TM5 DAILY JH5W8. i 1 i i i i OPERATION WAS WIRELESS STATION MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News AT BULL HARBOR IS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA k , Foe the EaeL The Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi T NECESSARY NOW IN COMMISSION Monday. Wednesdays and HaU Asia Trading Co. Printing and Publishing Co., Tliirtl Avenue. nrdsy at 10:15 a.m. Triangle Island Station Closed From the Cask H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. and New Plant Opens Amid, Tnssday and Tbura "Fruit-a-tlves" Restored Her Simultaneously. .days at 7:10 p.m. Three Day SUBSCRIPTION RATE8I To Perfect Health City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 91.00 YICTOIIlA. Jut ? Hull : For Vancouver end lauth, L 1 Hy mail to all parts of the British Knipire and the United Mtutes. 1S3 I'ArtauC Arc.' Mostbiau iiiuiH.r. .......isoum i i-.i'Mnwy,,,, .11 n, m,, DOLLAR "fur three I mfrrtJ frrt in advance, per year . ... , . . HJ.UO. years, inn up -liii in sea nnd Inoail-rasliior Tlniri1ny II i tin la the lor part of my Uxlr, To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.00, Willi swellio? or bloating. I at a I tie nen- fur Mm- lienefll Saturday no'.! i(ec)alUt mho Mid t mutt undergo uf Jlie eliipplu uilrrel nil Ihi f rem Vancouver and South. TELEPHONE IS. an operation. 'Jjtfuasd. roUl. w ' Hiinday . - ni SALE kttrj abut "Fntil-4ipf $4 Tlie wlreles lal4ii al Tri. LMOndays a.m. Transient Display Advertising St.36 per Inch each Insertion JtCiJtJ to try it. amrle Inland clnwl lt WfMliir.dnya IIM30 a. ot Transient advertising on front page ... 92.00 per Inch. The aVit box jao great relief; as J neck and till new .Inlloll huitt h Fridays m Here a ro a fw of th manv harjraina e ,fT(., i I eonliuuM the trrameiil. Xow Saturdays 10:10 a in my al "S Local headers, per insertion, 25c. per line. llic liniiiiiiliin (viTiinicni it u n iiaviiii:, nil wouill aiVSf) pur Zrif)(lft ti aK health is eicellent I am free vf Hull llurlmf W8 put nil" to prevent diaapiwintment And thr flftrl,f Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c, per word; pain end I g ite "Fruit-a-tlvea" uy inlMlOtt. II. Alnhc la (he chlof for Anjroi end Alice Arm. Il ......... nil ... H .....I... .. ... .. are o-,u' "leW, Legal Notices, each Insertion, Iftc per ngato line. warmest thankt". in-rnlor nl lojtl Hnrlmr, with a fulidaya 10 p.m. sill.- P. ii i. .'-i"!. iiia-na w iii. iii-jf (, ' ' 1 1 'le! ".ii, Contract Hates on Application. ilme. J. OAItKAC. -inff of four nllAnl. Wednesday V p ut I iu-. i. nlilMii J and 3 ifii he. stide. l, ysrda for tuo All advertising should be in the News Olllce COo. a txt,Cforf?.JO,trUltlie). From Anyoa and Alice Arm. S.ll.- I. Daily on day preceding Triangle Eiposed. At all dealer ur eeut )xx)pIJ by 1'nrailays a.m. ysrda for Hao publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Frurt-a-lirra limited, OtUia. TrtiiiiKle IsIhimI ha InliB 'huradaye I liil.lrrii . Hoae. Il.'unliii 'I'.. "",'ile .r.. Pslr far $ tin- in! ion wincii has dlvlikil p. oi. M.r. II.-uuIhi.... in l.-.- .'Hi ta . 3 11.00 tixiiors with . IMovaii Point in I ...i.. . in, ri--i ieo i. e ti, v - v ... . . . . DAILY KUITION. Wednesday. June J'J. 10?I. Foe Poet Simpson, Armndale, MID I ' Fr tor SUITCASES In -l .ikiir tip ami rlnlHliln I i.In-- vt hile under.iris. Ileanlai tl-'. ... . !:: m ,m ,w if 11 rJl Island Naaa Bay, Wales and niver. couiuiiinienlhin Willi ahi si i..,.. lluiiiHiaif. Hi-unlar a? no nl. All Gratified TRUNKS riiln Um Pacifla -fnun Hie Friday a.m. .' ioi-rerriae.1 rroe. Ilea. ;.V. s-d 2 l' ' salra 11 From PL Slmpeon, Arrandale. Mill da Kar Kasl, Nit eir"'' .i- I I'-oiitMlMti.rna. at , Coal Strike Over. it. - l,.. .5 le ii i.. , .... Walea Island and Nats Bay, rtlver. HANDBAGS H.n made .1 etirviiiely ,ffky oil. Knleker.... TtevVtlMr ,t In. .Kali- oai.. 9 .it.. ... .... The new which eclip-ed nil else til imp'irinnee yelenlny wlteli the lln. Saturday a.m.I r. - " K"k fwr 91 cm In lurid tne urn. i.iiii-liniui. MemtlMr 34c ier yttrd. si.. ,.,. 4 araVie was the iiiinouiireiiienl that Hie Ilrift-li rVwl strike had been iTiiineiil deeiinwl lo diariMUtlc Hie 'r,," $1 0 Tenls, Sails, Awnings North Queen Charlotte Island. ......vt...y S ardt f $104 settled It wa as welcome; new here In Prince lluierl, an outpost 1 1 hi house iu'llie Island I be 1'nr Klrii-ed tlon i:rep. Itc 5e. Mr- jan, ,. 3 ,aPdt for $100 - of? the Knipire, ns it must linye iieenrigh in Knglaud. The rlmnife aulomaHcally nfferleil June 5J Plaiielh lle. heeiiy iiNilHy, antUhlf fr pyian ' i . i.:i:. i i - ii.:1 ' ' ..'t.t'.t. . .'..i ... J. F. MAGUIRE tlie Vklrelw.a j.lnnl. Sllrc,. ft - 2 inniPip ijor jimAajn-r,iiiiir .i nmiirr itvr wincii people ill every Front ysm. fcrllM itii'ly sprlitK Workmen have lxeii I Ili-tfUlar S .ri'lioiue. JJ. sei-finn of (he Knipiiv wVrc much concerned. Although it e.nninl Nest the Print llupert Hotel j June 33. Htjle .rii.'. nr eiiuHioil In Hie ef'llnir operal-iitK Tovwllinti. alrtst. HeiUr ae irj . 4 be said (liiil peuple iii Western Canada hail come lo feel the direct slalHin and arrial Al Hull South For Queen Charlotte Island:' .. ifiitar. while.' lii-vular aV Hal. ,re.- 3 yard yird for for SI tiao 00 results of the three mouths' industrial had HiirlMir tllider' Hie supervision "f calamity, they none LAND ACT. June St. i-ia'.l l.iMMia. ReirltUr 1b-. Hale in icr ... tarda fo 11 rwt thp less become worried about it for its effect hud been very L. W. Slrplietioiiii, (loiertwifiO Kn'iieil nlle Hetiiiifir Sljfft. Salfi airiee 1 " ' ,1.00 serious in Britain ami in alTirliug llrilain it Heeled Canada Kllc tl UlMtlea U plr le liw tan4. eii(riner. Fe . I. et n. itirltr.. Hear. Il.&d. Hale .r.. 11M a in in iHM-rn f jmmtiw i . (hi i tarwi iiMinn. Ikaaway and the Yukon. tit More Efficiency. I1.1 i. I il.l- rtli ifirlt. Ile I? llp'Wiliiil't I'nar Hufwri, aan .I..II1, ! 11 n sentimental if not a inalerinl way. The settling of' the slrike IIMtr Mondays noon K The station al Hull lliirl-ir i I f,, -1. 1.,1.1. ,(..lh. ;ouirh. He. .I.oil MkE nn n:n thai i:aiuaaa nan a 'n J2K Sajigway and Yukon. was indeed the most imporlant In the llritish happening Kint.ire CbM Skfir i a,. Lid of I'rMM-a llrl. well prof erlml front Hie irtl I'l inl SU i.mimI. :irt.inrli. Ileanlar s.T ; ;, trrvMIIiti rrveh inO rmien nMi iV.Kr.. Halunlsya p.m. yesterday. iinnnaa in af.ply for twneiaaieii to ir Pacific, nnd wild n uiiHlern planl ,i . : r ii MOO Parliamentarians r i MMontrrnt romiwina nrarnora nl a larM una ilnlI- an foal in exiifN'led lo i.nrte fundi more lUwart, Haple Bar nd Iwampjl ! iin !l. ftulut S;'0i. Kill.- irire rT-. . 11.71 la a xeiikrHy dirt rum mn Iwi Iwtl-raiint effu i. ul Ibaii ilte old rriaiiale 1 Ii .! .i - 1 11 .-. 1 . nil .1 f..iu :i ti. 1 1 And Salaries. I H. Xu. l: ihrnn- tie ri. won or Im in a S. V. dlrrrlloa in Inw iler IhIkmi. !fow t.i a YOUR CHOICE rOH $1.75 EACH, It seems uolhiug ele if not reaoualile that rabinel minister: mark, tttir tee ft. MIny llnftr Inwe .,1 11..II II..,.,l.. w l.t.K.1 n 1 1'I, ,t." l u r mart; tnrarr nuriamr lee il awre l..rf tBa in. and members of legislative assemblies should he required to pay or la hlrti wairr mark; ibk ee located nlioitl r3 mile from Trt- i "t. .p. ENTIRE STOCK at SALE PRICES n. ratirrh a tail kiih atr m H. uiMii . r inn tit rumfwnrrfnmt aad naalalrMr iu arr oniric Nlnlid. I-iiik "fi miles en the income lax. There is no apparent reason why I hey houhl 7tanM7 p.m. nocv or le f Slmaliarlie M.iy mul abotil til not pay the Impost that is demanded of evi-ry eilizel of lh 'Doir YTTTJj!eJ.,LD T,"M,E 0M- niil.'s Ali ii Hay. million who receives a salarv over a rerl.iin IIlmiti- Whv .nm,. I UMt" "T Jro- persnns'iir Hie parliamentarian , themee should feel that p LAND ACT. CASEY STRIKES IT EAT FIS! land INDUSTRY SUPPORT cabinet mhiisler or a member of parliament should be free from Nolle af InUallaa la apalr ta Laaa Lane. AJLOCAL la liaarr S. ixxal LaM liHinri. HM-ifir RICH WHILE DOING WATKH AOT. 1911. such laxes eems dilllcult to understand.' After all thev-nre'bul fii.iriri or rmw Haion, and attati doing funclioii iir the ordliiaryjCourse of every day lusiiie.s orranlr Mwldk- Paaar.innrrjr. I Smitn nulea Mland,mmirvmi and IS of WORK AT ALICE ARM llnnr mith I e hp. is tiratmaal Hielar miwawr ii.s af imi Proos hi EAT tniirf rati norm r Onri lianS l.lrm rai iMunut tr M vita ta Mrtra af li. and are rarryiiig tul ordnore valiialde no higher use fulness (hail Tak none thai 1. Alfrrd l: WnrOI. of IikiiIim aMtaril Ma bra psraw4 lo nmiiy other persons in private life. In many cai', loo, the.-parliamentarian rrrnr.rnnrri Inland nwneri.In B applr orranaunn for ftrrrmiooa laiwi tmt-lo ALir.K AIIM. Jttn VJ.-- rieh nnr 1 kwil MrMinl u Ik pr,UOM el i has independent means' and his parliamentary work Iraw lbr roooainr al a 6mbed l piaaiMl lanl:-Mmaniif, on lb jlrike of native and rtihy iler la SerliMi ibif-wr ia of a I lb of In Wairr autai ar lilt v- I Rupert Brand is of his own choosing H is never foisled mrliinv TJierTforo nortkarmi end of a sand bar IV mnra has lieen ntade on Hie Se, tnat Is- revrre to aairrManir .w. tit or MiiaMl romrr or 11 to. alrfs of Brtr lak. M M hmi imi If he draws a salaiy which in size is Mihject hnr t, al Oi.tnri; itrnr aroead Tliouiihl cluhii ml i:ieamat-r and Marmoi hor in la erasro Ha-lrl tojiicnmclax let inr mlirx Sand Sar. lakiea In all Mat aarl Creek tiy 5esrge IIoey. while Watr tsHinei a.iaWos-4 ar him Die lax. II is alr Low Watrr lan. aod contaimai It Ordrr in-lAoartl Mibfd til an i pay no harder for him lo live than it i for the, arrra. mora or let. iloina jeel,pgienl work. Tlie prwrd oa n ilia day of fxvt-aitvr. ! other fellow at least it should not he. Probahly, if it does rol Dated uut til AIJ'hEP day or K.apni WRIGHT.. o. Its I. sirike is reM,rii lo have lseni Mid Ilia.iMn ranrvord nrfiaiaa ia l a inr far ater aa in of ' -BRILLS- him more lo keep up than the man in private life, it is causml by inaije IIHKI feel nlMite I he tunnel Marmoi Niter ta tae friar taper! IS THE SrpflKME l RT or BHITISH Watrr Irlainrl aad llMI "m af his own ersoual ambitions and aims falher than hy his OI.I bll willed wh drlieii Iwo year tmrm raarrflaltaa) tm noMOnrd for pulilje, is the mrrr.H or the "ArivisisTRs- and in which native nnd Ikrre aaaiiaa ia IM II C. Oaarll a. duties. He has an expense crcooiit for the lalleisthefoVnier TIO.I st:T- and for three tuvaitau ja oo iue , and ruliy silver wfta found. The itd eara mia of . nerfanrr patk' come out of his own pocket. f I THE MlTtr.H OF THE ESl..iE OF U.nr4 la Ifkr mate Maoerl Water I SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE MhH KVrrM7l. MTKAStn. hits ln Iracnl front Hie tunnel Ix.lrsrt TAKE .KJTICE tal In the ordrr of Hll luted las file daraf Harra. 4.H. lift lo the new" slrike. More work Local Q. W. V. A. Shows Hnanr JoOr F Mm. rami, aiade Um r. I eaTTIilXO. TO COOK Cut fish tnto required portion!. Lip in ?W Amenability to Law. aatmraiml toenljr-MalMn Admlni.lrator day of pril.or th istt,F.atate i of a will lie d'.n.- nn Hie prierly Hlei.lrr of t IMI lialU r- Place' in very hot fat ri fry for I j minute. Maria kaaffmann. iwadand all bartwai litis siliiiliM-r. and il ia esteeei The local (ireal War Veterans' Association mnv be eom- hatlnir trvfe,v rlaima rrOMIrMI aaaMMt Ln rurAl.o Itw tald mala MMMfflMl'""'ari a hiit body ,af In clt u;rad SOLtJ HY ALL RETAILER) mended on the attitude it has taken u reganl to the selling of arrSXI la mr on or fjrtorc th IMnj. ore will lie a'llimn Ul. Tltei heer proierly is nnnl hy Jaek itra- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. in contravention of the Liiptor Control AeL Its niemhers twoiwv m in rauu brv rroaireo m. pay Ihr amount or Uilr ibdrtitmlneaa V IM hani of .Mire Arm ami have jeen iniaiiimous in their desire lo keep within the law and foriaoita. tieorge ALICC AHSI LCCK.UP. JOHS H. MrMI LU.1, liasey of Prince filierl. liave looked- caiffully hefore they leaped. It is true that beer 'mrul Adminuiraler. kOTSCC TO COHTRAOTOaS. PnooA koprr . a. c was Mild in the local canteen for a couple of days but this was naud ibli lib day of Hay. nil. aralrd Trndera arwTlb4 "Trndrr f4 tlirr ttm Lart uf. otll br rrrn.'.i on the understanding- Hint Its sale was being sanctioned by the is the court or rhitish Ten Years I or in iiurMMiraoM in aapwr - I'uiMti , i'iii unis. Ago tofB. op Ht la mrwttm rmmm of wmma m Lirpior Control Hoard. When that was cleared up and it was IS fkOHATE. in tin day of Jaly. Ityl. fif lor rri.. , IX THE M4TTfl OF THE ESTATE OF In Prlncei Kupcrl and if4rUi of a Laaa I p al Alar A rat shown'thal the'Liquor Hoard had nolhing'to do wilh the 'policing IMKOIJI rtlHISTIE v.t:ai.f. Hi lb AIIM Flrrlaral Rtalnrl. h I TAKE MITICE Ilia I on Ins flat day cf nana. brriartloiM ami rVaeaM of Tea ; J of clubs and it was not for them lo say whether or not . club May. I I. admlni'iraliun of tlie rm rW mar br srm after la iliu 1 June 29, 1911. rley of faar, Itll. tl lb anlre f or Harold Ijirlalle Mrirairc. drrraard. to. slionld sell beer, Ihey closed up. They are still closed ns far a iralatr. a rranlrd lo Jonn If Mrtfullin (he MrllMHllal f.hsjrrli Mimni,ri ifoior.Bi. vaaeaayar.wawernna' a em , GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY this is concerned and will likely remain mi until heer selling Ite-comes Offlrlal l-ilun.t.AdmlMttralnr. Frinre Hnprrt. Bruit Hoard Itaa irrnnled a sum of i. n. WrWallm. f Xl, Ovarmwol Ayml 1 S.S. r.tlNCE nUPERT f it PHIMCE OEOHOE SSfi I I HTHER TAKE .SOTICE that l aojri iioitu. rrior amxrt. all legalized which will not, from present IndleaUon; he very prrotia oaina inontra to tbr aald atute S.A00 free of inlere.l lo Hie rroravlal CMaflaM. AOHi a unit The an- mialrrd lo pay In aavw to the Ad MelhiNllai Churelt of till elly or lha Orftrtail nf ealiiir Thursday and Sunday Midnight for Swanson Bsy Ocean local soon. hranch of the flreat W.-r IrlACt. B. :. Veler.ins' Association, tninlairtlor ronnailk. and til prraiata h- Seattle. . lo il lowanla Hie Tn kri or tar leader nn keiiarlr Kails, Vaneouter, Victoria and iHt arrumita arainai the .aid ratal arJ l.ulldlitjr if ha indeed showed itself more amenable to I he law of the land rrldlrd t Blr . lh iirn, wtlU lb Artii church. arerbled. Wednesday 11 p, fn, for Anyos Saturday S p. m. foe liearsn n new r. riioir. than some of the olher tranches in (lie province may have done. ifal ninwuimr brrrof wiiinit urriy tjayt rrwaiiine a - a a por Wort Karmrer, S.S. PBINCE JOHN "' , Hated lim tr,te 614 May, I HI. Ixolir Wnrka firMriiarut, For I'orl riini. nf. JU-s. M. IliteWI-y la July " JOII IL MrMIXUf, Hy Hie mail which came in ViriMia. R. ... : l-landi Aaniixniau.r. J uur It. Itll. nil in.mi- ..n Hniitiiprn Oiie-Mi'.linr.iU'' -ly yealerday. Hie Mayor received a Train Sendee. aVis IT THE .MATTFM of THE mMKi rTIT leller from Mr. If'Arey 'J'ale on l.a...,er MONDAY, WkDNtSDAV and SATURDAY . 1 aitiioM 74MM?siHoVM!'i' hHialf of (he ra,,d Trunk Pa- Bas .1. in. r'or rlotlor. I'rinrn liei.rKe. I iliimiil "i ' Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Mssml TOXlKOHliK HOMIE. AliTIIOH- rifip llnilwav f V.riu.iiii v vnrl. fteif. inakinii dtret't eonnwimn for uil noni 01 .Ml IHI Hill II KAfcHriT V I I'aimdii mied niaie. nnd TVKE SonrE trial no IS SIS nay af a rheipie for $:in,00() in pay Suitcases j. ia. A. o. . l aul Maurt of port inenl of laxca Hie AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAIKISMIP LINES, MEMBEK OP THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE i-fnnt in Hi I r"mre of rnn fi-htn.Dia on eouipaliy'a for fi ll inrormiati-n and ee-eralnrn ani i madr an atiOwtfitxd taaltCuwiil lo property for Hie yeara lUIll and rn. tul.i nmr. K2A Third"Avenue pnone v DENTIST ' 'ry Horb nf f-rlm' hufrrl Hi In Trunks i i r-.nnr or union cottimiita, aolnorlird II. Hefore Hie cily eilt accept Phone 575 Smith Block tru.ler ASH U In HTIlin tiankrubtry.TAKE VITICE ffut Ilia Ihfa money ahaolulely it wllj i.e mertiny 14 th rredilora of in aaxl Faal necesaary for Hie ciliirns. lo ap-irovp Tents. Packsacks HilCti KTada dental work st the lowest prices. "luiri Will tie arid tl fbe ollr of Wll 1 tan give th bett of reference. Hania, Wann A oiilra, bartirura, elr. Hif avrreuienl and for il PACIFIC RAILWAY Ii.nal Bank kmldin. Fiinrr koorrl. H : raliffe CANADIAN 2?Jffr,.Jn service. al Monday Hi full) day of June tl lo lo b by the provincial F. M. Crosby clilei wHir oi a rira in inr afirnsmn. jfoviVnoieiil. . Hears-f I2i M it. 7 J. Opes Eveaings 11 ert-te ltuirrt In lie I'retlnra a 716 Third Avenue, Prince Itupart B.C. Coast Servicef of Hrilnh iMumMi Oiit I till Mar uf Jan. a. it, mi. A man fri Ihk Hie name of CEOHOE riOhlE. J. Archibald, who l believed lo Avluorlrd Troalr. have Iravrlled under several Sailini7sfrom PrinceRupert MOhTOAfiE I.A8SUH SALE Mlll'11,1,OF LASH hi:il SITI ATE IS aliases, nnd uhO chiiuis he is a Phono 555 or Clack 472 j DONT WAIT BUY TODAY COLI,'MHIA. blaekauiilh but who at any rale For Kelfhlkan, Wranotll. Juneau ano , C. V. EVITT June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 11, 18, 25 August 1, I, r I iidrr and by tlrrne r iiir baarrt t-t is blessed wilh n brillianl iuiajf- Foreign and al r.4ilaind in a erruM Indmiare of j Auctioneer For Vancouver, Victoria and ', Bonds liialloii, Exchange Morlrrtr 1urt tlie ISia of Auaaat. A. I). souyhi by many peo- IVII. Mltlrli ill lie uodurd al it inn (e in Hie riljr and especially by Auditor and Accountant j Juna 18. 25; July 2, 9, 1, 23, 30j Auaust , uf Inr uk OVERNIGHT I flOFITS Tlir be olTcrrd for Ml by cCBIJi; fleorite While, who advanced For Sanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Port Hardy, l.rt B.f, - Overnlrshl nrofiia are ting rnaie hy purchasers of Al I TI'lS bf Mr. tintttr lr turllMr. and Victoria foreign him tHon Hie Coa, Vanoouysr on slreu(Hh of Nlnpklsh, Beaser erliariite, xtcrliiiff. of l i.llv of enure Hnurrt. Brlii.ti O. francs and marks all advances. rrirMeririK imiiortaiit 'J .y'i'Zl. 'I"."'. "";"'Ida slory thai he hud obtained a BVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. ' advise InveAtors lo take immediate advantage of exlt. rl 11'Miar In lb t:ny uf i rnw hnrtf.n. conlracl from Foley. Welch Our phone number Is Injr and their ii Ihr erovlur j.f HHti.b rtuiiiOia ou. thsegeil, New fiufit- rjtXM pnrtsTf Ui7wwl FuiTlnformatifin fro-i prices, place order for either foreiiru excliaiiKe rfsurmliif rbierlr: Klewarl lo shoe all llodr horsea Tlekel. in nil Urlt or bonds with ns. We sell p)cein etohantre on airconlinenlal ah iiiai rr.a.n parrri or trari or land and wa -oing In ojieii n hlit European points, aa well as the Orient. We nuole tuat in Oui t'nrt'iur tt rjdum. Rupart, p. buy and sell all classea of foreiyn bonds. (mip!et prices Infor-Diutlon and dr-md Ina. anl inorr if Uil uaitlrutarlir Hr lli..slr.AiMArn and our and shop here and iosildy later on UNG, TAIf-OR Si Ave. Corner of lh Slresl and 3rd Avequs, Prlnoa as to dallnif, maturity and approximate yield of these !vi . " ti.iiii ine il. OiHiar In.oirl. ii brass ii nd iron foundry. Iln bonds furnished upon request. Many bonds offered today will r.rfi.i.ri.inr Mr liuiMirrd and OMy arret he has lately disappeared faking never axaln be sold at present low levels. Uiorr 1I.HUS or Iraa.Or HUT; Twiuly fwr rrliL wilh him Mr. While's f Mini. LIMITED. li balanre, mlllun trti Hki lata. IIMirtM CTPAMQtlfP PO. OF B.C.. LADIES' AND t'nr furlhrr barllrulart In rwunrrliun CENTLE-MEN'S umwii uibniiiuiiii a P' m. THOS. McCLYMONT altti aal Mly fi Mrtar I'tiue- a BIRTHS. M.T. TAILOR roe Vtaeotorr. Orraa Itll.. tad "i.;Mii'r liillan, Sarrl.o-r.. I'rtur lujiM-rl. Brllisn I. Vaurouirr. Srllt firlla, Alrrl Sar. ..iiiii.oia, or Vi Mr.r. I'ai Maraidll. " Fiv OVAUAartaa All foreign bonds sold on convenient partial '.larnrlll k l-nrli. aoll'ltora for til liiurl. A son was born lo Mr. nod TH i si' Avr.Mur Ifu, rati Si.i.iu ana "''?'"' IV'.' i ,n' . taai'r. tih Hour tAiUitou Imilliiia. .c s..m payment terms, If desired. 4ft LEE futi OttVa a...ft,.J OftaalU I;mlrr airrrt Vt. Vtnrixm i, rl. i: Mrs. Y.. J. Cm way, nl Auyoy, on ... it Vaiiruiorr. u, i. . Una DAtti Fhona Hrxl 1HU. dt of Ivm, A V. IVIi. tii June 'irw iinMio