TftR n.uiv ntw The Daily News BRONCHIAL IMPROVEMENTS pniNnn nupKHT - nnrrisii coi.u.MniA HOSPITAL AT Published Kvf ry Af'-rnonn, rxff pi Sunday, hy The News ASTHJVIA Printing nm' Publishing Company. Third Avenue. de If. K. PUI.I.EN. Managing Alitor- 1 "tU.J"t n,',lh Heating and Sterllliing Systems asca ChaUa. ami Having Rspalrs Mora Are fcRUIT-Tiv - SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Planned. Cily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per mpnlh. . . ... ... . . . . 1 1.00 Ily mail lo nil pari of the British Empire ami the United "talea. new Nimses' howc The Beer without a Peer In Avni nor tMf....( ffl.00 To all olher eounlrleu, In advance, per year $7.50 Xltcriiiion aWo iiiiirAiiorni. Mmlo In B.C. for 80 your from only pu . '.- Mic healing and aterllUUM rMi,Jt TELEPHONE 98 - -hi ai the i.ciieral Mo.oMaJ . t inff coiiln r i ! fcuve Trandenl MplY Advertising Ltd per inch each inseVtmn i nljr wi'ii mail'. Doliverccl to your home, free of charge, in iti. a iwaa quantities In eoniilianc 2.M " Triwrfcnl Ailv-rtlsiiig on Front Page P"r hntIl line H iLlaii Mi fr.un i :in. f Ii. M. dozen Loral Classified nMcien.Advertising,per Insertion per insertion 2 per rer wow Mi ll..unlet, ft ' !' S? ., one bottles to barrel lots. line lin be.-ii '-"I hatr 'i.vh ISe agate each Insertion per Legal Notirc. filae.'.l willi . i- iric one.. a. Ask thc Government Contract Rate on ppliratlon. .is. Vendor for CASCADE-'. ' All advertising should he in The Daily News OiTice on day preceding jlialrs liaf b i mad.. ITie Bi t.R Ma.iiio nitM i s.una publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Ntw lt- i as, r Q. 'ei i mn room ltwtof The I'jiiiadlaii R d -- -i "la 1919, 1 tr "ra November. '5. 1 1 DAILY EDITION Friday. - AtlKm n t no one knos 1 i.-ly lia made n iiranl lo Ihe VANCOUVER iufrrre.1 with It Uric wtanr. liiial Kort h.iii i- i- I'" BREWERIES, Limy Swimming Baths Uf JUr,M (Wm Vi-t?l"C usee) In pull in ' team l iM' fr for brih id fosiM ni tfMsk. Mild steam -1 r i; a- tti'tc " f- I a Hit ..I . 'ThmlSSr'nf establishing swimming bain for the srhool I vouUl have one of tltf UA H-In la Ihe niMTaliiis room. Tit.- rrince Kupert ivicrcantue io., Ltd. - - children in being chriie1 hy member of the Notary Uhli ml tle ere nlnf, one Jurioc tke ssfat, Ilmtse Cnnini:t. and l!t R. I Distributor! oilier. II i fell that in Prince ftnfwrt we? rc ilUTrrently sllnalett n.t one ia the roernlnf. Tbe door Iiim Sorlely ar.- . nw Id.' t,. what other ptare are and lhat it i a great thing In have every Mkl be coukl do notl.lne Aar W. sprlfieation. a tie hm awl girl learn to wvim as part of Ihe e wl "hiMlittn. "Ia tbe sprinr of IfWB, mnJ ewlline fr ipio1-' . installing a lank-in the torment f the lloolh Memorial School ltlig -Ftnif-i"' ot la a hm A nam of isns ha heen mn.- at a frilling rot the ywnngsters can be given Ihe neresary dy,the choline rH alorfest, l d over lo th I olal from Ho- The Hutary tanb, while making no pledge, has mil-miiiei! I hite hJ aooe siare My Tttk, PatrbMk' Kunl. I h.- Houn i: in. frilil.e. to raie half the amount re-pnred 1930. I lute to wiated to Ml eihar aiiiiee anil of th .ffral of i Tk auUts Umi I. M lisw Ihl it might be willing ft, a. ; , tin iu if ihe Ihh.I iKianl and cily emmctl will do Ihe rest. uffrm who hstetbe MiaetraaMa Halriol le Kuad nr e)rr." m aaatt 11 nasi n prm Universal Trading It (be -iheme i rarrted mil il will pnt Prince ltnpert in Ihe twut "Fruit-a Um" for t know how vrtth a viet l i..'tnia ihi mn f'rJU.iwe yrfjfcV aa reaiaa Co, le.ider in th. phae of edueatioii. In no olher they nait suffer. ey lo some apeeiai mrp.r. i-mt yioiwi aso aww irmm Otiu Ww IMKition of being a tbe Artlyna wesaVl . tk atii Wt t t ! oa mi Soma thoufkt there simitar facilities. e in Insurance. wm so rftnUW. bum Mrit nobli. ...hool in Ihe province are Cornsr Third Atenus snd Ihe come back oa me as "Inter earn mn Ihe hsiar.i i.i.-loia la-nta-M. liitli Umi in the north ought li be leader. We have representatives mnaaini. but It has aot, thanks la "Kratl a. tf loaurni.. h in the province, and we should how nsati" se itmm mml prominent piitiini J. M. PKXNIKOTON. at ttat. i SSI Irs. Utes- S'Usai.. fee red !.. th for re was tbe world that wo ran be leaders when it romes to providing k a aaansta. mm 30o a hot, 6 for$3.50,trial site,SVs. lUtHtmillfs with a van- lo ii $, i,.fm. j(wk our own rhiWreflr. the forefront of education, At dfsuVrs or sent fsMlraal by IrihttttSlB II aa ftrnlyr Bt.a. Apart from any sentiment of being in Thursday, Friday & Froit-e Uiei Limitnl, OtUws. Saturdij ik- weals. Th. Mr aHwtna l"-al the re i of course Ihe great need for a Hare where the young 'eaiict aiWav uo otSTwrT MitnMtee l" iw-mwiii , .i . c'isst asVot rtvK than that is th-n.ert ina;- iwt learn l swim, and perhan- enen more mav people Tak. HBtw au I HH l r nun of healthy jercie anl Ihe hygienic need. Teaching children SUITCASES thai Ihe amount .f iit.urane. "i wvs an. i C, ealii"i r fthe bulhltnc br ni"l. At i'-l.rr.pnl a tm tmtt s assess es lo ltbe la perhap- even more important than teaching them p. i r ri. iintei ana auism aa 1 1 lite S.'iimo l. earn v rwMnar asiwai mmm i mmmm SPECIALS to WIH. Trunks ii ihe hiihtln. l.ano oa tit-fliturea V bsjm asaasaa nS aw aato rr.4 aaar Mtar aaa iwm aaSas aaM af and fumiiarr anal SI. l mm ftr Mm. awaee te tesias, Irish Situation mi so mniai. taiass noil on slork. ';JJ2 Cause of Alarm. CLUB BAGS . i ie i Preofclenl Hlrarl. al the iwert nsnswat It w ill Im a crime against civilisation If the two great factions hand. 1 at4 eM t Large Stock on atd thai iio rr a r j was mat. MWI C roMrsst. in Ireland cannot get together and Ihe differences of Ihe country Hsay Woollen Shirts of the arbitrament of war. There Price very low. murunemni in affaim al ' j -. be ettled nmicably instead by v ' . rul ..iittal iinhr Mis. rarl." Boys' Suits, all an-i i shoo if a, eace oMferre in io. and yet there is a threat of war. X F. MAGUIRE I Hack, thf new latly snperHlUi ' The people h South Ireland wHI be ill-tdv1ed. it would seem to ....i rmarc no airgar t or ataar La nuusvr:!3Tkt rrt. ii here, if they do tod accept the terms of Lloyd fleorge and Neit the Trineo Roptrt IIcU Major ilh..... said thai U.l tmJtHH tT Jffajaii m ttnLfZ within the Umpire. If they wer-only tile ibiwn separate entity .ftfeala .... V.n. dl-charr ' located elsewhere tbere wnW be no need of trying to keep Mke ls4iaBi of Ihe lrl- tZimTimritl 1mA c a ajiaj, t l LADIES ! I lie i-hi,ol as M part of the British Empire but, placed as it is, right ' , . . , , mi BMW ftnej Cmitmt so itrtn ia)-T am hwh-s " Li rv Wt. isr Ladles' Raincoats, rhM--Ladles' lua alongside the central int of the svslem, It Is necessary lhat it STORK SAYS NORTH if ihe tmprwi zzLrJrz xs:' .. nit of the rtimmotiweallh of nations, although Coats, ebx-e. rimin mii integral part WILL DO ITS DUTY!rrf eviUeal. Mia Hlaek It j.l ra. i mtmt of imanasis. asaa- it might well be an independent part in so far as the internal UmII ibsi tr tae ho' .fal wa i ate Ladles' Suits, rfc.or it I rM Sat as Slat, III! Affairs of the conn try are roocprned. w oA.ajiitiaat. ael ihe ir:f,"tyrf i"i-! In tiuiinda we look with ileret m Irib affairs, but anything Arrtvsd Home Last Night and' nurses fhrrv Would listr l.i tn- ii - r. ssaaaa. Ana- we say out here Jin absolutely no inOnenee im the general Fsels Sura of Big Support belter ari'iiinmAaai' i-oi for th. in iTtr.r. 1 pittialHiu. Thi i not a vital iHeto with u. altboHgh there are at the Mines. "I hre liotild ! a ion h"in.- riat tajrt airraT or cotst Is ah assnr.histait mi t Just arHtedWBetty Tama" UM, MH 8.8 many lrih aiple in Ihe tttmnionity. ImHIi nlernien ami aaid imt this Tale bsiiii awi I, am Mr. Htrwarl Mrt r. WAKE YOUR CMr.$TU xMithernerv, wtn keep in coe boo h with Ihe affairs of the tand Fretl Slork return)! last aivbt lir iniukl be wall lakrn ili aa-am Mat la analr Sar eastssl f DON'T FORGET TO Hint once was their. A 6ttbmrnt ni the Irish question woobl fmen a tetiat eitesittVil ilt The govemineql ahould h- si "mi aasneal daaHM aat a4! frtssneai f.aswiiia satas at Sat-lla ( PURCHsSCS CftRLY have a gjnl etlnrl tv$n )iee, where wen would learn lo forget lo Aayov tail other northern min-tn? sew it tth a new u ob? :nt-Ina- i aojaans aae saa aaa anart.r mm as4 proa 4 rSw Mwf sast ISM BMBM Mat sf arrivals Haiwlafr. I.. 1 iiur aa are that they rtftre were northerners or southeraerK ramps, ami mstst eassthalie BMMsejr far H, eaejee'wlly i"-eh that Ihe minlar ramp are iiwtllr ha1ofe fnmftl er ! 1.casta ilwsisa la aatl astl sf anal IthiMrea; Jlerliaear 1 l-t -Pnn- Fred Stork Is I.ilieral. Ha say be irl a ns made out of th llejuor ho-ne. I sis sns. RoiH load'- l v Gaining Strength. reeotHtn. s Plwi a atlent Hriaee Haaert. " aVml.i. iMl Safnat l mks IIL ISSI.sika. iMsrtat. Fred Slork, who re(Hrae frnrn Anyox lat Evening. Is much and sympalbetie hea rtn ft ami be ronlrrbtMed to theai. c r. Ta i pleased with the result of his viiL He realizes lhat the people feels sore that Ihe pewf of the! li.l MrMimfaV Ihotivhi it..- SOtKt. ore not supporting him personally, but simply are going to vota h reallie twe Htsattan aal .M.anl hoiild lake Mi.- mM.-i n, rasvee TaitT ateaJiT or otr m nssni:wstwt nvi MS TRADING CO. for a change of governmeiiL The telegraphs yesterday brought a will suafior. him an thla neriefi. WH iae ir,iss-eaiiienf. H Taks SMSMe ll a I ttMMi Nara UNIVERSAL Waaa. Tamn. mania h-t of nomwatious for this province ami Colonel Peck was there Mr. tork was fttast to bear on ji,,. .m,inm.h thai a autiahh h .io-bis rnanar. s muse to aaatr twt Smm. m listed ax an independent (niervalive. There other of r ari la tL aslant rt aaa Mire-WMa Corner Third Atsnus sad Slit tri was m way return that the eauts could hmti f "f SI5.MM. ' Ihm raMaaM .1,Mria.. Uab llo-y could lit him after lii aliiUfde last eion. MheralUm luaketl tsvll here. He) 'aaataata a fast etM4 saa s4 37C t, K. SMnc ' mmm ) tram &t nitar sasl Phone II shouU be remembered that in voting for Fred Slork. as rjEra.HK!HICH WATER DANGER ta.mmrr aalMi saas LM4e l-Ur hitf. mi ninny are going lo do. they are not supporting any popular idol. aa lasewe Mil re IS lie at I in.UWom iftaera saalk si IS Mr. Slork Is Jut an ordinary' business man. although by the wy eteelor. ) that If Ihe p)te AT PRINCE GEORGE.g ajf Gt&0Q0wQO1t&9 WMr an excellent citizen, and will make a splendid representative. mk a miatak I bey will liatf i sa arras. Mot Liberals are not campaigning again! Cokuiel Peek as a man. ne hut thetaeve to htaaie.; . fatM(a NoVVSk) WUH, taaarsat. but against what he reiire.enl. Peoole of Hkeeiia are not willinir He feel. .are. boweser. that there; ,M l J-"'0" of VJarsaK sisaL ti lake any rbaures in regard to Ihair represntalivr. They wwit will hr aa mistake thia liase. Nechaco and Frasse, Caus rais. c ai eiBT asmcc.ijuio sasTiucT oe miro er fiini. I hey want a tnan who Is pledged lo certain ing Floods. TSK T or o sst assas mi YOUR U sntK taai L Cjrfl HsMittt Csrvr. WUeaBaaBJj principle irf adminislraUon. awl Fred Slorlr is lhat man. II i rhe regular asonthly mlinal rrsaa hsrl. S C . aratllaa rtttl Word teas Iwi reeit4 a inf awaw. Inltal la M4y I tar s Snta bceaue of this he l gaining strenglh eyco" day. The more of Ihe hospital boartl was twld I railway oSBeasU In mi 'rinrr r "T.T'- T"""- T. Touched Up people reason the mailer out Mr nwre they coflie to nee that in lb eounril ehamner last ' lo th' r ra,. i .airafla l i nasi alasl'd tm a4 saa Varnished there is only me thing lo do. That Ihmg they are about to do niirht. There werr nresenl ' " "w . eusrtar au a..t Caear ir tad lao at this election. MelUe. lies-. W K. lll.n. P...I. J tnrHt1 h Xiws' aiJT V. SSst'a T. Are We Satisfied u u .1 Iwater harketl u. wverHuwina mate ia aai r r-amrumt. "sun. - r.. n. .iiiirumrr,, ta 4S arfvs or Are We Not? P. I.. Palmer. I " lw-lyina tant on Ihe mil. 4uj M,4 rawWut. pSPl-MMCliO Ham Walton in a letter aiblisbed elsewhere puts the case aiwl M.l., Ii P.. nibJ.. ...e'.;-"'. of the and in o.- etna smafaosf LARSg 0. very clearly re we ;i!i-fW.l or are we not? ff we are satisfied OTKX. L. to fro on n. wc have been going, then Mite for the Meighen man. OtS Corner Fifth If. llic Ibat the water was .Iritfiplna. it J !'?' ?,,iT V if" VtiJL. . '. . sto ' on other hinl. there i a desire for a change. Ihe only r pnont - alternative i in wile for Stnk. Lhildren s Loughs -- nsr raeert IH tin-Ih". friar auaW. B C . asses una sti ajajeal la sMjr far s nse M rss-far i ,iii is Iii.imhI I thai lite lenaaie is al real asiirtt rs sad Dl4rte aa mauwlnf osartOMl Ua4 OwuaiM-Osc Quickly Relieved. il paM aauHM ana nta rreta jaasr mt.r - - ' aa tea aaeHI Ss sf LMIH ridir Btrsr. -.-. . -. . ai'iare- tail e easaM. iam mm m is n.1 .i Canadian National Railways - - 7 v .aatai. tbiara wrtl ss rasats ihanra nana II i tunl fr lii krt IV rMMrnt frstn ( T "XT S 2.HtaMM ta noaM if ranunrofsawBl, re id utin, cM. tbt HI ran oat t J 1 eil I CflFS gO Ufllssl a i&a Alfssl Sftl, Mil, Dr. Sutherlani ... 'i-r., --,-" - l in I'rlnea Mu oar I a. a. MCIWJL. Appllfsnl. rlr.taui. na mttA ..I ot.rtMMlrd sad rial fc f- ai ntrl . 1 Prince to. .imUbi ihw' vt tbrtr trmt strt. " stoTice. D.D.S., L.P.S.. g:01" Rupert kwk bll Ihr rtolhr ll Mtbl; Iba Bw4hr Novsmbse 29, 1911. sluxrr avrrar i.salt luaTairT -mi- rannst at Ira tlvra ill the !. a ahsl TllM f . AIl mII.'. A.twil tairr or cosi smr nvi. I. lw. I.. V.. " lilifuh "a. W"- " - Tlks aaltfi Ikst I. S T rinarta. ar Mutiim rr itwi ia rwi- ( ary water uupfjr frum DENTISTRYina!iits drra'a luirk mH. Us i an lb aMiiUreek arrived )lenl)' hjr Ihe sail, asiaril f no" txtreisam an UM rnAaamr aHM IfS? r..-mnin.iae si and 15 Shipyards tta f tt i-rinrct. . M j t tmt aUmaa - mua rram 0l.r attar on. twooo'S a a e aai aorta ixsk ar uitts ri.r m.r. Exchange UIocK r :;R l6 nonwar etas sraur I .... ... . ... 'nsoc isi st msiM. iiwori nana rn.- For Appointment Operating Q, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock rrmt-s iba ma.a aM a i wi shsrhebl amreitflf la praabytertaa KJKI,,0J;?, ' U " lias, ind umm preu btsoeMll. poa- Hall la-t nig III 19 discuss Mail-! tsau4 . .Vw.'AfL Engineers, Machinists, Bollermaksrs, Blacksmiths, Pattern r,..rnpM, rHH"' V'0- M -' iraH,L ny I rg r..A.?!'?: makers, 0Tr Founders, Wooderorkers, Etc. Mrs. r. sntiia. lis VKtsrts Strnur. " '' ir- aoTira. tttMik. HsnafSaa. Hil wr,i.i.. mi, f siiiihi ami n it ions lite speaka-a i rw.c .hlfriiiT, .!.i MSTMCT M -Pl COLLART, LTD. iiur plant is vqmpped to handle all kinds of tars rhilsWa aaa Mt aid serf bid. were Aid loytop, Aid. NeuttW. ! Tike stilsa ilitl 1. Mrs" lltrnr Ousdsrsrst, THEO raw., mw w ".m, m ih, na, ,wi. Ilildileb. Ahl. .Morrlaerv and awaiaers. .. accuftlloa bouMsir., " I!. ta prnf4t rsr MARINE AND ... ... ; ,. .J... 1 Mil. I lunulas asiusIfSM and tvirolssn on lbs fel roa SSlt-l-al sad . r-m X''" wsu'sT", bTT. - js.'V .crz aV..i lioo ss. Kiisasi n ,w i iMt il is ibrm tbf like it 1 1 ll i. BMnouiM!! that Ihe new 4jssb 5 5f".liL H'ili'i..' Ya asalsl wi sTHOiai Tawjas COMMERCIAL SS WORK . . ,. Miaar S fl SMias, inasva' win M0K BLUI la. bats .1 l.t ana ltu. la tba ll', n. i oi i... . - - ,i iitii iiif. i iMair. win im r.'M. k ,ta. Ibaafa astl sa cnsiss, intnn awin PHONES 43 AND 385 for ..(.riling by January I. e rasuia H MSI ej aanunsiKiai!!, o- Wirlss Isssuss rrn-s SS and eae s balll l III Isiahai if e?e. Wsfl awapssi an im mi, Tin Sesl drsWta. ral p anlr by Th T. MHburi mi. 'n . .iMtd, TiesMa, IkM. j AdverUsa in Uib Dally Nmvj. j MIIS. IMS VMirM'iX.C r. BCMUB,Appllrttl.a laul. 1 i