PAGE htX THE OILY NBWS Prince George is Conceded f Self Shield Emblematic of JUST ISSUED Ball Championship o f North - . ! T ItfH Hell Mhirl !. rinli mil of life bahf hampoahl ; of NtiflBfeMV B. C. ba Ix-Mi if-!'W'i to Prim (.,.rjr n nmm WRIGLEY' tT tfy MMiri inlni hrn In! wnk hi wtikh Auyita, IVim-e Hmwi I and J'rittre Oort" UhK i-art Hih Prinr RtiHvriiii.i n. fen. ftmuftad tkeawlve beiK -.nulled with the I. -iii M..uifr ui Urtucr (fotffv thif mui -. hot oext ar different .ir.,f,mrul ' wNi Imw lo wad for the mm i-v It t iropu4iil Uru to ftcWtj dgtltM fro Ji tn rompetit. n h Oiyiiii r'"IK no. B.C. ... ... ' Directory I'rtWf laorg and rnin-f uun r , u mea aef- tr ..rrana-e Hate iH ilmWtt "l1 ami VtU hae rVMi a Mir OfM-ri. Iv. r. I ue'iaiiy frt. i ft taf.4l Tio-re wer.- tottM-rahl. error by Fleet a am.. Aadaranrt aai M-utiea. ft44ber 1921 l'l 111 IMH-H won tli.- find or I NEVER skip f whom wfrr i t i tir up u gawe ftraea Priare one i t..i nan! rrai. Art Katurtlar aHrroHHi by Kaastw wa Hie uiri ..f iui other-j when its of S to t bat the mtoM wi li Id jwatariajr K i 4 u ae 4o- f, i rtr tinHt YEAR BOOK OF BRITISH WWOM h MlHW w?' - MiM.olloe 4 i.,i Inn plat. COLUMAIA a Wte mptmt 1 one Mil Hrtm-r VMittr in the boa OneJal daU caWn0 aflHeullwea, Undi, UmU, 1. HmH Hwaa aine at lalartkoa . nor ..-,. mI wan 1 in HMa4KP4igl I air tatw u r rif. ii i, !.!,.. ia 1 tftulai ly lo. Mirar rbo atn pilrhr. N to 0Mlf tf tbe ran be 1 1 1- iiti. i it a r GAZETTEER AND ALPHABETICAL DIFECTCil COF 'ate1 af th JMUM acmralio . Frier M"ra- Mutfl. Sa; DaicrtMnp 20 cltl.t, town., ltf4a iarrtMo, ; :hiH, ef: Protlnc., gl.lnfl 1" location, dl.Unc.1 and direJ am let laM-Mta! am la PHnr 1. r; t.Mu., r- jnMa, lb (kMa-yr faiw naiilrtita wbt ti tttmmr. . Kn.Hb. !b; MtCaa4,, r " wun a aynoptit of local ratowtttku tlrVy wl Hr tM wtatrr. Ta Uotia, ate foilowad b an afptiabaUaal dlrwtw, f Because NABOB is mk; iHwaj1. talra iim-aai, and profaaalonal nn,, farm.rt, PVJ, MfHtlli. rcMtf un: Walmta .--o. Sb. UHir. growara, ate Really De icious raider, aad I.tkk, Hra. a. a Siaa.-. i. Best In Hit. VoJuto'S, b iailH. a awI CLASSIFIED BUSINESS SECTION rtw Huftcri Im4 ttM f Rich, fragrant, strong and FLAVORYJ SaMtfOa aam HHiantT . Th. err by Miuin: Tfc builnaaa Int.raaU of th. Peovinca. It is the perfect coffee Racked in the to th ytuMata oa aatf wliininn . . .. 11 a & w a a 0 -7 wholeial.ra anrf reUilera, lhtln0 j producu frvafa. ay s 11 x. Tfcr lalra m if P. ft tlllitll 4 maUrlal to th. rtnithad article, cJattlflad are under tUba perfept container by the exclusive at Mm V4 wb aarr lain ra. Seri.t Standing. alphabetically arranged according to lownt. vacuum packing process. Be sure you oa aa vmt Haar aM ibr am The alabatng far tao Mtfbt ao far a fhif a wa llow. TRADE NXfclES, NABOB. BRANDS AND TRADE say mwpaaalM, , ia Ika f for VV L. hai. m Hrt4f Hn, Ma - rd lrtr CiwM-aa f I frM A lilt Of popular trade name, brand and trad mart pofcu Hom naaaurl. TV wa Aayus .M ... 1 1 MM manufactured or represented In ftrllUh ColumtU, ataaa Save Certificate for fratar4 by aaar naa 1 J.-m. iiuo ftiayri 1 t SJS Wear-Erer Aluminum kraal ltt- fhr bimI arranges. nln, ta baavy Anyui Irtn upeort- who lima pin onr aaaa in with ra win ra art aorta wa la Awaaa PATRONIZE B. C. INDUSTRIES aim. 1 -atraajr amaaiaa Harry r'ow Kelly, Douglas 1 a liwy wmt mm tUw j - ta 1 niinu' aoan -ially Almott anything which anyone deelre can be purthtteiihi l'Hlr ftiara -IMltart, iti I for taaaa, . Xba balanrr f ta Columbia. Cery dollar spent in ft. C. altU th frtna U (iairtnan. rMlh. b; 4ulif . lriiK-- taan wb did not 441 . ; Uaoc0 f i, t & Co., Ltd. can alt B. C by trading with ft. C merthanu. re rt: MeKaar, rf: Jabwwfi, o ! iiiiiMruia 'Ti 1... 1 1 Ihmim1 unable to purchase what you deelr. In your local teu 1 JUcIjmmI, If; VatH, r. Ibla awwDjnc ly Mauaarr J C. Prince Rupert m unity, then contutt Wrigley't Clelfletf BudneM Deo Vancouver Vrinr HuiiiiH Aalraa. . copy of which can be ecurd at all P.ret claM drvf Hara,M I-Iaaaan. 3b; La Me. e: Qaaaentaoa. . tlorery ttore, hotel, automobile earaaee, la 1d, met 1 phince nupcirr tidm tl . Menjiaa, Ik; HuU afMre. p. llo bualneae concern hate aoey of WHjlri 1U1 ti Hardy. If; Cmlr, K ; Nbw. rf. MoW. Befit. It Columbia Directory. The ere by inntnaa: MMTb- IJI tH, t4 fret. l. O 0 O t lJt UK, !. fret WAYWARD GIRL P. It jDafHODou-J l.ow t? aai.. f-et Subscriptions $10.00 Frcpmi'd U Any Addrtsi HAIL SCHCDULt a Sacond Cam.. ?:4t a.m.. 4 ft feet aaaaaaa aaaa. aaa In tbe aaaaad aan. Cteiwaaa Tuaatfar.Kf. 20. RETAINS TITLE ce tha Caav Hon. 1 hi tbf motiud for 1 Ik- local Hiali S:tl a.m.. IS feet Moudaya. Wednedaya aud HaU Hilehd a eftlriMiMf aaiae a aid lk:4W l.aan 20 fe4 ixlaya at 1t:lb a. m. wa. able to bandl- tbe viMor Low- a;7 bjii 6 feH Wrigley Directories, Limitei tiUmlf from bia 'i't. H. w ?l:t4 Lffl, 4.6 feet. Was 8p.dlet Coat In Contest Feoio ia. Laat. H.ld on Saturday Afternoon. '"nW(i T4o and Tbura-daya THIS BOXER MAY MEET CARPEWnER FOR TITLE. 1 na 1 1 r . mr ir m r mi w .a. ; at 7:16 Tlia Anjrox im toal, Vay p.m. e AW IIU0 IJ agfl kc rf f T BtVUHIVI) VV a aiwi.v ward flirj, brluiiKiujr to Mr. H Foe Vanoouvee and South. H. Mum.,, bad ttttlr daffteully ia Sunday It riffrudiufr litaT mh1 Utltni ao laaetiay . , p p.m m Saturday aflvrmMM and retatn-Uig ill (Iauiibell Cup fiiiMeuiUr IbnrKdaye Saturday ...tip ie lant wee. Judii- puuiuy el Ibv IQHXeVY lW& of k iMrlbi aimtd rtamitaa' noon Sport Chat 1 lair, lor amlU er t chlp. fclu did Hi. twolw inlir From Vancouver football Hyr III tb wih miss ant aouta. couror in 31 miHt., d mLj,,, IAKue 111 tbe ld (uHiry. Itr .... . . 8 prewndji. Pn lat lir p. in Tbe laat bitr feature of toe wee a Ko(i eMaerit ead tilt 0t pauf Mondays yraKa record batKlily by I a.m. local foitball calHdar lata aea- rtMalua a Kreat iMereel ta the . ..lmr, u te ule and bO etmd. Fridays H:3 ( .jii will be a name IImi i brtaa ! and mlM4 nane of lat .,ii George FritxaU a Mi llupan Saturdays .a.m ; arranged lo take plaee urll fiml- e ee44e He lie many 10:30 wa Ibr second bvot and eaiur a.m iiMjay belweeu tbe Koaa uf Can- In4eeaimr yarn lo leil af I be ar, a' tu aluiut minute afr tit For Anyo and Alice Arm. ;aoa aaa All Ware. Ttia latter way "w um utivera iw U .I.I.-t Jobriuy k - .W'ayaard Oirl. Kenny hood' oundays lii Jaiuaa I h lintel f a bi luaO , o , ii U Chief HlarU-d l.ul brok Wednesday to v 1 xiee frwia (be veriaw otb 111 1 .1.1.... ihui....1 ial " 'i.u. ,r. .i oown aud did iuH finUh I be rac. From Anrox and Alice Arm.p.m l.f fit I... .i- In 1uimI a lie did wbn J-Iyiu. wfcf w, r V. Kuu'a 'rincr bad ngi an aH.Oi.til I.. ... .f l,i .... ha auua Ilia III an ID bll , -1 t Tuesday " rouble and did not appear u tb-iura. uurtday . a.m, iM-ali'ii record of Ibr Kou ean- (ram. He I atlll au aH (f,,., Her rnKinrrr bad liU a, nol be bm.en even If 11 dun ule allilele r.ud epeud mueb llui In v t 1 r -thumb badly hurt ahertly bffort-llit .11 ..t. 1.. . . it...1.1. 1.. .uiJuali For Port Slmpton, Arrenaale, W0 .....ii .lie .uiuii. 111 ...wwii 10 . Mn.a 1 ......- ... .....- ---it. rue. when iUn tatn. bask, no 11. aii 01 111 ron or .an Ada a txniner 10 ubbhuiw Oay. Walee lalnnd and Naas Me. fired. Fridays iipporere and many utliw fuot- i tbe editor of tbe I'nullry 'J'li p re were a irol wwiiy np From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale.a.m.Ml ball entbuiat feel ure tb.i World, a Hrinb Columltia pub-llie tatore watcbinr tbe raa frxji (.anuck. wib tbe alerJinw rlrtion. Key. Walee Island and Naaa River. varioue vanUye point almm eomblnalion and teamwork lUat! the waterfront nnJ un ilu- UwU Saturday a.m. baa obaraetrriied llieir all aeaatm ALBERTA CHAMPION bill. Tom Walt w tan-i North B9BQSe9B9r,j fvjsasBaBa play, will be able to earry tin lie.."! Queen Charlotte and tiiiMikeeuir and uaa nii.d I".r Islands. iiiateli a well. IS UNDER SUSPICION tilii-M V'Te by Captain A. twanaon wbu bad e June 22 ' ma ' zj uut for the oetuaiou Ilxliibition Week mnrrally ai. Freta- r.ALOAHY. Urnt IV.- Jak a- liiarka lb. divlon be4w'ii the June 23. Mimmer and out eld er. Ibe Alberta Held and tree WIRELESS South itriiiiir Kew K'.' REPORT Queen Charlotte Island; uoun mui 11.. .i.ii.- ....1 .riiftinnlon and wen unowp i tinalde. Wltb now pat. in- huti-'' 'nd Uur playr. I he September, 19. a.m. June 24. Tlereal will am l-e eentrtd a,'d amateur eard suspended. HULL HAItHojl ItainiiiK, E. Foe Bkauway and the Yukon. Hie orvsuliatbm of laketUII ,r'"K Hi staierujni 01 Al r-, PiarlUI"'- ' .. K. wind; bar. (enimruture, Monday trams and other line u indoor IJ. llatlrum. iM-errlary of th - .. 1 .1. oon nan , 6; ea emiMitli. 8mi HM. Im-luuehe ei'n tkaflMii and Vuk. ajiort. There i timre malarial berta Amateur AnrlatUm. HalUi'O,"' off I'lue Inland bound to Saturdays " D.m. in view than ever fur IbU win-ter yVaaer. afler announrinii thai Tern"" ir;. Tuoouia; 1 0:J0 p.m. ia eamtmtni. and all slim paint ' t a he a not play Inn Kuttl-y tbi Oiie cation with HM. Gtieiofeain at IUear, Maple Bay and .try utcefu. ..and eutbuaiaitie year. rrenly yeelgoed hi b Untt 1 11 a j a ! iMtAiilfiH Jtlvm Inlet aoutbbuiid. PolnL iiroaram. I'ljaellAv ihiIum u... iiaiuary ana aeni m mh C4l' DIlAl) THKK I'OINT a.m. Kill - ball may be played ih winter ,bf bf I retried a pl;'n"I IHikl'1" Cloudy; ealm, bar. W.1C; temp Katurdays p.m a well a baiketball. wfneb fnr'wttb one af tbe r-dntonn T f f 48; era Miiootli, 7 a.m. Prinae jHo.M tb luit few vat. ba i.w.t. .... team. Uallruni lae that tb "-(- .it v.... ler lliert in nurltibound. Hiniday .p.m ai 'lie Umf. it 1 a l hjj ttone tipenran win nom unm --- - Sept. 19, It noon) . ibere ba been any imJiNir b allfaetorlly ipllad 1 fli II l Cloudy: calm; bar 2tf.H0 ! baieball tier but Uiere i n iei'ini arlion. 1: Mrlurf fin nea atiinoih CATARRH reaann why 41 should not bi JiKiliY ISI. ANI i iudy ralitt BLADDER Tar od avain wun tmitiy Mr and Mr P ' A Herrati AVilliiU' ti' .. .. .. . . . .. ..... ... ........ . ... . i 111111...1. j r- mi........ to. w..I ,.n iael bar 19.80 leniperaturr C.J -"3 ... Hn niMn. " 11.. iau;.;ua ..3 Miuuona, may urn uuicuaq iiaiii imiiaiux ilia wuin Win aim niw. n " Ii 0f Carpaotter lor Uie tai prjidc rnim .. f'-cim VlituiTlt f; 111 not if..', He: oaaryw ,uht cUapkohJp nsnnit f Kh . . ... ilU?.!.. tiu,UjM a praaeat a fecaUwa. and lliekard. mai'T n 11a aiin r -m.,11 - -at'- IJ". .... ur - mmfi sUrti i bia JJuounw,,Bnt' be gU back Ufure be . f'inula nf lb firsnd W Jaiue, who wa id 'lie nry Paeifio Development Co. lire f