1PA0E 8. THE DAILY NEWS. - i ",,av June m STEWART Populnr nnd Reliable Urn facilities for development, G. H. Arnold - Notary Public plication Improvement,of nnliirnl extension' resources.and up. II. I,. Colhier, superintendent This could not be done by small FOR SALE of Iho lied t'.Iiff. took n crew of contributions of money." In Westhoke Theat five men up to Iho mine, on Wed. limes of war, Mr. Oary declared, :: A line double corner on. Hlxlh Avenue, 8cclinn Six, nl Cotton nesday for the purpoiio of doing it would have been Impossible Has connection, Splendid dwelling Kite. Hired. sewer preparatory work necessary for lo have fully supplied the needs 1 Surely a buy hI $1,600.00 cash or $1,800.00 on terms of onight and Tomorrow Iho commencing of development uf the country without recourse. JIOO.OO cash and balance in one a Mil two years to 8ft work on the Montrose claim. A to contributions by large capital. for t ho pair. camp is being established' on the Accumulated Capital. Waterloo claim of which Mnce WILLIAM Kxccpt for the accumulated LTD. ll.ade, well known prospector imd H. G. HELGERSON, capital Invested lu business en Insurance KenUli Heal Estate mining man of this leealily, bus terprises ami Ihe working cap been appointed foreman. ital lo maintain and extend Faversham John IlovKmd re turned lo lliem." Mr. Oary continued, "ni(-llon TAXIS NOW DRIVE town recently from sampling his lOc CIGAR of men ami womrn who work for or salaries would KM i Creek group, constsing of w'ugrs fcring in ON APPIAN WAY five claims in Alaska territory oh Vaioa Mtdt In Vtoeoartt be without a chance lo earn a crowns a notnble enrcer in V i sp.ci:)1 Fish creek, one mile from the Sloe 1904 decent living. To (lie extent u fcmure AND PAST COLISEUM iSalmon river waggon road and at nation Is without vapiial lu u four an elevation of about 800 feet corresponding degrci are Its n-diutrles HUM!:, June. Il.-Taiieabs from sea level, lie reports that STEEL KING in a ultite of decay bid Gold have just invaded Home. "New he. has loealcd a new lead four and Us people imKiverihed and brightly painted vehicle Mm feet wide with fourteen Inches despondent. .Wmly every une lias some old liar to those horse-drawn cabs, of high grade ore running J0O TALKS LABOR In short, forva desirable and of silver willi small proper degree of romfoil, con ounces a gold Jewell) around which is which nine nciu sway in (lie, oiil oT dale or not in use. eapllal or Ine f.nesar. for ecu percentage of xine. lenlmrul, happiness, advance Juries. AND CAPITAL incut In any direction, prole We run make it over Into The laxicab, though welcomed Hpccimcnts from the llavrn lion ng.ilnsl disease nnd delrue. some new design or pay you with arms by tho general and Albany claims, of whirli lion, every liihabilutil of every open cash for what you m nt need. John I'raser is of the mass of llomnns, has met for one owners Addressed Syracuse University land Is depemleiil iiioi. Individ if You may lie surprised what have returned assnvs as follows: unlly arcumulaird capital. stonewall years a opposition for on Economlo Problems you nil) du Willi some seemingly I he right to circulate In 'Ionian! Oliver, lOi ounces; Hold, fl.50: Todsjy Ihe only iillerimtive which useless article. slreels. The 5,000,cab driver i.ead, 33 per cent. SYllAlXSi; X. Y.. June J3. lias been suggested is Ihal the John and livery men fought it use. K. II. ilary, rhalrmau of the government shall forcibly lake ill Bulger Muring the month of May ::U ami control of all and warned the cily iiduiinislra Hoard of Din-elms of Ihe Kill- tosoii miners cereifirales were issued Jeweller lion they would be defeated at led Slates Steel Corporation, told capita! ' nnd distribute Ihe in (he at local mining recorders of ejection if the laxicabs were.' I l'n Syracuse I'nivfrslly students come derived from II amongsi fice. II.u ......!.. ai.II 'II.I- u.u.l.l 1 admitted. In a coinmencemenl address to LASTi GIFTS THAT - " This opposition lias in a inca Afirr transacting business. day Hint capital is necessary to Injeef Into Ihe nalural ytrmlj "",'' -e'asasaaBsmaa. j J sure been overcome but there Ihe -progress and prosperity of of nalbiual and individual life ail and 'spring Ihe sights of Prince VIUIAH PAVTSWUM fn'rtlK lMTOTWAf Mlf1 S.,fck pgH si III remains some cab drivers' lluperl, WHIiani Crawford returned every country' and any l"Ulf. ponn whirli would rvenluale prejudice against... motor vehi to 'I own last Tuesday on Hie only alternative lo it, he In destrnellon. It would smolli cles in their business. They the Pachena. leclarcd. was Ihe anarchy or er uinblllon."enervate Ihe Immv. have insisted Hint the chauffeurs Sovlclfsni now gnawing at the remove roioprlltlon for legiti "The Sin That be mainly recruited from the Advertising is nflen expensive vitals of Itussia. Thl HussIhii mate success in every line of ae. Mountain Park cab drjvers. it is nothing like as exp-nive system be described as a oi-in Ilvlly, deslroy incentive for de is an empty store and idle in Ihe iinlnrnl system of national vrtopmenl nnd progress and create II. J. McDonnell, t lie Stewarl lerka. II ami individual life would eventuate . nalionof laggards, weiik- Black Diamond hotel man. came down from in destruction. lings and Mttir.. Slfghl lo" Was His" Stewart yesterday afternoon and He expressed the opinion that live for succeeding in any na. (Great West Coal Co. Ltd.) continued south lo Victoria last there might lie no objection lo urn I and honest direct ion would night. Summer fSir: a fair nnd reasonable law subverting exist If die filial results were lo Stoiy by Frnnk L. I'nrUtd, autlxi of COALS organised capital. x-eecdiiig be applied for the equal livneflt "The Mlmcle Man" There mar be anmelhinir yoii certain amounts, to gov- of others. ti ! hi i.niii,H rnlnmn ri-'uoental Inquiry and restric Bad Doctrine FOX NEWS PRIZMA SCENIC We have been appointee, uaiaud dim HVfi&'i tion in lis uses, "provided organism! "Crowing out of Ihe illogical agents jn this district for lalMir slioujil also be subjected and condemnatory doctrine ntMive COMEDY, "PARK YOUR CAR" these well known coals. The Ice Cream lo the ame statute." dscriled, is another even worse. No Advance In Prices. former is a bituminous coal Extra Special Capital and Labor. It is. and for soma months pnl and the latler is a Mib.bi-luminous hits in nl breu, praelice places I'aeilJe Milk can be iiinI every Snenkin? on Ihe relations of coal, both of first eniiilnl mi.I InUr. Mr. i!irv said "ll side Ihe United Slates II re where for salad ilress. class quality. rri'aui Ihal these I wo interests recog- Jeci ine ngni l I lie. in.liviuual No. 1 Sandspit Ings nnd for ice rream recipe, The lllack Diamond coal has usintr it straight for rream uikI Hire their interdependence but In enjoy I lie irulls of nalural The Empress Theatre a grealer'sule in Kdmonton diluting it as require.. II has that outsiders often seek In antagonize ability and integrity, of study lhau other dofucslic and menial effort, thrill and any Idem. lie declared. the, rich, full flavor of fre-.li coal. I'rices delivered sacked Potatoes milk ami ncvvly.skimmed rream however. Unit I lit majority of economy nnd It substitutes lb Tonight and Tomorrow , .Mountain J'ark, I5.00 when used ill Ibis way and )ou emidoyrr or manager of bnl-H"w f physical force which per- per Ion; Hlaek Diamond neeil never fear Hint ncss are more solicitous for tlieM"" lro'f '' powerful lo screened lump, 911.00 per your welfare of Ihe workmen and dof"'bly appropriate nil that be i reams or dressings will le Ion. Unsacked, I1.25 aud per 100 lb. sack more lo promo e "Ifieir comfort i ing In another, Including .other' than fresh and delirious, Madelaine Traverse 13.35 respectively. I'roper and happiness than nilsld.'rs pnqierly ami family. for "I'acillc" is absolutely fre-from weight guaranteed, (tan take ever have ifone or were disMisn "This virulent and abhorrent all luinl of "limiiness" orders now. for delivery I7lh $2.00 lo do. Ijibor was never ln!dicase. mu-qiierudlng under siieh us spoils ordinary milk June and after. the world's history more highly ,'Hffereiit names, has ,rrn gnaw-hesperled IS' We feel" sure if you give for puch purjMisH!.. nor treated as liber- ""f 01 Glials of llussia. Anally lliese ronls a trial thai you , See this line in windows. ! "I'aeille" is the produrl of as .loday. lie declared. It archy is a ireiorie emi for II. "Snares of Paris" our Krner Valley n Ihe only f'ovletisni Is most used will Jie thoroughly satisfied. had len (lemon.iruted lo ! rommonly BOOST FOR AND EAT : milk fanned in the province. pnfilabte I.. hr ,.employer to al presrnl. II bus spread and Pliilpoll, Evitt & Co. NORTHERN B. C. i Pacific Milk Co. (real the workmen fairly and b'li-"el. Its grni purposely MUTT AND JEFF TOflCS OF THE DA POTATOES ; this would insure Ihc lalter full bavr been eerelly rarrinl to Comedy, "Bill's Anniversary" Limited jusliee. , America und efforts to inuoculaie Has Block, 1st Floor BECAUSE j Ftclorlu at Laying stress Hit the iieceijy "r sdendid eitlieutliip. Phones Green 317 and 555 They are the best on the ; Akklafr an 12S DRAKE STRUT or capital he salilt, . "Money is "IJapilal. whelher Invested in Llmltttf VaNCOUVIR charitable, religious, educational essential lo provide facilities for market. Every sack ii you preparing one to neeompll.h ilmlinslllullons. or comineirial or buy means money spent at besl reulis.n any profession orJ indiialrial enterprise will be EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY home calling. The material progress'protected and. as a corollary. and prosprrily of any ami every the rights of Ihe people without MOIR'S We buy American Currency, UNIVERSAL country nre ( an enormous ex-!discrimination will le ronerv- EAT Silver, Gold tenl liie result of large capital, cd. or Willie.ut lliese. ihe inhabitants flestrlctlon of Wealth Bills vould be ticilher happy nor com-1 "If it uliould be Urged thai Chocolates TRADING CO. forlnhle. 'certain aiootinU ami possess"d Rupert Brand Rupert Table Supply Co. Accumulated" enpilal provides be by orgunited Kiibjecleu rupltul o govern should CD Q j PHONES 211, tit, Helgerson Block mental Inquiry ami restriction In its use, there might be no BRILLS DE LUXE objection lu a fair nnd reason- A laborer l ! worthy of her 500 Men's Soft able enactment covering this hlrtr-kiij little bit a more. question, provided nrrunUeil labor When your stenographer YOU Collars ICE CREAM should also be subjected doei good work make her happy with a box of Mom's. Havinir eninrDPfi ..o- ,-,i...i l tb name laluli SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE All sizes, 85c to G0c and insiMij,.,! modern machinery,! 1,,c 'l'lrtunily for Overtime loses its terrors, COME flMir and pothooks' become value. To close we are thoroughly equipped to! p"" UU! "' '"'"' ln TO COOK Cut fish intn rtijuircd portions. Dip In hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. mure Interesting when she lake rare of our cvcr-grovving Icei'V '"'V """ batt r. Placo In very FIRST 10c each should be grateful for the priv-II Cream Irode. KE7AILKKS is tasting such a reward. 30 LD DY ALL lire. Neither should be Who cares how hard one HM Tlx will Ili.Ulilwe follow UiUtl' ta wlthi-i,urllc tut i.uxe"Tke lee iiiredenU Cream Used Hie in "Do mitted lu abuse It. per Cold Co., Lid. works when one receives 1'iHir are of best, Canadian Fish & Storage Pants 111 be Hhllen l rlt, yuurtell first Boys' our cream being imported from such sweet appreciation. ruiillrrillijii, wit ut. It Ii our the noulli Iri-weekly, FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IiihIiwm io rendir srrvlrr. II u Sizes 20 to 2G les Cream la mads our duly lu iiinure you si I lie dally on our J liri-uiiuumrs Ktiranl. $1.50 each premises In three flavorsVan Senior League Your pulley will da sll lliti in Ilia, Strawberry and Chocolate Dominion Cup dules are m luiiiranre sliry If lux eiu. loiuri, We also Sales Agent rclnilur.iH-ij ufll follow rliil on specialize In Neapolitan follow: H.O.i:. v. n.W.V.A.. IU luc I , Wlwn rflirual Jut ruiiirt Ladies' Silk bricks. Itiissell referee, June II; Cullies John L. Christie )uu lll l pruniplly itoiinrd. All we solicit orders for Teas, v. H.d.C, Mercer referee. June Prince Rupert, B.C. by urli u deU(l on llw wlil dol.be We liken are care sutloui ot Camisoles Dunces, etc., and nil orders arc 17. The Itnal will lake place on Dentistry- Kiven special ullfiilion and d. lo (l on the Job: Have our uisu July I. vvllh .Mercer liainillng the rail. livered by our ow.ii automobile game. Special value Wo make prompt shlpiiionts of July (J Cnllle vs. (I,V.V., UAVE Your Suit Cleaned McCaffery, Gibbons & $1.50 each out of owu orders Mercer, rereree. . , . HeIZeron Block, Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St, and Pressed by our Steam Doyle, Ltd. Wholesale in Junior League Machine able.Method.Give us Price a trial.reason Insurance Real Estate 5 gallon lots $1.95 June la Allilelles vs. Dry Dental Nurae In Attendance 9 Phone Pkonell P.O. Boa 1628 and upward Dock. Ilussell, referee.,, Office Houn, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to LING, TAILOR Black B02 Universal Trading Co. per gallon June 'Jl Dry Dock vs. Mer. il . chunls, MuCulloch, referee. Two Store June 27 MerehunU vs. Alh. Chartered Accountant Royal lellcs, Hell, ic'crt'i!. Phone 555 or Black 472 ! and Audlt6r. LADIES' AND GENTLE-MEN'S Confectionery C. V. EVITT GEORGE RORIE MT TAILOR DeLuxe Confectionery Without adverlfsemeiils, this Rsaal voai sstUfsctlon. Foothills. l'u"PY" SU of Rarl. A 8m.lt C.A... Vaneuarar aatf riT CUaVAHTEKD Third miier Would not be U Interesting ,tove ,,M, u.w ton. wl Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Auditor Auctioneer and Accountant fBONE Federal Ut P.O. Boi M LEE. OlHlu THIRD AVENUE Put Ofltc Phones 17 and 103 lo you, bccuue liiroriiuilioii about snu rurnsce CONSUMERS tsi win surpns.COAL, COMPANY- -- . .ITED 7 4 Jl 1 Building in the Phone Red 136 good for sale stoics is uoom li smith uukk J uox iv.h"i" news Jiuat thot.