sec ec f i fy PAGE TWO Bayh AH 4 ib Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES yearly period, paid in advance advance, per week ‘ 102 rthern and Central British Columbia, City delivery, by mail or carrier For lesser periods. paid i Sy mail to all part paid in advance for yearly By maii to all other parts of Briti . 5 OL NN h Col umbia, ‘the British Em- policies and other 5.00 to period Sea : 3.0u wish that closely connected with Prince Ru- QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY IS TO- DAY BEAUTIFUL WITH FLOW- ERS, AND LIFE ON ISLANDS MUCH IMPROVED OF LATE. ‘Continues (om vave one large number of them take the Daily News and they. discussed freely with me the governmental news which caine them through this source, often the only souree se far as Canadian news is concerned. All expressed the they could be more pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year $6.00 pert by means of a better boat ser- @y mail to ali other countries, per year Rac Be salted 9.00 yice but they realized the difficulty Transiet display advertising, per inch, per Insertion .- L40 owing to the present paucity of po- Contract rates on application. pulation. What they are hoping for Advertising and Circviation Telephone 98 is that the mineral and other de- Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 86 velopment which they see coming Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations will better service will be justified ADVERTISING RATES make such a change that a It was at Charlotte that the sug- Cc ified advertising. per insertion, per word 02 : ine ; . as, gestian was made that there might Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 oF o ciut aovertatae Gente of Legal notices, each insertior r agate line / ae ee Se eee ee would help them very considerably am This was the repopulation of th 7 $ a ‘ 7 : . ‘ - wr DAILY EDITION ‘ee er, Monday, August 22, 1932 deserted farms on the islands which Ce (CESS OF CONFERENCE Undoubtedly the Imperial tawa has been a su ccess, day just how great the success has been. At any rate all the parties to the agreements seem to be satisfied and that is a great thing. An agreement cannot last unless every party to it benefits. As has been impressed upon Premier Bennett from time to time, Canada willing to give as pe as take. Premier Bennett seems to have carried his main point as laid down at the previous conference and his action at , that time has been justified by the outcome of the present gathering. He has been abundantly boosted as the one man were willing definite improvements whe has carried Canada through a difficult grisis. Time will tell whether or not he was right. We hope he is. GOOD PUBLICITY The publicity on the principal news page of the London Times in regard to Prince Rupert and the leading pictures on the illustrated page showing the city and trolling boats is publicity that c: tupert as a result of the recent visit of the tour organized through B. C. House in London under the provincial gov- ernment and was partly the result of the efforts of the local Chamber of Commerce in looking after the visitors and seeing that they were given a good time while in the city. That publicity was worth as much as the total cost of the Chamber of Commerce to the city and most of the expense of ths by the members who pay to it annual ae in addition to giving a great deal of time free of charge. It is public service work that counts in the long run. hile everyone knows it is difficult to meet payments of any kind in t difficult days, it is very desirable that, the Chamber of Commerce institution and t van function. annot amber is borne hese At Santa Monica Celebration ——————— ——— ' Rudy Vallee's father-in-law on war path? No, C just playing big chief in Santa Monica's pioneer diys celebra- tion. It’s quite all right, too, ‘catse he is really police chief of his home town. | i ! 1 E. Webb is | Age is What Counts’ LEMON-HART they claim sent conditions. They say there are today many farms on the east coast Economie Conference at, Ot- and up the Miller River which were although it is difficult to say to- deserted the people Some of these have reverted to the Crown they could be some of these places there are good had to be houses or small one to five The first to make a detailed situation and farms as available for settlers who given up that life bearable. Today ible. The homes can be connected, with the island telephone system and here are good roads over which they can be purchased. It came to Prince | c jhad engine off North boat into Massett and |telephoned to Skidegate for some- one to meet him at Port Clements The car was waiting for him when he arrived. He drove bome at made ' Port good condition the Islands was yn my years make a home where climatic con- ditions people have cept frequent boat service with the outsice justified under pre- during war days to which have never returned an effort were made once more settled. On and if shacks and from acres of land cleared. thing to be done would be survey of the then advertise the take them and make At the time when the farms were the place was so isolated there became almost un- radios are avail- soon reach any. of the itres or visit with neighbors. That changes the settlement problem to such an extent need be badly entertainment. The radio reception is better on the islands than it is at Prince Rupert that today no farm isolated or without The road connecting Charlotte with Skidegate, Tleli and Port Cle- ments ing its people it ter in some sections but cars make fairly good time over it and there is no danger in driving over it in the summer | doubtless should be continued as a live Vale. dangerous. It he more members there are, the better it! sque value which is a very good one consider- age andthe number of serves. It might be bet- During winter it becomes rutty and possi- t is a very picture- drive. An example of its Was seen in an incident came to my notice while I |was there Ambrose Collison, a fisherman, trouble when trolling Islana. He brought his from there through to his Skidegate, repairs were and he was soon back at the witb his boat once more in Life is altogether different on today from what it previous visit nine those wishing to ago and ire excellent and where the almost everything ex- could not do better than investigate the Islands and par- jtiewlarly the deserted farms on the oe coast ‘Steamship Sellinad| | Por veneeneids' Monday—ss. Pr. George .4 p.m.) Tuesday—ss. Catala ... 1:30 pm.| Wed.—ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m.! Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss. Cardena midnight} Saturday—ss. Pr. George . 7 p.m. Aug. 20—ss. Prin. Alice p.m. Aug. 22—ss. Prin. Louise a.m. ! Aug. 29-—ss. Prin. Alice am Aug. 27—~ss. Prin. Louise p.m. from Vancouver— Sunday—ss. Catala —.......... Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m. Friday—ss. Pr. George 11:30 a.m. Priday—ss. Cardena ..... p.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Satur.—ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 am Aug. 15—ss. Prin. Alice am p.m. ‘Per Naas River ana Port Simpson— Sunday—ss. Cataia 8 pm Pe Meee] |, Suc, Coa 8 bm Vee ner Ale AND INVIGORATING ' ! This advertisement is not putlisnra or displayed oy the Liquo: Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. From Stewart and Anyex— Tuesday—ss. Catala .. 11:30 a.m. ‘Fer Stewart asd Anyox— Frida y—as. Pr. George Sunday—ss. Catala 3pm. 8 p.m. Tuesday—ass. Catala 11:30 a.m. Setur—. Prin. George ... 6-p.m. sults of gatnes played Sat ~ Sunday follow and Mitchel! beat L Haworth 6-1, 6.1; Norrington beat Brown and McMor- THE DAILY NEWS WINNERS IN THE FINALS Tohey Landed Tennis Trephy in Men's Singles and Mrs. Tinker in Ladies’ Singles The annua! ‘ jurmament was con- cluded yesterday. The finals pri duced some very ches and the ss Of tennis played interesting mnt- was of a verv high order. The re iraay ana Semi-fina!. men’s singles. Gr gor beat Bamford, 2-6. 6-1, 6-4 Semi-final, men’s doubles, Tobey Hinton and Greegor and die, 10-8, 6-2 Finals Men's singles. Tobey beat Gree- gor. 6-2 6-2. 5-7, 6-1 Miss Frizzell. 7-5. Mitchell beat Mrs 10-8 Miss Frizzell and Mrs. Tinker and Mc- Ladies’ singles Tinker beat Mixed doubles Mordie, 6-2, 6-2 Ladies’ doubles, Mrs. Tinker and Mrs. MeMordie beat Mrs. Currie and Miss Frizzell. 6-4, 6-3 beat Greggor and Norrington. 7-5 | Men's doubles, Tobey and Mitchell 11-9, 4-6, $-2 Baseball Scores». mesos deuipiaacapiiaapapitpan a News of The Sport World | Oe eae eat eannanaee Hungrian Rider Spills In Olympiad’ rests aT. . ing the dust? We'll say so. Old Dobbin looks as if he’s drilling | for oil, In the olympics, too. Tut, tut. And the Hungarian SATU BDAY SCORES ' entry in the cross-country National League ; eae Brooklyn 6-6. Cincinnati 0-1 New. York 2-8, Pittsburg 3-1 Philadelphia 5, Chicago 6 Boston 7, St. Louis & American League Detroit 4, Boston 1 Cleveland, 2-11, Washington 4-5 St. Louis.0, New York 5 Chicago 6-8, Philadelphia 4-14 Three-Game Sons of Canada Issue Challenge Monday, August » / ; CHALLENGE TO RUPIR Port Simpsen Baseball Nine . to Meet Best Team in City During Fair The Port Simpson baseba) has issued best nine Prince Rupert the field, the gan take place in Pri: the fair week Port Simpson is developed some they say they do any second rate t& The they think they car wer the ors of anything Prir Rupert produce. The Intermediat« re cOnside, ing the challenge BASEBALL Inter —S. 0. C. vs. EMPRESS TONIGHT, P a — HOME OIL LINE-UP a challe 4D put g fa Mies i Home Oi) line-uy game follows P 5 Mowat, Currie, Vieir home Rio, Bye, Howe, T spares, Davis, Stalk: year. Accordingly Baseball Association ampions take on Elks to All-Star Team “ front the tis nd a Series Arranged The series wil] open on Wednes- of this week and be con- Gay night at a meeting of the executive ef the Prince Rupert m Saturday night, it was arranged to have the an all-star team | ind Empress teams| The Letter Bu GOLF TOURNAMENT T0 i PLAYED AT SMITHERS Editor, You might Daily New be ints (Britain leading wilh ; . . Commence Wednesday Night; tinued on Friday. The final game}!4t the Smithers « NPAT GAMES Canucks Confident is iuled for next Monday, ranging to hok innual & Amopran Sengue Ber nny Windle hes been appointed ) Tournament This ‘ Detroit 1-4, Boston 3-2 Sons of Canada, who for the third manager of the All-Stars atid he |0¢ Known as the “N o St. Louis 1, New York 3 successive year, have copped the feels certain that they will at last/COlum>oia Amat " Cleveland 11, Washington 5 city baseball championship, have pe able to down the “lucky Bona.” _|C0lf Tournament ¢ National League issued a challenge to any team i . jover 18 holes, anc e opee Pittsburg 0, Cincinnati 2 the city for a game or series of cae ee meh in Northern ! The # New York 9, Brooklyn 3 games, so that they may demon- lymouth Colony remained af in-~ {tournament will be played an Philadelphia 0, Chicago 2 strate that it is not all luck which dependent republic for 70 years af- | day, September 18. 4 Lt Boston 7, St, Louis 6 has made them winners again this ter attaining its patent }will be presente: ¢ - twhich will be kept Lae age Se ae a ; SS ar but should a Ww WwW P ] On A l three times in succt ht : ater Polo quap anes Provides Thrills ee. $e runner-up. All ent: ist ithe hands of H. G. Hi ton, ithers, B.C. not lat Sev \ber ll ; This is a new ve! wee jof sports in the ne | Although our my iholes, visitors aré Ang ithey have to pla) er ithan what the c: d like. We haye good 5 # igreens, natural bun! a ae Our par fo far no One has u \" it is hoped that roa jwill become a ye |will, as time goes f ’ lcrease our course If you have an) . |please let them kr }you that they will e a The maximum in thrills is provided by a new water polo game int roduce 5: het (There will be no e! r rigs. Chaailh 6 Ball cot thbtor-driven i - : = k = om it roc uced , Winter Haven, Plo- } Yours ver » . ' ‘panes 1s guaranteed to abolish that sinking, feeling. HO ( ae eee eninge | Captain, Smither ch W Army Can REGIMENT LINE-UP lows: Smith, Blake. Lambe: Bde | — ij orm eee ‘cumbe, LeJong, Wingham, Wilson,| The gross tonnas: ye VP The Regiment line-up for Tues- Cameron, Vance, Colussi and @hris- | Saes in 1930 was | 46; 0 In Straight Line «= Gay night's football game is as fol- tison 444 Many Saskatehewan Towns Haye Had Amazing Visitations BROADVIEW, Sask. Aug. 22:— Armies of sugar-beet webworms re- cently passed through a number of Saskatchewan towns, and have been seen in all seetions of the| province in amazing numbers this, year. These worms, or caterpillars, do not é¢at wheat and barely touch (oats and barley. But when an army | passes through a grain field it will | clean out every weed except those of the grass family. They like gar- den truck. however, and have done considerable damage to gardens The worms evidently march in a straight line and cannot be deflec- ted from their course..When they come to a hoyse or barn they crawl up phe, wall over the roof and continue their. journey. re ee ee Ogden's cut plug. \ A Prime Favourite Men who “roll thelr own"? have mac# Ogden's fine cut cigarette tob 5 favourite-—it makes better cigar'' mere quickly—this brand has 4! 4)* sold on its merits. Free “Chantecler” oa hapers with every package. OGDEN’S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO