1 FOR : TAXI axi 139 7' CALL Photv 35 Phone mtley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE pirreon Block Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Lare IV i i jii in. . u..i.. i .lj.-i i -i u-- ' ' -i 1 ) ' . . ... i , -r piiince nt. PF.HT, a c. satuhhay feuiu.aiiy 12. mi. rftrir' CrmUtl4 1.741. SIM Im 4f. PIIICE FIVE CENTS iquor Legislation Is Now Qutlin 60 tlRTHERN , B.C. TIMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION IS OFF TO A GOOD START jtHn Wants Plenty of Liquor MISSING SOCIETY GIRL IS FOUND Timber men Form fcood Quality, Goodly Measure Association Here Says Bert Kergin in Legislatuie; Proposed Provisions of 'EBtfBVattLMBA Most Northci n Interests Represented at f New Bill Are Outlined by Premier Oiwl r; ' - Meeting Yesterday; E. F. Duby Bars to Close Elected President with Olof Hansen Vice irOMIA, h bi nary The. hruail outlines of Ihe Oovcrti-iijtwr x.ndiil law were given by Pn-inicr Oliver in Hie The lumbermen nnd loggers of northern Hrilih Cohfmbia .it-.ire --if ! . hi ojk'iiiiig the debute in a motion to ak e e SCUTH LATE4T AFRICAN RETUHNS were well repreenled yesterday at the meeting in the Hoard of li j? .' liovfinitr toroibmil a hill providing for the Ouv- Trade ruum at whieh was organized the Northern II. 11 Tim be r-nien's f IC Jl mpiur. i JiHIAN.Mnumi. Ffb. Aoochilion. Oilit-en for the year were elected and the 'luh'iti of Hit act. wi Premier announced, would IS. Tli Ulrt return .WiM-iulii deeidel to ir for ihe construction of an usembly II- I: r: in a ' "MifiuiiMi which, will be independent, non-j front llin fwHli African dock at tlii fxiiiit in order Hint advaiilnge might be taken or the wrr.iiiir tu (he lloicriimriit for th.c procr rarry- rlrrhon (riM llir South " offshore Iiiines sim-e the railway freight rate have become e Afrirau I'arty nl by Jan it f ,!,'. I " ! Christian Smut 73, Na- prohibitive. The ollirer. are: ' . I,. f ll.r bill1 n : : . !!! abolition of i FLEET MAY tinilif or Itrpublkan Hun. President, Vm. Tiiriibnll, B. 11 Lumber Commissioner. I' if.j at :.-. mill III" total. parly I J. Ijtlr V, Initio President, H P. Diiby, manager of the Prince lluperl lnmlwr i-rU I, lld rroullx 2. ut: .n :;f ; -air .( liquor tllj Comiaiiy. VISIT HERE Tli( eif Smut' n liaiiil. I ai - "t uuti. . Vice-President, Olof Hanson, Swedish Consul-Oeuerul for nil. iMi- majority or ti I" be limited llritish Oiliimbia. , . . . ,.r jM'ula-; i.aS Ml lh ..I . ! Hill. Praildant of Board of Trada Seerelar-Trrasiirer, W. K. Villiann, of the J, IL Morgun Go. ,.) I' I . - ! rtv. Haa Invited Shlpa to Hxecutive IL H Allen, of J'iluian's Spur; J. IL Morgan, operating i .iilrr I guilt)' of i Coma Hara. WANDERERS WON FROM on Princes Itoyal Island; Cap!. John. Willeman of Uk; Mal I'lressqMi i - I Albei t Moore, of Sanun Day; U. Modirate Price. Tha Canadian flaat, which PRINCE RUPERT LAST i Dover, of Terrace; A. Wilson, of Irr Ibe new law tin' ll'I'l'T I la now on tha way to Britleh filGHT IN TOURfiAMENT ' ORDERS SENT. Kilsumkaluni; GbarleN llIe-, nf ..-.J r a wlerlrjre to Columbia w a tars way- of ? ' r1i ,"" -PAY Dean Fall: J. j: McNeill.w1r pruflT loluc tha Panama Canal, haa ban ukt iUrkatd Telkw-a, and fieonfH McAfee, of I t a'-.inabk- Ulw IttJOt-W llllu. net'lern earr ittJii) ll lnIUd to vlall Prlnoa BuparU Have Lead of 1197 In Bridge Competition CHECKS The 0len Cbai lolte Olkee ai4 dantt't of llmjamln sillroan. I lawjer V inri. j;e1rgeloii. ... iii will ! (riven Tha praaldant of.tha Board for Moor dfiield; lland.s Is rrpreseuli-d by the takan Inl-llatlva Come Close Oames. ! city, bat breii futid. arter e dtvnr,-d merhHil fn-f m ' f'vt : mid lni"se' of Trada haa tha presid.-nl, whose firm is operuliug i'i . ' ".. i. iinip for and It la poaalblo that boue. Ttw Klrt'a ml e mtrl-d oter Iht diisni n--Kotlowlua BE CASHED 'there al lb.- present lime. i'l . it ni .if m art. tha ahlpa recently preientad Tli.- ihinl iiturnameni ql bi'se a lile ararrh by brr brolbrr and lrrul nf ll- fiull Ur Fire Protection. 1,1 . h i.K tll beta to Canada by Qreal Britain b-iwrvn llif l'rinre Ituiierl and tiollre err ralhil ant,rr belli ami drtnlhe atlarbnl n Hh Ml H. K. Allen, of PiLniari Spur and ...i-ose ant' may be on view here In the amlrri elob for tbe Mirr Department of Karlne Wires rormerly beij of lb pnrelry le-parliiietil log lenn llurrau at I'otk lled.jarirr were ao:nnl ! i .. near future. Slit.'I.J wit nn lal nishl by a That gent Here Getting 3i i. i eeivc llfly I here, was rblisell to brr. Slie l nell timna In -ll rin-le laitli It, Ne vr ami sm: The fleet la due to arrive at nmrKin -)f J.IH; b tli taller flub Instructions. ft. !.... .v U.H- represent ,r ii-.rtli u; the II. 11 fort and llirwncboul tin I'nllHl Xlalca. Mie h willlru win liwui r "i hif all. Eequlmall on March 9. It la ulnrh hum' baa a lead uf 1197 Forest protection Iloanl. This tatlns Ual tbe It and todjlni: arc Caoada I 1 i- ('iiiht inside very likely too that they will , point iq lh Ibret out of nix Secretary Evltt of the Board orpaiiizalioti is lieaMly in debt and .. .: The vlall Vancouver. Whether or Rniio-n. La( . ncuiiis' Mmm of Trade this afternoon received all Hie limber owners of Hie .n.v-!nre ! in uImmiI a not they will oome here ( Im ri' U)cd in Hi" l,rinv rttiprt Be the following telegram wllj have lo be assess (1 (o p not yet known, Orillih Deela wlirrf opra niabl nn diari-d Soon Shortage from the Department of Marine make PimxI Hie ilellrll euusetl by Ktrgln's View. on thle ooatt have uauatly 'I.ir llir IwlirOt nf viilill8 Jwa- at OUa-va; Ibe llabling last year. II is K .f Ail'ii. in ill. crulaed In northern water ior from tbr Wanderer, home, "Fe your telegram 11th 'laiiiied by tbe pew association I: , 'ii eli"rtly but while the o me era tried their t-ty 'J"M and inlerrMiiiR caino of Timber T. 'instant, the agent cf the department tbi.1 as Ibere is no danger of lire V , 1 !-! ll ItlC f. luck after aome of the B-C. iire iilayett. . says at Prince Rupert has l-ere and hardly! any money U 11: -i ii in'iiU mi ttip grlttllee. Potalbly the new rollimiiiB ure Hie iirorei: been Instructed to pay salary .s;eiil here on ,ilre pndeclion, the ! i..,. e Canadian fleet will follow ault Wond'trm tllitt ii. S. Filx.i checks due by the Prince Rupert assessment on nortberit limber r Ii 'i i wtinu "wtiut and drop anchor for a few 'l miirlei- mid J. 1 1 . S3CM asiilnl , Hibberson,Victoria Dry Do:k and Engineering should he low and Ihe burden of a- nifi . if tioix I daya in Prince Rupert Harbor. IM:it; V. P. Iloakiand J. HIHI-.lileh. Co. to tradesmen and the assessments should I' placed I t'"' lly HM'iiiiiirK." No lo 33IH1 O. P. linker I laborers which hare been assigned on the limber where the expenses i 1.1 Willi llir ii nd II. K. Weariiioiilb. lo' to the department by arc Incurred. W if ... jtnir uirnuri' hi ANNUAL MEETING 13.17: J. A. Maedoiuild Hlid 1- A. In 1926 He Estimates Province will be the parties In possession of Steps will also be taken to make M " " ll . . ,,l.lltltN Diin.dnif. ?SCH in' tiaofw. O.i the sami. known abroad Hie good qualities YACHTING CLUB t...ll..l. .J.I it ! k M. I ...IV Six Billion Feet Year; "A. R. TIBBETTS." !ii''i,vi Diirii OF Cutting a of the northern timber, with ?r)i;i ! I.it5; J; D.' Allen 'and J. CapL Saunders, the agent special, referener to western O. H. Morrlton la oln President Itni liiii..ii. tG'Ji to 2t'ja .lira nd Should Prevent Wasteful of marine here, left for Vancouver hemlock. This HiiiImt ha been I till. 11.313. on Thursday night. pniviil by experiiiif to be the STERLY WIND and Dr. U W. Kergin Vice. I'rliifo fliipert Club 1'. llnrMk Logging best ossible for railway ties, its and J. II. I'illibury. t tQS to 3333; ANYOX ASHORE life being greater than that of any Tlix iiiiiiunl miTtiDK of tic It. A. McNirliolI and (1. D. Tile, VAXi:oI?T:II. I-''I. IS. -Ad-ieoubl be used for heavy lumber. timber except Ihiuglas llr. The IMAGED BOATS I'riui'n HiimtI Howiim ulni Vmiil-fiit: 13H to rtiOM; J. Scott and 11 .r-i,t. ihe ilelcuuif to Hie A-I Sborlly there Would be an in- I'nileil Slates Forestry liepart-menl (Hub wua lii'M lust nlulit in Coal Boat Went Ashore at Deep I liihimiis, 5I3 to 35CH; S. P.!. i,,),.,! Uanls "f Tmde'al u cn-ase ill Hie number of liuln has also luede a miuiber of (In1 rourt liouo. Annual reirU .MeMonlle and II A. Nynkeneld.'ul..on P,iPr,a. Il0berl llib. juiill.s in tjuiaila and it Hie Cove and Returned to reports on the limber and it is lowlno OIT lha Harbor with ri'crirJ nml Ibo election of Stat tu (. W. Mckrraun ber-son.limber surveyor and vhIu- duly of Hie llovernuienl to take up Ladysmlth. shown to be superior to pine or mud Fa Boat to be ulllcr r took place. and It. ileautnont. 3(i(l7 to 27til;lrr vtilurla. said there was a'tbls inaLler of iiriitecHon of the any western limber exriV l"Ug-l.i Smaihed. Tim follow ins are Ibc otllcrrs P. I. Palmer nnd M. P. McCatTery, derided danger f a I injber famine timber resources iiprlouly as it VANi:il VKfl, Feb. 12. The fir. In fare of this Ihe Gana-dirli for the year: IPHU lo 1 0 to. Oram! total 1M50. wllblii Hie pevl llfleeii year Unless was impossible for private inter steamer Anypx rarryiusr a rargn National Hallway has recent, llonornry I'rrsldeiit, (l. ('. W. uf riiul.froMi UuJysinilh tu Ocean I' 'liy iiv iiiib s tiKi-rl)-'i tcps were taken (ii prevent est to eoH Willi Hie situation. ly eliminated hemlock from Ihe I'rek. M. I'., V. G. Falls, rpn uMioi-e al .lleen five III limber be used for lie and -win RAFFLE WINNERS AT wasteful logging inelbods. Tlie deleirales were so imprr. Jo a tlftu mi to boat I'rcHldvnt. I. II. .Morrlmui. to Hie Hiilf of Heorgla end bad I'l 'llt i. iiii.i........ ,.;.iiil,..l 1... iiiva ed with Ihe addre llial on the Ihis is the only tie timber west of - l Hll.,I HfVITIll Vlce-I'rrldent, Dr. U. W. Krr-Bln.- hack I" Ladysuiilh with llm :" ''i lc ilamiiu.il lliroutih HOME COOKING SALEi'lie province would Urnbably be eesuinplioii of business yesterday put Sinlther. 'the industry on and vi'inj: to keep Ihe waler aain: (. Hrv?, nluj ... culling lx billion feet a year. II afternoon. Ibey reoed lo send imuitis near the coast has been killeil, Srcrvtury, Alex. Mcllae. down, 'flic (liiuiasscM are nol ex " "I Kiv IiimiH miikIuIiii'iI I'iiianee Coiiniilttee II. II. Mur. Sum of $36.85 Secured as Result look 8(1 years for a Irce In. attain fa copy of llm addre In Hon. T. D. (lisive. II will b" Hie endeavor of the new '" B,: ; i - I" alioul M0 riiMin. M! M. HU'i.liriu nnd Alex. of Event Vestsrday Afternoon a ue suilable for light limber j' Pallulln. tuluinler of lands, at rcpnUiilioii lo have Hits prohibition "miy in einasi.iMK Kijard, and mmt '.'im years so Hint it Vieloria. lined. i ml.l lh,. ,,,io Mcltae.Iloiine lUiminllti'i' On I.. W, The sale of home cooking held - i.i . i . PETTY OFFICERS OF Assembly Dock.Ihe In Ihe mailer of assembly r ' unt.M-j.:,,iMK' h ithcr i,n, ii KrrKln, WrorKt' Hryaiit dml Hev. yesterday under the peejal charge IMMENSE YALUE OF ITESPORARY REPAIRS NAVAL BRIGADE ARE ilock il' Is pointed oiil Mini Hi ri.pnlrn ut Ov Hit. of Mr. I.en and Mr. rauiHliTmni i, ' '"'"'if M Wua ulillo Tlionn iirrrnl nt limt nlnlit'f tirouvbl I In- bospltul fund I30.K3. FOREST PRODUCTS i PRINCESS BEATRICE TOLD OFF FOR DUTY water Vancouver- transportation nnd Seattle to rale Allunfie from ,7 ''"ki-il ufli-r ly i liiitf weir: t'.. Ji Minii, I'trd rriii' ranb' were Vvon as follows: nitninii ill nrnnnr' - Coast points U M5-a Iboiisand endileii, lr. J. 1'. taJs II. U I he Dollar Hill, Mr. Acland. anunn in ntruiu : vnrinniA. f.-i.. 12. - Temp..r l.xsl nitcbl Hie Hoys' aal Hri-umle led, boanl nieasun), while by'rail l,,!!"1","" im. Tliorn. lli'imiui. 1'. M. Miller, ll."l'iUliii. liressliia C.iir, Mrs. J, Lee. ary n'iuirs are being made to the was told on lulo various Iioiii here iimler Ihe new rates tbe Il.m ., Ak..r,..r. II. II. Mnrrl. Sack of Flour, ft. Gurrir. Last Vear waa $a?,28, lleatrice at on.' M. M. Sleplien. Total for steamer Princess lops and pi'tly olllcers were cost is double tlilil uoiount. 1'be kn f ,uuJ mil'l mm, Alex. Mrllue. (ieorKi' Hrynnl, Sack of Flour, Mm. Ilulph 007 Against $70,235,034 for JeiJiiliub Island. Tin dauiaise rlioseu. only need al present lo enalde n ' 1'yMiu , llev. 1 A., lilt unil Dr. I.. W. Ker. Walker. Previous Year which is exlcnvi i moslly to Hie Itriil McLennan wa made chief shipping business lo be done in i .or,,, n a)h(,,,, n( ,,, sin. Hot or Gigarn, Mrs. A. D. Yltn'filllA. Feb. ll.-The IoIhI forward part of Hie hold. Ilepair pelly nilleer and bis assistant lumber I an assembly di(ck lo ? OilNUu, MilT,.,-,,!.. ex. (lllllcs. I oil tills are beluv rushed. pdly olllcers are: fo'e'sle lop, which all the mills may ship, their ,,.! of ii. I Milne of Hie fun-sl producls ii,, i.. , Clival BIRTHS pound of Tea, 11. Siitberlalld. fore lop. Jack Me- product ready for the bit.' vesel Arthur Kerr; r '"'Hi llir-um ll.l!. for the 1 1- Is placed at huij lier In Mr. and Hoiiboii ilisli. Mis. J. I.. C.brittie. ear f malin(. A daiikihliT wh born ft Utl Miillin: piaui lop. J"ck Kelly; to load. The mailer bun, already U2.02H,mi7 :iBalni 70.SK5.(HM 8 Mclntyr SUNDAY, imn Mr. HeoiHi" HIpP. 'f Terrace, at pjn.9 dci'k. Jack Sutlierlaud. Ihh'ii taken up with oftrtal of tlni m,., kl'll' lull-In.P CapL :iiarle llllls nf the flsli-ing for the e(iP Dill, accordinir lo a iipiarter j i Hoard the- (leiierul Hospital, yeseiliiy. Mass Meeting Unemployed railway by Ihe of Trade, lllHt e slKuincr (1. II Fouler, fell limt report of the MinMer oj Laud add Saturday 9 till 12 p. m. Molntvre and the new association will X'rn'Willi... .,r tdfil if Cow Till inoi iiing llii'ie n born at evening nnd fractured hi arm Hidiiiiillcd in the Legislature. The Wavor ha been atked to Hall, Dance. Brst mutlo. Entrance II urge tu that of other organlia. Ir lha . ,y a n Imrbor. the (leiierul Hospital to Alderman near Iho alioubler. He in now In Limt year' total v.as practically apeak. No Collection 60c. Central Labor Council. lion. and Mr. C, U. Perry, u ton. the hoapitnl doing well. twite th totul of tbreo year ago.