi lo W.. faitMurs A YEAR FOR LIFE T. It, eATlULUI. Uland and the IowIhb- of it to '. M. r.. .! i".. a al U i'v The work there will reflect indirectly on this city. ' . Miniairr of Land!. .a. hlr Htf. ri morr. r the the but road aeltial A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT Jfclly oneair v,. itaal . ininwl. ot i" ANNUITY PROHDES IT Central' Interior LAM) ACT. htiildinr nould never be don Inn lh 4air Wm4. " aMttf. a ilr Mlnun Hrmirorr faar a tumoral Im K tetter lift Taking Its Place. . alifartorily Imi .. Hie conlrar'. I.,mmiih fr liar lairw r i4,Uians No brtlrr invratmrst opAUk.U 5. nmic f ttitlR PP' Imm tan. a iiro.n tirut rf aUk rmm mwlir The- central-interior i steadily filling tiplwilli Ve.tUers and . m viwn cnarioue iuixn mm ininr,i. baalx. 'Iliere t would only le a VIHl larthrr Uar uK that arliuS. . -Oanot b Mind a. krrirj .1 a far mf m' Itrnirilms riwi l-rn huprt. and wry few inert required In 1 hi UVr rtkm at. mux ti rusunmrMi Wa U IrpUcd V Imi, aaUa a tnj4 there js a great period of propcrily in store there, judging from work, ' fare tn. uwuur M aura orriiflrai. M Nut Wfrcltd by Ut oVynaiii reports that are being received from persons who are studying rtkF xoTl that Canadian riti 4 anyway. lij,prwBU Paint im im Oar . K.U. Ifl -rf (ma Ontniemm laooanc Taa . r:olrt ."lorarr Co. I.id. nf crinr Hiri. Aid. Me.Veill Hie . , . . rrnpbaatzeil ' V., i i m I II WH W. -TMoha, Nw arMttvl aanunatiua rrqaKvd conuiuoiis 4iii uic grouiia. jerriire. i eovwu, minis muc, uoucr-hoof i rriipatun frrn and iroirn nn arin. iniMKH it. aiifiir lor r"niMion ti. Mr fnH. that whalever plan wa Aajron ovrr th. uf ym rrawVat u 4ooilcik4 la Caa4a and Prince George are becoming important centres of agri-cullnfe ttif fnilommr ilrwr1b-d land: adopted Hie city would have lit ihe tifni:r.OiLI MSIV.ifaT or uniTi.i'i nay surriMM. and Ihere is a good deal of activity in other lines. Around in OrfTUieiH-in Mjuihrrlv al dirrriKin a piantMl fmni Hot n Indl-root buy theae niarlilnea. Any two prrauna may purckawr juaaJy Terrace. Smithers. Hums Lake and Fort Fraser there is a good tatlnn I. It. . I. Uvurr HO fL Jnorr or la thr matVT T tae Mlatr f eaanwi Kanpioyera nay pmlwv far tbnr tmiofm -irail httmM tm lm in a s. w airrriwu w i wmvr Aid. hilvereide. ilt iniled I M.. iwiMil, .ml m tur mailer 4 lr deal of smc illation as lit the mining possibilities. Terrace Las our, ttM-ix-e 7e fL -lrlr Siir lhal there should nome policy a JamM.ir.lw .rt. I the Hudson mid m-airr mark: tlimrr rmrtl rlr tee ft. mow ' Aavtv a. rs mI.. a .raw, ao. km HIT its and oil prospects, Sniithers, Hay copper r trt Io turn wafr nurk: ilirncr aa net out. before Ihe iiiaehiueii Ta: vornr tnai aanmialratian 4 iMawit 1 4 tr. aa 909 vaa.w.M Mm IMi 1 HnblUe mining fields; Hums Lake, oil possibilities, and Fort ft. rtdrrlr ibmr tush wairr mark Io point ' ihv i.t. of amwl Mi l. aw.t, ", T. torn mm! of nmnf-nrrmrhl and rMitairliia ' arrra were purrhafred. Aid. FrUe .ranira u .uin ri m ra.im, "iothi Fraser, coal indications. Resides, at Prince George, there is a nun or r . 1 1... il... .. I i.tHMMtri frtorr Harr1. ItrtMMi immhi 4 a a big pulp and paper proposition which is rapidly advancing out o rJ:MII LTI T.FIH IL Joinon.A COLD ToaOE CO.. lie done by rontrart. Aid, Parker; VM' nnTiiiH I na tkt wt TTU tal 11 the "stole or possibility into accomplishment. With agriculture l)AItDMayrd.IVfl. ratal an wa of Ihe opinion lhal Ihe roun-Imiuimi 1.. t in. him. l Ow urwW-r as a stable and established industry and all these iosihle de-delopmeuls LAND ACT. ril Hhiftild not auUiorize Ilie irura ruruiaiui.aaamM U ami wO an ivraun)UI arr iHKIIIf rr miMa in other lines, there is good reason io believe that the purrhiire of Ihe maehinea lairnl in t M" Mtw ana tar Mad--.rnr1 Kotk of Intantlan M apalf to Laaaa Lan4. atttua inn it da (r-aa it lUK centra interior will soon lake its place as a district second to In lunar a, i 1-aiKi iimnrt. wroro-irur in Ihe alreiiftlh of fifleet) w-ri.' none iu commercial and industrial importance to other older and Dltlrlrl uf 1'rime Hu-rt. and anualr inimile ronaullullon lhal lh i IHItr. al frmr. hiitrM tm' 0 rt nore advanced sections of the province. And thus again Prince oroaulr Mlrtdh- !.jmirrr.t hniiin 4 nnwa Kland,Hnnwrn ami IV ui iloai'd :t Worke had had will: , Jollk II M. VIIJ il GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY luperU-as the seaport, .should benefit tia great extent. mliM ral nurlli rl nf Dnn IXand UrtiL nial artnim'-irator Ihe new superintendent. Any- Take noiicr tnal I. Airrra r. wrirrn. oi : l-riiirr HuDrrL H. C. orrnnalion land tur- wuy. when the onler waa plnred S.S. PRINCE GEORGE .ailinr PRINCESS ALICE IS mjii account nf the overflow thai Imtr rvor.tlw-inirnd followina 10 annlr ornrribrd for irmiion landt: to Ihere would be no delay In, Jlldnigbl T hursday for Swanson Hay Ocean Fallt swou-ver. the Alice has been eoinmixaioneij Cmnnirnrinr at a il tiianiwi on mora inr jrelliiiK the iiincbines here ainll 'TheOutitigSeason" icioiia and feniile Wednesday 10 p t- Anyoi. noniiwrat end or a and tr 1 14 MAKING SPECIAL TRIP C ll" 1xvl'-'llr ah- S.W. of tor aomnwraf rornrr or lit t. he t lioujrtit that Ihey would nr-1 8. 8. PRICE ALBERT hanr I. Coant liiatrlrl; tnmr arojinrt on (returns from will iik niir sand Uar. lakliir ID all fnatiart 'ne m plenty of lime o that For fori rienienls. Ma.setL llucklev Hur and all polola 'ave hoard tlio first tint Uiw Watrr .Mark, and rontainint 4 Let supply the ITanda J oie ' R.tomlna Will H.. Fleat P... ! on passeii- nmre or lr. the work would he nl (Mityed us aouiliern V .r. n ;itarl.'H arrra, sengera.of Season Outgoing pers of the season from the ALf MEIJ t- W1UUIIT. on this areount. Juo- 8th. luted Ihia Ifl dajr of April A. O. 1S1I. From Far North. Yukon. , These . passengers have In urciiiK (hat the mailer he Good Eats TRAIN SERVICE. . spent Hie winter iu the far North LAM) ACT. laid over, both Aid. Parker nnd The C.P.H. steamer Princes and this will be the first opportunity Aid. Kllveraideai made II rear can furnish evervlhniK for Smithers. frince Oeor.-j.for Imwhton all poinU eaal and iooi. Alice will reach this port on afforded them of pelting Motlea of Intantlan to applf ta Laaaa Land. inr direct ennnerllans In Manrr 6. :nat Mud Imtrirt. iirrord-inr that they meant no reflection on from Hoiip lo Nil I ini'liiilinu Steamahlp Lines Friday morning making a special out. dlnlrirt or ITinre HuM-rt. and aitual the Hoard of Works. (Hives. Plain. KlulTed or Agency All Ocean In Middle l'asaai- uir the !Snrm Writ anorr run, to Alaska port on account of Krnnedr laland llipe; (Hive llullei. Peauiil tot ibrarcnatias ara raraiu. of the heavy, traffic that The police ban been instruc i Take nollrr i na i i, ureo c. wnim, . Oit? Tlakat OIBaa. f IS TVIr a.aa.a. C Prinre Itunrrt. . C. ornmalion land aur- flutter, a n ti e 1. Meals. f, M f frina out of Vancouver ted In see that the all niglil wnr. iukhkI to appl pnuium to Ten Years Ago f ChlrUen, I.ojialer. piuun-loea. hnw.for the Iran the folloin drarruied landa: Yukoji and Alaska. (axis in the vicinity of Goino Coniinenrinr al a txial planted on the Salad Dreaaing. Pirkles. I lie J'rincesB Iloyal. which will Avenue is discontinued. As earn end of I lie sand Bar known aa "IU" In Princai Rupert I Ilrinka, Kofi (irape Juice, Sand, 40 chalna eat or tne norm r.a, open the regular summer sched-ilong as the question does nol corner of Lot SM. Hanao t. (Mat Ulalricli Lime Juice. I'ani'y (Inkeii. RAILWAY ule and will arrive here next become vexed Hie city council In llH-nre all Ikat around part the above enure Ijiw sand Water Bar. lakinr Slark, The o clion brought by V. H. nnd Fruit a. CANADIAN PACIFIC Monday morning. is already i has decided not to bring in form-booked and raniainink iw arrra, noire or leaa. Nelaon aKain.l I.yiirh llroa. for No for f-hanze up completely and 11 is al legislation in this regard. fMted tma HI ALf'rlLH day of r:.April WMIUHT.A II. ttft. damages in the ttounly eourl Free Delivery. packing B.C. Coast Service! yeslerday before JuiIk Yiiinip for wronitful diMoiMxal and wufceg uinouiilinff lo f 122.22 wun Sailincsfrom Prince Rupert Munro Bros. diMinissed with cohIs. W. K. For K.tchlkn. WranBsll, Jonaau and kaQw.--13, I'laher appeared , for Ihe plaili- 1 1B' P Guaranteed Jons 20. 27. July 4, 11, H, ! A0-t Dentistry Vvsnus liff and A. M. Mnnaon for the Phone 81 Third defendant. For Vaneou.sr, Victoria ana ' ,fl a a Juno 18. 25 July 2, 8, 16, 23, 30 AUBUBV a, r-' Phone S75 for appointment Ldy AaeUttant The Iioumii niiiiilierintr r-wiifnll- - n wv...... .ralla. Port- M.rdv. Alart ai, ror owanson oar, i lee of the riiy oouncfl 'a!lt ihl NlnokUh. Uaav.r Cova, Vancouver and Victoria reported lhal they renomiueiided Bags 'event' SATURDAY AT WOON, the lender if I., llulloe.k WeUnler The Handicap of Crown.-Bridge and bvi ucoepled for Ihe work of Suitcases Tickets lo nil pari, of the World - r,,.l"f"rm"lton ,r"m numheriiiK the houaea in Princ W. 0. ORCHARD, Ontni ft Defective Teeth Plate Work HupiTl, al the price of 20 renin Trunks Comae of 4th Btroat and 3rfl vsnua, rnn r- per number. I he recommenda- jIb too much for you to carry, at the lowest prices possible, kion was udopled. Tcnti, Packsacks both from a health considering the a and business material I started The Julesl In the city JndiJitlry i Ihe to imttul.)". F. M. Crosby LIMITED. UNION STEAMSHIP.CO. OFiB.C., standpoint use nl ion of a special electric plant 715 Third Avenua, Princs Kupert .... iman til alia SmlU and tin wo'U oo( In make ice cream, by C, 1(. ! .r',u.,.r- "l1 "":L.T...na siimlav Malurdar-. P w. ml your Iflh Orine, the well-known drilKKUl. Ill f."Z'.9.. :...A au Mi.r fxioua. I rmay YOU WILL RECEIVE THE BEST SKILL AND SERVICE AT THIS OFFICE Mr. Orine, who in Ihe pa.I bus been Importing lliis duleelubln Office Hours: Open Evenings delicacy from Vancouver and He-ullle, 7 B i to to to e 9 12 Dr. Jos. Maguire ppolntmcnta Sunday when feels dial the many the time,patrons has ran arrived phone red 1 57 Advertise in "The Daily NeWi 7 and a SMITH BLOCK hesl be served by making Ilie KMU'" lc cream fmaU cu Hit spot, Th. P.(..r lh.t