0 yuN 1 1 TAXI 139 T Phone Huntley & Hale n x 67 x Uzt,on B'ock PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ,,vL Ml, no. ia- piiinck m i'Kiir. n.-c, ti ksday. junk 7. urn. Tlrdir'i Circulation 1.741. Sotet . pRtcg fivk cf.nt Largest Load Fresh Fish Dispatched INTERIOR PULP MILL PROPOSITION WILL SOON BE GROWING INDUSTRY 1 GERMAN POSTS MINISTER ANI TELECRAPH!OF GOLD STRIKE NEW MINISTER IN CERMAN OF LABOR CABIN E (Logging Camps and Thirteen New Cars Pulp Plant Closed PEACE RIVER Loaded with Local Country it Wildly Eicltid and By Whalen Co. a Stampvle Commencing.i it Already Fish Off for East i:i.M.vn. J,u 7. Hi' VAMl'it'VKII. June 7. All lugging ojktuIiuii of Ihr Wluileu pence Ittvcr CiMMly is wildly ex-:! At !:3'i thi tiioriiin? n "pedal ,flh Irain left this port for pulp and I'iiikt ill Hwniioii liny liavr liren dosed down and over a aojil ftful by fir. niiihtlr iiml enlern Sliile.- compri.iiiff thirteen refrigerator car cek liiinaiui'd Caulbor on an v lit rvt reume again for I wo month, '"''riling to iiriinuiictrniiit near tin Cadotle Jliver. There I-niiirh lo.-ided wilh haliliul lKiii?ht hy the various i-omp.Hiie nt (he Kish jlrlv Henry W'linleti. who Inn just ri'tiiriinl from llir northern mystery sjirroundin:; I In Kxcllangv yesterday moriiing. The .train was made tip entirely nttlf I III MI'U iiiiwii uisu iiiiiiiiirs u 111.11 iui iiiiiiiui.ii.wiring Jtl till Unl parties w prcparnm ! or new cars whieli rerently arrived in the dty from the 'eastern vlirrliin at Ihr liig mill at Kwhiimiii Hay and must of the cm-ftiji' invade lh approximate ditirl shop for the lorn I li-li Im-iiiess. Karh rrsUejii identical, the I In fad I lial have lircn iinl olf. Thr rennu for tins dosing down of 'nnmei.inlely despilr train formed a erfert line and was one of the pi'eltiesl ones that lh- exnrl location of Hit dl"neiy Ibf I'Htfi'ifr rumps ",nl then' nrr large supplies, of log on hand, h;js iml been di(lji'l. lias ever heen despatched fiurn litis port. Us sending out wai Mr Whnlen left night for (juuUiiio .Sound where n miiii-Uf elebraled gencnilly along the waterfront in a ipiiel way and judlluiii prevails ul Ihe Port Alice pluuf. Many ramps will MANY SOLDIERS ARE m;iny were on hand In see it leave. Photographer were also lltrre. lo obtain pielure I just - (i j w doed down t present - Herr O.Ib.rl, (-tilr.w - KILLED .!ND WOUNDED rw lrr Uinrtf,frnlr trhm4i laiwr In Is ui lh9 before il pulled out nf the yards. MlnUtrr of Pt l Trr.h ( 4nl i.y l wnik, 'Hie fish oi'i board is all eon-sixned STEAMERS SAIL ;: la th Obtt fwiw.l ly Vr Sir Hamar Greenwood, Chief Sec-, ia m 'H.tf-iltl mmm ffrmiy lo I lie Kasteni Lulled Wlrth. for Irojand, Make i. Mla-rf pf .pri-iiiiir- Stales market and each of Ihe FOR NORTH NOW : MINERS IN CNQLtNO rctary AnnouncjmenL loeel parkin? s!n!s is repre-senleil DEBATE BUDGET CALL NEW CONFERENCE. 4 with ear loml shipments. - NORTH ICELAND FIVE POUNDS j I I.OMmi.V. Junr 7. ir Uatiiur II was (he tareest Irain eon-sislina I.OMK.I.V. Junfl 7 - "lloi 1 1 1 KHitiiuioul atiir irilur-v fur exclusively of fresh hall- Question of Church Union Will latailng Board and Owner. th roal but Ihal ten Ibis iMirf. Nl ba Voted on Until rtrruliti! Iny of POD A WIEI? IMaiwI. ha itifi.;MiMil Ui- lion,.' PARLIAMENT IS ever IUII No Difficulty Crewt.Getting , iiiiiktu union t"'l-o !ind 1 UIV I nil JLl.ir mtiioiw thai 127 x'Winx Ttiere are slill leu refrigerator Neit Monday. Independent left hand for the local . n rail to tin didi-sati' ir-vanination ears on to iiktI tit cn-frrrnw ri.h business so Hot.shortage i T'OIKlXTO, June 7 - buiiget . SVATTt.r:. June 7. -The l fiirth'r roimldf r B''nnt Reached Goernlngi" Irrlaml Ain-i-ii xinj CUaiolHUiii.uiiunry. chan-;IU2. OPENED TODAY off teiiiM.rarily at leasl. lotallius l,KOU,0iin for the year Trlbea on Border Selrr i'r. Dm .IrjVr tUnation. Leone and- Liberia. - - - rrJlitf.ad,aiiij;i2icr..aUjUt!ljk: . Jrt:."STFT 1 . v..y-eT- .. r VnrrsbdertalT7Tenera1slH iid.ly. rsj Dial addiliotial furies were -Premier Craig Announces Par- i-ouowinz, were ine arrivals rttis it an Increase of $H)V,h)0 fc4fjiiJ-iil crrw and the Vlr- Ml.MMI.V, June "?.- l i in sfiil lo Ireland innneilial !. , aonell of Cabinet, unit sales al the' eidiausre yes- over last years. estimate. the iMiuuds slrrliuv and no inor lerday inoruititf whieh coiislitu- , ,, l.rU IraV'H today. alalttfea I Holt tiPi uiuii Ik v hIH lie I lie price of a wiiV ae-Ironlimr ALL MEMBERS TOOK SEATS; led Ihe bit' sbipnienl ICa.t on Hip " ' Tf Hoard and own- AT Mopping REPRESENTATIVE , I he vol.- of rhureh union one lo the rec-eiilly raliied ial Ihfs i,f..ri.i..y: . NO DISPLAY PARTY FEELINQ s,. -port that then t no difft-n,''y j tr- "'""""n In rlMiia rrrww mow to EXPERT LEAVES i roinnitiiMi helwi-e (lrl llrilain GENERAL ASSEMBLY Cora. 10.00(1 oounds: Fjsher, , ",;,,rlf1"t 'and Liberia. Ihe urjrniTree slali I HKLFAST. June 7. The 7 Ollll i...iiii.I- SnioiKi.ii IHIII r" 'V -v....7, eut IMr ai'l. ! In Africa. This miuriilion rewu-! PRESBYTERIANS DED of Northern Ireland par-liainent pouiiUsJ and I-iirili. I.OOl imuiids. ." "1 wacheU U next tales Ihe rrlalimis Ih-Iwih-ii lrib-s 'opened Ibis inoniiiijr amid im-pn'sshe lo ihe IMdficCKi"herle at 1 1.3c '"- ' e'eded. IS UNWILLING livinir on Hie boiiler line U-lwii'ii scenes in Hie ,'council i ' June 7. Ale ; Liberia and Sierra Leone. Worn. Murphy,i:t.llVi:itliAI.L.need ."ifi. who left lurr chamber of Ihe City Hall. .Nationalist. "MT,Hjd. 7.00.1 M,unds: im.ia. it- TWO MEN BELIEVED r. M. McLearn Wa Here en' rlylils.in fulure. lire In be allend Ihe Sinn Fein, ns well as ' Dr. n Tew days to to DROWNED IN FRASER LEAVE SILESIA, reroptiiii-d. all Ihe forty t'nionist. members (ion pounds, sold In the Itoyat Frobe C (inieral Assembly Q. Yeeterday Will Presblerian took their seals. Fish Co.. al tl.Ce and Sc. j , I. Depoella. AMBUSCADE DISPERSED. at Tonnilo miresi-iilinp the HitL'ti O'.Will son of fAirit Alii. I3.0UI) pounds: liirdie. old Man Aqed SO Swam Ashore IU.1.N. June 8. The military Presbylerians of Surrey dislrid. fit , l.noo pounds, and Marsralice, Iirtnan There Sayi ('.Will, was elected speaker pud while Other Two Ballavad Commander tin-result Hn Neither Power Nor In- . hr. V, V. Mct-earn. of OMawa, last iukIiI ilisprseil an died at of llarrie.aulo Ontario,accident.as Mr. Sir James Crate, premier, an- .'" pounds sold lo Ihe Pacif-f- Lost. cllnallon to Do So. a mrinher of Die l!eiiln?iral iur-ey a in tm senile of folly civilians, an of liouuced the following cabinet: ,'c fisheries al ll.Cr anU xc. ! retired farmer of Canada, wa in the dly.killing one. in l'."Uiily Wuler-fonl. Murphy was a ) Home Secrdary. Sit Jiawsoo Mali. U.000 pounds; Kwimounl, CHII.LIWACK. June 7.Jolut Iimt.l.Y June 7. lirneral Von r tr n lay on lil way to Ihr I his place. Hales. 'it .6,000 iKiunds; Scrub. U.000 aj n,, Oresra- are believed ti'i I' 'for. roiniiiandintf liie lirrninn Oueen Itharhdle IUnJs to undertake Fiuance, Maniuis, II. M. Pid. ,pounds; llelhune. to.nuo pounds r lap jM. drwm.j ti, Kraser -rrrii m fllrsia, has replinl I" n snrey there. Me n lock. Fannie F- t.000 pounds, and tfVer on Sunday ariernoon. Tim ft' AIIip.I ullliiiHlnio deinaiidinic nrromunniml hy '.. II. Crirkniay Establishment of Paper Kd ileal ion. Marquis of t.on- IJiinaco. 9.00(1 pounds, sold lo Hie iw ,-. w i 1 1 1 JohuKiiux. weri tl' iltilrawal f His foix-i's from And It. A'. P. Jones, two .Indent donderry. Canadian Fish and Cold Storage crossing the river lo mi island la Ul ii'imlry. alallng that -4"' nsl stunt a from the Unlveislly of Mill at Prince George Labory.li' M. Andn-wsjs- Co.. nt lt.7e and 5c. allend to some.Mick when their,' 1'ithrr lias Ihr uiiwrr to do so II-0. Agriculture, K. A. Airh'dnle. Swirtsure, 23,1100 pounds', suld b,,at upsel. Knox, -'who Ms-.i 80 Iiidiidrd in the procraniine or There was Utile outwanl display lo the Alliit Fisheries at 1 1. e years of a;re, swam to the island niiiil.l lif. wllllnx to n- U (tie rlf ,r ili-friiilA forvee I In jrissdojjlejil suney for lUJI Entails Large Expense 'of parly fceliwr. , and 5e. land was rescued yesterday after-' ln'l th plitci-i drfrnd-l"l. Is an exainlniilion of the vieinity The hiith runelionarlesi including llennell, -4,000 Kunds; lliugn, noon. There is no trace or thV. they are of kideitiile and tJuimhewa ln-li-ln. Viceeouut Filpjdfe' jhe 1,000 pounds, and Wales Island, oilier two'men. il In'Ilif I.r (irriium forren lire the The ceolugiral seelions Pltl.Vt'.H UKOltliK. June 7.- "We prowe making an enormous new vice roy m ireianut. were 1 1.mm pounds, sold lo the Hooth f-lrlri and tliu iiirri-iiahiir siiuulioii ill is ie- here are of linporlanre, in.I ly iinestnieiil in this pulp nnd paper plant, liul ln-fore doing n-eived al the city liaU'.liyLJurd : Fisheries Canadian Co., al 12.5c REINDEER AND MUSK "iiiliig rimiilirurd. In working out telutions of loeal mi we-wish In make mi re that we shall gel inleifsl onthe money." Ma or Coales. who presented an and 5c., reoiioinirtt deposiU. but may also of Im.v Fraser Timber Syndicate, address lo which Hie vivo; roy Inxifd 1 17,000 pounds; OX WILL BE RAISED said II.-J. S. TyrJuirM. luanajrer he used lndireclly In the mainland replied. Yakillat, 2,000 poh nils, and Cuy-k'eou. CSK TOWNSITE CASE us n sort of key loealily, speaking or his company's project yesterday al Prince (ieorge. luncheon, vv" ,' . 3,noil poduds, sold lo Ihe ery imporlaiit in H. tJ. Keolojiy. WViiVver expect In grl our money back hut we do wish t to be cd Ihe openiuir. Premier -Craitf Itoynl Fish Co., lit l-'.Go and Dominion Government Has Reserved MAY Lands In North For BE SETTLED OUT Foetlle Will Ba Collected. sure lif n iru-oiuible rulv of inleresl." read a messase froiii ' KIni; 5r. ' the that Ihe rruiso of the pulp Ceorge announcing his iuteulloii Ciola, 5.000 pounds, sold lo Purpose. OF COURT BELIEVED wi.iii. in thin district Mr. Tyrhursl suid governim-nt it- will lnpsliiile Die retioti- limits would he tunipleled on June It uud at the end or July or opening Ihe parliament personally Ihe Canadian Fish uud Cold Storage OTTAWA, Tune 7 - thai the Wednesday. Juno 22. Co., at 10c and 5. on intends lu lake 4 'lo.........i . . .... ed oil shales and the eeonomle Ihe principal member of the syndicate will he on the roast fur Nautilus, 3,000 pounds, sold lo (luvrrmuent action n-oiriu mo I oi i'oiii i iiiiij' any on the report or the com,", lhy hr reached in II. I.owrjn rondltion driiosiis nnd nmtrnllinit particularly U'e o-Irihulion Ihu purpow or siKlliUK W a"L ANGLICAN SYNOD the 1 loyal Fish Co.. at 10s and t ...1.1....OIISSIOII ...I.l-l.milCII f.IIM 1,'SimUlt'U.11.. II...lliq J. E. Mrrryrteld. Paul AIaolT. thai will aid prospeel. lOtreynivvllh ihe Prtju t'.o- 5c. I possibilities of musk px and Tlminan uiid Klrk- OPENING TODAY Pioneer. 33,000 pounds; Clara J. A, along the reindeer raising:! fn' Northern. Mr. wri.earu luinbla Movernmenl Nruk IllU' Olid drilling. WITH B.C. TIMBER N.. 2.000 pounds, and While. Lily rase imolvlns. thr link and he in-IcikN Canada was inJiuiatHd In Ihe lon.ii i II a paleontologist lines tif6 tin tentative nrranne-inent-i'lilerrU 0.000 pounds, sold In Hie Pad fie House iismj' inc rsi' nun to make n larttn rollerllon into last, Dcccuiheiv Many Clergymen 'ssembled In the ot Common on Salurday '"Hiiiu-d Sea Products Association at Vo In the a.ii l.e-l"f" Premier Mcighcn. Certain tonrl I by Victoria Mem. In Specification of Included of fonsils for the syndiialo In secure City for Annual Convention. Th .wishes and 5r. Mr. Jutj'c and the llands will be reserved for (hut tlri'Bory Ollawa. This British Board of Works. l lint or- . . .... orial Miueum at milch Veller forest prolis-llou K l nee and Whw, 13,000 . I nVl....i .. .. U the nalhul museum or .i.su. than nt present nnd to have set The annual convention of Hie pounds and Westerner, .1,000 purpose. .- v,lul-, aajouriiinenl then lie-ni the larue rol. LONDON, June 7. Practical of Ihe Diocese of .iu ..n.i roniiilns. agricultural Anglican Synod the' Canadian I.. aside ul once any pounds, sold to mad. FLOOD DEATH TOLL. The (-oiitendhm nirlieM tests or llrllish Columbia spruce sur- toda Prim Beoh.icul of Hi" Caledonia opens Jn, e mid im-IIoii selllemeuU Hint may be made Fisli and Cold Storage Co., at t'e - western hemlock- by 1'lT.lll.O. June 7 The death uikjitiuiou urn eiiiieuvoruiK and the rallied Iral city of the u,e,lluperl, It'l W,.(h,.- Xl'ii... Ihe rest of Ihe liniiU set aside as llritlsh Hoard or Works, on and 5e. 'lulls from ihe iIimhJ U mum-; and aetlle their uim is lo make III" col. 'north. There will be a' liieeljiis' t,6oO sold a"f'rriicc a perpi'Uuil foresl reserve. hair id the advisory committee Kthel June, pounds, jiug reached llfty-tive persons, privately. as possible, executive couuuitlee in the roinplele or the lection as At pri'srnl the power prospect Institute, lo Hie Puciric Sea Products As. limbers id the, Imperial and representative or W nanir-of iu-esliatei(am., on archbishop's residence Ibis e ruin;.-. and 5e. of Hie AVIIlow lliver are being snciulinil nt ll.le CROWN FORCESTAKE Canada. There have proved iiuile'satis-fadory, Tomorrow morning there - - thai. ower Ul n" faillnB allneheil to the col and as a result these Communion and (he is history Ne-j will be Holy RED CROSS n will h'' developed from the heen included In Ihe I woods have LLOYD GEORGE IS 100 REPUBLICANS lodion of fiMslls Tor i mi iinis-iMitn. chako UKcr. Tlt5 latter Is a low of archbishop's charge will' be delivered. otriclal limber speeiHcallon In 1011 Mr. J. I. Me-Ketule. Tomorrow evening there head proposition and very expensive. ON THE SICK LIST! UI i Wat now head of (ho loeal will hut dcpurluirul. as alternatives will be a lecture in St. Andrew's A public meeting vvll tw held iq FoughHn Mill Street, ,no(her heavy expense verk, and Sinn Felnere office of I he urvry,' collected a be (he inslalliuu ot bootuiiiK and to Kuropeun Joinery timbers. Church by His Orace Archbishop the Council Chamber, City Hell, Killed. Iiiikk nuinher or fosull. hut sloraue grounds for bias al a EXECUTIONS TOOK Du Vernei oil ''Psycholouj V Thf LONDON, June 7. Premier on TUESDAY, Hie 7th in.t nt lust them when the Prince Albert will U- open lo all. (leneral bus), Lloyd OeorKe Is Miffcriiili from a b o'clock. '"K. June 7, ti,,. , ri,wn wan wrecked In the north. Later cos. I or HO,000.Is hopeful id the PLACE IN IRELAND uess will lake Hie moslot Hie chill mid overwork uud lias Ih'imi All pertiee Interested in the in'I" 'u'liii ed niiM o Hunt 'miulher rolled Ion was made and ugreeiueiii'."l,o1nR Mr. Tytliurrl slaneiUaml Hie DUHI.IN. June 7. Three men time on Thursday when the synyd ordered by his physicluns to take Ited Croei National Cruiade for luadred ineinb'ers of llu lln. Illt'.U ,iwv.. Dlliiwa safely,- hut work darted ultnost luinediulely. convicted of participating In the will conduue. Tlere uro ulrenily a complete, rest. All his bust., good health are Invited to be il " H Mill Hlreel ufler "when the parliament buildlnff lull ho says that all depem. on recent disorders in llelund were many clergymen uesembled in the uess and stale engagement have prea-nt. ' iimhidi Hirer i I nil fdu bullied llio foesll mlUi?.were iiumuer-td the llrllith Columbia suvoitiiueut. executed here t li i murniuir- Icily to attend. been cancelled. kitlej. aitiouK tliu