FATJ T a-.ii m MT IrkrJMt u Beta, CATARRH LANDING FLOAT of Oie mm BLADDER AT SALT LAKES i CARRIED AWAY Total Lose, Swimming Club D- L.4b team 51 Superb Quality clde Permanent Pile Wharf I Only Plan to Adopt. Power ItiH-illillK a lllll.llllil IIomI n the cliltani-e In Hip Sail Lake . VOTIIINO woulJ suit tie Utter not jfoiiijr In W u flnlili' iriijMi., 1 .,ll4wouM'H'l' of lord il-iti. Ili Hwliiiiiilnif r.lnli. nl it i". iff llieelliijr In lln- police rnurl rlmm- NAVY CUT low" Is steady, rnooth- her lu( mulil, ilecidei. i. mil w i JSUff miiw - ' 'oliuijiio for Hie driving or pile ftito.T'ttr.rt if tu nnd Hie Imjl-llntr of n 'tin.-irttii Superb 10 for 18c. Quality and latloniiry (aniline-, jhe only 1 pawners In the world-It has pxpi'iUM-lnvoe,t in iliin. li Ter Ford service. Genu- peeled, wuld be I lie drlvinjc nf the 20 for 35c. iiii'. fr the member cr ready CIGARETTE rtidr; or you here at ;miiii MininK 10 nonaie iiicir inimr r - (rial run. in iivn'liinl ItiiiMinjr. II wn. repnrtwl at thn mwlliin Rood & Frizzcll lnt nlntit dial tliO flrtnt on will, h Ford Dealer In' uifiuhr mii1 mt t rt tic It lime nml iliil n much work ilii uprintt Rupert, B.C. prlne o rarrletl awny iy Hie liiuli tide 'if I.'inI Xundny and. belnif nlif( ui mi tli iiri in lli rrrck, I161I Iwm'ii kiunolifsl up Hiraiii. UiUl Sport Chat The Man in the Koon (H'ciirrnn', in larin liicjuun'.i EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY ciiUki-i. Die ilerUioii nenltikl in.; SAYS- TIMBER SALE X3211. iHilitiir u. i another lamllna. tj Hmlnp (slnvcn wrru lal.l nni EAT i liflii'ttN. tliiil I he float ua al-jllir xlu-lf yeirclay in Jack Till-: cily -clerk ilanip.ncil a elel l-nrt.f Kill lir rrrHMHf hj Ibo Vinlnirr ir IjiwI- l V lrv.ni. B. u., nut I.ihi'iI In ilnft liy line nf Hie larirer :leiiiiey Iruinfnir ramp ai Al-.lilllr of hh. ?nlhi)iiaiiii for Ul-r Hun wmM'Mt lb- 3m my nf Jury. iinni. wiiirii viHie.i in .inre, (lie, laniie taiy ami all work ha . 91. tiT ihe purrtuw tit Un-nre XJfll. water pirt m Humlay when In rul I.IIU.UIMI rm of spriwe. ir, Ur rapiam run lahiiiK uie himiIc Iu iwen nniiTcl nuiii'iHletI for taut he fell into 'the" rliuck off lhi rinl ii-nriKK. ,n an arm mil.ml re Aimhii Brand Rupert Kinlinrk Ann, llanjre 3, 4.4.1 Itl-IM'I. Build Now ee mat n wa mTiire on liN leav- or five day hi.-eaue nf an lulylsall Lake fUalv Tbrre 13, tin hr .lh,n rue , Infr. (fault over the rhnmiioni lefl! " rn-rt 11 ul unKjf r. Inrib-T paninitar or ine i lilrr l'rri-r. ;ry which npened up on Sun-1 ,,K ' "wU a limrrit, him- Vlrlnria, . :.. ut DlMrlrt 'j--i-p, I tiik Get Busy! PRflFFQQinWAI miF c'ny ' "P "f hri- M,t' ,l,al Pvor,'rtiy ip'' tui Huirrf. II. C I nurUOlUilili UULf . u ri , ., pnun,!!'1 IVJ a funny l him a II TIMBER SALE X3117. LLS- '" did lo ill one who were rtandini; -BRI PLAYERS START ROUND ;ijrIIr,;.n,!? around. rl-d 1-lkWt mill lie r-r-lvrd Uy Of fV tf.n -f llljlll lumber I At A ulilch wn . . Vmi-i-r nf urul Vl-bxia. H. :.. rx.t anrei i- '"I I'rlee nre , tnaiie rin-c in the wiiuml on Uirr Uun nma an Hie toil tUy -t Jnlv Twenty-two from UnlUd SUUi ?!V)nr.F.s 0Anw:.vni'n ay lf l. f Ih- (Hirrh.- of l.lrnr- JII7. " l.'Jk,""'' b"iild " Sunday niftht. I he rut wau lu rut l.lM.fcttD Irel nf MsMinr rera-e. and Britain Comminct he- siiinfr lo do more than re Ilruiriirk ami 1 XI jr. un xi ti i-l 7. let m ifcefiliiiie: to flKiirr on firl iiiaili' ten nay aitu when open thai jrauli mrr Jack Ienp-ney" Cnruttr-wa Inlei. ouero tjiarkui- .anil SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE lioiriri. at QUneagle. the champion nillidrl wtlh a . T .n 1 a. hIII k 1 1. r.. eye. j,, TO COOK Cut fish Into required portions. Dip in flour parrinir imrltirr dnrintr a mix . lin.l cf limber. . u m a..M" yon a I Dinner prilrutra of Ihe Chief Fireter. batter. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. i.l.r.NKAiil.KS. June J. Ilrit up. The old adaire flive him an Vlel.rflt. B. C tir IMtlfirl f'nrtfler. Pnnre i404jr"i- My llfe- lull anl Uil(el f lale 8i-irer In. inch and he'll Inko' n mile" doe Hrt-rrf, H. 1:. SOLD BY ALL RETAILERS iT lay Iwirnn the flrl nualHytnr Itrilaln 4 nhowlntf the kill not apply In WiliVw. TIMBER SALE X 329S. ttir iiir. rmiiiil uf 1 lie Thoifand (Iiilnen. nf her uirriirily al ?lf in nr. . Sealed lelwler -k 111 Le rreelterf hr Ihe .Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. tihtr arry a trk liriifflonni tiiiirnHinenl here. iiiieeileit manner al the tourna In faet one 'Wonder If you Mdnrl l'jeeer. I'nnee nuiTI. B. 1...nrl Inrye 'J'hiii' urn- Iwi-nlv-tuo froM) ment which - i in pmifn ul told him (o elp you if he would uier t.7l. man fur Ine le-em lurrhae 11 ine of inn Llreiire uay nr lltll jnne. Im'ti roiintri ileneaRle, 8olland. Yenlerdar jrive yom n deNMil'finlr cut. near Trrrare lo tin iojtiQ linral ferl f ri-ei im, ruin. ?lir player won the fourioinet one wear Mill be allowed for renineAl . I'KIUIAI'S they dmri know (if tlnitier. roilleliti(iti a part of the 1 11-1 runner fMriiealcra r.f the Chief rire-ler. E. H. Shockley BENNY LEONARD WAS lernational matrh. Ttie next MiniMier i hero aiul are Iryinif o Vlrii.iu. 6. w Jioirtri rmiln, frinrr imirri. B.C. the rukloiiier frxn littr trnlfinif renl will fe tlir protect -I lulMIng Contractor.B.C. BEST FIGHTER IN THE llritl'b opn (liilrrnntinnal uilf a cold in the head. TIMBER SALE X-26S1. Sometimes you want CHEAP, SERVICEABLE r)n5,Rupft, OPINION OF EXPERTS rhampiontlihi nialflieii whicti TIIKN aif.iin, fwrhnp, Ihey like ealel lender Kill be reeelted UT the will e hrld at SI. Andrew- l'iirtrt "orr.Mer, rnnee fir.ert. B. :,"ieM your company and want you lo uier loan . ihe 1 1 el dar ef June. I Scot I and, (ipenlntr June JO. and call airuin soon. t I.fl, fnr IM pHn-na of l.leesee I near UMalla Bint, c R. t, 10 rul f C0..UU LUMBER IIAIHIIKOX. X.w Jcreey. June j her player are determined Itiai iiei i'i rprure ana rieromra. It'. C-- 7. lUnuy Loiiiril laI niphl Ihey are iroinx In Miow tli IIOVKVKIt,-y.W ihltrhl jrel Ih-' ef one llmlirr rear will lie ifaiel for reinooal di f. n.. d (he lifjhlweiirhl title ret of Ihe world how jrolf i Wired effect if you went lo earh runner I'irlleu ar nf tlie rhkr F ire-ier. Bun""! ftoeky Kann of Huffalo. really played iwhen Iher enter barber in town Ihe fame afternoon riupert.Virioru,B.B.c.ir.. er liiiirl rnre-ier, rriiu-e 'fli'Tf wn' nn ileei.liMI by the AAA and nked each lime for for a The death of Charlie T-'mlilelnn shout liair cui. TIMBER SALE X 3273. Taney r. fiTre a the Kiviuir of mch in n ,ii.,al in .New Jrrer. Kxpert rat lo In local Sealed lender" will tie received hr Ihe Temporary or Inexpensive Building cirele. ilimef hae iMrirl rrrirr lull later llun ma (Mirlinir a at 1 lit rlnjr lde. however, de. 1 WANT AWNINGS ON Hie lain dar uf June ttf I, rur lbe pur-ihae Milk . i.l.-d Leonard had clcxrrly mil-I,, hall player, he wa nlvvny en-ilinialic or Llrenre Xttil ner MlaMHia Bay, ami ready lo (.1 u l.. lu rul it- M, feel uf Spruce, Hem Enquire at our yard. We have Mippori mii il Kama wlm fouttht aif-(.i.'-i.'ly STATION PLATFORM I" a and I el.r. hltr anylhlnrr in the line of clean o year will tie allowed for remnrai and round want Milk I the only imU all he twelve 1 uuiIm r. everything you can can thdiand fan. ami manly port nnd nhoweii riirlh tt..1 1-1 1 1.H l.t ,K (tilaf hiMII., hii4"in 'llrllih "...liiuifoa ('fori- fhiriy frW hi p(ril in a concrete wny. Hi Tin' new klaliiii plan w ere ; Kinru. n r.. r trie mtirirt ruresier save you money by. selling you the af 4ki nierll 111 lhi wa a"iei,itel with haeball a rain laid over (or n week .y 'Jl'1" proper grade for your purpose:. I SAM DARLINg7hORSE l''B)iiie In Ihe city, (or ten yearn I lie city c.iuiii'il lat nipht n; TIMBER SALE X2C43. jlfc f.lM.Irt of KrB r - Dial they may U- laken up with It1r and in the early dey wa oii TZTT ..... Jij, rM)e. aekm-nl-4J TRAINER, HAS PASSED oT the valuable player. Ilav-injr the railway official here. Tlie vini-ier of landi at Victoria not later iitV ih- fine.t In i-in-W, council lo he tilFzhly ati- loan ntmo ( ine inn nay r june, ivxi lieen off the field for Mime kcein fur Ihe purrtiaw ur Urenc. S.T441. I'I riuij uiiJer ideal cm-all' Heij with the plan nnd Ihe only rut I.JOu.1100 feel (if prnrr, HaUam ami Trained Two Wlnntrs of tha this he wa LUMBER COMPANY the year, ecann njrniii llerahirk, nn a area aimaled al the head BIG BAY rolinil year -r. eulereil wittl Die Hlk' baeliull rccoiiinif ndalinn hpughl in las! ut I Jul. Ilr. Siinre a. .l IHMrie-t. prrWt milk. Derby Clatlo In Hit Day. liijjht wa that Ihe platform he Three i a )ran will tie alM.wed rur ff team in the City leaicue nnd nu.v.l of iimte-r. M Ike -pen! for I'n-HfMilk with or the Chief rorenter. money provided nwnlnps o I hat I'urlher iwrlK-uUr- XKW YK, June 7. Th wa one of their reliable, ead-player. Wluru. . :.. IMalrlcl lorenier, I'miee i rrlaiiKNl in llnU.li from Ihe ' aliRlilhiK, asenf(er 8. C. li'Hri. Ill will h. of Ihe tlenOi nf Ham lar- pafn(r Uunitita, aud htlp In teelnit new train may not eel wel if il i lr i.i linir. the noted Knalith trainer a rent om lo (be auKrepalion MINKIIAL ACT. nmWnrr. miniiiK. if rare hre, hn liecn received and to haKlinll genrrally. ... OIHTincATE OF IMPKUVESIE.1TS. Pacific here. Iiarlinjr died SOTICE. ' Milk recently Co. llie fullpwlnp player will ALL STARS WIN MaiiunoiB. Tifrr. Hooieitata Mineral al liookliaplou, WHUIiire. i.Uim, auuat. lu !Kt luninera Minlnr Di-MH'.n Limited In In day he had trained two represent the Son of Knclaml uf I anr iimtrirt. Where mraird: in the Senior l.eamie football nil Unrlirr de Bnule fnuunlain. ttt DRAKE tTKIST wiiiiuT nf ihe Derhy, the (treat -rsi Scores Another Victory In Canada TlkK MTIX lual The 1411 MIDI01 f. a c. fixture apnlnt the Sm of flan-ala I'lKnpauy. Unilteil. (.vn-Prronal Ualillityi 1 VM lurf evi-nl Of the world of Vanrouver. B.IU )ree Miner', teroacai. VAMCOUVta tomormw nlghl: A. A. Ka. by Defeating Reglna. u. 1011 c. inleml, ily day. rrojn Ine S. Iarlin. II. F. Wearmoulli, dale Hereof, 10 apnly to in. xiuiinr -enter mm, CAR DRIVERS ASKED II. Iliiinilloii. II. Fanlhorpe, (5. nUfilNA. June 7. -The Rcolli-h rur tur for rwrpo-a Oriiflrale of eoumuit of imprvvemenK,ron urtnts nil Mar football leain defeated uf the auuve daunt. . Keley. II. Fanlhorpe, J. Vcl-wimhI, nnd further tak. uoUr lhat anion, utw TO PASS OTHER WAY tt. P. Tinker. II. M. H. Reeinn by a eon of il in o ye-larday. der M-rtlim ST, tnuil be rutneneneed before of I0-lireTenienl. TERRACE Ine isfuanr. Ot vill Ortlflcat I.ninlie, J. 'nriunhnr, V.. Crass WHEN BALL GAME ON a ml I.. Warren. Paled ttua tlldT nt Miren. . n. ll AflveelUr. in the Jll New. IN THE MiPHEVIF CI'RT lF BBITIH jit Lands Clll 11 KM. At Mir nii'i'tmjr f h' "il BASEBALL SCORES IX PROBATE. It moved I( THE 5ITBRMK cot'HT or HNITIM IX THF MATTFn OF THE ESTATE IIF ;council taut tilfflif. wa (III.HVIHU. hahiij-M autism met:alf. "" 4 hrtli.ti ! hy Aid. J'aiker. and fecoine(i py 11 THF MTTFH Ai:T" OF TIIK inMIlTr-TIOS TAkK SoTII.E Hut mi the Ill day of Let us ueu mnstraie thi CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY uf ute e.uie Uar. Itfl, aJniloiMnlloii kiT, Aid. Kerr, that the city cnnineer American League ani - r Harold (Jinalie Vleic.tre. leceaed. in WAQON. You will like it. 'ZIT. ""I numinluiii nieveland, Hooi 7. iH TIIK MT1H UK THE F.ST.lB OF tranted Ui Jolia H. XlrMiilhn. n; n lie nulhoriuMl o pend enniinh le.lale, view the Chevrolet ton trucks inu-k MAIUA VI IIMV.N. IIKCKAsKII. omcial Ai:minllraiur. rrlnrr liuprrt. Brit- Other model on arc -Ihe 13. tnl Ietmil. I?: Philadelphia 6. TAkK MiTH'.K thai 111 Ihe onler f Mil ,,?-M Ihe (trtliiu fimney l complele lldtuir Judae F. UrB. Vuunf. iu.de Ihe ''"kiri'TrBTHtn TAkE -nwi a thai compare with some that are rated n two-Ion Job- " wt. IM g. p..- ,fr, of the playifniund al Sixth Ave. St. !.nui, ,ti; New York. I, iwrniy eiiinh day uf April. Ilil, 1 iiereuui owma limine Id the nalil etale Chevrolet 100" toui injr ear and Chevrolet F H. touring car, tVl!"? V 'B Up f.l KUl MrllrlJe In hnpe fur ChicaKii, 7: Watdiiiijrton, I. appmnied Miminturauir ot ine r.iiair ui are rwpurwl lo ay the aataw l- tlie Ad-uniu.Ual.u- " ,h 'r, " nue nnd iaria iaiiiriuaun. eereated, and All artl furihKilli. and all peranu. har-inir Bcnernlly known a the "Itaby ''"nnc." i ths u of the clilldrfD. Th National League Iwvtnir claim. aaainl in piu eaiai arv crounl aaaiiifl lue relate .re work Hint' yet renmin i lha New York, l.-.l'iUslmrif. 3. tar4.f verllied rrqi'irril to me un-ur lo rirnln liefore,"A me the pmperly mirly-r.e-i reuuired lu wlihlii lie ihe thirty aaaie ilaji wilh frmn Mw Ad-loitiinrali the Phone 93 Pacific Cartage Co. Phone 93 iliv nf Mav. A. fi. Iff 11 ami all parlle cinder on ihe Ilonlon, n, Cincinnati I. date hereof. . . upreadlnK it Indrhled l.i I tie eUalc are required In pay ,pO BROS, fi CO. ground. Ilrooklyn 7; tUiicarTo, I. Ille anHllini OI liu-ir llliieuieuiira u Hie CHEVROLET DEALERS rvr.l..... Ailuiininratnr. A rein"! I aln In be mails I'liiliidi'lphia. 0; St. l.oui. M. mn MtWlux JJKUtad Insurance wtien Coast Lesgue (inlelil Aitminl-lcajne, MINr.HAi. Atrr. lo driver oT il rnt IJn'il prinr. liuprri, B. C. " " tf.Vf Juvenile J.eiaifun lianehall irnme Vancouver al Vielnria. rain. Patrd tliii it dty f Hay. m. r.ifiTiriCATE or iMPanvrsiEXTS. are in proKre on, Fevejilli .vnTice, Street lliat lUry refrain from Brltainla." BHiainla ...;." " their car Ibroiigh lhat annia .No. J." "U Hoae .Vi. t and 'ill. drlvlntt Ma" viiral ttlaim. ailuate la Ine aa n 555 or Black 472 utreel 10 thai the frame may I liner limn tuviaton tit i.a"ar tuainrt. Try RUPERT BAKERY Wher. Incatedj oa paulraa Creek, All- This mailer C V. EVITT mil he-dilurhed. Aid. Frlnell, 'Tikk!i'iTir.E mil t.xn W. PAtrnor.. I'X hnnmht up wa Free .Miner. t:rrllnrl Mo. Itl-i:. aenl For AWo for M. auctioneer who dialed thai. N'flde dhlurb-Infr the Alir. Arm La now nnin t:ompaii CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY inir iliiillrd. IJaluUly, tree Xou-rruiiil ' vwuiiiii Ihe jranv. driving nf Jr. rerimrai. o. Itl.a-C luimd. ality The Bread Only bvit material used thronnh I hero wa ilnnger-nii lava front if data hereof, lo apply I rars Order, for Mimnt Mtwiter for i:niarw of the lo the. Miiall pnlyer and the luiiirovrineni, fur IU purpoa. tA I ubitta that '.Restaurants. Steamahlps, Canneries, etc. iu Praui of or tn .bo LADIES' AND GENTLE-HEN'S eperlnlnra. a.Crowa Promptly attended to .""bfi htiieb ta.k ruiTice idm mow. TAILOR wb'-n "u umler teruou . UiuM I rim)ioriK-ra i. Satisfies Joscrn Garon and C. R. Uicgkit, Proprietor (Jive Ihe prefrrenci fore lit. l-ui ef .) raie or LF.P fn 0vD4HTriiB Hdver-Iih.m luiprnyennnU. . P.O. Box 621 617 Third Ave. Phone 643 THIBD AVENUE huy In Hie merrhant w liVTHi tun fH CAT of . A.D. in Ihe dally newnpaper nl wsIt w. rAtayiufi. huy odvertiied jood.