= veh al Fr = Gens ee — PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pablished Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Ropert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly périod, paid in advancé .... 5.06 For lesser periods, paid in advance. per week 10¢ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia; paid in advance for yearly period aaah antic 3.0 8y mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- piré and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year ........ $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year an 9.00 Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion ... ‘ ; 1.40 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 Lega] notices, each insertion, per agate lime 222s eeceneeeeeceeee 15 Contract rates on application. Advettising and Circulation Telephone .......... 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone —...... 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations TCD DAILY EDITION oe ae Tuesday, August 23,1932 CO-OPERATIVE WORK Co-operative work in any community makes for sue- cess. In Massett they have been clearing stumps of the main street that have been there since the village was lo- cated many years ago. They have at last agreed for each person to do a certain amount of labor with the result that already the place is much improved and by the time it is completed the main street will have quite a citified ap- pearance. Well done Massett! Keep up the good work. Put other parts of the province to shame and benefit your own com- munity. Nothing succeeds like that kind of co-operation. THE SINGLE UNEMPLOYED MEN The most hopeful phase of the unemployment problem at the moment is that of the single men, says the Winni- peg Free Press. They are being rapidly absorbed by the work in the harvest fields. Theré is reason to believe that, in another month’s time, practically every single man now on relief will be placed at farm work, besides many others who have not been on relief. This, of course, is temporary employment, though many men may obtain permanent jobs. Those who do not, and who aré unable to maintain themselves, will be sent to the work camps which aré now planned, unless preference is given to an effort to place the maximum number of men at farm work for the win- ter by paying the men, say $5 a month when the farmer is tmable to pay any wages. There would be definite advan- tages in placing the men on farms. All things considered, there should be no able-bodied single men on relief in Win- nipég or the surrounding municipalities during the com- ing winter. There were 5,455 single men on relief in Win- nipeg in the first week of December last, but this number was steadily reduced until the end of April by the plan un- der which the provincial and Dominion governments sent men to farm work and paid the men, and also the farmer, $5 a month. dint Sharp Competition Here Now, look it, Porky—you buzz of!, el on Jasper Park golf course. And if you This is one of the hazards can pick a porcupine up what a time you're going to have LONDON PUREST (GJ[]NJ_ AND BEST This advertisement is not publisned or displayed by the Liqum Conitfol Board or by the Government of British Columbia Magician Melba Murghard, aged 14, Tiff, Ohio, is the youngest member of thé Intérnational Brotherhood of Magicians. She’s got all the trick rabbits run ragged : i News wares | SPORTCHAT | The doings of Prinée Rupert ath- letés at the forthcoming Junior Olympics will be watched with the kéénhestimterest by all interested in athletics and in a lesser degree by all citizens. The Spartan Club is responsible for crystallizing the keen interest of the boys them- selves; and to Philip Edgcumbé muth’ Crédit is dué. He it is who has Been at the helm of the local club ané@ ri¢nt well fas he carried out his responsibilities. Another individual who has done a treméndous amount of valuable work in a very effectivé though quiet way is Jock McGreish. Him- sé a fimner of more than usual worth and a noted wimmer of many événts in Scotland in his younge! Gays and in Vancouvér even more reéently, Jock has givén of his ex- periencé and ability and time véry freély to thesé youne athletes, For thé past several weeks it Pas been his gréat pleasuré to Coach by ad- vicé and by example thésé runners Moré than that hé has seen fo it himself that they weré properly massagéd and rubbed down after éach evéening’s training. Making us€ Of the clubrooms of the Cana- Gtan Légion and the N. B. C. Regi- mént hé gave the Rupert represen- tativés much help and with others ————— mtétestéd much sound advite. It SPECIALS FOR FAIR Number of Valuable Prizes Offgred tween the Sons of Canada, cham- S™!th For Competitors in Dairy and Culinary Department The following special prizes are offered at the Exhibition here, Aug- ust 30 to September 2 for dairy and culinary products Blue Ribbon Biscuit compétition:; for oné-half dozen tea biscuits bak- ed with Blue Ribbon Baking Pow- der, one empty can or grocer’s stip to accompany each exhibit; first prize $4.00 cash; second prize, $2.00 cash, and third prize, $1.00 cash Frizell's Limited will put up a silver cup for the exhibitor winning the greatest number of points in the dairy and culinary section Standard Brands Limited, Toe ronto for the best iced layer cake nrade with Magic Baking Powdér one empty can to accompany each exhibit; first prize, oné 5-Ib. can of Magic Baking Powder; second prize, one 2',-Ib. Magic Baking Powder E. A. Evans, Rawleigh retailer, of- fers for the best chocolate cake made with Rawleigh’s Baking Pow- der and Cocoa, first prize, $2.50 worth of Rawleigh’s prodicts; se- cond prize, $1.50 worth of Rawleigh’s products. Cocoa and baking powder to be purchased within three months of the exhibition Oppenheimer Bros. Fraser Wood, Limited offers 24 tins of Carnation Milk to cover the first prize for home made candy (1 Ib., 4 varieties) 12 tins of Carnation Milk to cover the second prize and 12 tins of Car- nation Milk to cover the first prize for jelly roll Hudson's Bay Company of Van- offers $3.00 worth of mer- chandise to cover the first prize for home-made fruit cake, white, not less than 4 Ibs H. J. Heinz Company of Vancou- ver, offer a case of Heinz mixed merchandise to cover the first prize for collection of vegetables and pickles, 10 varieties, with no wild, in quart jars The British America Paint Co. of Victoria, B.C. offers two half gal- lons of Satin-Glo to cover the first prize for collection of canned fruit in quart jars, and jelly in jelly glasses, 10 varieties, no wild. The Borden Milk Co. of Vancou- ver, BC. offét for the best white cake made with St. Charles Milk, first prize, 24 fihs St. Charles Milk; second prize, 15 tins St. Chafles Milk. and third prize, nine tins St. Charles Milk. fales-slip to accom- jpany each exhibit. couver ! PARCHMENT | Parchment }skin of a goat or sheep for use in Writing or art material. is Onty too bad that he was unable to decompany his proteges to Van couver, for his gtidance and héltp would be of extremé importancé| both before and during the events. | Much interest is centering around the post-séason baseball series be pions of the Senior Baseball League | for the third year in succession, and | a team picked from the best of the Elks and Empress players. Spectu-| lation 1s, rife as to whether the} Native Sons will continué to demon- strate their superiority by winning’ this series and thereby prove their! real championship calibre, or whe- ther they will fall béfore the on-| slaught of Bermy Windle’s pro- teges. Whichever team may win some good ball should be seen when | the boys open the contest tomorrow | evening FOOTBALL | REGIMENT vs. HOME OIL TONIGHT, 6:30 Train Speakers Street Corners Astors Encourage That Kind of Training For Young People LONDON, Aug. 23:—Lord Astor end Lady Astor help to train young people for a political life. “It has been our endeavor,” said Lord As- tor, “to entourage the young by giving them a start with street-! corner speaking. When I look down | the benches of the House of Com-! mons, and even the House of Lords, I see there several coming legisla- tors who camé to Plymouth and learned the A, B. C. of politics in that w “We are trying the same with our two elder sons, Bill, that is the Hon. | Willfam Astor is, however, at pre-| sent in Manchuria, and David has! announced that he is going off to! Russia on his own this summer good enterprise for a boy of 20. ’ _ SOFTBALL Aug. 23—Round House vs. Sta-| tion. . | corsededaebess) : THé Dasfy NeWa com be pur- 4! @ chased at— 4 @ Post Office News Stand, 325 4 # Granville St., Vancouver. + * Karl-An@etaon, Prince ¢ ®@ George, . i¢ RW , Tétrace, B.C. a \* Genefal stofé, Anyox. . \@ Smittheré Drug Store, Siiitti- ‘ is made from the © efs, BC. * * [POC aH RHO ED of The Sport World | Snagging A ga bed BIG C AME De | SATURD| "oF International Sorcey Mateh & Played in Prines Rupee Funds For Rétief = 3 ? Prince Rupert national soecer eh be England ahd Scotland. 7p, i to be played : ‘ a at 6:30 at Atrop G: ~ tween local tea: 3 fiva!l countrie erable interest to the outcom of thé boundar is the home that is played Ss rules but the Fr si ot he % inclined to dis odd Paoe | * ; 3 They say ther: © thas : a lags. | ; as Many Englis! a hee ball as S¢otsmer al * a teeta - gameé. Satarda: tel ; : which will p Peet givé an outlet ja 4 fe@ling The proceeds froy = being handed ew Committee and sold. Some peo; just picking ‘ém out of thé sky, This fers. He's a Séattle Getting the high ones, bo is Eddie Millicap’s idea of snarling high i-Final Gaal In Gilbaly Socce third baseman : ’ ymipic Team idee: Olymp Series Totty Scores Manager Dies National League Philadéiphia 4, Chi¢ago 8 New York 1-4, Pittsburg 6-3. The football ft TORONTO Aug.* 23:—-Sydney Hostoh 7-0. St Lowig 0-9. tweet Home O R 1ith, manager for Canada’s OF will Be the sén n & ympic team at Los Angeles, died Amefican League huly Cup serie : here today as a résult of a heart at- Détfoit 5, Boston 6 wil) be played n tack suffered On the train while Chitago 1, Phfladelphia 8. the Fair Week returning from the Pacific Codst Cleveland 0, Washington 4 ust 30. The He was 56 yéars old St. Louls 5, New York I the Merchant = - ~~ ~ —« ee eee NNUAL FALE FAl August 30 to September 2 bee ——_—!, Big Flower Show Garden Exhibits Industrial Show Ladies’ Work Farm and Dairy Exhibits —— —_————— Sports and Attractions Baseball Football wie Jv Lacrosse K-* P je?! Championship Gamies a Vaudeville Show Evenitigs Bathing Beauty Conte! Grand Ball at Close Moose Legion Band Dail