THB DAILT IIWB Jl.J 1 BEWARE OF Local and Personal BRONCHITIS It is just as Economical Aak for Alklnt' Kauiaxs. If Urwxiuiu It ifwrtilr 'tutnt by KgaaaELi 7 i im i ' ' U.C, L'ndeitaVfm. l'hujie i il. If iMrtn-nnr litblnrM InrMiiPtit ii-nran nlltrr.t;ui, Itf or II rlmt ifur.II'ii-rtifij,t; viin ulljr ri tat!la a to Eat at the St. Regis I'leata eotne (oTUK liall parly. brtdlilnf, Rt a tthM-nlir - um rrtort Monday night. fnuB Ihr liiu Tlx-re i- t ,f Phonograph (bwrla, r'frrlHIf lie Hf' Ihlllf III I IK Before buy a you irKiminr. T" l Bril Mil lalrr t.M your boat fur sale with U. irimw nt a trrrWMi r ruior Hera you'll find food good food, UtUfully prepared, eicallently find oul just HOW M. KUphrus. If and M iKi.millr urmkMI i lit trbxxi. served and in It coala to dlna on I If firal Mm of limnrhn, ) vbuald aatlafylng every retpect. no mora Kan llrail. violin I raclier..Stu rhn-k II InnnMlttlH; by tnin( Or Wood here than at home and aavea Inflnlla trouble. it plays all makes of dio, Walker a Mule Hlvie. If fir line rrut. Ilirrfl trmi 11 krviiilNt rtttvnlt. iihI Thl" itrrrl'ifrfx Then Ihere'a our Bakery Department. Have you aver noticed tvrKKi l tnMr. lulu iwiirw nrt records. l.aunrli "I'rut jm-lul" aal fur Mr. Brw Miftiain, Im-x-i.i, 'inurvi. the' variety of cakea and paatry we turn out dally?. Try aome once Hlewurl Monday nril. I'lione lied !: -"la lwniilT. Itit. i trry and join the large circle of our happy customer. ail I. s 36 irk alia urtrtw-MU, ) M'l In IN lie Your NEXT PHONOGRAPH . ihr tyv-r all mirr. lux at I mw fr. ion icxi'Kiir fiiioi;' nr.i'Aiii- Wim4'f .Norr I'OW ayrtip dvrriora. tu rrt mull bollte k im im trrr will be A BRUNSWICK. McArtliur'a fliu store, 3rd mu. IMMil, I llM-l) m.l I lUC. !! II CMK- Ave. tf (rfrlrlr rrnrr4 tu I rai"i itiw -r. G. F. Hlchrnond, Third Avenue FIND OUT WHY! Wood'l' enirti(a tut Ml i a4. T St. Regis Cafe The len.plrce. urrlipolra will r mr nrlfliuura r Bov u.nif it tut Manager Prince Rupert -larl the (l. W. V.A. Hall rolling rtitdl." lo'l trrrft t nlwlllnie f-r fir U'wid'i Sold on easy payments. t V:li p. in. .harp. ,rf fmr Hirap; U wuiiiii M put ati la t )ril rM i" Aiiolber ron.igniivenl of Hulklry Ibr tratfr nwrk: prtre tar.; Valley leef. llarKaln prlre while PMouliriuml ittiy ur T" T M'laura '.. LttHllnS. Teit. Onl Atf.l. it laU. City Market. 30 f McRAE BROS. Church Notices Solo and i:horu ICta Hart and FUNERAL TOOK PUCE l t THOMAS McCLYMONT, (lie Urs .Naval llrlsade in uniform representing wn (lie renteeiilli. 30 THIS AFTERNOON IN First Methodist Church. I NATIONAL BOND CORPdRATION. LTD. Momiiuc ern-e at It o'flm-k. j Come ! the Valentine Tea at FAIRYIEW CEMETERY ' Subject. lU'iiirinl.rani"." Jrrrii-I Hie February Presbyterian 1 1, from Man!,1 to Monday,, Ad-mlMlon rr. Uev. T. M. XulUll. J. A. Evi p- j WHY NOT BE A S5e. It Th'- riiii of tbi' ui- Ah-unJrr inirenb-r al 7:30. Special mui- - Amb-i-iin look thi froio la( al tro K'f pwlMiiril i pENTISTRY '.n J'enninxton w a IIiiimI aflernooii frmn laiir llrott. Sunday oh accouni of. imieiurni : 1 00.vif in Hi Hli- ruurt tlil ehaprl, ltiv. iiion Hit nflirialinK. Kealher. All tuwrtiiy velUM-. SHREWD INVESTOR? larpe number of inoniins fur lialnj li.juor fllcsal- There a of friend in allrndaWe inru,ins Presbyterian Church. j ly in hfr oion. If h.ol li 1.0od t of Ft'i'tn'll Hum? Ihe friend" of dcni'l fnun the Cburelwii'Hiu aiuiiaivn Ihkiii, vim ":r. .i-f! Knox I I ubcre lie 1 . .I Hrktl II nt lhi linir la-t e.n esoiii ihent m Jiiiip. yon would Ha your lf the drudxry of J olr 1 lomorruw. Mormni: i-rirr al QUALITY have realized l.00 pn.lil. Had they been Cierman Uoittli ami om-, ilif liltlin brinie tier to a livm for nine year. "Hundi-a) rkrd intml otJIie Sinretun Tea TUe llteirre ! tjirl pennatioaa." KminK nen ice at .m had traded in. your profit would have hern 2,i)in. ItooiiK. 3Ct Jrend Aaue. tf JutmMin. 1 Sej-'MUin. Jul,- Si-- 30. Tiy mrn rliee in thr Foreign ex liiinge hn- ctlreadv Marted a trmg iipwurd atiuin. 4lta Mayer. William afterlife." J'reacbtr. Rev. Dr. H. movement lhi year, and the hrewil investor t Iwund Dr. Bayne (irtoe early and sl .M.I. the Sullitan and Timi J-lm-.m. i.oraiil. unllay !m'Iim,I at I :3i. lo make hinioelf a gouJ prolll by buying uhd filing on deneina, yood nmte and enjoy Kloral Iriltulea rr -.-nl by A. hort prolll. ornct hocrs-lm iiienl lli O. W. V.A. bii wont Kruprr, TNimia Hhakl.-inn. W. Christian Science Eoclety. We keep our clictuti. po.tlcd at, to irii-eH. whirli t-n-ahle yu lu liar n N. Valenllne' tl. l.ynuiti. Mrs. Yr-lM-r(t. lUirt Morning nervici al 11 oh-k. them to take advantage of the market. Our ollire I li 12 9 is 12. Kumi til ti 531; Si!iriit, u', nlplil. JohiiiMHi. J. Hjiiuifi. li. Hover a,au Sunday Si-IumiI at I '"Iii 1h j- in rloe tout h with active marked at all linir- and will itr Er:ais (rto 7.11 li I Jolltl leIIHlre. ni'iiiiipf at H. Ha Hbwk. Si-ornl repurchase Hie-e Hoiids al any time at market. There llf be a -erOoc r cry Airmif. Frei- litrrglurr. All arr Dental Nun in attendfiiice Kuiiday durlna lnl al HI. I'rter. RATES verlcinoe. Information regarding any of the following i.-ucs Phone 109 for npnotntment al tr, at 3:30 . m. Alt rei EXCHANGE will he furtiUhed on rwiiel. Telephone Hlark 8i. Ibe eat end in ijriiin if are ifvnik td rt. 1-4' lted. 3 liurlny of T. MH"luioiil.' AVe ipiole the following prires Mihjert to eliange: Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helj;crson Blk, Cor. 3rd and 6th NHW YOIIK. K. t.'. Tfcere Best Equipped Office In Northern B.C. OMtiiic t the U.V.V.. danre un '.a lrn bra) buyinff m Fretwh SfBOptll if c Monday Mr-. II. O. Ilrw ill Uwhl lie)Via li and Herman futn! Hl CF.ITISH WAR LOAN B'i BONDS, C100, Price $330 le-r and ilane at Hjn and Ihe rmult Ibal rale are (mini: Ltid Act Amzndmenis FRENCH NATIONAL 5", BONDS, per 1000 francs, V..10 re.nerthrty lonislil In the 'tit. In addition In lln- Hirer i a le Lute Wall. enteral ailttvitee ri"u-"l ti) thr Price S71.00 imv-rl of a elllriirfU betrrn ITALIAN 5' BONDS per 1000 lira, Prlca . . . $39.00 Ihr nmne of M. Munekton. f wllh Ihr nliml uMh iuv; Ibe Allie. In rtmtfcVtirHt UU u Mr '0 FISHERMEN Trrrari1. wa- inderlenlly nleI eatieelllrw of wair rb-M . Fllir- frvcBptlet BELGIAN 5', BONDS, prr 1000 francs. Price $86.00 from (lie lll of local land euney- U4. ntt. nir are Indny' 1uotallun. Itwrti via fc. iruM wli lr GERMAN GOVERNMENT S' BONDS per 1000 marks -r hn name aiipirared reeeiil-I) Slerfhis. 1.91. la4 MUM for aTITrl purprntm M-M'.n is on, call FIRST in I If HrllMi iV.lumbla (Uietle HJSS. Price $26X0 FrarM, Psniw.kJr prispiioa. iltfiliW. at i tic I'ranl Vrrtiev and C Vrbler, FraiM-n t llrlgiuiii . 9. kt Tr.ptrli It mt mat UJiml nn tbu pr-MmpUn.(nr ismy BERLIN 4'. BONDS, per 1000 marks, Price $2S.00 Lira. .V. viu ialat rHUwci. hut Mit auklnf ARD ELECTRIC & MARINE ImWji Indian. aipre. in the Marin. Mi. t.ry iBimmMU rsctlT. HfiMCURC 4!'- BONDS, per 1000 marks, Price indict curt IbU tnurnins rliarsed SUPPLY CO. Ilrrere. K.W. fv-mmptm bu, Mnyr culm, for $27.50 ih lik(na liiur In Meio a.. rJ mmM Imprtnirau t COW HAY until 'f"liw- Il-mi Khdk, 5K. ru. a in pw un, Uwluainf dx- Sr. BONDS iua 1951 Price $64.00 and re reuiandeJ l.f l ruu.iun or at kut t urn. CHINESE pep 120, l'nile.1 8tal"i. MS. la- . 1 ! t-riR f u!i Storace Hatteriei day. 1 Q L L. victory Bonds W'hM. BrtnTtmr In kvumIIm mi JAPANESE 4-( BONDS, due 1931, per 20, Price it I UM t ku i Ji;rftivar i'at.nta, etc. JMH mill pr. Thrrv will I" a rUnrrli allrit.1 Tkeee ta alll' r titttil ailtaiir. partlaui. tnanr.mxiu, k. wamj, k-nam $76.00 nee rainpalgn duriB? 1t at tUe in VHory lMirol tnre yrl.rila) ml tatMToWiu.m-kMitk. r ctwi,Ua. T'ia V iiMllion foliam'. rcv.MM u4 truwf t kto d&lm. ITALIAN-AMERICAN 6V, 1925 DOLLAR LOAN r.tiurrh if Tji?liid.bAlli al M. Rwora vrUiMit munit rmmi. ViwIrrH K. Kutirlh Aenue N'el lVtt.91. Kir k Imu.4. front appl. BONDS, Price $92.54. yielding S?'. r.nt bwJim lnmnuu l. .ii.m ml HEO mU al H. I'eter!. Kal l"i. All 1 9 S3. I rr a raeard. mb. mh COLLART. Notarv Public iiieiiilfern ate uryed In allrnj at I2I. M. I r r near F Uur..m t wiu mk pr.t.InpnruMau u tar Canadian Industrial RtBlEatale Kcnll. lral one erire rery Hunda. tiS), JH. ftiir. TtlW iumi k. ebtain.4 la STEEL AND RADIATION GOLD BONDS, Price Im. Uu S rn. ..a Inrrninuu tOSO.S COAL i Hu. I l.2S,r ion delivered 3J IV33. V. . I It pot cr. laelaaiT.c I vim $30.45, yielding 9;. FOR SALE lStrkn1.SI2.RO I V.I I. VI.. 0r .a4 cvttlT.i. ..d f ml km t f Mn v. i Mott. Ubvral MAKINL INSURANCE on tti Comet Tli.- lUiard of 'I'mde l orrniia-iitz IU37, WS. rr-Mpor boldlci required.Cn irut NATIONAL DOND CORPORATION 7'; PREFERRED '"rct i ompar,) .r North Arrrrtf . pay Claim promptly ilh llie U. V. V. A. I e. mtmf TmoorA nolhw tr-.aptlB. tf k ralm lan In voojuovtlva vttk hla STOCK, Price $100, yielding 7'!. OH..U owraie fi.r I be .urM. of iraw. WHIST DRIVE AND Iitta. vtUMHit actui norup&, pr W.,ik.W. Th.alro Block rt44 attatOTr ma. CF PRINCE RUPERT BONDS YIELDING 7 . ma ! the attention of llie l. ana buUiikIbM oa Crow CITY minion rt i-rnmrni Uie liniculif DANCE LAST NIGHT frtmmA Und a) I'unninl uv... mm niMlitf Foreign Exchange Sold on All Parts of the World. raii!'l by the failure of Ihe fov-rinment ten, atar k. I.u.4 at homaaitM; UU. I. bm ubttiaoi oJlor rulflUliti ml-dMiul i enb I line elirrk of 4 lmprvT.inrat eaditiu. Mr. Vance won Ladies' Prlxe and enilorec al Ihe fhfpyard Abn for itium u loduairUi punum Qentlemen's priie went to UM. UCMtltl tl MOT BUVP k. VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT had lMen rrlte. by bn-al oraani. Md by ok. iwm or mompur- J. Harrison In ulTerina. UUl, fxiin v IndanrUl iiim mm tation pretent Urn.M' Una net .icMdlrs 44 met aup k. purcfc.Md; MaAltwaa laalud Siil eiMndi'M aii,nlei wry Iy mNt of ttumv.. SURPRISE PARTY TO eiUoyaWr wlilet ilr awl ilaiir,-Viten r NturJ.tldinr hmr road,u..d..may k.In.w.Mtkl.piinkaM al iicht ill lli- K. of P. euliuaaal vpon loralrurtloa of a road t. Ih.m. Rikat. of SD.-fcaV of coat of PIONEER MANAGER Hall under Hie join I ttUiicr of roao. not iirtallnf mmu or marchmr llie Mortal oniiiitll'- - of the Sun- prwa, la mad.. Dr. Sutherland Number of Trlanda Drop In on A. of lislamj ami iLnmlilrr ami PKII QAAMTk Strachan cn Thuraday Mind of Ktiiilaml Tlirfo Tk. mm of thU At la aaUrxad t. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. laolud. ail urmi JoiDinr and arr. rard. rrfre-liioriil- nml ilam-in. Cvanlng. Ina wltk Hla MajMtj'. orcaa Tk. Ihe uiMntrr'of rerrmoiiia for llii- tlm. arlihla wklrfc lb. or 4.t1m f da.aa4 Dr..mplor may apply DENTISTRY in all its branches ila noe heinir Will I'IiiiiiiiiU. .Muni' (or mi. und.r thla Art t. niiuM A unrle birt Inlay parly look wai iriifile.l by Will ICilmund. from for oa. yar trim tk. daatk of pluee Thurday riiiiifr al Hie uoa proa, aa fofmorly. unlU on. Will llrouii II. A I'rtr. Iw aji.r tk. mid envsualoa of U. croaoat home of .Mr. and Mr. J. Simpxin. wax. TkU prlirU.i. U oIm aula r. Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 Frank Salter in liarur of trowil.o. prity! Purity! Purity! Serolld Ale., (he iMruioil lirililt Ihe wlii.I driw. Mr. W. 1 1. N. fo ral.tlnt la pr.-.mpUa. aro For Appointment Phone Black 516 llie blrlbday of A. Strachan, man. du. or payaul. by ao.d.ara on pro-aiapUojM Vance won llrl lam-V priie, a rocurda .rior Jun. It llll afer of the IMoiieer l.aunilry. A Taiaa ara rrtnillad for Br. yaara. benuliflll el of ll'-r lltouillril Tk one dominating note that runs all through mmrber of friend iralhen'd ' and vane, while I li noUtloii frurlaloa 4u a for ad knu rat urn paid of alnca maa.r.Autxial a-crtiiML he 'fit llie jMViltiit imixt enjovubly 4. 114. en .rexunt of ayianta. fa, miUn0( Sunlight Soap U Purity. The auiil went lo Mr". Thrower. or taaoa on nuldiara' tro..mtKIon. at caril-, and with ntul lataraat on to purchaaa The fretitlemeir llr-t priie, nn .000 Guirinlee you ct with every sinIe dancing. I luring: ruppef Mr. hIi Iray, enl ti J llarriMMi. '-".I AI1I.4 rwrr.a."or,bald by Bwnbm acqulrf f blfi Irarliali prevrnled wllh a dtract or Ir.dirort. r.nitt (roam not marks' oa. a mere advcrtiicmcnt. It Mr. S. I.Wurnor wa nwatdi'd lutaaaat t Mtrcfc It, lilt. "indirj ct for told mourned fountain pen on Ibe ):i'nlli'iiii'ir iiolaton priir. sua.punCHAsias or the buycra who aelect the llrhulf of the vUilor. LANDS, ckownv "O'ee Sunlight Soap matcriali-for the aoap liioou (ire.ctn wervi .Mr. a no FULLER'S SPECIALS rroTtaloa mad. for Uauane. of 'Itr-Jor the expcrtchcmuti-forlhc .irli. Mr. Slmptmn, Mr. and Mr. Joint V. i. I'hjITim, a lu. fr 81. Crown Croarn rranla Landa, la a.-vuirlrg a ub.purtrha.rtjku ara from of Wutxoii and daughter, Mr. and Sweet Oraltseo. 3 doen fur . nurrkaa.r hc fallad a eompiat. n who Ierllr forf.itur. wrap tnd pack Sunli.hL Mrn. James I raiT. the Mle I'rulicK, ii?k. S5e. now ? lb., for Surchaa. ronditUma of purrkaa oa la t.rot and tBsa. W'har. oiit Wood". l'.d)io Smith, Jaint's Hunter, 5e. ara eo not aUtm wfcuia ut.ub-purcka..orKlnal par. on et(in ,hc sogp you lk or Hoy Oilinour and MIm Mur- Itipe Olie. per M l.l(l. rot,ha purohaa.diatrtout.d orXtm proportlunataly du. and taiaa ovor may k'uret llyati. (irts-n Oust Jam. I Ib. tin Vic. okol. aron. Ai-Iioailoa nival ka aao. ky May I Wtl l'ure l.anl. t lb. for 75o. Tea im nut I'i.IhIim'k- I'IkIi (trade OKAZINa Sunlight ill rtkfil-la Kumloop CVrailri aci. Ill, for .yaiamatu Soap rCZEMA wk.s qttulily, res. 13.50 oil itule S.65. awalopni.nt o llraaturk Induatrr pro. vwi w Dr. Kslra eiul oitltnin. 10 U Sic. vda djalnlriratlea fur raa I r g undar dlairWU CommiaakMiar.and rant a M mmI' for atBi4 4.i Kk ib ltrll Annual laauad Crinco, 3 lbs. fiir l 00. iraairg parmlU baait B tluuiu II rrUrri l nut. ! (rAu-till a aumbar. ranfad. priority for aatak UVKR Ui Ul. Ku4 but Or. lluller, fienli. 5Sc. 00e und 45c. Uahad oonrra. Slock-oaBar. auLf """TIIKkS I.IMITHI), TORONTO CtttM'l OluUiiriit lrr U jou BtruUoo Uili 6ie. form AaaooUtlon fur rani manu. . plr ma icuilK.n" tw'Uf. li. n. I'ri'ith I rV now- bubL rr. or parUaUy fraa. parioia bvi UsuWU,i kit dlf fvamila r or fcdwwtok, Dilct a tu, I'uiin oiKe soap, i: lor aUra, oaapar or UavaMkk Wf r'w ...... a.