i.mee.Exprei For Prompt ,d Mght Service TAXI transfer Service 99 Phoni PRINCE RUPERT ron Mmontnt I'd 7 rssaengYr ione oou Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Toarlrg Cars ItlN'tiB IllPKIlT. II. C , MONDAY. HKPTLMHKIl l. DJ2I. oiriiiM tftr iie PRICE FIVK 0NTH a inn Fein Cabinet Will Re-consider vi A Kli I TABLE CHANGES NOW GIVES STOP-OFF IN PRINCE RUPERT imn Trains Will Leave for TORIAL n East at Five After Oct. iter agreement sci who eeee 2, Giving More Time Here ;e i ily from tho water Complying with the reituet of the local merchant, the 'l HMO II i- Canadian National Railway ha derided lu change the arhedule of I-.. Ltd.. tha traiuii leaving for the KaiL Instead of pulling out at 11:30 g fining of as formerly, the train will leave at 5 p.m., and the boat will arrive at noon intr.d of at 10:30. That will give traveller o sleaejv eastboiind five hour in Prince HtjperL :g .iiiim Tha change it in accord with the wislic of mol people in i ..r ii i Ihis city, who have for a long time felt that people panning ! ;ul now thnugh should be given more time here. They will noWha If th enough time In drive around nj l1rie W.jl T 1 TT fM !'I'H n rp even walk to in9L.af Ihr point 1 hrtr own '( n AnUJ Lull 1 r 1 u.&wti- tuinej U-if .r to rMl trirad'. t tie , Tti. ww timi' table mnm inln CLOSED FAIR effect m October.2. The boat receive w H lf Vtnwmvf r a at pre - ent al 8 . in. and will be mori i.: Oraanvllla Band, Winner In Fair likely lo be On lime andven II g i ' there U Wreckage of the t a 8l;Ke t g Ui lo j XII 2 m th" II umlif-r irr after r ah when h" big aindi p wa oni- and March Ho Financial an li.nir late the train will b j watr fur plelmg its leL An idea l Ihe ,ir 01 ih a i t an ! iiIiUkk i by omtvirmg the til'le r the wrurnage with the tug which tUUmwl Vet. able to keep its aehedule a i v a. mrthiof 11 )ire tmg Ihe rr" ue jiariie. '- lierctofure. - f ' at preaenl ,Tb IVSI eibibiliiHi e..sl vti , ...Z. . . " Hatttrdur' rtlytjt -wffh thi holfna-.a m nnn vrvv t n ' ws tiiuuld need, Firrii PATTULLO mVINC INUIAN KEBtLS or;the band roJtTwl, wa..IVM.KI I ft .IX Lloyd i tl :r. 8 ml rsnret George FOR HOME THURSDAY win by the HrreiVlirc btul ftvfit - a. lAiyanab Mr idlier wv the ; Protected. FEAR EFFORT judire. Two prue were offered CANADIAN IN ,ed ttDtlf r II Refusing To Meet Sata BKtlah Intiraats. Intand ' a ilvf r ruj for thf plavinsr of Oavclopias Campbell Rhrar the eeclion from -Fvu!." and! i: 1 e inmpany Powar. CONVERT TIEM medal for the march. Ilolnn SIflP FIGHT rtpesse or ntnnrrU ICnmmaiidary." Mr. tiollier e- f the. revenoir on Improper Basis I.I1MMI.V. 8r4. !. Hun. T. lerted Crrenville a the winnlna al alt , . Pallulto. minioifr ef land band in both pleee. hie adjudication Trouble on Board Canadian wag Trouble Wore Sirlous Than Waa - ! liMIUh !Mtiibia. aH on beina; 0Anidered .the Trapper at Glasgow Decks anrefta-i LONDON. 8eL I - De Valere. re4uig ! I.l.d tierg. lliumlay fur b. ine. He nay tbat Believed Military Hampered. proper otie by mot of lhne who Results Fatally. v Ihe rjljf. UrttMh lttarrni inteed l de. hranl Ihe number played. The M) (he Hinn Fein alread) ha Jirre(v(el the Premier ihxiUIhw tie- all re vtauai iwwr "i t.itiiiaa Mtver. Sreenville band emei to have LONDON. Sept. 19. During a n to Ihe m hi own eiarl leroi. YaneaNitrr Ukmd. A Mrlr of Ui.MMi.Y .--Offk-ial more itnh .and etliuiam lhan flsbl on Saturday njuht aboard ION'IKIN, HepL 111. On Sunday l.lovd limrge .I'Metl fixir iwr t I'-avtna tar Hrt-aiwlher nvlmattton stow, thai the the Aiyamdi although it mnl w ihe Canadian (iovernment Merch-aid lo Ihe brink Hre of telegram Inlueeu Dublin and tuir- Dh CtiliMW innnediaily. Mtwaiiou in India i metre er-um for the latter thai their.ant Marine el earner Canadian-, f g ee only h.. Ih Ihe lalt mage Ihe Premwr rmai Hnn m retumg- than wax believed. The "rrelerinir of rertaiu of Ibe ef I- Trapper al Ihe Olasanw dock it S?i "iUl the n anililary av etperieAOiBK dilfi-cully er part of Faut" wa evelb?nl,i alleged thai a colored man to nrt-rt lhe IS.h dHegale a rrprcUHve f an mdriwleMl CAPTURED ROBBERS wttb Ibe tH . 1 -. the til) in deliaK end probablv wa equal lo Ibal Mashed a Canadian named Wil- e Ihe water Hveretgn nUle aud declare that uwesi the aevleuo of D alera SELLS FL9T0 CIRCUS ww ii i us to Ihe muMtMy of the of Oreenville, On Ibe whole., on with a rotor. The latter J f ' .( ..a Ihe letter i wtlhilrown a rwnfereftee h f mi4ble. Utlr and Ike nature of' the however. Ihe CreuvilU htd w died later in a hospital. The , ( IMile Ihe llmifiea t fyr tHetge. H ia tatoritreUd a du- . ..... .. , . , eonulry. unanimouly eenWered Ibe best, fight started anion? cattlemen litHf In fort"I cohered diltel Following Ihe content there and four were seriously Injured. Haying liHtHe t f-irnUh I) alra wlUi a favorable, llr- . TUe havr mptumt ,u,,.,rill formidable are operalinK ruaktna; pans wn a HiHMrt uanee in ine ounu- lMHy for thf abMdoumeni of hb recent atllttMle. (wo H. hJM-x ., ... he Hie rwb- A rebel conference wa held al 'n which eonelnded before mid- elled if DUHI.IN, Sept 1W. Komuna de Valera, leodee of tbe lnh b. i. wl... Ur4i m Hie S. M.- Kioto fclieh it wax dn-laivd the Hindu nhi brinsiag Ihe fair lo ' CONGDON READY rulytMlnm hjt mIImI III lail IUromn raiuBOl iLu MuHl In rirru and l"l 3 HI. I'rar- wvrc lo be inverted lo - ' U by a dchbartilr on I lie mlualoa brouglit abottt by the Ia4r uote ut l Ihr iiHMli'y H leei) Jam at tlir wrd point. flffteiale or Ihe Northern II. C. ""t oper- from Ihe rvober' Amm. CONTEST YUKON Dublin by l.lod lleurge. The weoAiMg ltd an hour and twn ,.M(.''' Agricultural and lhilrial j ASSIZES NOVEMBER 7 etaliou nre nrf ureiar.-d. yet. to; I milliliter Icfl early. . Dvlopment. male a Uleoient on the finan-! f.iilr, mill TRAIN GUARDS ARE elal outcome. Oale reHl Ihl Will Accept Nomination If Offered Only Two Cases Down for Trial ev.! It. Says Despatch From la.i ver Imt INDIAN COURT TAKES .". i LLOYD GEORGE ! KILLED IN WRECK So Far. -ml mn.eHj .lMr loo riiw Vancouver. ' dirert ' OF TRAIN NEAR KIEV Word baa Imwh received by haealobeseneonweraoiy- Ibal . tWev.! Uere nisner will VANCOUVEH. Sept. 19. V. T. ri'Imeiil. NOT TO ATTEND Saturday afternoon Obb-r Miiily tbat the AUc will not bo mueh of a balanoo on t'ongdun. formerly Governor of fit ele I IUUA. Ke(i 19 Mor Iban be held he re ou Noveanber 7. either eide. With the fair over, the Yukon, and now a Vancouver bundri-.l . ' ."ii.4 were klMed The .oily two raw at ttreent il will be iMwidbb t get down t. lawyer and promoter of a steel r ' lei only Will. Not B Able to Oo to Disarmament a liidkan lii of Ak'iii ra..- I'.fc.irv f....-li.nl In.a''-n iiili.ii a tw i ...n..yHl araii. down for trial are- Ibe Holme buine again and balanc up ronipany which It I propoed lo i it get Conference at court afteui.HHiitr'o " " k a ,,i l-aios imxii murder him' and Chinese At-'i-mpled tho books of thf awia!ioo. .operate in thi province, ha an,; " Thn build-i Washing ton Cunon mi Saturday Kirv. M.! 1 i In- d-ad werr munh-r cac at Oeean nouni;ed hi inlmlion qt runnltiK wbieb IH-Uod It tu in fiiw. Doubtful. uara. rail.. a a Liberal candidate In the Yi-l.on mill Irani Tin Ling waa fined for s 19. U i virtually WHISKY BOAT federal election (f Ihe nomination K of the LONDON. 8ept. Kupplyiiiir IkiutM" to Indian oSnTampaign tUmgdok 1 ifii iiidiu-'' certain thai Premier Lloyd llanry CuIUmhi it fined I00 NEW YORK IS i tendered him. (leortie will be unablr lo allentl hihI J. Stewart, 160 for hainn ia a Yukon pioneer and U welt ' will bririR Hit. nonfereiM-p on llniibtlloii of b.iuur in Ibeir iio.nn .Vi Mackenilo King Will Fire First ARRIYES FRISCO known among all old timers. belter armainenla al WanhlniiUiti. H lli or l'..ili-cin wan fiio-d and. WELL AHEAD "Gun of Campaign at Toronto hutuiug I eo doubtful if Karl (Utrauti. Mary Sav. i, lo, for dcunkeii-1 CAPT. JWNEY GIVES 'r i.ir en. aeerrlury of ulale for fureljrii .ne. Tomorrow, No Liquor on Board But Two alfalm, will be one of (be dele of Crow Missing State UP HUNGER STRIKE Laad In U. 8. Ifletropolle TOHONTO. Il W. L. Authorities. Bale. BOY FAILS TO RETURN Both National and American MaekeiUte King, iailer of Ihe op-I'okiUom EAR IN Leaguea. to Ibe prn.en Rovenu SAN KHANUISCO. Stot- 19 LKTlllllUIMiK. Sept. Itf.--Cavtr SIX GENERATIONS FROM DIGBY ISLAND nicni. will om-ii tho caiiipalnti tomorrow The aevenleeu Ion power boat Janiiey biokr hi I.' day huugtr NEW YORK, Sept. 19. .'vi'iiiuu here ut n tua li..u.v Icmiii Vaneouver or Ylc- strike on Saturday when he vol- IN ONE FAMILY AT CABINET Mr. J. (I. Velrevk lat iiiKtit Tho Naw York Olanta continued Hireling. NV. S. KieldillK will also tnrla, II. U to San PruiifUeo. t(untaniy toon i.khi, une.imn-declared NELSON HOUSE DIST. infuriiKsl the oUy Mlioe that bei their winning atraak leak. to hae carried 3I tbm into In alligation, of Incase a a on. Illley, who bad out t through tho wood-end and of wliUkey. The veaael human i n-at mem by jail official ,m4n Till: PAH. Mon, k.j.i. I. Dishy llud al t 'iot'k on now have a four and a half FOUNDER OF SEWARD, put into Kurrka, lat wiwk dur- may atari Mday. .t Otuw.. Hii gi'iicrulioii in one family Saturday afternoon li.nl not ei gamo load over Plttaburg. In ing heavy wealher aiHl reariimi. lu Iiitii dimovcred at N'.'taoll returtWHl b.me. Hi. w alann-ll. tke race for tho National ALASKA, IS DEAD here un Saturday. bhe wa Hi ''i-'llller llouae uiiioiiu Hie Of"" lrllM' and (anil ili.it - meihum League baaeball pennant. eelted by fedral autlmritiea. TONIGHT! TONIGHT! "'awa to- of Indian. The ldl i Humli bal happ d I i nil rly Ho Barring tome reversal tho Coleman Financed and liquor wa found aboard and the oanil MuoK-al ami Oramuln' 1 M r.4 oiikey, 112, ami the younutai afteeilooii Mi. lii.y tiad iml yl pennant seems within grasp Henry oaplain if. alleged to have aald ENTERTAINMENT 'alum tl a grtNul, great, great grumlclilM roHutied uud t f a - i 'i . are "-vtatlgntlng, of New York, Started Building of Alaska that It wa thrown overboard 11? wan uiu Hgrd two. In tho American League Northern Railway. during- a I or in on Friday night.; ""rliig New York nosed back Into tha The autborillea elaim thai thcr. ', Iona Robertson to FIRE FIQHTERS, Paaca Ratified. league leadership by a two-point I'll! si i ill S. pi 19 ileni-y wa tio storm on r i nray mgii V-5. :) c J b Davy A' 1 n .'ii UUI.I MlllS. Ohio. Snit lt margin over Cleveland. I t. o.;r. Ug'U 60, I i founder and bal w .r it. . iw In Emproaa Theatre at 830 ll HlrimrUsi.il ,.r Voin "J ' P Ill III IN K. .i U i ll- u Tha four-game aerlea to be . w i f Seward. Alaska, eluding ihe f-'nufd owhef ar AdioUoa 53 cnil ' ' Uie 1 hua Ijpi'u eb'.'b'd .'' r (.tar. imtw-'e'i 'tin' aitni played In New York thla il mi i n Santrday night He muaiug Mi loiieri.'-n I unritalied It. ".- w "run (rruaiirer if Uie uilei-uai i iiui lie l ii.ii d S1 n dan Ik i 'til week between New York and r -a J and raru the build In, Iter line- il .IS" Cleveland probably will de- t Wil' i now (he Alaaka S. McOufllan r-arhed be iily a uk i iaii"i f firt flgutr n ai t ui i by 1 .Mitl Mt .(heir auuuai iiuuM'uiiuo, ,II H Hi rfmh "i U.per :liatW-;