T1IF, DAILY NEWS. alm-.Uv PAtfE 8. 1 1 J STORY- ABOUT LIQUOR PRIYATE COMPANY G'.'H. Arnold - Notary Public SHIP EXAGGERATED MAYJOINP.G.E. Completion of the 1'nrlfru Westholme :: Theatre FOR SALE Vessel Only Suffered From A line double corner on Sixth Avenue. Section Six. ut Cot I on Shock of Earthquake. (ileal lliuleru Itnllioad lo Prince (leorita I belnir rusheil by the connection. Splendid' dwelling silu. Slrrrl. linn eevvcr 1 Surely n Imy nl $1,600.00 cash or $1,800.00, on Urmrof "A$iMJT:il, June 18. Tim llrilUh Odumbin (loveriimeut, onight, baturday .il)0.00-'iiKh and 'balance one iid two years (&' H ftlTejreir undeilinndrd alleuipt ly unit the new line Is opcnlnu up jiie to roti Ilie pi-ovin-cial n vnxt nnd ried arm of the piov-Inee'H Pavy, Tor Hie pair. - i : i ' iroveiiiiiienlof ten tliouxaitd intrrlor, aay the, linnn-j BIG DOUBLE ATTRACffi ;. -ll cases 'eolrli nhoaril Ilie rial PomI. I H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. Hleamer' Sneelalor hy luckinir When the line rewrite Priner Insurance Rentals Real Estate the ve.i.el beneath Hie eea off (leoi'tfe it will have roiiiirtliou thu Mexieun roal, lm. lieeir ex- J wild Ilie (Irtin.l. Trunk Pacific . . Beautiful . . nKKeratctl, Onitalu II. Owen re main line leoni lltiioiiloii In ported on arrival here. Prince Itupert. 'lite orltflnnl WOMAN CONCEALS The eapiaiu paid it win line plan of Hie railroad whi'ii Is SHIRLEY JEWELLERY FROM that volriinln diiitui-bnueeM in wn iimler private ownership MASON Mexico' rutiixe nn iaHliitiake ealleii for the r.vteiislou of (lie Get the Best! DANCE ROBBERS which wnA felt by Ilie liljr eleanf-er. P.tl.K. to Peaee Itlver where. IP but the ,o'ry of belntr drawn t'RINCE GEORGE vMxibl meet the l).l. and llAj in !l . Into iay joiich ami epeweti line from liilmonloii. I CIIIUAfil), June IB.- Four Xi'nvi'lliHK eiuipiiicnl may be forth again Ihh'iui Havy diJ I II I omleriMM How that Hie the in general appfar- bandit lined tip dancer in an iift like Hie taste of whisky wm At the reua. tiojt.iiH r the ,,;, Hvrinneut will tio( under-1 "Love's Harvest" name inn nrlh of .Kvanlou recently Without fouildiilinll. A Mierial (I.W.N .A. Iiel.l Monday uiwhl In rMl.,fn r 0 lull there i ofleli n anil esenpcil with Jewellery ,nce, nm report of Hie meiirriMiei liaf Ho- eluh niwiu. Comrade Hovver, ,, ,. ,lUtH. .1,nk fereal difference, w hell-It come rash cMimati'd at nearly t'ZO.t wlio was u deleile. to been banded in by Hie orrieial.f appomtnl xv pH.,miKP B1V mmmm,, A driimntlc ci mrdy fit n. 1 1 nil I Bh'h , (Afj JU vvearinit power. ' 000. to offset liilMciidint; i-i-porlx. lite Hovilieial c.iiveHlloiii vHva Pn,,u, , MH, U, ,, The dancers nt first IIiouk!i( erully hel.l HI Chllliwaek. made ,,,,, ,,,.. , wl((llrP. PARAMOUNT MAGAZINIi, am(-nn rtvcik , llirk' Trnvcllinp Hag arc oj it. wan a Joke when n young- man tlx rejoin to me u-ai. ( )(, ,(f wr,ieu. BIG SHORTCAKE MET with a cap pulled low over hii" ilie llnesl leather, with the Profialily Ho- henvirl .Aoaiie uirieniiee i mhii in the urrMiue. eyes, and n pitol in each ham workmanship lo nialcli. Fillet) hlepjied .out on ' the dance floor WITH UNTIMELY END ever held ill Hie interior otied ment lo extend the preartil line The m l scnsiUMinnl hntvywrthi clmmpioi ,ip uufllted Hap mid Suit here ot IXfth.day and wued or the I..U. uml ILL. nitwit i or and commanded them lo line-tin Ifiu contest the w ttld 1 1 : vtr kuiwn Cnc lei U miI you. nr- nut- NiciCMr?1 .'I'licKty. conjpne. YAMUHYKIl. Jim,. IN. Sued a lanr influx f itle to Ihe "H", "t5- 1nlr. Wheui (lireo-other.- entered niol i nlrnwberry ului-rlrnki' n Mtuntl eily ealle.1 Ihiv in eoonerlioo II i "My Mie IHi will JACK :, l-ulnr am. price. be Imlll In the n.,1 fur .lilintl I fired three, mioI.h Into till jioys ilrvntu of wn Iinve urne. with the vnrioo- ran to mum. ' cd the Im liquet, table of the Mer-'II up for Iriul. Thert nre eti- ruliire ei-iKeiajy if -Ml I loutoj f ,r,"'J.i,,-.... H L BIRKS ; line wmiinn snwij oiainomi llojitd of Trade rreiiUly. And leen crlmlital m for trial, wmimrtriai ijuaniuii at vnlui-d Apr l5.inui l.y. droppin what hefrll the eonfeetion wn eleven of Hie tMttled lielntr rear lliver in ii.i.iui.mi i priv. V VANCOUVER,.B.C them .into' her euji of re, like n pionll h.,y OKhlmari'. Cliinameii e4irte.l wild luivlim ale eoiniMtitir ilrllllnr lt l .DEMP J feli feet in feanteler ami two pni'.iviimir.l In an affray In lite, in ...rilierii AIIm-Hh Hi prtivlnc- feet liipli, lio rake eonlaitii'd lonir war. wliirh oerurrad dew i nrui.ii U'luinmii na u voi- litilieK of MravvbcrfW covered on April li, whr meintiefi of nsii htiiilotv fr oil in Hie 5 with wlilpped cream n fool thick. the Chinese Nalmnah.U, nnd lif ' I'-' -- '" "Vs. As lhey;J'ire ,j frvin .IIm ilray the (Ihew Ki.n T..i or 'ilfi!n. Alliri la M.n.-r Im. YOU lo (he bauiiuellinir Imll. a Mg ee Frei Mauii.," we'nllo war " BILL nd lie doK leaped from tho fide-walk on Tdlr.1 Avrnur. Anu.n the TRfinPS IN MON CMti MOIR'S COME into the lake of whipped cream nnd fruit. Hl,"TrVard.u,'eV reHte ARE. NOW IN ACTION i following: P. K. WiUon. W. P. FIRST and At.-. Y.-unn. of BRENN AN Chocolates (lirilvlr ldl, ,, ., Jr 1M. Five B,r. Tlw lutiraur pnllry v. 'rite fnf Week End rn oir sr irn.iaii... t. Specials ..-,iii1,-it lit n '-ep ...... ........... "-- J-uU will follow jiir wlbo. It .,.i , .1. .! CI, 'I llli- ,17. : will be mrlitcn l slip j-oitrx-lt Orl maid b) live ,,iiainl IriHip 10 (? Co Q nmildrralkMi. nl o. II I our Fry,- liii'HMa-l li.ir..n ink. 1 111? for (dp ii-.iwn; Frank Hip- Wlllh MoautiHii. V'l-ve'riil im-! Iw.liwM in render wnire It Is Kin. 01 virtMiiii. ftiiraiiiii a a Iirl.ml n in-1 i-re mud'" T'-b--! 12 Rounds ur dutjr lo Inwrc st IIm HK piee,-. p.-i lb 42c private peir-ul"r tn Ihr Toiic )ou ... . . . ... . . iidoio rrv n-r in Hh part!..! rlirliin.laurel wsrrsnL , Fry llreuk(ai lut .m ii- it If L' 1 A laborer is worthy of bcr Knockout shown In detnll by 3 diflVrim cameras hire Vhd a little bit moreT l'r II 45o of Calirary, for the Chine) a- , . lnurnulirc,ean. tleee. Maid oT .U))e :ii-hi.tv ' When tlOIIBllfl. t your stenographer ; ; does good work make ber It Dwli. "t)WFflM-f dle ruiw llullertn bulk,.tb. ... 40c il.L-,.iuTtMinMM C 'Sft.erta.Frrj.li f.au. In. 40c .. ..1.11- WIIDCC Price 25cjiud55c 'liap'ny'with a box of aloiR'fj MlfU rtJlj-4 iulinvd. All f urk deuiU I II'be Ukeb' rare of 3 dozen $1.15 Overtime loses its terrors, and 'pothooks" become Canadian r.hern 2 lbs. 55c Friday lllttht la.t. in the -Alex-; INrAlUAltU Willi lo nl on (fif Jub. lliie Our lua'u ' more interesting when tho Cotopiuiinl I.nr in lmlk,.. attdi-a lintel. Tin- many invited nnPTftD CilinniTQ is" tasting such a reward. it 2 Ib. 35c KUi'nln enj" )'-i Ho- oeranion very UlLlUl OUltlUCO THE EMPRESS THEATRE llnlltpvi ;l.t-f' f d JTk. mueti. Tli SioiMicr nrrti'eslra ' Who cares how hard one oris oc NF.W YOIIK. June IK.- Mt. 1 TONiCirr.jiXtURDXY in bulk.w. . 2 Iba. fc- 3Ec jnupplieil Hie liiulii f ir Hii ut- works when' on, receives iDoyle,vLtd.- Alien-Julia Carrnulii-r. aireil ! fuir. 7 lbs, $1.00 such swet appreciation. Iniuttns Real Estate . a iraineij uurxe natu to ie u l".apw .Prinm. vir uo.liui. rw.vU ro..iua zt fiive (he preference wlo-n you meiiilH Of a wenltdy Canadian 3 lbs. 25o; 25-lb. box $1.75 Maclaren Imy to llm mriehaol who adv'er. family, diel yelcrday fnun Ihej Mary Victory Hrand Pure flrnw. to.- in Ilie iliiilv li' Mepapere and elfrel of !'M'K J Vt', "t ; Ufrry Jaoi. i (in 75c V4 a1 Imy adv. rltiMl K'od . eonliiiK ! U(f1aJlee It Sales Agent Phone SSSror Black 472 llrnwi Suyar.2 lbs. for 25c . l.:iH ,r.Ul i-t (.'. i-.rri 1.' John L. Christie 5 lbs; for 50o. nalI W, Have lire) niiaiuaieu "ROUGE and RICHES" C. V. EVITT 4l Combination. Special Canned wUd it SeV WW'rlor wdo I Prince Rupert, B.C. r Auctioneer ' j Vegetables, n married man wild wo elill- Special Production in Six PnfLS, DE LUXE Audilorand Accountant lIlTII. Ouaker Uraml T""ialoi I.Ion llrnnd lorn ICE CRE A M Episode 7 "Ruth of the Rockies" (.Oil ItlHIld I'l-IK BULL MOOSE INVADES MUTT AND JEFF .orli-d In Miit ptir'haer tl.iviiiK " iilnrueil our i,'iiiihc'H PORT ARTHUR STREETS 3 tins 5Cc; pef doi. $1.90 ami iii-l.illnl hiihI'-ui ihh' Ii"ri-t7. we nre tli-.r,mulilv hiiiiiii,i-iI lo Combination Cpoclal Canned PUHT AltTIH It. 'hit . Jun tr The ImLi, i-jiri- iif mir niitr.urnuiiiL. ie Universal Q Fruits. ... 1....1.. A Loll ittooiti rame nit 0 III. Malkin- II .4 I Aprirol. .... .... ... 'iiu r..,.. Him u.'d.! ilorOtir llm rf.v , - I ne li.Kfi-illeiii, 1 1 111 m Mulkiii m li l lli)ul i.ur- 1.... i r..n... n r 11... 1.1 nliJht. and near one of Hie umiii .Anne t;inrrii'i. ,; Mul- I reel tirrnme mlancled m a Helgerson Block our rremii lieinit impoiti-o from kiii i-. IVHr.s. 2j,x. Hie moiiHi In.weekly. wire fence, where he wa released eorlrlt. ciiial 'ipi.iutitiM, In Hie iiiorniuir after nn Ice Cream Is made dally on our CAMPERS! ,3 tins $1.25; per do. $4.50 premises In three flarors Van- dour' elfor) by poller...ami-old-. and l hj- 19 -1 li" IIiickI lill of ilia, Strawberry and Chocolate, f"' r t.j-rx . Saturday Monday cumi'i fruit i' Iia-.e i-mt We also speclallx. in N.apollUn; 1 f" r" , ""t dandled nnd many of mir bricks. I I liri (117 HIIIIIIUI IjvlllTI over (he dill uml dt?upK-arcd. IT COST ruloiiicr iirefer llo-m to We koI ir it order for Ten, SPECIALS home-eHilrted fruiU. liuneea. etc.. uml till order are Arriving Saturday's Boat given eieei filleiilioo uml t-IJvereil Church Notices t ,) our own nuloiiinile. iy ram- Kreli Straw lnrric. $47,000 Lot 1 Lot 4 We make prompt shipment of U hil tli- lii.l 2 baskets Young Mens Suits 50 Ladies' Silk eBily.for 35c. Honk your onb-r out of town order. Presbyterian Church. ah 8izea. $35 to $50 Underskirts We buy American Currency, 5 and gallon S$L95 I I'renclier.M'.ioinn Itev.ervire J. Knox nl II Wriillll.o'eiM-k. To put out YOUR fjres in 1920 values. Sale price upwa Serrelitry of lite (Uimnliitli llil.le Gold ' Values up to $14. Silver,, or per fiHofl Hoi iely. Hllllday Kcliool lit IS:'J, $23.00 Dills Two Stored Kvemiig ervire at i:'J. Hubjeel: Clin-I, Ihe Il.-I Pilot ti l(o; $7.50 Rupert Table Supply Co. Royal Confectionery Storm of Life. Preat-her, Hev. THEY DESTROYED Lot 2 , Deluxe I. II. liniiil, l. I, Confectionery PHONES 211, 211. Mslhodlst Church, 100 Boys' Suits 25 LadiesSiik Dresses Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Moriiiutr eervlre-at II oYloek. Phones 17 and 193 riiikjerl. "A Hpat lrfendhii. JVzes 9 to 1G years. Values up to $50. hveiiintt at J:3. Hubjret, -Hie $150,000 Sale price t Sale price (ileal Charter and 'ihe (Irealer Charter." Preacher, Itev. (leo. (I . $10.00 $30.00 phone red 1 57 Mr.darker.Hacker Deception afler for the Mr.rveiiini ami OF PROPERTY LAST YEAR y Lot 6 Japanese service. All are welcome. Christian Scientist Socltty. fTL 25doz:Kitchen, Pantry, Fancy goods MoruiiiK KC-rvire at II o'clock. Be Sure Your Fire IZ-rur throws Subject. "I the t'lilrrr. luclud-iuw Basin and GlassTowels Chartered Accountant Man, Involved f Atomio and Auditor. In $1G Values. Sale price .devalue. Sale price Force?" riiimiu) Hrlpiol nl'. Is Out GEORGE RORIE Porcelaine, Lacquer, Wednesday eveiiluy (-rvlre ut H. $7.50 25c each ml KotM A Small. C.A., V.oeogvw mni Bamboo and Antimpny Hays illoi-k, SCrond Av'e. Free rnoNC iVr p.o. u m llliiaHire. Ail welronie. 'Federal Building Toys Papeterles Pentecostal Mission. Remember the place. One door from Sixth Street on Silk Miii niiilf woihi ut II u. m. Third .Avenue, Helgt;r$on Ulock Sun.lay echool ut I p. in. lbe "' tO fi ,.. vir. .r.nl OUr Ou rtyhone number Is F. K. Akase & Co. uludy at 3. Hopel eerviee at H Pol Pnl .?tlon.' Foothllf.. t-urnp. Universal Trading Co. .changed. New num. 649 p. in. Pruycr nieelinir on Wed-uciolay ..l. ber is . . Phone tied 86 P.O. Kox 61 ami Friday eveuiiiKs at N. More heat -TEd S. K. SHANE, Manager ..Ml Furnace Coal will ."rpris. you . . S21 613 Third Atrrnue All welcome. Meelluir lipilse at COAL tuir LINUAILOR CONSUMERS "M.n,r PHO"" 2nd Ave. Prince Ilupert, U.C. corner Hlxli and Duiismuir, opposite Koom tl Smith Ulock J. Lon wim,iwmi, iiMiiirau tin llilik. .