I.. i Monday jRr; rape 2 TITTC DAILY KTO'S The Daily News BEGAlVl E SO " THIN m?M PRINCE RUPEttT - BRITISH COLUMBIA RAILWAY BACK Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News aw an. -ii- MsBaavv,. 'ssssams ' .BBBBaav asassBBB - jr Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. SHE WAS AFRAID H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Ottawa Says Silly Rumor and No Intention Government "FRUlT.A.nVES Mada Her Walk Abandon Strong and Visoroua Ownership yet ( SUBSCRIPTION RATES I j 5Gth ANNUAL STATEMENT 30th NOVEMBER, 1920 City Delivery, by carrier or iriail, per month li;POi OTTAWA, .Irtn. I ". An cttra ily mail la all part or the Hntish Umpire and tho United rilatea. rdiimry lur lias been mt out in ndvance, per year ; $M)0. fi"in (lllawn l iho Canatlian To all other countries, in advance, rr year . . . J $7.60. lr- tn (be , lT.i l I Itatff c.tvefn iieiil "pi'l'nli'il ra i In HITS limy II" Fifty-sixth Statement Reveals Very Stron? Cash Position Built Up TELEPHONE 98. linlldeil Itiick t their rtfflftaol nr. V nrs ii m Unit Hie arhlf ration ; Past Year-ToUl Assets Increased $00,000,000 Since 1910- Sating, Depo' Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each Insertion In he held, n ce!;, l;enc(l is Aaets to Liabilities TrrfMenl advertfsing on front page $2.00 per tncli. 1 :,- Ihe inlliM...- ..f ihHi'lillttltBM Apain Show Marked Increase-Quick Inatu LtKjftl Readers, per insertion, . 25c. per line 'Si he price. A n i inseiiii'nce of From 47.23 to 54.35 There Are Now393 Branches and Agendei. Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per-word. mis (innmmri'Miriii nevpnperi Legal Xotioes, eaoh insertion, i 15c per agat.e line. .'II over Canada lime lie'eil Amm. Contract Hates on Ai ,'licttion. W up thJr f"rri"iinlnta Ifpre AM advertising should lie in the Daily Mews OHICe on day preceding uflh ittterles fur (Jclnilrtl iDCrni- .. f ... publication. All advertising received subject to approval. MADAME ARTHUR BCAUCHCR atimi. TV IVty-kA Avl rml MeHins U Ihe eW to mi it wa n me iwiaM, li. i . . I). V flnnie. nf Vh.tHi. Uve l I:6 805 Cartier St., Montreal. Therp .iti-nfiili'ly no fnuud: ;mUef of iV I'mbu I lank nffmtU, t4 " r a I inn fop t!i. 1 1 1 v rniiinr." i Ihe UTisa i4 me 'tank. So ts Citv "f Winirfpr. at lwv :' Vi DAILY EDITION. Monday, January 17, I0?l. "1 interred- terribly from Constipation ri.iiiinent of reiiiisitie iilttctnls a MowLv. January lOih. 1 Jl. rek.; and Dytptpua for many years. The IWU-ut. Mr JOHN HALT, in 11 ebaif. fROriT AND LOSS of Ihe mil way depart menl. ACCOVKt I felt pains after eatlne and hl ' cas, ho Demand Change DIRECTORS' RBrORT lUlanee at rnJ if aehl, Jlah Norm," Optimism Regarding constant headache, and was unable That, Hi ai'itly Hie piira t a Tk IXr4on have iliniira (n meelln iWr trpnrt. mm., Shipyard Affairs. to tier p at night I was petting to it' lira led ranmlief aoin( ll-e remit of the ImnM f Ihe ltenk for lite year .-e prwnaa, in iim jr, aiirr 1141 h t pokive thin that I a frljhtened and saw rackil Somahrt b, VUO. njma il maMartriral, Inlerv- (, The special despatch from Vancouver, reeeived on Saturday. several physicians who, however, did t;nii w re ikel- to "liotil n IKiriof the ynr il Imarhea and aaeaeb em uj.w.1, ilrtnvlar. tearrviiut l"f Wll t in the etlert that llie order-in-roiiiicil. had already Jjeen parsed able Miier rtVOrlt Ihnn has Itccn. ad 10 er rMwd. a foiiuw: !(. and nukiaa- irmrUlna fi not seem to help mo. VmMfcl delpt al Inr irtte on UII- ItMMng llie ronl raids for the completion of Hie I wo local ships In w lnn Ihe- result f the year ornczs ofzned iWamuat, hava wma' to aJvitrJ fake At lost a frienJ m to oiierntiott made iiiihllr. to imw lWim eJ 8 Uoncywwid, MrfiH Mlnerfw. Chilario, Wallace's in:.- that (lie dornmi'iils would he signed on the arrival 'Fruil-a-tim'. I did and I so soon ueneraliy admitted and this i Oshawa, H. Am a, Tomntn ilJasw and I Watts). of a Wallace Y;ifrentJilIve afOfiawn, is most reassuring. There felt soma relief. I continued with rrvtt U .Mtilot . rWto, MrCrM.' likely lo rncnte ileinand or a Whirti h lasn aiiptinl a Mamt rarmeL Mw lldb .' Urn liiid Ih'oii in regard In the transfer, of the Fruit-a-tiTcs' and In'a short time, I'mrim of SaJiatchewan I).vkksMl No. I9S, iji rumors ofdjlllctilties hanfre or nl lei si a rernitiin- laak. ILkara. Saafcalooo WH Hide), fr erai. r. 1 tbe banished, I felt Constipation was larek IW...V..7. comracm, nui mese reniri'pparenuy nwve peeii, latfe, or u irne, I ia-ii of tiKtnuiceiiienta.lrtll no one i'rovinei-i Altrrta 3Oalaary (rttork )tnH mimmWn Xn. ' no mofe pains or headache or the IKvinVml K. l!4 era., past !a Ju 4I,,j.i:ii....ii:...:'i.. ft i . hns-erin!ly ujrtrlid thai Ihr ihjo . m-muii-iiiti?:. nir.n:cji ,itiiuiww , disagreeable peosatlocs that fo!lo9 orricES CLOSED mads should lo Iheuriufhnl Ihvidrnl N 134, 1M r mil . The next filing Ui do ! lo give every support to (he new dyspepsia. Am cat meli, ttntitf ud n-erl I'tovifx of UuUU. -CrajrvilK UoKemnl, MrtM rVntenlirr. IJU. pa j management and Iry In heJplhem make the yards profllahle. If tigvmu."' hand.Tho expertinpnt of jrovernniptit. lloaeiale.rroinn WinktfrT of rVskaictiewaa. Krk"iHe, it. DirtiWl IVeemtrr,So IWH 14. 314 lr mt., psi at nt they are not profltalillMey will mil lie operated. That is Inie Madame AKTHL'R DEACCIir.n. y-nrrsibtp nut ennsidp'd l rnTtoee of Allta. .V-aWUV. Onaay JAM. IAJ. IfcifeH t ttarr bidders U 'I t it. fat J Ir The mtmtrr U lieaoelira awl Irww in ayrratJiM at im of every business. If the ship repair irk is done in siirh a way Wc.a box, 6 for t?.K),trial site 25e. have mme far eiiouph as yet not ektm at lwnna on Norrml r 30rti uraa Traarfftmi tm fWalr,te flett ISTO.AmwiI as lo compete witl Ihe Vancouver aad Vieloria yards, we shall At all dealers or from Fnait-a tires to liv lieeil cotldMcii'd under T) nurair of staff ttaployed at efc- of Uw. tm Written lUbk ri-m ueh aeiieral eondlt iin lo N'oremls-r SOlh w 3.403. fVwIltbwrana taOArrM Vt4i I'ud.1 he likely lo have repair work done here continuously. There is Iitulind, OtUira, Ont :.stify iln al'iiMilnniiienl. as The wmmI inasrthm of alt bnarkra ami asfMr baa lavn Caatriliutiaa lo Krl Ibvrft (Wt al.afo, under lhoe conditions, uiaue. War Ta Jtaak Noe ClreaWteia a possibility of securing new coii-trncls In aenmianee aritn an anaouawrtarM made Iqr ham at Ike XonW.on 119) on a commercial basis. Possibly the Canadian .ntiniml ! Anmial Jlrrtms. Mr. IL T. Itatrjr. WI'i mkm l IWlanre nf IVoAu rnrrtol forward SUITCASES ENGLISH WOMEN Hrl. has rvecalhr trnotd born tl IVwrd, to oWe mm ir-jsti jmay build some of their own coasting sleamers in Iheir ownynrds. rbne tn Ms own affair, and Mr. W. K. AUaa kv ln k.l When Will Aeroplanes , TRUNKS LEAVE FOR STATES Vice-PmaaHat any wi nl him. i).tro Come This Way? HANDBAGS AFTER HUSBANDS There have been so many slnries published of possible and Genvr.il Stntivnvnt of Liabilities amf Assets probable visits of airplanes to this port Ilia! il seems as if there WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jackless dills Would IKarry, but AS ON NOVEMBER J4ih, lJ va a hoodoo on the -place in regard lo the.se machines. The Shortage of Men In Old latest despatch is lo the c flee I that planes will make this n J. F. MAGUIRE Country CSukl and Stlrrr Ca ASSETS MihU,4l.40 CanrUlmark.. UiBIUTlIS I cnrnnrta '-hopping off plae enfmhte tfr'Atliabaska Landing, from 'Vancouver. Dooiinion Cnverameat IW Aeeouat nnil.1111 lit are ennuralirut in eonsider-tili- Note. W.WAS72.U) IMaaee of IVuftt and It ; We have some; facilities here for sea planes, but none for other 712 Second Ave.. Prince Rapert numbers frmn F.nvlaixl in Ihe IMsVlo.9 Aimanl rarrvsl lorn anl 1I9JU4.47 varieties of airplanes. While, as a result of previous experience, h pe of tlndln? xiitabl-e "Jlll.Ien Umwit with Uar Miaiatrr of Haw are for . 47 ine pfiraw ni mr umam 1 wi. ,VyZ people here are dubious about this being a visiting point for airplanes, j !rl" for hii-lmiids liwttie l.'niled IVpnii in the (Vatral CM Ite-emt.. . s)tiJiri. l'a4jaMCMl DiTidmk itam m aie. acWrjpa to ofplj March. Notaa of otscr fHoka ... DiTi.lrqd.Vo. Ia,r14e developments ire bound Income along Uiosc'llhes in the PRINCE v . IWaka . . RUPERT TIDES Raehelor iY"SeliiM. HM- Caogyn on otsr i. 9.1M1J7VI.U7 lt Iktntr, IWJ. .. near fiittire?and it is fpille possible that the" hum of the air engines rini. BaknoM duo ly other lUnla in Canada Ilonu In htarrttotdefa, menu on jJjnfJahtTi "inarrlaire- lWWamaSie br ltiA and Itadkinc Cms payable l IrrrBJr, ;;jnay. Ijc. Iu)rj) Ayetlliisiimiijg.jif mer. 4-ii,ca,H; ( Monday, January 17. an;e Kiiuim who may ierr iiaikula vWvlver tnan in Camula 4l,MA K7 tenfn m Thosevl'niM'e Unpen people-vlfo were in Victoria al'Chrjst- VigU, 7:1 a. m.. 19 feet. tinM-ry" before Ihe Nalional Mirth-r;i(e lmin and IVovionkJ GevrrtiriMtit .stwit mcMlitK market Value. It:t2 fi not mas time may have seen' an immense machine-Hying in from p. ni.. feel. rin)iniihjii s'oipe lime a(to CanadiM Mudriial heeuriliea, and., Vancouver in Ihe teeth of strong wind. Jl crowed the,eitv and 0:10 a. in.. 7.1 feet. Were v.idi'ly lMrMei. in the rWtiwk. IW and OolonaU I1dJilV Smm of tbe Hank la rir- 13:7 a. in.. 7.8 feet. licit isli'HresV. ' Sorontm other loan I aMutaan ....... ll,oon,Jm.2ft eoUtioa 11.873,044.01 dropped into Ksiptimall harbor. The wiud i had lo encounter Tuesday, January IS. ILtilvay aad other Ikda, Drlmlnres IVpowU ant twnriatat h (io i-riiineiil fljrarett ihiW there and Storks not eaiudlus; market IrreU 4,7I41 7 was very similar to Hip hreezezs here except thai l was not quile llftrh, 7:5rt a. in.. !.? feet. is a nirplin- of n million women ' 3,&l.tert 10 rrtuatUbrrili(iBteTrt. MJ,flta4 14 so gusly. ; ?t: p. in.. 10.1 feel. VI l.lllailfl WllOse only llo f Call and VliiVt (na rwrrdiwi 31) ilaji) ItaUnera due to otbef Jaw. 1:17 a. 8.6 feel.' lnn in Canada, on IlnnU, IVen. lUaka la Canada 677,4 14 47 Slight Improvement 14: il uiarrylnp ilenemis on liieir mi-J turns sad fuv4u S,4I,I77.M Ilalaam de to lUaVa am p. in., 7.3 feet. Crnlini.' lo onie part nf III.' earth Call and rrt (not mwitui M dajn) Hanking CufrwMod. In Silver prices. The time usrd Is raclflc Stan nhere lliere is a more even loam ks? li t (ana as Canada 3,11133.51 enta eUrnbere than in dard, for the IZOthleridlan Detnaatl Lnana in Canada aenirrd br Canada J.n .ftJO ft Silver is now selling at ! cents, a decided improvement west. trihiilion of lheee, Aerordinc arsia l(kW2,IM.4r it U counted rrom o in ?i hours, , over a few weeks ago. This will have a stimulating etfeei on the Mi"- March. the nre ilmmr il. ArrryUorr nodrr Itlm of Credit . northern Hritish Columbia mines which from inldmitht to tnidnlsiit I'c say sju i rewlnt letter- irjwysai.M IjalaktM not inrtudnl la lb torroin( deal produce a great of aad The table given is for Port Luaaa to Ganrenaaxeta Maaie(iaL ksrt Ik AuUmr, Iiinkd4m Amn ('piii etuh'a Iratesc Hli'nnliii u silver. This mineral is thV big thing hi (he Alice Arm district and Simpson but the time for Princ . . 7,4S.IT.M f taa Vmtaa aua Oaaaoa In in America I lint are -iunill- tl !.. . ..T.-t DimoosU in la -ud aiinin w wHh iWi.iiihii'M i trfi wilhai there, is bImi some oh the Salmon Itiver near Stewart As the liupert varies only a few mlnuleL H"nt the lonelmi ( m Caaad. (Im rehst nf ustarest) C0,S49,7SI.M irtai iinni i aiiw uk Am. rt price is likelj to stilTpn even yet, the mines will llud a market n some day and on others is men' liven.' 4 Hber (Tarrant Immm aad IMamuiU rbw. . av aaifwi iW aiM. K.laa nv4 lh the same. The range of the. tide " warm than in Canada (Irm rebate of lis kt 4 I n M Hm lav. mm4 MB for their output this coming slimmer. fit are enlerprioinu I totawatj.. 4,4rt,lM .20 tw miiM mm In IW hi. l,. may be computed as 5 per cent il: y," lie added."Many are emi- Una! Katale other than Hank Irrrm. .. 2JH.II79 49 n aan aMa4 an iu wvmh 4 for irrealer at Prince Kent Estal SiMlM, IhM mm Imtt I ai4. 4 tm mi IW Preparations Hupert than at a aold try tl W mmk vriuuu who n nin- years san Mnrttjsaas I IM HI.K.M ml IW Port Simpson both at 133,490.44 mmvm mm mm mmr mtmtM mml W, mmmm lU Active Work. sprlntcs and wmld llHe fen red tn lake the Ownlao Dehta. caliraated lom iinririded r'Miila Hmmk. neaps. Therefore the rise. In the la 1 ill.iii tm mmr aniiilaa iw aak .ireauy mining men arc planning a campaign for the coming VJi'iit adwnlunv" fr : 1,4!.OT Xiiaam, mm tan tmf IW m. W4 IW Prince Hupert harbor is Itaak 1'iMiaata. at not tban slightly more rnel, mi w4 ar4 IW .ii-nu t.m W spring ami .itmmer. .' The l'remierjiilrie i .shipping steadily and Kiyater than PorUSIrnpson. JaaaamoontawrHtrooff.. Iimimu 4 tW IU4 aa Ha W4 Utrnm aa4 the Spider is preparing.to make Wine shipments over the snow. The height Is in feet and tenths TICKETS FOR BRITISH UaMtnani Credit, mn nf prr raotomen enntra. undr Letter of S,4SrLSll.Q3 ariMfMl I Hi I IW I mmi I I t IW i IWai Waa W 1 W IW a mwnm- This will be followed by activity in other mines of Ihe district. of feet above the average level of Other Aavtt not included lo tlie. fore- la mm IW hlM SWM m K"l SUBJECTS WITH YOTES amwuuU mtmtmt a trm mmm IMHil m-m At Alice Arm there are all sorts of activities planned and il lower low water. . Fng 4105.18 mi tw Mw mi IW iImi mi tW aul, aim tW WM mt mm Ifima inia mm IW tmimmt'mmm i probable a number of mines will be shipping before autumn. SHOULD ONLY BE GIVEN w,nH iam t( IW Wa mt IW Advertise in the Hailv New All Miis spells progressn the north and will read on all the t. ntaar wtaa. e. . rn, Amurm tW Bn other developments which are in progress or in prospect. This Is the Resolution of Mariners cnoBuc a. luititt: co. and Navigators' Convention t tfi9,30S.44539 Wai !.SOU DamalM, It JO, at Ottawa JOITK OA.I.T, Prsildant K. B. SHAW. OmaraJ Maaarr Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE TIMBER SALE X 2787. OTTAWA. Jan. 17. Anion,- (tie ITIflrt will fiM r.ltM hr f r. nnolulion iael at n mnven. tiutrlri Furftlrr Ml .llr I tun nnon on Ii' ciRTiricATi or iMrnoviMCNTs. n of niiieler mariners, flotH lb SiH tin of Janmnr. tfltf. fAr tiu .liurrhiw of Urenrr X i't7 rvar Orfnolm and navisralors l-ere there is one Iron nek Xn. I Minrral r.lnm I iA 1 DENTIST. iianitri i rii J7.ow lrr Ol (Mir, Bil-iri. mi 1 run iniad o. a mnerai .uim. Vat For ilraikirk nut sprurr. nuking that only lirilish uhjerl .wr .raruun Jainfrai ' laiin. " rr nui tie auovMi for remoral win Lot la fill, 'rnrkl Mlnrral r.laini, I nl hate tli fri.nchise In- hIIowimI r nrrnVr. lo. tsta All aitJoloinr minrral riaima. Furllwr Mrtlrulara itt fh riiir rAMiu, tickets. Thin would Dllllt out aiiuale In tnmt 1 narlMta Mininr Mvuhmi FISH AND CHIPS Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block- Vlrlfrtla. or lh ruatrlrl rr.p.t. the Japanese and Chinewe, il n I Ho(rl.land putrtrt. Wnara located: un Uwiaa TAaE NOTICE Wat I. A In Hmra of la Attutant pi.inti"! Lady Open Evenings . TIMBER 3ALE X 2644. mil. tr cr h-nntntm mt tfnllan In. Office Hourf j Sunday by lumbia. Irrr Minora Ortifiralr o. I17SJ-H. to 575 arun on Mult or nairarlf and aa aarnl go S-12; 1.6; 7-9. none Appointment Sealwl lnrtr will tie r'rrrltfd bf In iVICTORIA ALDERMEN for Hand Mardorald. of Uw aaid 1 ily ut " mimim m vif-Kfria,' n. I... noi jtwtmrrr. rrrm Minrr'a ortinrata fo uut man nooD tn IrJ day of rrBruarr. THE CAFE ;stl-a, Inlrnd mn itoi dara trura laa EMPRESS 11 1, for llie nnrrtuw of Llrtnrt ttU. ATLAST ELECTED rut nrreof, to anply for a crown uraol 01 ion auovr riaima. Sf.riir Mixi (lr. on an i ulutix on A.1II I t.'HTHf.H TAlf. NOTICE mat tr- l Empran Hotel Block. Nawly opr.nod for bualn' nriinrainifl HJ, lUrit tDimil, fUDI J. nan. under aeruon St. anual b ronuaworrdl 'RELIABILITY- rnii Three Iiutrlrl.IS) rein will tm iiimmi rn. E. Todd, Former Mayor of City, brrore llie laaaanrr or aurn Cartinrata bf , Strictly clean. Wlilta halo on I v. Oatn day and plnl moral of iimiVr Heads List of Successful luiproatrmiu liAItli lhi Ird flir of Uerrinbrr, IttO. is a proof of true worth. The reliability of Beecham's Vlrtorta,furilwr B.innirultr c., or blitrtrt of ln rorraier.Chirt Tnmur priori Candidates. Pills as a safe, gentle and effective arid corrective Netlca of Intanttea ta Apply is laaaa Land. eliminant has been MlNKKAL VriOlilA, Jnn. 17. The final proven for 70 years. Digestive ART. count in 1 In munle.ipul eleetifin In Ikeraa lilrrr Mintnt lininrt. land irorro r. disorders often cause impaired health. Biliousness, Mita n.Dipl. led un Kaliinluy, ful-lnwinx UairHt, lieeordiai tnalnn of sue Ann, , SILVERSiDES BROS Catlncata af Imprciaaiaata. H. r... and aituate at nvniib of Loun Crerk 1 the indlinu mi Thiiraday, adjoinina.' silvrr :ny, n 1:. I WHAT'S wr" may be relievd by that reliable family medicine flXUf. fRiCTI'll SOTICK.Umrr.l riilm i,n.i and the result shown Iho l.tlior Take notlre inat r lha underairnrd, I' maana prartltal sntaa tverytntngyou man to advli" you-tni buj , in lh itaaa Hirer Mimiir IMruion'or cat-alar men Meeieil aa aldermen with AnUa-ajr Meilalre and Barnard W. aarrrit, I" fii.mcl. vvtwr loratco: About sn of A lira Ann. for '" 1 nillea trua Allen Ann al wad of iiuauit Former Aluynr Todd IieaillnK lh ocrupailoo proaprrUir and lilvrr adlolnmr "silver Hr.rn- um...i alorrkeeper, Intenda lo apply for perrnia-tum IN A BE ECHAM'S Claim. aueees.fui . arulidajee. The com. to Irsae lha folio ins drirnbrd land!: WALLPAPERS TAKE MITK P that I. Im-la ur t.,n plete Imt is as fallown: Cominrnrius al a su planted aouttwail r. M. C. lltll i:. aa ar.ni rnr n.n.' owj fMlerien. Frae Mifwi-a teriiDraia fto. A. K. Todd, Oeorse SanKaler. II. rorner, II rnalna aoutnrrly direction f rom 1 20 per cent reduction January I07J-C. Inifiid. mir Ur from ine data 1 S.K. nar ft Ui l; tMira f rhainl ItarKkina In remnants f Sold tirreof. to atml to the Minim u.rnrn.rl'i l)ear Inlmr;, A. V. Allien. norm 1 inenef iff riuina rat; Inrnra II NAME? P'lLLS 50c! pMrpoa for a CrrUBcala or obuiDint of ImDrovrmcuta.a Croua tiranl for ina or AV. J. tsaryent, I'. It. Amlrna, John rnalna aoelh) Ihenr 10 rliaina aat artd Phoae22 P.O.B01 125 In Canada. 25c. IIW riaiin. llurrey, V. I'lillerlnn. flolerl rontaliuof II ai-lra, inora or (rat, r-H:: AM HKTIIIB TAKE MtTICE tbal ae-lion, AMIKIXV MMil'IRK, under aeellon SS. muai b mmm.nr.11 Jiiiiadale. K. Woodward lalmr . Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Worl triirroveuu-nta.brtore llw laiuanr f aurB Ccrliacala of .Mayor Vprler wan ileriarrdl Olted jroreiaber DEIl.tARn ta, 1114.W. BAhMKTT, Dated this lew dajref nornnMr, A. D, eWled on Tlmrsday rtn the fli t LtWIS W. fATMUHK. I ruunt attainst Aid. I'ati irk. j Advertise in tbo Dally News.r Subscribe for The Daily New" IT -