HOSPITAL MATRON AT Populnr nnd Reliable G. H. Arnold - Notary Public SMITHERS AND WELL FOR SALE KNOWN RANCHER WED Westholme Theatre Modern Ihe nMimcil houe n llonlrn Slreel. Minuted Mr. and Mr. Loula L, Devoir on a line double corner. Has a beautiful murine view. Ar Spendinq Honeymoon In Wry ilie in. The lot alone are worth what is being ' Priitca Rupert. TONIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY akel for the houe and lot. BARGAIN AT $3,600 CASH. Til." iHairlRpr (.M.k i ! Hi .nernl ll.tiiat t Siuiili. i -on Sunday lunminu at ' . H. G. LTD. HELGERSON, rl.ark, llf Mi Kterleiali. fori. Insurance lunula Real Estate r matron nf the KmlliViV hi-- 1 pital and lnui I'. I-Miii. ii well intfM ran ii ' ..f ihal di. lOc CIGAR triel. IVev. William Hmh, ..( I ik-r Trikwn. nffb-ial i hk Mr. an.l Oaten Xttdt im Vtncoavtt i aw r Mra. 'Itevotn ii-arh il bi-re Sunday nitihl on I hi- fir-l lap -r Slmc 1904 DOROTHY Delayed Shipment I1m-h- honyinoti Iiin and an XDALTON still in llo- city. Ihdh In-idc and vr.".rti art vretl CHINESE KEEP FISH Just Arrived known and popular in lm North. 'A .Mm. Ibno'ii ramr lo SlaathM AUVE IN CRUES Romantic Adventuress am MiMr month to !! 'MBfr We have just received a shipment of Sil'iwre of 1 1 if Mwintal oi i lif railway UNTIL TPY ROT and China and will have this opened and on Saie town. Mr. I KrM.i n i. a r nld Adapted from the story. "A Winter Cl y Favotitt timer of I be central inferior VlimVRIA, lnl J An mi. for Thursday. The Silverware is made of goods up ami at time .i"irtetr Ilaaiil nvrturr ( lto unlawfiil wa one a regularly so'd from $5.00 to $12.00, and we will put f nr of Ihe HaaeltiMi MIHr. and inanifary ri.ndilift t.f rr- Surlon KjLti23 Travel Picture. Paramoutit Magazine and Carloon I.aler he went I" Sniiho-n ami iniii fth rral' lin unk in all on sale, at 25 per cent, discount, with other io-ar that town ba calahHsfced Ihe waler of Ih Inner llart."r. Prices 15c and 35c. goods. one "f tin fine I farm of Ihe and iiHMree) a raft at lh- ! . The China is odd pieces and English and French dialrnt. eUpfdyiuK the -f f lleraM S4rrrl. wa ulhiml hv HiiiillnT with nitU anil other In-. Arthur II. Praf. Oly UeaMa) cups and saucers with some Nippon goods. lairy requirement-. tifrierr. In Mm- My taaltar eaaH iaflLIL The EMPRESS THEATRE LOOK AROUND SOON vrnirrday. The hiIm ra4 like M aBaBaW CONFERENCE WITH M-uaataiji aif Me tvk, eiMler TON-GHT ONLY, TUESDAY as this may be the last week of Ike aaxitfieali mt ity ltf-law IRISH OF STATES lt. r. W. RoHhswii. J.p, ejftrr THE DOUGH RAISING SALE heariinjr lh idHci' ai"l H- 4- frnew nf Inr arewtMr-l M.hI lias nilll.lN. July 5. Vi.-w. were "Man and fih in ejuewtltHa krttaimi i r- trlianyd ami retiaio arro- lin JaMtyss. wax had l-U Use ili. nl r-hil si a e..nfrreimr rrale a rati, t. errJ f retfrnla!i f lrih H"-lllMMail' x the si raivr ornr or awnsn Htda-menl until tiaiay. m "i.i !. "I the I nil't! Slalea In Otr nilkr tae rUI .if oiu Hop Yick was fnrtnaiu char.-; 1 hf . ixl Southern Irrlan.t. eHi-fri-enr iiMv ,i. r.t and ui ihr auller eT lb a ed wiih vMilawfttllr k.-. ;.ing fiaki His Woman" DE LUXE Unmiiiii' art al-urnwl nntil KrMay TkF vrnr. laal adnianimmi alive in rralea in th- walr f imr iuti or atria I Uw. vrriM, the Inner Marker. -..mrary miM to intm H MrMalha. omml as . WHEAT ACREAGE. ICE CREAM nuauirabir. Kiw Safari. Bnitoh catam-. Ihe iiy-law rMed kUar. He aas r ii with All Star Cast. U tIM d of Mr. Itfl '--er ."V"u an KM) naiHca tjue Tier that ,ni plenaVd wot guilty, and aW ih- HrtllDT RrtlldhtiiAii Uavinjr enlarged our premises imw avtav nnow Hi Mil bttw ire Arnaffe unn to mlnel tkia ffah ware ma Ma. hul had hern ! anJ installed mo-Urn machinery. -iranl fnrlkaiia. a4 N prrna hittat yrr i eliniale4 a irry 4aTtil-ly bmuKhl to tin raft by Jan-r tAANANDHlSTOMAN Snub Pollard Comedy Topics of the Day e are thoroughly equipped to In mhranre nf thai of la iwrva Mm air tfer wme ana iar aaIT-4ki ftahrmteik. lake care of our er-growing Ice -nka iMrt iujr fmre um dt year. 'Hie retain n of Ike r nosUy Rock Cod. . Cream trade. en I ?a r" rimssv l Um of inrrt. at mart liarert, IM til I r Prir tealifieal IhaJ kMl Tli ingredients ord in "lu prvMiit er i mrUm I H XrHi LU1. went I.. (In raft wned by I he; Lilie Ice Cream are of the be.L 'inml tmifir i.trrvanasjaVst leb iidant iaat Saturday Morn- j Year Cullhratbut SMITHERS our cream being imported from inc. l ne ran w niKree in lajci the south Iri-wtekly. IMI hr.' .f lke Inner HarBMM-, j lea Craam la mada dally on our 9tG IH.?3t.TTH Ihe Urn of Herald itrert A; lr. t- . . in, .-.. . i premises In three flavor Vanilla, Combination IVIU ie.tss.MH nuinher of eralea. fi'-alinz wi'.h j inpr..r 'if i.---1 1 1 I- .1 ttf IM .. I7.3S3.M2 Strawberry and Chocolate. llirir li level arifh lh- ur. hre lal wrHt and .ioiliiiw uii-.l W also specialise In Neapolitan tvi; i t.?ss.Ks faee "f fnr water. rrre lied Itw Jwral mel'listMNi .mi ih- - eric lis. IPIS ihe raft, laj eaw of I ee table wrd il ad -alaOill -l We solicit onlers for Teas SPECIAL IUI5 IS.IISMHMI ralr tMl were awunaaing in a inedarai and aajnriral w-v lunces, etc.. and all orders are Uful. '!! fuak wt-re nw-ally bmmis tbr hiMai "f ll- jriten special attention and l BIRTHS. rtirl; rod .imniiifr. Prices ilauylii'-r wa irn lo Mr livered by our own automobile Bad Cord Hons. a a We make of and Mr. J Kawaia. It-arh IMarf ..f (hewe ftab The riliceita ..f Henithera al a prompt shipments Susne were in a lal . . .. . . ' . . ai He i.i-ii.ial U'i'ital I I i a 1 1, i out of town orders. Canned nislu. ery bail eamajiimet. M ine """" Wholesale in doctor. He ItntV nr fiah a- a a lagwr wsreftnaw aSMnini t- .wriinrn of whal IBetk Wen- al eUblilHal at IMi Wlare. I If 5 gallon lots $1.95 ihe worl. M pr.Mrl ihe ," ban of, Jusewtwalfn ha and upward " flab hi court. II was alnot.1 :aNo awe renet. per gallon Fruits KEEP SIM" slaamal a.aUaaSi Lkaa a il aa Hdllir a a a Two Store day. I. w.a MhmI. .be eye. luri- JmJL1T Lower Prices Unlveraal Trading Co. ml whilr; and wa Mindly an.1 ihbi a amt iiin r-iaip-, Rtyal Confectionery eeli! atafuge nktpl wdl le tt taking One Tin Each feebly atilH? aboiil nn Ihr aur-faee etwlsaj tl Hie Me of the our of ihe ualer. Thar) wer-oiany DtLtixe Confectionery v.hrli ilitnje.I a fortnurnt a Peaches, Pear, LADIES' WHITE olher flali in the rrale in Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. He'cinitd asaly fir. l m in ih-t. a tike rondiiem. only Phonsa 17 and 193 Apricots, Plums. VOILE WAISTS baisanl a vuewa al hww Iwmk the trail by the end uf Anguai. Just arrived; TO CA fi)i had be.u there without (!: We have ndopted the cash system for U Ii. It. MilHro and T. A. Mr.Mar-lin Tins 4 Special value, but il m -oli sxd be tea than (Nude a trip last ek of doing business. This elimit ulm week. Stteti fl.ll WHlM be a ibdaa Mke. all bad debts and permits us to sell uite until fr human f'od. . LADIES' a a Special Lots $10 Tloinia laiacaMrr. lilly Sanitary Mr. aud Mm. I.. 8. MrOOl feae you all lines or SILK STOCKINGS the In.nertar, dearribwl left f or ii rbrtutehl'a ltt Black C& white rafl ued by Ine lUtioea flli Vunomteiiaa.) Wlarfeut' MEN'S CLOTHING km pr4 TMa; 1SS We buy American Currency, Reg. $3 value flJO AA deab-ra in ihe Inner Harbor. He a a r$ rrieat. aiI ttuil lltey were bwill of 'lite rititeaia of M niaeetdan Silver, Gold or Special, pair lL.UU AND FURNISHINGS unl ksuMinaa ibem U provide nsorw firr M(N4lnii SmOm 1. Bills fur lite rleatkattB aud alorittir of for the bran and IrMte Irave iAl ft. I IM Shk M LADIES' Mercerized flab. I Ii.- rtwi' vre uuul vf been r-allwl for Im araatksN nf the lowest at possible price Lut 41. Slurk & TT lain I iir JeiMtlWM- I ikMT.ateM fire ball. J. X. K enter ly Ira very tM II. k S ... teoao Rupert Table Supply Co. LISLE HOSE brUKhi in Ilea fbds to the Chioa-iiK-ii. been eleeled fire rlief aial l. IM It. Bkk IS . . Black, brown, who were eUMel In kMt Sani-'aler. Y lrkbM and H U 1. Vlurk 11. ... ta n UA S. Slurk f . ... !:. a PHONCS 111, Sit. fiavy, all sizes; I lie fih and satire H ' Me. (i. Wlndl Itaw taren inMiiilialed IjM ft, k 1 ... Ifi.aa Ownership. for fire warden. It ft. Slirk J ... li w Extra special M 1A Mr. NoiilMMttt mhI Ihal there UA tl. Vlurk SI ... vaa a value, 2 pairs PMU wa ii" doubt lliere bad been an PRINCE GEORGE MARTIN Scllaa S. mfrai-lK'ii nf tile by-taw. and m Ij4 . aiwk a 14 41. Blurk 11 k. uu . a Fi I a -ri"ii ataia n aiiaira imsii Staff U.Iiii Jaynea. uf the Cf? i AlJli Aim A MA 1 UNIVERSAL l.f( S. fko k i H a Im--ii iei"Maj; h)i ine queaiMM frill m L : Valval bu Ann, tl ailed bare laat . . . .., p4 II. Iltxrk rirti in I lo- i'm-u' utia tlo- wnerabif I'roaerutof weet awl bn ealabiiaheil a riMT. i3i 7 of the fili llily nmrin I McCaffery, Gibbons & llarriaun ubinltl'd Ihal under of the organisation in. I'rtiwv i'jKI IV. I I V J L.aBBaaaam Doyle, Ltd. Roses TRADING CO. tin- by-law the defendant. b lirorge. U KtlLL I oMiied Mo- Hill, waa r oHiitie r-sc-cr. and Wal sstati Ijiud sale in the toaal idfn-e PHONE 376 for Ho oHdMblU "f Hie fill rKM 11 r A.. of the lUlleobiiry I Air) C. ai 9. K. Shane, Manager knit ili'-n- .Mr. Niilbwrft said tfelgoreon Block reported ifuilo brUk tp Jhjj iun-ager. Flour he would reaerve his Jildgno'at I.. Vtbbard. AAmoiig I lie liurchaaere durtnif the afj uer-: The Inlander ANCKTRALHOMEIS Dr. K. Kwarl. UillUm fieriujii The World'. Beit ami Jack I'earswu. PRESENTED TO HAIG 00NT WAIT BUY TODAY a a a rUtl CUt, Boarding Hoaa Japanese The death f Msb.r J. Ii II Foreign Exchange and Bonds aiiii rkoU1 A.BMkaiaa. rwarWIar Um it exclusively la your Mi.MMi.Y July lV'i'Tayde. lUme, reeideul here liefoii Ibe Vaaa baking, and you will know Fancy floods near Mli"e, H'illaiiS Ihe mb- war, haa hM refairtrd from OVENNIQHT I rtOFITS what real otd-f sshioncd home. i-ealiHl ii"in of Kield Marabal Iboik Ntnnd la the )iillieH. Dvaroijilil iiroflta are Im-iiiu iiui.i- by pui li",i of foreiK' mads flavor means. The crisp, Karl llaig mihI front wbub he a a eirbsniie. aterliu. tram s and marks all registerm iiuporUnt Our phone number U r a r brown crust,the dainty,flsky take.a l-m t uf bta tUb- ba beeil A JUMI wetldlng vas oei fui Hied advMiteea. resnged. Nw num- nq.M cramb, the sweet, sppctiiing Porcelalne, Lacquer, nureiiusad by i'HUH aubarrllil here recently when Ml A-nea W e abia lnvealora t lake immediali' advantOK of cit.l br is Hilt urbjea, aud place lleir order for either eichauif flavor, are the real test cf Bamboo and Antimony lion aiid has !" fnraaally liand-ih! routb waa MtarrieO aul or bwad v.Hh us. We sell fureljui eirhaiue oil foreign airnwnllnciilai um, tailor ;;i goudneas. tlv Itoacs has Toys Papeterlcs over In him. Ilia l"t'.,i, in Kufkie. Mr. and Mra. Kufkl I urvpeaii iimiita, aa H as the Orient. We iiud iricee ami Ave. thm all. a moviiiv letter of liiank. aaya: have yone I" liraaa I toy, Wia. ixiy and II all rlaaaea f fuTitin bond. lUnuidel infor- Silk ....... "'" IsM-s. -T-af-.r!'-. i..d- ..f t?: Try a sack today. " ..I.I .1.. ,t a:- btindM luiinalietl iiimhi reiu'al. Many bonds olfecd today mi" than a iwim has ! n n ultn-d in IK'tei iiKaill be sold al prra. lU low lf. ls LADIES'AND CNTLE F. K. Akase & Co. this mil." Think f all Ui (irooiiiiei'i MT Sales Agant MEN'S TAILOR llrma produeU ynu see In THOS. McCLYMONT FIT Cvac MTfca John L. Christie Pbona Red W P.O. Bos 1 Joe Morriaoii, Hie fn-l !.-man the slorea and ten chances to one TUISD AVCNUC Sl Third Avtnue for Ilia tlk l ft v. -i.-riluy Uvery firm will be a dolly news- All foreign bonds sold on convsnlsnl partial LEE Q,l .lt faM OttM Prince Rupert, B.C tYlncs Rupert. B.C. mi tin- 1'riin'eaa Alh'e for Keb'hi- ar advertiser They know it payment tsrms, If dsslred, Phono Red 136. l hi if Ii" ill -l"M'.l " Merk. pays.