.Trail vxfct jriwi Sal " ' ,,:m ToLook Young BRINGING UP FATHER ' - 1 I I It I is a valuable asset to i XZt I'M COUNT' women in business, fjt? COUPON'S social and private life. VALET AND HOU Nothing helps so much as a pood digestion. Poor elimination causes 3z:ZSXJCT W.L.L THINK T v - ' -7.ty MWMKOO yNl one to look sickly and ii' --oTHCu.vej ... e- in... call 4 r .J faded. ' i' mmms ' PILLS sweeten the stomach, --j stimulate the liver,promote elimination. This helps purify the blood, improve the complex-ioii,bringtherosesback to the cheeks. To look and feel young Beech-am's Pills SHOULD USE The Man in the Moon WillHelpYou ISLAND COAL SAYS; BUSINESS DIRECTORY C0A i Sold In Everywhere Canada. Till: lUirl of Miiito married a These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy );tik. Whatever are these nriln- la boxes,25c,50c That Is Opinion of Colliery Super crals eoiuin lo? EDSON intendent as Expressed to MIKE Rll UrtM Stlirfur Mcaldae la ike World. Boards of Trade C(KTli:s nresall ridhl except In Sacked AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNORIES llUh Ihejr olllcial capacity. I he same MERCHANDISE Bulk VANCOUVKIl. !!. 11 Thomas apjilies lo a great many men, SCAVIH BOTTLINa WOKKS CAflAOIAK) STCAM LAUR0RT I11JJ, flrnliaiir. ireiiernl siiiieriniendent bnollegp-ers for instance. 70S Fntt SUfi - Plxsio (II WILFRID aRATTONCor. TMr4 Sn4 Tth. rtKn S. for irtelns trv) rrewmr tp(. v nf the Ohnadlen Collieejes.'Ltd'iri rhm Omu IS), for anonil hand hi ml STEAMiCOAl Reductions fu speech before I ho associated IIINCK IIUPUIIT is a place BARBER SHOP lurm. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS f o b. cars hoards.nf trade at a luncheon here where, people can lle In' a gHs All Lines lust nlplif,' cald'it vvus an unwise many places they only exit. .Nil voxaHSM Banstit shop FURNITURE RID BCADOfft) on Laity Barber - Blh - ?Jt Srd Ave. Slilb ind friter Pbnne 0re It pnljry- In-tie imported fuel nil in Sarah Jane,' this is nut irony, nor rMMS: BMtCNU prcfe'cnre lo Vancouver Island diil I ever lean down and touch TbtM Wa. - racaw Oreea 141. NANA1M0 . WtUU: coal, a iol ii-y for which Hie intlusri that dirty Irish stone with my BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS COtl I ice.-would d.-y he lips. FEED STORES Furniture tniiir syrry. - la cash Baiinr Txi A. w. coot co. tod Ave, The use of oil, Mr. fSrahnm fblrd A.nu TIhum 11 Psialt, Villa, r.nn aiti Wallpaper. reiict; nueiRT ftio co. Ions of Cl'I.TIVATK your meninry ex tiOO.000 said, ;1i.plaroil Mw lorailon. rur. '1tid Ave. and lib SL I? 'and coal annually. This al th cept in regard to the faults of ymir CHINA, CROCKERY NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Albert fi Mi present price of oil represented friends. To forget is often as until my -i.v million dollars, which instead great a virtue as lo remember. THC OtNNt; ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL BILL a CNOtSSTT Pave 477. f helping l" upbuild the province, Third Avenue. npolte Pl nmra. ARTHUR S BLARKST Phones 111,(U Stock THF.rtH Ik nothing sacred bnt TMId Ave. Pbanes 410 A !. P.O. bot 411 PLUMBING Large . rill (o swell (he adxerse balance life The fuller life you live, the CLEANING AND PRESSINQ of trade and depreciate Hie value more sncred is that life. OENERAL MERCHANDISE stsim a LoiawiLL. eHM s. is reduced of the Canadian dollar in the TOKYO ore WORSS- eirln aad at j United Stales. Till: PUIO is the man who clfia'nt 3rd Ai'iiue - pbucw it wina chin rut co. RENTALS Don't Disra 734 Sc ! roan BlMl 7S makes comparisons between him Barrie's WILL BRING AUTO self ami other people, always lo CAFES GROCERIES P. W. HART lte B4WS 411. his own advantage. If it is not OWNERS 10 COURT that it is something very nearly THC boston orill URZKV'S PRIRCC RUelRT OROCtRV SIGN PAINTING that Gams Furniture Cr rib and rultno rboaa S4 Store, lite iL Third Ave, PIhio 4'7. A rl pure lo est , 1 , , . BILL A CftOSSCTT Pftaav 477. Third Avenue Provincial Police to Take Measures HARDWARE A PUKACIIKIU had been much THC CUT. CAT to Collect Licenses of Bl for tba Yh.. i W 4 I worriMrby disse)iinn-amiinK the second v. .it"I rnooej.jH"ovt." imuixV M l. Kavra, SHEET METAL WORKS S . Owners and Drivers aad rutwrtaeot aixJunuUrr, p4lnU lap- female portion of his (lock and at fu- . 'pUrf. Ivervlhlet la Skevt alvui any .-a lest bmleeided to preach a sermon CIGARS AND TOBACCO stOWCB Owing lo the delay that auto, :l i' I especially directed toward thrni. Seeoitd AD8 pkone 14 Terrace Fruit Lands mobile owners and chaiilTeurs are VOf AHAKA- IIS Third Ave. WL IMPORTED GROCERIES f..C f :!! - '. -J. They ..were mucli startled the following Rev I taking in gelling their licenses for ALStRTA BIKAT SLAJUCT TTM a LORSWILL esaav S. Sunday In hear him announce the year. thT provincial police is Die lext, -And beliold n DRUGGISTS fi'lh Siri - pbnoa ttl Spf'-i '-' 20 Acre,3 Mile from Tcrr.ce on planning In make a round up and wonder TAILORS LADIES-AND GENTS an.' appeared in heaven, u -Good V f on Road. prefer courl charges against the wmnaii." W. i. McCUTCHXON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE I..... Good black soil on flay sub-soil. persons who are neglecting to Second Avenu and alith SlreL Launch -RARBSTRORO,- pheaa Blaal 400. W. T. Lit Ortxxll Pil ORlte 4 Acres under plow, 7 acres more HUT the fhe itrseil drill home In otara 8. C The tlOO.OU Bet, aim cireniof sat prvttinc. register. greatest wonder of all partly cleared; 25 bearing' fruit I trees; 2 good wells with,lots of There are only .about eighty will be lo sen any inenJJiere. Modern Cleanaj water; well made log-house, 18 cers already registered at the ' br 24 ft., two stories, with addition WHY, I know a man who every police' office; out of n total of 125 Pressing fit 16 by 18; log barn, 21 by lime his wife goes nut .... You 40 feet with cellar beneath, full or so that are estimated to be size of barn 10 feet deep; Price n.nning in the ci!y. DurliiK the know the rest. If yon don'! lou Daily News Classified Ads. 3rd Avsnus, niit t can do like the. ot!iej imagine 12,200 ca.h for quick sale, $2,400 past week licenses were taken out nien, terms of half balance 1' on cab, year at 7 per cent. by lluperf Motor Co- Ford; Joe 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertUament Taken for Lea than SOc Brown, Konl. WHAT a pily we don'l all live KENNEY BROS. & CO. at Victoria close to I he .language VAHTEO. Ti:xi)i:ns will nr. nixuivF-i) FOR RENT Real Estate and Insurance ASK FOR STATION factory which Is commencing reg- Night in.-.-a . by the undersigned for the pur Terrace, B.C. ulr.r work. a STKNOpllAPIIKIlB' examination chae of the hull nf the gnuboat'011 H BNT Th ree.room furnish- Day rhona 8 Council of the Board of Trade .Nobody in Victoria except a few for H.C. Civil Service. An "Tallan," eeny-fle feel long ed apartment. Apply Order Letter to be Written ardent irfornier'nd Socialists examination! for Junior and by twenty feel beam, owned by Ninth Avenue AVeat. STEEN8L0SG1I will be President Hanna. ever think of nllending the ses senior slenograpliern the 1 1 ml mi's Hay Company, Sheet Metsl WUI TOM LEE CO. sions nf the Legislature. Life is held on Saturday, February where she, lies on the beach at FOUND At a meeting nf Ibe Council'nf loo short. ' lUlh, 1921, In Vaiumuver, Victoria, Porl Simpson. Tenders In Ik- in FOli.Nl (lold mounted wolf tusk. Agant for - re2 8i0 Second Avenue, West the Hoard of Trade New Westminsler and office not and yeslerday WHwAvs" my later than live Apply Hally News office. tf Sanitary r.HAKS drink green such other points as there may Mentlng I rflernixm it was' decided to write o'clock p. in. February 20, I92i: VEGETABLES President llanna of the Canadian tea, but what about grass'widow. bv fiva nr more candidates. M. M, STi:PHi:.S, P. (. drawer MU3IC. tth Street and Frate? Wholesale and Retail tliat rr-s? Impaired I lie jdle hmdliini.k Candidates must be Ilritisli National irKinr pj-lnce Itailways 1705, lluperl. II. 0. t Prince Itnpprt General Contractors and work be commenced imriredialely irass widowers don't need to l-.iii.!..! resilient nf Cnnnda for VOOAI. TIIAINLNO HY CAPAHLF. Labor Exchange t.n-Jhe fonslrurlioii of the .local df ink anything gri-en, they are al least one year, of the lull age FOIt HAt.K, Five roomed modern instructor. Ileginnera mid 2nd station and roundhouse ns promised green enough already, answered of seventeen years, and not house, No. 428 Fifth Avenue course pupils taken. Kesult Prjnoe lluperl, B.C. by the Minister nf Hallways the foolish faclntum. more than thirty-five, years of West, 3,1 50. Term. Call or guaranteed. Terms moderate. Applications to write will or plume for appointment. For appointments phone Blue & M1I Phone age. SMITH 047 P.O. Box 725 anil Mr. llanna last summer, Till: I'.DITOi of. this paper rceflved to Wednesday, One the 3K9. 'fhe be up noon. nf best residential, freely opinion vas expressed complains thai Ibis column Is of. February 0th, 1921. view, double corners in Section that it would be n nhame if n ten much ton foolish. Correct. I MISCELLANEOUS small huildinff should be erected Application forms and full particulars S. 1750.00, Term. PLUMBING AND win. I am in good company. IANO TUNING here, smaller than some of the may bo obtained from One business lot on Second Will Hie young lady who changed EN0lrt wey stations after all the promises TUP. DIFFICULTY with n lot nf the undersigned or from and Avenue, on grnde, $1,100. M. alio bill at the LnCnse Bakery Kailniates tm P HONO REPAIRS made end the lontr time the girls is they spend just about as Covernment Agent. W. II. M. Stephens. tf on Wednesday, February 9. between HOTO ENLARGEMENTS city has had lo wait for this convenience. much money buying chewjng gum Melnnes, Civil Service Commissioner,- FARMS FOR SALE twelve and ope, please aaa.... SrA 4fl' as they do on the movies and then Victoria. HC., Janu. call and get balanne of change. nf KfflODd tt" : .Agent for beat art enlargements at eighteen nr thereabout 1 1 icy ary I2lh. 1921. C. P. ft. FA11M LADS The rich F.0.H made in Canada. Negatives not Phone 174 necessary, but merely a print in NOTICE. ' consider themselves educated. WANTF.D Second-hand furniture. prairies of AiberU, Baskatche. CCOJJINTANT8 any conditionfaded, cracked or wan and Manitoba are especially EXPF.Il I KNCF.D ACCOUNTANT spotted even I To whom it may concern:. THIS is the grealeKl world wo If you' have anything to Phone us and we will call. Take notice thr.t after this date know and it lehooves us lo mako sell call lied 213. We pay cash. suited for mixed farming. would, take rlinrga of set pf I will not be responsible for any I ha most of (I. Meet rn tonight F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenrie Lond that will produce big .looks, whole or part time. Q J J. SUde Stevena tcu 9Q1 ui P.O.b Kz del f m incurred by my wife, Mrs at say, about nine-thirty and we'll West. tf crops of grain and fodder, and W. V.. Wllllscroft. Phone Hotel PrincejS Miss Ida try. well adapted for dairying: or Block 259. If Ida Pillage, formerly a WANTF.D -,Tn' rent, by couple livestock raising can still be Ctmpbell. PS a great thing to be able lo without children fumlHhed had at prices averaging about S H ORTH AND TYP EWRI Ti N G nails PU1 MUSIC FOR DANCES. Prince(Signed)lluperl,V.C.C.F. Jan.PILLAflK.10, 1921 die. when oo many of the people l cu!.e, close In! ' Apply box 159 18.00 an acre, with twenty Pitman Stenographic School f1.b0 p- ARTHUR'S-;.. in the world have, never lived. News oOlce. ' - 37 years to pay It you wish. Only Evening classes, Monday, Wed-nesday v niu etrt Two-color window cards take TALKINrt. o f definitions, Hie HOUSFKF.Kpnil WANTKI) Apply 10 per cent down. No further and Friday.' 7:30 to 9 r in i Lo Cv payment on the principal A Phone 481 Phone 481 (he eye quickly. See tlicm at I1 back is naid to be that, part of a Mrs. Felherstonhaugh, Second the end the until o'clock. Individual Instruction,; Nwa Job Depart"'" ' woman most exposed when she jRtreelt ; tf of fourth year; then No. 10 Smith Block. " tf, , sixteen annual payments. Interest goes out to an evening party. rnnin'-ir WANTFlI) Second - hand baby fl per rent. I." TIIE SfPril II VI. (SII KT OK HRITISH T Rupert Dance Orchestra liliou&Eiess I THINK ft was l.lhert Hubbard btlfii-yi'iSPlionn lllue 329 3B Write to H. 0. Loughran. Land "."ll Mill. II M mm who said Agent, 0, p. ft. Station, Vancouver. I THKJ MAT Meant too much bile lclt "Tbe pretty woman i FOR BaLE TI B. OP Tlin MnMIXISTHA- miBt?l Four, five or six pieces In the blocd by a drineed seldom we and hardly ever good. I 17 U aW"' Now ready for engagements Chase's There in lifr .I'KTTrH OP TUP PHTATK Of liver. Or, Kidney-Livir I. something beauty Job Phon FOIl KALI' OR LF.ASK printing AUCTION SALE. li' II. hllitll, IiLCr.AMIl. Phone H. White, Red 192 Pills set the liver right nt Hut has tainted Iter soul, and the business and plant. For TAKP. KOTICP ln( In lh Order f Hn biliousness and headachss ois- who wins her inlo FOR BALK BY PUULIC man comes News AUCTION, nf January. ltt, I One pill dose. I particular, apply Daily t prxiiatril Anmin. sppeir. possesion of u fine er"p of ab Household furniture fonsloHns iiinuir vo I tie male or Ida M. lurter, ClartricS,l' tf l 2 Sc. boi, all doslsrs. I otllce.. ilereaard. and ill parilea tiavlne claim H AVE Your Suit Cleaned surdity, fccHUhneuM, frivolity and of hew Kootenay range, brass aallnat lha al1 eilale are hereby rrquireU 1 and Pressed bv Steam lo rurnlth aaiue rn.prrlv verined In nia on RPRi our concrete. cunsednenO Second-hand FuiiNiTuni: sold bed, There, mahogany buretiu. bnby r.F.nRGE Dr. Chases nr before I tie 3rd day of Warrh, A. O. Iff I, Machine. Method. Price rearpn-able. there, y! all ct feeling like (bat on commission. P. LeClalre busgy, carpet, eholf. 't and all parties Indebted to the ealaie are trial. required Civs lo us a r.y the amount of tnelr im soMftimfs, but we raanot express Plione Green fill. If izo Kisntli Avenue west, on debtednrit lo ne Mrthvrnn. LING, TAILOR Black B02 ourselves b elegantly as Libert Moaday, February IL at 2:30 JOHs-'h.nmnal NrWUtU5.Adinimtirtlar, r"" l,.lM when she steps on our loeu. Advertise In Ibe Dolly News p. in'.- C. V. F.VITT, Auctioneer. Dated Hill Ird da rrlnre of Pebruary,Rupert, ltl.R. C.