Today’s Weather a = = ps ~ ARS USED BY FARMERS ireau of Statistics Compiles In- formation Regarding Number In Various Provinces ITTAWA, Aug. 22:—The number i.utomobiles and motor trucks on ms has more than doubled inj} ida in the 10-year period be- | en 1921 and 1931, according to| Bureau of Statistics, and it has| toba, one automobile to 2.12 katchewan, one automobile to farms t rta, one automobile to 2.27 Which Ended Sittings Saturday AGREEMENTS SIGNED BETWEEN BRITAIN AND ALL OTHER EMPIRE COUNTRIES AND CANADA SIGNS WITH IRISH FREE STATE AND AFRICA OTTAWA, Aug. 22:—The signing of twelve agree- ments brought to a close the Imperial Economic Confer- ence Saturday. Seven were between United Kingdom and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, In- dia, Newfoundland and Southern Rhodesia. The Irish Free States had two agreements, one with Canada and the other with South Africa. Canada had further agreements with South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. South Africa had one with New Zealand. Embodied in the agreement was a clause designed to Copper, unwrought, whether refined or not in ingots, bars, blocks, slabs, cakes and rods, two pence per pound. In the agreement free entry into Great Britain is pro- vided for Canadian eggs, poultry, butter, cheese and other milk products for a three-year period, certain, with possible revision after that period; continued free entry a Sys p x SBP. C., G.C.M.G, BEER PRICE . ADVANCES | } STOCKS UP NEW YORK , ! Tomorrow’s Tides Tuesday, August 23, 1932 Problem of Repopulating Deserted Farms One to Be Tackled Before Long By Government of Province (By H. F. Pullen) Nearly every part of Queen Charlotte Islands is today gay with flowers. This is particularly true of Queen Char- lotte City, a place which has been hit hard by the depres- sion but which will recover rapidly when the lumber busi- ness shows more sign of life. Almost every home in Char- lotte, as it is commonly called on the Islands, has a pretty flower garden with the blooms at Lon cet it TRAGEDY On a recent visit to the village I was particularly struck by the beauty of these little homes, by the optimism of the people and by the fact that everywhere the people | teen-foot outboard motorboat, ca- |pable of doing about thirty miles |per hour, about 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Before leaving, Hill told | his wife not to worry in case he Anne J. 19.000. at 5.7 and 2 to/ Should not return until next day. Pacific Fisheries. | A search was instituted on Tues- Halibut | Landings AMERICAN I een ee eee eke tna eee helene nendinaesienee eee Zine, Raps Onre en oe em 8 ina ao%, oem AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER na Sen, FRINGE RUPEE, BG MONDAY, AGU @g agro \AGREEME\S SIGNED AT CONFERENCE ANY ARTICLES OF IMPORT AND EXPORT ARE AFFECTED omp le te Ou i line 0 f Wo r k Done | : Canada’s abit: Queen Charlotte City is Today By Imperial Economic Conference “On Idands Mach Improved Late seemed to be growing their Own | More Particulars Received of Sup-. e than doubled in every pro-| prevent Russian dumping, particularly lumber. eae ea iat | | Based Drowning om Suadiay af e oe ae ante sang p- In the United Kingdom-Canada agreement Canada chend thar ditricalt’ ie Twe Myder Men, autom¢e > or very 2 ® : } eee a gets preferences on the following: Skid ‘ine inten waait he ik and the distribution for each abe Ane idegate also looks well and the | Purther details of the -supposed ia <6 la Gh Gollan Butter, 15 shillings a hundredweight. people are expectant” and happy. caeih ‘eamidel ta, Raa J Prnce Edward Island, one auto-| Cheese, 15% ad valorem. particularly over the possibilities of | "P'°\ Me ener in which Oren r. ra to 3.31 farms. Raw apples and raw pears, four shillings and sixpence the Gkidegate Sunrise mine. =| isi) and Tommy Walters are be- 5 Nova Scotia, one automobile to | or hundredweicht Most people in these rather iso- lieved to } kc heir li last feat? | per nundreaweignt. mes E lated villages have their own ra-)Jeved to have lost their lives las ; weitieesio ain cena ae apples, three shillings and sixpence per hun- | dios and they get wonderful recep- , 5U24ay have been received in ex- ( cana dredweight. tion but it is chiefly news of the re eer oe Day Quebec, one automobile to 5.06) Eggs in the shell, from one shilling to one shilling and Se AF lh NN a aw A — Damper ee Pectegee a Al Hill and Walters left Hyder in j ; . * | nine pence per great hundred, according to grade. His Excellency the Right Honorable The Earl of Bessborough, P ~~ Mr. Hill’s sea-sled “Tonic,” a six- irio, one automobile to 1.53) Brities a nije to the British market under the import duties act; con- Hazel H. 16,000, at 5.9 and 2 to| day oe Gates no igen ee se B 5 ; le > automobile ‘ : > . e 5s ° d= +m ‘ish Columbia, one automodle) ts nuation of the present 10% duty on foreign lumber, | mpoth -Pumeriss. | oniad entivedeaa MAE S a i ‘6 farms " : . ed | ther ned | ‘Brisk Buying Forced ‘Prices One | Middleton 18,000, at 5.9 and 2 to|mesday morning Louis Lewis, one es number of farms reporting | fish, both fresh and sea, cann salmon, other can Dollar a Barrel Added to Pro- | ee bey ng Fore rices One | ain Fisheries of the search boats. found about in Canada has increased | fish, asbestos, zinc and lead; modification of restrictions prietors of Beer Parlors By | to Six ae Higher Than Whileaway 2,000 at 5.1 and 2 to| two feet of Hill's speedboat stick- 43,578 in 1921 to 97,176 in 1931, against Canadian live sattle on agreed lines ;the existing Commissioner pening pa Fisheries jing above the eo of . oe rease of 123%; similarly the : i an ne ‘anadian tobacco to continue | ~ - ' | sis ; T 1088 3,500, at 6 and 2 to Cola|®bout twenty miles down Portlan r of tractors has increased margin of preference on Canad _ VICTORIA, | Aug. 22:—Effee- NEW YORK, Aug. 22:—Stocks Storage Canal, there being no trace, how- 17.455 to 105.059 for an in- for 10 years. Sse * as tive today British Columbia beer | pushed through to new high Pegge 7,000, at 55 and 2 tolever, of the missing men. : 121.4% in the same period.) Canada gives the United Kingdom the following: | parlors will pay a dollar a barrel ground on their recovery in brisk | 5.011, pisheries. An intensive search for Hill and } % . | New or increased margin of preference on 220 items | more than formerly for draught | buying today with the best levels | cima mM. 9,000, at 54 and 2|Walters whick ensued had failed ‘ REE STATE in the Canadian tariff and many articles which were sub- ject to preferential rates are transferred to the free list. beer, it was announced today by W. F. Kennedy, liquor board com- missioner. Half and quarter bar- of the day having been estab- lished as the market entered its final half hour of trading. | up to last night to disclose any trace with the result that it is now to Royal Fish Co Unimak 10,000 at 5.3 and 2; Hap- CANADIAN | well known residents of Hyder, was ws ties eS y 13,000 at 4.9 and 2, and Defense|presumed that they were both | These changes are understood to be in iron, steel, textiles, rels will be increased propor- The gains ranged from one to +4 000 at 4.6 and 2 to Gold Storage. | drowned LA ABIDING chmicals, glass and other schedules but the details are | tionately. five or six points, Sales apprexi- | my Re Mr. Hill, one bch eciiy ‘Gaul withheld for the time being. There will be no increase in the | mated 3,000,000 shares, —- | nly One Burglary and One Rob- bery Reported Since 1929 LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22:—There | been only one burglary and one ery in the Irish Free State since ), due largely to the respect in h the unarmed Irish police are} Protection against United Kingdom products are to be given only those industries which have a sound oppor- tunity for success. United Kingdom producers are to re- ceive an opportunity of reasonable competition in Cana- dian markets. F ‘ Canada will appoint a tariff board which will review ‘the tariffs on request of the United Kingdom. Duties against United Kingdom are not to be increased until re- price of bottled beer, it was stated. With beer parlors making 110% on draught beer and the govern- ment only Mr. Kennedy said, action was taken for a more equitable distribution of the pro- fit, either by price or in the way of a smaller quantity being served. 25%, | | | MOLLISON- ; 1 ‘ | | i | Cold Storage Atlin Fisheries. Eric Royal 16,000 at 4.5 and 3 to | druggist and postmaster there. He | was also a director of the Porter- ana 3 to | Idaho Mining Co. and was heavily interested in mining property in the district Gulvik 19,000, at 44 ; Bee eee es ta ARRIVES | ‘Tommy Walters was the son of BESNER BACK | Mr. Walters of the Provincial Says This Will Be His Last Long |Market on Granville Street in Van- FROM FLIGHT |" and the nephew of: Frank Reichenbach, well known Hyder weording to Gen. Eoin O’-! Viewed by the tariff board. Existing surcharges on Uni- ‘PICKED UP Distance Flight prs a SS dele ala on comiaiasioner of police, + aq Kingdom products are to be abolished as soon as the NEW YORK August 22Comz|Te0k Mining Party to Winter Loea-| Prominent part in local sports at iympie visitor here. NE ja ‘ 22 — - 1. O'Duffy is president of the Olympic Council and presi finances of Canada permit. Sympathetic consideration is to be given to reducing OFF COAST pleting the hop from Port Mar-| |nock, Ireland, via Saint John, Cap-| tion on Liard River and Re- Hyder turned Safely PRICE OF WHEAT 6a — oe \ of the Irish Athletic Federa-| and ultimately abolishing exchange dumping duty and jtain Mollison landed here at four; Atier telne seus abba three | VANCOUVER, Aug. 22 tana - Irish police have no vote, are not there si il be rs of United Kincdon Lone Cruiser From Alaska Has iinet gee, gas = te weeks Olier Besner returned last} 1 Northern wheat was quoted this tted to marr he have tation of pedigreed stock [rom ’ Four Months Going to Seattle |[). onain two or three days pre-|Might from Smithers from whieh | morning on the local exchange at . arry until they have | . ——- | ioe reel tin “n flight di point he had flown north in a Jun- | 51'4c spot cash, d seven years on the force, or} SAN LIUS OBISPO, Calif., Aug. paratory to his return flig BOON ans ca edie eiiiach a eee yee re o 30, ; Y scte | ©*!\to Croydon. He announced he was S plane im connec | ver 80, are not connected =m Garden Part 22 Nearly four months adrift in| 4 1 dis b lyi jmining venture. He met the mem-| e+ * ete eeeee eee ey Way with municipal govern- BAY y she wand loneliness: ofeaene sky, | @roush with long-distance flying ath ol Gilt euites aaah bak: ene aa e ent, and ar . . : las “Amy Johnson and _ himself) °°" 8 Parry. who hac gone Mm + : ; i, and are punished if they are} months of clinging to fein face of ade a pact to make no more long! PY Way of Wrangell not far from|* GERMAN FLYERS * ts ‘Cou ae + 84 I IS FOUND Lakelse Lake \:-.: starvation, thirst and ever-| 1. avtremely hazardous hops.” | Lower Post on the Liard River and | * GOT AWAY TODAY + the fi + . y > nogens . y i present threat of clutching waves, | f Ty ae |took them in: the plane about two|* ENROUTE ALASKA # ya Seperen ere eae wn have only strengthened Captain | {hundred miles to where they plan |® —_— * sentence eae aan cnmmemans Fe Known Hudson Bay Steamer! ppRRACE, Aug. 22:—On Friday|Paul A. Riggs’ determination &|\+ @ @ @ ¢ @ © @ © # © © @ to operate during the coming win- le Captain von Gronau and his # en. O'Duffy said “The people ail In Solid Ice Seven Miles rome afternoon Mrs, George Little gave complete the voyage fim Ajasita to} ‘ : @ ‘ter. \* three haareanegunnr left today at # behind Saas with . Saabs Alaskan Shore ‘a gatden party ‘on’ the spacious Seattle, he declared today, He was | + PARLIAMENT Ww ILL *| Mr. Besner reports that the |* noon in their multiple-engined + , Bearted respect a would be odine | _— P ”*”\ picked up Saturday on the Pacific \* HOLD SESSION saad # country looks very good, from a/* flying craft for Cordova on the # ¥ esa iss, er. Se ¢ ‘ie.| POINT BARROW, Aug 99:The |srounds of her summer home at|off Point Buchon and has set to|\# OCTOBER THIS YEAR * mining point of view. \* next leg of their rather leisure- # ‘ an who Nip 5 “s I ae aoe. known Hudson Bay steamer | Lakelse Lake in honor of her house} work to repair his battered 37-foot \@ ayes : % inal taachie ;# ly trip around the world after # ' the tonann ane only had 10|Baychimo, which was abandoned | guest, Mrs, F. G. Dawson of Prince ‘fishing smack, the Novi, which, |# OTTAWA, Aug. 22:-—-The Ca- ¢| ENTERED HOSPITAL \@ spending three days in the city. @ ' émen. killed in er last on lneasty a year ago in the Arctic, and \Rupert. During the afternoon q| tough disabled, brought him safely|# nadian Parliament will meet - a \# He had planned to get away # ‘ Pal 5 si hted several times later In the |. eusitning and diving contest was through storm and calm. |# some time in October to con- #| Robert Baird, inspector of B. C.|*# this morning but owing to the * ie The police force {s a hi ‘ke. is now lying about seven |- “a. ; , | Riggs left Dutch Harbor April 28.|# sider the ratification of trade # Municipalities, who arrived here * fog which hung low over the > 4" ent rapaeeina aoe aneacae Sas) ot shore in solid ice held, Among. those present were! tHe had been carried to within 900|# agreements negotiated during @ last night aboard the Union boat # harbor all morning the get- # 19 Eskimos left the | marly Prince Rupert ladies who are! miles of the Hawaiian Islands and |# the Imperial Conference, * Catala, is today a patient in the * away was delayed, + ‘nd skin boats to|spending the summer holiday at| then eastward, He existed on beans, @ ®@ Prince Rupert hospital for medical # * | ‘Lakelse Lake, fish and rain water. ieee eee eee eee @ e treatment. eetetreeee e060 1 8000 men, detailed to 900 police | A party ol Mtions throughout the Irish Free village with sle cin jtry to board he! tot ale