PAGE' i. TOR HAILT KEWS The Dailv News HIS LIFE RUINED pmincc rupert tides PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA ON INCREASE Thursday, May 20 , 'Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newt BY DYSPEPSIA II li la. .1:51 a.m.. KM feet. Contractors! 'jf Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Dl.riH Ml reel II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. British Judo Sara Many Un- Low. ID:?! a.m.. 1.0 feel. Until H Triad "FRUrr.A.TIVES" defended Caiee Colluale t.t feel. AND v Tha Wond.rful Fruit MUcin Frldal, May 27 SUBSCRIPTION RATES I lllnh, t:.H n.tii.. IH.o r.-... Prospective City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 1 1.00 LOMmiN, May Si. Diuirees 17: IX p.m.. IT t fed. Builder?? Hy mail to all parts of the British Umpire ami the United Htales, are inerrHMfiig'iil a vreal rate Low. II :U5 a.m., f.H feet. here., and At, . arcflnllnu In Nearest approach to In advance, per year 90.00, S3 Srt p.m.. U.0 feel. pre-war To all other Countries, in advance, per year 17.60. Judw Dnrtlnt:. un- ihe "liysli-r The time used ts raiMJlc 8lan. Shiplnp, Dimension, luethi." n Ihey are anmeliiiiea Boards, Lath F! dard, for the ISOth Meridinn weal. TELEPHONE 88; illnrces termed In are America,iittlllllKnl.whereby Jlnlne srtlue II Is counted from 0 to St hour. Ceiling, Rustic, Kiln Dried l T"1 ffrom midnihl to mldnlgtit. 25 Inch each Insertion Dal'liiiit N mie nf llie.clenili of vii in number Une Fir Transient Display Advertising I per tlifl table Klveli it for Port Transient advertising on front page .......... f Z.o per Inch Ihe bench wliii tins reciMitly tad In Simpson hut the limn for Prince Wo have got prices down to ' tnekle ii,irre cHes In addition lo rock bottom. Local Headers, per Insertion, ......... a U5c. per line Mupert varies only a few minutes Ins reKiilarjildieinl work, in order Insnort hi Classified advertising, per Insertion, 2c per word. on aoine days and on itlhera is ' "v" ttllu Legal Notices, each insertion, IGc. per agate lino. lo cope with the n Mv I lis ieiu)lid J the same. The ranire of the thiej your order. Contract Rales on Arpflcfttlon. for the untying of nuplhil knoU may pa eouipuieii us t per cetilt "We know well Albert S AlPadvertising should be in the Daily Wews Olllca on (lay preceding perfeelly thai greater at I'riiun itupert Ihau at McCaffery, Ltd publication. All advertising received subject to approval , an (noetlmus pnipiiiiinu of the Port Simpson hutli at prln(ts and ' ur. rnt.nn. hall undefended rases fn the dlvwve I'lloncs 110 and 6B4 na pa. Therefore) tint rie in Uin cniirl lire merely colliile," oiiid Wjetale, OoUrto. Prince Itupert harbor la allKhlb DAILY EDITION. &j$&6z Friday, Mny ?7. I.i?t. Jiidpe DarlliiK. "Metij klintv as KirMer than Port Hlmpnoii. "For some two 7ar, I a a, well n I O dial Miose letter. The height I In feet and tenth Qutmic GutinlUm ujJ juflerer from .My dear Hilly, dn ri-lurn to our of feet above the averiiue lv ol. Dominions Not Vjtftfala. iomiik Mity. are e..iiiHue. ui Prepared to Assist. I tried eery remedy I heard of solieitnrs' niUcfa. l'.vrryliiwlyl-)ow(r ,nvr wlllr TH r r H 'Wrilhijr to Hie Lomlnn Tim1, Prnfeiir Itiirrieiliile Keilh, without ur auercit, until the ift knows t, only it U presumed ih.-ii 4f a local mtrtkt rtctmmttJtJ of Kdinlinrrrh University, says the process of ilcvi'lnpment of "'nu'l-o-turj'. the judife In Ihe dhnree 4-ourt HAIL 80HCCHJLK A YEAH FOR LIFE d'M's nid. Of be.loe. Imperial relations wns inevilalily nrreleratoil jn an uuprece-'!iJ'iIiiliin'r I procured a box of 'Fruit-a-tlTta' course A CANADIAN JinlKes wtni retired GOVERNMENT h4 are ANNUITY 'jJ'Jbe forihalion nf Hie League of Nations. The od. lcn .the trratmrat, aud my ilrnntred huek Instead of for in KaaU nmm j InnlnnPerrMliiis, compelled ni a rftnVh earlier dale than coodilioa ImmedUtelr.roiDmroeed to heprof aide In enjoy Iheir old nge In JHiig roin- Monday, Wtulneadaya and t)aU ; No No Imu Utirr arcurilr hit mvt,(n,nfctajniM.uULI " Jhad 'lieeir;'anlicipaled In assume a :Malns for which they ye re The DytpepeU c-cU to be the forf 'wfaiise Ihri'Mre iiol ciinoxh urday ut lt;JS awmH w'not fully prepared, n fact which Mr. Fielding has emphasised bunlea of my life u It had beta, ud jodire o deal wlh tlme rae. -Win kflKinl U by tJ if lo.t. -o( w,d From tha'KacU ,.,MK41 ; more than ouce in the Canadian House of Commons. This lack J nts freed of Cunttipatioa. And what wiimer when pcopl enn Yueaiij -T dun DauiMMtm Inronw T I frrl that dtU come into the divorce rmirt and Xui41aya. and Ibura- ' No mrllral caanutwnk m a gmu ( imiuntd . tof "preparation is evinced most ronplusively hy Ihe ttnwilliijg- 7:15 .li-a-irJ for the benefit I deritrd I rent il in lln fashion V dftya at p. ni. of any of Ihe Dominions, even including Australia, to fce Miejs rom them." lie ttdCMl thai what people An ' fwrvm mjr purrluK . Ihe; liurdeh .nt-a, just share in Ine cost of naval Defence. Years, FKANK HALL. liHiked for most in the new a. For Vancounar and South. V Kiopojw, my pmxh, tot tUirrmptorw,Diatiy 4 u.!. it must liVaumiileil, will lieore. ihel United Tueadaya 7 p.m. elapse Kingdom C0e.a box,C for 3.S0, trial alio 5J papers wer (he IlkenesAr nf Tluiradaya II p.m. can expect any sennits nid in this regard, saye possimy from At alt dtalers or eot postpaid bjr cery adulterer who rould....m' Saturdays 10.15 a.m. i .the CommrtMveallh.", Ceoeral Sm(s, despite his wholehearted i-ruit-a tirea Limited, Ottawa, ObU t 1 i-ael ef m"nel comimr nut or Ihe April 2. IS ami it doelr:ue (jfautonom'y, has admitted hts rnisgivings (o the From Vancotfvar and South. part whiii the Union can play n regard naval defence. 'undaya 8 p. m. Broader .Viewpoint SUITCASES ZARELLI UP IN Wedneadayt 10:50 a.m. April H. IK and IH . International Relations. TRUNKS B&K PASTRY FLOUR Imperial relations, .therefore, are now in n transitional HANDBAGS POLICE COURT Foe Anyoi and Allca Arm. state, which may he of considerable duration, and Ihe immediate jSundaya 10 pjn. ' problem for, Ihe Imperial Conference meeting next WHlneadayt u p.m. The real white pastry flour which month is In seek to devise some reasonably effective way of Tents and Awnings IWr. McCoy Charoaa Him With! Wrxm rm, means bettur, lighter, and more co-ordinating Imperial foreign policy. The Empire at least Obtaining Monay Und- J'le.daya a.m. 1 1 iiaky pastry. J ... huradaya p. tn. 111 1 - I I l .in ought to be united on the issue of, reparations, .and Dominion J.F.MACUIRE Falaa PraUncea. , aii koous sow unuer our u &. h statesmen must realiie thai an international stains; implies Dial 712 Second Ave.. Prinea' ttuurt Foe Fort Slmpaon, Arrandala, Mill Trade Mark arc ffuaranteed. D. yre, ihe well known hn Day, Walaa laland and Nat Rl ar. ALL GKOCKRS sell "BfiK" PASTRY I lei ami inininir man, Ion? rest ( in M ... a hmader'point of view lhapinerpM)ommion"inlerVsS Hut ihe lem Ihe ' ' ' " " in ,u.rlh. apaml 1,,!;"""- 'a' .V process will be gradual, for it must( be one of snontajieus LAND ACT. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING C0,LTD. evolution m-the public feeling of the 'Dominions" theniselVes. Naixa at latantloa U pr ta Laaaa Laa. -"--r ''Tuesdaya . a.m. P.O. lnx I'rlnc B.C. Phone 350 in Fkrena LjiuI tiHinet. Keraromr Oil answer In n rharge jireferre.i hyL Huprt, -1 Daughters of Empire i tin of Cnatt, Hni t, ana iilutK at aaa Mr. Maud Mcf-ny of obtaininr f i.ntoa ejr. adjoiDiar loi QuoWi CMariotta lalana'a: And NevHaJL the sum of l,soo.hroifah false tmMti nollr f tlx I Harmon It RMdhnr For ; The Daughter of the Empire are still assiduously'devoting f eniiK Roprrl. cxrupatioii maiW mart-Uirr,'nce and fnlsrepreM'fi'lnlinil. April II and 25 iDirnita to apply tor prrmiiiioa lot The arrle vrna roil under X Iheir attention Inwards Ihe establishment a,.stfilalilc of eiliflre From Na! in rooowih otioj Himh- arn-sl in Yaiiinnir &l.r , , In II. r.. A . ..l.l!A II. I..I.. :-i III.. . a - i. wuir..n v ... il and Sfl Sutherland in me iifjii,it .u jiiifiit: ijtiii ..tint mxrir mis curlier I Ka lMUtW MI UK 1 April Dr. math llw of lol lt thrum ,i i rn..n. ririiscu s.u lino, imu rr -McUride Street and Fifth AveiwV earl all their elTorls ti more of ' M low wiifr mart; tiirer lurneil lo llil eily on I lie last the past year have been in that end and Ihey have now a sum ontiwriy to rbaini iMjoa tow ir nurtdtrip of Ihe prince ltiie-ri. The Foe Saaaway and tha Yukon. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. ' op April ft. 18 and 3fl in the vicinity of 2,Oiro raised for the cause. Their present Wftlrr mark; tbrnr nortlwrlv una, ftiml case wan adjourned. until Monday From . plan js to. raise 5,000 before any attempt is made to start kairr mark to po.t. cooumior J arrr..lnM'- rTnnal aureliea of .1.0ail Saagway and Yukon. April 3. anil 32 it branches , the building. Then it is proposed lo make deliuile plans with mart or iii. lucinir pin up njr Mr. .areiu ior DENTISTRY in all its " their nuances on a substantial basis and with a neat sum )n ,iohm.i a. BHormuKST. hi appearance on that iLUe Dated January ft. ttfl, Itcwarl, MapU Bay and Swamp hand. .-The. hall which the Daughters of the Empire -propose II.. W. Pal more la arllnjr for Ihe Point. Suite 14 and IS Exchange Block, building will fill t long felt need in the city and while it will ol-EEX CIHni.OTTF. IUMI l.t MX defendan be used .mainly for dances and similar funrlions it will also inii,i-4,n,iiiM i,4iij e. FOR For Appointment Thane Black 516 "ttkr nollr tnal Tnunai riuu. In.iin April 1 1 ant 2H be available for any deserving public cause. The existence of Ml, "f Mtttril. B. i'. inlMi in makff ENSIGN JOHNSTONE IS rno.M such a ' piace in Hie rlty will benefit 'nearly everyone either rxliration u iw Mini.icr or Land for itr rinnm 01 o. ,.. for a iirrnr in rn. April !It and 30 , direclly or indirectly. Therefore the order is deserving of Prl fur prirulrum uter and urulcr Itv WITH SALYATION ARMY every asjstance and patronage. A carnival is in be rciii.tb Hi h-.rrilM-d landi illualo ,m -llir put on. ivni Mail liraiufn jiuud. H. :.: June .1 and 4 by Ihe united chapters in Ihe city. If you feel Lurammrmr at a tMit pltntml Q rtinnil IN CITY OF WINNIPEG ., B .t-rrcAW r ..,.. lhat the building proposed by Ihe Daughters of the Empire will IMS;Miin man XXtfttm u xnllwii rhin ronw-r ttrnr ut '.n iaa cuMniua. b nefll, you. in any way it would be well In assist in gelling it rlinni i.w i-jwiiix Mrtjut;Winn Utrnrr hi in to p,ini-uni ar faiifnnrr nl, inmrr rjipliiiff Kerr, ulm nltendi lo t inn thk vrra ACT nr "tn nimta unde ,wy ,at an cariy date. t lie lliiuin'iol 1'iul of afTair in.rim. and Lxraud I III) Virrh, Kit. i tiik m mil nr tm .Tatr nr RAILWAY nei lion w illj I lie work nf Hie au.iA.MiLH v. aoirr. t.i.aii GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Hoiort iftiin, atnt. Kjilvatlnn Army in the Nnrlli. it AaK ViTir: imi la ikw ar mm S.S. PRINCE GEORGE .allinn yi-KE riunirirrr: isnvn i.tyn M L..,wii r- .i,,.. in u.. -n ll'avmr F. MrH. tmilir. mad In tin nar all Aanco.). tru t ' " ' Hwanann Ha. eean f .iiaih isnn. a. c. I 7. w April, ifri. i mtt tMuttwi aiumiiu. AlldnlKhl Thuraday for . .Dr.JOSJAGUIRE -- lan.l nn Mnminv wl 1 1 lni,-tn r.r nr. UtUt la In tjlttm at a(rlilr W ndl, Wili--day in p w f Victoria nd.Salll. . Tk! iwitlre ihit Thrimn Iimit. driid. and an irlw-t baimr num. er, 'nni. MaiM-iL B c n.ii-iui. u mn.irner. lie exiierln III Iw III and iiiii in mm Hill ar hebr iMiuimi S.S. PRINCE ALBERT ?KS?f5? 'z -z: xVe VStf. '"'""i fr iu In fnrniin jm. nnarlr rrind. ii n. Iirl Uy and all poiola oi n or brr in irin air nr Mar. . For Port Cleienl, Jklaaaelt. nu.nlirfl in nniiliMI tnr rlrUrum mrt ai lipinlll. and all pamra indrfaird ia lb atal ar Momi- W v ' lh- "' " ' i.iail"ie ind iiiKlr lh anulhern Queen rllilnt dru-rirird land. rquirn to It J in amount or lir III BH1 has been called to Vancouver on iiuair on ihr writ cofii tt uraium H- '.aptaln Kerr aa)ra that I.ntign ilbldfiaa la In rnrlli.(ih May IMIm. special DENTAL WORK. "TmJlnrinr at a io.i mmi-d ,i itw Jinlnw. wlm Wn in rlnirge nf,f JIlIM iiltiriai H. MrVL'LIJ.Admimilralnr. . -rnaiN SERVICE. . .. . .uiiir-i roriM-r of Ij.i nil: ihn-ffriii Hie nnny here amne yeara aKi. 11 DATrn nm ma a or iii. mi. I'aaa enirer Wlonday, Wadnaada. and Saturday it llJ" He will RE-OPEN His.OFFICE Aoutn no fhint; irrvi o rtumi, ionov in Infiipr filiU 4nrrynjt on tyi'rnr riMi.irrr laiAmiia Pia- for inilhera. Prinr'a drome. Irnouti.n and aai inntpef.'' l"u;idTm,;?'i.t.. "''l rk. ill. arm OeorK. TIllCT JlKMIIM 111.AMI. f t im dirrct ennn-etinna for all point- Taa iwdir mal lh.ina iaiv, Indian Line. on TIHIU4. liKASY. who waa hut a lad vhen in I'rinre ril. Ma.vll. I. II.. InlfUda lo mat an Agency AI Ocean Steamthlp lu-tx-rl n.n, at ml. llrailnn ll MliHir nt for l Uml' tli JUNE 1st -Illnpert. ia now ipjlle ornun up rn-vinre nr H. . fur a lieor tianl-n ror isrorciaUaa arn iwmnwi a..a.irr rM.i taa. irmii.Kn vi jimpw rur pirtaiini ii.-Ih Oitf Oiaaa. Tn fi.ll.iliir dnlid landa ailnai im lttr nolle tnai lNiiai lif. Initiao iIiiik rian. Hi Wmi i:a, M nrakam iMand, B. ' . and lerUd a tvlltmt: I'liriiwjn in in uini.u-r r land for in ikijiwi ai a planl4 ai ihe i-rxnor in n. c. for a llrnir Ki .rprl I h, nr.rihrl mrnrr at l.l Dili iiH-nr ran aiftaaaaiaNBl ' ,"-.i..w-mii, itTr im, uiutrr in iinv.w inr o rhalna; ihar ami in aa rliain,. iivnr G. H. Arnold icirinna inn mumi m iiu, went Ca4 iu rhai:ia: ihrnr nnrtn aa main, ii - Notary Public ut CraiMrn l.lind. B. :.: Ten Years Ago f.lnl at rinfnnrmril. PACIFIC RAILWAY :iiwH'lna ai a iut planw-d ai ihe lurra inn Harm l,l, CANADIAN wrumr-.i runtrr tit Lid Mil; tru-nrr in Prince Rupert 1Ikivh p:(ar. i riuin an rnami ;llienn! ritl (0 rtuui.: iilirl Hrrn. arnl. i canAoia pacino oofan t.v-- FOR 8 ALE. iih-iuw ivirin 0 rnaina; hnn . ioil A Lot on Third Avenue in Block 34 Umi4 "lain JIMMMH virrii.' lfS(. ""T, May 17, 1911 Takt iiiii.nnllr r- "liniiAii(ai lindnaa iMi.ann,Jwair,n. Indian B.C. Coast.Steamsbip- Services M" ewn.ani Mra. Mrlnnan rnlerlalned at a Aanl. MaiarlL U. f!.. hrrl.v lv. imiiim - .. -rl Adjoining the new Concrete Building if I0lnuoa Ut w.ta "it..liralHl In im- . nniNftnt MARY .niAaLOTTE r5in pii-JaDiall Jiul ilelidlilful bridge ' on -roi.irr ni i.ann. ior in rrtivue lit II, . . . avlnct which is being erected there. A very desirable business Tin iiolire ini" tV-.. I.;.?;, indi.0 I'llay evening The Klieal wrr C. fur ami a lirrnr nrwlrr lo ifw fiHH-rl fnikmuia for niridu,..A-w-riu-,! For K.Uhlkan. Juna.u, Ikagway, Aiaaaa, .r... location 'a aim, Vi.-vlt, e fwrrliy rivs nolir wiTe Ilr and Mr Tri'iimvn.. M. iinai i i in writ i:oa,t of lira. Rupert May 9, 20 and 30. r . Milennial lu Wly loll. Mllllalr of JiTS llaod. H. C lUimuwnrina ai a uui Prince Hup.n- r nrorlfjr of B. i:.' for a Mill Kail, Miaa . Jo IIIMlojl, J. M.ianU a, in wiiinrii runir III IJil For Vancouver, vi.torl. and Seattle from H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. llrrnr lo .n.-i fur pridum rr and ii Illiai Ihrnr ao -hain ra.l: tnn . an . imd,r Hi foibiatna darnt)d and; nu- Waiiey. . p. U Harm, V. Sijjipin rhalna norlbi llirnrr ao rliaim wral, ianr May .13 and 24; June 3. ' ncesn Insurance Ranlala Ral Estate and ..n iinarritMd,i- n.,aa fulluwa:riam m CHinnrina,,raiiam Miami all"" 1 V Jl ""'' pw Loaid mania "n Marrh wi to Inn,i-iiiu ,u isti.faiunrnrrniriil. 8,8. "TEES" from Prime llnpert r8wain"." "f,,,' and a rxwl plarid ltd rlulni iumiiii fnmi Hi I TIKIMA lif AIY. I'alla. Alerl Hay. Jleavrr Cove. uuillmral rnr of IM Mil: lliiir rr Tim I"i.i. 'rl.,.,.i i..i Miinw Ynrmany arrnl. rnaini: Ihrnr aomit $o rhaliui Uwnr "i'"" nmui" ui jum Vancnuter every atuiday noon, Sini'or rVZ;Jt'Z'!Zl"'r'' " t,w"" Hon'lernonB a .Ihorouxb ovrrliaul- ujraim irrn Jim, Iffl. HiK nnc hati een painted and vh. rwrrriuaoa and lallian. M ror raut. HOME AGAIN? TIOiUAS iu.lrt liKAHY,Hrown. Aarnt. rnrated hy the juU-li. ...ailM, Bags W. 0. OnCHARO, Oeneral AflenL m 1 tl. ir.i Bl- orm nui,Ttr ki i ,v.f ,.. (JiarleM r-i'-ya. j ne venuiaiinn - . . . .. J i,uci,Hi Prince RupaM. Suitcases nu-i omii!! iHLa.iii, b. u. inu wi-i-ii jmpriMru ana aiinj(riiier For rehl nice HOME COOKING and FISH AND CHIPS 11". Maikrll, H C, mind to iiiak" an" lfn made IIKml ill- iinn ii in Miniairr or lanoi tor loeivlllllir and 1 I Trunks "ura;UUl rnflur of H. C. for a llrrnr for nrr.1 iLliik.n to nnxra-rl for nlmlimi owr and I a a UD . THE EMPRESS CAFE .VL,K.r.'ll''r.'lJ d7"!!''d .,.".rt.."'"." The Ioiik dinlaneri race arhed. Tents, Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP CO. 9F Df;. l riiirprnriua ai a pUnud ai ibulcd fur Jl)ly between V. II. Where Everybody Eats White Help Only u fhjln.; lornc rail aa rliaim; f lui,re rlierilian, A. ,NiClliltOn and S, F. aMaaMMaaMMBal M. Crosby E.7.7rV;. 1" oerunyiiiif an l.n. Doxea for Lad lea Empreaa Hotel 3rd jack BAarnnr, ini Block, Ave. M-aifq "'"Qa'JiJVHv P""oni place of Inlrrral' In the 716 Third Avenua, Prince itoprrt Ml Saaaa annua vaiihrw,' aa'rrii. '("porting afTair. ofi I'inrp itupert. ra'aaiaiiaTaa'i