J"8 13 1D2L Monday, THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE 3. r 1 family aro lo spend (he aummcr 6iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHnK 30 Local and Personal In Vancouver. ". Official League Baseballs $24.00 doz. a a recent It. Vroxrrr,arrival of In f'rancia the city l.aLe,from l St. Regit Tail. Phone 466. If (he interior. MACDONAL Slazenger Tennis Balls $7.75 doz. II. 0. Undertaker. Phone 41. tf 8. M. Newlon e relumed al ' evening- from n visit to various' McGregor Footballs -Star ,$10.50 each Mat your boat for tali with cities on Hie prairies.' M. M. Klephens. If J. II. firoat, of Hmllhcr. ar- Footballs - $3.75 each tor afternoon lea, it. trait rived on last nlslit'n irain, and Cut Brier Cafe, tf is Hold.reistcred'al the Prince llupert . .Hajrner Brot. Pioneer Under taker. Phone 351. tf J. T. Manit, and It. W. Todd, More Tobacco for the Money FISHING TACKLE of Victoria, arc recent arrivals iah fur uur Victoiy bonds. In the cily, staying al the Prince Lines, Rods,' Reel, Bait, Baskets, etc. No waiting. T. McCIyinonl. tf llupirl Hotel. Mr. II. H. Wallace will not re- Mrs. W. Ji NIjou and )ou 11(.-)( Packages 15 itip tomorrow nor again tins son arrived on last niirhl's Irntn II you wish to yet the most for your'money come canon. from the east to visit her iler. to us. Get our analog of baseball goods. Mrs. f J. Kpifn. Allin Avrnue. Martin U'lleilly wait a passenger X fr Vancouver on Hie Prince Arthur ItrooVtbaul, cily ur- eorge lad night. ., cbasiiiK agent, saib-c last rtriilng for (he uulh lo end his boh- ii'iu-Ki Clothier returned from days in Vancouver ami Iwnlysmilb. Stewart on the Prince George lr. John ;-iAlh"rt llrivgs. of yesterday afternoon., Massrtt. lias' brcn apiomtei by: I Mr. II. J. P. Ttirncy and Mrs. the provinrjal 'secrrtnry to bp Hubert Wallace nailed for Vancouver medical inspector of echoois al on (ho Prince Oeorgr Port Clements. aiiiiiiiiniimiiiii!iiit.yi laI nifclil. . Mr. and Mrs. T. Wallace and Horri -To Ir. and Mrs. J. T. A. P. (Jurdi of Clatton, were; Dojrwood hrubs. lbuwKd, WiiJI. at the Vancouver (icneral among thp wt-pk ru visitors to ; llptMinir plants. Iianuin b.iskpts. lliilal. June' I. a daughter. town registered al the Prince and Pol Plants. City Market, tf. The quali ics that rradefur Build! Build! Bliild! Vancouver Province, lluprrt liotpl.'t i (ien. Duff Stuurl lo local Il.C. lan MeKeiuio, Jaim-s lliH.k. ! You will find Hip rpal Number M.P.i Are llipre many lough Frank (iarnaly nud 1. Sanooke, Oiii' fir dimension, shiplap and SPRUCE eharaetprs in Prinre Huert? were paeli fin-l pn dollars in I, Ml: the flieapetil I)iHU ng ni.itrn.it m (he world and jfliiixli al Albert A McCaffery' al iUh this morning Mounlic Not until about ISO jMilicn court (wliaM readied low a i iM.rk. a iln- pnrij trade price impossible to L-eal. tf . . land'd here yesterday from Vancouver. for drunkrnnPs. John MctJinnis . the tendency wdl be toward Iik.iy ng tip. luglirr of for heinfr in iHsPsslon liquor You will find (he real number ' I 4 Ml fir dimension, and in the wronp plar-,. was set : tf chief wood for aeroplanes, its strength, Lumber onp shiplap c ii i lliiprrl Company has a large atiw-k Miss F.. Itloomripld, rbJpsl hack 50.00, wfih the nltrnia-live ii'n tkdu'h ) (IK nr reipi.rrmcnt v fini.li at Albert & McCaffery dauuhtpr of C. K. llloornripid of of sppudiiifr a roupl of durability, toughntfs, 'tase of wcikhp, at prices imiiossible lo heat. tf. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH Ambrose Avenue, went south on inonlhs siimiiipr holblay in Ihe smooth finish, readiness in taking yair.x ar d the Prince (Ipprge last night and tastlle. Mrs. C. W. Homer returned will spend some time, willi relatives efty varnish and freedom frcm defects, rtrt'er it SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH 4 Hip city on IhV Princess Aliee in Vancouver. The weekly Cinderella dances suitable n Friday afler having sMyit Po Your Building While Lumber ii Cheap. month in . K I vpii on Saturday evntiiuss by -f.il visiting Kng- Pythian Sisters' dance in K. P. C .ilfvu nr reti' iituif f at he or . Seal jf. or laud. the Harmony Five Orchestra arcj Phon 361 for Price. hall. Wedneday, June IS, at 9 bfcoiiiing very popular affairs.' for Joinery and House Trim o'clock. Admision ienUeiiieft, This newly forttietl oreheslra is; Kl i)i n KiiiIiIpIoii. -brother of I he PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. lair C. W. Kinbleton. returned to Sc. ladies SOe. Itefrpshmenls, a l-iill acquisition lo musi- j Vancouver last nighl aflrr having lee erram. WVslliolme OreliPslra. cal circles of Hip cily. Thej attended hi brother's funrr- KvrrlMhb" welcome. 3tf music it disirnses is, to sayt . :'J al here. The matriculation examination the and ImisI, simply "full of ep." ' BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY lancin(r to ft is a most the ..f Hrilish t-lumbia to l,'nirrsiy I (.inn Aimiy anti uonstanic u. rasy thing to do. A. of thp eommenee at the local Manror, provinriat no. B&K PASTRY FLOUR the leave iki Wednesday's train hisli cbM. neil Monday. Mis J. BIRTH. for Terraep where the latter will tlothwell. of the King Kdnard in future be UO"iieil. Schmd slalT, is to le the presij-lii- A ilauulitiT wii born in (lie The real white pastry flour which riamiiier' aPllie tests. eoeral llosilal yesterday to Mr. means better, lighter, and more Kir dimension lumber and und Mr. I'.. ('.. Manning. Wuldron shiplap. I). I), spruce. II r finish. This week's ineqnx'ralions as Apartments. flaky pastry. announced in C. (lazelte doors and window, lumber re-sawn the.lt. All eoods sold under our ' B &. K" and dressed to any fire include the Italy Mines Co., Ltd., Trade Mark are guaranteed. Oulck delivery by our own car. capital 1 00,000. head office. OLD GERMAN FARMER K. II. Shocklry. Cow IJay. tf Vancouver, and thp North leiasl ALL GKOCERS sell "BfiK" PASTRY l)eeloiinrlit Co. Ud, fJJ.OOO, DIES IN HOSPITAL ' S. K. Sbaiip is hark from a I rip Victoria. THE BRACKHAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. lo thp east which liHk biin to The death occurred in the (en- many of Hip larsr ritip iurlii'l. Mr. and Mrs. Will Italagno, rrul Hospital last evenins. at G P.O. tlos 748 Prlnc Rupert. B.C. Phnn 3BO in Yaiteomer. Itrpiua. Wiiinti.r. " orlops or i:an Krcier. Tiveu Jo. HaiiiiMwn. Toronto. Ottawa. Mon ronto. air swnding lliis week on ,.,.,.atM, a a aliv of ij,.rman. treal. Ituffalo and New York. rishiiig Irin. .at Wo.Hlworth ,, lK.rrP hU..;ini,ion into tlie ImIa XaS 1 ff ll..ln u.r. .ei .ir. iiaiui. ..,. 1;i W1M l. l,. .M A. i:. U ri hi and P. M. Millrr. " ... . for eigliu-en iiiimUIis. xva engaged Let Us demons'. -ai CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY who nrr jtuneyin' abois the ca-l i.uisiiuiue wesuio.me FISHERMEN!! niwire.,,,, u,ltat Uir Hnr. fie is si.r WAGON. Y.'U if iiv brlwren here and MillUanl Sound, In.t Millar l.la u-n.r .if IIiai vivp.1 by son resident in tlii Other models on view an- I h- ' :h- ! -t Nn t irk tlie (Click .t- in Hip cily on alurday for that rompares Willi n p that an' rated a- tun-ton jobs iidiK oik! mail. 'They frft eiifar store in the l.mi.ress Ihe-; . are in Ihe hands of the II. 1. I ii-alre Chevrolet "190" touring cars and Chevrolet F 11. touring Car, We olTer can now again for their ramp !al 11I3I1I. block, a resident tf Ihe n.. r.. i 'detlakers. generally known as the "Jtaiiy liram.." l iij ii'i ;rttint iiu. piiiu nui FRESH FROZEN HERRING TIip follow Ins wrre additional his eitensive business interests Pacific Co. CARD OF THANKS. Phone 93 Cartage Phone 93 llural tributes at Hip funeral of here and left lheiiorlh perman- DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE the late ".. W. I'.nililrlini on Satur- enlly lo reside in Hie United CHEVROLET DEALERS Mrs. Minnie Kmblvton desires duy: Mr. and Mr. J. . (.ar-iiurharl, States. BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princes Royal Island Mr. and Mrs. A. M. tu foutey her sincere thanks to Inir and KrauL laic. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank It ice and H her many friends for their Mr.. II. II. Mrh.mal.l. Mr. and' Mrs. family left on the Cumosiiu last inil ex.ression of Kymiulhy in mgiit lor .Mice .rni wnert uieyi"cr iktui i..ir(1.,i,.ri. Mrs. Mr. and W. J. Kirkatrirk. DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY II. S. Parker. Mr. nnu Mrs. e will spend Hie summer. Mr. FULLER'S SPECIALS W. G. Barrie 's Itiee is a provincial laud sur. 3 General Real Eatale and Insurance ARnta Ivi-s and II. Woods. veyor and his duties will keep llmluee rol or living. Omslahle If. Oamern. of him in Ihe silver camp lor Ihe Heel Creamery your Hutler. IbM i5c THIRD AVENUE POST OFFICE BLOCK 11 vimd vi i.uf 111 ItiiK k U. S.-ctioii I. for a few days Alice Ann, rrlurneil oith last season. Fine Creamery Hulter. tt-lh. Only $750.00 Cash si'aoii mslit on I'instuble the Uainosun.Cameron This will Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McU.cMan boxes, per lb, ........ 10c Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets Fine Mild Canadian Cheese, per left for Vancouver on the Prince Hip Additional duties of Window Curtain Rods liavi' pa- Shades, Curtains; uXj arsi .-d fur i.D0 .00 and is a deudui b-iiuiii. (teorge.. Mr. Mcl.nclilau who is ii 30c tr.ittlttfr lint llaefiatal I ftla U II II representative of lirark- Swift's Pure Lard, 3 lbs. for 73c Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, mouth of the Nan liiver. lp-l,ocnl. .... ... . t Swift's Pure Laid 5 lbs. St.so tw Ihei-e and Alice Arm. he!"'" " r, V- '" Comforters P.O. Ilox 1HOO I'lra Insurance Phone 07 Uiii i. v i,.v (,.. it i..,eki"'0 run,l Irtp and will relum to lbs. (iran. Sugar (F1.S3 and Inwards the latter part of the trt lbs. (Iran. Sugar .... S.?5 and forth. Mrs. Cameron week. Mrs. Mrl.achlan expects lladium Flour. Special 08-lb. lo spend Ihe summer in the sack, $5.75. P.O. Box 327 "DE MER S" I,,,one 27 "TheOuting Season" south. Ui Superior tins Strawberry Jam,l.00 4 All Aboard for Salt Lakes! Itod Maekeiule, chief oltleer of Special ColTce. 3 lbs. $t.00. LADIES' READY TO WEAR AND MILLINERY and don't forget your (lie I'lcamer Prince Ituperl at the Special attention and prompt Let us supply the lime of her wreck nt Svvanson Hay delivery to fishermen ami wharf in Yoile Dresses last fall, ha applied to the Supreme orders. BATHING CAP ti 50c to $2.00 eacli Big Reductions Good Eats Court for a reversion ,if 1000 free ride9 oiT the merry- Dress Hals Ihe two months' suspension that; go-round. Get your ticket vin The Prince Co. and Blouses We can furnish eer)hing was Imposed on him by Captain Our Own lea and Co flee. Rupert Drug from Hoop to Nuts. Including J. H. Mcpherson, wreck commis Fry'a Hacon' per lb. 50c PHONE 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street DIUee, Plain, Stuffed or sioner, following the Prinre llu-perl Fry's Hams per lb 15e Mall Ordera Given Prompt Attention 11th FRIDAY and 10th AND SATURDAY, June llipe; Olive liiiller. Peanut wriH-k inquiry. Tlie ease will Fry's Picnic Hams, per lb. 35o flutter. Cannes Meats, be heard In Vancouver late this Fry's Salt Pork, per lb. 35o Chicken. Lobster. Pitucn. week. Catsup special, per bottle, SSe II,.t wiilkliiuimliip and Iocs, Salad Ircsin. 1'icVlcs, At Ihe meeting of the St. Andrew's Unborn tomorrows and dead Dr. Sutherland reasonable Siifl lirlnks. tlrapo Juice. yesterdays! Why forget about lh Art ipmlily. Society on Friday nlgliL Clothes Lime Juice. Fancy Cakes, tlietn. Today is everything. Advertise- pile. -, a klaitdard ulwaye the presentation was made by It. and Fruits. -now! D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. F.. Henson, photographer, of i!ook llros. A q kept by Nn cJiaigc for packing, - - - - H (Cook Drot. St Allen. Free lieery. memorial group of photographs Do net fuff.r Allen) of (he members of the society who taottur r wiU DENTISTRThTalFTts branches teU fell in the great war. The lit btsi.lu.eil. society b'its' fetlumfi and Cull Over 250 palternt to PILES Inf. or rrMruO its gratification at the tii rittt. K Cell' fuits and lijhl Ourceils ect from Munro Bros,. expressed urglttl opr. generosity and kindness of .Mr. Bll9a rauira. Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 Third Avenve Mensou am. Ihe evOellenee of the : For Phone Black 516 STEVE Appointment KING " Prince Rupert Phone SI Third Avenue workmanship displayed in the Mms k l IuJ'Sf; ;pcturu. j . i tp "4 ato iuuipwvriw.uic t