TT1E DAIT.Y JYEWS. I , la) .i,h 1 1. The Daily News HER CASE SEEfWED ocean falls wsa,reeling neerelary a aahle fnun rxsvt rSeJMlrlir lae peesnief'.M fast lhat niahi'a ih the It-ale PIUNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA irnMMM'd had i"'i-uir fMtet preaenl Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The New HOPELESS IS GOOD TOWN in do with Itti(nigra Hon mm Printing and Publishtnir Co., Third Avenue. li-r. The aKreemeiit Willi .Ud'-nil WRIGLEYS over immigration ile mi H. P. PULLEN, Manacinq Editor. Residents Seem Happy aid elpire illilil i?S. II V.aa liil.'l Bat "Fmit-a-tires" Broogti) I everything Is Peaceful and in Ihe eahle. Prosperous. City Delivery, by carrier SUBSCRIPTION or mail, per month RATES.I 11.00 Health and Strength -ifiFTER liy mail to all part or the British Kmpire and the United Htatea, lly imi Klneh. I PRINCt RUPERT TIDf S liUERy MEAL" OflKAN In advance, . tw.OO. 29 Pt. Rous St., MoxtskaU FALIJ. Jnly .--Over per year Imnilriil i .even eraployeea To all other countries. In advance, $7.60. "I 1nriUy, July 5. per year un writing you to tell you that are vs..rkmn full Mini" at Ihe Pa-jiirk' 1 aaaaVaVaaaaV f tu t tnr lift le Fruit tiiti". TUi MlaHi fl:lt a.m. tit, reel. Mill lieri- m plant ! The fium with the TELEPHONE 88. mejjclon relieved ma shea I Lad I9:7 p.m.. :'i.o fee which i lie iit-iivlrWe may well he vfever well, l.nw 7 It i n feet. ftvea up hupa bring j)rutld f for it eseela lurfffifl - am., lasting flavor -wrapped Transient t)(play Advertising $t.2fi per Inch each Insertion I was a terrible salTerer from Falls, tianiah River Of itmll W vi p ill, ft T fee! Transient advertising on front pagt ... 92.00 per Inch. Jjrs?rfii-rtuil saffere-t far years; fie. Marie j ml ofner M l)ftHn t'eirnei(sy, July l. In the hygienic and iiothinr I touk 4 me any gouj. Illarli t ti.H feel. lineal Headers, per Insertion, ...... J?rc. per line. plants in nice and itrndoelMm. a.m., I reaj U TroH tiles" soli fel.5 feet. sealed package. Classified -a I :?l fi m.. advertising, per Insertion, 2c. per word. Al Ihe ifeaeiil lone, Ihe fnlla Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line. tried them. AfterUking'S few botes, are fuUV lu evMlenee fur (he I41W M:l? a.m., .& fees, Contract Hates on AtMlcbtlon. cftkil wendtrfml mtditin madtfrtm tain is tieffkwiiiff otve hundred tirrlff i in., . feet. f All 'advertising should he In the Daily News Olllce on day pre-eeJing fruit jmiift,Madame I am KOSIXA now entirely KOMIZ.well" Unit flfly latfis af wAler a ihIO. The Ifwie for thr u.e, Iflh Paella MerWian Blan-lafH. A goody that's good publication, All advertising received subject to apprnvnl. Hie. fall jlmi has mM nrev. Oc. a box, S for t? 50. trial site SSe. wet p ia ii.unie.f frni 0 ! for you. Aids appetite ii xi sly neeurreil in years. At all dealer or send postpaid by H IriHira. from MMilnlfl l IHid-IllKllt. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, July 5. I2I. Fruit-a-tlres Limited. Ottawa. Ships Loading. and digestion. Laal week Hie Ailssiml Line The lahle yixen ia far Port learner AdiHtral SWire. Innk .liH.. but tlM tin fnr Prtnea Luke McLuke SUITCASES away two Ibmiaamj ton ut WMr ltnMn vartea ne4y a fe hissj-Hle Told Last Joke. v in I'ciriianu, ureiti.n, ami ine Keeps teeth clean ilaya and n .rfliei ihi Mime Luke Mi-Luke, (he man who wrote a daily column of jihes TRUNKS I n ion AualnfUan. learner Wair ta Mm ame The ranae ..f Ihe and breath sweet. Una biaded mer Iwii HhhioaihI and jesl for tjie newsiniers, has spun his lat yarn. The feature HANDBAGS i. n l Australia and New Zealand. Ikle (Hay he ente.l aa peri I was puhlishejl li a large nilniher of newsMprs. 'J'h iaper The GAHAiiiao I lov eminent em prealer at rrfne Hiifiert 1 than al Purl Himiu lili a) tint not use it hot now and then Hie Man in the Moon tnle a joke Merelaanl MartHi ateMer A boon to smokers, Tents, Sails, Awnings inn? anal nenaa. Tlwrefoii , for Ihe riliflrtUiiiii and ymtisemmt of I'rinre II u pert readers. Hi-column , '.iinadian Hover liaa juai rum-!( Ihe rfae lw Ihe Prkaee Mnell it! takimr a eary?o nf with Its cooling, always had s")tmethilig in it to interest even (he mot hariMir is aUrfitly trees I er th.n J. F. MAdUIRE tiinilap o for iatifiarttMi. Soeli Pwrt SiHiiaiin. sedate. effect .iiiiMffl an lliepe are eiHilihu-ally 1 on W J Luke tore (he veneer from thing end showed theni hi their Next the Prince Kupert Hotel neinir aetil .nit ansl there ia The loMgiil Ut f'-el ami lentil of feet aleive tin- aveiacc throat. IrusJ light, lie often jeered at the girt and (hen again at (he uotially at teaat one Lnrve" neean level nf itAHr lW WHlr j men. Old and young got their share. If he is gone to heaven! veel here fovliiiK. LAND ACT. Rents Cow. he i prolmhly milking remark nhonl the angels. Should he he Itenlii haeV jtevVry low ami helow he is telling ShIhii how he should hi horns Netlce af latanllaa la Saalr la L.a. LanS att CHCoutt wear or asking l iM la Oiirrn utartattr IMaml. IMamrt. bol S ha.S 4s aske.1 by Ihe why he does not pare his hoofs. H4yeirto at ennrr Hhi-m. ami a, eompaNy fV jt.'tHl(u1 five ami tdUUUIIIIC. A few days before he ilied Ltike wrote "If yon could live your MkiL smtcE mi uaadian n.ti a aiT roOtjiW iHStseS,' Ttie IiUH- For Uia Cast .nfcl stsrire Cax LM of rnmr aaM at', a a . aj a life over again, we'll del that you would waul to e-kip a lot of it' irencatktfi freak IM rruara na nealava. ral..w. Nlr t-t-n iw.alem earn. I "oaoaya. e.,newiXa iuq a MMHn Jo apply tar imi'nii to Mv In Ihe uraaya av ni.ia a.m. Why Kill Eagles to in nnwnt eTw laaa vriiienee prvl4e nam- Oavavwnat 1 a uti Maai-1 m fad f..ii of lire etnfdwises. From thm last. Save a Few Fish. mi a MHIMI.IIJ aw rimn reaas rnat may rami I ft. I: inaarr IM ft one laiair nolieeanle here i umlsys. Tueaiiays and Thurs There i- a hounly of a dollar each on eagles. Wtr- years it mm m a S. V. air.maw ta low iir li mark: tinner Taa rt. m afcava law the iroapemaiH lok of eaeli ad ors ai I ni. was Miggeteii that a iTounty should he put uu these hls hut aatrc war; ihmrr aorUatt laa ri. mare f the renWenta. The Without sin c e... Now everyone who take u.rfe to the proper ar la Mm aaiar Mart: every one ft rrrtt atMir Ixr h vatae mark ta patM Mien. wsiiesi and rkildeofl dr. I ror vaneautae ana aoum. goeriiment ulllcial may receive a dollar for kilting it a mummmul ami euMasrlaa we aS u w4l and all dk laaiifiy and r.Mi-niiays p.m. The eagle lives on lish sometimes. In some place (he Mrd jmu itiii hj sToatc lenird. Tuesasys 7 p. in. Is protected hy (he slate, full here Ihe jMiwers ee no gi m nl in it. Ltt . T. It JaSaaaa. II in liAIKt. Miy Srd. lift The larre More nf (he cm- JThuradaya p. Kven if it takes A few llsli, s do many other lords and so do rnany . VI2 SEALED TtCHT- nwn nannMl H. Marker. 'un;i hy amy. animals. Why kill ft T 11 has taken many an neon to develop LAM) AiTT. a -anirttiHc auaCHa. The ; ream vancousae and outn. the 'eagle and now we want to detroy it Some iteoiile would i Natlca af lataallaa la alr ta Lhii Lul otel i. always full nf traveller. (Sundays II p. m. destroy all the trout hecause they eat the eggs and fry ut ihe in tunt . inn Land imtnrt. Mrl- Momlays a.m. vMnra awl rmotoy' f th . . ..In..... MM....... ..1....... I- L. 1.1 I rfiiiiilii. i uric me ainujn T-iijiir hiiii wiilliu aill anf- living Middi e.r. it mm mttam-Mi r Mill ami U. Ms.Vlli-ter. ike hmh. Wednaday 10:30 a. in thing thai did not make them winr .mrrj, nniia i.iana. ana l s money. iMln ea.t nnria -al r iimi KUawi LI int. as-ee. i mxiI.p4-aMtMi an.) mi., i Fridays a m If only from an artistic xiiiit of view (he eagle shiHild he Take nnlirr ta.i i. Airra t. wnrat, af Katurdaya .10:30 a rrinr nwm. i. . uerapauun iw t utate in leH-toHlH-U. 7- allowed to Jive. What is liner lhati to hint see Ihe.iiinirrtiuVeMt nrvr, 4uma la apfny'fne prrm.iMta k Little i Dlsordar. soaring in the aif or hovering over it prey. Wnlcli it ehe the ii Un f'tOowlnr tt-Tila laiwlc Foe Anyoi ind Alls Arm. i:imMwtar at a 11 diuiimi tna Very aetdwui H , ilruakermeaa I flh hawk aniMnke the frestr raught IMi rrorn lts rlAto. Kill H?innrtaam rua .r a Sana bar I V miri ever teen here anal the riipany Sundays to p.m. EMPTY SACKS No. (iive the bird a chance. It has as much right to life as liave Raarr S. -Ona.l DWinrt: tnmec aftibiwH mm law laariir ui semi ve:-y Wednesdays V p.m. SSD we. If it eats iUh, mi do we. If it kills rals and mire, so do we. almrr aw tn Low Sana wairr liar,Mara,laanif nd in nuOantat an ini. ptri 4 alrirl .in its ihsalHMta with aln- From Anyas and Allea Arm. Give Ihe flue realure a Chance. The world is liig enough for us all, MM mnm fw AUMLU Im. W E. WSIHT. a4i- tM-raa and Ihoae lm Tuesdays ....... aju. What to do Daiwi tnit in my f Aprti a. u. utl. are. hi any way. rwmiaerteu witli 'hnrsday s p. in We oirer our present stock of Second Hands On Dull Nights. IS THE BL'PSrVK lOHHT or SM1ISH thnr uw r ilKieajatin. lir- Sacks at REDl.'CUON of TWENTY a - .ILIUM. !Foe Poet Simpson, Arrandala. Mill There are in Prince Ilupert dorens and Kundred tiff,' I2L 1).tI,:M t,,k "sbiisth. porat Ui-arwHUr, of Itie Iloyal FIVE (Canadian Monnte.1 iNdiee. has Walaa Island and Rasa Rlrar. por cent. iiirn iiiiu uiiiiit'ii wuo are away irom nome .Many 01 lhm IHIve IWt nowhere to go to spend an evening exrept to Ihe picture -hows IS vi lHr 4 hi a MAT1LM kvrirMt.wr THE criXASEr ESI tt llf lilllr n.Mirliiyity wake ar Fridays a.m.i Now is the time to buy your jwtato and Hiihs TAkl! SOTlre thai in ardr Hit real far inil-havir and JuUr From Pt Simpson, Arrandala. Mill sacks. or and they ran not go (here every night It heromes p grain ItMtur JiHlir t. HtB. Vatina. un. tmi I. TystMi has a ralher iule Bay, Walas Island and Naaa Rlvsr. moiioloiious. II is this monotony (hat often (J rive men to do 1nlj-r(ris y er April, lfl, I m. things which, under normal cirrumstanres, their Letter jndgueiit Maria llmtira aaanmaM.aontramiraior ucrrava,ur and um all K.laie lrtlra af ert.'Ilie street a and sidewalks. All Saturdays ....a.m. i THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. would guard (hem ogaiut. The same condition sends girls to bivtiir claima rami I th aaid ealaui ar Um,r required la rarai.a aaia lTit maile of ptank, are kept in ei-eHrestl Nortli Quaan Charlotte Islands. P.O. lio 74S Prlneaa Muprt. M.C fl ion OOO places which, under other circumstances, ihey might consider MM la im un ar tfXwr Ihe Uilrlr-CSM 1 lT f Mar. A. b. If I: ana aU para ensidilsnn and. the float a or questionable. asMrtm ia in hum ar mrawwa' t tr June tZ for Ihe smaller hoa(s are very j The desire for activity is strong in all normal people. Young furiatiiia.llx- ikuaBi c thnr UMtrLMinraa la am ami eommodiou. j From j Ieople always want lo be, doing things. In Prince Hiirt there JOHS H. MrMlXUS. riftyiHieft 11.. fiu. ......MtM. ..f II.. I.wa. I Juiie 29. i is a lark of eJean aniuement and recreation for Ihe dull omtal AdnMiUatraUir, evenings . l-riBOn Haprrt. B. C i uhmWh and there is plenty nf . South Quean Charlotte Islands: when outdoor life is not attraclivey riaird tU IIS aajr af Mar. ! etttiiaial. For is ft sirreur oiikt ur aruTiaa I Kaatn" ar "or f WWTm W W W w W m Tf aV m WT nil Tf W W 1 Library Would UIIIHIlll Churches Thrive. June 21. vriiMiriiaikr.ifi'iiPiBr-iiiPi'M Help Fill Need. is rhomir Ttie eharebM here are itotag l TNK M.TTIR l,r llll IITITr .if A public library is needed today worse than ever it was, and HAMiiLn :hhistik Mt.Ti:Ai.r. itihmi wuck an are inlet tn I tie Foe SXaflway and the Yukon. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Ik... I... ..I I !"-. . ..... .- TAklT aiiTltE Ihai un im flat da ef I.iuir ti.. ninV- Mnudays noon i iiicit nn niw. i-rn n iieeu ior sueii an if i I in i mi t. Aearty a Vay. tl. admlni.iraiiua uf ia huvI every Kun'lay. lal llandd Om-uii. Mriraif. diaa. m ' iiwlare haiiive un week From Skagway and Yukon. 8.8. P.tlNCC RUPCItT lt PRINCE OCORGC year ago thoe inlereied held a meeting and decided tu tr to Uaauir. aa rraalrd M Joha H. i ,"t, ' . secure a iarnege Librar' for the city. This (hey failed lo get mirui Aimawairaiur. rnar ari. nrtt : iiijrni. laws 1111 up-m-aair liie- Saturdays p.m. i Mta rilunilria Thursday and Sunday Mtdnight foe Swanson Bay, Oeaan Perhaps (his coming fall some other step may be taken with a AMI riHTIIta TAKE SOTICE tfeal all tueea and IIm- Ihealre ia always Talis. Vancouver, Victoria and fcsatUe. iew lo filling (he need. A public library would edueale aitd arr peranns reqairra!nr Ui inwi par lh la aainc ihe to Mid lha ruic.Aa- wey fitatroniird. ftawart. Map la Bay and Swamp Wednesday 11 p. m. foe Anyoa Saturday S p, rn. for Stewart entertain many. II might lie started in a small way and gradually nHftllratr arrutnu rorihwltn, and an uiii nrrnina m-n There ia alatt a wel.ruiiid Point. S. 8. PRINCE JOHSf aranuit the aatale are lii.ial but there is Utile aink-nasa, FOR r Hurt i:teuieni .Maett n.. kiev iin .'iy li ssif"?n ant build up. Thai is (he course we have advocated from (he (Irst. irqur4 It, S tor amr wllk lb Aa At any cot we want a library and it i n standing disgrace lo the Himairaiur.1 brmr. aiu mrijr daya frura Ihe lha tiin4 al the a:ilieHls Saturdays p.m. all point - un KiMiHirt n iuern Ji.n l..ti. I -i.iri.t. July N A ' clly thai it has long been without one. nain thla taiS -day of Htr, !. eAiffertRff ihiIv (rum Miiiwir in. FHOM Tralai Servlca. e.i h. Ma AdnUnla,1le..ii.i. juriea reeadveii in the wiioda a)d Sunday p.m. I',".., MONDAY. WbONCSOAV ai1 SATURDAY at 11:18 a Hi Kur liinillivia cnu. Il I-l.,, rA y. ! rf"ek- There i- iii: ja-tiih .j the sai'vrrCT arr vrry fiea. makiiiK direi-i i'inn-i unn fur all km in lk"(l"fn Ali AMI IS THE MATir-H AIF :11k few aeaideAia in the big mill. miailii auil I niimt hia . Al ' IK'MZI Il AlttSM ST III I i. KI'MCI Tu lilohUt hiihlE, Al THI Or. Quintan Thsra. AQCNCY ALU OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE izn thiistu is rAsaarH'T Ir. V. J. Oninlan. who ia well l"i' full inr"i ii ..iimi anii r. -ervat mf'S n )iiy In Tvkt MintE that un the Vlfe da af City Tlcrst Office B2 Third Avsn-j r'hona.ZSO H i-.. 4. i ivti. Haul Ha.wn ar earl ktHtwii la I'rinee Ituiiert ieijile, h-iimdi ia na Lrannre of aniMS i:-liimua WATKIl ACT. t9H. He MEMBKA or THE B.C. DENTAL C01XECK Bind, an aalhuriad aaairuiu-ni a is jiAat feasor her. ia ever ii wa ftarlr of enure KuMn ui ihe ready to uhliicesand haa (H-eniiie simce is nr.Mksr- uivts inai ma DENTIST Ir-rtmra of Hnll.h CuluniWa, aulbLrlard HfiMHir tn Llraimaiil urninur arm.a lnil" In uaukru.ry alike J..nlar illi Ihe reiulenls i4iiimiiH and vtna ur ay im aurtra hi Phone 575 Smith Block AMI L.r 'l a'UTIILh IIm rrrdilura TAKE TVHTIIC ut lha aaic thai Sal hr and with viniars (u Ihe plaee. Ltrraure Umnril hat larea uiraaa la urdrr, High erada dental work at the lowest prices. iiaim.HksH Manwia will ! A mm CmiiI(.al Ike tiattt-..-ra,7n 'All nr., On Ihe arrival af every hia Thai- tHirauanl la lha pmianiM or CANADIAN PAaFIC RAILWAY 1 h .v.l hank . eleamer, rmwil S'IM IS ( lh Valrr Arl lll lw can five tU beat of reference. rVi.itin. rrinrr haprrt. C. many .Liyjris(av inr Obihw SI uf It situl ul i4 4 2rr, 'n aetive aervite. Irfii.r in MufKUy hi 3 a'rlwk-i" faib in ihr day afieriHnn.of JE al lnr. ff In lake uniiUull i( (he mill. tltal Hit rrwrrr iT lha UHrarorded B.C. Coast Services IiaIHi II I'ri'M- Huiirrt la II I'rr vinra Ihe falla, thf tivttllllflll Wmetml aalar. uf krar Ul', MrMumn CNvk OHrea tart-112, I B it 7 !. tytt htthp ur enuah luumixa una lum day uf Juua. and Maraml mrrr la lha rnnre Hu v lII. muuiitaiiia and many nf Die.e w-rl Wat- ln.inn aatabimwd ay lrKr ia Cuaiieil numbrrrd S4I ( . criiHOE Athueid home,Trwaloa. have (M'r.asimi to,inei (he genial rnira ua ia 1 1 to day al iMrvnurr, j Prince Sailingsfrom Rupert dis'tor. ISIS, ue raiwrlka1 ia aa Ur ai Uia aid rrwrvr prruma W thr aairr ut 1 MINKHAL ACT. k-ean lull- ran he ealled the aiarmiN nirrr in lha mar Muprri Foe KstchUan, Wrangstl, Juneau anil Skagway rrm Wiu-r In.lrii-I and lhat notice of r. 1 1 r-v I ' a m rt r nil town of jieaee and iniierlly f ir urn ranrriuinia IX ibiild for June 13, to, 27) July 4, 11, 1S, 25; August 1, S, 18, 22, 2. I'.V. Uox 327 UtLMtLKS Phone 27 ccnTtriGATE er imphovcmcnts thrra niualha in tan a. r. iaait MlTIHJS. each are seen un every hand. and fur ISra wmiuiim m ' Foe VanoAuvae. Vletoela anal f(lla .-June H.MII, -liaa eaira, "Miei earn lunula or um oi.w.pair nb I 18, 26S July 2, 8. 18, 23, 80; August 8, 18, 20, 27. MILLINERY AND LADIES' iiiiiuii- inn "Maud a." Miurral Claima, lialml la Ihe frinra ftuurrl Water READY TO WEAR .niiaie In lha ftaa hl.r Miniuf iMranua IMMIGRATION CUUSE Hl.lrvt. ' Foe Swanson Bay, Ocasn Palls, Port Hardy, Alsrt Bay, of i.a'alar bMlriel. fatd Una 14th day of Marra, A. U. IStt ! Wlwre laralrd! Atwol fS nil Ira up Ine T I). flTTILIJ, Nlnpslia, Bsavse Cova, Vanoouvsr an Victoria NEW ARRIVAL OF Liar tiliaall Hrar hilar a Iribuurr knuau a. NOT CONTAINED IN JAP Mihiatrr of Landa. I EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. TAkK .vinii.t that I, lewl. W. faaiinre, r M : !a. si i , i. atni tar Airrrd r TREATY NOW PROPOSED WrirUI, F M hu llllt l'; hbvar M. Tti kela In all (.arts of the World Full nfotnatfui ifpm Satin andTaffeta Dresses Vi nrhl. Pre Minrr'a lrlinrl Ti,. Hit Bags i lMra 1. Wriirlil. ! Mnwr'a i.rrtifl W. 0. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agent n.t ftu.. Jteaa r. Mary V NarLaren. prea Premier Melghan, Through Sac- Cornsr of 4th Btrast and 3rd Avanus, Prince Ruarft, B.C. Mnrr Irlinralr hi l7I ., Al.idr Suitcases nuun. frrm Mlhnr. lUirllSrale Ma. SV7IT retary, Wlras City Oounoll hlrlurd B l.luiry, Irrr Mlie-fa to Thla Cffact. rrtlSrale Su llliu: UarM UViiuia. In. Miiwr . ortincat. . 7tT :, aad Juba Trunks Httler, aimeul MHfr"a carnarau We conduct Auction SALES T ill. Inu-ud. .iu dan Irian in data In redy tn Ihe aahle fnun Uil-eily la-rmir. lu apply lu lit. MhMui hurder I' r a lrllllMUi ut llMlirfMf.HM.Ml. fa. I lu. aenl Ut i'remier MeiKlien un Tents, Packiacks UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. anywhere, promptly and efficiently i?.u,Tt5 liru" " a result nf a reltt4iiin iaased r r vanrmir.r. oca a Mm ana svxnutn Bar. Tseanai S a. av ' Ati -hiiii.ii i 1. a,a.a. as'a.a a.-a. .. ttt Uat waek'a tneellHK priiteal. Ine ai..u.r a.lla Sella, Slarl Sai. SalvrSar . tu. j fj-asi niiini inas F. M. Croby ri.i n im Ann. nu. Wat., liians sand.v midnTtat. iiiara larfura lua laMta af auaa img UKaiiaal iu renewal t the .f run uniaua ana Saaa Sirrr im.hii. Iri.ay . ut. JtJiA' 2,,d Avc- SectI" 2- Prince Rupert, B.C. uerair HAII lit Ii thM liiiiieuraaiirMa I via day uf Acru, A D ivii Amrlii-Jafiarieka Uewly (iii i'u 715 Third Avvnua, frlnrv Kupart aS IhmI s,.a. iui aannaLcr. Sfaal Prlea auaart, a. B. grwutMls nf immigration, there