1 Wodnrsdny, January Pnfre a TUB DAIliT KiVVB Ihlnjr of rar- j!renin- iinportanro ieelnpid the HiiVTrilllielll's Plld If. wmild likewise be Used fur Ibis ITANTLEE l'tii 'iie. This (o my mind would! Westholme Theatre 14 rtiKfSgSaffii I f n m'eiil deal more lieliellll lliau Cow lla;, is, as il stands dny. TONIGHT ONLY Street Paving. I ti. liexe Unit IhP presriit eoiin-il i u Ii ii i i 1 1 ii u n bylaw to pine: ..'lam poriitius of our streets. BEAUTIFUL 'I'll, ir is no iiiesiuin about Hie iip.'i -sily of Hie pox illK 'r Hiej ! and il I mii elertcd illid Vivian Martin I'Vlou iasMl I would ei-rlHlnlyj any on the worl. toil would liaM1! to satisfy myself us to the w idom i 0RMES LIMITED in ti comedy drun.n, f uinn tiirxia in-lead of n.n-j jerele. and would alfrii l::ke into entitled, GEORGE NICKERSON onidei'ii(ion I lie wisdom of lay-nitf IS ..fls3fliaNWlu'' It Can' Leak, PRESENTS PLATFORM Hie pttrmiiiM nl sewers oil the T. Because It's Mado - (CunljiiiiiM from Page One.) strpplM (hat Unemployment.v paM'd. "His Official Fiancee" ft. ill One Piece friend In tin' south, we must profile 'Ibis is a -.rlous ineli..n warehouse truckage. sl iell We iiiii-I face, ajl.l eeiy mi Is built KVe a AirANTLSSK eiTor.1 PiMileeil .11 ereulin' work so one piece. Also (Vni'kiiu'o fur IiiiiiIht yard.-'. Most hot-water bottles are 'I'ildlnjt. supplies, ami last Mil iu-i "In I wr run at le.vst lake rare of Snub Pollard anil Sammy in comely, mnde in sections, then cemented lensl I'ldeipmle cii.il hunkvpr In 'hose of our pilieii who are ji.m tofcrtlier. When cement drift i((riiiil llii' ppnnomieiil handling: I'.anent rofiiilrniv. n llii- eon. "FRESH PAINT" iinJ cracks, the bottle leak. f our coal from the Interior. Ihii 'p'l'titin 1 wnutil ll-P en y en-i!eVor T.very Kantletk Hot-Water ihyjiiniul for which -U .materially til tiRe (he !. 'I'. P. make Be i$ moulded of pure lott incrt-nstfnjr. rii iinrupdlati niiiienepiiieiii n rubber ccntlnuous piece. f Burton Holmes Travel, ore -. Cow Bay. lie eonstruel i.'ii of the depot. No parts,patches,cement.Even "iiUdliotlses. -ho'. ele.. anil I In Sepleiiibpr delegation from socket is moulded in. ii stopper tl:o Hi .in I flf Trade, of whirli 1 " oiihl also i"hd.'i !alSe to inere.ise "Parisian Holidays" for full And guaranteed a two md linproxp parks and plav-iroimds. our years' service or a new Kant-leek a'u n member, met the rily emm. free il hi a spr-rial session wilh nil . with lli Housing. Strand Comedy, "Are Honeymoons Happy" Don't wait until your old bag Hie aldermen present, e-epplioii leaks. Get a Kantletk. Your old nf Aid. Ciirri Al Miff Thi i 11 .problem pvi-ryw het-e Hid onp (till we llilist deal Willi' one tu-V trciU epea tonight. ileetitip il was unanimously "rend lliat if I lie Provincial pov-"I'liiiii-ul ei,rouly niid iii thin pomiorl ion I would deed to lis rily uf T uoiibrtHlw Ho' matter up with J prince Ituperl waterfront lot. A, 'he Homliiiou ami I'roMiieiul ftox.j Empress Theatre Tonight and Tomorrow (inp Hip ad nnw oopupipil by Hip 'riimi'llN Willi h view to iiellin IikiI.i and ei'llsislinn uf xonie 250 itnolbei- IOO.iHMi lu loan for Hip! NO SHOW fioi. thai IIipv. would relinquish purpose of furl her house lnijidin?. j viialpvpr'rtpliis iUoy iiukIiI have City Administration. ; ORIVSES LIMITED lo ial pnrf of the bay, lnide Ihf As we sill know our taxes have Fridny and Saturday, "FKGM NOW ON," stnrtli K Cti ige Wnlsli I'Rilwny (racks. Ily Ihi plan I dnubieil in the Inst three years. A till slniul. w ith I In- posibli i'x- portion of thi- is aeeounled for nili(in thai if feasible I would (be fnpf dial Hiif bonds nre id(K-iili- nir HlitiR thai ii-liin nayabb- in Anieiiean funds, and WiiSTHOLME Tomorrow Night Only "IhE KG! E," n ctnplttt iipc The Store hi buy ollltiidt' of I Ik Inicks the rale of cxi'liallirp is lo'avily duction of the Mage play of stmc name, w m 1 1 1 1 Hmm iyniiil Ihnl point whi'i-i' t lit Ward Kain-t us. bill aside from Dial Friday and Saturday The best actor on the screen, THOMAS MEIGHAN l-'lrplrie riotnpany). sltirc now we i'hiiumI help but wonder whera landi If llii dnl wen1 run. the money Wlliell has Imth Ip it'll in "CIVILIAN CLOTHES" !iiiiiiinlei (Up jiri'si!!! Ilnnls in taxation has (tone. II is ri-r- MI.NFJIAL ACT. would pass Htidor (be roulrul of! iiimly not in new work, ami ifl Cartlftcats of Improtementa. . j Ihp rily, and Hie Provincial (Suv- it lias been lieil ill palebinK lip. WHIST LEAGUE rnint'lil wiiiitd got sumo 4110 fi'cl s to my minjl falx- eeonouiy. Card of Thanks .MITICE. f I In- ftratod Trunk fnpPHluiro, f Development. I Liikiuji at Hie -'iuntloii today IIk! sttimliiiK to dale i: ABOLISH PROLONG tinpiwr v.nn," "uipprr chit mo. if" ibiilliiir on Hook A. It would bo WORRY Popper CHIT fin. t," and "liooper uit iny ilpy U Pinlrr.vor to tprsuadi- 1 v otibl HpipHi Ihnl llii! tMiliuy of V. I. Pis. FINANCIAL YOL'K LIFE We wih you one and all the So.I'.lrrr i"Milling Mineral Division Manns ot situate Cassiar 16 tne District.ftaas Hip (iiiNprtiuirnl lo Ptnislrncl '-r-vjp,tblp Hie railway Tompitny in one of is K. r :. rs 12 compliments of the season. Where loraied: knuault luver, Alice Ann. IIiihIs on I he portion thai differeiipp anb il would be my uiin Koti or (Umatla 6 12 A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT Ia.E M'TICE tntt I. Ucorire . Yaunr. Ihpy wduld anpiirp. Thin would po-omtm wtiii -tio- 1 loan 1 01 K. of P. t 10 We thank our customers .. V . . Gives larger return for life than b obtainable Knt Miner's Ortillrate Mo. 3ttSS-C, act-Inr . H. Alidft'w'si 3 G a mean Dial al least 250 feel of this j I rade in prelim, Hip I. p. into for their splendid surtort in for mywir and sa areni fur Joaepn Valballa 9 0 from apy other form of investment with absolute waterfront would be available for aetuiiy niontillip iinesur eauii. Well, Free Mlner'a Cerllllrale Jvo. 40SSI-C, the past. and Arne Pavedssm, free .Miners Ccr-liilraie, all lime ff (he aRPommiHlalion of bdiloa fneiflins for Ihp proppr H. V. V. .V. 3 0 security.Free from Dominion Income Tai. With adjed experience we fio. 40r.r8-C, Inlenil. suty days our bus boats, and uiiIpxh mump- liamliimr otmiio prmturls wiucli Sois of Lowland 3 C resident domiciled In Canada to give still better frorti the dale Hereof, In apply to tne liould How , lliPUllHh Ibis port. 1 Iks X I Any person or over expect Vilnius; llwonlrr for a Ccrnnrale or lin-pruvciiH-nia. I PIUIHATE. (Idilfi'llows the age of 5 may purchase, to betin at once,or at any service in 1021 and hope with tor Me purpcxe or obtaining I.X Tllir SUI'llKVE 1'ii HT OP kUUTIs.il First would m an ample mipply later date desired.an Annuity of from$S0 to SS.000. a crown Oram of Ine alwve claims. COLL'MIIIV f exiros rrfriacrator pnrn, a be in quarterly instalments. your continued encourcfre-rnent to paid monthly or And runner lake uotice thai acliuii, un HUSH.XIHTIIA. luuilwr .'isseutlilinv warf., ppan BASKETBALL LEAGUE l! THE MTTEIt OF THE Any two may purchase jointly. to have our little store der aeellon St, mint be mtnmeni-ed' before TIOX ACT persons ', r'.s. eonl luilllters. loeal boat a lie laauauce of auru Certificate or Improve- and i Em p'oyers may p 'rchase for their employees. so well stocked that you will IlieliU. l THE WITIKa OF THE ESTATE OF ii'1 a ilHily Irssiii Mi-ripp. , Stnlora. wry"rarely need to send out Hated itn iin nay or Vivrmter. mm. i Fl f EX'.XoricE THOX, IIK'F.lsl.n IXTES'f nr TE. Flrono?. I' V. Pla. Apply to your poatmaater, or writ pnttaj free, to S. T lUatr TKE Dial in order His of town for anything in our II. lMjur r. Meti. Vouna. made lit- tin day j The fiihire underlnkiim of Hip lolls 0 I I K Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for nrw tmoklrt a4 olSer NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION information required. Mention la 4? btrtMey ACT. age i.f liriflnber, It. Ru, I was appointed Ilk I I H , j. ily d .iei..l up. ii our llnaiiPial j - line. Rtviaod Statutaa of Canada ydnrtnlsleaior In the estate of Ell kniitson, -ondifion and as Hip-lllliint-es of! dom of '4inuika ft 4 I H (i:napirr IIS. ileeeared. and all iiartles harinr nanus John Bulger arailusi lie naid eiiae are hereby required 'lie ed ..e put on a periiinneiil i tallies - 5 2 3 t THE i:A.A!llA.1 FISH AMI COLD 8TOH- AI1K CO.. LTP.. Iierrtiy rivs nolire inat to (uiiil-li .ante, properly termed, to nie, l'i.-1-is in 1!H7 I do md .-inlieipale I l. V. V. A. 5 I t 2 Jeweller Il tia under aM-ilm teven 17. of I lie Mid ti or bef'.rr tf'itii dy r Januao. A. D. my 1 1 ifta-at j in ai , an-irf for k. n- of Knir. & 0 "(1 ri depnaiied Klin the Minitlrr or Public IV2I, and all parlie indi'lilrd to the estate worm ai oiuna. and in itie c.nire or in wressai-y nunipy with whi.li 1 Intermediates. of Cost HKirtrt riemirar nr tlw UM Hrrmry are rrMiitn-i! in hi lite aiiioiiul of ineir Uieful and Regardless GIFTS THAT LAST liIHrl or Prlnre liuMrt., at the cny or IrdeblediM'na l hm f.n lliw nil. "i rr on anv nmvork which may lUstlia 3 2 1 I i nner nuprri, B. c a-deacripuon or the Joiix II. MrUI.I.I.I.X, be undertaken. Heavers ' SIS Artistic -tie and the plan of a wharf proponed to ora.lal Adimnislrator lie hunt In I he hkeena River, on tne land prlnre Huperl. bC. In Hie forpif'iinsr I lune pii-deavorpd Intermediate Girls. Christmas DIG REDUCTIONS IN ;n,vered hv water known and deaeribed aa liaiiHi thu to in day or neomiier. ivo lauMKiied Ul "H" nr Ulm-k rive (Si or lt to entivpy to you hoOip of Melporx 3 0 0 Gifts ,1'i.nv-four hundred and rorty-nve (44ISI, ' Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. Phone (i iris-Maple a i I nan ire live (S., CnaM Dxinel, In Ihe IX PIUUUTE. ny ren-oii. for solieitinir your I'ivlnre of Hrltinh lUXumbla. I.N THE SI I'll KM K I.Ol IIT OF HIIITISII .urTraire. and. if they uipet with nfti t t A.XO TAKE NDTICK lhal arier the ei-I'.iratlnn C.OI.r.MIIH FOR SALE of one nmnin rrrim the date of I.X THE SMTTEII OF rilE ADMLXISTB.'. 1 onr Hpproal mvp hip your influence (I. V. V. A. 3 0 ine nrt pubiiralton or thia notiee 1m TIU.X ACT Miss GLEESON i:amauian i isii AMI COLD STOHOE CO., and and vitf oil election day. Girls' Junior. I.Til., will under aeeilon aeven (7) of the I.X THE MATTF.M OF THE ESTATE OF Kaillifolly TilliPIHIIK 3 3 0 0 nld art ai;ily to the Minister or public WIIF'IO.n ItEDIIIIIOCUII. VLLa... ,J. yours. Third Avenue B.C. Work- at Ills i.liire in the city or Ottawa I.XTEHTATK. j H. W. MCKKIISOX. Kina Kdwural 3 2 1 1 Prince Rupert, for approval nr Ihe naid site and plana and TUE MiTMK that in order of Ilia 6 House .or leave to run.nun tne naid wharr. ll4H.ur F. MrB. Younr. mad I lie SUIh day Hparlyins 3 I room nt'rtn ai vmut unpen, 11. c, tms auin of .Xoeinorr, A. Ii. loin, wan apiiritea lii-llaiiu 3 .0 3 .erial-: mull the south Ibis dy or iVuvemtier. mso dmlnlslraUir to Ihe eiiiate of Wilfn-d IHE I A.XAIHA.N FISH AXIJ COLD STIIHAUE ItrildllH'iian. defeased, and all nariiea luv- (he Prince ieorsic ili-litd-d I. .. SiY. LIMITtD, oy Fianer and;injr rialwa aaaliist tlie aid eatate are oiMirmii: mi iiiirlitnn. Us sollrilors. Hereby required m liimi'ii same, pr-iperiy J. F. Mauuire, Harry .Mob-ley. and Two Lots i rill'rt. Ui ine. on tr Is Tore Ine 3rd day PRINCE RUPERT !.' January, A. Ii. mtl. and all partie m-idililed J. V. MpiikIh i'. F. T. Inuer-soll. to tlie elal are repiired to ;.. Mr. ami Mrs. V. Kelly. Miss Theo Collart Notary Public tin a'ltiitljll Ol tneir inneuHiuuras to mv Central Labor Council, Fine Harbor View ferlliwiUl. ! I.va Thoniort, Mr. Itr. Maxuire. JOHN II. MrMfl.l.l.X. wishca his many friends Odleial AdrnnuMraior ).. Mcl'l J. W. Scolt and II. F. O.B.U. Thursday Special I'rmre llnis rl. 1) C. I'llllell. A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAH Haled tin e ynd day of Deambcr, l. 1.1 $2,300.00 Folkestone, England, Dec. 25, 1920, $8,000 PERCHERON STALLION. P.O. Boa 66 W..lk Jma Theatre Blaek pkona BIh (9 Evaporated Dance McCaffery, Gibbons will bo held in the & Doyle, Ltd. PRUNES 0. B. U. Hall DENTISTRY 3rd Avenue Phone 11 (Mclntyre Hall) Don't neglect your Teeth 30 DAYS One decayed ur mlaainir tiioth -lowers yo-ioo 5th January your efficiency o R RENT 1 15 ib. Admission - - 50c PR. PAYNE u asfM'- c per Odiee mrs- M- 'ulnR, 0 Ui 12; To clear our (Au pices Women's Auxiliary) Aft m.uoii, I 1,J to 6.30; Katur-day, Furnished AM, WKLCOMK U to 12 Only. fcvenltiira, Rooms Tucstlay, WHneaday ami Frill (isy, from 7 Ui 9. Entire Stock, at lbs. for 7 $1.00 pRNTAI. NUKBB IN ATTENPANI'K Dominion Hotel PIIONB UK) FOk APPOINTMENT MT LAMPS' AND CENTLE. at prices Just Itemodulled and Refurnished MEN'S TAILOR 25 Ib. box for Corner First Ave. and Eighth FIT CtialANTtKI) Street, Prince Itupert lLE E Uipilw Tlllflll AVENIIK Pmi Ortk'. to suit everyone Phone Hed 468 P.O. Box 353 $3.25 j,Mono Raid 1 SO. Hotel Prince Rupert Barrie' PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD XMAS TREES! EUROPEAN PLAN Phoii.M. S. UTarker, Mgr. Rupert Table Supply Co. Vlolota.Cut Flowers, Holly 1.fe0 par day and up. Furniture - Store Crful kttvntlon giver to all order fur frvittot. b vtbvr wrcaths.rat iia.Cyclamens FinST-CLASS OAFK f wrnitur, tftU9 or trsntfr wurk PHONES 211, llcieiitlj; pui rJiiisctl liy Ihe (iovcnimt'iit of Allfrta from V. H. CITY MARKET A La Carte. Third Avenuo ORPKRS Ticcs res COAL Ana WOOD LTuiilmin, Wayue. 111.