r-litar, May It i02 rvm niXLt nwi PAGE 3; - PILES Local and Personal A Limitless Guarantee Enlargements! Are Generally Caused By CONSTIPATION. U. 0. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf A guarantee that operates at any time . in the life of an Ames Iloldcn $ Kkill awillcth iihurIiI Ileddliiff plants City Market. wlliuul the Tlwre ire lev, i( tny, eoioplamu more . "Auto-Shoe" protects ypu against any proper npiip-i'ttf "iuiihih Ititu m iiii.fr I wjiiU, or pHM, II llirjr For afternov-n tea, St. HckU and every defect in material or work- . TI machine rc-vdulionl.e ar. rviiiiiionly railed, ami (irirrclf my "' hlrh rime mure truubis, annojinre Cafe. tf manship that may come to light. I Ik niiililitjf ami Hilary ir ciilarKemeiiU. Jiul n Siwly wr mil. ire traubtrd with Uirm Wauled Ilaw furs. I'al Phil. There is no time or mileage limit on this sharp iih Hie original. at mkih Inn. or oiIkt. uminr lo alluia lipnon. tf Ames Iloldcn "Auto-Shoc" Guarantee. It , Ww Ixmi'lt In brcunie id t eou lipte4 . serves as bedrock for all adJiutmcnU, which Price cry reasonable. ""llillllvll. LIkI your boats fur isle with are made upon it without fuss, quibble or red I"ll-- an- 'larl umlrr Mrre Is-KliiiM W. M. ML Hring jour faorile ncga. Hlephens. tf tape. . i r. iKtuiir. blrniiiif awl trtrulinf, inn ' li" and ( will convince I In rirniHadin I'iliu bin afcompiny i ficortre Sweet left for Vaiieou. you. iliriii ragjic uilnery lilU It Is-)Mid de- AMES HOLDEN rli'tliiu. rr on lanl riixhl'a boat. DEVELOPING AND iilniiiM-nU amj luiMMwiiorirn way. lii-lp ,AUTO-SHOES,, awl rrli.vr fi a uhy.. but Iw r.t ri'l of Cah fur your Victory bonds. PHINTINQ iIkib, ii u iwrrMarr lo bare a fr", eauy No uaillnif. T. McClyniont. tf fr iiiiiHliMirn. Sall far-l im tialtiral moliofl of tiie lx.rn. al katt Cord and Fabric Tires in all " w.re ur lux- a dir. ikI by dolu Uiu Mm. K, M. Tlioruian of Tclc-yrnpli ' ion gua ran Iced Ihe ttutr will be quHkly rrimivrd. Standard Sizes . Creek Is in the city. Quick Service Milbunia Mia-Mti-r I'HH rrrulaie the ni f bib- id art prutwrly ' lleiiieniber the' Kuiiiiinin Club "Grey Sox" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes j ii J i ., iiiiii miMvitir tbe rutitl'paliun od all lit allkd Iruublri. Tag Day for lhf,cliildrcn, Satur ln r.ijiiaiu im caluiud w tfriilie day, .f Rupert Motor Company, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 135 ioIih ral mrnilii-ul., U-lut purely eliDle. , : "ii ii i an- Mm.lrn ii aixl eauy lo laae, ana oo P. M. MoiicloH.of Terrace I Rood & Frizzell, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone Green 268 airlni. aniM". ur rcgiMtrrcd at 'Hit' I'rfnce Iluiei't MiiMirii'- I ata i.itrr rnia are tie. a iai Hotel. al ill diuaiiaii ur dralrra, itr walled direrl ii tt ipi ..r .r)r. I, Tlie T. MiUiurn Co.. i . A. W. SnrlirraHn of L:k in in I.uiillrd. Turnoto. Oot Hie cily, a BU) of (he Prince FULLER'S SPECIALS IMALASPINA COOK lluperl Hotel. ,;. Acadia fd Fish. 1 lb. COc.'j EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY II. It. McMillan relumed In lladium Flyur, Special 08-lb.i! SEVENDAYS' GAOL Vancouver lat- nislil on the sack. 0.70. EAT Prince It t..l ...I n.I II. u pert. Build! Build! Build! J. I. Mt'Kiiuicy IIk ronV wf I lie ' Swjri'o Lard, 3 lbs. 75c. 5 lb. i!Oo-rmiifiii ilraii)'T MatiiKiiinu. Help the children learn lo iiu i.;. who a fn-nlly foiiml wuilty tif by conlribiitinir, Swiouuiitx Club Butler Specials Brand irrfumng Lilly. Imlav kh-t'HAd I.ik Day, Saluld.T).. Our fruu llriiuil, lb. 5Uc. Rupert lo hrapest building tnnU'rial in 'he world and (o fepn lay iiiipriin-iiK'iit Siinnybrfc, lb. i3e. Davbl VMiley and A. J. Cant-well iv mImwI (nv wa ' m.iik.iri- Hi ' .irmg Irrule liy MaKhirnli' McMnpli'. 1 1 llr. boies, I3e. ' of Victoria ore f jt the tendency will likely be toward higher wlio laiil I li- Art did luil Jim-mil nrrivalu in the city.anion? recent Siiulislit 3 pkz. ?l,oi. ;In in In i!iiiiir a due in oiirli mm1 . c i'. lluperl Lumber (himhm lia a large etoik It w;iii iiiiH'rnIiv! Hint illriiinc Mr. J. 11 in Ion-wa a iaeu-stcr Pure Olitev Oil. reft. ?I JO, nwv -BRILLS- (i .. till uiir rriijiirPHirnl".. ! fnafnlninrd ill lli (:ii'rMiiiriil foil tli a;l evening on the 1.00. HriHOHs. New sit-ij-k .neniH'c or let? t) wlioli rrei Prince lluperl. She will visit in DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH llesr. S1.35. now l.tO. tuililil al any liini- n-fnf in i! Victoria. V (irdi'i n and (li ii'fulin,M' t I In . ' U'V. l.23. now ?1J)0. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH Mrf. dale, wife of the actjnx lies. l.0J; now C3c. Da Your Building While Lumber It Cheap. boat would li -riuiily imi-ain-il povernnieiit airent here, lefl for Pearl Harley on sale, lb. '.ie. TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip- In flour Viclorv on the Prince l(Uert Fresh in DPI Country Hisculls. battf r. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. C ,; t't'ijtiirruirtil i ill ill)' (iHn f, Hrul (iiite. or FOOTBALL SCHEDULE lat nilil. , XVhilc XX'onder Soap 3 for 25c. SOLD BY ALL RETAILERS Phone 381 for Prtcei. Lux. special, 2 for 25c. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. llirw Cliaiiiti'o of Hi have Keillor lirni made Foolliall ill Departinenl,Y. J. Ilcnniiifr Malfoncd ftf I lie nl Foretry Swan jelly Sis Powder.While Cheese.2 for 55c.25c.lb. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. llay. i in Prince Itupert for: ioii Iauu lUlun and tlic rtUril French Mushrooms, per tin. n nhorl visit. srlii-diilr i us follow k: . 75c. MalkinV llest lITee, a few til.s Senior League F. WaUh. O. Kviud-on. XV. S. May 31 . Hitiin ol left at, 35e per lb. Corner and A. .XX". ltioii, all of f-Ui-elal Prillies. 5 lls! 35e. llnvland, MrC.tilltK-li. rfrrtT. X'ancouver, are rt?ilered nt the June 3 U.V,y.A. s.sioiis of Local new laid KsiK-, per do2. 53c. Prince lluperl Hotel. Canada. MfpriT. rrfiTVi'.' . . i. Special ColTeerS lb. I.!!. We carry the most complete p Juiii H Son of i;n?lalid XX". Ii. William.N touring the Spcrinl ntli'iitlun and prompt Dentistry-Bf-A-H. Soit of Ciiiada. Hu-'ll. rcfrrrr. lnlej-ir valleys belueen Sfmillier lejivery to flsbertuen .and wharf PHONE 109 July t'Mlii- f. O.W.VA and X'anderhoof with II. F. Pullrii rders. Stock of Lumber Mrrrrr. refrrre. and hi nop. Netn. of X'ictoria Junior League . Helgtrton Block, Conner Third Ave.and Sixth St May 50 Merrjiuuls .' Ir hiplap.Fir dimension D. D. opruce.; lumber fir finish and i Tbe Man in the Moon j in ihe cily. Our mill is riiuuiug steadily; we quickly Denial Nure in Attendance Iork. Merrrr. ri-Jrcv manufacture special order. j any door and window, lumlier re SAYS:- June 7 AllilcliCd Mer O.TIce Hour?, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 e. wn Miid dreed J any site t Uefore slock rlianlx. IMI, rffrtc.. . buying see our on Quick delivery by our own car June 13 Allilclicj lrj A spcial twenty-day sale at GEORGETOWN WHARF. C II. Cow tf Hinckley. Hay. Hock. Hu-'cH.-n-frrw. m liarcain rale ha been declared Jiliu- ?l lry IiK-k Mer- by Ihe local l.lioil pips. After I AUtI A MeCallery havebousht SPRUCE SHIPLAP,, BOARDS, DIMENSION, PLANKS, ' June 15 we'll be able to .lialll MrC.nlliH'li rt'fcri.! buy our ono million feel of No. I 11 r liip I liipjor at the government store. TIMBERS, LATH, SIDING, CLEAR FINISH. Juiii- i7 Mcrt'liuiil Alli- m lap and dimension, and arc cll FISHERMEN!! jliliis. I Ml. re'rrn?. iiiK at 1owet price yet quoted. ( Cedar Boat Lumber V-Joint, Timbers, Shingles TIIKHK'S a reason whv no Fir Flooring and Celling. ,lo romidcte tock of II r finish roiiveution wilt be held in BASEBALL SCHEDULE door mid window, and building many II, C this summer, and they . tf majcrial. We can now oiler FOR JUVENILES ... won't he all Methodist conferences Prices Attractive FRESH FROZEN HERRING Mr. and Mr. II. II. Clie-lnul either. Games to be Fulled Oil on 7th sailed last nik'ht for X'ancouver BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY DID lo thilik you ever slop ha DRY ICE Street to which place Mr Chestnut QUICK SERVICE how far n law ubidin easteru been transferred by the Forestry Following is the yrluilulc lor toper will IraveJ to buy u few Department. llolli. lie iind Mr. BUTEDALE 'CANNERY - Princes Royal Island the Junior and Juvenile laclall Chestnut will be . missed by u drink legally? . leagues: wide circle of friend. L'NDFIl the importation law Junior League Dr. II. K. Younv'. licad of the the railway had it till their own June 3 Dry thick . KiiiK provincial tlepartuiuut of public- way. XX'ilh Ihe advent of Oov-ernmenl ;bo W. G. Barrie Phone DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY Kdwiird. health, passed Hi nu the city Control what I hey lose sob 123 June VKiiiit KdwunU v. Tiny in Hie car will lie made He arrived express last cM-nliik'. on the General Rent Estate Agents Tllll. THIRD AVENUE POST OFFICE BLOCK Irain and lefl for the coullr on up in the passenger coaches. J ii iu il 'j iny 'riiiin vs. Dry . FOR SALE House and lot, 3 rooms, 8lh Ave. E., IhickN. the Prince lluperl. Dr. Young is a brother of Jud? Young of thf ITIIST a launching and then a Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets fully furnUl.cd h uf t and furniture In splendid con-diiion J n no 53-Dry DK-k vr Klnji city, new llsh car. Prosperity ' i i Price $1350; third cash, bnlsnce In 6, 12 r.dHidH. sight. Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods and 18 months. Also 2 beautiful lots on 6th Ave., June 30 .Khi lUlwurd vi. :The llshinjr schooner Tom and . Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, "ear Tiny Tiin. nl reached port yesterday after FISH being a brain food, IhO Borden. $1000 pair; terms given. July 7 Tiny Tim . Dry noon nnd sold 75,000 pounds of Oflawa CitUcn suggest Ihul Comforters P.O. Uox I lock , halibut to the (jinuilian 1 isli some of Ihe cabinet ministers in 1 HB5 Flro Iniurance Phone S7 July M- Dry Dock . Kinx and tUdd Slorkie Co. it t 8.5c and that city should have whale on IMwurd. Sc. This llsh took all the avail toast lor breakfast every morn July SI Kill? Kdwuru! v. Tiny nble refriireralor car on it be- ing. rims. IllK tdllppcd cast. 'ew Ahrival of VELOUR and Jkrsey Tuxedo Juvenile League FILMS Mny 23 MldsHit vs. rlrin. H. Slulchbury, Alberta trade DevpSand SPORTS COATS May 27 Fqleons v. (Uibs. commissioner who ha been in May Day Muy 31 Culm vn. MidVoU. I lie city lately in connection with Jmit 3 MidKi'l vs. Falcon. I lie! erection of coal bunker here Let's All Clean Up Films in before 9 a.m. finished the same day in latest pprinp colours; also June 7--r-Falrons vs. (Jub. for the handling of coul from June 0 Culi v. Miduel. that province, left on M-Prince SPECIAL ON BROOMS The Prince Rupert Drug Co. Velour Spring Coats Itupert last iitehl on a hurried June 1 1 Midiii'U vs. l'alcoiiji. Uood t siring lrooin...75e business trip to X'ancouver and and PHONE IS4 3rd Avenue 2nd Street ' Juno 17 'Fulcim v. I'ub. lluiuboo (Irooins SI.25 June 2lt:ulm vn. Mlilsret. Victoria. XVhUks Mail Order Given Prompt Attention p.0. . Uox 327 S" Phon 27 "DEMER June 51 Midaetd . Falcons. SPECIAL NOTICE D.Cedar Mop June 28 1'ulron.i v. Cub'. ').Cedar Polish June Sl Cubs vs. Midjjetn, In order lo ithe our patron u I.ltpild X'cneer tbeller delivery service, we have Shoe llrusbes J. McKay, first male on the Junt completed arrauisemeut Stove llrushea lit .I woi knmuliii and Prince Albert, went .outh last willi the Astoria Kxprcss und XX'nsh Hoard RUPERT BAKERY Art Clothes iimiliiy. wilh irii"i''i'di' evening on the Prince llupert. Ihave plciisurt' in inlimutimr that Feather DusteiK. only. .,50o in li-e. a eluiuluid ulwuys h on and ufteV Monday, May 30, a ' For .Also for iei'l by t'.ook lira. Si, Advert). In th Dalle New1 twice n day deliNery, eoverin all XX'e are sill! selling CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY jCook Droe. A Allen) Alien. - jparla of Iho city, will go Into 3 t'iire Lard 75o The Bread Only beat material uaed' D.?4lT'?!ri elfeel. leaxlnjr our slon at tt 5 Pdre Lard .S1.25 Order for fUlnfJ rHll Over 250 patterns to l-ecl mother lthlBg.BI.M Sar a.m., 1.30 p.m.; v p.m. baturuay. that 'Restaurants, Steimahlpa, Cannerits, etc. Scili PILES Int. of rnxxwl. All orders entrusted to im will t Promptly attended to icd lit hi Omroils from tug rllaa. Mo uriieai cpr receive our prompt attention.. Munro Bros. Satisfies Joskph Gauon and C. It. Biggmt. Proprietor STEVE Third Avenve Dr.Chaiia'i Olotomnt will rtltTa)ou .i oaem CITY MAItKKT, P.O.Box 21617 Third Ave rhone Gren 241; KING ni ifTord Imllli. bta.lt ". IH1 1 all - " Prince Rupert dt.lrri, or Kdmanuu. Balal t1"-. U"1""" D. Olennle. Phone '88 Third Avenue 11011 u. Suupl. lioitte.II you ni.ntloo tw II, J. Uacun. lift ai uclo t,auiup to m ui