TBI TiAMST IflWB PKOE 8. t,,"Jm June , JUNEAU MINE One Great Essential Arnold Public G. H. - Notary FOR SALE NOW CLOSED To a Woman's Health Westholme Theatre A Iwii-aparlmcnl dwelling !iou?o on Horden Street, fto, Is Her Nerves HUK, willi one lot. Fully modern. Property is now rented American Qastlneau Compaiy .Nature Intended vomrn la t irvn. TONIGHT, TUESDAY for $50 per iiionlli. An excellent neighborhood. Hcnutiful Ceases Mining Permanently. lirstlliy ami nippy it the dsy It Mini, In-trail of brint sick snil wrrlrhnt Hill murine view. A bargain nt S3.500.00. JtJ.NKAl'. Jiiiip 0. 'I'Iha mine Ikiw rsn in? onitian. be healthy imj tappr ! nml mill of Hie Alaka-OaHllneail lH-n Ihe hul nrrtuiii fytirin It sn Irum. tlx- trouble I Ihry pay nsire H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Mining Cuiiiaiiy pened opera allmlhin lo Mwlr suclil sml Itouarniihl Insurance Rentals Real Estate tion permanently lal 'Hiurilny. duile than they do In their liealih. I s In.xmtiullinir of the planln Un II snr stilrr ISrn thsl Ihey breinne CHARLES nlrendy romtnenei'd. irriuble snd nertuu. he Isit fluthrs, RAY faint sml duty uprlH, aiiMilhrrlnt snd In making n lnleiiniit, Mr. Hikiny ena. Iirn-nie rak ami nrrvnn. ii'o. T. JaekNon, fienchd man mil rvertbin In lire ts-nnnei dark in.l ncr, xu id: lltssiiy. .VllbtinVs llrs'rl snd rre pills ir the in in rainfall Bring "OwiiiK I t Hie licay fHi,t thsi tM.rk.,ua. iihhI-ouI. mrarv of last Sunday, rouplcd willi (ho sisiK-n need lu reiturf Ihrm lu Us) blrta'. warm weather of tin past two Ins of ttKnJ health. Your days, o imicli wafer lias in Mr. P. II, llran, saiwl Itrttil, .V "Paris Green" smithies school. from Hie hills lo I In- Persexer. Hies:---I hate been a sreal suitrrer rnun nerve Inmblvn. I t u rak ami Old Gold ViTli.r T i'i.Tn.i:li)itd. nnce triliio we Jiae heen iiuahKl nenmi I ruuld Bvt ale'P St nnht sihI Sealed Trmli-r-. oiwrarrilsl "Tender to liaiidltr it w.h otil pumps, fi uiy appetite a rrr r. I mwilrt nl fr Miiliiirre Simml.- will lie rerelvr.1 Nearly every one lias some old UtHKHiralilr tlK' UiiiI-i.t .,f l i.h.ir b.-Ihe the iiiine and mill will lie rlosrj, alk arriMt Hie n.ier IIImmiI Iretublinr. HuUt Jewelry around which is H.iras up in ir uiiiuk mam of Tuesday. ''W had ireviiuy nitnoiiueeil I had b"t nu.liea ami faintiua- prlla. u ttru nn. vim nar nr June, isyt, ror 11m er-r I aa nn tiij aenwil lm nf MHbtirn's oil) of dale or not in use. msi inn inn I" iM-thvii-hniKf-.-ninpi. ii'.n i.r at a sniltlters.i room in i.ll the I hot wn would tieriite tlinitigll llrarl ami .Vrrte plllr I brtan lu reel bfl Comedy, Carter de Haven in "Never Again" ; ran make it over inlu iinmHM-a ritM'inrai I'tMtit't, h. i;. Juno," he eoiiliiiued, "hut with Irr ami Irpl mi until I had unl sit btr gifriie new design or pay you nana, neeiiieiiiin. r.inirarl ami Fnrma (Ills itie.lion of water eotifmul tklH-n I frit like a rtinrrrnl permii I am if Tender may be eeii hi aul after tile w IIIhiuI tlK-ni in IhelMittae ami rrmni- Prizma Scenic rash fyr what you tin nol necdt ih w.v or June, ist. ai I In- nHire or.- ing us we reoeiM-il onlers U iietrr Tonirc nf rw, J. Vatmii. !.. nnvertiment Aireht. iiwtKi tiirni lu an hu tuner iih tnrir " "Vyu may li" surprised what Oimrt inie, Vaiienuver. eiost- tlnwn al onei'. i nertet."' I UUJ J. II. MrMulllu. Ea.. ontrrninent Arenl. "Tin- mills will Ih loiill I'rices - - 15c and .'J5c. do with ran sonic m-ciii-inBly paper you I wire Muitrrt. Prlrti tnr. s lsi at all d'aiert or uiiiini useless article. I.. K. Warner. Esq., .serreTary In Srtmul ftiani'. for mi iv," ' eoneludeil. dlrerl on rerelpl uf rre by lot T. unburn or IIh tifiattimnl or I'ul.lir Wurkt, 'hill Hot urttlal dale of Hie Mart Cu, Lliuilist, Torwnlo, out Artt. John Bulger tlrturta. ii. iT. ini? Of tin; const rocl ion has not The lour.I ur an'r lender Mil nrreavarllv Jeweller treei'ieil. I'OlilH-r. Work I'lmie.I hlllHYr. as 1(HWe'rlniTfirRftlunirii-ye.L Jmen . ileiA'rmuMML.. t PRINCE GEORGE Empress Theatre - - - - Tonight, Tuesday l ulilir Work lieparlinenl, rly ii uuiiilier of men will l IrturM,mo II.. ia r. , thrown out of einplfiymenl IiiiT it 't he plans of the ! .! slallon l thotiglil I luil tunny will l ir were nptrovci iiy tlie iioaru of MIXCIIAL ACT. Liincd fur dismantling work. llailwny t'lOiitmissioiirrs on May (fVtn f.) Elain 3. it I uitnVrsliHMl. Iliis iu- Hammerstein i:EnliriUATB OF IMMIOVEMKSTS. ohlalneil hy notice. CUBAN CHILD MAY rorma(ii)n a (ieorge rVnwick, secretary of lh IHIIon"anrv and tlanka.""Maude "flan S." Mineral psieh."Claim I m HAVE BEEN VICTIM Prince Ocorge llimnl of Trade, IN iltuatr In IIm Xaaa Hirer Mlnlnt Imi.liaa roinmunlralJiig with tlie secrv- MOIR'S or Where uuiir hinted:nmrirt.tbaul ft mil on I fx OF WITCH DOCTORS lary of lh Hallway Cmmlstoii. IHark kilcaull B'-ar Rurr Rlter.tin tribntarv kmisn a- the latter stnliil that I here Is "The Daughter Pays" TAkE MlTIlK I ha I I. Lent V. l-atmnrr no Information ns m wnen ine HAVANA. Cnho. Jim.' 7. - r.M.r.. sai-c. i rem rnr Alfred r Wrlrhl. F.MX. .No. IMUJ C: Hnrer M Provincial authorilies are work would Mart, hut that Ihe; Chocolates Wrlttn, Five Miner-! Cernilraie o. at4 "on-duetiiiK station has t Iw lu operation oors I., wrta-ai. I rer jonrra renin n Kfarehing iuvi'slign. ( rule .v.. -:: Marv v. Macljrcn. I're hy Augul I, of this year. :lnera t rrtinratr i igl-l tlotander lion inlu Ihe mysterious disappearance Comedy - - - "He Misses His Step" ;TiMn, rrrr itinera iJ-ninaie m I9il7 from liis home on CD Hlchard H. I.lniry. r--ll Free Mliier" The Hose Hall held on Thurs-i lOrllllrile o. 7Siii.: On"t iilenme. Frei n much near Ouaulnitnitin nf INIner :rrnnralr 37S7 :. and John lay night in Hie Hills.Kiffei! . CoikIhIo .Martinet, aged 5 wlui HUlrrr. "peni Free Mlnrr rerlinrafc. hall hy Ihe Ladies' Auxiliary of 'N.i. r:.-n. Inrrn.l. ttu, (av fr.an Ihe rtatf fl is reported, have hecit A laborer i worthy of her hrref. l apply to ihr Minlna HeainMr may Ihe hospital, was a iironoiincei mr a i.eriiiirair or imprt)rpmnr. irvr in victim of wilrlt doctors Tliro hire and a little bit more. purpose or ubiiinliia a Cruwn Orinl oi sura-ess. 'Pltfs s an mutual af. ', When your stenographer rarn AND or rfllTHF.n'iw ahnvr Tk,rlaim.OTUE lhl tf men held without ant a wntnan hail fur air exainlnu.linng fair and the Mies of the solely I DEC DP (IN PRICES does good work mke her 1 1,in. nnr yerll'jn t. Rill tie Mm are lo lie roiisrniuiaieu iiKn ine nirnred U-fre the lue of nirh cer linn, one ff them helng known FOR SALMON HERE-! box of happy with a Mom's. lirralr nf lmpmve:nei:t success of their enorls. 1'iider Overtime loses its terrors, r:.Mtp this ism iv of Arm, a. n. orally as a "healer"' and seller Ihe capahle presidency of Mrs. films Dc,&r I.FWH W I'WM'iltF. of The medicines. aid "pothooks" become patent mint Hixoii, the hall was transformed Meeting Canntrs In Vancouver ; of tin: lad. his sola; more interesting when she missing into a verlluhle fairyland, it' Last Friday Announce J is tasting such a reward. UAVEYtur Suit Cleaned rcialivtv S4s thai his ilcf mass of res and colored dni- j Prices. . Films in before 9 a.m. finished the same day 1 1 under and Pressed by our Steam disappeareu a year ago el-I i erics Bivlnir HJiiostidellKlilful Who cares how hard one Machine Method. Price reason similar rirr.utiiHtances. A.tMH i ll. Jilli- A works when one receives able. Give us a trial feet. There was a larire atlrnd-i Tha Prince Co. such sw ret appreciation. Phone inrn nml ii.'iiicinir wns rnrrleil oil t" ' !!-, i. Rupart Drug LING, TAILOR Black 602 until the niuall hours uf I In operallmr in iiorlheni llritlli riltJNK 134 Ird Arreu sni 2nd Slmi uioritinsr. Columbia. Known ns llialrirl No. J YOU ?. diTl.le,! I'riil.tv' that the price. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention The trial of Allan Hayiies, In he paid the fialierioen durlllit Sales Agent Chartered and Auditor.Accountant COME pn-sident of Hlho Prince Hcuru. the romilii,' srosoii. for wscKrye Mercanlile Qo., successors to salmon, shall he: V John L. Christie GEORGE RORIE FIRST Ihe old Prince Oeorjre Oo-oper-ulivn Oi (lie. Ulccoa. and Naas of Rori a Small.Prtnoa C.K.,Uuprt.Vaneuur sn4 association, opened Thursday rivers, : 10 cent per fish, if THEO COLLART, Notary Public Prince Hupert, B.C. P HON K VTt P.O. Hua M Tlir uiai.ranrr .liry t rlle foe before .Iiid-'o Itohcrlson In catisht with pritalc or IihIpimmmI-enl Hederal Building vi.ii will felkiw "iir lln. II (he county foiirt, Th? ch.irjre eur. Hlld ,10 ,oeiis tc?r fish FOR SALE. I.ol 15. III... k II Hi l .' $759. i.,.i ill lie Mrlllm In site irtjrlf firvt Is of falliiik' to account for if raimhl with irewr. (In $175 00. Mli:i niuMilrralKiu, nol. u. II la "fir one cannery tiew I...I 7 Hlis k U He. in.ii buinr . If, rriMlr erirr. la certain miiuies of the company Itltrrs Inlet. Hniilli. Inlet and Avenue Money lo l,naii mr duty t'i inun- uu Uie due from promissory miles. Ihe Fililni'.'h tHitliid, 35 renfs mt Insure your it In the Most Liberal Company si lh0t -it'iiiiii,iaikrfa warrant. ease was adjourned tiulil June fish, tatllit with leased year. Itwirsno Ovnpany of North Artienea, Vuur sill il.. all imllr) iliat au 10, AV. P. tlullvie is prusectilliix fklM PkaBtaa iii.iiranrr pnllry ran. If luna . P.O. Ba M W..lhJa Bltk n-iiulxiraniieMI sill rulluw rlnbl ml and P. K. AViNon appear for TERRACE H. S. WALLACE LTD. CO., ll Is-ela. VVtiri retwwal ilalc ruiiira Ihe defendant. j .ii will I- inilly is.liiti-il. All .M.m" be lasrii rare Of j AVork litis slarleil on the con. Is n. i in tlie il'il. We arr lulling plellnii of the road from Ihe reallsr'' in ii i 'hi lite Jut). Have our mau 1 NotlJfitlle. We iruarsntet our nil. WEEK-END . Iieml of the IileNe lake to Ihe R I nl sslltfKlioo. Foothills. Lump, ll Mt" WEDNESDAY .hot springs holel. This Ciid McCaffery, Gibbons & 'will run at(Mi the rwsl side of end Fnrniire Coal will surprise you. Mr hsl lets a.h lew snot SPECIALS "of afiotil CONSUMERS COAL COMPANY. 'M'TED .the lake u dlttanv Doyle, Ltd. IliKiM Phitm Hoki J. UaaT MacLaaKN.Msnscer TmoUT': four miles and will eiiiilde ms-. MORNING Insurance Real Estate senders nml freiuht to reach the Phone 1 I P.O. P.oa 1628 CANNED OOODS. holel hy land without it helnit .Malklu 4 I tcs I Aprirols ."is 400 jiiecesary lo lake Ihe lailiich. W 11 li.ll nils I'ecu I lie oiji (iieulls Malk.ni- jh.-.t Jtoyal Aunt SPECIAL of reurliiliir lliele in Hie nml. II The i:iM-rrle. ?V4s. ...... 4So Is iin cspecled Hint oiolor cars DE LUXE Vuaker lied Pitted Itlierrirs. will he aide In use lie liad this Coming! s. Heuty pack 35c. 3 tins yearhowcter. Holidays are for $1.00 ICE CREAM In Black and White only, Khiinipiire hliceil Pineapple, file Hale Is the latest fanner made from purest silk, Having enlurged our premises Is Muls 2 for 36c; 6 $1.00 lo Ko into Ihe honey priuhieluu sizes 8 1-2. 0, 9 1-2 and JO. and installed modern machinery, lel Monle Sliced Peaches. business. (He received hfs hive In readiness for Outfit now Is. tails 30o boys of liees on Sunday from the your we are thoroughly equipped lo Included also in this special lake rare of our ever-growing Ice l.ihh's llarllell Pears. Is. (joaal. I ' '- vacation time Hosiery Bargain are sfme Cream trade. lulls 30o v Our stocks are complete in few pairs In various colors. The ingredient used in "lie l. Monie Apricots, Is tails A small hut appreciative utidi- Just a clearing up of lrnes Lose" Ice Cream are of the lest, .......... 30o eiifc alleiiileti iii coiH'eit uiteii Combination Special. hy the Leslie (IrOssmltli (i. on Pants Special Prices for we are discontinuing. our cream heing imporleu' from Boys' iiIkIiI. Quaker 'Piiiiinliius, 2s, Tuesday The proaraiiime (he south I rl this week Values to $3.60. -weekly. Irvinur Corn, 2s, which was made up of piano and Ice Cream Is made dally on our premises In three flavors Vanilla, OuaVer Peas, 2s, violin mimners, ami Hti ahrlilriMl Very Special Strawberry and Chocolate. Ansortei, cilil itianlitles version of tlie Priynte Wene-lary," Running Shoes Boys' Tweed We also specialize In Neapolitan of each, per do. . . . $1.90 was irreallr enjoyed, bricks. Watch Additional this spree Specials.for Summer Underwear Panls Wednesday Morning We ntdii-il order tor Teas, Dance, etc., 'and all order arc. given Dpeeial alieulloii ami delivered We buy American Cur-rency, Fine Sizes 25 to 30 by our own uiiioinohile. Silver, Gold or Sweaters $1.75 HOSE We make prompt shipments of BUU Cashmere $1.75 out "f town orders. 35 Sizes 31 to 5 Wholesale gallon lots In $1.95 Rupert Table Supply Co. Bathing Suits $2.00 and upwards PHONES 211, MS. etc. per gallon pair Two Htoren Royal Confectionery The Inlander Limitei DeLuxe Confectionery Mnnr Bros.. Corner 3rd Ave. and Fulton Third Avenue, Prince Ruptrt, B.O, First Cists Bosrdlnj Heuas Phones 17 and 193 ICI0 Sm4 Atanoe PkoM IH Center Third and Seventh. A.Reahslnr, ProiirUtof