,PAQE T. '"a m snmn nw BRINGING UP FATHER ft?.r h i '" (L ' I'"-' - Igsssl " II i r fo cub Oi this miilv to t cwj s11 a half of wtci arid you: have ajjlcndid milk for aw coouing. SALMON CROOK PLAY TO BE CUTTING TIES . J - ----X -- J PRESENTED TONIGHT 1 IN INTERIOR Daily News Classified Ads. TROLLERS Drama "Kick In," Comedy "Don't Lie to Your Wife," and a CENTS I'EK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdY.rllmmt T.k.n for L... thmn o Exquisite Trolling boat with New Vaudeville. Kept Many Mn busy Along the Engine, all complete, C. N. R. during the Past WARTKB. ACCOUNTANTS j pi Willnnl .Mark's famous piny. For Sale. "Kick In," lo he presented -t the Winter. marrif.o tuni'i.i: wanted ti.i:.xi'i:iiiK.cKn amount,ANT'1?" ami warn Wrslholmc Ideal i'c tonight by ' niuriri' i timing riMiiu mi woui.l iak eliaovo nt t.t of) Market Prices J Oliver Typewriters the Atlion Slock Ho. is nckti v- PERMISSION IS OBTAINED counlry finiel. Apply fioni- Mniit, whole or part tliiis.ii! T -..v ledged lo lie Ihe mot wonderful FOR USE OF HEMLOCK mereial Hotel. . vniitrort, Phone at 11,, Cary Fireproof Safes & crook nlny .over wrillrn. alack 259. tr Meat. OOARD AND ROOMS T-bone sleak II.,1.- 'it 1 F- If is a thrilling play of tli SMrniKllS. Mny 27. One of Vaults. underworld, showing the much. Ihe chief industries of Ihe Hulk- P.M..Mi:il IliifSi: for board and SUMMER RESORTS. Hound sleak , I On A IC..., ley. .Neetiiico and fskeena Sirloin steak, per lh. a..,, 4 Jo Kf lnlkcd-of Ihlrd lllver ,.i. degree Hume 1 ' method. rooms. Cooking. Ilati-s INfUIKASKI) ACCOMMOIIATW.N t Lots & Houses For Sale as used liy tin. no eo in ii,e valys during Ihe tin' winter reasonable. Mrs. .MrlMtinall. Inrluillng a tent for family or Heef.neer pot chuck roast, lh.. 22t4c U 2 lli .1, 'i r larger cities. The play is said has beenjhe gelling out of lies inl-IOfl Sex en tb Avenue VmI. party for summer hoarders at rnasl, ll..22 to 25c lo have Ihe for Ihe 'Canadian .National nail-ways. Herf. rib roast, lh.. 30c and 35 biggest surprise finish Phone Jtrd Ittl. If Hill Farm. Trrraee. Iinfear A Heef. .oliinu- II. Dybhavn & Hanson ever w rit Inn intiJ, n Piaffe dlory, In all something like French. jf nml it f. hrim full of feu' I.S50.000 lies have been' taken I'llll ItOflM AMI IIOAIIU Phone llamliurser, pei8 lb . 25c Mrs. S. Frine Insurance Agents. Third momenta and .en.alionnl rli- out in addition lo telegraph poles IteJ 421, tf CORSETS slew ins he.f. tmr lh.. . nnu piles. ittrnnl Ityf, per 20el Smith Block Avenue, Prince Hupert Ihe Allinn liimpnny will aNo The chief ronlrarlor r-fi gaged FOR 9kLW MMisiriM madis In order. Mr i.omii. ipsj, per ID..., tfio Corner Third and Fifts Hirer lor. pimne nine inn. If I H...t. I..I.. produr Ihe hilariituft conif-dy In Ihe work have been Olof Han 50o WIIITi: Li:HfWIX! Prlre lay loiU l.lo lo our Wife," said sen or Prince Rupert, O. Jen HYLAW NO. 35 Million, slewing ?. lo contain nxire laiitrhx lo Ihe nlngs and Jack McNeill of Telk ing slraln. for sale. Yearlinirs, CITY OF PIIINCi: Million, shoulder, lh.. 2fo to 2HC Accidentand square inch than "hnyl king- (hey wa, m. .Coop, and the Tort S. Two year olds, fl.73. All UUPFIIT j"K of million, lh to Lumber laying and In first-class mn liln nf iiintton. lb Harry fin.. 407 The largest uae yei pijci ami mat will Notice Is Sickness be going some, an. this clever tfnnlrart was that of the Prince ditlnn. Mrs. W. ItiVss Tlmmp. l dayn after hereby the(ien al that iiferllun four Vral shoulder rat, per lb.. . 2ffl DINING HER organization has civen Prfnre Hupert man who look oni rijn.- son. IVrrac. Il.fi. tf of this nol Ice In Hits paiwr. u. Leg of veal 30c and i'to Hupert about Ihe best line of 000 lies besides Jmles and piling. FOIl SALIi Furniture. Including plirallon will Im. made to Ihe (Uilrf Plain sausages, per lb. 25c Insurance lie has had large Hlismroa-k, ssiiscige I5e a organization amuernent lhat has boon nre ISA rugs electric range, bedroom of Police nf Ihe i;ity nf prince denied for some lime.. in charge, of (he work, Including Pork, leg ............ 50o Yon are nol immune from furyllnre. -It. Ily appoint, Rupert for a grant of H.e transfer Cliff Lancaster will-put on his II. fi. Olsen, manager; Harry Pork rhoiM, tasr lh- ... 55r ment. I'lnme 2S0. Jt of Ihe licence nf the sale nf Accident or Sickn.'ss either wv-ernges comedy vaudeville act and there Orme. superintendent ent of Pork, thrnihler. per lis. , .inei at l home or travelling. A will also be .rtven reels of pic-lures Smilliers. nnd Pred Oipk wvsl of Foil S.M.i:. Kullre furnUhlnirs as defimil in Ihe ahnvn Haenn. slleeil. per lli ?oc And a darn good 1 i llylnw. In and the i-"iii-y in imp oi our- sirong lo help things along. snillhrrs; It. I:. Allen, manager of f!i riHirned apartment. Ul"n iireinle Ham. sllce.1 4 &ir known ll...' habit too. Good food Companies wil properly On next 'luesday night a big nf IbJ- Hoyal Mills. F.vcryUiing new. For apMiiul. as PUee. siluate at Ham. whole, tier lb WO provide for ynu and your fat greased pig will be given Hemlock Now Used. men! phone lied 331. 125 717 Sernnd Avenue, In Ihe filly Of Salty backs 40c und satisfactory ta- family during any disability. Since the visit few months Prlncr Rupert, from .Mr. Agn I"l...L. ... n. away lo Ihe holder of Ihe lucky n mr9t I ill. - 55c vice means pleased Our Policy will Interest number, wilh Ihe proviso lhat ago of W. H. Oram of Toronto. SlhTINO . KOnS 12.00 a dozen. fiiMiper In myself. Fowl, per. IbJ, A 50e you. who ever win if must catch Ihe general lie agrnl ff.r Ihe Canadian Rhode Island Red. Hens laid FRANK O. TAYLOR, Pick led pork, per lb. patrons. pig on the slage in full view of National Railways, permission all winter. 020 Kixlh Avenue Appllcnnl. 1 fiM.kc him, sliced. ier lb.. . 7iV AND OURS ARE) I Prince Rupert Ihe audience. has been given In supply Fjist. Phone 187. 39 Dated this 251 h day nf Mar. Sjiare ribs, per lb, 30c hemlock, the western hemlock FOR SAI.H Fnglish l.aby.huggy. 1021. Roast ham, per t , Hht Get the Habit. Insurance FISHERIES OFFICE having been prove'd In be even cheap. Apply 513 Hlh Ave llologna, per lb, 30c superior In Jack pine or env Jellied tongue , ..... tn Agencies, Ltd. DISCOUNTS RUMOR oi her wood. Practical demonstration F.al, phone Red 501. If MOTOR BOAT WILL llroilers ... . 5Re of its value was given DIQ SALE WILL START FRIDAY ' SOON BE NEEDED Calves liver, lh .liet 5. Regis Caj P.O. Drawer 1 632. Phone 130 CURRENT ABOUT TOWN Mr. Orant wiien he was here and In order lo make It lighter to Dairy Produce. Second, Avenue he is now convinced of Its value. move up town. WI19 have motor llllller, per Hi, JOrl Third AUtvst Die local IVmiinion Fisheries The Industry is over for the I'verylhing will b sold At a sac Itoat for sale should ad. lluller rooking,, r ll inc, season but will In. all probability riflce. nothing reserved, first per lh 3V office has received no official vertlsej them soon a the . jl.liee.e. commence again In Ihe fnll as I romeTlrsl served. ll.lluliiirger fihees... i. . . . fi'..-4IVgs word n In the reported season Is coming when a per" capture he railway has lo have lies In linger hand sewliiir m.ichlno (es.e) tee o-nn.1 Or Rupert Ironworks & of a Japanese sealing schooner they wilt xt in demand. A keep uie nnc in goon snnpe. n, new 01.0. 127.25 fresh; 45c 11 norlhern walers and .1. T. C few dollar spent In advertising .jhrgs can SILVERSIDI - Supply Co.,. Ltd. ' Williams, Inspector, is inclined Heavy Ringer 5.00 a boat usually , lljfgs. local :.v hhORnE WALSH SEEN n" heavy piam ria Margarine e Have on hand: o discount Ihe wild rumors Dial bring result. If the price j ' Large have been current on Ihe nlreel ... ,.. 'L 1 "vo1 ?? 50 I right. . t ':innh tin Dry 60c Bros. new stock Hall for the past Iwnnly-fnur hours. 1W lilKlLLlPili ntlUKt '1- "llB niattress and !SilBar. ier III I2r Thrust. ln. lo 2,4in, im. Ilierc have been foun pnng I3.73 fllrcad, per loaf 2 for 25c may some proved callcm, at reduced dation for Ihe report but Ihe Breezy Actor In "Putting One Ileds nf all size, cheap, no re. i Flour bnrd white, 50.hsk 135 The Home of prices. slnries now out.must be grrally serve. ' Milk, per rati .... 15.75 In 17.75 Over" Does Stunts and Fights Following engines for sale: . Chairs almost, new nt $.fi Vegetables amplified. -If anything serious Ramsay's H.I. Ounranlee. had occurred Ihe odice would Palnlfor house, etc, per gal 5.oo onion, ijry, California. ac 0 II.P. Automatic. have been notified by wireless "Pulling One Over," Oenrge Table of all VTfttl from 1.1.00 W'ATKIl AfiT, tOI4. Herts, par lb.. 5o 10.12 Walsh's latest vehicle. Is In be II.P. Haffalo. from Ihe 10 fn.nn (Uirrots, per lh, 4c it Marasplna is thought. 5 II.P. Palmer. shown at Ihe Fmpress Thealro Typewriter (Smilh IOTHK IS IIISZST lllvis in.I ma Pure Paintf Premier) only ri'inoflr im ijenuiuni Onv.rnur nt Rniitn Turnip, iier lb, 4c 3 H.P. Palmer. lonighl. -..120.00 i.wnmMa VJ sim rnn. im snrwv of Hit C.ilibnge lOi1 All in complete working order HALIBUT FISHERMAN Walsh's brlplil and breezy. Hicycle . . . , 135.00 nrrten-MrmiiTs uwnrii tul La mhwi in Cauliflower 23e In 0c anJ tii'- .and supplied with Columbian CHARGED MAKING NO impersonation of Ihe niolor ear Tub (and at less than cost $3.75 ertHS1 Tbal parnnl It of llu lo Vtlr ih rmi.ion'l III! lie( Ile.nl lettuce ........ 100 to 2Se pecrlesi; Propeller. salesman who become a vlefim une reading lamp ...... 110.00 Ins rhtr-w si nl Ita suiaft of Itll Potatoes, per sack ,tl.5n.n (2.50 WALLPAPER STOC Waterfront, Prince Rupert ACCOUNT OF MONEYS of mistaken Identity through the A few yard of end on at less llul ilcf llie tr risrw Hnr like.nr im MtMnllin srrorl4 IT"! Celery, per lb..., 2c lo 30c machinal ions of crook s, is n le. than cost price. siwl iri Nirnni wir Hnrr nmrifi in Ike u'.iihj rriarr m.sy ...IT IHMiri .',11 , . ... . , . . o. ii- light aiil a Joy. IMs ludicrous Watehc. rings, chains, bnol nrder-in-OMiiiril numlwmi sn. r'i'liinch. pr lh, ... ..... . ! N. H. Murk was charger; in (he. iitlejupts to explain his Identity and rroTed mi lh III Ur ut nmnir, v. f Mil nf ! ' 1 - shoes, axes, fnrks, shovels. IS 10, l riorrK-a is m fir im l oliialoes, hot house, wr lb. one EDO COA L CO. police court this morning with and escape fiom the fair of Inheriting hammers, hatchets, clc. Vsrnml lit rer liner l-Tlamt In IM la frine ine HuBeti ir of llliubarb, per lb... for miapiHpriation of 310.70, being millions have taken his The (ilaco Vlr lil.lrid tM Hut sours c( Aaparagu f an nm 120 Phoitll mmiry received from Ihe audiences by storm. LYNCH'!: OLD DKPAUT.MIiNT urn rsnrrlliiwm I putnithmj tnt Ibrro iiMsiia in im m. C. 0tiu Fruit. Second Slrsel for the best sale of fish nf the last catch nf the Thrills aplenty, (no, there are 8TORK. sod tar Ibrre axKilht in on ma 20e Alberta Coal halibut Uoat Aambler. Instead in this picture and the mystery Jhe timo now, don I forget till rsra ll.hril riHMiin in list r friars sm neafper Ksperl Wsler pub Oriyiefrull Lemon, per(Florida dot 35c of liquidating the boat' debts element is worked out wilh true Mjna ciianea nf your Ufa In ruini in.inn.1 iiit i im ut or Htrrn. a. i. tm. Dale (drom) 3()o Phone 58 and dividing up with the other William (ox skill! Walsh -r- buy cheap PIHRni: I.KCI.AIRH, T. I.Jliiiuur HSTTI'LII.ut Lsmii. Navel oranges ........ 33c loll Kljht Phones ;Ji 0: 8 members of (lie crew. Hie. accused forms stunts worth seeing and tf Itnlslns, per lh, 3ie Prince Rupert Feed Co. U said lo haTe kept llie money baliles with his accustomed FOR RENT LAND ACT. Curant. ier lh, 30o n Phono S himself and made no accounting fearlessness and abandon until. I Peel, per lb, 6'- LONflWH! Corner Nsiles sf lalMtu 9 tft'.l Tz tM Luiat. STEEN 8 2nd whatsoever. Ave. and 8t. Miixlstrale McMf.r. 7th as usual, he w ion I lie. inn. rOH JlF.NT Three-roomel h 011 so IS lAnae S. Iis.l 1.SIMI iHatnrl. Hr.,l. Mined nuts, per If) 360 die adjourperf Ihe rase until to ln nmrlrl nf fnnra iirl. ami siiusi 1 5c Wor hlnve and Table ... Metal snme furniture for aiaui. -.nr, 1 ' miiea awsin.a Of Figs, per pig, Sheet morrow. PHYSICIAN TO TAKE sate. 72 1 71)1 Ave. West. Call mile Oceanic ml lMUrrr.ixirili eal Miillti nf laland.n l-iaiul itui Mrtil.lu Mince Meal ,. 25c A,7nt for McClary fonxieM after six evening, , 21 Tans iKiliee nut I, Alfred r. Wrlaht. of Arple i Yellow ,Vewlnn. The fire brigade called Prnre Huliert. U. L arruunun (.fi ,u. wire o TORK'S, UP WORK AT MASSETT 14.00 eor, inlnid lo irly for u-rmiaaioa la Apples (Wlnesap ..... S-n,,"Tle.Untf Enlln'1 I Ihe Inlander Mess last evening. URMSIIF.I) ROOM WITH HOT irM iun imn.wiiiy iieenMil lanna; Apple (flreening) fl.00 s SELL sparks from llie cliiinney heroin. and cold water. Norfolk Room r'ifiifiienrlnr si iSxi mamm .hi tn rr'"8"7,d . 76r sr-l Dr. iMirthwaal nl of sand bar I S louea Hanann 6ifa Str.tt TOVES. ng a bil active. The blaze wa Brlggs was Recently Marrled Phone lllack 320, 27 s.iv. U4 ine avumseal. rurlier of Utl 10, Hlrawberrles . 3.V prineo Kupri hanae 1. srouni to Nurse of Local Hospital lil.inrli iitenre promplly put mil. IIm anlll Kauil liar, taaiua in an m.i nan fruits. i FUHNIHIF.Ii SUITi: TO R HNT Evaporated Uits ij,w Walrr Mark, aiut risilalmni 4 Ir. Hriggs relurned this week PL Loul Room. Phorin Red ill lllack fig (.... . 20c Irid isesiioS from Massetl and left for Ihe DalfO Ihla lit sirnrn day of r..April WrllOIIT.A. p. I Ml. While lias ' 2o Fred Stork's Hardware south on Ihe. Prince Rupert Inst LOST LAND ACT. Apricol ao Second Avenue night. II is lo return Nor It! LOST Hold ruff link, monogram Nsllc of iBlostlsn U sly to Laaaa Loss. Peacliea, 26 PHONE BIACK 114 It utustly the remit of sluttish later w ith Mr. Hrfgg nnd I hey "J.M." .Vnltjeil as keepsake, in Hans t. (vai Lan.l nialriri, fierord-tiaar Apple terpd sctlen el the liver sad will gn Ihe Qnnn Charlolln Islanc Finder please phone lllue 128, in MlJdlo dlairirl raaa.f rrini-e oil h,Muperi.j,rm and Weil tllual asor Heedless Raisins " tewsii. sss sissspesrs wnea ur. lawn, where Dr. Hriggs will seniieqj wiann Prime 20-25C Chsts's Kleney-LIf sr Pills sre Vf4. LOST Oold wrlsl watch, Plmn. Tat nollro lhat !. Alfred V u-n.ni r Fish. mlniitler In the medical need ofL rtuco HunerL a. C- tirriifali.is i.i.h Onspl'lsdojs. 2S.sbsi,sllsstrs t-yiiT, inlnd In :od. 2 lb i aso; Phone 555 or Black 472 inn iiratiam island, people. Mr. apply fIH is-naiaaioo la nr.irC'JlNDI trmwtr II- uiia,,ni lirarribeO iaOllJ Hriggs in well known In llie rlly DANCES r-noimeni-lnf at s isiai nanid on IM ioil itllets, smoked MJ. MEN'S TAILOR C. V. EVITT esl end ut ni Sand ear amrwn at Ha Fresh black rod, per lh. .. 17 Ho and wa formerly Mis: 1- Hun. HVKtlY 8ATUHI)AY Sand." 40 rtalm w.al of ins nfr.ni. Auctioneer EVKNIN'fl. 9 cnrner of lol Its, Rani t, IMH IMalrieli Finnan hadrlie- Z .vrnl'S berry, nf Ihe local nursing alnff. till 12 Danco In Mclntyre'lUII, iiu-nro arounn IM mure Sand ear, laiioi 25e Auditor and Accountant They wrrn married some month in all llul tHiri alrav i aw u..i.. Halibut, pen lh Admission: Oentlemen, 60e; ami cunialiiliis inu arraa, more or lata, ' llerrlna. kliinerei". ntr lb.... Ladles, 25c. f OiMd tais lei day el Atru v, till. Holt llerrlnif. each no I!