PAOF I THE IUtIT NFWa BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM well why Dorr you t'LL JOVT VOVy THE )Y, r T i i v. srs VCAK A white taOiT ocht hex. efr Niu OCT M-OO AM COOMT tM Pel TCM CLCANr p Yea can'i 'mm LtKlT THC MAJORITY T1KT ? feel so good LOVJi 1 e 'J-inrm. i 1 1 i T'i A OlOC ILL i IK but what H? I n will males you S e T I 3 V" II J A I ! II I 1 ik I . I f ".TV' Wf .HI, frel better. 1 " 41. 1 l 4 I II A- .1 P" I V . II 1 M 11 Lbi "a a I VIMI 1 I . AN. , II .r er- V. w m I I ' "X V II S MIIL W M v I -J II ". "l II f " I - II I J i 4f il ' ORMES LIMITED Office Space '' ' '- ' 1 . 'lIUJL-, JTT3t"M'"TM II I 24 feet by 38 feet Ihrnwah the winter anewfdiwa; b i Particularly suitable for LIVESTOCK FOR an enVial of the tiarpenlrtr' Professional Man Tnhn, who rea-arel Uie situs'tun Cottonwood Classified Ads. News EXHIBITION AT !a ery AeriowA. !' Daily For Rent The unefitpthferi riirpntT. 2 CENTS PEK WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Arivertlm-nt Tkn for La llin BOc DDTWrC DTIDrDT,,l,,,M a ,pe-,, Peenle of Panelling Upstairs in oar Building I Alll Oil IUrijll " "" fwwt. hae had a WKTB. FOR RENT CORSETS .mJ4erahle tnereaiM in Ihelr Oliver Typewriters IranLa (nun th hvitan ilna. Hlln rcW)ir-, ',.r I ItNIMKH St ill To KtXt YHHrTK mad to nreW. Mr. at Chippewa anti erth remneal. Wlly! SI Loui ll.,oio. IMerne Ited 'J I I iler.-tor Blue MS. tf a)ake 11 Cary fireproof Safes & Atsociation tibn Interior askinq men were recently diehared, Ontrat Hot.l. 1 7a inlaw '.. aHHt.H' to 8EWINQ. from other out-of-town jl. Apartiii.itl rent, tn Vaults.' ee vatr Hlark l&ll If Th- Northern II. C Arieul-i .1 .KM It l. "iwtnif a?t Third tlil'di. 1 Lots & Howes For Sale 1 ri imd rnliiiri AwMwiation Till: l aerr r..erty at Xlr-li BOATS FOR HIRE. M'l.ue If. And it i KUiinir t-i,- I" hrine; a ear-load The Man In the Moon II. lt.(V i till for ale lu PR!.Vi:F. IUJPF.HT IMiAT IUH av eth. "I rrai-tf-,rt pwre hml n iaaaaadtaie preaer hut USt AIT. Dybhavn & Hanson uvewk from tlx- Hutttftf Valley SAYS:- will he Withdniwa on inly M (krveraanenl Wharf. l.auncbeeJ ' Awat fH,,M' ei r..r i th KaW Fair ne mile fmni depot ..a O.TJ'. row. rewtt.aU. canoe, ; eniaalu Insurance Asreat. Third lJi year. Ili mailer vm di-r OSK ,4 ih tMnaa afaai do nd and adtere the Prinee hire. Lauarh 'Pachena....." f. ioel rrtr' i Avenue, Prince Rapert unwed at Mi- rteetiiw of lite arl ya aiiywhxi vina to! Pnlp P wr I mm i to i lewiua. paaeenaern an4 reeichf. i . i t- , . i .1(rri t..- mrnl a) a etr leee) in a hpc ear on . railway Oilier are aakina Far harbor trip, lure one of frl .lil E. H. rrom ttte lieparlmeal f Aari--iillurr kHntr. prireii ftw property here, Idal aar twenty-two f.4 IlK aeii f. Shocklcj I uaa-'X4ii4 I be exhiMI a ddn. Heitlemewl haaafnt unaraei- run ine riuiii. otir- ' wi man awi aMtea ea ftaaii Planing Mi:). wao rettd.' Thr ncialkn ttmy A.VOTflKft Ihiaa thai no) ; aae a keaaon hy aaNrna mf aaW Hr boat are fe aaal VX?, . naM -1 raa Ma 1 Mil.1 awe.a H , Prlnee Rueert, H yow far i ieimiata t. reliable. ph,.ni n.-d 3vl. If ktmr rawa a wm'i 4o kC. pay the Iran-p orlalimB rharee aahi. Ffl -ll it at a anv. iiihk. Milt Accidentand jem the plaao Monl aad aot gain Write 1 i.. a Mat m ante j if ewh an -KUrhil eaa he dkt-urned. we hr,,. -J-t,Hhona nar the water. PWe iit- ilr' !- ".i i full of the h'rripl.iii ptp-1 mt-L. i. 1 MrV ran bickness Oimmer-ial ha-th 1M year criy or eeii arnai ami " in. A a nteanamrary it I oaer asare rnO-a'of a.aa vr prinewee "f beiiea laflprer HI Ak eoadwcl-T to M yo fi TUITMN. awe W aaMM ' i.eav Dilversides fa trrenl viorlU. (Hir araad-' eaaaar aweiv a r a hxa Insurance ?inr- rearernlaltve than any at t'hia dr of fldwwrda'j' raaui. .it (ho a1 Already antae Mar mother rolled an lan-ir lee Waawdi. llh-hoH. tW'.. IT.' KrENV wwU i rained" youth and iaiIM 1 t and roll1 ' our araaddawithler firi oBWt in be Laiia-ht lb" Second Stmt Vou are not immune froan ut.iide fi:-aae are ia Hfimuai- .1 fcrwa their MtN-kuaa. FOR a.u.F. t:rieket eleanenl of ihii.t early and LAa CT Areiiinl or Kicknna ilhT aiioa with the hoard on the I n firat cl rondiiion. Inattr accurately " liu.str 'VtaMC nf MVfWfaiia To rM.T tv at hoinp or traeiTt. A H'-r with th.- iiil.)ilm of ,A OfHMP fS lKXT w .i.i (7 leet. Jo II I' I 11...n eayine 1 M f Malt av -1... so. "V eea.aUa m WALLPAPER al rrtiina; lh"ir KMd ia IMe tejrm- W V. t ! IJ Policy in ona nr If we think Iloh FKrarda lonnuj. (o Ion. Apply! eMwe 3n. L'oS8. ftwwi T eiaaia lnnanie will irerly aad Xellie Mh:iui will .it auk-fey to f.herle, V Mci.rath. Kilka. 1 IJaeMr las tea 4i. UMt tr.aarVl rxataaa Mai proviW for you and your Another -li-af insert le fa t mde in the Alherta leirita-lure. Aiaakav If H AVIMrTV PMY I. l',-.few aWd Wiillave, frm fcaaart, -apallaa Nr that m?r! t family ilurinp any diaaihly i.uie tii !(! f-ti' I t kieti ". Nellie might Unv- I TearWr af ioiw and Piano. A aaaBaaTaBB.aaottarib.aaBBBBaaaaeBl t naw J b !?S af agHaa fegaAVaMan.Ma Our Pollry will interent will iiKltnie no- ratiuiio pnw over iuMie wf the pace of IIh- F1R iAI.K .r na typewTiler ia limited etuaiber ,':f i,-rrt naareX;vr?,jri for rxhilnl of ?ard-n vfpetaMae rWnd.ii- weifca . . - Prices you. uanaier anauai if he ayd tliat aoM ti. only eewtea. Pawn lUnr rn.i. it aaaae ea taeiai i iann r ata. awaeai .nd llie priae offrra of the W, ear. tsrn' p.niti.i- aiol fulda ia - aWfty aaaae. a.- aaa areaw aw eft f ewreetrr ra i amgi eneawi a& . Prince Rupert VI Ire Kuree S-ed Co. and I ! rae I'nee HAIRORESSINQ. awei aae lenawi ati aem aaara ar ranging Kerry jed TUB fineel gainer at a woman " r h ai iaii Crcamds ImprovementaJ Uum kr la tW Matt. ..f , H-, K'l' r M lw 4Mia Atan Teal Ialllr IIAlRrHlHWIfl. Mar- .' 7 na. itf 1 12e Insurance ja.ixi; oiav an.ja rifle, ata aw eel waTrnc. ahaenpoinr. Hine oaar m-tai. t a.r 1 - iTai-i Ural' A rf-tltt of the HayrM ity. wiMrt Mime of ihmi r rarv' 1 aircar To he een at Manuan Mr. I if?. Hair Uyaine;. tealp treau -ouple itt BUllthw 4o I . laiee held a ihiaa, apparent ( Agencies, Ltd. if. i announced that j al Oorr. or phone Hiaflk aaent a aaeciall, T.mtm J"' I. karw r 1 e 1 i the Sinl. 0 tiieri' arae a miiii of nearly tlr- MRS alwewld feawaiw hew they! ial. tf. mmm wteja lor peaueinen ati.t ear aifni . n r'.i ira finest P.O. Drawer 1632. Phono 130 traaafar laatioaa for Udle. their wtrew. Reeen tioi) available Tor loipneyei fly a lt,l tnn, iaawe Second Avenue JR HALF-riral-ela e Swttalies. aaeeVv op from Mdie' '' aesar rr haattit Panama new of the around. Tbi wfH hftlband a Roller rauarte. ? 4 ana waai -pent in proidinK aeeiMNlHoda. feat aM Uh bfo wife M coi ibree pair. par own aofltMeaja. Hr A iiarmkr i tf aer !-.- n. ! rmai. P.O. 120 fkawll B01 pair. Rex Barber ?hne. 9talkj aHfiP aaa auaik i..i ........ 'MS. late a taeei ii.iu for -wuleide hMda), alt na.( . .Mi leaf eentae hpyer - 11 ajar raw rMW la BaaBi af ..I ' out Phcaar 7. ltfti Street. Ftunert. lu C Pboew Itlm. eat. seen e acta, la re-iotwt thin rer eetHreni eaine araHJtL aad of fared bh hrs w 1 euaa .v at ArroiMilie Hill near the Aari-. wife fhtr totter, far M ewd Ue HAI.R Ftddaaa Hahy Htteur 7 a. j ' - - -u 1 '! ceJiate aT rrtta. PrOteCf Gar- ultural Hall, M It fff feet (he twa dollara v,ud coawilhsa. Apply 97 BICYCLES fyat t tar 11 1K1 11 tot at or aani-K lite tsporlx Oanneittee i work- uprefM. Ambrose Avaanea. ?s! I 1 wait a '-- . .. 1 1 Hr(TkT.fJ!ff. RFPAIRS. pH.TK i raoar tna hard fm the eeurina m ai- a.l in in. SMI lor -I Wa I .l.fc. .4. f. - ments ractioiiM (jut wlial form the Si'tMHOXH hewetaa the I a M FOR HAI.K -Kauri ish p-ranihul-, AM) TIRI The PliitKi f aiw . I will lake k;i not yet heeiv defia. hoatie say Mieaelinie it a alor. iu a-iMsd rondttioa. Aa3t, 41 7 lh Acnue L. XA.&XSt li itrly derided. The commit lee wiaoaliytd htajl aad sometimes a -'! PftMtne IHue 3S7 If H aawtMl -4 mi m nl aan a iwcji t i j from Moths - lilt ".illra a. tn aa I j JeartsTb( i loulli to niaie adtauoe an-ii..iiiieeui-nl a FtiH HALF. -fHC Newspapers; M. II MTNIK till SttfM: MkM . hi; AUCTION 8LC. mhb etaaav. aaama mm Th :to- iu tin rrjcanj on AMO.Va lh tMage thai bundle 5few tHfire. I lar "" h."S r.eairxi i.. a ik Mast1 arrount of I be fail nr.- of (be ea-ItUtlir. AlMlN Wdl tl-l.) wis tn .iatn Itt'iJ tmf ttmm Ma l fared Ho ,HeJe I e ;il . Itan't hope that inotlot will not VH. ywu aaywhare h .ittina d.ear lll,l,.)l.yul),n mmA ' i u a 1 1 hw a iai model tn M wliich w;i to bae been Tat-1 Paatalhs Hi'S-k. Me...., (.r. I I uu e areas ess.ina .. ea ruin your gareat thht aeaatMi. ami werittag MiHMwtue woata in lit. m i .. nwurvns Present . lorin. Asia TradbM . tf I.ieti-!i iierc. to arrive illhuii1i nue on V'ediea.ay. July at ! t e er'e'. Haa.M hut Make Sure. arte yoal l4t r for a pietih- -1 . h i:a:it llrowa wade iueh a bold t pm, -apastetUiK .t oak .i.n li-'lah ji so lia ett pi.-. Iry CleaniHf wtl poaithret hut unforlunaie at tempi to pel IT wa a wejilreaa at a Ua-itl music. iaay asjala. ahhltoni.t .. r., t. eo a. i ia. twhsewf the dextmy any ega an Uay and to Prince Rupert laai fatl. cafe wta wlaea a euadoM-r rr- FOR VOI R NIKT HASCF. or o-cil ebaia, baal. flpisetv v.sH.oaairf put hard to delect -winch niotha have Interior Co-operation. MArketJ the rain reminded bun e. pf. rryee, I .-to-tate Koailiak haiiy hua-ajy. i.i.iuo-plafer. Purrba. 1 ' Prince it deoill. The AKjMM'iatiiHi. lhi ear, ie f the fhtawi. aatd alee had not ; Orche.ira. Mmoe Mine 23. tf oil liee ric. I'li l.n TRY a makina freal en4rv.r to e. heart) of I lie Rowd far she lotdi Kvttl 4 flu., Vm i wmeer 1 7 i erne pn. Hefore you park away ynwr cure the "f the AUTOMOBILES. I be Mtne ' New d eeen llie ilaily for liravy winter trariuenU, let ua Iry iniertttr in' Miakiiiic the fair an two nr Ihree days. lUt'F.ur Motor Ci ilsaler LAKCLSC HOT SPRINQS TryFULLER'S Let ua nuMh'la Clean Ihrin f..r you. oulMlandin ucceM. Title ne-cVditily ... Tt'-.. I .irs aad Truck. Auto, MKFIJIK IMT PRIMi.H TM We ui in more ami more real-hted V GOIUtnei'OMiKJiT ask. who) terms.' Tire fer Line. in. cpalrs. acces-K010-. 'eeMl.nd rar ui4 Canadian Steam Laundry eery day and l r.-ur rep Iut Ilia Jwy In naya Credkf fid Ford purls ajway truck froeti Tnr.i...Vi riu CartsJ resentation are liemy made (n ho put lh Ow in tm Mayrt In t.. k. CtHwmercial bodies paeieiira, frahrhi- aad Pacific Phone 8. I he fanner of the HulUey and and why then' i ne iu-rn at luiill f.r asl purpose. Let aaaw Rates: 13 p. r hts.h aeti Refreshing and Invigorating other valleya to aaaiet by eand Slith Avenue WM Prince Rupert Jueen llhaiitdle llaad-T An-j u 1111.' you a price on yiair Way o $i return if online i.itrk Unequalled In Value L'MITfD ina rihibtU. The nmrnrmg of other want to kaow vh-r- Jlo-y1 Dealen i-iir Ix .ly. TaytW A MtHire-li..iir. ansa cay. Freiirhl m. l.1K..,a Chevrolet a Mve lak evhihit will he a dead heats, why u htioyi i 5J. Imry PHONE 1 orner Third and Ninth one rent per pown.l. h,..i 60c lb. t'-p in thin direction. never beetimes 4 fjiaa? and which' Aveiiiir. , If all train. Pn.nit .'inn-'U EDSON COAL CO. 1500 CARPENTERS tuilor.ant. in town inakaa a d"K - NOTICE re uu inforsnatieaa.I drivinar. lirookniu ire ..i mI.-for a 3 lbs.. $1.70 i W.l.t. f C Prlaee WaHe. Tetrae. It f. n OUT OF WORK IN lin.ewt T make fooJ ImiiI freeh. Shamrocl for the beat BIGGEST RAFT EVER Urn or h Ualii the raaap re. FOR SALT LAKES. drawn water; staid out the CITY OF TORONTO 01 en. offiea iMMera will be (raea leaptd: add the water to the Alberta Coal TOWED IN NORTH WAS 7 to pjR. Ikslloli on ih UHl SALT l.a.iiM li i lea leatea directly the water TAKEN TO OCEAN FALLS July 1 .aventhifl proceawJHMre every day etnept J..n.uir aad bolls. Itul llie water' mul Phone 58 TORONTO. Junr 17. TIhtp are rcaoy. 1. II. IturrtfUKh. IlraiMh Tuesday, at 2:1" nnd he bulimy! Butter tMW rariefitiW' out nf work ln K.., r. Melnlyra lllaek. t.ny. Wnlaesdtajr aad rtaturiays. Ak for Fuller's Tea unioni Tuft- Lnrne arrived baek yeeler- Prince Rupert Feed Co. I in onto al the pn-K-nt tiriK. . room r, Phone, JMI tf. ! a m 4w. tv 11 .i a euary sywer froat It In . SPECIAL p. and non-union, who have lilUe nay rm iwesn ran aiur ium. Comer 2nd Ave. and 7th St, I of ol.tiiining rmplnymeiit '" "'r" a rafl "ntalrti Ta heal on fandaya, Utmtm Frye'e Plcnlo Hams, for a HAS THE. prospri to earn siiffinent t.. . arry them twn and a half mlllhtn feet of logs. - iy a ffond ileal Ihwa they, hoallioiise ..veey ?o n,,imla. few .ln ..nly at 32o lb. vntl HAVE 1 n..- ....r 1.1 .. i .. had tin- t me last year. l'lrwae lird 1"t. ITinr. M,,,.ri lllia was HB Ml(rii rait ALWAYS WANIJ JlMallteMae. f a aar Ther?J?:svo!ce '.r WOODWARMUYS AN "SUMMER nESOftTS. A' for H TORK'S for digestive disorder hat been Mme pert Lumber seieeted from Uie their I'Htiee rut at EDMONTON CIT1( LOT KIHIIINO HrtATIIK. livrillNtl. TOM LEE CO. P RiirnsS s SELL. Ueecham'tTulaYoucanhavecon 'xhannan Hay far pain porpoaaa Mpand Mpr waekeada aad HI.I. Sin Avenue. Weal fidencc ia this remedy for blliouf T0VES. nee, headachea, flatulency,con. whlrti were not Jllfaaad of bat l-.liMt v roN. Julv 27. r.iurU. nW asMr at l.WHe Cii iiu. HMfTTJl J Uipatloa. lussith orcans axe Iwere alored in ta ftash water at U.m4wii.i haail of th hK lsJ Write fau. Terrace, u f: If VeOCTABLII w 3 stimulated and the whole tyetem nnver t.reea. .paj iiu.m sluaaa Vkikauuir. Wholesale and Retail " MIRRORS benefitted by Tli,ra(t wa aompoaef: of a ha- jo.t puiiWd a veatuable (lancral t.ontrnclor and Fred Stork's Hardware fhivU raft of 7 feet and buu.. loLiftllllaward Aemoe MIKWOIUJ AND HrHII.VBRISJn Lahar Kiebange rp UBlJ BEECHAM'S about ofly aealione Hat. jui l l. , tU fshmm for Mstt.itM OF Ml KIM. Second Avjenub lleaoria from Oeean Falls ll i- m,, ri.-d the iimi.. it will t; .hi K. it. PrlieM llopert, 11.0. IMIONC UtACK 1 14 ta Wa PILLS Sail ara...'r M rata thai al nrescni there jirr mih , , m t-oiiioi ii.n wiili a Phone. Hlii.. .Md.naa, PhoeM BIT P.0, Hot 7J& LE E ser-- ,aj fttm Caaaa UvafaVf HeUllon feet of I'.n- on. I., i, i, ,ie. limn in.'. trP. ii Baasaasaaaasaaaseaa m m L 1 J