M Hilar ' Page 0 tor da nT nawa PHYSICALLY If ANTLEE UNFIT MAY Westhoime Theatre n NOT MARRY TONIGHT AND TOMORROW That It Proposal In Manitoba and Adph 7ulirr preaema Legislation Will be Asked That Line, ELSIE bbbbbbI k.'tAH 111114 1 T-nlaT Along ELSIE WlNXll'KU. I;.n t'. I'rodu.'- ORMES. LIMITED 'II uf II IIMNiii ill flTlllll'Hll' ! lni (list (Mt'irn iilm j.dititf.- to Mr. and M A D (nay I ft mi inarriaaro life inedieally fit will III,' I'lMI..'-- Saturday t. i oinpulnory if leKiilalion In l i mat I lliu.il fin Vane. u-ki-d Tor by Ilii' Manitoba Sx-ial e-a i. i tan : z-eaK, liyifient aitaorution is -iiin-t (. in Because It's Made Try ii rln-iiTed adortUoinenl Irarnli' nit. nilniK h animal if you want to buy or sell or ( cnini'iitii'ii nf lli ' iioeiatimi lia- in One Pieco you want nnylhlnff. A I t uf busi ihii appointment vtilh tin- prwin- ne. i done that war. eial viiM-rnriiciil for 10 o'rloek on Counterfeit" nAN7L2K is buSt Eke w Mm a Lottie all la one piece. a January 21. William J. Hatth-y. Ki'tirral HMsri'iary. auitouiit'f . hot-water bottle are sectien.then cemented MAIL SCHEDULE. They will rtqtn--l I lit" io eminent A . When cement dries lo phire (I bill hi-fore I In'. houe , a the bottle teals. "making il r.'ii.pnlixiry for ul) mm ks, For the East. Topics of the Day Gazelle ( s i" si Kartletfc Hot-Water Mondays Wednesday ana Hat parti)' i-nnlrii' 'inx marriage' i moulded of pcre soft produtva uiedn al eerlilteale lliat, unlays at 10:15 a. in. 11 .rivaUWW. WRtTTTIf robber coe ccQtinuous piece. they ar fre. from xt-nen-al dl- J TRAVELOGUE "ARTISTIC porta,patches,cement. Erta from th Cast. ijtH in-lore I In1 lirt'iiM" ran ue - ANTWERP' socket u moulded la. uranled." NaffliiaKSisa a ruaranteed for a fun tiro Sunday. Tueaday, and I'tnir service or a new Kxt- lays ul , :t5 p. rn. peeted Nearly In 100 alli-ml I--n I In r.'in are I'lilion. Comedy, Snub Pollard in "Order in Court" I VBSR'T I leek tree COUNTERFEIT which opi-iiH in il'.. H..al JVniplar For Vancouver and South. mem wait until your old bac litiihliiiK Juniiii: ' .'. Atyv I leeks. Get Kaatleck.Your old Cuesdays 7 p.m tkmif-J l-r BtTmaiuf ice aSpf" I oca tat ttcJz epen tonifht. rhurday tl P Price, 35c and lEc unla. 8 p. in. FIGURES PACK January 10 and 30 Sundays From Vancouver and South.8 p. m. SALMON GIVEN EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomorrow UVilndayi 10:30 a. m Saturdays 8 a. ni. CHARMING ORMES LIMITED ' TUtrs Inlet Only District Showing 25 January Mire Fish Taken in Province ELAINE HAMMER for 1920 STEIN For Anroi and Alice Arm siiudayji f.. 10 p.m. The Store Wednesdays V p.m. VANCOUVER TREMENDOUS ISLAND HAD DECrtEASE in "Whispers" From Anrox and Alice Arm. 753Ejfi3sl rucsiJayo . . . . r . . a.m. III all itllri'i'-littu lalilt' pith- ' Sciznick News Parnmount Screen Mngnzfnc Piicey. ."S nnd ?Sc 'Iiurtd.iyn , . p. in. ltlird in lilt' Hall Vllull l-li' I in- il f 1it. imIkt i found a di'laili-d' xtiTici:. For Port Simpson, Arrandale. Mil' -luli'iii-ut of tin' llrili-li r.oliiiiilnu THE MATTFH of an srDllratljn for Dav. Wales lilinri and Niai Riaar ...I'ihiii pack for tin- li m'ukiiii. rp r r iIIh- iur f frruli rrrliNrais f tine fori... " , . I I Jewelry Lulu tl (ml in. HIik-h f, Mrrllon 1 Cily : usiu.ij i u .iii, f UH- l.iHi.oH'. niiiuoii oi iin- - Jicnorsiii0 UDnS'ANOClKTLr. . aiii'lii lt.iiiiil.il through ll- 1U JJC MT A. G. GRAY h "rv,rT-?M iVW;', ,, .. m, rom Pt. Simpson, Arrange, a-.l ijOULUllL MOTS TAILOR iiiimih.n ii. iur aHrr iiw ririlin of Bay, Wales Island and Naaa River lilllU'rn :'. of Jlii' I'lioillri- fur Ihi' mr nivnlh rnun thr nrl publlollm nrre- , rrr O ' tao Costs Less or. a rrb nrltltcatc i'f UW to tbe almve I 1 UCMlays a.m. .i-ai, 81 i.VS in tin- planl- of Is to be Miserable Tiimn avknkk liUadW ir K ' i A ir V mrfiiwMj uoas in ine name or taun ;ln- kii'iia fTixi-r. .Niiui Hi-r and LEE. Hthrl MeMordw, uhirn rernllrate til rilOlE RU 421 a 4 Im.wc1 7iii letruiber, lilt, and is num-lx-ml Queen Crturlotle Islands: oiiliyi.iK dinlrii U. The total fori ritonn i:io. Now Lawl lirrtaUT J7H-I. Ofnre. Trince Hupert, B. C Cor M."iai"tl, lon Clinnt aul (he pro.iiite hoa ili-en-awi I p"r "' trul Uf of IM-rmbrr. 1110. floiii riirli of tbe ltfitf 1-.. IL MAtUtllli, Upper laiaoil pointa-J year. iim. ni m .k Dnirirt luriiinr or TiUet. a nuary 'i'J and'ltftll. The in, mi itv aajmr mreto a au aaat Hincu I Ik: luxury ("X liux ' l ITIIIRITF Torn Manrt I'uri .iiiriiln mi HiihllM'r of lli taki-fl in lait) l""l-1 r il arir. far '- bt-en rbolbh.-d nearly all our tik fl Upper Inland polio l.atia.laO. ' The only di-lriri m IMMr in rwirr IMr oral aiumarai arit aa an Irrllilt. a4d nni liar lutk ltul H ' pood jfusl you 10 per cent I. tioa act January 20 IVl'o that fhiiWM -a larKPr eat-h ralra fairiM- sarrk l.lur' ln4 1. iliaaanvl less. Tlio former war l.-ixii- the mmteh oi- the kstate ok r Miil.n!i- j.f-nu )'linrlott m Hie Itiaer- loli-r iilriri wh4f u aaaprrfprlljr Ihal II limn, tllUr t""t of .10 per rent is atw can- t.jie. I'.'ty and Lower I'laiid poinl.o uJ.H-'H 0-Ii wir luJien IbU yrar twrurr ) oa ral brarlilr. ami mtl i.ini. ....iiir. uh in vrur ui ma 22 a Htr.uiiM K0.3; in I i I i. awl Hiiwm jruur roud. yuu aiit.l ptil ci'lleil,' and n's gold has no I lliiiiiHir F. Nell. Vuaar. luadc ltw 3rd lUlr January tailii '-iir .ai-b tft-h a runiMtum llaal or January, a. i. Jtfl. ( -s rappmnuJ Krtifi. kineiiaie. U'o-i-n itlmrioit. Tlx- Wild I f.ir lhf a Ii-tritt n.li;ihi-iMl in urirn virv murh ', Ai'iumUlralur l llMfv-mn- ot limn .M)lhr- ii mill manurKlera lis awn birli win. deo-aMt. and all pnlr.luvlne riimn City and Lower Nlnnd points in t'.i.'H wh 81.15:1 a- i-inn-larrl rrraarnu. Jewelry i4'cheuier in aitain! tlx- .a irl nuii' mrr nerrbv rranlrrd l hf ion-. proportion in o;.,; - pre 18 year III fniln iim-. pr"-pl vrrtflrrt la II. January t-f i.rrr ruili inkr hatmutK Miaual to lots of tilings. tm ur Ix-forr !! 4ti itav uf rebruary, .:i lh.' ki'-n lliver Hie liH uiin-r. a bus iiawirt P aad rrttunm A. n. 191. anil all imh-olrd I" tn inrlic. . u..i. . .. in inn ul.il.. in iiim'" waiiii I a aoataal nraliair . i tali- an- nii'i'r. il I" pa; It- atniiunl of xr 9Kiway and the Yukon. ilit-lr ludrlaiil!!!"" m trw- rnrlhwltb. 41 ii . llaal thf fiiud aju loovrr raue John Jnll.N II Mi VI I I..v January 'ih; Kelirtiary V and 22. (In- e;ili li 3t8.M;7. The eali h ifiairr Imii I fhiiriMialiiv aiaviii ami Bulger nn. mi ilTinrtora!"r. ihMl ie!-. viliii-h io- r?-n av"i " III ii nil) ill- s.uu.l'lnl. aad nuMr er lu parl.aa DVTKH lt)i- 4ih iU "f January. lti. Jeweller January to, 30; February 13 -i:ii'il r..lllli l ie- in no p.n lirulur all Ihr wh U it- fuud rntuirnl miltwail and 27. l -;i :i t. -Ill II a Itillrdali', V M 'Irar f anj unpHaaol slfr rm.. GIFTS THAT LAST i Vr Hr nvrtiKirUi. lrariua. out. I 11 IU. if., ii -lisihl inerea im r m "I liatr una a arral aiilrrvr ano Swamp l'H'.i. whieli ra 3Jl.l;i. In.-Krier 1 rnn indian-.nMi ami diaprpau lur auml IT 0ilnl It nor calrli in IK'.'o ra ran. i i-rtini ma ri mjiiudi oiiaawt Wave FOlt- :;.'.Hi;n n- airain-l I5M.7IH mialanuai ii.Hna rmm nva pain ta inr pit of 21 and nat Paaaark. maa aurKt mnaaS January iVl'J. Tin' lariii't ino-l Milar klM ail Ml I sj sr-ejl m -vaav aaBBi m iiaaaji IrMaJ a FltOM notil'eaide il'ITI'IM1 Man that nf bmilr. aad ran tladlx aar M rrlmvd aa. FOR SALE January 22 Vneouvi'c Inland, where only I raa ei aayihtM m, Ml aa i per. Those Washable Rugs S7,7I ilh were reeonhil, a ire. frrl hll." ! Oranges tiirndoUK deereasv from JTU.SI'J T. a.Mi H.(burn H. It .,BMaorariuml Imwwd, Tiiracun,only k oal.The We Can Help You the year prevjlou. LAND With Them 6 House ACT. room cancellation or rescrvc ia,xn itKOisrav a:t s awl III.) Jtlc f Inltnllot U "Apply ta Purchait Mi..it IS IIKtllUY JIVE. Ihal the (avcuoyt Laad. Is there anything that adds more to the cheer-fulness rM-n r rovrrlnf Lol 4IJ9, Caulir ptatrttL Ur AlaMlraUun . Illte-L Ml lf In i.aitr IjU inalfieL hoed,a on. U raniTllrd. lAfci. VHI'l IMI appMrauoa l pawn irn i i,f i riore Huri. aad aiietie sboet of bedroom, huth or den than a well-kept and Two Lots I Size 126, per doz - 75 c o n. .vdk.i, ii.- pi rraiKli-r Olor Uaeaan ir rriare tie and alf inllea eatl of in luao-ne fx-puty Minlatcr of Landi. lluprrl. U. i . at omaer 10 Irr mlr ut lir Arm. and adotoinr tuts o. washable rut? I 150, - COc i I.aml prpartiM-DL a Tai san urn rrwn in luiiecier or II and 14. VirPirla. II. :., Tae nuiir mtl I. loeepn tettr Treta. ihe i:il of l-rtbav haiwrl, ttntnut rtair clean, these Fine Harbor View ! fsih lwf!ilT. Uto. iu mh daji m nvtaiirr. ivi?. u all v wf Port llanimueel. oeatipam farmer, True, they are difficult to keep 176, - 50c .M f!ia I I.All llul cmUiu. parctal .he"lendi roid.mint to ppT detrribed for pertnltn lands:to portbaa days when tfyn youngsters are? so much Indoors, or irari ii iana bimj pmin i" 216 - 40c Inr. sud briar la liar dljr of Prince Ruprrl uulbesal iitMtH-itrint"inter al .a poal mi planted, (hear al in if arxl most backbreakins to wash j i.ri- Dar'irularlr a n aiwl ifcHw-nhfH ai . $2,300.00 DRYDOCK lii lorry ' 4 . Ptofli Ibirlv-on nil, Imim rlialiu nnrU);aouilii tbenre thenra 4a rbsini 4u eatl; Ihenre unless you have tried our way. rnaiot men la ! 250, ,. - 35c Mrii' tiviii (Si. Ntp.lMii llucxired and polBI of rianmieareuirnL and conttinioa avriiiv -inn-" ivvii ito arret, nnire or lea. efficient met hod. Ours is the labor-saving, Vou are rrquirrd lu roniol the rluu tii.lH Hmjam THbTHLWLT. Jitney Bus of tl lai purHiaxr IHI II da frou oaled .Weinher , then )fo. You make roll of simply a rugs your tit dale ul I tie ifnlff i r Ihia iwllc Per price ! i lorn nujr be rnriil by imiiii-tu.,n in and sous case, Leaves the Royal Corner the Pally .a, rrlnr KufxrL B. :.. and ciRTiriCATC or latraoviMtNTS. telephone us. We souse and rinse, McCalTery, Gibbons i,r.elllilliHi ii raltrd In arclloii J4 of I he much of their first rinj w.'.... ami OthSinil "Lail hraiairr Act'' won a mend men la. In litis NIWII i ltlln. IjM Un, t'llll and rinse them again until ana to ine ri.llo ins eiinri inrrrirun: LIS. Mfivral :iaim. Lot freshness and color restored. 7.35 sharp every morning fill! tlMtMTn VUMral I'lalm I tit A aaaa. are ! "awl in ip-ftMli of a raxai or i-rr-nr.i. & Doyle, Ltd. i,r h fiendiiiii Uiiiia filed b twrtiy Mlneial i ltiiii. l.oi no. 111? All $6.50 t-IYHF TRANSFFR fnrr ihr rrsuiralion at ourr of Hie adjiiiHIns turloiie mi Minmr im'ral Houioo ritiina alluale in oiieen Or perhaps your blankets, comforters, cur nniiert DltlrltL " prr.ii fiuilli-d uuor turb ia ml', 3rd Avenue Phone 11 SERVICE all pMMin o er. wiih notice, niH-n- lorsienr on I IH Itland. tains and pillows need washing. AH theso i rasr. ioth e trial i: j. nl lh and tlvne ritfioinr Ihn.tir, tiui'i'i'-.vr I" Joe lil'ov.11 ur undr ih-ui. and all penum riaini-Inn 1.7 i a a.iroiiTrr. I'ruvlHre of BrlllaH things that it is so difficult to wash in the II I "luiiiliia. I'n-e Vinei t ivnirlrale An. 14 - Hie land anv iiiirrral In Oy virtue nf any niin-rttlered niairuiiiept. ami 7SS II. ai'lllia IM liehair r maaeir .iui i. home we make a specialty of. Our pure soft arerit fur Art I'eeeen. f m aaid Uly of all peraitiia dalmlnr any aVme inlere lu kmiier, Uie Miner a orlirtral AoJ s.-ill water, fleecy suds and superior drying enable IIm- land by dernl lltla It i:. inteiii auiv iso, itaaa eun ,k- FOR REN ri l Rupert Table Supply Co. SUITCASES of Hit lint refittered v t, ahall under b ihe for provlilnni ever dl.ii aiiw heraof.rmnn.P aiiy for a troo Oraol of us to handle this class of work in a way that i li'I'M and ip-barred (rm ein( up AtH n iuiini TASK i(iTILK tritl ar- no laundress can rival. aaaaa 1 fUJiAklF a.aj .! rianii rtct of tke any to er iu 41. IMMler aerllrm 1 1 n,uat laa Mritirn.it,- . land to auld t'jr Urt. ami the lleyia-lrr before Hie layuanre I of Famished Rooms il TRUNKS ihall rentier lim prnun eo-llllril lii.iminiin-iilt SIKH lerlillflta, of '. "1 Mjhone, or mail us a curd, and wo will umler urh lat aale at ovnar I'tTElJ Um Ifd day of Pet-ember. A. ti. nf Um- land to Mild for tales '' H0. havt our driver call, at AM) WIIKHKAS appll'-allnii has ben C. t. pt8.V mail for a OrtHlrate of Indrfratibl Till HANDBAGS pi in aimve mentionra iton. in ine ran IX. PHOHATV Dominion Hotel DENTISTRY if and oinf wiiilhkah llaiiw.ii. on inveturtiifit inn IM TDK SLI'HKJIK UOLIMUIA.i;ol ur UK umnsll CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY title it appcara nut prior to ine, tsin day Juat Itemodellod and Refurnished Don't neglect Teeth F. M. Crosby of ociobrr. 1916 lli dt on unirn lot 1 TIIK UtTTHl OF TIIK AUJII.MTIIA- your aid laudt tra sold fur nvermie ., THIS ACT Corner First Ave. and Eighth ysal no-ri- I stteated owners I Hereof or Phone One decayed or miaainu Uwtb 715 Third A venue llul - 8 MiiwrwiM- auird oppotita Street, I'rince Hupert a your retpec-life Mrii:ii or Tin, lowers your efficiency I'rince iiaini'. I'upvrt 1'hone ited 4C8 P.O. Cox 353 (-E'llli.K AEWMA., I.CbAtD, TkS- II HTIItM TAkE MOTICE IMI al III TAI t. tain onie I ahall effrt rerlttrsuun In DR. BAYNE , ipurtuinr.. of men application and imii. ..a. VtlK MiTILK Hiai In order of Ilia a-W I Tiuiraw oi inneieiaiiiir line m tij , iii.iu.iir V. Mrli. Viiliii. mad iiw led liar . Office HoursMorning, V to 12; landa in the cam ot "M lltoti.n un of January. A, Ii. mil. sppoinlnl nri.a foAt? Afternoon, 1.30 Ut 6.30; Salur. Chartered Accountant & leal yti take and prnaerirt the proper uniMiiiatraior m ine etitu or Ueoriv .rw. v ... day, f to 12 only. Evening!, and Auditor. prwredinst pi ailtlillih your claim, if man. iMsiHid. aiHl all pariMi liavtnc nanus PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD any, to I ha ttld lands, or In prevent such taaiiial Hie said ealale ar-l-feeh rtfjuirtd Tuesday, Wednawiay and Fri-Bday, GEORGE RORIE pivaaw.; tenon cmi iuy pari. Murerii.li sain, peopeiiy veriAed u me, Phon i3. Sa Parker, Mgr. from 7 to 9. IIATEP at Pie Land Hepiairy nrnee, Mf or berwre Hie i n. day M Iriirutrr f Karl Small. C.A., VancuiiraT and ITirire Huiiert, H. C, Hill (410 day or A.J: ll, and all partita-Indebted to the Careful t Wnt Urn rivvp U U ordr lor Plioca liuperL Auruat, A. P. HIO. reiiuli-ed are DENTAL NURSE IN ATTND4NC OSfale to pay lite amount of funitur,friirnt. bMggm or frthvr I'HONK a7 P.O. Ilea ii. r. MACLroo, llHMr indrblrdne.. lo me forllimnu. SO IS. raoNB 109 roK ArroiNTMCNTjg Federal nulldinic nutrl'l Realalrar of TMIet. JUII.X II MMI.i M i, ORDERS TAkKW ro COAL and WOOD Not Cfcanir of AilirM aad f ban fC W, if. f.tana Crown Oranlee. IllilaSal iotiu Paul 4 i'ik Haul, saittitd oautti. Pa i til iiii- iiu j i)i Mil: