i'live W ",wm-1 1921 Tf?' 139 1 Phone Huntley & Hale x b 7 x Jelgcrion Block PRINCE RUPERT I Joe and Fred I i Northern arid Central British Columbia's Newspaper KM. PMINCi: lUJ'KMT. B. C, nniiAY. MAY 27, 1021. VMtff4ar' ClrcvKtlo 1771. trM IM 464. . PRIfiK FIVK. nKN't iifHERN RANGES ARE BEING INSPECTED BY BIG AMERICAN CATTLE MAN . Montana Senator Would Have English Magnates here seeking loan, j CCAta CC7aSinCiVCC T CUNNINGHAM IS OHEAT SHITAIN TODAY Thousands of Catt'e Rar Mi.MHiN. .May 1!c NEW PRESIDENT ge ii ( III' I'oti'iTWH-' ir Ihl' iiiiiii'i anl fir'-"il -liin MANUFACTURERS of Iho imal iniiic On Queen Charlotte Islands ! iwiinn c alli'd fir (winy ,. liy Pis'ioi!1 lHj"l flfrv. Jams Ramiay, M. L; A., Refers ! I he iniutn' 'Miiiilhf to Provincial Policy MeaU ' II s. .i' si.-.en. one of tniMi cnlhu'iaslie abotil rv.ry- ' is-itut, a hrthrT-Til t-ilinrw Ino Yesterday. llial M hml br-n .tanii i'1 v 'altl- twH, who thing he 1 1 ml inre hit ni- SULPHITE MILL ,,t Hi' Cliarfolle I- rival In Ihr prwtnrr. llr aid ilfi-ii'Vil in alin4 wflliotii YAXOUTKH. May 21. J. A. uitti f"H'i will I-'. I.. Ilurklcy thai commit a lil frvitn !! ir'jrntiT n in lltflr Cuiifijnyliiiin. manaiT of Hi' II. ,,..,1 . -r H' riiM'rl fur prairie il w. re Hat ion In inamli. (I. Ili-llfiinSif hit bi'i'n ele(ol M tiri'sldcul if I ln H. II. Mnnurnc. ftir iiii' imi fltid hi- (tare "n 'he inounlaiii and water lurnrn Aicialln, nuccinjiiii j. ij,,,,., in nn nf apprriiiti8 ) if llntili Colutnt.ia. I'e.iplr . ...... . - I ftf. - I ft ! II. Kalciiner, wfio wan clioiii'ii ikn in 'I'. ir tnn'iHJ w ir.m no- rnirir iii not rvalue i urBMin, l ! "' arJIv.lir. l llo-rc were kuiIi grand Ibiiiif in Rotary Club YetlertUy Ifmporary prfwiiji'iit. lrju-1" TWO CARS FISH James Haiifay, M.I,. A., al the it,. :;...!(. ..nil within a lii'l ilif world lo be wn. From both Afternoon. isr li in-iwiw four llmu- a wenir miij a buinc I a J- nimrlinrx of I he aosoefollim ye.s-lerilay. Ht i.ii in.- 'h-uaiid head of kiiiI. Senator Slmenn mint J. A. V. Hell, freneral mnnnr' SHIPPED TODAY ri'Terlvil ti n.letler ho had r':i'iviij froirt Tremier Oliver "f trmr- I'iiI;. bim lluperl tr.: -ii ani.ii.k ii Ihe Jufi rnt hutaOe alxJut Ihr north and lo wli. aMrr..-.i n i-lBimir thai the linaneinl poliry pr-tlirl. Ilia) there will he trrral raier .-n i hmhi itnlii-iiial devHpnw-iil hen-when Im-I Holary Club al Ibrir u of I he provincial tiiivernnienl .! Cther Boats had to Sell at Short liii ietl for nrt ai'l lo hn)ulrie , luiichinti h. K.mal ynllrNiau r..mHi'H- ar- avaiii normal Tlw yfolfrday nimhi. Price for Cold Storage liiMi-afler. Huh would nil, lnwk IIiomibIi t ii HHr.mw i'akr i ,iH..ii wllli llti- wallli "( natural rMurrr ulil a rlifwful ami unislM- ialr cvit, apply l' -"cienlillc reneareli. lux irMlitir' Ih- tak.ii aihatila r lrfiv Two uvuilnide for i-ai- wi-r.- - -.ml llial lir va- ,.i,s IllcnU In- p:i'' "Ol in ivfnlij llir fliliir- ith1 t..i .-r Ills i "It) .'iiivn lUli hiii)'nt llii- iiiorn-ami lli' y are being loale thin WISH BRITISH CONFIDENCE IN WOULD TRY SUN I .r'r 'iiirl'nliilatiM IUr cili-Iriw an.'iiinon with halibut t'outlil al liifxrnl Ufi'ii I In- farl lliul 1 1 he Find Hiehansri!!. l-'?ideH ADMINISTRATION . 'lhee twn Of lib. Iltee; Ulli fini'- i-arli.Hi1. BRIAND VOTED YAT AS ROBBER irS IIiiimtI. Mr. H. lt v.r !.MTal boat nlTei-ins and ui-iil nl I In- MlliJivl ! I they vtbl at nhorl priee for eobi of "TrmnordanU ll ;MI!M1'I f I III ':lriy rfl:il-Chlnaaa nnrire pur(M!ei. Inhabitant frmch Prtmlar, Howaver, Dl- Osiiniimnl Ordara tha lulliiifBl ly liU nMiiiuiur r a The follow in? wnre Ihe arrival Revolt Against, Newly Appointed tiiilu BMil naitcr mill nl Seal I'.i.v. Bir Cenavp (UlatkrH d 'rinck IVroo h mrt la Amertea ' and 1e tiTay ' 1 Ruler Followers Arrett of Republican Uteinttd Many lie lift not vkl.li lo Iinlill?r i:i mmr of aa 5n1lh fliunrUt commrty o finance n elaMintoa lut)viev, JMiOo p.il. ' and With SUUment PraaldenU ( ln' X orili ColumM. f-rrr.rt le iir iPm in uttil ronilM of cisanln dXlar UaW pre)rt Aft&"0 ieulktfli:..l JI".ltljS.l.V-.Mlayrh- In- f on Ruhr. ' qeratttfn !n lhe' ffnneillale fu-' ef rtci ilr Umi. Slf Cuihrle fnry Pr".t 'MinlMer it SMpi-"" Ih Alibi Fih riej. at tfe and 5e. liabilanU of Tranvfrtrla,n1a are r.A r ha."m;i!m;ii. .May r . I lie .. . i aii Krrrick Ikbmo U a TXd EciUh Iwakrr. ... , . luro or aHiimi'M i urn iwi" . puc Faule. I2."n poiimN; Nornia. reiN.rted, (o have ri'it lii revolt Mills May .7. The CUi.ti.l-r Kven,.ni Hlwtw i ,, irvrr t.rton pound, tuiil i:alem P oinl. Strain! the ni'ly apiHiiuteil ruler, onleml nnrttiielal onieUU l ..... , . jil.I i.,. ....i - - , r anl KIKiwn illliirinur-..iii..;ni.!f y "I.j. Publishes t.'HM) pound. "h: to Ihe U-m.Hi 'PHm-e Zei.l. Ide Ihinl n of Ihe illlif lltuui.l ai1mn.tmli.n t eapiur hihj m a a n iiim-h ir. , , , n.lulffiil Vahcouver Sun ...,11-1 fr Ff.herier. Inadian '. at I2r and Kins' nf the lliiljat. The prince's 1 sin I.. M: V-.""" ,Tr-r,,J' V. rT lernHie. al ll.e indent moinenl ifor-ci hne been tkf-al-d. it i n LI-lire .le m mifle flMnii prraioeni inr 1.111- iiilanriiiKi llm nnli nnliotU Letter to Premier Oiiver 'Mar. H.HlHi pounds. old lo Hit' 'ai.. Tin- iniirreelionil leirc bno.r arrounl of 1'r.nier n eHiiic mi n riiii jul ii"w hat in; dluVulty In Vvil F0.I1 lio. al !.! and 3e. !i, . K i-rned tiy Hn- ttrilUh ad-Spci-ulalor. kn....i . t,i .i,m ii. Canloii. fiiSaliiiB a I oo.mni.inin Iwin in Warehouse lu.OnO pound. M.ld ,iiii.Hi ration of l'ale.line. Purchase rUrr.l 1 1 1 ii f Ihr prrneijl llua- lb Uniled Slalen, otferinir at 93. about to Uie llojul i iJi;..al tl.ir ami J ... , . AMMUNITION FROM (,-uaranlei'in? H per e.-ni inlerel 5 l"'l,TT Z'rTJlt X He IhiMitrhl Ileal the irrrlion of l "llilii'l an H.iind. I Ha. BOARD VAMIOI VKH. May 27. The Uil si ItohlalK ft.ii'D an PENSION rW. ' STATES IS TAKEN 1 1.1. .Wlarat1.11 niel a utplii(e mill would uialeriallre into Ihe .Mivntnlanie. ;.0(111 pOillli.H, "dd In the l';i ill.-s,-a ... . . . In Premier Oliver enqmruiff 111. III. rVM.l illlllMlinlllH'lll M.flwf al iliflunl dale. Hie re-oorta oeii teller 110 very lrolielH nl .timid I,, p,,.,,,;. ibii-rw-: INUUBUN Y1UNIII nf Ihe eiiuiiii-ern and ex surniiimling Ihe rei cnl pne. dae by Ihe government fnim Se. .M-K-ilion REPORT TABLED pert who had li"Vil over the taiarleii .K. Campbell of w .irelniie prenliM' Tor Ihe nntvilirinl Itelianee. lO.llUU pound, oold Supply Amounting to 163.318 Kround aallalle for itet were liipiur lHiai.1. The priee pahl ii reporleil lo have been $190,000. In Ihe Canadian Fih 11 ml t'.old Round Said to be Originating inoil ttumturaKiuit and would The Sun Male Dial Ihe enlit"e pn.peHy im lmling luN ottil Slwrnice '. al l.:te and 5e. Advises Continuation Fifty per BRITISH LEAVE In United State. doulilWo B n Iomk way lowanN Imtbliiig wuh u-M"eil at ?r.H.r(00. The jwiper aM whether J.m llaker, 11.000 iound. obI cent Bonus But no Further fiirtlieHmr Ihe project. In the Allin Flheiies al V.3c Grants. UMil hoie-ful iitlcmU lo "raliry mul Hdju-re lo Ihe pnrelnne of , Altogether he wan Ihe premier and Sc. ON WAY SILESIA',,Mi.NliO.V May -U. Aniiiunil- In regard t Ihe pahl In cxrenn of llie real vaUjw." n iiianufaelure! in Hie I tiilel f the fulure ileman.l reajnuMil of Mim Minnie 5,000 pound, old OITAW A. May 27.- The roii-llnualion Sialen aiiioiiiilini; I I00.3HM Ihe eiilrrprle. he hail Knl faith Oliver Know Nothing. to the Canadian Fi.h and Cold of Ihe llfly per cent n'timN. Iia lieen rni.lnritl in the in I'liliee Hupert, and wa eon-ndelil'il miiiivrji bul U'75W '"'' v'Ml" Sloruife Co- nl 0.5e and rci bollg., of . peiisjonii ty H-tliriieil ol Si .. In .hi. ' A-a only a iiieMiui rllSl?toL.ir would MO.Kno. n-n.al Sttuilont Started from .ii.i.ii. .........Unn.ii ?t hi.ddiei-A I llie fi'-alllre ijf Ide ri Uhlne Yetlerday Morning to , lul.IIUI'llll Sir 111.1.llamar I. liiwnwiHuJ,v rhlef a few year when linns' would !i ZiL bl father . iTiee- V,eW the g.er it ll.d eou- CRAIG GETS BIG port of Hie paWiaiiiWllrtry t-om-mitli'e ' llit reaco Making een'iiii-y fr Irelnn.l. ulaleil in .r. hiimmini; here. xllle. naid Imlay that he knew ,vl1- on pvnsion! and. ree.-latillhmeut Hie Hill?, ill" imihiiviii K"11- ' iiolhintr of the delalM or the NUMBER OF VOTES wliied wu' ladled in ' of Ihe II. J. Ihiuor i tlit House of Comiiioii. today. U1.MM1X. . Iran-motion APPEALS M n 7 lnnr linl day. IS SMUTS titlMtl. QUEENSTOWN iiiunl for ii warelioue in Van Tint ..i..riiWlfi tin ntriiin ih-i-iih-il ii illMi Imuhi. ..It III. He and De Valera Head List for ' I when akiil reatdiiut Ihe. laealnsl turtlier bonuses or grat-Oilies. nor v.-.l, 1.1-v Ih-uiiii llivlr ml. WRESTLE AT couver, . Number Vote Polled. "M!- WILL letter nppearimt In Ihe aueou-vrr CHANCE LEAGUE I" l'.pi.r Silesia In "reilt-li' AGAIN CUT OFF aliculiiK that $150.(100 Sun K jum Allied troop ulreaih LOS ANGELES TONIGHT llKl.f'As Ma 27. Sir had been paid for prrufineii reully OmiK. premier ! IkiiuIo fof ti DRY DOCK BOYS '"MKiN. May s7.-Fonr Uril-hallHtioiiK Ted No Communication Whatever worth only half liit 11111..1111U Asks That It be Given Chance to nier, polled aO.OOO ole III Ihe MIS A.Nl.T.I.KS. May ST. HAD SMOKER LAST nn nlrPuUy nd-rjn-iiig rlaiinaiit t Ihe Middle With Great lrlh Farrl Replies. Show What It Can Do.. Uleler eleelioii and established finm the lllilue into Thye. elialiipioiiHhip Seaport. Mil ldlUA. May 87.-J.AV. dell, u reeont for ballot tuft In that EVENING IN HOTEL M'lfr ti.sia, to .o followed Went wreellliiK u'irolit fur t arri, olloniey-Kcnrrnl,, In reply CAl'li TOWN. May 21.--fir 11-eral illMrirl. Ill nearel rompelilm; ""'r iu more to oppo' and Waller Miller. IIKI.FAST. May :'7. Uueen-lowii lo Ihe rharue. laid by Ihe Van-eouver Jnn Hinul-. pri-mlet of the ,wu I'.uiiionn Oe Vnlera. the lrlh . the lille, will liieel at I." AnV'le lhi 1 leader, who received I,al evening the Dry Hoi-k boy HisUl 1. Lltin. I UKnili loduy roiuplelely Sun Ihfcl Kveriimeiil L'lilou or Soulh Afrien, In (lie llepubliean lullivlll double 10.000 vole auiilu inaile , oieri-y. hodhij( nn- nhul olT rrom eonimunleiitiou luul paid aiprolmalelr uKseuilily today warmly, ilefejnled about value the Uampbe!! w e-lioiiKe nil maiie older of tdlr fH'sm'j s!g smiss with the Kiirroundimt dilriel. Ihe for tde League -r Nalion ... ' .. fHILGERVUTZ Iesmonde will"face Kven Ihe Ailmiratly I unalde to In VaiiciniM'r, eiplaljusl an enrue! appeal lhal Ihe Irutrhe CLEAN SPORTSMAN'S Ill inr I iii.i.inii'rni J L wiin wild lluulhowllne that under Uie II. C. ProhlhtMim bo gleti u ehani-e lo liow whAl rti ilHliou. vahtb-vlHe luiiU uii'l RETRIAL ON FRIDAY i-ommunirHle Inland. oppimHe Uueeimlown, Ael, 11 port ion of t'ampbeirH pi are II ean do. 4' ! DINNER AT NE.Y YORK Jio.in boul. were tiillled nit lit IS SENTENCED where Ihe naval ihiek yard are hud been renled for llipior !or-nse lleferrlnn l Ihe Irish ueHliun. II.1. .I..II..I.I i.f II.u l,h,J nil.lloiii-a YANt:m'T.l. May Thore- locale.l. Tin) cnblea were cut piirpo.eM. Il nlated lhal the pri-m Nlai.'d Dial Ide Mi ll - NFVV MlltK MilV 2l. i'e who eiilliu lasllrally aidaiid.-d Hui ..r M.inoinl (irntlon Ksmoiido last nlnlit. when the nupply iH" ll'iimr hod ih toivei'lilniM t inluhl wniil 10 Itiekiml W 'll In Hi' 8H' l of honor jeard and every event Tln?-e 8,14 flu Year fop Contplracy rliared Willi iedilioii will lie held beiin lo pour intp the proxlirt-e riiUHiill Hi. 1I1 minions on lUd ill Ihe Clean Sporlsmanblp" HlTalr-4 me (ill 1 1 11 ipille ail Imll- L.l.l I r.iu....k.l la. under Ihe new acl Id" novern- MfaMt, ' .11 hiii. ll.r .o'n,-, l" fll fUl'Jee". lllll, Dofraud Merchant Kmiionde wax men bayariaFguard iil.nii"r to be held in New Y'rk on un Trlday., llli'lll lilld nulllhilly looked lo by Ide nu miiiiber of iiien who ilNiiRired 30 to Inaiiiiurale a moti-- Bank. lal week hut Ihe Jury June IheM' pre.mUes willed were already are "carry ln on" ilowli at tdal necoiiral.iiff a hew tria. to be disbanded GALE BRINGS DRUG uient forflbe'elevallon of uporl partly ore ilplnl and to n.....i..Ti1i il.'i',.oiiliv ' Mure duny upol ldee dayu.. Vl.lt. ... Miiv fl Phil of eedar wlilrli Ide iii iiiinent wne tied RECOMMENDATIONS TO ul of ll llffll K.lll.i'l.il lo Willi a heay wirjro This I Declelon Reached by leiim'. 'tliahteftoiieujfftiiii puil l by a foe I'rinee Hiiiierl Ihe a Kurope will BUBONIC PLAGUE til..... I'ri'lill inr I'lUll Van-L Mlnleter According to London On April I lant, aflcr rVnlal ATTENTION IOF E AST jjbpunlrytiveii "itiini Willi J. llnnei'ofl. 114. (tlenmer (iunner nulled from Time Deepatch valliulioil dad been lefelvoj p in niit'imwiiccc"- - REPORTED TO BE u nimn eouwr on Monuay lease from Vamomer llrmi, a ' ' "enlenced In four Ladyeinlllu Tlil.l l" Minn en I.0M.0.V, May i'i Tl !-elnloll wn neeured for five yenfa' ul Alo.Nl lttLUgl.Mdy SI. Atyr ANGLO-AMERICAN UNITY ON AT TAMPICO , IW i,' i" I'lrury in uerrami Irlp or llii" ,n "' Ihul Ihe IliOariilll l5illK'li' I, IIKI per mould, will Ide, option Oale of VuMuer.lia nubinilled iwrt 5 ? '""'"lloi. Willi l liu lUdiiiuliia urnlie J;11 l"urd muil miliiiill tu dl.lmud- of purrdaie for..$150,00". to May rMM a rt 1 0'y 1 ml tdt city ..NKW'YUIIK, May 27. 'I iu lltrr-aid t,' ."r 'tiy Uoiiil.. 'riil... heen overhauled after comlim menl w rnenei. 011 iniirmu When tlm lliUir lii)firtlrliai tievn eouiiiMIXiJw3' s 0 cuinn'ieud-tinUfi tdi morning prltileil mi edl-jorlal HAVANA. Miiy 2t. idirl)-eiulil - Win t,,,r .(lmncrml in from Plymouth. 1.. 11, iii.i nrluii iiitoiati-r. avn a ai.polnled It rmiftlderi'il; Dial' il for lbipp $" 4 falling firi,niiii-AtiieJ-lcaii rtiert (if bulioiilc pluuiu-wilh '"''"" fount an hn W al-nee . .. . ..f ii...iAllo.niilrTi lii Ihe Tlinei. The woiiui lie neiiyr ul iimnacrnif l r u g fii'?V' l" '"2 uiilly, particularly a In rTo'er-nlloii 23 deallii d hceil reeoidi'C I 11. mine. . -i hrouKliI .Injrwr Ihe ftdcrttiyau-. betweoiWtbe United Slnleii in Taiiiilco, Meniro, and envlrdh ouhrli f nvo tln euano 1 than lij jenl.Tpolnflnk put delilieriit' il ir !IH J u n""' l"ie?ai will X loft Small,fur H10 rhurleivd south last ueeouniuum.nlthl bifure reai liin Hn Ucuou, Dial (da Iiiiereet1 cdarifes' would il,rili . JtiMF nuudefntito doniint?ii.s lit Ifie put lw"u iiiun'llii.