ltii!itlr Libriry Mete FOR : TAXI Phone 35 l Phorn .1 .P. Hair uniiey PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE j Hflgc,on u,OCK Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large j iMiivcK Mt i'KitT. n. c. rnnMY ramiwuv 18, 1021. Ytrrt ClrcvUtlsn 1,S0. Soist (Im i40. PRICE FIVE CKNTS ADY lEIBER IIDEESSES did USE Off LIVE TOPICS MMITTEES OF CITY COUNCIL INFORMALLY APPROVES AIDING INDUSTRY 1 1 CI NIAGARA FALLS IN WINTER. c - A ulphite Plant Would ncompietea onips r Mean Much to Community, r - j. aSS iO VJIOVCI I1IUCI1L Says Engineering Expert 1 1 a 1 . m.1 1 . Fu t er a t"c.ular Given by H S. T y?o i Fegtrd I Xl D f m a Qannc J- 1 1 l au t to hj Proposed Industry; Comt ucticn Alone would be Great Th Affidavits South Fe a cing Hfforr leaving fur th mjiiIIi Ia night on Ihe Prinife 'Genrge, Action of Sheriff ! llnw inl H. Taylor, rrjwe-f tiling the lig engiiirering jTrm from l).ili.n. Ohio, that i here in coiinerlion with the proposed new .: I. ,,v .s. Follow mg the dispute belwerii Milphile pi.iul. wa iikl further particular! in regard to the M - .mil Ki-Imtm'- 1 f I hi- dominion (loveru-iiutrr pliini and what il would mean lo the community. w 1 II- 1 for the rredilum of the Prime Mr. Taylor aid (hat it would rol anywhere from $800,000 1 A i f.ig Co., mi application w made In to 81.0011,000 and Ihe work, of construction iUelf would menu ' -:,.rdav afternoon for direction regarding mi :nimene lot in Ihe city oul."ide of the ai'lual operation as a . r I .Hill fitilpmf III f lllf slupy.ii't permanent liidutry afterwards To .-peiid that nnnh money iuii. nt Mi Jntu-e Murphy granted mi otl-i, tilcanl It'iifl limes in lUr city. M I it next for the purpose of receiving further i i uli.-lhi r Ihr ftlx'riJT was in i-oiilrol of the h. n in nraM.'-iMhe nulpliile CHINESE FINED . f . M'I'lllioll " rar.i jihifl. ur-nliPD worklns the, - MR. Bonis full three ilft the nuiiilwr SELLING DRUGS .. fitoiilil be alHiul 00). 'Iliii va 1. .1 to Ihr in aOililioli In the gdxtsu ciniiloyrj 1 1 II I a lllf BACK IN CITY m itfiiiHB ml the the lowlir.- Decision of Police Magistrals Re-r the li. the lrntt"M.r(alIiiu of versed Fine of $200 Each for - i'pii tlir material aHer It wan nunti- Imposed, ! Ulllf III i n Im-tl anI l llif oilier Indin.' it... roin. 'Was In Qltrwa In Connection with lrip litlv lit iirin' mi in wm.l fl... i . . t at. unnoi u.e Wallace Contract Mere TIN Niaeara Falls, one of the roost plrtuiwiue spots in the North in the umm-i lime. iali n.-rtion will. tl.i. anJ ui.,id -y e,,,nu,su,n in jd?e Yotin- ..f ih.. " iy Beat. Finished an Ideal alopplRs. place for tourists n winter. Tbekr! a typical one of liie aUK.Ukeau-y lo iilunlrJliwir Iium. rtnir ttst&t'4linfkS!ttVfafr ... -.V.-?- ' .mmsi i ' 4- ia L inter time and stowt tLc Falls in its.coat of snoir and Ice - ;f,y'f0irfij uljhl. Ilial the iia"r'r-utly ly .MaUtrale JleMoriiif -II. A. Mill.' irmemiio'tii repre- ,miii. Hi.itiKl lie l-ulll nere ir Ihe M. Kwonir and Kwonp Sun ' " '" .filial. at llif Jural shipyard -pulp jdftnl was fxtaMi.lied llrl. werc let go on charge under !tie """n """- iH)riMH llf Vonslrurlion Mrs. Ralph Smith Asks for j Mr. Taylor aid hi (Irm had ag Act, were allowed yesterday Hi- l r-flii now lirlnt built '"" freetfil 'fnill at other point, and aflrrnoon and nne.i of ??00 and - re. returned by Inst nislil refill Ibrl li-i-'i-o.t, jibe was away ImposeiJ on Ihe two Chiuese. ii. .liiii. to fr11M otmun hrf lif w- jneM vl-b ctven a bol and llml The decision of MaL-islrale .Mr. ' ....1.1111M in Ifcf fmii.tnie up f Hif Air and Water 1 '' ,mn""-' V lrf iinlraH for lllf rompl.-. Tight Tight to Ihe make idfldns for of a the more induslry i-rmanentn,,ifd ende. jnj,. (IU.,ii t-chuialitii-.u,,M.t by jsr where Young Ho- i. r ,. .,v Mr. Hull will Mi. udl.l.i- 1. ,, .,. coiiiniunuy. Iniagislrtte di-cid.-d thai the sub- .1.1 Oil II'.' l'i r an- rMillrl)'it. V Liquor Bill to be Passed The Plant. Ulanrfs in question had not li-n llkjll Mr. Hull stale-. Mint Ihr if. llif ile iKiMitionI In (f InotaP'fl prowJ o roiilaiii u rerlain pT-here. .1 llllH- III if Ihe srbeine sroes Ihrouvli. renlaS'' or ilrua uihIit th'- a' t. 'im!iI Inn f nil at iiif dryU'H'k ; : a :j . . . .ii I'.n mi iiirnnii. a uikf.irr uouse auu n-n illoU of lllf rredllore. Ilf l hope. Thomas Menzies of Comox Urges E'ght Hour Day andir''m;and a wet n maebine marhitif rouMi and serf-MSH SHIPPED ful itf Hit.' Ih-Iuk farly willf- "Aids Settlement Pre-emptcrs; Debate whifh is iV-llvered the nir to by cn or nl thai wiirk limy r ' B WOULD ndls of ulp. ninety "- eenl y. iM'ir. Address Closes Without Usual Fireworks 'I'ln- initial plant would buvf .1 TO VANCOUVER capaeily of from forlv lo flfiv VR NOIIIRV RAILWAY EOARD TO Ions. Ju.l how the plant wonl lj VIRTtniA, February I. I'rcciHlenl was m haltered yeslenlay be laid out be was not.surr. Tw'i No Arrivals in South so Prince IIER RAILWAY CASE FAYORS GIVING when Ihe drtwle on the address in Ihe Legislator cnde'il willioul surveys had already been made Jiy, Rupert Supplies Marfaets of II. l.n.lA. ,,r IK of Ilie nii-trilier .of llie. exeenlivo(the f . T. P. and Mr. r.iiey of Ihe, CitlM Freights Differential Will unrppn ta tit t ... . ,1 . i i t-A. !. N. II. .ensinfertns dfiarlmenl lUMII), ('.Ml. ( making third. llewaslak- Argued .at Vancouver on I The delialr lalcd tint ciirhl davs and thi wa.i nlso u record was ing toiographical a plans with him Thu llsb vesseU arriving yes morning from the banks terday April 1. Lira Al HaIUk TM.m.m. I us il is. ciistomarv for. the members to use the address for Ihe and il would require some figuring Mavor Rochester and Cll Council . . ..." ..i ... ,.. n.L:. i. i. to make the rlslit urrangrment. sold yesterday afternoon to various Ing Matter. OTI AWA. Feb. IH llslf bus ,MlrNJse III U lliuc (jraiiosMinii iuj in iiirn uoioio-oi of I he Ush Urms and w eiu Think Sonus will Reap Great In order thai the plant miKhl pieeii el fur u sltllmr of UN' Ibtunl Mrs. Ilalph Smith appealed lu all mtIujiis of the House to mostly shipped south on the operate eeoiiomieelly. II would in lu t tie of IIhIImh)' fiufiiinisiMiors tni Advantage. ci-ot:riile in drafting the bet possible liipior lull. She wuiiled Imve lo be near the sawmill in Prince tieorge to Vancouver and moon tl. g. Yaorouycr. On April t they will! tin nrrllht, watertighl bill and at " 1 : i ... ii... i ni ii.- Scuttle to till local market re. ' At the upceiaf mcetlns of Ilia iiriM'r 10 ii-i in. . iir-iifiii ii ii""' ..:......... .... ni I iillli Yflll- mII In lotai uriruiiilil nil lit illf. ... iriiiviiia uo allium vi i.tii. x. riinientlb.rcnllHl- between ea.l nnd we.t cm,T.V. ."''I'Vl'V wAWl the ..ynojime eUste enough FOREST RANGERS thai which rly... of. fls1, being lauded. at I u in r. BMrd'i.n fhfli.1.1 i-.l.. l l.e wmlern J- " &- 'or lll to III eel llie -sliuaiion. lumber, I I av .., .Willie ,.. ......,, mr. UNDERWENT TRAINING!being rill into lumber and Ihe rest of mOelon of freo J for nn ln.ll,l of Ir nn.l .,ll,..r ..ruani. K-Bllllllg 0 Mrs. Smith urged Jim Hate tv.cen seasons. I l. Iialion-. have ake. for IhU op- ' " l'roHise.l pulp mill. eoniderntion or the unempWy-ii eoing iulo the pulp plant. The boats thus selling yesterday f. Ibe portui.iK of pla.-iiiK their nr '""'' "l1" ' " ten I situation ami spoke of the vi:TUIIA. Feb. 18. fifty- Construction Period. arternooti were: 'li'inuiidf-d (lil Ixifure (he colillliiioilon. belli? iitlr favorable to the Rraul- seven returned soldiers in IW20 Mr. Taylor said it would take 11,000 pounds, Mala- ii. Later I IlKf of the water eonoenslon. II necessity of permanent buildings j received training as forest ran? even or fit lit moulbs to con-!mule. 5,000. W. & F.. 3.00(1; II. & would mean little expenditure foe fur Ibe university. ba advisialed . , . . .ulrU.. of 1i1,,struet the buildings and lnlal the II, 3.000; .Myrtle, 7.000. and Ibs-tluuie, a, .':i": ,,'ttr, ENJOYABLE WHIST I the 3,000 Kalli'n per uilnute re.Mb (iovernmeul developing Ihe "iLproiince meu were giveii fltll i llnt for he new concern. 3.000 pounds. 1'ir ii com. nDlUC WAQ r'lVPM l'tlri'il could lie lapped from Ihe reijouroe of Ihe norlh counlry Iraitiins from April i to Selctn Today's Sales. 1 1'.ii ill -oer iiuiLi iinu uiiKiiMIU, line which wni the mill for the iMMiple oi allow Imr private ber 30. after whieh they v.vr c T) 1 f iyi A M Af1AIU Ilie following boats stoid ibis silr and the laktnsr of the water 1 morning for regulur sbipiueiit "'ii mid dl. given an opportunny to ipiamy JJtW lllflll nUrllll " ' lllf Affair by Rebekahs Proved as Enjoyable would nol ulTiKtt Ihe city for llml .iutercsls to develop .them, Ihe 'i-ast: n i' al as forest rangers. "I llif pra. as Ever Last Night uuipunt and more U now MucinK (overhmeiil takims Ibis royalties I Lumen, 10,000 pounds; Trio, i'.k i lie present ivii I hi- WiMHlworlh Iwiko and U Je uih in redm-iug luxation. BEHIND BARS AT 3,000; I). C. F. No. I. 111,000. Pan ' I the people The Whist drive given ill the A'critllh( daijt. ',' Comoi Member. MONEY MARKET ama, sr.oou; rorwaru, ,uuo; . Hand the The -.lendy rmtnliu; or the v llutli. 1.000. and Si. hut ulitiil ill. tAl'I'D ill lllonjt by Thomas Meniies of t!oinox advocated (Courtesy T. McClynonl, PRINCE GEOFGE Dick, 8,000; n full In. llebeknlm i'rov1 Die uual oilr iiiifl 'bi'xideM the pulp plant would .loi, 1,000 pounds. The average "1Mb- mailer Joynblu event ulid (lleix wan u lm Also If ensunnl if Ihe proje'-t goi n the niforeslatioii of logged . Exchange price was 3c uud Oc. ultcnilaiicr. lliroiiuh and the council felUlbat oil areas unsuitable for agriculture The priie winner were: l"li l. ki mi! f the .eon 1's.lon uiul Ihe speeding up of Ihe Merlins, .5l. Prince tii-ors--'-. Feb. 18. Frank, SENATORS APPOINTED J D cunt it Mr. J. Howe and V. M. Hmwii; would ri'liouiid wllb (rooil Tecl eJTort of the land department in Francs, H.HJ. Auuak. wanted for train robbery! win ii n Willi land Francs 'Helgiumi, 0. IU. In llavalli tlounly. Mojtlana, who. eonsiiliiliiiiiH, Mls .Miw .Moiieoeur on ll.f '!)' in Hie tiiufii.4 In providing pre-emplom OF mid II. Dui'i'ie. lupiiiieiip Hitd I be lneivne H pon-ulullon. nd also urged the eilcusinn of I.Ira. 1.35. x broke mo'l Ihree limes in the I'. S. -rtanfleld for Nova Scotia and MINING IN B.C. '!Jiie I'oiiiuilltee in rharye eotu-prTsed The favoring of Ik the Workmen's tlotiipensulion A l Marks, S.10. uud once in- iously in II. t:. and Macdonald for New. Mm. J. Irvine. Mm. I'. Me-lunald, iranUnti of " roiiic.i..e .( lo farmers. He saw if uu fll-eeee, O.tM. who will' another prisoner named Brunswick. I . 01 .; ,, 8 V. (I. Mm. X. C. Lby. Mm. tl. V. b'liipereil uilh the feeliPL llml ojg lit-Imiir duv was mil iuaugur. Iloilg Kong, lludou, who previously escaped "'kmi of I ho Wilkinson and Mrs, Smoke. the propnsilion iniulit ko lo the alrd for he said tin- logging con. United Slates, It). from custody al While lltelt, es- OTTAWA. Feb. 18. Two senator K'tma; J ut New people fov llnn.l ili-cliiiiin. Mayor cVms in his district weiV prepur-lig Victory Bonds caped from Ihe provincial jail have Ikcu appointed from I In-Maritime' - mi an i. - biKi ii Ih Ii L SURPRISED REPUBLICANS iPM'hi'xIfi' Is lii'inllly in favor of lo go buck to ten hours. IVS2. t7i. here Tuesday evening, were re- Provinces. John Slau-llcld, eatlured the Hlackwater Iloud formerly iiiember of the ' luinliiK In giunlniM Ihe eotii'osslon. 'A I0S3, UJ". on ' here this morning. The .Nova Scolia legislature.. Tor Colchester COItlv. Feb. IH. The llliiek and CARUSO IMPROVES. 1021. 113 W.. near po 'I'iiiih m nl l.i'il and canlured Simlhi'is nitiMils on last inni-H IPH7, 7'i . lice threw t.ttl a dragnet covering and chief Conservative 'si- Il .'llili .-mil' L. .1. I al ! l'1. a. ' 1033. ?,. Ihe whole district and speedy re. whip, jiets cnt position and J. A. HUlierin. Illfleeu iiifinbem of lint Irish He- " 1 1'"hi lui'lndi'd l-'i'iiuk J. irt loiin, rrii. in."r-' I""-, ''On i N Is''distinctly 11)31. OtS. rapture does the force credit. Macdonald o f Moncton. New ttil vienl outli ipoMiran army tllggitiff I rendu' Parker, t II. Uliei kley and J It Uiffoh ijr Caruso today Cork. Improved. I oar, ossi. ,A una I. u a real bad man. Hrunswk'k, gets I ho other- (near Kuninanway, County jMclnlytV. (