p.ar. . nrrt daii.t news i FAMOUS STREET FIGHT The Daily News II 1 A k. Everybody Smokes PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA WAS TEN YEARS AGO! I . i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Battle Of Kelly's 'Cut Fought! Printing and Publishing Co,, Third Avenue. Afternoon, April 6, 1911 j H. F. PULLfiN, Managing Editor. I OLD CHUM I Tefl y'eur "ttt" I'd" ntTMli in lrikern and pulire lllel III 11 DAILY EDITION. Wednesday,,,pril d, i.ii.lotl battle in h'-lly ""j I-ir"i Avenue in ihi ! ni. a! Railwaya Only l heil halite wo ( i sr It L. I I'ivi' liitiulreil 4IH-M inwile a lleri'i1 j TTiere. awotU The Kinani-t.tl lot Otlawn rorreponilrnt says: I'rartieallyJ n fi mt ST I tMITtfr ui Iik Iv wilh riet ii i gun on a i oj the only suhjert for reflection ami dismission hereout present i 1 few utrikehreulv.-i - A It d wer f. the railway filiation, mid Hi.' more it is torjsidereU the more piiu'kily fonvhl 'n by '.hnf ierioits It jrriovs . tiilriiiK Ihe iwt r ,,ir,M! day;It ha" tnkeli SUITCASES Yii-lkr, Sern-Hn' l'lnllipon and 'ihvn' Rood deaj of (Fie lime of Ihe .ahinet rouiiriN ialo, nyer-hadowing-eveh i'. livable. Mnnx-ll. MiTrirt!l. "Tho WMmi the budget ft a fiihjeil or. diriiinii. , TRUNKS McArlhur and l.'.k. wh were Tobacco Although the olllrial estimates of Ihe delleit, n given in Ihe iiimni itrren'H rnriy-rour' d-peech ui the minister of railways, was put nt around .f.;n,oO(i,uoO HANDBAGS lril.er untt art' -i'"t and a "bull I S0 of wliiili v:i an increase or $21,000,000 over thai of lal year, the pen" liaily nui up m the iern-meiU' Qlijy" Critic had not heen long nt work, before they found that the Tents and Awnings AipMirtS fur ito'it arr4Wiioo-laiion. country was paying Tar higher than dial for Us ranwny wniMie. There are reservations of arroiintanry which make it dilllrtill lo Serjeant Phlll i-"ii got in a arrive at an exact and final figure; hut it is. not exaggerating to J. F. MAGUIRE lltl.t ....KltMR f.lf. . f.llllkjtll ' put it down si 1 00,000,000, and one critic, w hose long experience 7I2 Second Ave.. Prirwe Kupert ami hail a bullet wniiml arrom the! in the statistical department o the Department of Hallways entities I.'iiil.le from a onk.-r' rexi.lwr.j HAIL SONCDULK EAT FISH his views to consideration, estimates Ihe actual lax oil Ihe ll wa in Ihe ni-i up the hill loj and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRtl people or Canada for pohlie ownership of X per cent, of the eranfi n--iltinee Hint ihej for tho EaL railway line as heing nearly $140,000,00(1. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES I1ercet Mtaire t ihe lole va- Monday. Wednesdays aoo Hal. EAT foughl. II neeiniM, fur a itHifftint urdays el 10:15 a.m. !i , More Important r, . . . f,vi. T a . ,.!-M ,-r.F Jit'' thai the iiin i.f the lilob vioiilil) from Ute Cat ' - Wednesday. April 6. ThTri the Tariff. f ree Ihe defrnling Kllee " and ! Sunday, Tuesdays and Tbura. Whatever etimalo is taken, there is general agreement that) llltrii, c. in., 1U.3 reel. eilUeii nxt hh Muff ami a ihtien days ut 7 :4S p. 10. Rupert Brand ithe prohleni has reached a point where it miM he Jnr4vle,d seriously 12:33 i. in.. ISM feel. eonlliel ratt'il hi miei". Hardly For Vancouver and. South. and 'immediately." There is nothing to jti.tify- ipliini'.in as I,yw. rt:3j a. in.. S.J feet. vvonl of bmmI, i hait llglh n Toeday 7 p. m. IH:To to the immediate future, and Ihe country simply cannot shoulder p. in.. 5.2 feet. heard Iron Hie i.ink of Itie Thirdaya II p. m. ft" $100,000,0(10 railway dencl1 oir top of the olher enormous , Thursday, April 7. tilrlkern. H;iiuriaya u,5 iiahilifies whlchjlhe war hn'imposed. There is a growing helief lliffh, 0:IU a. in.. f0.3 feel. a.m. The vvoululed mere; rk Pnv - April 3."li and 'iS -BRILLSJ that, for Ihe present..the energies of pnrlitment ami the (lovern 13:11 p.m.. IDlfwl, ' and From Vancouver tfh. erlm: llhiao Mlaleh and South. nient would he heller devoted lo n serious and non-partisan at lnw. 7:5 a. tn., l.rt feel. Mike Sekmilrh. strikers: Mewanl ISondayn ....... Hp. in,! tempt lo solve Ihe railway prohleni rather than lo become in il:H5 p. to., 5.1 Tret. Phillipon. V. A i:ey.jLieo. IH-k. 'Wednesdays . , . . 10:30 a. ui. volved in a discussion on Ihe larilT, and it is, therefore, not im Friday, April 8. 3. II. WaWon Wm. Wal..n. prtl . IM and s , ' i probable that a-geueral revision may be further deferred. There Iliah. 1:20 a,mi,. tfl.O reel. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE 4 erial odieerK i nl eilifen. Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. cabinet which considers Canada should defeif 13:17 ih 0.t-Teel. a is an element in the iU IStindaya to pjn.. TO COOK -Cut fish into required r- s. Dil kul revision until it can be seen what course the United State- is Iiw, 7:37 a. !0 3.H feel. i t .i .. - . H ,, i , i i. i . a "iniuy v p.m.' nailer, i iacc in very no' lai ar i rr ' r l. tjfti trointr to nursue. flf there should be any radical changes in the 19:15 p.m.. Sjf feel. N ' From Allco Anyoi and Arm. tariff Ihere nffecting us, put Ihrou&h while parliament is in session, Ihe man U in the Moon ji Tuesday .m. 80IJ1 BY ALL REMIUIU tariff revision here migh again assume importance this The ttme urrt Is racrne lan- session. . dard, for the 120th .Meridian wel. SAYSi- I):TAI'hurday PaK SlmMAII A...H.ta p.Mill in. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, 111 There will probably be no decided nrliifti regarding the rail, It In counted trnm n tn H hdurK Bay, Walta Island and Naa Rle. .wny situation until after the firnnd Trunk arbitration is cou-elitded. from midnight to midnight. i-M.ii.vw.r. nay. nui it , . tn. The table given Is for Port new lilHtillale supply bmilKlil i The statutory limit set for the duration of Ihe proceed-'liigs-'ftnd From n. 8lmpon, Arrantfale, Mill Ihe making of an award is April 0. The arbitrator .Simpson hut the time for Prince emiraae In w nhermen. The Bay, Walt Island and Naas Rlor. representing the company contend that the eas cannot Le properly II u pert varies only a .few minute name remark ha been made in Tuepflays a.m. completed within the time named and are asking the fioyern-ment on some days and ha others recant lo olher liquid. Queen CitarlotU Islandal for an extension, which it is not disposed to grant. The the name. -The ranire of the tide lor THIi of Hie hwtl tr are reg- fiovemmeut;is anxious, in fact, lo have the firnnd Trunk matter may be computed as 5 per cent Arid n lid .'' ulaled primarily by Ihe sfe or settled that it be able to grtaler at Prince Rupert than at I as soon as possible, so may sum up Ihe From Willi bat It's dif reel, bul a what action it will take'wilh regard to the whole matter. P..rt neaps.Simpson Therefore both the at springs rise In and the ferent. ' April 1 1 and :R GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Feeling Against Prince hupert harbor is slightly For atfar and the Yukon. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE lailint Ill', (xldlly f n uoinan'e hal April H. IK and ?ft Government Operation. greater than Poft Hlinpnon. illdnllil Thur-dr r..- H- .-ft atJ ix usually in nvre ralio lo ihe From Bkagway and Yukon. It is understood thai there is a growing desire to get out if ,'Ihe height Is In feet and tenths sie and aellvjy r lieWbriiiii. ei. Vi' ii-ia an.i K.-.i- V i. government ownership -and operation; but, so long ns the problem of fed above the average level of Aprl It and i'i s. s. pmncc ALBCfrr lUwart. Maste is on its hands, Ihere Is "alsfTETeelilfg thafan attempt should biwerow water. WIIK.N a tnh'n1 become Ihe Folnl.Bay ani Iwamp For Port nietnenls. .lseil H iri I - ads-' rsJ (be mailf Jo handle it so n'Jo produce better resuljs than have father of lil find. baby, he4 U kiiiilhern Oii'eii flhr'li.l ;becii attained hitherto. It may be taken for granted thai, a .Ailvertieing Is often expensive. like a.naidw, lie Bei away up JOIt Stvlrt. prd nth it 2'i H "soon as ihe (irand Trunk is laken over, and a survey-of ihe whole ni.i it nt naming like as expensive nnd crow about i(. Almis about Aprtl no. ?8 train arnvicn situation obtained, some very radical announcements will be as an empty store and Idlql Ihe ninth he U jnorf euhduisl in FltOM-r- Pasaenaer Monday, Wrfnday and Sstuedsr W'sl1t.HU April In and 30 for !nillher. rlrn -Oeorr tAv, made with regard to management. It must be tidmilled lhat elrt-lcn. if hi eiiiretoioiis of tbdijtht. int direrl ronneeluinn i.' s U" -."' those who are dissatisfied wilh the present management'1 have no All Ocean Steamship Una COMMI'MSM Im all riicht a Agency LAM) AfiT. very special criticism to offer, only poiuliug to results, which, U'HX Ut Ihere h eoioel Uiuf lo n rfeeattd I'd tn' W roughly, are summed up i)i appalling deficits. Notk of Imtxtlen l Apply to divide, bul when Ihe member tf 0lr JH 0"a. H T It is probable lhat, within a few .months, the whole, Ilailway Purchtft La4. Ihe roiHlnune Uiy ieoHMr mi Hoard, including President llanna, will be; asked lo liiiud in their TIMBER SALE X 2633. ! lo Hn Land liutri'-t. ftrmrmnr 0i- thai they refoe lo rMliiee. il i resignations. What course will be followed thereafter is problematical. irw-l of iumi. Hiim t, M brut diflkrull In make a eiilisfaelnry rlm lelMrr MI b rrrrK ttx Ih. There may be a new board appointed. It is understood T I nlwi Bar. IjotHlni' 11 lit. divloinn. mwr tmm nt ir.' I . Tl nniir Ou I .Vormin H Brwinvrfl, B IM 44 ..f Iff" lhat, for some time past, attempts have been made to secure SI. fjr I tor ewrrlM' f I ir. w jryi 1 r I'finee ftuprrt. oecaptluMi mir mtrf. ml T7.omi im ..f I iurr ..r ani a railway executive of outstanding ability lo come lo Canada anil iwr. inu-nd to applr 'r prraiinKm to WITH many eile Iryinir litnlra, on Ma .mikiii .m CANADIAN PACIHC RAMI! tackle the railway problem. Any salary in reason would be pnrrl) ile rollealiir drrilt4 land: In reform the country, what lMd.one yun 1, rr' lurt..M.'m ( LuiwH aii.mi.i...ir.f-.r i . f 1 'silMitt ill OCtAd attics lo Ihe tjiffiitrneuir ii i pMt puatMi an in about lillle iioliviiliial rerorina-lloiif Mrtral nt OIUIr OAlMaa ftoUK paid right man, and JjiriO.OOO has been, suggested to some a IJl7il ontn rM or 101 its. tnmrr mi it riuiQij fiielSrr Mrtirular. .r thr i I . .i.r Serwu of those approached; but Ihe.'big men in the United Slates are thrnr Mum cluina; tnener l it Why nol elarl (.'elliitK iiji Vl'tafiA. a. ( f liir-i L.t.-.irr..' rriu.-Hatrt, R f Cnntt Wawa Steamihio- thy of tackling the problem. They all express the belief lhat rliaina to anore; Ihritre aw.nr atmr M pmt herore brenkraot, fir inlanee. r. j a politics are inextricably mixed iiii wilh the railway question in and ronuioifi rorir rra, mor ct . I TIMBEn SALE X 2831. ft PRINCESS W"T .MlflV H. BH'lI.IHiHST. IT in a dlapKlnUnjr feelinir ealrd u-ndr lll la-erltm llr ... .... nu Canada, and do not desire to its solution under i.ltempt sm-li ' DalM January , Itll. when a man ililnkn lie ha Itouvhl J VIUIT f.f lMI1 al telnrta H t n..l u.i.i.il.. vm,i....... IIiaiak AlSSkl. irv" circumstances. They remember Ihe experience or fluleliiis with Uw IkM aoo on lh l ilk lUy rf Af.nl., rer riiiaii, boat ami HioN it a eoliiiiiirlne. Il for Ibr nurrnax. of I trrorv ( :i I.AM) the Intercolonial. ACT. ut ml imma tm m kiin iihmi . Rupsrt pnttr end rt4r. 4Ttn olHAim im mm u.A. T mm Anrll . 11. ti- Noiw of InUntlofl to Apply to Iuh Lond. lift euriou how important htmftm- iHlrl. lunpr 1 I mirir1. one it rer will tm piinvrd f.jr tr Vlstorla and Ssattls from frlse In fru Land tilArwt. neeordrog On-riri mtllie men lieeome. fliey iuitne. roal of limtrr. For Vsncou.sr, nt c.nitt. Ha nr l. and linu it brad lime reel w htsTi and imulily Gloria.rniwr H.parurHUr i:.. nt lii.lriri of trw vrt.tiwr L.mirr.l'rlK March 12, 23 April 2.12- rf I nion ttar. adroinint mt ll., that lliey are able lo do Ihe iwnri, n. u rkr noitra mat Aorman H. vroanurM, nioniior fur Ihe Whole faintly. ad .amon. aepif Better Dentistry i.f rrlnrp Huprrt. oorapatMn inaaier marf-iwr. TIMBER SALE X 2S70. for liwa, r.Mwo - inirnd in appljr for prrmiaaum M Sralnt Irndm h Nnlinl by lh W. C, ORCHARD, anri "YfllJ are iuvileil lo attend a Willi.u-r kf l.anda al Victoria, not llfr Rupt,U ktMt the rkllolnr drrihed Unda: Prints wifth bone eihibil on .Miiudjy tnan noon nn n 7i oar of April. Il, Cor 3rd Aenu and 41 h Strret OnuiiKWinr at a pot plantrd m imi fr lh pnrrhaw ut Omm X 1170. Id witn tin of lot I theni-a veninic at tho tit.me of Mr. . St. writ I ehaina i,y ir or foafi ffprlH-. PAJ has never been placed before ntore r lm to low wiier mark.' tnr?w- Iliahfalullii. ....... : .i . w ana iifnwira. m an ara aniareoi u umi ik imi- ) o;indin Bwrrr. nil ItUikd. Vnu rat. the people of Prince Rupert Mualxriy 8 rliaina aumr few aier marl; Word Ihe fi)ol tiKHlern kind of Habrr I. fuyi M.lrtrl ilience eat t main mnn or Ifm to turn Tn (t, jprara t allrd for re LOW PRICES aier mtk: tnenre mrtnrtjr imor tin in ilaiiou. n".al or timlirr rurllvr Jrtlrnlim pf h rjil.f water nurk to romlrr, lt, eholainint 7 arrm, Vk-imi, H r.., t Ulilrlri rorcatrr.'Tilnrt considering the material I use more or n-tt. wiifiri, e. . which is the best money can buy. SOHMAI H. WtODIII HIT. 350 to $5,uuu I have tuifd 4ndiry , ttl. TIMBER SALE X31C5. proven this statement Ten Years Ago rak-rt lender 1U t rrrHtMl fijr tn A YEAR FOR LIFE to many patients. The best rf HTiniMTE or imi-hovejikits. in Prince Rupert (Mafr I Ian n4 ,m ihr 7m d tf April, mmmMUSSSlr teeth used on all work. & .noTicK or srrucATjox i 'nil, fur IV pUfrltaaH mT Ijrrim. X !. a Canadian K, mi vM.txMi rri Br iiprnee, iedr. Ha(. Phone 575 fcr in ipptinlaenl nrar and itunui-tah VRkinui April 6, 111 ani and llnol-k, on au ara MiniM mi - N UttW We li.vc.ouml avafiabW MUi'nl Claua aituile tn IIm ! Hlorr norm mre or lAnttur nay. nana l, tj. a .. u-hIi. .JiiainatMC uiruinn ut Um jiar nmirirt. wnerr fl lnairVL .: caie The I'rini-e ltiicrl Club for amr Rooms 7 ie. on in j-rar mui tie alVimrd for or and 8 UvalM) im the tumult mrer, aaJcMOinc re-axwal Cannot of aeUfO lte Jxjlr Vardrlt lrou. fealeJ ihe Wanderers in lal i4 unrtwr. WiO x rrplacdd if tort atotrd or irW Smith Block j.aiui wwrr; r.nwaro ivm 01 iaiiw. I'urlta-r parlirulan of Om ' Siff roreatrr, trod eVprrt in ihe or witi'uri'n, iniied atttra mlRhl Idlliard lournnnient. 150 to Vlrtona, B. I... or lilauwi foreaier. t rior -No effected by T" Iff of hM-ri. a. i:. -Tire from Dominion Income AHKrlra. Wurribrr boidTf rrro Office Hour.: NifM-ra ortlllrale: 10711-f.. 573. The players und srore uere -No mediJ eaaminiwo 'l1 S( TAlK m -.t out I.Kard lwin. Airred tUm. 250; A. H. Oakley. TIMBER SALE X 2832. Anyone cvrr th set ft S ye" reeidro: " "" 9 to 1 2 a.m. MAGUIRE rr- Miiwr' ortilirai SuiMx-r 407-c, I O hilrnd at Urn end of HIT Uj da jr front 117; J. II. MeMullin, 250, K. p. Mnilar Sealrd of Imdera Undt will al tl'lorn.it rrretrrd H. by In fneir purrbate. , p.m. iim- tlm I.., mt mar purchaee WJtl, t" du- twrrof to apply to Miiiim Any turu pcraaia Uiit than noon on ui ll of hfordfr for Orliliraio of improrrniMita MeMordie. 151: Frank Mohley, day Apra 7 O p.m. ll. for III purrhiA of I Irrtirr X fair. Dentist fur Jrant tM of earn puno.or tn or aliovr obtaining riatma. cm wo 250. Jim Howe, 212. In nil VI.nun ri it apnir, ixiar. their tendiera corSreltlM for thru ' l Open Evening , HVmlork and Malum on a im iniald 1 - I amj n htiilh TAki; viiii:k mat anion f'"' on aonm alwirr of K)krll llv, lURr t, Anil v. "' " Mm. el unrt-r Si'Cion IS or the ".dinrral Arf " ThouiiiH McP.lj inoril uai tinrf. ixiat liionn !...,.Il AmmZuim.Oil, fat ar WM imhi b ronimrnrrd before IM laatianre r Two il si IT. lll 1) alL.vrd for r hl.l,mn mm ,t,Itmi U.K4 . ..iilJAfl' -U'H 'crunraU! cf lmproriuentA. rieo recently at I'or'npe la I'ralne, of ! nmtMT ii, lTtD tnia xiat day or frtiruary, A. I), .4.4.4...ftTTT- imi 1a. Mi Jean Al, Mtl.enaulis n. yurllwr paiin mar ..f tn Chief rortr. VO'Uiria. M. ' or liilriri l..rv.irr erinr (Stmfdl COWARD LUWI.1. second dauiihterof Mr. and Mrs. iiiif-Ti. a i G. H. Arnold Public Jniie A. Mt'I.eliaKhan. .Mi - Notary Jelmie MrfMlUt'liail wan bride, Bags maid and Or. Dulf supported the! TORK'S HOME AGA1 FOR SALE, triom, Itev. Thurlow Fraier per-1 s Fine 7-roorned house on a 3 8.fool lot, furnace Iat. On Suitcases forminK ihe pereniony, A dandy SELL, Fifth Avenue, Section , $0,800.00. Terms to be arranged. supper was served by Miss Franks TOVES. COOKINC and fjSH Trunks For real nlc. HOME h nice bungalow on Fifth Avenue, Section 6, with one lot. and the Mle I,iura, Oerlrude; Co lo i"-m.re 4 rooms and bath , $2,200.00 on terms. and Myrtle Mr-I.rnaidiau lo almul naannrCC C VTi An excellent duelling site on iJunsmuir Street between 4th It pay to fti a good Trunk finyaueat. It pays to cbooM It hsre 1 Hh tmrw .mao and 5th Avenue, on draft Hill, 50x50, ........ $1,000.00. Fred Stork's Hardware Itev. Ulaliop F. II, I)U VeVnet WD"" , H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. F. M. Crosby returned on lust night's , u-aln Second Avcnub Whsrs EvervbdfJv Eats .Hotsl .,3 !laaalaaaaaaa 716 Third Avenut, Prlne Kupert from a visit lo up-river points PHONE Bi ACK 1 1-4 lloxea for LbcJIos empros iru'Iudiny Hums Lake. I