TUP. DAILY NIAV8 PROSPECTORS SEARCH Populqr nnd Rclinblo EGGS SELL HIGHER WE OFFER for Sale an Excellent Dwelling Sile at FOR ELDORADO, BUT EDMONTON MARKET Westholme Theatre i corner of Fourth Ave. and Dunsmuir St. on Graft FAIL TO LOCATE IT Retail Now at From 40 to 45 :: 7I Csnts Oottn. Dairy Butttr a Hill. Good drainage which will ensure dry basement HT. JOHN. N. II. July - t 35o to 40o. TONIGHT ONLY From Victoria County conn-n ln and grounds. Sewer connection. Good view. story of pold-hunter ruvniwi'K I.IM" l" N. Inly -are over llif 4HHiiilrv drained bv l - it4 ellins; at from kOr in t fyaTi I I i in Close in. Excellent neighborhood. The price is A npnhe 'TUVor owl piiiiiiiiiu Hi. HT doi'ii on the It - Hi..-Market, and t lb nfrrnm in u o( 5 . an tlrcae i $800.00. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Phone 96 of the yeJItAvv metal. I'mnp di-reil oer tlie preMi w-.i. I r fit lhrf from All i:r t ..f The price "f -M hn h'-n . :nim .-mil I ! I nlled Stale.; Iho gradual iih Iiim for the a-1 the mo I !! h'iunmI miner of IHOIlt.l Ull'l ll l-tliall 'I tlM- II lOc CIGAR WltBTBTFOBKBIAr the ronlmt'iii mi' neekina; to creased fr in .'4e to tV M find o-old dial h i been vaitil demons) in iiui c.uil I f .- in "ought for inanv yearn. Union Mad im Vtncourtt .lippty Slut Will' ,.f I lit- deal": "KEEP SMILIN The Uilirloii loili- it what Sloe 1904 .llSj of tlie i.plllM'n thill tile I'M. "er ,,! "'" fr. I'lMLjUlO Is n.l Ii vt, '!"'A " 1 if th:il gold tin bwn a favorite woMe lime lliiiry luillei li t enough miRtHn ui of the rock Universal Trading Co. 'ii N"v llmnwiefc for year and to wake a rin f n lmiiilf. The ni mere.. ) priee ami . many a IciremJ ha rrnlmt alMHtt story spread through the 41 -trtrt ilium nl from li i- ihf IokI lode. like wiMfire. Imt liilh rto.Hi in.lllnl ilep. i il.llK U"ll the ipi.il Special Bargains An Hi title ot n ltmter refued to tell where he ha1 lly. Thi in .Hi .IHi ie.i.i- ..f V cruiser look a caice party "t'loSrEt up tlte rock, l ater ht ier muiiI omt I ant w-vk. in ufmr amy year it.ro i m. i.an. .,, .....j -.ihoiil RiMiln writ "fferi-d in l.ir. look over the woods hi 1he rWMlWK frtnlll' ml iia i:-ii.'I a' Mu 200 Dozen IM Hidden eeret. k 2,000 Yards upper watera. They parsed a Since I hat time m n t xi .1 en 'II r " er -re on Hi. landiiis: known a liihertaoti'a mIM.Ial deellM. Ile.'tn. i l TOWELS tlona bate hrr f .rm. -l I ne. : OUTING FLANNELS now. nail um ilintaoee further fnr I lie Vein, titil e e tl m rastf," ra l -to -. Iiirnipn ,n d Huckaback and Dark ii (llfrertson weitf aattore and leen able to litrale n T!nn ea- tobjl W.'le .'lllliK ill pel ImiK' a colors, special Turkish, Special ordered Ihe men with him I l a srsteinaHe n. ii vh in Ih-iii c of Hie il.ler. ill .i I 20c per yard'. ri-lum to the IhmMiik. Whert rrm.lHHe.1 and iM.rman and isa- J ' ! aoji-t,-itnH 25c each h turned up again within two are hHna; made e!i n-ie- Jlice I inetie. f. i to. . v. Noun, he 1 1 ail in his hand a ly. The searcher elaim to hae 4loe. rrer-" . rlilicrinT rock which he loaned nade ilisr-iwrifn Mi .t in t., ile or more dealem and at price, 2 D zen 8 x 4 25 Dozen 42 in. int.. lh raMM' With the remark. the Mffencr ia the di.lriet of v' ' f"- ' -in . If that (fold, I raiv lond a tow gunntil'e of ir.dd. hut , for 2 r W'Te III Itiirl m I 'le arire BLEACH SHEETS PILLOW CASES toal with it?' TtH fork wan tar the l-eati 01 of Mo- liihert i lliaml. (Mil 'i aloes, were -ff.r-!el lhe Palace of Special brought to the HIIfnrnt anil loile remainn a inlery ly four or fle dr 'i-f ami i' Special for three year it fer ed to Aiuall quant it ie. w ere in n r 1 $1.45 each 35c each kf" a iVetf often. s;imn ileniand. I liiit for an luuli THINK GQYERNMEffr One dar n..stranger, a iieolo- U ikf IhT liUihel. nppcsrM t1i necne nn.l Dc-jfe-jed Windows' lftt, 11 OF HEIGHEN DOOMED - ook TiollTP of the dMr weiejnt h . lb; UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. H.- oflii) it wi filial Willi. poM Arms wtImmI' prdwl ytni ee n ami it i claimed that he ilun Member for Thras Rlers, ue- .in. .,, -,,,1 Phanes U, on. Direcicd by Henry Kolker HELGERSON BLOCK bee Says Alberta Election 1- ei y Mrin wi be a daily newn rilONE 370 S. K. SHANE, Manager .1 i:IULiTTE ISLtMiS. Points Way. IHtper c--'-ier They know 1 . , Burton Holmes Travelogue Tk not Umi t tmttni u rrr K tN WINNU'FJ. July 7.- f -d-ral to prwfrrt for MMrtl S1 .trNrii skKS.it 1 tin ni n rater mti t nw. aaa appa nf land H hlBjBniA: ettwlton Ih n fj II ia prar-'kally VI ki n iMthioTTS 11 M. ComJy anJ Pathe Review OBBJiiAOflSr l O" F"" a certainly, and le Aia-ns Annta! eararr m - -.i. ip. i Take atiSIra MaU I MMraAl to ABII b On- oraam lm4. K. . m. ; s. w. c. f the time ajtnl to the defeat catef tummwt M iawh f.w u-.n-. Prl No Advnncc In WEEK-END f s notb fftSwiaA. mi is rMHu K twftvi Of Ike M. .ae..,r.irnl. nr. ZIT&VZ T'SS. VrrXX""" Of IIHWH'WIIIUAI. 1 e..B. to Jue, Bureau. J2-Vs-TT .''. Lla MtF !!. 1W1. . SPECIALS menvper rnr i i '-e him r vie mmm. aartea t s . t i ,K. 1. Onfna. .St, A - . u . .1 t ,v '' i' "Him I, ,an a. a.t rkalaa, rant SS ttmuu tu tnal ml The EMPRESS THEATRE Mccormick's family package rrM.rns m i- rr,-i,,-,i. it u.i. .iTK-e .kr.t"t nir. ni Twi t mat wct or andra holH. sir I; n'- u. ac .Mi,,, iipu-.. I.'III. I V I I (! 11 I'llFI.IHI, ll I.HAIVI OT I.- IVI..VI. UirataAj Wat rtaS. Iti Soda Hisi-uils $1.25 noMtpanieAl hy hi. ife - . i.e'-n A. A. t)reNtll . WH. TUN GUT A NO TOMORROW stork and v at tuirtiy I.Uinl. Inure fMirt Tit. BoiIrA tlMl I lata-urf la AilV S Hr I n t rnii This i fresh nmir rmrt omii..h of L far Msif vtaHttts' relalre i.i P.rutin. crisp and the biggest rii ontiT. jiotier AiKi n"i.niiff rnffim- ,, BraAtl. f"f Mtural m m mHmm HUI. 8nKStchew..ll. : ti I le f. r kll lnli lllnnil' T IMnTNl' T of ti..r It lit. nit ln rm m I ttw Al.li t Wh.rf V of Ia1 n Tottow., . i.i' rri Ntkiorif. imin value on this market li.rM Inland. ITlnr Hafirrl Htrlmur. riAMDinrlnr I r H'"" leavina- fr Ihf en' will in H..i-un Iniiiw Mtd berrtrk un tHU io1S.a raraM of W l. f. IS, .. ' today. SIa.1I llr. Pnnrr NiiDrrt. flrtlwm IrliaS. narked X V. M.'( S. r. C . Kreneh aeUiesnaiStn Il.e ...ulh , ELSIE JANIS McCormlck's Uiscults Assorted Tlw blibcAi or (i lniW aerrtAartly iheaea north rttam. etl wHium, of Winnipeg. I . aewyri . aalyl t. Aaa pi rrrird. iifratli a riMia rtti it Hum ut fn.ol Xeinon FfnRers, j. r. rtiititK.. "The overt of I tie HlfaH ,- ,,,,,. M , bmm mHmm M lllcc Cookies, Fancy Cake lUAirMi miumti Mnt,Itl.trx i Cartnrer. ffovernntent in Mxtla i a plum !ry-fln5aiiffi TT 5 r and Supar Crisp, lb. 35c IUArtlnMI of I'uaHc Wurkt, Cau4t, ilMfkmlloa mf vrkat Will ll 1 ) l to aVan- AoaM, a rtSMw MS rkaW IN Vlrurw. S. I . S rkala.. sa Aa. a, am V 3 Jbs. fop $1.00 I WWW aiw-wsis aapava ...t-a.i I'tMaWIMiraMMH McCormick's Fruit, (linger if OiCEl CHtSLoftl ISUkSlfS. iMlatwa. il Mr. Hur -nu. The ' --ii Mat '"4, ' 99 "The and Tourist )icuils. per Take l4ir Uul I MM4 St lrf4r V (AAntpia iu AllkHrta had n t!miif , j Imp rater rjjliAli)r nl Ltm tor anaii U . J. ..I t ... lb. 35c; 3 lbs. for. . .$1.15 k, HwaKi for Mlur.l r mm! ariiulian itfraiHai rrnnirr - M MSTM T WtSJ. T ' McCormlck's Assorted Cantor oirnr Arrw uaa no: they thnessh-ei r Hu e f ir a f fkl e naEmiTTI im asm. j T1MBEN SALE, i cfnmmrmw Al A wh i Kisses, lb. 40c; 3 lbs. $1.15 .r r ftrrtlaa If. Tp. . ehanice. Moti. Kraitk ol. r t ld Tea sax i aw wis Aay a, ta. nrtl.klt TE.ink'NS lll br rrlti l orikan InUaS. amt ifMrkaS A. A. M 1. t. r.aaajAAaAraiAr af laan f B Quaker Ilrand Flour tttr MIMAtrr of I AH Si Al Vwof inut kttrr i; Ihmrr mmUi rluHw. AI PkakaA, in. it., uvaika avai. akwii I wi i- in iu mrtrntmrn a aaaaFai ft mm ai ima 3cmmi.j Shaiaw" Epuo e 14 Oun imow a IM Ski a af An rati, ltl. t rbAian. hh dukM W fnaWI 'iilBOSltoa. Ihal HifWurt - iim- ar ttaa af laaa oaie 49-lb sacks $2.85 rnr IN- fiarrkAA f UreSII XSK. U rut f nniiBnmnnit I'ure Strawberry Jam- - ;a.l0 UmpS fra af nriK. Oater. linn- LmwI Mav r-)t. Iff I erikaarnl would defeated JUStl'tUt Hi 'ZUTT? tr "T CoaisJ aaJ Topics cf lbs Daj hM-k iHd 6(laa; tn.SSS Th-t And W.SSS i , A. A. MrfHtlL. LarAlaf. He deelareil llw-t the H.mini, "' 4-lb. palls 75o Hwal fnti uf Culr. ma rtltae' ua aa srr A. J. OurSun. Airal 2- tojutuia I., tti. skMot Kiwf. arir ru- povarartaSSH anoSHO State ihiip in ra. aval t-aaia. Carnation Milk. .7 tins $1.00 iiiaii. HAIUrr i DlAtrlrt. I Limit II tins lo each T year will lie lUawed for rniKitrtl ;th teuutry souse titne mco. am. tfrue.Vn i. of Ulnlier. with the rasult of theMedM-me tut . I wnM.a, t.ai customer. lurltwr pArlliuUr. of tar :aief F.-rrlrr. Virv.ru. U '. . IMAliiri ruFCAler. True- We Recommend ny-ehnriiosi. and the w . i,i .ks i tt imstw w inrai ' .. Del Monte Pineapple l.iilil H V im ..iu. for Vl.u.riA B i: July . ISf I. NfMorie. of the fiir...er. n I- 3 tins $1.00 twr-U.. he did not ii ., iv J- . Mas i imwai i- m Del Monte flieed Peaches There uui n.. o. lui ii '' e.-aanMiMaarr af I aarf. tnt , h,,-v..- it day coiil,I l- H'ni. .... .1 any . , et u, .r.neci aainrAl ann rn-imk. 4 tins for $1.00 want H llo et-iaaiH.-d v FIVE . awa bmm w r..n... Uk.A II w. i i.-.l do frta lel Monte 1'ears anaa m Ana ptan.. ,i t. I7c no o out Unit Premier Meiutirn imsdil tiamAt I rait af nactAna 11 Tr. 3 4 tins for $1.00 emrT. A a . n r i I lliltt" I" PliA III ..t'lit.i.ii ill.ill f0-ti amsa SB . An r.. w '11 1 e above canned fruit US aa AWsaa. aaat S rfeau.. tai . r R about Prices, Atuiiint i ua a' rwauli - f re. enl ma' brag special will not be sold ainrrwaaa. n MONEY deveia.pmelll. ai the en(. retire UnraiWi Wajr -aaaal. Itfl ta at these price in less ROSES . .. H WrlHAII I.! than f 1.00 lots. I Hnatl.twr.f preiinern 1.11,1 W Mal.lM.al wimm-'lit..1 I Ihi hia tA. r-f, n IS but Cash Priai Sea I'earl Sordines - V . . A.IK1A .l.ktin MSTMH T l.l.TSI. r pOlitlcai HIS i-Ilia "SOUld lue to, OASSS (.NASI iiTTk ll tllm 6 tins for $1.00 Loit fi tti elswtioi. i always prepare Tahn saSafe tasl I lat arf Ai.ly ,. are Llbhy's I'ork and Ileans, 2's TO FLOUR ProhlbUlcn In .Qjeboc. "B1MBSL!f ' ' 2 tins for 35c; dozen $1.90 V I . , .1 .... Ik.. " 'T 1""' ib oar nan arna av ajaja aa r.II..a. Shelled Walnut, per lb. 600 pr.h.l.ly of Ouehe,- , r, Prices. I'earline In 20-oz. pk. the lll of inrtriK'en wli. -fiite .-SVuUTV aaat fAlaaS aaHMM A w 2 for 25o for big healthy ilelerl.iine.l in fa of pr.d.ihi- 'Jl7h rkSwieTi: tX, ai -h.l.o.1 While Wonder Laundry Soap LOAN I,c dee,.rS-J tW dt.,H.n, ..-JJSJ s 3 for 25c; 13 for $1.00 bread that looks I loll of the hi each Baople Would I A. . HreHAII l-iior ' ' Palmolive Toilet Soap - not .eriiiil Una sltkle of uffaim 1- h 'hfy- Our Kegui r M 11 for $1.00 better.cuts better, In mine Mro meial nkftst I.Atn fiTkliT ih-'hm On Improved Property ernmi A-toTT. ,., t Finest Ontario Cheese - law. eon. votln. pro- I 2 lbs. for CSo on Long Terra eats better, --re.,t there .SJIe Tweed Maid of Clover Creamery that a inuiiiripaJlty or a rounly ..nri fur atiwal no ai.1 r-ir'.ia- Duller in bulk 3 lbs. $1.25 Mortgages keeps better. "..h. t ,., tavur of vtoto-rZSSttl& We buy American Cuiv tiou and in two yaara be ix-nuil- r11 "f.r" i T'-. " led to atrain . spreaa an opinion, tarww aarOk ss rkaiaA. ai rk..,. rency, Silver, Gold or McCaffery, Gibbons & Sales Agent Crop, are lrokin fine In " iJaa. ss rtia. v. pntsi r BilU Doyle, Ltd. John L. Christie norlhern ha-ttitlrliewaii. to naid. I i4sMl Msr ttaS. ISft A. A. Ui-rUAII. I in-tMM- Suits INSURAMCI AND RCAL UTAH thii district in wbiei) hi reUtivea , , OlAlkUlL Aval Trine B.C. eiXAA 11 Sr At.. Rupert, lite eH-lnif to to t5' .t. M.1MfT -nl.Tkii T t it Rupert Table Supply Co. buehel an acre frufu their wheal in i.i MUlTlt l.ttllA lauds Ta! BaUiw last I lakeaS tn u n- AT PHONES 211, 212. i an aaavaawr ar i iaai t-.r a iirn.M tn MjaaM far aitael IH ak.i tir..i. m, Just Enough o CM ser of land aa lull Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. "Wan i iuei.. aaush of a Kstli- wraCfas iaiw1 .if im aatu..n h A ptm s. rp naii.ifNi iir.vu it,. riliK to .... .hip 'l-rir'jjSgfj Room It Snath Dl ck tkea Lol. IwSAWSJ, Wlfn. a,tv- iheaas awtak aaji an ,!.,.' m 1 rV aa eaaa., iu I laain. U. . i ..f -aV lit had b. ci dOWtt to the wharf. i-IIMMI Ikr .....ih $2451 The Inlander Sole AfCOtS "Yannuli Iiaw tsna it muni oun rf aaeaas Tp S. MM -..UIU lull lil a ioin ASSfsd JaTkr fd. t f Uil CUtt Boarding llxita 'AUil wn I he jrvrtl t'Hiiiill M.A. f.S. Oordaii.ci.AHkC.As-'ii itti,r t9(b.haJ AauA i'boM in liMM IMr All 1 f I a I i' A. KoAkalai, PrrWlur r i.i .loubtfull- .ley -ra.it I " , f,; too mull in. I ahouJAju I amy. tu pAafasii'rw asiiirst aw tail iin,H-ul u . ... oar 7i arfAx uf iaai aa foU,,., Msnssuu, tn vtaa m aietui mm-i ,-. iia,nrias i awi atu,lrrl 1HI " Telt phone tuoua e iuukIi fu' o oeconii.u." W( Na of saruoa Si, tb. Uit Our phon number is f V TV. . . AiAHaA ri.mar of ktaS t,i.lii f, I O'REILLY rnsngvo. mw mim- rj4-raT7 Number 7 itnsepn'aii l i'trin i.-ii. laeara nana aa ajat, aati u rhain. MARTIN ber Is A iltk SS catlaA. M SS eiaMia u. n.un. "f rtstwaearAat,,,! j larlaku ia a,tt, 021 Many peoi.i. rsail newmuipern iif f serium j f p. s, aW itm .Uth TAILOR liAir "I aarlHHi . IB. , Ul lAltnd LING, 3nd Ava. Will Tsks Coal Back If not Sstlefled. M WUJh foi their iaiIv -i l laiiiu , L,.uiiui Hu $tm issi. eoluiiirs as they d for news. J. J. owaST Aiw"'