Friday, August 19, 1932 | : DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY Fraser & Payne’s Extra Heavy Quality Pure Silk Flat Crepe ou Yards genuine flat-crepe 39 inches wide; Reewler value, $1.75 yard; Dollar Day, yard in 6 shades; extra heavy quality $1.00 Hosiery Special GENUINE GRENADINE FULL FASHIONED HOSE Grenadime pure welpiel; ek ir sitk chiffen hose; semi-servicc in top 40 we; all pew fall saades; dull Laiisn reg. $1.95 pi $1.06 Dollar Day LADIES’ SILK PLAITED SILK & WOOL HOSE A wondertul buy im platted sik and woo) hose; cradie foot pair nade in England; a full range of new shades; all sizes; reg. 79¢ pals $1.00 Dollar Day, 2 pair for , - LADIES’ BLOOMERS Rayon silk non-run quality; neatly trimmed; May-~-belle make: dul! finish; various shades; rewular 65 palt $1 09 e Dollar Day, 2 pair for NOVELTY FRILLED CURTAIN FABRICS 27 inches wide; ruffled edge; assorted colored trims; strong and. serviceable § Dollar Day, 6 vards for 1.00 MOTH PROOF FEATHER PILLOWS 100 Genuine moth proof feather pillows; well filled; fujl size; good quality 4 00 covering; Dollar ~~ each ° LADIES’ SILK & WOOL FULL FASHIONED HOSE Genuine betany woo! amd silk; full fashioned; made in England; new improved top; mew tace effects and new shades; $1.50 value 95e Dellar Day, pan PINE GUAGE SILK HOSE Ladies’ pure silk hose; extra fine guage silk to top; mock fashioned seamless feet 95¢ all new shades; Dollar Day, 2 pair for BOYS’ & GIRLS’ RIBBED HOSE Pure Engiish make; in lawns brown marvellous value aedianaite $1.00 Dollar Day 8 pair for CHILDREN’S NOVELTY SOCKS ribbed hose; and black; WOUl neatner A big variety of colors with fancy turned tops size 5 to 84; reg. value 40c pair $i 00 Dollar Day, 4 pair for - LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S ANKLE SOCKS Various colors and designs; all new perfect stock silk and lisle; heavy weight $1.00 Dollar Day LADIES’ FULL WEIGHT UNDER VESTS vod) and cotton mixture with silk stripe; neat tailored top in cream only; size 34 $1. 00 3 pairs for ) 42: Dollar Day, 2 for GENUINE FRENCH BERET TAMS Seamless French berets in green, lemon black tangerene 2 for brown, whit Day CURTAIN PANELS 00 Panels extra heavy quality Nottinghan sood designs: fringed ends; full size $1.00 Dollar Day. 2 for $1.00 Dollar / ’ DRAP ERY DAMASK 3-Piece 50 inches wide; fast color, heavy quality drapery damask; in se, rose and blue and rose and gold; reg. value $1.95 yd Dollar Day, yard $1. 00 HORROCKSES’ WHITE FLANNELETTE Horreckses English m white flannelette; no better grade manufact 30 in $1 00 ° ade urea wide; Dollar Da yards foi 54x54 INCH DAMASK CLOTHS With colored borders; made in Ireland; good heavy quality damask; excellent wear- R9¢ ing quality; Dollar Day, ear FACE CLOTHS 25 Doz. face cloths, fi assorted quality Turkish towelling Dollar Day, 6 for TURKISH TOWELS 30 Doz. Turkish towels f the mill; white witl colored stripes, checks, el 22x40 inches absolutely fast excellent quality; reg values up to 45c eact $1.00 Dollar Day, 4 tows EXTRA LARGE SIZE TOWELS colors; good 30c ll sie run ¢ size colors for Size 28x46 inches, heavy quality Turkish owels plain with colored borders $1 0a Dollar Day, 3 towels fo ° PURE LINEN TEA OR GLASS TOWELS Size 22x32 inches, genuine - ish absolutely free from filling fme c weav Dollar Day. 4 for Soa ° $1. 00 BOYS’ NAVY CORD PANTS Age 4 to if nevy cord short ned ood wea Dollar Da $1.00 ROYS’ WHIPCORD SHORT PANTS veal ring quality pair MEN’S WORK SOC KS Age 4 to 10 years; extra hard wearing guallty dark fawn shade; full lined OQ Guaranteed all pure wool, heavy s $1. weight; Dollar Day, 5 pair fot 1. 00 Dollar Day; pat RAYON BROCADE 600 Yards rayon brocade in shades of yellow, green, black, white, rose lavende $1.00 Dolier Day, 3 yards for Various Other Dollar Day Items Displayed in Our Windows "Munro Bros. LOCAL ITEMS | Transfer, woou hauling, coal of any kind. ©. Lemon, Phone 950, day or night. 195 ’ | Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Yeltatzie of Massett are paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived im town last night. Jack Gurvick., who has been on || Announcements insist on PURE scorcH ICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bottied and guarantee Sons Limited G Grant € Distilleries Scotland Balvenie-Glenhivet town & Glasgow This advertisement is not published or displa Control Board or the Government of Bri Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”—The Original For Sale at Vendors or direct from ‘Mail Order Dept.’ ‘Liquer CGontredl Board, Victoria, B.C. WHISKY ved by tish Columbia. “i by William lenfiddich and LOCAL NEWS a brief trip to Vancouver; returned ‘to the city from-the sovth on the Prince George this morning. William Geld@bloom. who en, On a two weeks’ has business trip / } Vancouver, returned to the city) rom the south on the ss. Prince eorge this. morning Mrs. Annette Sione arrived in ie ciiy on tac Prince Gorge this morning from ‘Vancouver, being her on one of her periodical visits o her local business interests | Mrs. F. G, Dawson and family of |‘ais eity arrived in Terraee on | Wednesday and they will be the ; guests Of Mr. amd Mrs. George Lit- | le at their summer Lome at Lake- lse Lake. 2 4a , VEGETABLE Take them every so often. They't Keep you HEALTHY Seld evervwhere in 25cand 75c red pkgs. Northland Transportation Co.'s | ternoon whence she will return here tomor- |row evening southbound. FRIEND TOLD AIM ABOUT ALL-BRAN And It Brought Relief From Constipation Those who are bothered with con- stipation should read Mr. Gelpke’s unsolicited letter: “T have suffered with constipa- tion for years. A friend of mine told me to try Aul-Bran. I have taken ALL-BraN for the past six weeks as a breakfast food. Ht thas regulated my bowels as clockwork. Now I would not be without a package at all times.”—Mr. Leslie Gelpke (ad- dress upon request) . come a ation—with its ches, loss of appetite, sleep- Jesaness — is due to lack of “bulk” te exercise the intestines, Vitamin B to help tone the intestinal tract. Both are present in Kellogg’s ALL- BRAN, as well as iron for the blood. The “bulk” in Art-Bran is much like that in lettuce. Within the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the imtestines of wastes. Being a natural corrective, | ALL-BRAN is not habit-forming. Try Ait-Braw in place of pills ) and drugs—so often harmful. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily — serious cases with every meal. If | gent intestinal trouble is not re- ieved this way, see your doctor. In the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CNR. steamer Capt. Neil McLean, at 11:30 this morning couver, Powell. River Falls and sails at for Anyox Prince George, arrived in port from Van- and Ocean | 3 o'clock this af-| and Stewart| FRIDAY and SATURDAY SUMMER COATS and FROCKS To Clear at Half-Price ---Jemers Classified Ads FOR SALE BOARD AND ROOM 'POR SALE— Cream wieker ene FURNISHED Ricieiei heated, with carriage. Phone 132. 195 prices house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone} 52. | FOR RENT HOUSES for Rent, F. Ww Hart. Am | MODDERN Stucco House for rent. Phone Green 378. ; tf SIX rooms, heated, modern, close} in, $30. Phone Red 720. | Front Flat for rent with range. | Apply Smith & Mallett Ltd tf} | ; eae eee | FOR RENT — Modern flat, Rand) Block. Apoly 1 Max Heilbroner. tf Week-End Specials | motorship Bellingham arrived in port at @ o'clock this merning from Ketchikan with | sanned salmon for transshipment) } East over Canadian National Rail- ways Mrs. William Wallace children will sail from the Princess Adelaide to- Namu whence they will iproceed to Adenbrooke Island where Mr. Wallace will take ove the duties of lighthouse keeper Mr. and jand five ere on night for Eagles’ Sociai Dance Friday Au | gust 26. Admission, Gents., 50c.; la- lies, refreshments, Dance Sept. 16 and 380, Oddfel- | Jow's New Hall Cathelic. Bazaar, October 19, 20 Family MEAT two carleads of Peek Frean’s “Vita Weat” Crisp- | bread, 100% Whole Wheat, per pkg 25C Granulated Sugar— 100-lb. sack $5.35 25¢ Matkin’s Best New Potatoes— 15 Ibs. for Australian Seedless Ts RAISINS SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-lb. 30c pkg merit te Bt Tn a Beekist Honey 4 24e-lb. tin Oc ,| Crestwood Creamery Butter ‘| 8-lb. brick 70c Hgees—Fresh Extras, in 5c cartons, 3 doz Supreme Steel Wool— 10c per pkg Malkin's Best Custard Powder 12-02. 35c tin “Para Sani” Heavy Waxed - Paper 100-foot 20 roll Cc Perrera White Cream 45c 20c Cheese, per Ib Purity Wheatileis 84e-lb. sack Hothouse Tomatoes—-No., 1 5-bb. basket 40c re jrapes 20¢ per | Ripe Pears—Large size 40¢ per doz Pure Gola Sweet Oranges 95¢ 5 doz Phone Your Order—We Deliver Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hegstad of New Hazelton are paying a visit to| the having arrived on last! nigh mixed train from the in-/| Market terior Mr Irwin Bruyn and famil - Saturday Specials | who have been ‘siding for the past several mont hs in the south ie Veal, 6 be. 75¢ J rebucned to the city frem Vancon-| “& 3 1bs. Green Beans P ver on the Prince George this'/¢s of Veal, 5 lbs, $1. 00. morning & 3 lbs. Green Beans ree Veal Chops, 2 lbs. & 50¢ Mr. Hume-Cook, who has been & 3 lbs. Green Beans one of the members of the British| Stew Veal, 4 Ibs, & 2 Ibs. 50¢ party attending the Imperial Con-| Oarrots & 2 lbs. Onions ference in Ottawa, will be in Prince} Pot Reast, 4 lbs. & 2 Ibs. Vanrouve! C.P.R. steamer Prinns | . . Capt. S. K. Gray, i /4:80 this afternoon from the 58 Aael Duff turn to Vancouver and waypoi the Liquor Central Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnston thers, Rupert on September 9 enroute t aide, due in port at! south | Prime Rib Rolled, 4 Ebs, and will sail at 10 p.m. on her re- ) nts Hotel Avsivals 50c 50c 50c $1.00 25c¢ 15¢ 1! ‘Onions & 2 lbs. Carrats {Boiling Beef, 4 lbs. & 2 Ibs. Carrots & 2 lbs, Onions Corn Beef, 4 lbs. & 4 lbs. Cabbage & 10 Ibs. Spuds | Leg Lamb per lb Shoulder Lamb— per lb 957 — Phone — 957 Sm)-| = Cc P, vifth oes evo | Hotel Central Covenient to ‘business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST OLASS CAPE @pen at All Hours Hotel Central Ltd. AMULA, Proprietor Phone 208 Alberta Market: First Avenue 4 Seventh Street | SOME choice modern apartments, for rent. Greatly reducea rates.| Westenhaver Bros tf! | WANTED—Home for High School | girl who will work for board and! | | | Dry wood, Tables and Ohairs fo: rent. Beer bebttles bought. IS YOUR PROPERTY ‘VA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. Charges rehsonabie. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 | TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 “THE DUNES” Queen Charlotte Islands Last sailing of Prince John Aug. 19th to receive benefit of $1.50 a day rate | Manure For Sale | SPECIAL—Qooayear Tires at lower) —————— than any mail order HIGHLY recommended home; Uni- board. Reasonable term. 704 McBride Sreet, tf or without versity students; $25 up. 4389 Le- earno Crescent, Vancouver. 195 ORCHESTRA en FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Mrs. Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf) CHIROPRACTIC |(pen Evenings WANTED | would like small wage. Highest references can be given Box X., or phone Editor Daily News 197 | TRANSFERS | | CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 17 | | '#hone 313 Cow Bay W. C. Aspinall | Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and $49 6 Exchange Bik. —— — DAIRIES Apply For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 958 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK ‘Fresh from Bulkley ving Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Lawn Mowers Ground Absolutely guaranteed to cut like new. STAR WELDING & REPAIR WORKS H. B. Stiles, Proprietor P.O. Box 764 The AUCTIONEER Packing -- Crating — Wrapping and General Furntture Repairs List your goods with me GRO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 126 AUCTIONEER. On Sept. ist rates will be List vour goods with us—Prince raised to previous rates ‘of Rupert's leading Auctioneer, $17.50 per week NT Write or ne G. M. HU MADAME RAJA Srd Ave. Phone Red 437 — PRINCESS ADELAIDE PRINCESS LOUISE or CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER Fridays, 10 p.m PRINCESS ALICE—Soaturdays 5 p.m. direct Por KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNBAU and SKAGWAY via Ocean Falls and way ports, Mondays, 10 aap, For Information call or write L. COATES, General Apent, Prince Rupert, BC eS P.58, CATALA (PVERY . TUBSDAY, T.5.8. CARPENA BEVERY FR RINGER RUPERT AGENCY: UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:-— imo PM. Via Waypoints, a. Vancowver, Thursday a.m. DAY MADNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday mitinight. approx Weekly satlings to Port Simpson, Alice Aum, Anyox, River points, Sumday, Purther information regarding all sailings end tickets at — Seeond Avenue. Stewart and Naas 8 pm Phone 068, 75 ~~ he * at i