- v 1 tx. 139 main mtim A 27 A Huntley & Hale t HeIgeron Block PRINCE RUPERT J Jo and Fred J rn and Central British Columbia' Newspaper NO. I j I Mil, X 'Iiim:i: iu pkut. h. l.,, viixkhiiay. ji;nk2j. 11121. rUrr'( Circulation ,7C0. S'.rwl Sll . PRICK FIVK COTi Terms St nke Settlement Announced VICEROY'S REPRESENTATIVE AT DUBLIN GIVES WARNING TO MEMBERS British Parliament GERMANY PAYS FUNERAL OF INDIAN FROM Parliament Opening Grants Ten Million FORTY MILLION LATE OFFICER ALERT BAY ON South Ireland Was ON REPARATION Full Miliary Caremony This Af-t:rnoon MURDER CHARGE Pounds for When Lata Lieut. Subsidy W. 0. Mrcdonald Buried. a Dismal Failure Another IruUllment Handed Over , ;Tom Williams Alleged t Have Today to Commission Possibly nnir iii (he history i Commuted Murdir In ! LOMtON, June 2'.'. Till II'iiit ol Common Iu suiii'lmiieil at Paris. of Prince Itupcrl ' liks a more' Ssptember, 1914. 1 litUI.I.V. Juii- 2'J Thr iuen-iltjt 'nirliaincnl rould n-l In; anuml a -nlfuly of 10.0011,1100 in onli-r Iii -itlle tli mill miner' .cmn anl inijnviti; i:jlil - j ut I lie Si ml lie! n I'arliaiiici.l unli'. al Irail, lialf of (lie t, liirinlirrn of ilif look lie 1 juii- .ci-niauy imn-ii wunesseo man i no mil .i.u.i i.n, .luur v. linu.ije I : ikr Tin' Milinly will he ciTcrlive in (hrce iimiilli twit? imll -.. iowij of liflanil ncri'iiii'il Iml Iimi iiiiii. im pain .nnmier lony million military iuin-iai uiai loo piaca t imam, nu .mti iuy inuuin. mill of office. In Hiree month' termination notice Ihereufler. illrt linir .IliN moi-tiin?. 1 i,,' subject tndd muik i llir reparation IliU afternoon, when Hie body of w. hrouxlil hen yelrnly, in Only I'ixlil (nalorn anil Itvo M mciV wiig-- will In rriluii-.l iwn shilliup. ill July, hutr a eo,IIM)j,.,Ki making the l-lal the lair Lieut. Wilfred C. Mjc. custody of llti' prviiicnil- police I.nril ilhiiff Juilicr M-iNm-y, or lliri-i commoner aHemlilcil x .ii nifnl anil lliri'i' -1 1 1!i:i r in ScptrniLer. lamniitil ii.ml to dale Jjil.imo.imo t.oiiald wh- laiil aivay in il I .t rhnrircd wllli the murder uf ri'jiri'.'rntiis Ihr virr-roy. ikjxI- I"day. Iliry reiircKenlinK I lie Ini-peiinlistn Tup owner will lor go pmlll- hi (! i?4l Hire month innl'iark ifM.nu nldi-r in Iir rrmHrry al Kiik-cI Jc!i Yitunx. a lulirrinati i "HinJ ilm ri-ndii:? f I fif Itniji and iiir I'rol e.itant Falrvii-w. . ami Imiuj Insrster or Uu-lrr liar.' "i'rcrli until a repri-feiilnlivf cimuiunitiPK. Tlie Sinn Fein hr'T 'lVrr lake -ctcnlreii .niil for every bond red paid a I TliiTi tt a lafai ami nin.i Dirkwm Ulnnl, on f'iiiiihcr i. i anni-nihly iualiTi;ilizp. Hi i- mrmlMTM iKiiorrd I lie opfniiir. ar.dard of wa. BUSINESS IS ri-m-1'M-iil..litp nnfuiU.rjP .if I lilt." "tlnfl Him wamilia; Dial tin- f.tn- I'arliamenl lia, ix'cn adjourned II - 'Iii scried Hini !('' I" iff aiil tltr miarrii will I'rnifi- HuprrlV cilltiii. tukliiir Yooiig".' bJy ttnn fiol rnuiiJ Iinuance i.f llir Snufll Ireland' until July 13. . .. r iii almvc Mi mil .l.,n.lnr.l. i jiart in I In? cTiiinit.'. in I'JIB Iwn Uriurr. II w T ,. alacrity lUi ttln.K parliament arcriled q Ul rviiil ll NOT VERY GOOD Tin cunkel wjK.ri-iiiutfO frmii ilicii iff a" liollnw Ins coti'rrij i Until if.inff I" tin- tln.iMm.inm ar-ant eleari) reflciU llif li.C. LTil.'rlainL- uarloi-ii al willi an Indian inal. Tin- ilit- PATTULLO WILL snxtrt I" bate llii strike entd and the mine in ..jmtmIi.hi j II n'clorL IliU' nrt.rnina ami nitrrir U-fl willioul luklnjr llii Repert from Vancouver and Vic- taken in Hi llallUlic Chuivli. iMxJy mid lalrr. on arcunl m ti 'Hii an (Micililr. I lir niinrt till v lutrk In Uurk mi lar tm i many tlayn vtill Iw rfuirod Ut rrpntr Ue iaiiiaiir .lm tor.a Is Anything But Al i u'lkx k IIk iiiiliUi-) uraili- tlif ilmincl liavinjr l-r nwrpl . QUESNEL JULY 1 VISIT ENGLAND uiidrr Sfiuranl ll.'K.'. Canii-ri'ii. Iy a rorpjil fin'. failmJ li IiIpiiH- . lfurv aHiial mintnx will "In- im-i-JimI i.f inarlitily riMnmrncf Encouraging. uiarrhril frnin llio ?h-adauarlrr- fy I Italiiii. Tliif. frin;r Hi" ' : inil "f tin inlii',. .. ,.,.. . , . ,. of I he Urral War Vlrran In i-liarn-il bniif wrrp aaain (numl Delayed Construction of Bridge i Minister of Lands Will Take up ii. u.i .. ii ' 1 UihkIi. Tin- llrmp iiarty. by S.-rvranl Anriiiaim. a in..6iit. ; at Stjelhead Hinders Plans. Lumber Export .and Immigration rwitViiiUiu of fmembere -.f ed iMiliceiiuii. The man huu Matters. RENEWAL OF roiii.li..n remrl Dial builie Ibe lloyalijiiiadiaiiiMounlpd .- Int-u klml tliroiiyli Ilic ic;id. VIiriimiA. June n9. The lie. ! MASONIC GRAND in I lie omUi arc very niiicL 1 :Mir. ' lice, under the command of WillianiH tvun coiiiiiiill.il n,r lay in I tie const rucl ion of Hie VlirmiUA, June 2l. Hon. T. I. PACT IS NOW LODOt COMINO jLhiiIm lll JMtlllulltfct r Zlttll 1 rui.tain A. K. Aclaiitl. look up Irial by the inusielrale al ,Mvrt jbriilae at Hie enlry of Slnelliead I'allullo, minUler' of lam., will lltll. ' I in.Ill ll.'Vl ii. i , .L . N .I..I. iU M.aioiiJlirriM.ii cacli tde Hay. . itvill make Hie ciMiiplelb.jj of Ibeli-ate in Ibe early, pari ofjJuly irj&fTF7 ?. rf?urcir JoSfTTV fl'aeitic lireut FlaKlem "laflway,fr' l-liial!iiii?l'farl4U'ii,il!il v?itHrtl IJt,Ie ill lrle i . ,Upn-!i.ii. ,,,. -- , !o Oii.-sni'l liy July I iinio.,ibe.jcmiiliiecial ctrfle. tin qucilloli IUimH Mi-si )ear the CRAIG REFUSES Work Uue.ne, i., bow uf ili'telopinur Hie bi!nl-r export k . . . - ..1 ...l l ? "'.tlllT llll' lrif.- ri 1 lin II. beyond mh-mihi aWoiil fatir nun- w car. -ml lite wen.. I liere ar n .... .. ..,ri ,.,...., cter. iilamied for ' AumiM and i trade from KrilNh lUdumbia. Mr. iIih adiflt( Mim of I lie ! -r1. l'-.iV.Vr,,X'it.,',tviil lo'lbe srun carriage by the! i track laying in a nullierly Paltiillo will lie accuurpa'iiird by Orvit Britain Asks Japan ts will tiil ttie TO GO TO DUBLIN'S! iurr city -,tiriorHi pt-nt villi .mit; "'i"" lyi'X -r -....,r...l.. ..f from I'riucc (ieorfi;. Win. Turnbiiil, provincial lumber Poilpone to Allow Further and will be nilaiil) enter-Ii4frl .eem tirlie ,... ,1. I'r frfc. of (( , ,l(V ,,;, com in i. loner. Discussion and Consul-tallon. by I lie Ivmi Ini'nl KOMil. and uae. lend to be de- (. K ' While in Kuvland .Mr. Paltiillo IS COMPANY Imlyro. riinmra'n a a ) . I JreiiMim lUcco-l allJ s j ,,,,(,,, Declined Invitation from de Valera,COAL u ill also lake up in political and '!.,' 'I'bf iirlliiis liere "r ll1'"- . ' tain Forben Sullierluiid. Ser- For a Conference In JQ PROSECUTED auiiculliiral guarlers Hie mailer l,"lmX. Jump :'V. Ii i- mi. n vurr4 by tin local Cheap Strawberries. r geaiil Janie eville. . iUrpral J. That City. of divet'luiK imiuiraHon,iif a lii?li 'i dial llrilain halo i.iHallon wlurh ti-ilnl In Victoria mi Salunlay. lior- n,.j, aen and I'le. II. F. elaudard tu Ilritisli Uniumbia. I Jian iiiiliiie Hie " I lie hihiIIi. Ilie iM'.-l of Ini Head .lraberriei. erc lieiiii! wvarmoulli. A Ibe paiiy IIF.I.FA!T.Jiine ill. Sir James Fai's to Comnly with Provincial Semimonthly Staltti Revulrlnq il "f (he Anirlil Jianee ttlioni retiirlii'il 1 -Ijiy old in Ibc elip ul llirec oiiml p(,wrri rrom Ibe cburrli, Ser-lor Crai?. premier of t'Mer. today Wages. Payment gi i from July lo ih..vi i.'e and all liliee r farm and ypaut lUiiiieroii iimuciliatcly chII-KMideii declined an' invilalinu rrom CAMPAIGN FOR ' inui lurllor ill "uioii produce are aay dnttn in wj tH, jmrade lo al lent ion. Ibe l-lii tiiimii ile Valera to meet him in VIOTOHIA. June Stf. l'roc-culb'ii !. ni (I ! l allow for -. price. firing parly ulandiiuf al alien. I nll In for a conference. Tlie. of Ibc J'acific I Jon I li. TAX COLLECTION i ttilli I he I Mlle.1 Slat FISH CAMPAIGN In place: Alien- (here ban been if,.,,, wj( arm rctrrsed and crround Premier I'.rai? save for for fcilinK I- comidy wiih Hie mliicllim in wnae llicre i Ibe placing Ibal lie bad al- ..-aii. ha agrv-ml In lln. "Hi lillle ,pa, lm.ii. t'pon reru-.a! Ma J,r(,villu. r lt. nc requrintr 1 ' Irealy 1eHei-ii l.ie.il a reneriil eeilia up am. pro- ,,f (he remain upon the ready acteplei. Pn er l.loyd ..,,,tlilx oayiuenl or wajtes Minister of Finance John Hart H'tia ' and Japan lix' GREAT BRITAIN dnilioii U liirreanilix. Icarria.'f tin- firhiir Muad Im.k i.rgev invilalion for a niiuilur' pnull.,yW!t ,as. been ordered by Instructs Department .Make I I be iiriliUr' ulrike al Yhucou. .... iiH n.iti.n ul I lie bead "f cuiifcrciicc ul London. ' l(,,u. William Sloan. Mininler of Collcct'ons regardless Refer to Dominions. ter roil I in uc bill Ibe bopH arc be pinreK.dou tvhicli then left Mine. I."MhiX. J que S. I'leinlr Canadian Tnde Commissioner ,1'Ishi ..HsnM independeul 1 of Ibe cburcb for ll.e cemetery in and .Mrs. F. Ii. llunU Mr. and Mr. of Results. Mi '. ii eec cenjile.l Hi .i... P.nl. Th.r. Think St- uilf. fUIMis.li t"l ttilb full ,e following order: Hring J. 0. llrady, Mr. and Mr. W. J. Republican ie'des YICTOIIIA, June 211. Hon. John ni -i .. tin. eioii at ItWU. Vt mauler priiiler nay .niad rouiMi.ed or member or moriiiup mon Only fo- Summer. McCulcbeou, Mr. and Mr. W. I. ilarl, provincial minister' of Ui I , ml r.ituferriii loilay. II ibe .trika tta a bleins lo Ibciii Hie H.iUI. Police under Capt. Motley. J. A. Holers, Mr. .and Mr. HAS BEEN SHOT DE'D finance, has isucd instruction i it. r-t.H.d that a iioimml lia; OTTAWA. Joim .'it lli iH.iti iu I Hie.Ini-ine-K. ...bad fallen nlT con-... A.. K. Acland;I. Pi.e 1. l.....l...u.Hand; !. W. . J. Oallaiid, Mr. und Mr.. J.l lo the laxution lleparlineiil In hr-n mail.- Unit (he .u -lion 1;tnHn Irudi rum-iHideruUly anil Uierc tta. nine m . .. inn nuuu, nuj.ii.-in I. . the lUmadiuii Fred Ititcliie, Mr. und Mr. Leo Murphy, Commandant of strictly enforce llie provision, of 111 " " al of Ibe Allulo-Jaiiiie.ell.MinHr,r lale Ibal do. cnrriasre tvilli cukkci comaiiiniK W. H. Mr. tiriH. Morris.-ey, .Mr. and Res'sted Arrest the 'laxalion Act revardless of ''arr t- mihiiici fm .eerttl'mp Irade in tlauudiau frnteii nU Want Information. the body of the deceased officer; Coriiisb, Mr. and Mr. Vt'. Smec- Republicans,at Waterfall. result I hat may follow. This in-Mli (., i-iimIiIc tlir i'er..a M,, IwiiiK lialiierel by Ibc (lretil'.fulerel i" l-en every- car earryintf Ibe floral tribute: lon. .Mr. sui. Mr. L. Iietburl.i i being taken us the opening I'ltuicK to return Ii and i - farl llml lite llrilili penjile re- ttberi- ft Prince lluperl aiiiims car with Hie family ifia of nieinber Ibe de-all Mr. and Mrs. Oatld filennle. Mr. COHK, June ill. Leo Murphy, of a campaiKi! by I lie province, ' and ceaed and -rli 'iii mill their coIImihii.'- nd. if,K,n-, allium a a ulrielly um- lae f Hie ciimniiiiiily und Mr. Mai lleilbroner. Mr. und commandant of the mid-Cork of Ilritisli Columbia In oblaiiK i.r. a,.y rilj a !,.,., ,.n,,,iii or .r fi.li nil nl InforiiiaMon in repani in in uie laic iieuinmin ..o.. and .Mr. J. F. Itutchinson. Mr. and britrudc or Ibe llepublican Army, some of the money Hull j(t.w-injr l " ie lo upliold nr rejert Hie . ailverlinillK eiiiiiMlifii l ii (ly and inlerior i.ilrii l. I be repreeniallte under oi uie Lieutenant.-u Mrs. Jack lidwurds. Mr. und Mr. was lio dead last niitlil wIi.mi il iu laxe. i -si i llei. at the Imperial recommended in onler lo pi.i.iil-n: n.ipn'i"n i tieiierul tlial Prince : Flyinsr onrp, member of Hie 1 W. Waush, Mr. and Mr. J. H. he resisled uiresl by the Crown P. Tinker; i .nc.. ,!,.,. the lUiiiinliail fnnen fih Unperl i loilav Hie moil pro - Mi. Association: Ililditcli. Mr. and Mrs. II. !. Wal-lace, Force at Waterfall. Forty-five jiu Ureal llrilain In mien a liin-dai-d petMii town in Hie vel and prob- Ureal member War of Veteran the Ilenetoleiil and Mf. and Mr. Phil McOojialG. rebels were captured und a Humility ENGINEERS Ibal il will be demanded all ably III all l.ana la. Protective Order of F.Ik; cilU-eus Mr. und Mr. S. K. Parker, Mr. of arm were netted. ilbe year round. 'Ibe Im'-I li.b and Mr. II. W. Cameron, Mr. ami and lastly, the car I ... 1 il..l ..l.i.-l. 4ni rn.. REFUSE CUT for nelllllB otereil l mm BOB EDWARDS WILL or the iii.-urner. Mr. T. W. Silterido Mr. und DOUGHERTY CHOSEN l-eiall from MCteii lo ri'Ullcell Mr. Then Collarl. Mr. and .Mr. OUT ITS PLANS liiiuml. BE CANDIDATE FOR The service At Graveside.at llic graveside J, C. (iavian, Joe Hi own, Mr. and AS INSPECTOR OF English Gas Workers, However, (!. L. .Monroe, Mr. and Mr. Mr. the lalife ALBERTA HOUSE wa iiiol Impressive, and Mr. II. INSUR ANCE PROVINCE Return to Work at Reduced ;tommy church may Kulheriiii: slandinir reverently C. .McLenuaii, Mr. r. Wages. . .., and silently, 11 ten with bead Scir. Mr. und Mr. Frank lotllu. tch.me. for Settling Belatlons RUN FOR UNIONlMb (lAI.'iAHY. June Sti. Iloberl 0. bared, as H few nhorl, . beau- Major and Mr. O. Ii. (iibon, Mr. VICTOIIIA. June L P June 29. The t'lisl-ueer Cities and Province. KdwaiiN. edilor of the Halfc'ary ti Tut won: or H" church cr-vico ano Mr. !. I. Tile. .Mr. and Mi. llouuherly. of Vancouver, ha L.O.NHON.li'iviuu tided tn refue tln t, niHllXTII. June !U. Ibal Kya Opener, mid on" f best were pronounced by llishop J. F. Strana, Mr. and Mr. F. (I. been appointed iirovincial iu ottner' term a new couference.jp Vlc riilHA. Jo.... lmi .-TI... i.in- ' .Minor T. I- Hliiirch i ambilion- known men In Weslern Canada. Ii. M. Iluiiox bernre all that wa Duvvi'On, .Mr. und Mrs. 0. Frutell. snector of insurance ul a salary wllli the union will he calbii for Miirial K'lveriilllcnl will be ked tn heroine Hie .mimj-iiiii ." - is Hie lalesl nlimied a a iiortnl of Ibc deceased ofllcer Mr. and Mrs. Oenri:e Munro, Mr. or $3,800 per year. Mr. Hough Friday. The jtn Nt ofker bat it; 'be rundidule ill Vei. York Tor iu ('.a I wary in lie and Mr. A. T. parkin, Mr. and i;ily of Victm in loliaud it poMiible candidale wa consigned l' I .crave. erly I al oresenl assistant man agreed lo a reduction in wall's. ' ' '-r In ibe inunicipalilie of . , Ink- hy-rlerllnii i Ibe rumor the provincial election, whl.-li The Hrinir of three round by Mr. Ii. Ii. La Trace. Mr. and Mr. aser or Hie Vancouver Insurance ""i'li (.olumliia live Income lux. in polilirul elrcle ldy. will be held next tnmilli. Mr. the fiiinir siiuad and Ibe sound- . C. Sluarl, Mr. und Mr. M. J. and Vessel Ajrency, Limited. Hie pemonnl priiper'y Inx, luilf Three oilier are named a Im'Imk Kdwards will run. il I "ui"'. imr of the last ol bv lluuler McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lip. HENLEY REGATTA "II I lie iimrceil frniji lli)Uor t, the runiiliiu for H"" ''- a nuiiporlcr ir Ibe S.-waii irov-criii'ient W. Ilum-e lirnuulit the ceVeuiony sell. CTdwards, Mr. and Mr.-It. QUEBEC POLICEMEN STARTING TODAY- Inalton: Ux-Aluernian Milt. Hunter. Mrs, Itaymond, Mr. Wnnii. uiuumiiciil .lux, linlf I n In a close. "flln inoli.i- taxes ami a i,uiiibr J. I.. Anderson, "iio Floral Tributes C. W. F.mblelon, Mr. ant. Mrs. AND FIREMEN HA.YE WEATHER IDEAL "i liir lireiike fee. A an al- a Liberal, but became a i iiiomi-Mhell queenwlhminT Ainona Ibe lurjfc number Of M. P. McCalTery. Mr. und Mrs. CONCLUDED STRIKE 1 propo.itliin Die Victoria Ibe lloKb'll (ioteiumelll tlorul tributes senl III memory of Jurtl Mt Leod, Captain John Mo-Hrcgor. rmir' '"iiiiell uifm'l Ibal the iiiiivln-iroverninenl Hie coilliliy oil Ibe con- will visit norway Hie deceased were wreaths Fred. Ileiinitiv, Mr. niul llliNLI'Y. June 29. Tlie Meltouabl. Millou OILHF.C, June ilt. Tlie lrike day nf Henley bout radii lake otef Ibe .erlnlioii iue; Leonard Wallace. cros.es and spruy rrom Uu lireul Mr. It. II. etenl'( '""I'lUI. mid .cIi.h.U Of the vturdeil or York rouuly. and Alder - oi'' War Vcleian' Association, Nev Huiiialc, M. C. (iibbon. W. J. or tlie policemen and firemen here here opened today under Ideal, ii""' I'rmlliec. i Sum II ilinu. Tin; iiahi'k. has ille. Maedoniiltl V Itortlk Co. Ituyinond, W. F. Ilnberifi'. Mr. ami ended at noon today. It com. wi'alher condition. There areA Much ib.in u- ,elntr lircpnreil i.....r r.iniri b is ut tircsciit on Willielmlnu, wlm lor year a Ileuetoleilt and I'lnlecllte Older Mr. S. M. Newton, Alee Yule, Itr. meiiced last Saturiluy Vut bruko 7t new anil sculler selected for!,1 W 'be city r,ir I he full ehn hii way to Jemry :ily ,,'J Meter left week1 Holland boat is irlp pluunlnir U Ibe or F.Iks, Sixteenth Haiuiinan fent- and Mr. II. Ii. TremaMie. Mr. Hno up largely tu the lack or uuHy Ibe tariou eteut.' Forty.oiiii "t lie Ifuuialiiiv when llie-c Hie f.nrienlier-leliipey Hsbl. three fjord Ibis summer, tl.li llaltnlion. Dominion (intern, Mrs. K. II. Mortimer. Harry Atori, amouir the striker. There were crew intend tn compete In the "oilers are lo lie enpeolully NoiwcrIum will iruvul iiicotfiiitu. nicnt FishcriD Uopai liuciil, Mr.jund Mr. and Mr. J. A. Kirkputriek. i Mo iliurdcr. liner tiarru eteuta. 456. If blie Uki!u up. St. Regit Taxi. Phone