sw f g Mail meim TAXI Service For Prompt 99 Taxi bbU Phone PRINCE RUPERT LImoastnei asd 7 Ftutngtr ,nd Night Serrtce Northern and Central British Columbia'! Newspaper Touring Ctrl I'lUNCH IILTKIIT, II. (1, WKDNKHLAY. NOVKMIIER . 1921. !? cin.i.u... km. iui .iM tt age Reduction lu Confir me d IG GAIN OF DEMOCRATS IN NEW YORK STATE ELECTION VANGUARD DISTINGUISHED VISITORS IN WASHINGTON. KclJf m Democrats Make Gain in New JL Jk Jk AJk,Jk'V A .-WJt W AV iMVIk I QAV York State Election: Hylan is Use Business Methods to get Re-elected for Two YearTtrm Trade for Port says Visitor KAV YOHK. Nirv. t. -Drmorratic rainlida(e, headwl hf Mor iHlim. made a rleH nweepof the rititnl city and rouhtf ofl"nr in y"lenll)'l mtiiiiripal elertioii. tuMi in order to emre for Prune Unfurl ! One Mutr. Kenturk)'. paed from Ilepuhltcan tu Democratic ULSTER BACKS tv .. ... ucii which in offering in the Oriental Irale :rontrl n a reHlt of yeflerday'ii election. uu article written by D. H. Mrllroy. a victor j John P. Kylan w re-clectef! mayor of New rjt City''for a h uel mp the situation ami gnn wbl look PREMIER CRAIG ernnl ut)enr term lij over 100,000 majority. ? There were ix .gnosis. We MHHut alTonl lo Mil ami wait. h other candiiiate. molly on the Labor and Socialist ticket. w . . rt iMirelte ami make the tpiestion nf the I The number of pontile voters, men and women, thin year apprtsts Firm Attitude. Taken ;Mi 1 iiMIiv. There is business ottering. 1ml ty Him In Conference with Jwa 1.203.0 to. get tt The article, whioh i well worthy of Lloyd Qeorq. j ALBANY. X. Y.. .Nov. 0. The Republicans elerjed 21 or j their mayoralty rartdklatr and the Democrat 15 in the municipal itii.IWi' if THC KINO'S SPEECH. election irf thi lale yelenlay, excluding New York City. Four J 'r Ifer lltrt'iibliran lronhold Albany. Syracuse, Yonkerx and Oneonta t a III.. Slt'leel GERMANY IS i luXIMi.V. V. A firpca-- j where Republican adminitrationi have been functioning for ut th Kcas'a jeeh m ir i rrgrt - f I r -auinK of tartiainitl. whi'-li it year, were carried by lemocraU. The indication are that the mg mui fee' PREPARING ; i lHnl I1 b d"lierri t:s. Demoi rat gained many seaU in the New York State Aumbly. ai re ww. U tu tkm ifffrl ill si r " . I LI' ,dl aWi....! iinftMHHy wiili h CONGDON IS STREETCAR . of French Premier Declare l :lrll "I'uilioii Orllllnfl Army and Providing I UIJSIMkV . The ! ' tf-eti ir ta Mun.tlen. raklnl rfrealh hrr-n N01NATED WAGES DOWN nlfwtMialy JpfrMr"l uU It tirt Use WASHINGTON, No. firm alM'oilr' wttHi Jam Promtsr Crland of Franco, Crat. I'Utr yrmfr. mausiafn t' 1 (he idee jnl u Uw tnlntvet'f t't4 t " ""!( Iboral CoPTent on at Dawon Fifteen Per Cent. Drop on B. who It hero for th confer Lat Saturday Choe Him Electric Railway Dcclalon ii-nrr With Ml lift fr ;rM. declare he w aai asst rice, deoument to can pro-duo u.it Hi uMuu nl the IrwUi for SVtndard Bearer . of tha BtoaedjTfv V3 prof ft 7 I ' froo l.'HI- 11 Qsrmane la drilling an T ft nd-KffX' rtf "Van- v.xcorvF.n. Nov. 9. A con. ' t. iuI army In mobile Ajnlte baektd ln wa; if)' let! ay the cilialion board, hrarinr the d- '.3 3 ill Nil I !) by etcrtt store of email (PROVINCIAL POUCE l.llra cnMiion af lMwon iria ml of I In- IJritih Columbia arm and factorie producing 1 OFFICER OF PRINCE -I Saiunljy hi rnt-! the Yu Kleelrte Hail ay Co. for a reduc- 1" au. mU artillery and alrplenee (Wo. Armando YIttorlo iAat, eommidr la' thief of ib .urlua .n ruiiriy in ihr nyiiicotninjt rioyi or 15 er eenL in the wear 4tf ' Id In SwHterland, Sweden and GEORGE MARRIED arnlri; Admiral Karl tleattr U tke BrlUth NayyiMefated to Uie Tr-ac dtil 'Mi' n 'M'.irtI lo llif if mntnrnicn and cbnducfor oi. Ho'land, ottalde of Allied for Takro Mrrtca durtac th world war. aiod 04a.'Uroa'Jaoqa ffprl cll il 'li-- eify 11 evrn Ifte ifel Vaneou-'vi'. r - ear ylenu or el laa BUUa Ana, paotorapb4 at the L'aioa SlaUoo. Waabtoctoa. x'tait '4 If control. In view of, thl tie t nrtnt dikaleli anJ wa Victoria and Xew W'ctnilr f resbswo France mutt roort a big i lni" l"r I'm !- "f ih" r.-; oonririiMid by Mr. Cttad-Hi him-,ir. ha hamlH down Judgment .f army In lf defence. iiri mi" iJ-arlm'Mil a Conciliation Board h . 'O UU riam lo llie;iH favor ir the rampany. They H'nii.'ii iMre. w-n MiarnM in ily fi-wi Trrar. w. in re- i-Uim thai the cot of Ihins ha '! Can. nc'Ur In! ek i Mi tpi ir prival a.h-W ah"l ely,ine down ulT5cirnt lo Julify the Mrcafcant FINDS ELIXIR l.y..a. f Toronto. They arr .4rarw nf rmwratalalWin from reliirlion. iilln in crf W fr Iheir Hands Down Award ir JnUrkrl. lit rrHlflaill for Th mn opnoeil I he reduction. a I ihrouab-; nynnoei m l lake up Uir aoMtiMalfc'R witti Mr. Oouir-I W. C. Diliuara wae cbairuian. ' iar the OF LONG LIFE !h.-r rHrfe in Pnnor (iwiif ti wa Rafcert liwe, a well . i.-f lo Ike i an early dale. town nioetr of Vhltelire. G.D. Kelley Dissenting Ihi recieived I? wte again! URGE VOTE FOR Li "! mi lite Eighteen Men Out of 129 r GERMAN MINISTER Mr. i-oa' 3d. Ttiere w a Tying fa. Over 100 Year Old In ...iWr t iMilhti at Ibe own. Villa-. i LOOKS FOR CANCELLING rule n Ihr iHtwinalhHt of PROHIBITION (IL'KMKlL No. tl. The ward in Hip roiictliatmii wage dipo(e ..i of Ike i Mr. Conadon i deeiive. On ' iiiuw ag. DRIllllfAT. '.aucai. N V OF ALL WAR DEBTS belwMH I lie Udiiatlwui Nnlmiml Hailwiiy and it" employee wa tlic M-mi ballAf. the nonilua-Ihhi ',uinl iri TJr eMtir or a lma life i- hamlcil to the nii'iilerof labor thi momiiig. signed by tbe chairman, wa inaoV unaateton. Dominion Alliance Says It I th vn I he illt(V t4t In eMirrd cow milk and Ill 111.IX. N..v 1 Tlal the Itev. Ilyron SUulTer. and llanWd Fiher. The representative Tbe Conservative noHilaew w ho Paramount Qutlon at . Have ekeeC wade front kt' milk forlbeomiuK W -It in K t n roiifrr. of the euupany. 0. ). Kelley, diKealel. will oppose Mr. ConEtoi i Cap. Election. far l.ul aa4 uaMr kra4. aomediwa ( rnrr will rr.ull lu Ihr rancclla. lain Ueorpe Hiack, of Vaneu-er. lite award Kiialma the rekicliuno of alario of em4yee t (me Uar- lr 8Hlowe at Ihf I iu(rity of tin, r at any rate pooipoHr- wtni ba been in tbe Yukon earn, TOIlO.Vm. Nov. 9. In the Dominion He has lraU-d illar paid more Mian fv5 a nrfmth, Iwt in re of tboe receiving lc month Ikul ll I- hir. a iikhiI iff lite fayno'iil or In.- war paitfuinir br neary a rl.ctkiii campaign the lu the iMuuntnii wrar O-mtr dfiit tMed In Uie I mini Stalrn a echedulo worked out by tbe railway enidoees for lower paid now. A ixiuliar f rat arc of thi paraiMounl quetion I oation I Ikal a KUd RMtMCa. lite n-w rilMl of by the Kwlciiir nation. the empluyeee wa adoplei. lweteAd of a llal l?H per cenL rtMluc elrctiun wilf to thai boWi candidate wide nroaiWlion, aeeordlng to a t bifiaiK Mte luoUn republic. Uerr opeHio ' lr- UM" fnrmer are ex-goverttr nf the uianifetito or the Domlufon AUI-cr. reduetkHi ?5 r. ikm the sew hedwle jvnirlv for a Bionlbl) o-f oi l H" frqtR otgliloii won o! of a pupulalinli Korean Mlaietrr. lu tbi evtt. Yukon Mr. tionadon wa a Thr Alliance urge elec ax - B . r lt are mure than l Tar hf alke thai Ike lirroian r. lhoe earuiHg $Hn a uiAlth. A7.Su on tho.e eortiing frvni 05 to ntwaaber for Yukon from 1909 to tors to vote only for candidates oM. TeMMr atr the atxr naaned paralitHi term will be revi.l. ISft, f I2.5U for Uwo twratag from IS5 to $150 a mtmlh and 1911, havin hw euccetul in who will plrde theuielves to (Minn food eseluiely. MiMir. The award auetatu the reduction.s in wage of tHog- lb I00M elm ion. lie ran un-ueefully 4be neeo.sary (egflaion. II AHH K OLDEST WOMAN DIES. raphera and wtigc piikl tu tpiiig car, dining car ami parlor aaint Dr. Alfred drclarr that Ibe pood effect of NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. TtMMnpu in tVII and I VI?. prohibition law In cvrral pro- KIIKl.tloLHNI, N. S. Nrt. H.Mr. car eniplujee. bavins, bad a majority of ISO vinee of Canada ha been lo TRIALS TODAY Vor auy rHanjji-ii rrauii"! John Youiut. IS yar of voir in the civilian poll in Ibe vnie estent nullified by leR.il Wrile l IU- urrililrinli'iit if ug,.. 1 1 J,-I woHtaa In Kbl-Imu'iir STEFANSSON PARTY AW FfORPA RP laltrr rlrclion. Ttii majtu-ity system which obtain in Hrititli Telrphone bcfori- Njivembrr TO. t;uni. dHl yeleiilay. a uptu-U iH.wever, when Wir Columbia and Quebec. II W I MM4 1V m . M .OM m gmv a .iJirr voir. wre eimBtcd. ""ociock-Baek at Mr C'njid'ii will leave for the ANOTHER YICTIM OF wcietk. Delegates Arriving for Preparing Way for Blfl Eiplora Yukon on I lie Prince Mary tlon Party to Be Formed In n-H Monday iHorninx and will FLOOD IS RECOVERED 1 .-wVn March. .i . mt i.1 . -L ue'toerr uitiii.aflrr llje elrctiou. "in for Uie Washington Conference: ucicpaiion w iiwvn?ivn isrvii I all! l " r Ina Recognition at Slg Dlt- I. Body of Robert Clark, 15-Year-Old a tior vtlieee KANSAS CITY, Nov. U. V. CASTLE IS armamtnt Conferenc. JSCOniSH Boy, I 24th Yet Found. St'fauou aiiiH'iiio Ihut i( Expressed Opinions are if rinTrvAUrrv nu nnP '"lay. Sh tin ii nf til advance party landed Nov. ULjlIxUItD DI riRL v. vn hi'Vfu'ii v.... a i.. SAN FHANCISCO, -Kureu 1 1 i. 1 S.I,, .IUI. V." ".ltl',,lt-( i he Va. aafrly ihi Wrauji'll UJiind nuJ should be restored lu Uie jhody. thai of Hubert Clark, IS i i.ieA u, No. t. Admiral Kiilo, head of the are preimrinic a la" txt wiieeti-littue. WAaillNtlTON. UHii of an iitdepeiideut stale Palntlnn Worth Ten Thousand year or ajre. has uren tounn at - t JapJHO. deJegatioii, declare Japan i prepared to cut down the A ni'lriusrurt" to pre mil Ibe JaiMnre usintt Pountfs Consumed In Blaxs. ,Hrltami!a Heacb. This make 31 "jk ma itte naval program of that country if the conference t willing lu c-ome lo H' fnrined Man mi HttUlll and lie rotiniry k a hrtdpe fur ex. .bodies of flood victims recovered u. Oiilahi i'iiuiU i '"e; iitrt to nit iigrecnieiil which will guarantee Japan' wifely. pannn in Asia, urpr the Ko-iVn l.oMM'Y v. 8 kiiwiiid mj far. uiiioii which is pmceiHj. lUille ii'-a: liieeliiii, Vorfarsluret i nupfrinr; The American Kenale tinlay Hiloptwl a resolution requesting COMMUNISTS AND1.- Mj lo a-tmwtiku to seek ro- uver. r. Open loteiutia uf the cotiference when a full delegation i nitling, oouniiinii at tbe Canfreite v:n r. r,r .Vancouver woman i Vanoou-- and aUu llwt u wimplele reconl be kept of the proceeding. FASCISTI FIGHT which ttpeii Friday. fire. A patnliitz vaufd at tlO,- HAD PEARL STOLEN UUKHK0. Nv. 0-llight Hon. Arthur Halfoiir and the oou was desiruyeu. ' It. ; H -' e Ingh balaiic uf the llrllkdi deJegothin landwl yeterday and went to LONDON. N.. 8. fibarp KENTUCKY'S ELECTION. VISITING IN SEATTLE flvWIng ha laken pteo - SINN FEINERS RELEASED. ' ' iiiaBufar-'""'ur, Mr. llalfwir belleve$ tli ennfereiire, though I'. Wat,hiniftoii tmlav. Iwemi the Italian i;plinwli tnti.sxttlK. N.tv. 0. Tb 8KATTLE. Xov. H. A pearl i.iurt .1 may be Unable lo .c..mplih everything upllniLL may Rxpeel uU or es'renn' iki' vn la-imlne in the Ken HKLl''AST. NtY. .--.TwU.Ai krad Iu.h1 at f 1300 was sloU 1 of il. will make a IIIK!-.....airo mw"i .. I.ullai,' l.ilariiftl.Imint wiirlil. nal n.nnll-i which in. ..( tu.-v .1. .in hi today number ten i. iv SlHH Feiiietw, litja in hi-'en from Mrs. K. V. MeUan i uey,ii i He prorers to see i'rKieo naBinm aim r-rtiviotj um wiviv in tupn .m - 'i W'oumlxd .1- I mil v-M W'.ntii'ti'd, I he i oni' m l amp. have been on- Yam iiuv. i n C wtixn v.ltlng uiukitiB u comoieiit in confereiite as a whole. uim eilouly. uemr Novu I joiiiiimie ot t'iecii.iu fights. emditioiially relen. !a pictun1 how' here.