Mi Pure 1 i nun1 mm BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM i . YCOvt. "T A LOT rflSRNT "TO WOULD EE ArMO TO TRLL , ccot-om tuccp mill I L 1 1 MVtMtTM 1t DtfrWN ) i VTANO "OiERE ANO t.(E "TO e. HE I tMQULD TMtNK "TOO ir . TOLD L1C . J WV4Y, I I TL l i . -. 51 TO cc VQU tME LIKE TMA.T tQu OlHMT ' TO fit .jMvMEO cr TOUt5tCr - - VfM . T "' ' e-. III i 1 II 1 i loWv1 rri a V 1 S- ! P mm Skins i S sore Hands Q tIO fa.fv taa. V TfEEN winds make the skin harsh and rough. :- K out itch crack Lips"and Into get and smart those sore;chap;and blotchy"break hands faces FORM CABINET Male Humor Want in Ads. r Daily News Classified Ads. ! special! eruptions known as Prom 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. N Advertisement Taken for Laa than Oc winter eczema. Literary Digest "Topics of To restore the skin to a clear. Dlscouraclng Difficulties in Gov-ernment the Day." Thtv Withy flexibility there's nothing of French Republic WANTED. FARMS FOB SALE Weelr , like ZanvHuk. Hub It into the face, arms and wrists at niU-let Presumably all ad-kts In the R.RrLAV7)ixh, ;rT, WAXTIiri S.-c.mJ-hanil lurnl- p. nth it work while you sleep. V PARIS. Jtm. 17. Rnoul Pcrrt, help wanted male" column tf jC uniiioujen : r$ I Zam-IWk's refined herbal lure. If you have anything- to prairie, of Alberta, Saik.Uh.; who was asked at the end of the newspapers, are ltonafide item Xp,,, Hnbwf) ... .expressing essences soak into, and purify the sell call K.-J 23. V pay cash.! uan and Manitoba are epil. tissues. They soothe irritation '.mm'! 'ii form n new ministry fit needs for men worker. Appl uorlhr gpie. . . I.t and F. M. Gro'oy. 7 IS Third Avenue j ly suited for mixed firming. Kitchen f'hain $TJ -i..ion t smarting pain; heal taw-sore .sin In I In mc which re- When person a(ltrlli- for holp fwineaap, surfaces and "west. tf; Land that will produce bis- prevent n'd m Wednesday, appeared have 'rvtiift they uually serioun "infection" of the broken skin. a, pur-posft of ifralfl and fodder, and Cold-creams with no medicinal before President Millerand .ami primiptin? Iheir action. I tut rfxieprMieil 8fcnoriipfMr and crtp C-aporaUd Frulta. Chain value, or coarse fatty ointments, bi lined in f.irtti a cabinet. The U:r arc .nxnc exception which IUtilltHj.r want work Kehru-ry ell adapted for dalryinR or niark flu fit. are powerless to give oti livestock raltlnff ran utill b flir' "! Tapwt' v j difiii-ii;'? Whit the clear healthy skin desire. arc iiiusl discouraging lnie I hi rule. Wry uften little ft. Ileferene4. P.tl. hex He You need Zam-Uuk you the most ;im.; il i liki'ly that M. llrianil may nii-lakf. In wnrilinsr anl piinctua-liou nan at pricei averirinK about Apil lie Rxk-r y J. soothing aaJ successful skfri i-.ill'-'l upon. make MouUMtc seriou aiU 118.00 an acre, with twenty iu.i.u 9Se TV--1 r " remedy ever diovered. iluilcTi.tiiii-al. The fnjlnwinir ail- VAXTKI - Iiv yinB(f man rw. year to pay If you wlh. OiAy pP,. .... 8Se Al owWrfuJ healer far Bwmft. IniislK upectabli1 work of any kind. Ap. 10 per cent down. No further '. llaKelris .. .... SS in Scalds. Ctft auj all Sore. Wound PROVISION OF (IEW "help wanlctl male" aaainjurir. Of chcmitl. Uc-per box rtilunin will tickle lit rtoirtl "f ply V. I.. V'ttwards. Kavoy Motet. payment on the prlnrlpal until Prune Barries or direct fresn Zani-ili::, Co-. Uutxvtt i (1 1 me end or the fourth then i .at.. 1 oraue. Tnal mpl lc slam. LIQUOR ACT IS NOT reaer: year; Flth. sixteen annual payments, in-, b ... 3Se 30 Div TO BE ANNOUNCED I Wanteil-I -Van who can yoonic lady teee-t 6 per cent. rnd'tiiuta ".k.Li ron car . . . Se fl,r bUKilll.,H ufflr Apply Inn Write to ... O. Lourhran. Ind FURNITURE ami wife. Kresh SAII vitHrican .vtetiieal H Itoily New iifflce. IS black cad per lb. ... tSc J,H,rna-- Agent. C. p. R. Station. Van. VH rttlllA. Jin. IT. Nothing Finnan batfd.e . .. ia 1 1 1 h .1 1 1:i 1 1 V will he piven out l A.TRKWP w'AXTKD AT 0T fiouver. Halibut, per lb ilx.ttt w li;T) i he liquor control bill Wanted .Man to loik Atlor Apply White .uneh. tf Ilepcina. .1iiimim4-'i-e- -. r.-.m IS. t3r janicn, iiiiik a ew wtth a good , H'iU.ll . -v.UJI. lik.- until I.!... draft i ih-;volc(i . iinxniiiK, H:n. IBc .,ar,l to the letr.jt.alur.. Prnw rhoir.-pM.neelieul areUslome,I to T-untr,-.Mnsr Jn tire i WANT!)-renj4V hild" crib. Phone l j . Market Prices j!"loutxlep. Fillet), lb Terrace Fio:! id 'Mixer There , AMa tid. I-lb. bote EDSON COAL CO. Iiitve rieeri a goou many gue.-)i V.inle.l Iti-len.fc.. ..,n AITRlfc.s. . WANTKI Royal Meat. kate,.er lb, ,. 10 7i to its provision but none of mixing niinee fie. Dallas .Vew.l j- tf Sirloin steak, per lb i.5o HriHs a for tr IS At, m frv Tevl ;!ln-iii are correct because the hill .ter n..t m ..I II. Kn 1.. a. Hall ooUchans. lb ... Ie atise S.'a Lei FOt nate its not " t formulated. WanfH Fifty bricklayers; Sprint . .. 3c I 111 ... 4 t - 1 bave received dannj; the Jsst hishel wageR. plenty f parking ' White taltnon . .. o. re m.i.nP .nrie.. ri-.,... Beef, rib roast, lb., 30c and 35c three weeks for iit. i. r ti- :; CIVIL SERVANTS TO ".f-nee fork nutonobile. New. 2.5u rer .luen. Call and nr. ei, nomng, id .... we to we! WATCn MOTICC. si is.. 1. .. ( a New. Dally range to have lfa mby'f, photo uaniourger, per 10 isc tr vt . f4.se I ie 1 - rw 100 cars Coal ! STILL GET BONUSES! Wanted Minister of the fioi. Uken. e Chnndier. I'tmtog litewitiK beef, per lb 30c and 25c TAir viTirj! in. tttsmsl rCf sail resfc srn-1. -.' " -sti Swatias 1 :--al for rapber. ftfl MiU street. tf Oirned beef, per lb, , 22c slre u 7S.s lumber pel ramp. Must .e a -nr. a. mm V Increase This Ijimb. leg, lb.. 4Se seety u Year, However, per US SMI mmm rSHMf from Madeod River mine, owned gofMl crap player. Winnipeg KOR SAI.K. . Snap. l.elmont 9mt .Ml . -- - Owing to Genera. Drop -in Lamb, loin aasMi i.nt s.1 ni .. - a, ... - PHts, t0O, m 14 f Sal by Prince Ropert citizen. Wages.. ' Telegram. Rnminj House, with lot; part- Mutton, stewing Sa1M 1 e I fM ' We hve the exclusive riitht to I turniglA, Now rented for v ,, Mutton, u shoulder, lb 2Cc to 2c . " . wi si n vrsa handle thia Coal in Prince RaperL VICTORIA, Jan. 15. Premier -V'W-" nn.Wph. S5 a mihtb. Apply nramlview Lei.- of niu I Inn. lb. . I n.l.r T . "", orw si til KENNEY BROS, i 0 , Don't be porter; room furnish- inii , '""r'".- iwt. i 1 hi 1 use. 111 misled by other coal 'diver ye.lirday denieii the slory eil; also chaniberoieiil. l'rovul-1 - -: . Loin of muttn. lb 10c ' , T rtpaeiu of Ik. rwrmr M i- dealers who use our firm name that civic ..ervahl.s are lo ose cure Journal. iFOIt R.l.rfftlT)ire4 excellent view Veai shoulder roast, per lb.. . 5o in nnnd stout t.nns arm ? um tn WS f arrcsvt u.w to advertise If their coat. i heir sa.aryTwiniisea. It i under. - f l"t on Fifth Avenue. Ulock Leg of veal 3n; and bc V1"I S !'.1 WMI Stwru St IK. bl.rrsi n the I -ttwam you want a real good screened food, however, that f lie- riviftier- Wanleti Kruikkeener and a-l Sii-tiun 7 Mem-fie. t tr. na Main sausages, per lb 25c UV Isatf dwnrl . coal, call up i 1 . . i,jtii o .(, aii!-. ill not yrl ibeir statutory sistant lo club manager. Merid-j each. cash. M. M. Stephen. r i.-'iininr.fwa natisage .C' In aasl rwss MM ' si as nnie4 nm imm nnutvt incrense in salary thin be. en Record. iron, ieg 50c .... . Phone -58 year " w " wmw wi i ill r i mwm . ai.-i- of the rust of living dropping I FOR SALE OR LF.ASK-Job printing Pork chops, per lb, COc ftl Ikrr. tad I,-. Mi. W-sCrarlTltTr TOM LFE CO Prince Feed Co. and tbe ftas schedules out- Wanled Man lo collect ae- businexs and plant. For Pork, shoulder 6s Ropert -ide the civil service falling fasl ri.unts not over forty yearn idd.- - 1 particulars apply 'Daily News Haeon, sliced, per lb.. 750 Of)lfSll.lt T.1 w-Tiwrr b tne ifwe-ri innlir.ii m. , 8 to -'..I, ' v .: Corner 2nd Ave. and Vta SL Piiiua Dally Call. omen. tf Ham, slleed 1 &c rjtsi mUH tn Mid W.I.. h, 'mm Ham, smoked, Cftc '" - n".mimww. imnni, p I sn VEGETABLE! Wanled ienlleman who can tSFCOND.HAND n.'RNITUni'. sold iniriy Ms trier ia Srti trsrsae Wholesale and RrUtl Salt backs 45c WW isMiee m a loeai ' newstw Ten Years Ago furnish one.half dozen eirgs to my on mnlon. P. Lef:ialre Chicken, per lb. S5e "V . "" Wirt rtu.f, firs. Urileial ' : J one-half pound of bam. f)hjict Phone lren 511. f in Prince Rupert Fowl, per. Ib. ..... 50o Tbe best way to have MalrimonyMon.real Star. 4 Ike ner TVrtrr Into U. Iftlet tUSi KOI, MLHMlr ftA , Pickled pork, per Ib. 45e Mrntisksier Is Minn lla YourSuit January 17, 1911 Wnlel-rAI once In PittWiureh' "(Hnl ". rheap. Phone Cooked ham. sliced, per lb, 85c Prior, il ; " 'IV' Mayor Wiliain Mnnsnn Ita.s in All honest lawyer lo urosivuile ! Spare ribs, per lb, 30c aniMsT iu.e a.jd rurtn en. Phone 547 1' s -iriidcil i:iuef of Police MrCarvell a crookeii one. Pillxburgh Dis- Roast ham, per lb, rjir ... spcarani. Cleaned and Pressed to clean out all gamblers, tin patch. FOB ftEWT liologna. per Ib 30c Ttie 0t "uf tke nrsi r,ireiirTS.MMiraiMti sreat.M IMS ti Jellied tongue 50c to Mr is tVi-Msr il. ut. rns. blindpigjrer.4 and crib TO H KNT flora forts ble furnished is by our ;.eepers in tile city. bedriMirn miitable for two Ilroilers 60c "svtassLt watte esoTtcTtoi prr GIRL GUIDES CHAPTER gen Calves liver, lb 40o Steam Pressing Machine tlemen. .Close to dry dock. Ap-j et.I.ef HfM sf C4IIO . 1 rte loiiowing rnuncti corn r-ooked beef tongue, lb, . . H.'.e (l-viprr MS DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE ply 1141 7tb Ave. Kat. 13 Method. mil lees have been appointed for Turkey, per Ib 65c, THR CAHIiUV nail on tm,tn ..... STEfiNStOtfiiKll It only takes IS minutes. Hie year by the mayor: Finance, FANCY ' ' Dairy Produce. -- v... K.IU.. nrm rife u DRESS ArTAIR '"iN,''7"'"l,J'1 rrz H under seuaa seven f 7 . bt the ..id Shoet Metal Work. Our Price Is :isM'ssmeiil, relief and license Duller, per lb o5o f"l ub i Minister f PvShe Reasonable Aid.'Kirkpal rick. Aid. Newlon and Sixth Avenue West. 12 Hutler (cooking) ner lb. 0e Worst"Mrtft at naaiatrsr towns, ass.of m tm.uw I IBO im or u At.t fn: U - I' - Delivery is Prompt M; vor .fntison; lire, water, light Grat Preparations Being Made for 1hree, per Ib I0c v'JSSPn'ZJS'V JPW-sr... toVef Give trial. Phone Hlack nfnptnvn at tn San It a rr and I us a $02 mid phone. Aid. milli. Aid. Clayton Spectacular Event on Last LOST Limberger cheese, per Ib. ... ode " aal tie Mast of a wsarf Miuoed tn' llaalina En fin ei"I Mtm M lb Ukn hl..r i.i' mi i and Aid. Kerr; streejs, works Friday of Month I.OST-One cameo earring Kggs (rase) 80c at LING TAILOR ami properly Aid. Ilibliteh. Aid. t.CV fresh egg (rase O0e Hirtl lt -a- ,,r sinrk s tti of ti I 6th Street si:tl t'mrtZrf t'ance Welneday night, or r.rtr four huruirrd iivd fwtr n iiIisj, I'rtnra Rupert 821, 823 2nd Ave,, Prince Rupert l ull ullo.-cnd Aid. Morrissey. The Oirl Ouide Cbapler. 1.0. between Ht. Andrew's Hall and Margarine 50c .'riMrlsre uf llritlih'. i-otti onumMt.insinet, in in D.K., are making great preparn. SI. Regis Cafe. Finder pleao Comb honey gflo At) TAKK Tlt r last .ft., ttv. ... Aid. Suiilh and J. F. Merryfleld rsrsltfifl Ar nn. r...t k .k. .... -.1 tions for a c liildtcn's fancy dresn 'eturn to Daily News Office. Re-ard. ugnr, per lb r0 trie erst paMktufi r im imi.. i, . I b; e been aji nnLcl to he license hall lo be held on the last Friday lirend, per oaf 2 for Sic t.ttRUVFi.k siti l-ol n Itiiuuiv r,. ! and Aid. Kirkpalriek tZ I To.. tn unar rten (7i cf in MUSIC for DANCJ 'and M. M. if (he month in St. Andrew's Hall. Hour 'hard white) 50.1b k'3.25 SIS t IMKf to Ik N Milter ef rMiri st phena lo the police board. II is lo be n big event, tbe children LOST on Third Avenue between Milk, per case to.SO to 18.25 far Jvwst pprovsl si Mi f urnre in tsil in in tits i:it and or e'siti iltutis tad I SMITH & MALLETT dancing from seven to ten and . Post Office and Fulton Street, Vegetables fnr i ennitrat ts mmiA s..t I C. C. Perry, Indian Agent at DsTi P rnsw Mvpart. . c. tat iota I Mi llakatla, after that a real ball for adults. 20 in bills. Finder please re. onions, dry, per lb., 5c Du wnrllf. HIS ARTHUR'S aiblrpsscs hn Presby tiirn mr u.nnm risu s.vn COLP STonstiKl with lo Daily News ofliee. tf Oray'n orchestra providing PLUMBINQ AND HEATING terian Club loiilcht on "William Heels, per Ib 60 k-J".kft:. " . T rvtwr ami ENQIKEERS Shakespeare. the, music. LOST Man's gray woolen glove. i:arrots. per Ib, 60 . .The chaHer ia composed mostly Finder please return to News Turnips, per lb , , . , . ce ii ritoiuTt. Four Piece Orctestri Estimates furnished. There vns n tlelightful social fifynung people, with Mr. Jtobcr-son olllre or phone 08. Cabbage 8o Saxophone ill the llaplisl Church last nigbl. ni; regent. It lakes n great Cauliflower 25o to'fiOo f IS THE SPPHEME COI'HT or BRITISH Including Address, 3rd Avenue, head Rev. W. 11. McLeod presided and imprest in, nd only the girl ACCOUNTANTS Head lettuce 10c tu 25a I TMK MTt4H COLUMBIA.MT tlllf -J.DMI.VISTMA. J-llUliC tJt., 1UI AQ PhOtlC of Second Street. I hose who contributed lo the pro. gt Ides, but also the hospital and New Polfttoes, per sack ... 13.80 Tl'l. ACT" Phons 174 P. O. Box 274 Kiam included Mis Cora Marker. other local Institution)). On one'j iocpi:rii:nci:d accountant Sweet potatoes .... 3 lbs. for 25c anl would Ihko charge of set of It THE MATTBTt Ut THE MTATK or J. K. Davey. Mis (irrv and Mr. occasion ihey presented Ihe hospital Cucumbers, carl. 20c vui iiiaiinu Miller. with a gramcpfione and this jooks. whole or part time. Celery,, per lb JOc lo 30e ISTMTATE. toMAYAsm. bttrvitn. Christmas sent that institution a W. E Wllllstroft. Phone Fruit. Hold Prince Ml number ot beautiful plants. TI10 Illark 250. tf TAkst noTire that in te oror or Hit cranberries cbapler i) also doing It share 30c Honor, T. Mt B. Teunr, mtl tM in. ' IANO TUNING rimm in. 8H0ftTH Ilauanas PI" AND -TYPE WniTINO 75c krentli .1ir of !wvniir. 1 1 10, I wts ap- tUROPEAN P HONO REPAIRS Polt.cn In the tyitsm csut plnN helping In raise, money for Hie Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25c froinieil Adminiiiitiar or in tmi t 1.10 psr dsr n v' proposed I.Tl.D.F.. ball which Pitman ana stinnsit. it Is Stenographic School , einons 40e knulilrruro Kobsy. tbl, frr..i, and all' HOTO ENURGEMENTS are quickly rsmeoed Tht poisons expected will bn erected In the Lvening clasnes, Monday, Wed. Dale (drom) psrtl tiifln tl.lmt arslml tn salt CF by ths of , , , 35c uis mum ire grtST-CLAl oerrby required lo fumlih Dr. Chsss's near future on Fifth Avenue near nesday and Friday. 7:30 lo J sima Kidney-Lirsr Pj. Nffvel oranges 40c lo 11,00 proprrtjr vrriRsd m Ctri- Agent for best art enlargements ' tfl, on or lror tna La Mrllrlde filreel. o'clock. made in Canada, Negatives not 0ns Dill s dote. ISc. 1 boi, Individual instruction. Raisins, per Ib, 35c lvtntti rtr or Jsnuarjr, A. p. lift, and necessary, but merely a print in all dsilsrt. Tbe ball this year, il Is said, is No. 1 0 Smith llloek. tf Table raisins, Ibj ;M5o ill pirties indebted the tat are r-qrl condition faded, cracked or lo be an unusually nifty affair and (a ps lbs smaunl of their In-iMitediwti any Curnttls, spotted even! most of the beat people In the cily MUilC. per Ib. i..S30o to ti rorthwim. i Dyeing Dry jkg. Phone ut and we will call. Peel, per Ib . pitto lOHS II. MrMULUl. I will be there, not only to watch MUSIC FOR DANCES Mac's Or. MUed nuts, per Ib. 35o ornrial Adminutrsur. I Red 291 J. Slade Stavem the children during the early chestra, four pieces. For on-gageinents Table Figs, per pug . VlSc I'rlrir Hup.rt, U. & ' P.O. Bui T61 Pil'd inn foil, 1 riTirrs' evening.Jml to dance laler In the and dsy of primnr in to dales, phone Minee ileal 25c ii vena Yr7 1th AT . evening, Red 01. tf drapes (Malagas) per lb..., 35c Advertise la tbe Dally Now, eivVrirJUiri