' THD DAILY NEwS - , TAOC TVff) II -TaaTa lraaaTa. a ARCHBISHOP The Daily News 1 niiLVfiR nupRHT - imiTian columma RETURNS FROM I n tm m wm mm, jn r tm m mb yl Published Kvcry Af'-rnoon, exrepl Sunday, by The News I t At! Vi hi m mi M M 1.4 mm s Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. GENERAL SYNOD II. F. PUl.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATESr Tllt of Wain raaturea af City Delivery, by mall or corner, per month. f 1.00 Church Qithsrlno Pld My hall 16 all parts of the Itritish Empire and the United Slate. With Railway. i old. Hrem . Jn advance, per year 50.00 COt'iMS, To all other countries, in advance, per year.. $7.50 Tin- chief vT.rk f thf ill.-aii, are arted by Rw uh the air. TELEPHONE 08 yea breath m rtferufly wh l fti ii r-viiltAU membrane They tt k the f trw pfaa i k .ch'a Transient Pisplav Advertising $1.2&Vr fnch eh inserUfln Kninjr bewRtub.tiM nonnl.s ihroat,.rrnee.aM J it ami am mtotw 1 tk. Transient Advertising on Front Page , .$2.00 per tnen inrWitflMtion iml.ly dt'.rl.ip rR (Ntiwlia a i- i' hll'MHlf IK Local Readers, .per insertion .'.26 per lino imtest Pen infection kilhntf nittvHtuat casi- i h.r n Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e per won! tablet are lakrn (jimMy. 'HIST liri' I in ' ,1 hIiI ,i n Legal Notices, each insertion ..JBc per agale line At INf dhtoi n S mnmh lid Will ir Contract nates on Application v Ihry fH pwwatfol hralinp. ad lfr. An-hii-ii"P v-"' All advertising should be in The Daily News QfTlee on jgatf preceding Iimic In th" "' fttltil Hi iifcreit e ir- publication. All advertising received subject la nppjoval. hrtirtk ad mutoir tbroaah ih all lu.lb lr fmtntt- iitaci nto lilftf i!h In fi" " '"' llu.rthcwnl I'ep daatrar 1 ) the lhif New. b "ii n . DAILY EDITION Vvlri1ay. Nw. 0, Ittl. all dnMW r-rm ItMMixM at ii44!v kltkiwll.IIm The other uni.-nani man. in (iMn ar kmI'otI umI n-4riml. lead with hy Hi. H"d wa .i Emergency Here , obxrw tioa c4 fthls .(peal H- .ri.'iiin iinily n at Present Time. etnrtrt iw. aat tk teMrtKMg :hm nm of lb.- i.Biiibem cm - There "is at-present an emergeny in the afffw of Prince ticooine mt Tfe l.auileih aj.Nl nnperltlistrict There is adiill winter staring us in the face and toe wHBERrra va etn1aral a a hai of a j rh and il;.!lllllf- "1 dulKMimes afterward- unless we dnNnmethtag. Our mills hnv ifVy waa Hp lf..llt-.1 from Wlllf-K been closed ever?TfTre the railway made Die freight rale pn- breatueable aa nfcx.aen an fei nlie hil bilive sqjhat lumber could not be shipped from the ertwl to the mtflee of whb'h rrlil.ilioa) p.. east HltlUn a" fTw'wCelis after the order was put in fore every Medicine VernH la a wCiiiImt Th RWlller of III.' heneftcUr mill wnn closed; nd so far mine have reopened. Itefertriee I di-n-.1 an.l fuwd wa alao made,to shipping mills and not to mills irke those at Terrace and htt tHtlmni l p mt M(iM laken. Pitman Spur. ad nek volktil wtHton I ho Archh.lH.p ra aiu.li The work at the shipyard has alout ceased, foe the bis ship el tmi iMh l MfaSf A uteaaed wilh the ..ru n IIm are jmpcte,dqnd thtre iijuilhing on hand except some small rfnn IVy M g iatt n M-n4 Tiank Sr.fic Riilway4-which amt tM tUa h lravrlln.1 !lir.Kijrh.ii moriM. repair Jobs OmUwjlt not employ many men. I. (ftwa pia. the oflVMil' imt bM-tco4ac ri. He aajrs he foun.l Mining is at a "standstill; and even at Anyox there i litll' anxlnva hi leae and in T money being paid out beyond an existence stipend. Jirtd IVf (Ami mm 4kmmg ae Jliey w.-nl -ut of Ihnr T.r otih Fishing is not as bad as the other Industrie bernc lhe uimi Bit VflMMMC dtg-U4M MMMt muHM wl vajr In make llimetare ajirai-ibb ' people of Prince Itupert bestirred themselves, aided by the aad to orovMh- ff he r.nn-rH member for Lunenburg, and eventually compelled Uie flineni-ment Ct t hoi ei JVp MMr. of Ihe M- naera. Ihrabhi tvtk-iMt Saskatchewan. Oac M try tbt ixqM la to keep a supply of cars ready for ue here. The fiovern-meHt UthH ymm ll waa atftt ia r.Hirea, Ihe hr-veM did its best to kill the business, and all the time it wa Mbrr nmtiy o c . mMv bating Wn teUn1 h M(.orttrMi.ImkMi. Mi-rk, supported by the local member. lujvtfm. s. ' aarty ratna. The Daily News does njt mnnn to insinuate that Colonel Peck did uol try to help us to gel flh cars. What we do allege is thai v rf t PRINCE GEORGE JiOTUt on the flooxof the ltou lastSpriHg it remained for4he member riKt arnsrr u rKT 6M Miaa SlaadiHT i tMam kar iui t or .-T a mi i for Lyju.eij'g Jo vtig,4lr When the raflwey attpHf ihhi 4' Aj TeMwa am ah PMMa TiW Maaari.Ba4ar rl .I I.arrat-altaa 4. M rrt aal. af absolutelyjrefused to provide cars to carry mtr flh la market, th will lake ehkuvr .if a imalt e.t mm, mtrm Ut aaair ran a lwa b ara- lar roai. aafVral a4 aai iBahl a EAT FISH member for fikreiih sUll voted with them InMeadf then .bowing 'aa- hftapilal. Cl f.iamnai aKia. laaa aajawaatM his independence and letting them see that even if fe were leHeij K. A. lnu'.x. of la Lea. haaaa MI aaaaa. wmn aww n IIfif6niL he would not stand for treatment sucb as Prince kaia. uwaaa aalMchala, laaac aaett COLDS & K.-. incal Can to elapttahhia i raMaa a poMM af a . tal. tfca- " Hupeff received ; Uraorh tT J.i aanofWHy at 4 SIM, MI And Supfrt the In ju- Here then is our condition. Everything but the fishing busi Hmiiher. . 4. M WHEN which support uu ness is at a standstill. Shall we sit back and wait for something bronchitis Aak for to turn up or shall we get busy? Mr. and Mr. PrMik fal-i !OfKZ. liax rrlwrnd In he Mr-:i.i'.-n fW,rfa.!WU Fresh, Smoked and Canned vUtttP In I'hira 1 wa Two Things SUITCASES 141.I Me Clatton sl ' rue.--..-r Fish i We Do. ' fmr a mmW4 t - ! May - al Kd'ii yi'-o. viMi-tir There are two thing we max" do at. the preentlime. Trunks u fr ili- flral I line In : M Mtt M 9t4 tm Mkt aae eumi aata Dbtributed by in the first place vole gainst candidate that supported ir4B iar anar al la aw taaue ar. may any va i. t iiu i4ar Ibwv. tfc veM . rAl Rich Pr fnlrl tynnfJA fil L the policy 'which ha timiigbt us to the present condition. In the CLUB BAGS a taH a5 iaiiauiaii tun v vuiu iviuv second place we may get buy ourselves and stir things up as we Large Stock on hand. piUU VI i antacUHed k-et, nMtlcwn Ibc f laitiaa ih- h' r at. aaauajta . PRINCE RUPERT did in the case of the flh oars. There we had to acL Nobody Pricep very low. wSTc kai!i. 4Ktaat. j l.'ie lioaitflM ry ai i u- would do it for us. The climax arrived when it was fonnd that! ..n-la aftern.MMi. ' I J. F. MAGUIRE SOTKI. BRAND the members of the Government and the heads of the railway had i RUPERT K.tkker VUtle.l her. rMwcx arrrar usa autaKT A wtw deliberately Ikd to us, and we proved it by sending a man to Next tb Prinerf Sopart Hot TBSCT r M'lai a.-nK na Iai ai4'K aadve Ihf alia ! TUa Mmi I. W. I. -I rna Hamilton to see if the cars which they told u were under con-, ;n.trlr. lt". ha IVen ar-reairj B C . arcupaapa rrtw wi""1 w lur a BMP" w. pr..rn inr structlon were actually being built. They were not We had ia Kdaajntaas wa a rhittv. ndl. aaasral aaa mt Ilf1ni urn Ifca fal- hataf Mrrtina mm' fwmwwtt , barn the victims of duplicity unparalleled in tbe liMturTf rail ; if uhiaimiia tin.nay ttader fai-lrHrnea. K,i ataaiatf aa ai Iraa. CaOr Jr roading and government. We proved it. Then along come the Ten Years Ago ' HIiMlhHr rhargra mmtt a cftaia. Uk.aea aanfe caaHta, aaii In heer aad al nml atM altaan. Umata awaia Government and asks for our support, and the member who ha! n Prince Kupart le- m mi!w witim.J patol af pwi.a..aimia. toaUNi Dr. Sutherland supported them through thick and thin comes hack and again aaaaM Saiatl IHt PKArt.IUI. AM0M. ak for oiir untTrages. Can you beat it? Novambec 9. 1911. W.jLi. tsm3K?- D.D.S.. L.D.S., D.D.C. On another page Mr. Mcljroy suggests waya and mean Ur The Preahrterian Church Club 'AHDERHOOF .10TKC. imrjroviur our condition. His uKffestion are worthy f con int list nicht and aiedad A- sideration. If w-o .l.niflH lif n fiw.ll.h A In return t.i oowrr tlir eera a fnliowa: Pri aidewt. Mr, iteorgp Map, aa old nrMTicTDV : Ifc KmncleJ vame icople whrt nave been there for the pat few year, ami wheank FJlia; viee preaitleaJ, Mh l truer of ttjta itkatrtel. died ra,-reolly ilk aatta a r mmi t ii liar, af PHara Vaawswtar. Mr. Map" have sipieeted us drj-. we desene any fate that may befall us. .aoaai; eeriar. . i. in tap aa W eypacl ty r Until it H known what the people are about to do with their volet' Hiark. ha He" le alteud lli.- ai4 3 aatafCTttt aanTOl aaa Up;Palis Cawamawap at Ech.nseUlock.SutteU.ndlS it is useley to try to make any local effort After December 0! a a fuaeral. IfCaapr fl mm a aaa eriar bmIm aana af; r- a i nt Phone Black all a a Hlaap aJ two m s nr Miiuuiiiiiii"' - we can take stock of our position ami use the best mean at hand, i 'win; I., ihe nthfa eoming - "a e 'f 'be fr..t water TW rel War Veieraaa' A-aoeialion taaaa paatfe HUlaa, uwaa ll If Mackenile King is returnel to power. lackeJ by a aympatbeticl many pipe raalaa tSua'i artii aa chata w. paatl af Ideal nifmlnr v mm nxnvrt In hav irrnal ininrovanaenla. Wiar frtlait la rhe aUy. Th are Uhwm a hie caaaaaaaaaaM. r !Qatar 4 arraa. here Arm. Uaaiae (ia sio, it. . at can expect to Kle liiiinc steadily improyf on the railway and in rraklaala aerv Haya leek are rua4uera Jaaae Th Home ot tbe out of tbi and auffrU4H eapeeially. iall-f Nik hi. k r. aaaaaa. a -- very near future nhips sailing port bringing y a a a av a a bark cargoes from the eaL If King is not chosen we -a expect a NOTICE. M. M. Knyrltah. of Ihe Ir. V. H. gmllh. principttf manairer to have to struggle along, using our own c Torts to pull ooraelvea tl T. I. 1.1 1 1 lee- rM.scr a PT LS04DTR1CT- tHS itnl if IIia tviii.lrir In any case we will not give up. but it would . '" of a4fitii4ee Mall, aave Twct f const psioc nvr Uul I, Thvota navira Ttka MM. d.-.I nil.) (he lev walera of Ihe lieri- laal wkualer Ihe 1 1 M miiitli .i unMiiiMirEtiiT If kail Ilia Ii A I r. .i f lit rw.u-M i urrs WtM. af Irrff. B. C. afvapattui Ulf-rp&7, .... . ii.'. .tudf, auapicea nf the Hoard of Trade. la Mad la aMif far a Uraaaa la rnther than be continually discouraged and set back because of MtuM far aaaL iulfl rt aad Mlra- Trunk ali'i. He wa aeaaaad (taW in rallaiai Mrntd Ua4. Jack of interest in the port and worse. aa (Uplaln l.einea, of lb A vac. A a. wa. horn on N-,nemher -i .n.rK .1. Ml II "l, I O " v tetlftJ IB uns"' The One Need of ll .fa eiUBM. mtmrr aoaia UUP rtry the Present Time. . v KINGSTON GETS .1. I- Mr :.irniaek la Klng I.. aaMH,a Uirara to naM of coaMBratauMat.nnw, mw. noria na- THE L'ACASSE BAKERY There Is oiie need more nuUlanding than any other at the Itvanaburg, AIMrla, to take twr f ', tut. sets. Afsnw pretent lime. Tli.it need is a sympathetic Government at Ottawa. i Ik- maAaeffcnl "f a llOl.-l I THOMAS IIU IAHO WAI-tH, at. Phone 190 717 Third Tbe Liberal Government began the railway and would have made TWO YEAR TERM i In-1- r.. r fti fti a job of it. but tbe people relieved them of the duty vyjiile it wait but half doiiO After the (ktnservalives came into power the PBI.1CP KI'fCnT fTif LM r MSTPIGT DIS .r roAfr MAflE MSTWCT live.- DIS-vaurr f TIM a-m f I n I 1 In railway was degraded: .-beep bridges-end. r-wir ;TOa.lbed mad- phllp Wc0onaldi 0ollty Similar TnirT in riiir mslll fIVK. TUp Moaa thai I.P.Cf I..rtl Mmturwa W1.I1.1WII Carwr..1.11 DC MR!M A MEDIUM '('iuiiuii ir uir, iurr me 1'ociiic ciiu u aiurirnaru aim Offence, Olvan Elflhtftn T.rr.ra a c , ourti twKW, aartaaar. lal-ae trelf nfaile into a brnnch Hue. and tmlay the jnAln line, carrying bartlly D.IU.rad in ui. Months and Deportation. f.I, Miortl and patrafum a U lal t Ih folfcialai dnrrtliml Ua4 00 p,rts any paamger. get a fine Service, while the part of the line that rollaaiaa ou-nl4 Un4t: CveinianrtBf ll CMMMWllir l t Ml IM D.llr.d n ..ess. J W , does the bimliieuM ih bark. ,a fi MaM una nlm frui OlH Mr quarur iMla of Cart .. kept Ullla CUr Boar. lalUa aaalb af LllUa CMtr nitrr, uwera of U,e bet e... , ... . .1 narry iinKauu wa a llti-fled H uri Ubk af THIS U one , Nb? That i what we would like to know. c "", .Iliracr .! I rbalaa, larafa nana r.M rnain fr.m. di ir lo Iw.i Imlnaler SS Th.MM. taaara aouih la free "J ;, yaara m rhala. iKrnr. Mt rbtiai, Ibrara aouia ikaara nl Ab.olulely , flrfl Know wii, inn v. know the remedy, and that is to turn out the i. ...x i rluuu to patai af cuumaacrmroli eoa iwia in point of autunwatfaowal, eoauia-Miniaf mend thla coal ber. 1 f 3 (. vm m e- ur.ii A. shi. isii, i-rLi..,J,A-.JJ!L etiioeially .iHd ' commenced and in which th,ey were mterrupted. ' ' II l IU I found iruUly of lhfl of k,m"1i c. r. b.b. Arl- c. r Sffctjo.. ti. from an Indian bouae at Jap I warirr Ladysmth-Welli5ton,l;rP I'-irti . PhiliH 11,11 H Hliri.l -!l ll-inivi- DIS waa1 tan.T n r.oiar fcAo MVr i nir-t ii r r.iiAir ma.iqe rrve nallred IHEOCOLLART, LTD. ZZ? involved in lae alaalinv hl I. A. n. ntrbaia. r ..c.t.t7.80p.r-tlueu,I, - ti a.-nr iiwi i, Mra. lurry Ouudarann. Til. wlln ...ii.tlii. .1.11 mmtmt. Dllrd W bn , ,iv,a ..,nah at in. rriiM lupari. inoa "tlJm??,SVp rar nrr. Ir4M I if K far i llraM la nraa- tad,.mlth.W.. nf ton SALI-UI a4 ava-reoa aouM tnd pimdhoi pair Dry pack. 100, Willi dr.x.rUtioii In Hie t iiiIh.I raal MiurlTVn tod MirvUuM aa iba I f.J. I tf M.I BAil Itl til 14 Mlrniawoi an Tbe f.inou laly MC0 aaaa, feaUaca la daamivMi biuli OmiuiHWiai ll H faPJoaiar daami4 nan. canaoaaiD( the mar rfcal for over ,,. m irraaf. lalr arli.-n Mi.-t.-ii, Hiif la il iAmiA ih. I...I ml rd.r mm .1 a aaal ana wtla fraat Cadir altar of h. .P.-."" . alali aal (ml rtra Ma Maria Uaaraa Maude K Win. ifU-ii-l.l -iMiapha iba hmwiii af uula t4r War, u taa aefth tin f WV"1"L.1"tri 1 uanu. f aDy pwowa etui e wsiTnotaa tncatpi blocs p. o. box laraca ml ll ctitifo, ownra aaaia laaaai tiu a laia i WUilty Of i t i.ml,ii . h ji rf.-. WM 'MitM, tbaaia al I chalaa. ibara aaria aaaiai. liieaea Til . na aaria Prince Marlaa lamraaaa Caaipanf af Marh Aatartta. rrl.-aaed 1 1 s.i..nri- io rViaM iu al pMuivacKaiitaai. w- la caaMM la a I ' iTmb. litafiiTir Tb taoil litaril tompaay aa Um Conk rifi HI cUimi Ui at It Hotal proroniy. Lo.lt luiuii ll.l lift. Xoealatj ABiaat tlU, IIS I. Offlea. Central Advertlaa MR llAKHV uUniitHloV. Appll'l!- A, H. I1CMH , AppMrinl. ia the New. Daily e. r. acbauD, aibi. C t I'lHUj), H'lll